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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 201 KB, 900x900, SSZxkgjfV0O05zq1bBLOI0PszOCoxuPrANQ0Ysngsd0t81mnkwzEgIW2ypSIQJLn8swR14zLJQ=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64469230 No.64469230 [Reply] [Original]

>be Bae
>tell people you are australian, despite never eating a tarantula when everyone knows that australians always eat tarantula
>gaslight people into thinking you are korean for some reason even though there are already 2 other korean holo girls
>preform kpop on twitch for riot
>performance so bad twitch bans koreans from twitch and changes the rules so now women are allowed to stream naked on twitch

why did she do it bros?

>> No.64469347

I assumed she was of the squinty-eyed variety. Is it not so?

>> No.64469597

One time when playing minecraft bae muted stream and not discord and you could hear her yelling at her mom in chinese

>> No.64469871

Poor girl

>> No.64471531

yeah, me

>> No.64472570

sticking out your rat for iryzzler

>> No.64473383

You are so Mumei

>> No.64474227

You are so Fauna Tax

>> No.64474956

I just wanna be your Kronii

>> No.64475549

revenge for WWII

>> No.64475885

Why are half of Holo's Canadians Korean?

>> No.64475970

Nepo hires from the first Korean.

>> No.64475979

>why do asian women like anime more than white women
geee idk

>> No.64476338

The Americans not only have a lower Asian percentage but it's also more varied.

>> No.64476704

a. America is a bigger country than canadaistan
b. the us still has irys who is asian

>> No.64477044

Cantonese you lying nijinigger

>> No.64477238

i actually had no idea that non japs liked anime i just thought it was a specifically white losers like me

>> No.64477401

cantonese is a type of chinese, faggot

>> No.64477492

consider the girls in EN, at least myth and promise. and consider any of the stories they told about being kids. Bae and Ina are mostly normal. They are both asian. There are literally no Gura, Mori, Kiara or mumei stories that don't involve them being aggressively autistic

>> No.64477668

Makes all the difference though
Cover would never hire a real chink again

>> No.64477705

bae literally ate her cat. Why do you think she never mentions her anymore?

>> No.64477785

Wtf she raped her cat? What's stopping her from doing it again

>> No.64477868
File: 50 KB, 977x353, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cantonese and mandarin are different languages

>> No.64477988

Cantonese is spoken in mainland china, retard. Not just hongkong, it is spoken across many southern Chinese provinces.(these are the regions where people love to eat dogs and cats and other weird shit).

>> No.64478049

>already 2 other korean holo girls
Ina and who else?

>> No.64478160

Both fall under the category of Chinese languages.

>> No.64478179


>> No.64478236

hong kong cuck detected
hi bae

>> No.64478278

That shit is arbitrary. Okinawan and northern Japanese dialects are as different from standard Japanese as cantonese is to mandarin but they are all treated as Japanese dialects.

>> No.64478329

She literally said she's chinese

>> No.64478382

Bae‘s cute little chinese feet…

>> No.64478419

is this some ennafag shit...

>> No.64478481

why would she admit that?

>> No.64478701

Han propaganda has fooled you into thinking their bug-like people are equivalent to the proud Cantonese, Tibetans, and Manchus. If they had taken Mongolia they'd have you thinking Mongolians are "Chinese" too. 5000 years of culture my ass, someday the CCP borg will fall.

>> No.64478711

Cause she didn't realize there are some insane Americans still trapped in coldwar
mindset who'll view any chink as a subhuman

>> No.64479156


>> No.64479315

>cold war mindset
were you not here for coco?

>> No.64479343

Tibetians were in a miserable position constantly harassed by their buddhist overlords before the red army saved them. Stop believing in western propaganda. Dalai lama is a pedo.

>> No.64479361

The chinese have been nothing but trouble for hololive and bae being one makes her loyalties suspect

>> No.64479448

That was coco's fault. What if she said hawaii doesn't belong to America and America should stop sanctioning cuba? Doesn’t that rile up your average American? Every country has geopolitical shit that people are very sensitive about.

>> No.64479621

She literally can't even read chinese. She only knows it from her parents.

>> No.64479635

Lmao, no?

>> No.64479689

Taiwan is not China is the equivalent of saying the N word. You'll get canceled for both forsho.

>> No.64479715


>> No.64479729

Miko could get away with it.

>> No.64479743

Maybe not you but a lot of Americans(that aren't self hating leftists) will be very angry.

>> No.64479859

In the coming years the chinese will take hold of the terrorists in Taiwan and we don't have to deal with this nignoggery anymore. The US is already spread thin funding multiple wars right now. This is ideal time to strike if han niggas aren't pussies.

>> No.64479884
File: 60 KB, 850x580, IMG_8771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bae being one makes her loyalties suspect
>”s-she speaks cantonese, she’s a dirty fucking commie that’s trying to ruin my Hololive…!!!”
Stop being a generalising racist and just jerk off to the rat you fucking retard, it’s obvious that she’s not here to sabotage anything

>> No.64479909

lol hawaii isn't America. is is a navy base on a communist shithole and that is why the worst president said he was from there when he is actually kenyan. no one in the US would have cared like the chinese did

>> No.64479970

Miko literally said nigger and that made Americans go and watch her stream

>> No.64480065

I too look forward to China embarrassing themselves worse than Russia did when they show the world they can't even take ONE island.

>> No.64480082

you need to say texas then, because no right wing American likes hawaii
chang, have you seen the other shit the chinese make? I legitimately think 90% of a chinese invasion force would drown due to the chinese scamming the government on boats and the other 10% would get to taiwan with guns/bullets that don't work due to more chinese scams

>> No.64480127

What no dick does to a motherfucker.

>> No.64480131

Ok, look at how many people are losing their jobs and students getting suspended for criticizing Israel in the states.

>> No.64480190

If anybody thought Bae was Korean then they didnt actually watch her, and they especially dont post here

>> No.64480198

This meme expired 20 years ago.

>> No.64480224
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>That was coco's fault. What if she said hawaii doesn't belong to America and America should stop sanctioning cuba? Doesn’t that rile up your average American? Every country has geopolitical shit that people are very sensitive about.
no, that would not "rile up your average american"
in fact, there are only two countries in the world that are ruled by hypersensitive glass-hearted "people", and they're both named china (kek)

>> No.64480271

>criticize your leader‘s leader
>get punished
Wow how unexpected

>> No.64480305

Bae and Ina have shitty tiger mom families though. They didn't have the leeway to be autists, though some of Ina's stories imply that she was at least a disappointment to her mom before Hololive, and Bae has that weird relationship with her dad.

>> No.64480314

And also for supporting Israel. Best to just stay out of it if you don't live there, and go live there if you care.

>> No.64480332

It's not our fault we are ruled by THEM

>> No.64480340

Nobody in America would give a shit if you said any state was not a "real" part of the country, especially not Hawaii
The only places on Earth that genuinely get assmad about stupid shit like that are third worlders

>> No.64480345

that is because the jews own all the banks, media and politicians. the hawaiians do not own the banks, media and politicians

>> No.64480351

Nice /pol/ thread retards.

>> No.64480443

>And also for supporting Israel.
No lmao
It's only tiktok zoomies who'll insult you for that. The establishment will punish you if you so much as ask Biden to stop sending so much aid to Israel.

>> No.64480483

uh huh

>> No.64480533

Imagine being Bae‘s dad and knowing that while all her fans dream of fucking her you are the only one that does
Must be a real power trip

>> No.64480600
File: 57 KB, 350x405, pekora thinking time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to say texas then, because no right wing American likes hawaii
but then again, if you tried to rile up a right-wing American by saying that the federal government should end the occupation of Texas, there's a 50% chance that the response would be "Based, same"

>> No.64480719

Apparently in the entertainment community you get kicked out for it. Look at Tara Strong.

>> No.64480740

Shit happens in US too.

>> No.64480949

at what? chinese restaurants?

>> No.64481037

/pol/ niggas being ignorant, more news at 11

>> No.64481168

Bae's parents literally believe in traditional Chinese medicine and spirituality bs. they didn't let her have any fun till she became an adult and that's why she doesn't know a lot of basic shit.

>> No.64481183

Bae‘s cute little chinese cock…

>> No.64481299

Imagine bae eating tiger testicles when she gets sick

>> No.64481305

Dollar storerooms filled with rats and shit

>> No.64481375

Imagine her drinking a potion that contains her father's semen

>> No.64481458

that isn't her being autistic, that is her parents being autistic
>going to the dollar store

>> No.64481510

>mfw the spoilers worked

>> No.64481518

Imagine having to suck her father‘s cock to be able to marry her

>> No.64484151

What color are baes nipples

>> No.64484450


>> No.64484550

dark pink

>> No.64484741


>> No.64485301

A thread died for this
