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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64225169 No.64225169 [Reply] [Original]

Starting to finally understand what makes regloss different, but also why Ririka is down at the bottom with Ao in her gen despite it seeming like she had so much going for her.
Over 11 hours of zoomer retard format streaming in two days. I can't imagine trying to appeal to that audience is good for her long term growth or income, but then "regloss is different" begins to make sense.

>> No.64225352

she's not the only one in holo trying out this new format retard

>> No.64225514

I hated it at first but now I kind of like the vertical streams. They're comfy

>> No.64225647

Is this the new whore?

>> No.64227056

So you can just stream in the shorts category now? How is that a short man fuck you Youtube and your retarded algorithms.

>> No.64227246

Yeah it's the new # meta since it has a better chance of getting featured by YouTube.

>> No.64228441

It's actually really annoying for me since I tend to watch JP streams during my work hours on my phone on my desk on the Youtube app miniplayer. The fact that you can't minimise shorts (and in fact they fill your whole screen) means they become unwatchable without people around me noticing.

Luckily, there's no way they can stream games that way, so I'm assuming it won't stick.

>> No.64231941

retarded take, everyone will start doing it sooner or later.

>> No.64232501

just resize your browser retard

>> No.64233753
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I'm sure Ririka cares about what you think while sleeping on her giant pile of money.

>> No.64233963

I have dreams like this where I'm in college or at work and watching anime/reading porn and then people around me notice but I pretend they don't notice.

>> No.64234540

youtube feels threatened by tiktok so they're stealing their format

>> No.64234807

For now. She just cut the horn off that cash flow. We'll see where she lands in the coming months. I keep telling cover to only hire hags but they won't listen.

>> No.64235082

She's not gonna make that kind of money anymore now that she declared total unicorn death.

>> No.64235346

I watched an indie streaming that 8 exits game in shorts format two days ago

>> No.64235379


>> No.64235415

>but then "regloss is different" begins to make sense.
"made for homocollabs" guys were right and deserve an apology

>> No.64235453

i see the autistic mfs in the board found something new to sperg about. never change /vt/

>> No.64235468

Phoneposter chads, this stream format is literally made for us

>> No.64238600

It’ll be forgotten in a week

>> No.64239221

Anon be friendly peko

>> No.64239327

>make fun of the chuds, still gonna make ASMR to bait money from them though
>will collab with Holostars
She's literally too based for the Holochuds to handle.

>> No.64239390

so, holofags finally found her new rushia, am i right?

>> No.64239761

>make fun of the chuds

>> No.64239775

Still qrd please

>> No.64240302

She knows how to use a computer so she is too smart to be another Rushia.

>> No.64240420

/vt/ catalog lying and taking shit out of context as per usual

>> No.64240570

Ririka is joining this round of VCR GTA, she knows that her unicorns won't be happy about it, and said they'll come back if she does ASMR.

>> No.64241278

la+ just replace chuuni otaku with gyaru otaku.

>> No.64241567

It's /#/ core meta.
Investors dictate the content for Hololive so Hololive will follow all trends and chase the zoomers in between shilling some gamer gear and whatnot

>> No.64241635

The VODs speak for themselves. Even EN has worst VODs than her. The zoomers have spoken

>> No.64241731

>short kids
>watching vods
management doesn't care about VODs, only live ccv matter and if you go into a Raspberry Tally shit tier they will tell you to change your content to get that Tally Gold

>> No.64241762


because shorts and tiktok is a retarded idea and make no money. Same reason why vine died. You cant put ads on 5 seconds of content.

Tiktok is basically just prop up by the Chinese government money to spy on people. Google chased trends and copied them and now they have to salvage the trash somehow. So long content with ads is the new "shorts"

>> No.64241912

I think this is about her participating in the next VCR GTA unless something else happened

>> No.64242444
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Seethe and cope

>> No.64242465

ririka will actually gain fans through VCR GTA. trust me.

>> No.64242757

vcr did wonder to aki rosenthal

>> No.64244985

Quote me on this, her supas wont change significantly after this vcr arc. Also ppl will have moved on to something else anyway, not like most ppl here watched re:memes anyway

>> No.64245122

On his phone?

>> No.64246323

People here don't even know what she said since there's no subs/clips in ENG. It'll just be JP unicorns.
Just get with one of the top dudes, though I doubt the content will be as amazing as the first GTA server. But thats probably because I still watch JP GTA RP shit even when there's no VCR.

>> No.64246959

Found the angry unicorn.
If anyone's out of the loop, Ririka said some harsh truth about unicorns, so expect more of similar threads in the foreseeable future.

>> No.64247270

wake me up when she responds

>> No.64247300


>> No.64247328

you're braindamaged
i'm OP and i'm anti-unicorn. i don't give a shit who someone collabs with or, frankly, dates.
you've given unicorns a huge dub with this post because you attacked your own out of paranoia and couldn't even be bothered to post what it is she said to be useful at the same time.
drink piss.

>> No.64247402

Isnt it funny how you can just make shit up with japanese clips and retards here will eat it up? Reminds me of the good old days when the chinese did the same with Coco. Actually those same antis never left did they? Same shit, different flavor

>> No.64248832

>Starting to finally understand what makes regloss different
So normies they couldn't resist to collab with dudes for more than 3 months.

>> No.64249299

I'm not sure you do understand.

>> No.64249375

She's currently in the player's roster of VCR along with Ao.

>> No.64249401

>make shit up
it's literally what she said

>> No.64250083

>Ririka is down at the bottom with Ao in her gen despite it seeming like she had so much going for her.
Ao is unironically the best girl in her gen, very pleasant voice, good conversational skills and she perfectly fits her role of "ikemen but actually a dork". I don't expect her to be that popular since her character fits a niche but there's definitely some good talent in her.

>> No.64253531

I wanna fuck her

>> No.64253605

didn't ask, don't care. "down at the bottom" clearly meant in subs

>> No.64253630

okay cool good chat anon. hope you feel better soon.

>> No.64254692

I loved Ao in her stream with Okayu and Subaru. If she were actually that character, it'd be more interesting but I imagine for her fans, that was not the sorta stream they wanted from her.

>> No.64255057

Oh wow finally my girl Ririka got some attention in here?
and I thought people here too dumb to listen Japanese

>> No.64255792

You can turn your phone to the side you fucking retards

>> No.64257689

and sexy

>> No.64259765

I don't get it, what's the issue with playing GTA?

>> No.64260126

It's a GTA RP server hosted by VaultRoom and Crazy Raccoon. They invite vtubers, streamers and (e)celebs to play in their server, so holos who join are going to play with males.

>> No.64260374

Oh I see, so it's the usual JP schizo shit. When will they learn that when put into those situations, the girls usually produce some of their best and funniest content?

>> No.64260464


She went onto a GTA server with males. That's not really the "scandal" and things like that tend to blow over.

What really messed her up is that later, she said she knew Unicorns would not like it and that it would cost her with her Unicorn fans, but she was sure that a few ASMR streams would bring them all back. That led to a huge meltdown among her gachkois.

Usually, if there is a male collab and it doesn't happen often or is done just once, the vTuber will be fine. However, vTubers who then melt down about it and complain about unicorns/gachikois/chuds/incels are usually going to lose their paying fanbase. Kronii is probably the most notorious example of this in Hololive.

There are too many vTubers out there who either don't really know where their money comes from or who lack the self control and emotional maturity to avoid alienating these people.

>> No.64260559

Tbh if put in their position I'd rather lose those people as soon as possible even if it meant earning less.

>> No.64260812

Sure you would Kronii

>> No.64260983

>Kronii is probably the most notorious example of this in Hololive.
Kronii actually came close to salvaging things by addressing the concerns in a pretty empathetic way. Of course, she went scorched earth, right after.

>> No.64261017

Or you could just... not join an idol company?

>> No.64261073

Talk all the shit you want now. Like I said, we'll see what happens to her income soon enough. Then again I'm sure you'll try to explain it away like faggot cuck beggars always do.

>> No.64261717

pruning your audience of its worst parts is a good strategy in the long term
nothing is worse for a non-hatebait content creator than growing to resent your audience

>> No.64261736

The mistake in her calculation is that they'll be subscribed after the VCR stuff. If they've unsubbed they won't see your ASMR streams are even scheduled.

>> No.64261768

Yes, Kronii's initial response was a basically a masterclass in how to kiss and make up with a fanbase, which only makes her later walkback of it all more baffling.

I've always wondered if it was a manager or other Holomem putting pressure on her behind the scenes to "stand up to the unicorns" which caused her to walk back the comments.

>> No.64261788

Invent any metric for success you want they shit all over your livers
I hope you are praying that the next JP wave wont end up as 3views in a week like last ones

>> No.64262038

What was her initial response? I forgot everything before "I'm gonna collab with whoever I like, suck it"

>> No.64262044

Dunking on your audience might make you feel good in the short term, but it's death in an industry like vTubing. The whole concept of vTubing is centered around appealing to the types of people who have no prospects for love and marriage in real life. That's where all the superchat income comes from, and that's who is buying memberships, merch, and the $50+ concert tickets. Most everyone else is a free rider who at most just inflates subscriber counts. Normies do not spend hundreds on superchats.

So when vTubers like Ririka dunk on their "toxic fanbase" the income will quickly dry up.

If having to pander to lonely otaku is that unpalatable, you should either do the job for a year, make some money, and then quit.

Or even better, give that job to someone who doesn't hate lonely antisocial guys (or girls) enough that they can't pretend to be nice to them for a few hours every couple of days.

>> No.64262066

The people donating that much money to her are gachikoi. Gachikoi don't want to see the girl they love playing around and having fun with male ecelebs and streamers, especially considering how many of them are clout chasing sex pests
The fact of the matter is: if you throw away your established audience to chance a trend, you are abandoning people who have supported you in favour of new fans.

>> No.64262067

Ririka your driving...

>> No.64262086

Fucking Hololive whores with cum eating cuckolds Holofaggots seanigggers fans.

>> No.64262110

>There are too many vTubers out there who either don't really know where their money comes from or who lack the self control and emotional maturity to avoid alienating these people.
I blame Cover for not putting them through some basic PR training to know what not to say or do in order to maximize their profits, I'm sure they must train their newer gens in some other aspects by now so it's about time they start to REALLY make them understand how the industry works.

>> No.64262179

Or wait longer and establish a more devoted fan base. She's way too new for such a risky move.

>> No.64262198

I guess her wearing the bitch shirt in America was a fact kek,good that I stopped watching her, I was getting annoyed with the constant zoomer streams

>> No.64262235

The only reason flesh streamers can take this sort of attitude with their fans is that they're getting most of their money from sponsorships. They literally can do whatever they want
That sort of shit does not fly with Vtubers. Vtubers cultivate a loyal audience. In return, that audience donates far more per person than a flesh streamers audience.
Or put this way: streaming is a service and the customer is always right. Why would anyone oshi you if you're going to spite your customers for no real measurable gain?
Or just make it clear from day 1 what your audience should expect. It's when people randomly change their mind and decide to do the opposite of what their fans want that drama is generated

>> No.64262284

She had a stream where she basically talked things out with her fanbase and seemed to understand where they were coming from and indicated she would avoid collaboration with males going forward. Everyone came away feeling really good about the whole thing.

>> No.64262403

I agree with this. Too many of them don't quite seem to know what they're getting into when they join a large vTubing company and don't know how to manage their audience and audience expectations.

The number one sin, even beyond collabing with males, is dunking on or insulting your core audience, which is why I think Ririka may have really messed things up for herself here.

>> No.64262408

There's no way she wasn't aware it would be an issue.

>> No.64262461

this is a very slanted view of the chuuber audience and only holds for gfe/bfe types
its only one path of many
anyway ririka's supposed retort as phrased itt is very on brand for a gyaru, spazzing out over it is like being mad at pekora acting haughty

not all gachikois are unicorns

>> No.64262470

ReGloss isn't even main Hololive so this shit isn't a big deal, keep seething over shit that's going to blow over like Ririka said incel-kun

>> No.64262506

Wow look at all these chuds in the thread. Towa is fine, Laplus is fine, Aki is doing way better than before, and Suisei is probably fucking her idol bf right now too, they don't need to pander to you, they don't need your cum-stained money, making connections by playing with people who are actually relevant is better for them in the long run than pandering to you chuds.

>> No.64262570
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>unicorns still seething
Based Shachou

>> No.64262656

>Y-Yeah well those grapes are sour anyway

>> No.64262672

it's time to accept all of you that are mad about this are a bunch of misogynists and potential terrorists

>> No.64262776

Towa's numbers have suffered, and the debut yab really hurt her for a long time. Laplus recently discussed only streaming on twitch. Aki has been that way for a very long time and has had some really good arcs, like ark. Suisei has been around a very long time and has earned loyal fans. Ririka is new and is the lowest in her gen.

>> No.64262867

this but unironically
and as a federal agent im obligated to incite you to acting out violently

>> No.64263181

LaPlus is fine?! Hahaha. I've never seen such a promising vTuber morph into a yab machine so fast.

>> No.64263307

I have found a new level of respect for Ririka after this. She brings in hololive something that was long missing: sincerity.
If she keeps dropping those redpills, i am sure she will find her public.

>> No.64263563

>>64262867 (Me)
wait no
*as NOT a federal agent
so yea you will never have sex and women hate you so your only option is to go bomb a federal building

>> No.64263910

>not all gachikois are unicorns
You're not wrong, but the overlap is so extreme that trying to pander to Gachikois while not wanting Unicorns would be just pandering to a tiny niche. It's unnecessarily shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.64263947

not an rp server

>> No.64264022

this is likely based on advice from her manager. her success doesn't matter to them because they are salaried and will get the same check every month.

>> No.64268436

Legit question because im curious, no sarcasm: what would a training like this have? What is the dos and donts of this kind of profit?

>> No.64268670

then what what's the point, just talk to randos?

>> No.64269329

>and only holds for gfe/bfe types
Good think Ririka is the GFE type then. Or at least was until now, who knows if anyone will still be interested.

>> No.64269428

to play gta you retard. you dont have to pretend you are the joker to play gta online.

>> No.64269488

you never watched her

>> No.64271394

Try just living in Japan. Reading doujins on the train and nobody cares.

>> No.64271412

Weak bait. Laplus has become the embassador for Idolmaster. You need to spend less time in the catalog and more watching streams.

>> No.64273769

Pretty sure Cover only pays pitty salary of less than thousand dollars a month. Most of the talents income comes from fans that SC, buy membership and merch.

>> No.64277059

All holos are testing the new format, retard

>> No.64277091

the manager's salary, not hers. the manager can give bad advice and it doesn't hurt the manager's salary.

>> No.64277476

>There are too many vTubers out there who either don't really know where their money comes from or who lack the self control and emotional maturity to avoid alienating these people.
They just want to eat their cake and have it too

>> No.64277589
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>> No.64280826

Glad she’s kicking out the unicorns while it’s still early, they’re a cancer to hololive

>> No.64281536

>I'm glad she's kneecapping her career and growth
kys anti

>> No.64281816

>and Suisei is probably fucking her idol bf right now too
>t. Actual unironic cuckfag or landwhale sister

>> No.64282310
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>>t. Actual unironic cuckfag or landwhale sister
More than likely a cuck. Non-female anti-unicorns are literally all cucks

>> No.64282500

>i want her to bow down to literal insane people because line go up

>> No.64282617

>literal insane people
Nope. Completely reasonable people. A majority of hololive fans want to watch cute girls, and that's it. When homos or men enter the fray, they will stop watching with no fuss whatsoever. Only a minority flips shit, but that minority has unironically saved careers.
Advent exists as it is due to "le unicorns."

>> No.64282762

and their viewership is not anything particularly amazing.

>> No.64283004

>and their viewership is not anything particularly amazing.
Objectively better than literally every single "anti-unicorn," and on par with the top Promise girls.

>> No.64283374

Unicorn subhumans will never be sane people no matter how much they try to portray themselves as rational. I'm glad Ririka retracted her decision to drop out of the server because mentally ill unicuckolds were harassing her as they don't deserve any justification for their behaviour.

>> No.64283446

Rent free.

>> No.64284816

everyone in promise regularly gets better viewership than everyone in advent, the only one who comes close is fuwamoco. nerissa and shiori are literally 2-3k ccv most of their streams

>> No.64284919

>everyone in promise
Lol no.

>> No.64285244

yes, bae and kronii and irys are all higher than shionerissa

>> No.64285400

Only FWMC beat out the lower Promise CCVs.

>> No.64285707

>it's insane to click the unsub button
I don't think you have the right to tell anyone who to watch/support since you don't do that for anyone anyway. Thankfully most holos at this point have realized who actually wants to support them.

>> No.64285737
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>vTubers out there who either don't really know where their money comes from
And then there are those that try their best to feed into it and still lose out.

I think Gachikoi/Unicorns need to be the ones that learn, it's better to have a constant stream of reliable income that volatile shit.

Streaming revenue from fans is like comparing a normal job for regular fans and bitcoin for Gachikoi and unicorns, the profits can be insane but one little mistake and you lose everything, not worth it.

>> No.64286062

lol when you do something absolutely stupid you can't just blame the situation as being volatile. Even EN is coasting by now and they're newfags to idolshit.

>> No.64286289

>I just stop at clicking the unsub button, I swear!
If that was the case then no one would recognize unicorns as the obnoxious faggots they are and the vtubers themselves wouldn't have to address them. They would be much more tolerable if they just harmlessly chose to not show interest in male collabs by not watching them but they don't do that.

>> No.64286354

Dealing with Gachi is always volatile you have no idea what is going to set them off and no control over what anti's and rumors they listen to or will spread.
>Even EN is coasting by now and they're newfags to idolshit.
This is an absolutely ignorant statement to make with the likes of Kiara, IRyS, and FWMC

>> No.64286576

>I just stop at clicking the unsub button
Yes, because I'm not a schizo. My first oshi did "terrible" shit and I didn't say a single thing, just unsubbed/unmember'd. You're a brainlet who's conflating things. Male collabs are just one dealbreaker. Schizos seethe and shit themselves for different reasons, whatever is "unacceptable" to them. Stop projecting your unstable psyche on others.

>> No.64286649
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lol the worst antis on this board weren't gachikoi, they were freakshow tourists

>> No.64286695

*idol-culture-hating, to be more specific

>> No.64287628


>> No.64287758

I didn't even mind the GTA thing, but the way she talked about it fucked me up man, I really liked her too. I won't complain about it or anything, just going to cancel my membership and unsub.

>> No.64288563

>you have no idea what is going to set them off
Incorrect, you have some idea on what will set them off. If you observe the scene, you can generally predict what they might disapprove of, and can follow some general guidelines. Sure, there are occasions when something truly unexpected makes unirorns rise up, but collabing with males and telling your unicorns that you'll just win them back with ASMR afterwards is an obvious no-no, I feel.

>> No.64289337

>some idea
>general guidelines
> I feel
Thanks for proving my point, the girls don't have the time or mental to care about any of that shit they need absolutes not feelings,thoughts,ideas, etc. and because there is no absolute guide among Unicorns they will never be pandered to en masse vs normal fans who have zero guidelines.

>> No.64289753

Do you think the holos just stopped doing the same shit as other vtubers because they didn't want to hurt some fee fees? Why do you think they changed their approach and became super successful after sticking with it?

>> No.64290299

I know where you're going with this but you're wrong, That worked for them at some point but then they saw the problem with dealing with it and obviously decided to go back to how it was.

The fact this thread was created in the 1st place proves that those times are over for you and your ilk.

>> No.64290667

ok but I'm actually enjoying this biboo stream while you're malding and not watching anyone
you tourists never belonged here and it's unfortunate that some now-graduated males drew your kind here after the collabs drama

>> No.64290668

I don't care about the Riraka drama. I just want one thing: her ASMR. Does she have public ASMR for me to listen to? Like no members-only bullsh*t. Please share if you have it.

>> No.64290722

>Luckily, there's no way they can stream games that way
Anon, you don't have Tiktok I presume?

>> No.64290832

>the girls don't have the time or mental to care about any of that shit
They should/do, it's their job, if their aim is to pander to what is, arguably, the better-paying audience. They need to take the possible feelings and reactions of fans into consideration when doing anything online. I'm sorry I can't precisely pinpoint and explain the vagueities of the human mind and heart, and how that may affect their reactions to their favourite streamer interacting with people they don't like, but the fact that instead of admitting that there are guidelines, even if vague, a streamer needs to follow to pander to unicorns, and instead insist they cannot predict their actions at all and therefore should not pander to them ever, only shows your bias, your subpar understanding of human emotions, your lack of business acumen and your immaturity.
>vs normal fans who have zero guidelines.
If you genuinely believe this, you simply further prove my point above

>> No.64291131

Personally I think she deserves some credit for being honest about thinking her fans are embarrassing losers rather than just thinking so privately like every other unicorn panderer

>> No.64291713

If the holo wants to be in these big events where men will be present, unicorns naturally become an obstacle, and she has to choose between one or the other.

>> No.64292736

>playing on that e-celeb cock sucking server again
yeah I'm done with her, well whatever I had enough of cute girls that stream too much knowing I have Kaela and Biboo that won't pull shit like this

>> No.64294667

and this being the only unicorn rebuttal is a pretty good sign unicorns lost

>> No.64294879

Feel free to being honest about thinking her fans are embarrassing losers or whatever.
It's just a simple decision:
>being honest about thinking her embarrassing losers aka I SAID WHAT I WANT = less money from losers
>just thinking so privately like every other unicorn panderer = more money from losers
It's just a matter of choice.

>> No.64295260

how is the state of EN any sign that unicorns lost, this isn't 2022, the biggest/only collabers literally graduated

>> No.64295294

>now-graduated males drew
Lmao out of no where, so this is it you really do feel threatened to losing your e-girl

>> No.64295417

No, I saw how the sequence of events would play out, and find it unfortunate that such unnecessary conflict was brought in because of incompetence and lack of foresight.

>> No.64295618

>your lack of business acumen and your immaturity.
You realize if this idol shit you guys prattle was so strong they would absolutely enforce rules to having no male contact be allowed, but true business acumen is that you need to make money from as many people as possible you don't narrow it down to a small group of whales.

>> No.64295831

Most of them aren't even ecelebs, are just 2views or just somewhat pupular among niche fans. Hololive is the eceleb agency but she lost the chance to be an eceleb by joining the indiefest and became part of the indie mob. Indie nerds ofc are happy with it but most Holo fans don't give a shit about the streamer industry and its interactions at all.

>> No.64295919

well, hopefully she’ll find another audience so hololive as a whole doesn’t have all it’s eggs in one basket audience-wise

>> No.64296062

all vtuber fans are losers anyway, she just loses money.

>> No.64296601

I tried to watch it once, but I couldn't stand the nasal choking voice beyond imagination and stopped watching.

>> No.64296613

No the fact is that she was just making a light joke bout unicorns without any malice but unicorns just overreacted it. However, one thing she should've cared abut is that unicorns were actually giving her money. It's literally a commercial entertainment unlike indies but she couldn't be so professional. The ones that should be really blamed here is the Regloss producers who didn't even think about Regloss members rookie mistakes and were urging them to join a big non holo event full of veterans and 2view homos but the damage has been done.

>> No.64296812

She's in Holo, she's still going to be fine overall.
She just doesn't have the skills or help to make it big otherwise. Her bubbly personality won't be enough if she's heading for the Matsuri zone.

>> No.64298852

>Vtubers cultivate a loyal audience
by providing a romantic surrogate service, be it knowingly or unknowingly. Though most western chuubas that actually intentionally do GFE just don’t realize all of the ramifications of it.

>> No.64299151

>indicated she would avoid collaboration with males going forward
I’ve heard elsewhere /here/ that there were fans that assumed thought was an “indication” when there wasn’t. Then when she interacted with males afterwards, those fans messaged the “you betrayed us” stuff, which then led to the “I’ll do what I want”.

>> No.64299670

I don’t particularly like unicorns myself, but even I realize there are sane unicorns who know to move on as opposed to some of the crazy unicorns who let chuubas they don’t watch live rent free in their heads.

>> No.64299725

only the ones you talk to /here/
(that includes me btw)

>> No.64299864

>but the damage has been done.
Oh nooooooooo , some negative PR on /vt/ whatever shall they dooooooo?

>> No.64300321

Why are you typing like a woman?

>> No.64302946

this format gets you way more vod views and subs for now while youtube is shilling it

she's not going to pass up the free numbers

>> No.64303282

I wanted her to be GFE

>> No.64304303

>A majority of hololive fans want to watch cute girls
yes. people who want to watch cute girls are not necessarily unicorns. unicorns are insane and probably only make up 5% of all viewers at most. knowing that to be true you retards will flip to "oh but they super more" as if its an argument, thus revealing all you care about is numbers, aka drama.

>> No.64304470

To be honest, i was laughing hard at the unicorn comments when it happened but it's still not a good thing to talk down viewers.

>> No.64304643

more streamers should talk down to their viewers. chat is the worst part of every stream for every streamer at all times.

>> No.64304801

>EOPs don't know Holo jp chats at all

>> No.64304810

not an argument. also im not an EOP so i win twice.

>> No.64305310

>and probably only make up 5% of all viewers at most
Anon, wake up and smell the coffee. This argument that nobody is seriously a unicorn, or that unicorns are a tiny minority, or other variations of it, never made any fucking sense. The fact that so many Holos choose to pander to unicorns is proof enough that they're a major part of the fanbase, or else they wouldn't fucking bother.

>> No.64305367

they dont pander to unicorns, they pander to people who want GFE. not all GFE enjoyers are unicorns.

>> No.64305829

So what is Rushia's fanbase? Unicorns? GFE enjoyer? Cucks?

>> No.64305867


>> No.64307396

She never indicated that she would stop doing male collabs or that it would even be scarce but she did seem to take her fans worries seriously before doing an about face and shitting all over them.

>> No.64307491

Some Kronies cope by saying its all Moris fault and that Mori poisoned her since the timing coincided with Mori going to visit Kronii. Mori was in peak fuck Hololive mode at that point but honestly Kroniis always been a shitty ironic weeb and if you take a look at her RM activities its not hard to imagine she hates everyone who doesnt like shitty LGBTQ western VNs.
