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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 203 KB, 2048x1152, rushia wordline divergence event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64208839 No.64208839 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she do it?

>> No.64209130
File: 247 KB, 435x478, 1676040105388048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did HE do it? He fucking knew she was streaming and still sent messages.

>> No.64209191

rushia was a retard and kept using desktop capture

>> No.64209279

He has females from multiple demographics worshipping him, why would he care what happens to a hag vtuber?

>> No.64209463
File: 2.68 MB, 1152x2048, maf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, he's the ugliest fucker i've ever seen yet he still gets people worshipping the ground he walks on

>> No.64209533

I love how it looks like Miko sees the notification at the top left

>> No.64209549

I'd fuck him.

>> No.64209684

So that's why they call him an ayy lmao. I kinda get it with that head shape.

>> No.64209747

I smell jealousy. You wish you could be as cute as him.

>> No.64209750

I don't get why a man would ever want to go anime twink mode like this, it's freakier than a roid abusing bodybuilder

>> No.64209761

I could use his face as a stamp if I smashed it against a paper towel

>> No.64209817

>why would a man take on a cute appearance that a lot of women like?
Are you an unironic faggot?

>> No.64209912

I wish my forehead was as magnificent as his

>> No.64210495

do you like that alien boy then?

>> No.64210554

have you seen the guy that cucked destiny?

>> No.64210640

bullykura migo does it again, first r*ping pekora, this and then the bench incident.

>> No.64210656

I buy the theory that she was hoping this would force him to propose to her, nothing else makes sense since this was a deliberate move on her part given how discord notification works

>> No.64211047

Japanes women love femboys like that.

>> No.64211135

Dude looks like those fucking mannequins you see in every Asian clothing store

>> No.64211294

fangirls love pictures like that
irl where rushia knows him he looks like a normal square-head japanese dweeb

>> No.64211708

No they actually love femboys like that. The guy literally has girls trying to throw themselves at him and who'd kill each other for a chance to fuck him.

>> No.64212026

Sang a song about wanting to be a woman btw. I legitimately have no respect for this faggot. Complete coward dumps his girl the moment he gets some flack. Troon needs to transition.

>> No.64212258

This is the kind of guy I’d lock up and torture inside of a shipping container for a year

>> No.64212438

Because the third generation was too strong for Miko's taste, remember when she caused drama at Offcollab with Marine?

>> No.64212483
File: 430 KB, 1000x1080, 1694245620599086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be the only retard in the world that thought this would end with a song collab.

>> No.64212898

The guy that cucked Destiny is pretty genetically unfortunate but he’s still better looking than destiny

>> No.64212997

he's also one of the biggest utaites ever and also is a successful producer in his own right, so people like him for a reason.

>> No.64213106

He wrote the only good NijiEN song, so he gets a pass

>> No.64213409

She thought she can lie forever, karma truly exists

>> No.64215087

>full time streamer with over a decade of experience
>doesn't use streamer mode or disable the overlay
this is on her for being retarded

>> No.64215400

Him seducing women is just a way of teasing me. I must fuck him in the ass ASAP.

>> No.64215677

I think what's insane is finding out this was literally not the first time she fucked up and it wasn't even a second time.

Saddest thing was finding out her fans were more than okay with her fuck up and she just went insane.

>> No.64218745


>> No.64219061

how fucking new?

>> No.64220097

some say miko is still laughing...

>> No.64222166

The moment that broke gfe illusion forever. If even Rushia did this behind the scene, no one is safe

>> No.64222945

They are both aliens, makes sense to me

>> No.64227601


>> No.64228076

Miko's GTA addiction caused this actually.

>> No.64228165
File: 171 KB, 1071x600, 1700159059036028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64229522

Unironically the moment that made Lamy stop doing GFE, But on the other hand we have Okayu double down on GFE because her biological clock running out and get her horny af

>> No.64229771

mfmf is mtf.

>> No.64232156

im still thinking how discord let that notification through despite discord going into streamer mode automatically when OBS is on.

>> No.64233391

The faggot in >>64209463 has rabid female unicorns while Rushia had rabid male unicorns. People were suspecting they were dating due to tweets, pictures, and shit.
Everything exploded with the notification in OP, which reads "Just finished livestreaming, I'm preparing to come back home, Mii-chan", which strongly suggests they're very close and live together.
The faggot disowned Rushia entirely. Rushia then went full menhera and leaked company info to dramatubers, breaking NDA and getting terminated.

>> No.64233539

This is a 10 in Japan

>> No.64233704
File: 269 KB, 683x1024, Kuuko-W-Kobo-Kanaeru-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sort of looks like this Kobo cosplayer

>> No.64234393

He sang a good Pokemon OP so he's cool in my book.

>> No.64237519

>He fucking knew she was streaming
No he didn't. Why the fuck would he know that?

>> No.64237805

>If even Rushia did this
She is literally the only one with an extensive history of chasing after male streamers lol
She is THE main suspect you should have expected this from
It's a miracle she managed to gather as many dumb cucks as she did and dupe them so hard that some of them STILL believe something she said 3 years ago despite everything that has happened since

>> No.64238580

The universe was telling me something, way back when I used to get recommended this song/mv that he was involved that uses retro gaming imagery (it used most of the time the first super Mario bros astetic) and it drove me nuts as to why that video used to be recommended to me, I just didn't get it
But when this fiasco happened at the end of it all the video stopped being recommended

>> No.64238651

The worst part is that I now have to proof I witnessed this, someone kill me

>> No.64238744

Think she'd still be in hololive to this day if this didn't happen?

>> No.64238846

Certainly, though I do wonder how messed up she would be since that means she is not seeking therapy

>> No.64239383

Yes and she would still be talking with korekore about how she hates everything about it

>> No.64239595
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 1694341625105488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.64239945

Because he messaged her regularly while she was streaming. People use Discord/SNS like email back in the day and don't care what the other person is curenlty doing. The problem is the popup and this is either her fault or a bug according to her defenders.

>> No.64240672

>bench incident
Now this gets timelooped again, can you please let it die? It didnt even hurt people that matter, and you can tell she gets depressed about it whenever something reminds her of it. Still cant believe how deranged people can be

>> No.64241309

I'm not defending her when I say that I did see someone demonstrate GTA Online having a weird interaction with discord in streamer mode.
I am actually glad it happened because of what was revealed and believe she should have never been in hololive.

>> No.64241415

It was intentional

>> No.64244032

I'd kiss him

>> No.64244212

Are you retarded? He looks nothing like that picture, that's like 90% filters.
Same thing goes for Mikeneko. None of the pictures either of them posts have anything to do with their real looks.

>> No.64244456

The two people had been suspected of living together/being in a relationship etc. for a long time before that fateful discord message.
You might not have known anything about it, but in the JP sphere there were plenty of rumors.
Youtube might also recommend you content of NicoNico streamers that sound suspiciously like Hololive members. Just because *you* don't know the connection doesn't mean there isn't one that is know to many other people, and that Youtube's algorithm picks up on.

>> No.64244467

Normally this kind of statement is used to imply that the person in the photo is actually unattractive but this guy does live events and still has a legion of fangirls

>> No.64244496

I also think Mike looks cute, but she seems to absolutely hate her own face.

>> No.64244563

I think she looks fine as well but she used to have some mighty crooked teeth.

>> No.64245233

Boys aren't meant to be cute. If they're cute there's something wrong. boys being cute is ugly and not beautiful.

>> No.64245282

You sound like a homosexual

>> No.64245407

You sound like a man pretending to be a woman.

>> No.64245441

I am a man and I have never pretended to be a woman. You on the other hand are here talking about what makes men "beautiful".

>> No.64245582

Beauty is a concept that exists outside of sexual attraction. A landscape, or architecture can be held to an objective standard of beauty in that it elicits mental and spiritual wellbeing. A man that has forsaken his manhood to appear more feminine is an affront to objective beauty and therefore spiritual and mental wellbeing.

>> No.64245709

>bench incident.

>> No.64245968

I've never heard this theory before, but it kinda tracks with some of her actions in the immediate aftermath.

>> No.64246682

I guess you are not here during the termination period.
If I'm not mistaken, it's not even the first time she displayed discord message on screen.
Also during that GTA stream, someone already tried to tell to turn it off but she didn't show any reaction until Mafumafu message appear.

>> No.64246966

Uto deflection thread.

>> No.64248566

Today's stream was good, I highly recommend it
