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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 166 KB, 776x1152, GAFQ0YiawAEENzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63560958 No.63560958 [Reply] [Original]

Take Your Meds Edition

Previous Thread >>63537259

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
>Twitter Space

https://pastebin.com/KchRJHmN - TL of Fuwamoco's version of Kaibutsu
>Cover - Cute na Kanojo
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Drama
>Advent Merch

>/baubau/ sings LTSM
https://twitter.com/Ruffian5000/status/1708479258354434288 (tweet contains a link to song only ver)
https://files.catbox.moe/ozlx6q.mp4 (intro+outro voices)
>FUWAMOCO VN & Anime list
>VRChat AnimeNYC 2023 Day 2
>Anime NYC: Rock n' Rawr Party Mini
>Q&A Stream
>Panel Recording

>Thread Template

>> No.63561109
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63561123

gyatt gyatt

>> No.63561177

How do we convince them to do a meme corner for FWMC morning?

>> No.63561214
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1697470677399893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to take a phone call at work
>notice they started the extra special ruffian bit
>start emote posting while on the phone even though I can't hear them
>got my first extra special ruffian call
I FOOKIN made it bros.

>> No.63561233
File: 2.32 MB, 854x480, STICKING OUT YOUR GYATT 4 NERIZZLER[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5s2qy9.mp3](1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63561256

I think it would be a better idea to just give Biboo a monthly corner to handle something like that.

>> No.63561262

By blowing your brains out

>> No.63561270
File: 283 KB, 1231x1076, F5LFeija4AA13qp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand down ruffian

>> No.63561274
File: 165 KB, 960x708, 1696211884729763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first FWMC morning I miss in months
>almost everybody is extra special

>> No.63561293
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1699277528922025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is stuck in my head
biboo why

>> No.63561295
File: 1 KB, 125x58, IMG_9106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.63561302

I was extra special on the Halloween episode...

>> No.63561304

Wrong thread tranny

>> No.63561309

That would be a funny first submission

>> No.63561324
File: 414 KB, 684x645, The Ruffians are quiet but maybe its just YouTube[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdzcjyp.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mocochan

>> No.63561381
File: 703 KB, 2000x1600, 1696939505369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug them both and tell them how great they're doing!
I want to pat their heads and kiss their cheeks and tell them that I love them dearly!
I want to reward them by cooking them both a nice big dinner and listen to their happy noises as they eat my impeccable cooking!

>> No.63561412

>advent all rolling in at once during a random cookies and cream stream
>all of them sending in dumb videos today
Feeling the unity from this gen, it's nice since they're so different from each other yet they still seem close

>> No.63561430
File: 3.91 MB, 500x350, 1701252901333874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you guys always had an advent schizo? or did it evolve from the shiori / nerissa schizos?
also hi, contributing to advent love.

>> No.63561437

We don't sign our posts here.

>> No.63561491

we get the worst schizos from other generals

>> No.63561505

>trooncord still raiding

>> No.63561530

The Nerissa schizo is just an egg who got bored of shitposting orange woman but still hates her so he shitposts the one who likes orange woman a lot. He also posts in /ope/ and will link crossposts to try and get the threads to fight.

>> No.63561534

was this from today?

>> No.63561547

am i less of a ruffian for being burnt out on fwmc for the past couple of weeks?

>> No.63561552
File: 684 KB, 974x689, 1699829813107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First month, yes. It stopped after a while, though. I'm pretty sure he's a Nijinig because he's back after all this time on this day in particular...
We love Advent in this thread.

>> No.63561560

Is always a small bunch of retards hating on mori and EN.

>> No.63561565

the cookie and cream surprise collab was genuine cinema. all these girls are so sweet I completely forgive very early Nerissa and Shiori

>> No.63561574

>an advent schizo
i wish it was a singular schizo. these threads are a hotbed for mentally ill shitposters. conveniently they all disappeared the other day when gura streamed.

>> No.63561590

The use this or he just a edit?

>> No.63561597

If you visit the same vista everyday, its beauty will become standardized in your mind. Take a small break

>> No.63561613

MGS she was just being extra dorky

>> No.63561623

No. It just means you need to take a break. There are very few shows people can watch religiously everyday.

>> No.63561625

is it to early or abit late in the day ruffian?

>> No.63561630

>new IP
At least try, discord tranny

>> No.63561640
File: 17 KB, 270x320, 1693889611473603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63561644

I don’t know if everyone feels the same here but I hope that they either stop doing Fuwamoco morning after 100 episodes or they only do it once a week because it’s clear that is affecting them making the show. I trust their judgment but hope the can sort out their feelings towards the show and decide the best course of action.

>> No.63561674

Yeah funny enough, all the attention was directed to her and /baubau/ was rather peaceful.

>> No.63561683

nobody here types like this BAU BAU

>> No.63561684

mococos pink nipples

>> No.63561692

No, go help the girl with 300 ccv and stop your shit

>> No.63561704
File: 5 KB, 321x151, 1674368993079047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you literally saved the thumbnail the image I posted on the numbers thread?

>> No.63561710
File: 447 KB, 2702x1910, 1694010875770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh I can understand the hate for someone like Mori, Kronii, or even gura tbdesu. The "hate" for the other Advent girls is honestly just extremely forced and screams of outside raiders.
It is outside raiders, too, since this thread hasn't had any Advent antis in over a month.

>> No.63561709

fuwawas bloobs

>> No.63561739

I hope you fucking kill yourself and I know everyone else here feels the same.

>> No.63561744

Advent/EN unity makes schizos uppity

>> No.63561754

I don’t remember posting this

>> No.63561756

sorry to hear, hope you guys can sort it out soon, im doing my part at least to contribute.

>> No.63561779 [DELETED] 

>new IP again
See >>63561630

>> No.63561812

>take your meds edition
>no one took their meds
Bau bau...

>> No.63561826
File: 327 KB, 2048x1389, fuwamoco_en-1729912961169551363-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63561859

I dont get why you are getting attacked because I kinda agreed with you. They probably underestimate Cover's homework and is feeling the stress from that + running a morning show. Even koyori gave up after 6 months and reduced hers from 2 to once a week. They are better off doing a weekly that has more concrete stuff added to it.

>> No.63561873

I noticed too, lmao. FWMC and Gura are both lightning rods for schizophrenic tourists. Hopefully, Gura starts streaming again so they can move on to shitting up /ggg/ like they used to

>> No.63561887

The text on the right one looks incredibly photoshopped

>> No.63561892

Not a just meme corner but a ruffian art corner where they showcase a drawing, meme, song etc
There's endless content from their tags and it motivates ruffians to make more things

>> No.63561928

probably had to be since they edited in their silhouettes

>> No.63561936
File: 367 KB, 718x1028, Screenshot_20231129-092228_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero effort leech FWMC
>double their likes
The fuck

>> No.63561960
File: 1.35 MB, 774x774, Mococo sneeze[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0ela47.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds and treat your mental health with care for them, please anon

>> No.63561967

literally who

>> No.63561979

FWMC tweet was posted LITERALLY seconds ago

>> No.63561996

>random guy with lots of followers gets a bunch of likes from stream screenshot
literally who cares

>> No.63562008 [DELETED] 

>another new IP
Trooncord out in force today. Or are you just changing IPs?

>> No.63562048

if i take my meds, fwmc stop talking to me.

>> No.63562056

Twitter trannies

>> No.63562079

there is 63 posts and half of them is you having meltdown over Advent unity

>> No.63562101

Honestly, I might be in the minority on this, but I think FuwaMoco Morning could work with absolutely NO segments and no prep whatsoever. Just a 15-minute mini-zatsu where they talk about some random shit like their dreams, how their mornings been, what the week is gonna look like, what they saw on Twitter during their nightly egosa, etc.
I don't want FWMC morning to ever go away, but I don't want them to hurt themselves by preparing for 3 hours every day.

>> No.63562103
File: 124 KB, 500x500, Mocosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnight i'll leave the schizos to you

>> No.63562119

The thread isn't even a half hour old you absolute fucking retards

>> No.63562124

If I take my meds will I finally be an extra special ruffian?

>> No.63562128

I like that the sisters got so mindbroken by people pointing out their obvious raid the other day they are now spamming new ip thing

>> No.63562146

I've only made 4 posts, unlike you samefagging troon

>> No.63562170

Anon the thread just started how would everyone already have an established IP...

>> No.63562183
File: 339 KB, 892x1144, koyori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For better or worse, they are really similar to koyori in some aspect.

>> No.63562193

the sisters cord is warming up for the raid they planned next month
the current sister here is usually posting on /#/

>> No.63562208 [DELETED] 

it really is just some cuck switching IPs
How pathetic...

>> No.63562250


>> No.63562272
File: 313 KB, 572x892, Mococo Skill Issue [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffxff6p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that you see enemies everywhere now in your fragile mental state, but please look inside you and realize that it is only your delusion. Take your medicine. It helps. Your psychiatrist is not nijinigger. Your mother isn't tranny. Your dad isn't SEA monkey. They want the best for you

>> No.63562306

You're wrong.
FWMC morning is one of the keys for their continue success.
It's a stream that people that can't watch regular streams live can watch live.
It got corners that you want to tune in every week to see like natto challenge and puptalk.
And it has the fan participation that keeps engagement high too.

It's actually surprisingly brilliant both in terms of content it provides and how good it is to keep the community involved.

>> No.63562319
File: 296 KB, 1448x2048, 1697028986073554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most kind ruffian i have seen so far

>> No.63562323

mococos pink asshole

>> No.63562333

>didn't even read the message he's replying to

>> No.63562343

>the schizo is posting off cooldown now
damn, i wonder how many posts will disappear if jannies did their job.

>> No.63562356

I went from hoping I get likes to not posting at all because I don't think I deserve one unless I create something

>> No.63562365
File: 224 KB, 2000x1000, 20231127_104533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.63562378

It's probably the janny in here trying to force muh unity while switching IPs

>> No.63562377

>mococos pink asshole
I want to kiss it

>> No.63562390

No, I love Koyo, but she’s a numbers whore. Literally talking about 1.03mm subs. FuwaMaco likes to talk about Milestones, 100k increments, and they don’t chase thwarts hot atm like Koyo does. The only thing they have in common is sleeping in my bed

>> No.63562409

We love all of advent here.

>> No.63562412

truly, for better or worse
we'll have to watch how they develop over the months/years

>> No.63562435

is it the play buttons that set them off or did something else happen

>> No.63562441

Fuck off Filian

You and your 20 different IPs

>> No.63562458

>Voting doesn’t matter
Filian will now give them the award because it’s the most publicity she can get from that category (Marine would not acknowledge winning it, but they will)

>> No.63562462

That's it.
Play buttons are a very sore point for sisters

>> No.63562464

I love them, but I still voted for Marine

>> No.63562488
File: 262 KB, 1192x2048, F_75XFcbQAAUNzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and same.

>> No.63562504

Yep, probably the fact that they got 2 play buttons but Niji doesn't give their talents any play buttons

>> No.63562508
File: 21 KB, 292x195, 1693995228809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote hololive
>skip everything else
simple as

>> No.63562537


>> No.63562543

interesting new angle
hopefully works out better for you

>> No.63562547

Yeah, nijiEN doesnt give their chuubas their play buttons.

>> No.63562548
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x602, 1693960243825641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63562566
File: 297 KB, 1774x1625, 1672364570183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force muh unity
Is this your first day here? It's been like this for months, niji-chama.

>> No.63562579

remember when gura won some random vtuber reward but YAGOO still tweeted about it?
fwmc brought up a fair point that they hope if they win it'd get recognized by YAGOO or upper management
im pretty sure by now yagoo and co already know marine is a star breaking new heights, letting FWMC in the spotlight for a bit is the main reason i'll vote FWMC over marine for this lame award shit, it'll make them happy

>> No.63562590

Did the same thing

>> No.63562591

Ffs do I really have to be some twitter drone just to become an extra special ruffian?

>> No.63562605

I voted for marine too. Is too early for FWMC to be on the same stage as her. I rather they lose and get motivated to try harder.

>> No.63562635
File: 66 KB, 244x217, 1692971437250195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew it
fuwawa is literally a ss soldier

>> No.63562638
File: 328 KB, 1240x1753, 1694710845568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally, unironically want these two to be rich

>> No.63562645

Are you me?

>> No.63562646 [DELETED] 

Been here from the start. Real ruffians have always hate unity bullshit.
>randomly brings up niji
Way to out yourself discord troon

>> No.63562662

i like when they go on like-sprees on twitter
cause then i feel extra special when i'm not liked by them during their spree

>> No.63562675
File: 38 KB, 206x504, 1701160093119760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope i got my named read today, just toke 50 episodes and luck....

>> No.63562691

i want them to buy me as their slave

>> No.63562704

I wish that Biboo's meme corner will become a thing in FWMC morning

>> No.63562722

Not just EN, JP doesn't get them either

>> No.63562727

they read my name, maybe you just don't exist to them?

>> No.63562728

most extra special ruffians aren't twitter people

>> No.63562742

Nah, maybe over a few episodes they knew at least one ruffian they were going to call (and this is just a believable rrat), but now it’s random, there are a lot of people in chat

>> No.63562753
File: 72 KB, 1600x900, salem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ruffian better find a magician, cause they only like one thing

>> No.63562766

your shitpost won't ungraduate your organs nor give them the playbutton, sister

>> No.63562769

Honestly, that will boost viewerships by a bit if they are willing to do memes every week.

>> No.63562775

Congrats Ruffian

>> No.63562788


>> No.63562793

A while ago some anon here posited that wearing their oshimark would increase your chances, and they only started reading my name after I tried that so seems legit

>> No.63562794

I think that would run out of content too soon but I do hope other holomen participation becomes more common

>> No.63562800

I like when I check their likes before posting a tweet and see they're on a like spree so I don't post anything because I don't want them to see me as a beggar

>> No.63562814
File: 628 KB, 1620x2160, 1670393517466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been here from the start
I know. You spammed nonstop for weeks every day before getting banned. You clearly stopped watching them for the last two months, though, since these threads have been FILLED with Advent Unity.
The horrible MC collab made everyone realize that Advent collabs aren't actually that bad since they all treat FuwaMoco properly. Also, I think the watchalongs really changed a lot of people's opinions on the other girls.
Advent feels like a bunch of friends having fun together.

>> No.63562816
File: 340 KB, 1435x1072, Moco chan fighting for your freedoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toast to another 50 FMM

>5 minutes ago
>Is it already morning...
>50 morning bow
>Pero looks delicious
>The fluffy tongue looks delicious
>It's okay if you lick it.
>It's okay if you lick Moko-chan
>You can't lick that fluffy thing like that...
>Come to think of it, if you apply for a shield, you can get it as an additional shield.>
>My face is reflected...
>Today's Shiorin
>Nee-chan without panties!
>The no-panties genie's boobs are swaying so much...
>Cute advents are coming out one after another...
>It's still terrifying since she's the smallest of the Ravencrofts.
>[response to above] As expected, her younger brother is smaller, but her father's penis is huge.
>Mokochan's eyelashes are so beautiful it's hard
>I know you're saying the end of the year is near, Mokochan!
>Mokochan surprise cute
>Tatetsu BAUBAU!
>The end of the morning

>> No.63562830


>> No.63562833

>The no-panties genie's boobs are swaying so much...
my sides

>> No.63562837

they liked this faggot telling them to drop streams
is bauver

>> No.63562860

I deserve to be their slave, carrying their luggage and cleaning their bathroom.

>> No.63562868

sex with wuffians!!

>> No.63562872


>> No.63562879

>The horrible MC collab made everyone realize that Advent collabs aren't actually that bad since they all treat FuwaMoco properly.
NTA and you should stop replying to him but yes I actually started appreciating Shiori after that.

>> No.63562881

You stopped at some point when everyone else in here started to like the other girls.
Conveniently you came back after the Gura shitposts lost traction. Very interesting.

>> No.63562897

This is what an actual schizo post looks like

>> No.63562900

lmao what was the actual Japanese

>> No.63562904

>>Pero looks delicious
that some hungry keto-jp
>Mokochan's eyelashes are so beautiful it's hard
this guy gets it

>> No.63562909

>[response to above] As expected, her younger brother is smaller, but her father's penis is huge.
fucking kek

>> No.63562944

I love you so much fuwawa!

>> No.63562951

> that some hungry keto-KR

>> No.63562961

AIEEE stop youre gonna make me into a schizo since I dont get likes

>> No.63562967

the friday segment we've been looking for

>> No.63562976
File: 292 KB, 559x656, 1677809144184691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63562986

>contradicting yourself
Well played unity schizo
Dumb fuck

>> No.63563059

It's actually fucking over

>> No.63563071

Did they say if they were going to play the rest of the MGS series?

>> No.63563073
File: 84 KB, 529x536, 1343818_829pxryan_gosling_35397111013_cropped_764382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so lucky to have these girls

>> No.63563099

watch streams

>> No.63563102

How do we make them stop caring about these shit ass cancer infested twitch vtuber awards
Every "fan" gained from that would be a terrible twitch normalfag frog spamming person to begin with, why would you want that

>> No.63563104

my twitter is a different username but I still got my name read today.
I feel like your odds are better once they've noticed you for the first time in chat. I got my first comment read a couple streams ago and then today I got my name read. Try commenting during their slower SC readings.

>> No.63563120

They soft-confirmed that they'd be playing the next one at least

>> No.63563127

>thread is always trash
>stop posting as much
>thread is now muh unity cucks
Congrats, the raids worked, sister

>> No.63563134

this bitch also got extra special ruffian so for him is fine if they drop it, fucking egoistic faggot

>> No.63563167

>I feel like your odds are better once
doubt, i've had my comments read many times during various streams and i've been posting on streams since debut, still not an extra special ruffian
its just luck, and it doesnt help that they don't particularly keep track either (you can be an extra special ruffian multiple times)
its no big deal though, i've made them laugh and smile with my comments so thats enough for me, some day ill be extra special

>> No.63563171

get cover to stop putting award shit in their financial reports.
They said it themselves, they want to promote this so that upper management will notice them.

>> No.63563184


>> No.63563251

Can't wait to watch them play the next one, it's pure insanity

>> No.63563274
File: 485 KB, 824x746, 1676933115666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're so lucky to have these girls
We really are... They're way too good to us and way too hard on themselves sometimes. I will always appreciate every last thing they do and how hard they work day in and day out. I can't even begin to return to them the equivalent of what they've given to me.
I love them so much, bros.

>> No.63563276
File: 74 KB, 372x429, 1691151642565720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine to dislike some other girls, you can even hate them for whatever reason, just don't schizo out about it if they end up being mentioned here because they do something with Fuwamoco or their name is dropped for some other related reason
It's that simple

>> No.63563318

>no one told them that instead of running into the mines they can crawl to pick them up and use them against Raven
I hate ruffians

>> No.63563342

>no one told them

>> No.63563351

DeepL translates it to: I can't believe the panty-less goddess has boobs that shake so much...

>> No.63563355

Tell the discord to stop raiding then
Cause and effect

>> No.63563368

Are you as hardworking as Fuwamoco?

>> No.63563383

Mocochan is the greatest soldier in the world and didn't need to use these cheap tactics.

>> No.63563387

Does anyone on this board actually know what the word cuck means?

>> No.63563405

mori is

>> No.63563414

I used to be much harder working. Now I'm a disabled neet ojisan

>> No.63563445

>and it doesnt help that they don't particularly keep track either (you can be an extra special ruffian multiple times)
This just helps my point though anon. They read people multiple times because when the chat is moving so fast those repeat names are the ones that stick out to them the most. Because they've already recognized it

Increasing your odds doesn't mean removing luck entirely. The biggest factor for whether they read you or not is whether or not youtube randomly besides to pause for a second to load the next set of chat messages on their end and your comment is there.
But regardless of their still being luck, it's evident that the names more likely to get read (and read multiple times) are the ones they recognize in an instant.

>> No.63563454

I don't know what to work towards

>> No.63563457

true enough. the ones spamming the thread about how much they hate other girls aren't fans, though. They're tourists. I hate a couple of EN girls, but I've never once spammed the thread about them(except during the atrocious MC collab, but that was a special circumstance)

>> No.63563511

No, right now I'm being paid to sit around and do next to nothing.
I changed some data in Excel sheets and looked at a few photos of a server rack today, in total that was not even an hour of work. But I get paid for 8.

Only problem is I can't get away with watching streams while at work, even if I have nothing to do. Would be great if I could though.

>> No.63563540
File: 440 KB, 1000x1000, 1671897952626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got extra special Ruffian the other day
>will longer want to bau bau at the end anymore
I'm complete. I don't need to be called again. Once you're extra special, it never goes away. I'll make some room for you bros.

>> No.63563546


Stop samefagging

>> No.63563574

i worked very hard when i was younger now i just live a comfy life and support them

>> No.63563577

>Because they've already recognized it
idk i beg to differ, they've self admitted to their short term memory, they are dogs after all, having a recognizable name isn't exclusive to being named an extra special ruffian, theres a bunch of active SCers that haven't been extra special yet (although one of them got it for the first time today)
we can agree to disagree

>> No.63563597

I need someone autism to compile all the extra special ruffians and how many times they were one

>> No.63563626

apparently some guy on twitter has a list but he hasnt released it to public, would have to ask him

>> No.63563655

I take literally every chance I get to not work.

>> No.63563656

>Stop samefagging

>> No.63563699

all these faggots advocating for less streams will make the girls not give a fuck anymore and will cry about it later

>> No.63563727

It's not ironic at all
Real convenient how the only deleted posts are the ones calling out your IP switching

>> No.63563767

How many extra special ruffians did they call out? 50? Would support the rrat that they get some content for the FWMCM from here

>> No.63563775

I wish every one was like you Anon

>> No.63563801

You're dumb

>> No.63563842

meds, unironically.

>> No.63563859

You got me

At least you're not using a bot this time, right?

>> No.63563864

>fuwamoco mornings coming to an end
>never was a special ruffian since being here since minute 1

why is life like this

>> No.63563888

so true sister

>> No.63563905

which sister would be more open to anal

>> No.63563918

Oh hey, it's the bot!

>> No.63563930
File: 118 KB, 249x337, 1691234705341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them and want them to be both happy and achieve their dreams. If more streams achieve that, then I want them to do more. If fewer streams will achieve that, then I want them to do less.
If they're hurting themselves, then I want them to do less. If they aren't, then I don't.

>> No.63563989

Fuwawa, easily. Mococo is vaginal only.

>> No.63563997

Bellyboy got called 5 times

>> No.63564017

>otm liking every tweet about is okay for them to end it after he got extra special ruffian
you cannot make this shit up

>> No.63564067

>I wish every one was like you Anon
It would be nice, but some people are simply too greedy. They get a taste and want MORE. I'm satisfied with everything they've given me and continue to give me.

>> No.63564072
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>> No.63564117

>well now that _I_ have been an extra special Ruffian it's alright if they stop

>> No.63564142

who are you quoting

>> No.63564164


>> No.63564166

I wish I wasn't poor and could akasupa

>> No.63564292

They never said they were stopping.

>> No.63564317

he was also crying about not being one not long ago, so it really shows
fucking asshole

>> No.63564325

>Fucking their fans
That's a big no, it would go against everything they stand for

>> No.63564385

They don't fuck their fans, but they're clearly grooming a potential husband(me).

>> No.63564421

i'm not just their fan, but their husband.

>> No.63564499

Need FuwaMoco everything is going to be alright ASMR

>> No.63564507

bros, I have to admit not getting picked for extra special ruffian this time is really getting to me after never getting picked before. havent been having the greatest week in general

>> No.63564569
File: 3.37 MB, 3425x2175, 1683967145025188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get it on friday

>> No.63564598

I've never been picked either. We're probably on the shit list

>> No.63564723

Never been picked either but whatever. I'd rather have them laugh at some shit post of mine.

>> No.63564729

it's probably because you havent been having a great week in the first place
extra special ruffian is something that can't be helped, it is what it is
i haven't been picked either but what i do is just shrug it off, theres far better special moments we've shared with these girls and being miffed by not being picked by some RNGfest with super fast chat is not worth the thought
take happiness in other things, like if you've gotten to play fall guys/mk8 with them, gotten chat read, tweet liked, or when they give ruffians as a whole appreciation and love

>> No.63564940

They hate me

>> No.63564990
File: 107 KB, 2560x1600, @zeth_total-1729634368488939666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too
i continue to watch them knowing they dread seeing my name in chat but are forced to smile and act like nothing is wrong so they don't disturb the peace of ruffians

>> No.63565004

How do we stop our wives from numberfagging?

>> No.63565038

>fuwamoco mornings coming to an end

>> No.63565049

>what about meryl?
>she doesnt know about mei ling

>> No.63565086

fuwawa has 100% fingered her asshole before.

>> No.63565152

Good trigger control, Mocochan

>> No.63565305

They are hungry, this is finally their chance. I can't blame them for it, I just hope they'll never sacrifice quality and purity for numbers

>> No.63565362
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1674943379839120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take pride in not working or doing anything productive

>> No.63565552
File: 36 KB, 273x249, Do you understand[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjg97wt.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63565592

>They liked a tweet about streaming less

>> No.63565709

is it a nip tweet? i'm not seeing it

>> No.63565728

stop replying to the schizo

>> No.63565742

otm got his shoutout no need for anymore

>> No.63565760
File: 197 KB, 1448x2048, GAE2_fuWUAAgtKZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63565781

In case you guys are wondering why there is more schizos than usual here.
The play button thing literally mindbroke a lot of people.

>> No.63565791

Stickboys tweet

>> No.63565803

fuck you otm you got yours and don't want to share

>> No.63565832

let's ruff him up

>> No.63565860

Is he the same one who had a breakdown about not getting chosen?

>> No.63565896
File: 91 KB, 2060x1084, 1670606508875772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63565905

I think so

>> No.63565984

It's so nice that they always like tweets that say pretty much the same thing I say, but never my tweets

>> No.63566048

purchase the blue checkmark

>> No.63566064

I try to be genuine in my responses but they always like the exact same shit about how FUWAMOCO SAVED ME AND IS THE HIGH POINT OF MY LIFE I LOVE YOU FOREVER meanwhile the fag has another chuuba as their PFP or multiple oshi marks or even some name like KFP Assistant or Deadbeat Tako.

>> No.63566074

mococo anal gape

>> No.63566114
File: 624 KB, 1000x1000, mocoslap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63566117

I'm really upset that I missed this FWMC Morning of all streams to miss. They asked repeatedly for us to be there, when they usually say it's ok to miss streams, the archive will be there and etc. Nothing I could realistically do about it, it was work related, it's how I'm able to support them, too, but still.

>> No.63566160

If it helps you it's not like they actually remember who was there for what stream

>> No.63566175

>They asked repeatedly for us to be there
Only if you can. They don't want you to neglect any other aspect of your life to be there for their streams
Stop being retarded.

>> No.63566181

don't worry, they'll remember this and never read your chats again

>> No.63566195

They're women.

>> No.63566239

tbf Deadbeat Tako is a good name

>> No.63566261

was anyone featured more than once in FWMC Morning so far? wondering if it's ok to continue sending submissions or if it's better to just stop.

>> No.63566313

I'm not really a prominent ruffian, they most likely don't remember me at all, not just "for which stream I was in", it upsets me personally, you know? I don't think they would judge me for missing it, I judge myself.

>> No.63566320

continue sending, they'll eventually have to use repeats if not already

>> No.63566359

it's only been 50 episodes and they have at least a couple thousand very dedicated fans
you might get featured again in the future and even if you're not they will still see it

>> No.63566408

Fuwawa would rather do a repeat special ruffian bau bau for someone named "CumSteve711" than bau bau for me a single time, her hatred for me is unbelievable...

>> No.63566423

Mococo is the one who knocks

>> No.63566462

tell this entire account down

>> No.63566470

holy moly

>> No.63566485

I don't think so but some people have definitely been extra special Ruffians more than once.

>> No.63566509

the mococock..

>> No.63566519

I actually think they have a good chance of beating marine at the poll since it will be likely EN voters who are interested in this. I honestly rather marine win though. I don’t want FWMC to get complacent and think their content is good enough. They have a long list of weaknesses they need to work on before they become decent streamers.

>> No.63566521

the same one

>> No.63566550

you already tried this bait earlier sister

>> No.63566569

I'd say it depends. If there is a lot of questions being asked by different people then dont. If its a pero sighting and there is only a few submissions then do it

>> No.63566584

What the fuck, he was already a Traveler, why does he want MORE recognition. Faggot.

>> No.63566585
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63566615

Someone retweet this to the list

>> No.63566623

Plenty of the Twitter bunch, the most active ones have

>> No.63566631


>> No.63566642

I don't want any holo to win that twitchshit, it'll only bring in more unwanted "fans"

>> No.63566647

Is not bait. They are getting complacent and the quality of their streams had declined. They peaked during October.

>> No.63566656

proof next thread?

>> No.63566695

so true sister

>> No.63566752


>> No.63566801

Itta and DLan's Pero Sightings twice, that Shiba d*des dog twice as well

>> No.63566807

One reason that might explain why they are pushing for subs now is that google has announced they are going to cull subs very soon. So is now or never for them to hit 1 million.

>> No.63566838

Marine is too big to give a shit about some kid's choice awards, let FuwaMoco win because they would actually care.
It's not like anyone voting on this even watches Marine in the first place. It's like some unstranslated Japan-only game winning The Game Awards, it makes no sense. Nobody who voted for it would have played it.

>> No.63566952

I forgot about the limit on the card I was using to member and I re-membered as soon as I could, but since it happened live, I'm afraid that they hate me now.

>> No.63566955

>google has announced they are going to cull subs very soon
Source? I'd love to see it for some of the lazy ones like Gura, Kronii, etc.

>> No.63566969

Keep sending ruffian, especially for the doggie of the day. Sometimes i go to the fwmc morning tag and see the doggies. They all make me smile.

>> No.63567042


>> No.63567073

good enough reason for me

>> No.63567095

the voices in his head

>> No.63567110

I'm glad to know that I can skip SC readings and not miss anything since it's all just the same fags saying the same crap over and over

>> No.63567277

chat usually slows down during SC reading if you wanted to call them cute or something

>> No.63567288

This but unironically
Majority of their content now is SC readings

>> No.63567307

>I'm glad to know that I can skip SC readings
But you never even skip seething about it on the thread for hours even after the stream is already over

>> No.63567344

>they would actually care
That's a bad thing

>> No.63567368

There are plenty of bait threads on the catalog where you can sperg out about blue women who totally slight you and not because you enjoy being the class clown complaining about the same thing over and over again.

>> No.63567408

If you already have sent questions to them for Fwcmorning and didn’t get picked. Can you still send them? Or if they don’t choose you that’s that?

>> No.63567426

The bait is pretty stale.

>> No.63567439

I can't unsee it now...

>> No.63567445

Okay schizo

>> No.63567478

If they don't choose you they hate you

>> No.63567558
File: 377 KB, 399x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fuwawa talking about armpits and fluffy warm areas

>> No.63567575

see >>63565781
Every single 2view and nijisister and even some phasekeks are losing their minds at the play button thing.
It will die out in a few hours

>> No.63567616
File: 379 KB, 1007x1061, dyrbi ruffians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday, Liquid was talking about how family members don't mate with each other
FWMC then became more hostile to Liquid and defensive.
This is irrefutable proof that they are fucking.
NO, I will not hear your counter argument.
NO, I will not take my meds.
Still funny how they struggle with some of the easiest parts of the game but manage to either one shot a boss or beat a boss in two turns.

>> No.63567621

If you havn't been special ruffian yet it means they hate you right

>> No.63567643

They already said you can even retweet your own post in case they may have missed it, but I would be too embarrassed to do that, I'd just send another question.

>> No.63567650


>> No.63567660


>> No.63567700

I remember some JP's dog got featured than once. Nikutarou or Pikomaru or something. I think there was a duplicate Pero sighting from one of the Twitter clique too but I forget which

>> No.63567713

how would they even see your retweets if they're not following you

>> No.63567715

I feel like if they had the same characters/models as they do now, even as indies they'd make it this far no problem.

They just didnt have the experience to make the great characters they have now, but they certainly have always had the talent for their current success.

>> No.63567796
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, 1701287007919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe they doxxed themselves.

>> No.63568063

if you retweet it doesn't show up in the tag again?

>> No.63568100

I believe the "retweet" was meant more as in make the same tweet again not as in literally retweeting

>> No.63568146
File: 307 KB, 517x616, 1698551206054449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they call someone an "extra special ruffian" they really mean faggot ass retard ruffian so it's good I never got picked

>> No.63568150

>these ps1 load times

>> No.63568201

>Majority of their content now is SC readings
Try a better bait. Excluding FWMC mornings, they streamed 68 hours this month. 19 hrs of those are SCs reading.

>> No.63568203

Shut the fuck up schizo

>> No.63568262

I believe this

>> No.63568272

>even as indies they'd make it this far no problem.
No. You are underestimating the branding cover brings. They will be high 2views - low 3views, better than the vast majority but no way they can make it without being part of hololive.

>> No.63568313

>pulling shit out of your ass

>> No.63568336

you should head back to your catalog thread and maybe work on your jealousy

>> No.63568378

I am the most trusted Ruffian

>> No.63568395

Mococo works in mysterious ways. I dont get how she struggled with raven but then clear the remaining bosses with way less problem.

>> No.63568463

Raven requires spacial awareness

>> No.63568500

I am the least trusted Ruffian, Mococo comes /here/ just to keep her eyes on me

>> No.63568518

This pal card section is fucking terrible

>> No.63568538

NTA but he's right, they've always been amazing but being part of a corpo makes it so much easier for people to find them. Don't get me wrong, this is a well deserved chance that they won with their own effort and not that they got lucky.

>> No.63568545

>Yesterday, Liquid was talking about how family members don't mate with each other
and fuwawa gave a quick look at mococoe

>> No.63568566

I was surprised when she timed the "weapon with the letter and the number" almost perfectly towards the end

It's really not that bad, it takes no time at all. It's obvious padding just to get some extra dialogue in though.

>> No.63568612

>It's really not that bad

>> No.63568671

you never played the game so I can understand where you're coming from

>> No.63568731

I very literally just recently replayed it, you dumb fuck

>> No.63568750

surprised you can have such a shit opinion then

>> No.63568835

btfo retard. Here are the numbers: https://vrabi.net/channel/UCt9H_RpQzhxzlyBxFqrdHqA
Spooky storytime 2hrs
Super mario bros 2.5hrs
sportfes practice 2 2hrs
bombgame 2.5hrs
sportfes 3.5hrs
rock n' rawr 2hrs 1.5hrs sc
DKC 2.5hrs 1hr sc
SC reading 4.5hrs sc
kidnap 2.25 hrs 1.25hrs sc
100days 1hrs 4.25hrs sc
Fashion dreamers 3.5hrs 2hrs sc
Metal gear part 1 4hrs 1.25hrs sc
advent watchalong 2hrs
rock n' rawr 1.5hrs 1.5hrs sc
sakura wars v 4hrs
metal gear part 2 6hrs 0.5hrs sc
sc reading 3hrs
lui collab 2hrs
identity after party 1hr 1.25hrs sc
mario kart 1.5hrs 1hrs sc
holo no suika 1.5hrs 1hrs sc
metal gear part 3 3.5hrs 1.5hrs sc

>> No.63568842

Let me guess, MGS1 is your favorite and you hate 4 and the games after?

>> No.63568947

Yeah that seems like a common problem they have. They had the same problem with lone wolf. But even then, they cleared her in 3 tries and each try was really close.

>> No.63569004

baused autist

>> No.63569127

If you SC them 20 dollars per stream (to get read) and they stream an average of say 8 times a week that's 32 streams a month which is 640 dollars per month, which is 7680 dollars a year
In 5 years you will have spent 38400 dollars on them in SCs, no merchandise included at all.

>> No.63569149


>> No.63569176

Based receipt keeper. But SC readings are the best we will get to actual zatsu until they feel comfortable enough to do them regularly, so far they only did one for members. And I say this as someone who has never and will never SC.

>> No.63569305

I'm convinced this is the grudgeposter from their debut because no one can be this based.

>> No.63569323

>the memory card rrat israel
>mustache bro is dipping his dick in that idol pussy

>> No.63569341

I had no hope of ever owning a house anyway

>> No.63569356
File: 124 KB, 941x945, tribal chief kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63569408

I want to post against these faggots telling them to drop fwmc morning, but twitter click will go full force shaming, I need support from anons /here/

>> No.63569409

Fuwawa's muffled "What" when Biboo is explaining the dumb meme sounds like she's so fucking done with zoomer bullshit, it's kinda hot

>> No.63569417

I still can't believe they were already considering dropping FWMC Morning
Meanwhile Koyori is at like episode 160

>> No.63569466

Even Koyori slowed down though with AsaKoyo, morning shows are a bitch and a half.

>> No.63569490
File: 368 KB, 600x774, 1662820974310433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to drink your iodine, king

>> No.63569497

My guess is the sport fes practices/jp collabs into FWMC mornings were really punishing. And thats on top of them having streamed 3-4 hrs the night before. Their schedule is not optimal.

>> No.63569529

Reminder that Coco used to do Asacoco every single day other than weekends and even she had to stop.
I don't want them to stop, but I can see it slowing down eventually.

>> No.63569562

Just do it Monday and Friday then
M for Mococo and F for Fuwawa

>> No.63569570

It makes sense why they thought that way, anon. They get up 3 hours before to prep, which has 100% destroyed their sleep schedule on numerous occasions. They'll find balance someday and settle into a proper routine like the others.
Also, I've been saying for a while that they ARE NOT like koyori or korone.

>> No.63569586

is just 3 days 30/40 min with community engagement, fuckers wanting them to stop are stupid

>> No.63569607

Do you mean wearing it on youtube or on twitter? or both?

>> No.63569612

We need more art of them sleeping

>> No.63569616

Suicide rates will go up if you remove pup talk wednesday...

>> No.63569617

That's Gen Alpha shit. Zoomers are trying their best to disown it.

>> No.63569628

I remember people shitposting about Orca sending Rushia ~30k across two years but I'm on track to beat that easily

>> No.63569645

What if one of them burns out but the other is still full of energy

>> No.63569676

Fuwamoco only loves me and hates (You)

>> No.63569686

Just pre-record fwmc morning. It literally wouldn't change.

>> No.63569693

Why is Fuwawa like this?

>> No.63569694

Move pup talk to Monday, where most people will need it, move natto eating to Friday where it will be a source of comedic relief leading into the weekend.
As it is, Friday is the only FWMC morning without anything,

>> No.63569714

Orca was more sane than he got credit for

>> No.63569718

Natto isn't needed anymore, it's been done enough

>> No.63569734

The 3 hours before stream thing is pure autismo, however. Do prep the day before, sleep normally, wake up 40 minutes before the stream just to make sure they're actually awake. It's more than enough.

>> No.63569736

t. otm who "got mine" special Ruffian callout

>> No.63569763

Then do it, anon. No one's even saying anything like, "PLEASE DROP THE SHOW!" They're simply saying if they NEED to stop it due to health reasons, we'll all still support and love them. Which is true.
Yeah, I'll be fucking sad as hell if they stop FWMC morning because it's become a routine for me at this point, but if they stop or cut back I know it's for good reason.
They've made me extremely happy if they need to cut back a bit so that they can be happier than I think I'll fine.

>> No.63569778

piggies it's your time to shine again

>> No.63569818

>shiori shares a cycle with advent
>she's pretty sure fuwamoco have a synced cycle

>> No.63569844

I'm really not a fan of tentacles, sorry... I'll let someone else get this one.

>> No.63569849

No he isn't. He's a pathetic cuck.

>> No.63569878

If they moved to Japan, everything will be fine. FWMC morning will be at 12midnight/1am for them. Their normal stream will be 12noon-5/6pm. The schedule correct for itself.

>> No.63569879

/baubau/ has fallen...

>> No.63569957

>slicking your hair back and wearing shades
Best disguise ever

>> No.63569959

Don't worry, things never change for the worse after a while, holos will always stay as active as they were
Trust me, I'm an Aquachummate

>> No.63569996

Thats nice and all but could you watch streams before saying something stupid

>> No.63570001

Fuck off

>> No.63570005
File: 791 KB, 882x746, orca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orca was more sane than he got credit for
He is still supporting her. Probably gave her around 50-60k usd at this point.

>> No.63570034

>They're simply saying if they NEED to stop it due to health reasons, we'll all still support and love them. Which is true.
NTA but that's always how it starts and some of them aren't even real concernfags, it's just an easy way to "show you care" to the talent. It fucking disgusts me.

>> No.63570049

Sisters... Raiding this thread won't give your nijis their silver youtube buttons back...

>> No.63570053

Kek, she really rambles a lot, huh?
I'm pretty sure FuwaMoco soft confirmed that their periods are synced. Fuwawa mentioned, "When my tummy hurts, so does Moco-chan's."

>> No.63570068

Orca is a Ruffian?

>> No.63570095

I heard he scaled WAY back and now gives big SCs ironically to Chloe.

>> No.63570116

so is this what they do when one of them are playing eroge and the other watching random anime?

>> No.63570130

Why doesn't he give her SCs unironically instead?

>> No.63570149

>Pawprint oshi mark

>> No.63570186

streaming less over time is normal progression for hololive streamers

>> No.63570223

>subtly implying that FuwaMoco will suddenly become lazy
Anon, why do you watch them if you have so little faith in them? This is the one time I will unironically say do your reps. These are the most hard-working and dedicated girls I've ever seen. They work so hard and care so much that they'll actively destroy themselves.
If they cut anything back, it's for good reason, and we SHOULD be supportive. You don't have to hide your disappointment on /here/ though.

>> No.63570231
File: 2.52 MB, 1889x879, chloewdsdib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63570235

Yeah, the bad ones

>> No.63570253

Why do you care? Fuck off

>> No.63570284

It's already happening

>> No.63570300
File: 300 KB, 3338x468, sakamata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now gives big SCs ironically to Chloe.
Seems like you are right. Sakamata's anniversary today:

>> No.63570315

>7680 dollars a year
I'm already at $5700 over the last cpuple months(i didnt supa much early on), and the year hasn't even ended.

>> No.63570370

It was meant to be

>> No.63570389

Because literally all Hololive talents, with the (so far) exception of Koyori, stop streaming as much when they are a year in, sometimes even sooner. Botan, Marine, Aqua, Suisei, Ame, Gura, Fauna, Miko, Coco, Matsuri, Fubuki, Lui, Iroha, Nene, all used to stream multiple times a week and then eventually dropped off to varying degrees. It's literally been that way for every Hololive girl except Koyori.

>> No.63570449

God I love being a Joshukun as well. I'm winning left and right.

>> No.63570458

Some of the drop off are scary. Marine used to be a streaming monster and stream on average, 1.5 times a DAY. Now you are lucky if she streams once a week.

>> No.63570464

Ye. Also its nice to see my guesstimates are right (possibly off by 2 days), but I would've preferred to have no confirmation from the other girls.

>> No.63570483

Shut the fuck up nigger
Don't lump her in with your lazy whores

>> No.63570500

I dont see how you be both a joshukun and a ruffian. I guess you dont mind missing streams?

>> No.63570515

With how much she still does in terms of events and how she appears on main channel stuff and in collabs and all it's still fine

>> No.63570517

It's not just "a year in", it's about where Hololive is currently. Marine only started the no stream arc when she had severe throat issues in the second half of 2021. She eventually recovered from them, but she still needs to be careful and has to choose between streaming and projects. It's not a "well, Marine, your first annual contract expired, now you have to work 30 times as much or you're out", she was streaming just fine for longer than that.

>> No.63570543

I don't think they'd be hitting massive numbers, but they would be doing alright. I think their PLs had a limited shelf life and a ceiling and the fact that they did as well as they did in that gimmick is a testament to their talent. I'm just glad they didn't end up in a small corpo, they aimed high and knew they could land it if they kept trying.

>> No.63570576

I mean even being only a Joshukun would mean I have to miss some stuff. It's not possible for any working adult to watch every minute of Koyori, it just cannot be done.

>> No.63570590

No. Reread my post.
Yes, because idol work and other responsibilities increase. These two mentioned already that they won't stream as much later on. Also, if you watched their streams, you'd be completely aware of how tired they've been due to how ridiculous their schedule was.
It's obnoxious how a lot of you have so much trauma from other girls, which you're pushing onto these two.
They aren't lazy. They've never been lazy. They deserve to prioritize their health a bit every now and then.

>> No.63570712

>all this cope
You sound like chumbuds

>> No.63570774
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>> No.63570823

>"Advent sucks!" falseflagging doesn't work
>immediately turn to the "lazy whore" angle
Wow I wonder what you'll start spamming next!

>> No.63570825

Kiara and Mori managed to keep up in terms of streaming hours. We have faith FWMC can too.

>> No.63570906

I'm not you

>> No.63570916

Thats why I wish FWMC dont have idol aspirations. Those are a distraction from doing more bread-and-butter streaming activities that are more sustainable.

>> No.63570917

I said "to varying degrees". For instance, Marine and Suisei don't stream a lot anymore but they always have a ton of projects in the works that you get to actually see. Compare that with say Gura who always says she's working on shit and maybe you get a song every 6 months.
Again TO VARYING degrees you ESL fuck. Not all of them are lazy whores and Miko isn't one of them. But she doesn't stream as much as she used to at her peak.
Yes but you have girls who can continue to stream ontop of other responsibilities, those who can't stream ontop of other responsibilities, and then those who just stop streaming with the excuse of other responsibilities except you never see anything develop from those like Gura. Also >>63570223 was the one who used the word "lazy" not me.

>> No.63570921
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>> No.63570954

Eh, I don't but I'll enjoy the streams we get

>> No.63570999

In Mori's case it's a bad thing she should actually stream less. Like stop streaming entirely.

>> No.63571009
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Did they ever mention that they watched Golden Boy?

>> No.63571021

Sorry but FWMC love mori.

>> No.63571092

The old guard streaming less isnt necessarily a bad thing. It gives room for the newer generations to build viewerships while then old guards can focus on projects.

>> No.63571099

>But she doesn't stream as much as she used to at her peak.
She still has some of the highest streaming hours out of all hololive. Don't disrespect one of the girls responsible for even allowing fuwamoco to be here. Know your place.

>> No.63571116

>Also its nice to see my guesstimates are right (possibly off by 2 days)
Would you mind sharing? I want to keep the date in mind and see if their overall mood is different those days

>> No.63571157

>Yes but you have girls who can continue to stream ontop of other responsibilities, those who can't stream ontop of other responsibilities, and then those who just stop streaming with the excuse of other responsibilities except you never see anything develop from those like Gura.
I never disagreed with any of this. Some of you are freaking out over certain streams, MAYBE being cut, while these two STILL work harder than 90% of chuubas. It's fucking ridiculous to me. They just pushed out two covers in quick succession, have plans to basically attend every single con they can join, and are doing new/unique karaokes every two week(which is perm hell). If you watch them, you should have noticed the days when they were deathly tired due to no sleep
All this is absurd and just shows that you genuinely know nothing about these two whatsoever.

>> No.63571171

What changed lately? Agri is dropping a red every stream now

>> No.63571204

True, but not all of the old guard are at the same place, but they're all too busy for the past year+. Marine didn't become a huge chuuba because of her projects, being a huge chuuba enabled her to do those. Overworking 600~800k chuubas means they'll never be able to reach that spot because they build their channels through regular streams, not special releases.
FWMC aren't the most subbed in Advent because of the voice packs or Lifetime Showtime, it's because of FWMC Morning and their unique channel gimmick (in the context of Hololive).

>> No.63571236

Cons are a bad thing dumb ass

>> No.63571258

I think some people just prefer endurance gaming streams like the ones biboo does. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.63571270


>> No.63571295

I actually hope they relax on wanting every karaoke to be extra special soon, because there are a lot of "hololive utawaku staples" that I would love to hear them singing. They don't need to keep buying new instrumental tracks and rights to stream every two weeks, it's ok to sing the same shit JPs always sing for a while too, I would enjoy that.

>> No.63571313

Ok but as a fan of specific holos it sucks. You don't come home and think "I just want to watch some holos", you want to watch specific people.

>> No.63571318

It really depends. Some people like projects and are willing to take fewer streams as a consequence, some people are not. The thing is Hololive at least in my opinion, used to be better at having a mix of streamers and people who focused on idol stuff. But then you had cases like Aqua, and Marine who used to be streaming monsters and they dropped off to do more projects and people miss that kind of connection not to mention it was that intimacy that makes people cheer for them in the first place.

Also not all projects are equal. FES? Sure. Anniversaries and Birthdays? Sure? Sponsorships and radio appearances and TV spots? Well as long as the girl gets paid. But shit like Bloom into You and Blue Journey are just wet farts that take INSANE amounts of song learning, dance choreography, and recording, resulting in the girl streaming a lot less for basically nothing. Like even the JPs don't fucking pay attention to Blue Journey and they are STILL milking that shit, a new single is coming out next year. Ask any Hololive fan what their favorite Bloom into You or Blue Journey song is and watch them struggle to remember it even exists.

>> No.63571328

>it's ok to sing the same shit JPs always sing for a while too, I would enjoy that.
Isnt that bad? Their karaoke main selling point is they sing stuff that no other chuubas touch.

>> No.63571366

>have plans to basically attend every single con they can join
I wish they didn't, cons suck and usually just mean a weekend is going to waste
It's rare that a con weekend is actually worth it

>> No.63571380

>What changed lately?
If this is a general question, nothing. They're doing the same as usual save for having longer streams.

>> No.63571383

This. People don't follow Suisei because she's the best singer, they follow her because they got to know her through Tetris zatsus, funny murdering games, and spergouts about Bleach characters. She also happens to sing nice, but it's more "Watch this girl you like become a great singer" then "Watch this great singer, you will like her"

>> No.63571391

i want to become fuwawa

>> No.63571419
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>What changed lately? Agri is dropping a red every stream now
Everyone's falling even deeper in love with them, I imagine. I've noticed quite a few have increased the amount they've been sending.
I also think the fact that these girls are both adorable while also working extremely hard. The greatest enemy of a rich mans wallet is a cute, caring, hard-working girl who tries her best and asks for nothing but your love. But in this case it's two instead of one.

>> No.63571468

>But in this case it's two instead of one.
I honestly take into consideration is two when I send in SCs...

>> No.63571485

I need to resist but the dopamine hit of attention is too strong

>> No.63571503

Bloom was fully optional, chuubas who are music focused but still didn't join even had streams telling their fans the reason why they weren't joining. I didn't watch Blue Journey so I'm not up to date on how it worked, but I assume it was the same. It's what you should be asking MORE of, not less. The ones who actually want to do idol reps get to do them and perform at some of the best concerts they've ever had, not bothering the ones who don't give a shit.
And Hololive fans who can't remember a favorite song from Bloom is either a clipfag or a newfag, I can't imagine anyone who likes Hololive and specifically Hololive music wouldn't be able to name something like Stardust Song, 百花繚乱花吹雪, Suspect, 至上主義アドトラック, Daily Diary, 今宵はHalloween Night, fucking BLUE CLAPPER? Are you kidding me?

>> No.63571556

I'm not freaking out, I'm just pointing out that Hololive and EN especially has an absolute shit track records of this, due to many factors including girl laziness, increased homework, etc. I'm not every poster in this thread, but I am worried because FWMC have said themselves they are often overworked and it will only increase in load as they get 3D and do other stuff.

Personally I am not saying they will become lazy, I am saying they will get to a point where the workload offscreen becomes too much to handle without cutting streams, and that point might have been reached already and they're just powering through on stubbornness. But their bodies won't hold forever. Again this is just my opinion and everyone is different.

I don't give a fuck about cons, I know they like them, but I don't go to them and even if I did, it wouldn't be feasible for me to go to every one they will appear at, both in time and cost. A con takes weeks to prepare for, and in the end you might get a nice 1-2 hr panel out of it, but in the meantime you lost weeks of streaming to it.

>> No.63571581

I don't really agree. Their taste and often even song selection isn't that different from Marine's. But Marine takes live requests, which shows that she's just singing shit they already have available, checking from a list, not buying song rights every two weeks.

>> No.63571596

The real reason hololive exists today is because of the word nigger.

>> No.63571613
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Their kindness is deadly

>> No.63571645

Yea, I just viewed them as some fun vtubers I'd watch for a bit when they first started but now my love is intense

>> No.63571722

God I love Miko

>> No.63571725

People like those songs from Holocure, they don't even know they are Bloom songs. I'd be willing to bet a ton of JP fans don't even know Blue Clapper is a Bloom song. It stands on it's own, why did we need another thing to rehearse for when you could have easily just put it in FES or an Anni or Birthday? Blue Clapper is way more a Gen 5 group song than it is a Bloom song.

>> No.63571754

Exactly, this is an inherently parasocial industry. I've had the same favorite band since I was 8 years old, never once in my life I ever checked how the lead singer was feeling today, sent him money to get him something nice, or any of the shit we consider normal for vtubers, even the "art-oriented" ones. I bought the albums, until recently that is, now you can just stream for free legally so I don't even do that anymore. When they went on hiatus for 7 years I just thought "bummer" and moved on with my life, listening to the music they've already released. But my chuuba has one (1) bad day? I'm sending as many characters of support as the platform allows me to.

>> No.63571760

Ive watched chuubas since kizuna ai but never got the music side, the pre recorded stuff just kills whatever interest I might have for their so called lives. FuwaMoco are the first exception because I truly love them.

>> No.63571832
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>> No.63571854

Stop projecting

>> No.63571866


>> No.63571865


>> No.63571867

they're filianSIMPS

>> No.63571876

There are chuubas who performed live live though. Mori, suisei, AZKi, sora, watame, nenechi, bae are some off the top of my head. I hope FWMC do that too.

>> No.63571897

I've been struggling with this since I sent my first supa, if I didn't have to worry about a family emergency at any moment I would probably give them most of my money and live off of potatoes.

>> No.63571903

Mocochan can't move and attack at the same time...

>> No.63571905

Not giving a shit I understand, what I don't understand is someone saying they like Hololive music but being incapable of naming a Bloom song.

>> No.63571920


its mococover

>> No.63571937

I loathe this goddamn shit filled vtuber award thing so much
I really wish no holo even acknowledged it existing, it's so bad

>> No.63571947

And that's what
are saying, chuuba music isn't followed because people heard the music and liked it (NOT SAYING ALL CHUUBA MUSIC/YOUR OSHI IS BAD ESLS AND AUTISTS) but for the most part it's because the chuuba built up a fanbase beforehand and now that fanbase wants to see them succeed. You love Fuwamoco and you want to seem them sing onstage. Meanwhile my entire middle school to high school years were filled with the sounds of Linkin Park but I could only name the one who killed himself, and I just felt "oh that's too bad". I've listened to Linkin Park way more than any of FWMC's songs but if one of the girls killed themselves, I'd probably follow.

>> No.63571952

They really need to stop

>> No.63571953

I can masturbate to this

>> No.63571958

There's a lot of women with this problem in games

>> No.63571973

I mean fuwamoco are the only ones pushing this shit
The others are either ignoring or only mentioning it when chat asks

>> No.63571986

u are crazy for noticing this holy shit

>> No.63571992

I love them but I don't trust them to not damage their health due to lack of sleep or otherwise by trying to balance cover projects and 4+ hour streams every other day

>> No.63571994

Fair enough. Too much autism in this thread so I conflate you with at least seven other shitposting retards.
I'll say this again, though: even if EN has a bad track record, that doesn't speak for FWMC at all. They've proven that they're extremely hardworking and have very lofty goals. The ONLY thing that will ever affect their streaming schedule is their health/well-being and mandatory JP/idol training. Even so, they'll still stream regularly.
I agree on cons, but it's something important to them and to their growth.

>> No.63571998


>> No.63572024

If Fuwawa and Mococo were to be riding a bike together, would Mococo be pedalling or Fuwawa?

>> No.63572038

That looks vile

>> No.63572075

As much as I hate these award things I'm giving Advent a pass for now. Bijou and FWMC are pretty excited and I can't really blame them right now. They've gone from nobodies to actually being in the spotlight and recognized so it must still be very exciting for them to see these sort of things happening.

>> No.63572078

i want to swallow it

>> No.63572098

I dont get why they are so desparate to win this award. Is a nothingburger. I dont even think upper management cares that much. They are putting their effort into the wrong things.

>> No.63572109

How do you know it's mococo's?

>> No.63572121

Hey man I'm just happy to have actual fucking discussion instead for once. I get that not everyone agrees with me but I've been watching Hololive since before Gen 3 and I just want to find some EN oshis who will justify the existence of this fucking branch.

>> No.63572122

I'm with Mococo in being a natto anti. Stuff looks gross.

>> No.63572154

nato quite literally looks like shit

>> No.63572164

>I just want to find some EN oshis who will justify the existence of this fucking branch.
Kiara, Mori and Bae are quite serious about the idol side of business.

>> No.63572178

All of Advent suffers from this. They were all nobodies before, they need to realize they are big somebodies now. It's why Nerissa still freaks out about Nijis, in her mind, they are the "big streamers" despite the fact that just by being in Holo, she's immediately surpassed them.

>> No.63572187

What is this?

>> No.63572195

>I dont get why they are so desparate to win this award
Sisters still trying to run this shitposting angle huh?

>> No.63572197

I think it's retarded too but if they're excited then I want them to win, simple as.

>> No.63572231

>they're already awake
they couldn't have been asleep for any more than 3 hours...

>> No.63572251

it's on the short side
fuwawa would be longer

>> No.63572266

>I mean fuwamoco are the only ones pushing this shit
Bijou brought it up too for being nominated as a gamer.
I don't think they're desperate to win, it's more likely that they're just excited to be nominated for a thing even if said thing is kind of dumb. Try to put yourself in their shoes for a moment. They've spent years with the mentality of looking up to others. It's only been a few months since they've "made it." They still haven't mentally adjusted. The awards are dumb but just let them be happy and excited.

>> No.63572274

>Connect the World announcement stream pre-chat is just BAU BAU
They won, this is what they talked about, upper management surely realizes how people will watch/go to/buy literally anything with FuwaMoco in it just because FuwaMoco are in it.

>> No.63572280

i was thinking the same thing
well not like they're streaming today so whatever

>> No.63572288
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>cute, caring, hard-working girl who tries her best and asks for nothing but your love.
>it's two instead of one
Sounds about right, a lot of their interests align with mine. After watching them enough and enjoying what they do, ended up pulling the trigger on the SC.

>> No.63572291

>I just want to find some EN oshis who will justify the existence of this fucking branch.
Well, depending on what you're looking for exactly, there's quite a few EN girls that DO work hard and care about Hololive as a whole. This obviously includes FuwaMoco. Kiara is another one, for example.

>> No.63572309

you're engaging with a shitposter that has been replying to himself for hours now

>> No.63572323

>well not like they're streaming today so whatever
They are appearing on the EN main channel today. I think is pre-recorded though.

>> No.63572333

>I dont even think upper management cares that much.
Unfortunately, they do.

>> No.63572337

>Mori and Bae

>> No.63572347

I wouldn't know, I just opened the thread.

>> No.63572357

Is this Filian person ok? I imagine FuwaMoco would at least send a video to their channel if they win, it's not someone they shouldn't associate with, right?
As in, bad for their image, not "boo hooo I don't like that chuuba please don't talk to her", I don't give a shit about that.

>> No.63572390

Fuck off Filian

>> No.63572394

I believe its pre recorded too

>> No.63572411

How are people supposed to take a monkey like you seriously when you don't even know what an idol is?

>> No.63572424

Biboo bought it up because chat asked, she's not actively pushing for it

>> No.63572427

She would be safe enough while interacting with Fuwamoco I guess but she's still garbage

>> No.63572441

nta, but I dont see why he's necessarily "wrong" about those two caring about the idol side of the business. Homocollabing doesn't have anything to do one way or the other with being idols.

>> No.63572442

The PlayButton really mindbroke you sisters that badly huh?
Is it because they get to keep it or because cover got an extra one for them?

>> No.63572458

it's a "premiere" not a livestream, so yeah it's something pre recorded

>> No.63572474
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I dont like her. Thats why I hate this stupid ass award.

>> No.63572486

wtf those vtuber award are sponsored by fansly? isn't that the camwhore website?

>> No.63572495

jesus christ

>> No.63572504

Wrong thread cucks

>> No.63572512

People often mistakenly conflate "idol" with "unicorn-friendly." It's mostly due to the fact that no one on this board has any idea what any term means.

>> No.63572518

fuck i want to suck on fuwawas tits

>> No.63572517

Hey so was Connect the World, so it fits!
It infuriates me sometimes how fucking lazy Cover is, I get they're all a bunch of out of touch fax using businessmen who thinks the world revolves around Tokyo but at the very least, EN has demonstrated enough NUMBERS which those faggots love, to justify maybe SOME investment. More so than ID, CN, or literally all branches of Homofags.

And yet Connect the World was pre recorded, Suisei's AnimeNYC was pre recorded, AND she didn't even do her fucking greeting.

>> No.63572539

>Is this Filian person ok?
Typical EN whore

>> No.63572541

Average twitch vtuber content
I hate it so much, I just want hololive to be a walled garden

>> No.63572548

There are far worse western twitch indies, this is as vanilla as it gets in that scene
