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63361526 No.63361526 [Reply] [Original]

bush on bush violence

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow (embed)
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1727055650222428593

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>63308351

>> No.63361537


>> No.63361593

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.63361644

Faggotry OP, absolute faggotry.

>> No.63361701

What did I just hear

>> No.63361723

>all you have to do is say ara ara and they'll cum
that's the hottest thing she has said in quite a while

>> No.63361726

what did you think you heard

>> No.63361835

new ip

>> No.63361994

i want to lick her shunny

>> No.63362088

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.63362295

>talking about overconfidence

>> No.63362362

are you only here to make jabs at her
do you see how this is going to gradually affect your perception of her

>> No.63362413

oh sorry did the post break your trust in her or something?

>> No.63362418

Stop replying

>> No.63362460
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>> No.63362463

you good?

>> No.63362485

I made this post.

>> No.63362510

Extremely based

>> No.63362515

I stopped myself from doing this shit because it was making me think less of her even though I thought of it like containing my dark thoughts

>> No.63362553

don't reply to antis

>> No.63362571

I will run a train on this whore with me, myself, and I

>> No.63362589
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First decent post ITT

>> No.63362601

I hate to be the one to break it to you but it's not antis

>> No.63362654

my brain is so fucking fried i literally cant sit here and watch the stream/chat without dissociating
i always need to play something myself

>> No.63362674

pointing out your wife's woman hypocrisy is not being an anti, she does it on stream all the time and calls other women out on it too. don't be so sensitive.

>> No.63362720

ok anti

>> No.63362762

learn more about your wife.

>> No.63362790

same here. i feel bad about playing something at the same time though, so i just end up sitting here staring off into space when coming back and not remember anything that happened on stream for the past 30+ minutes

>> No.63362806

can someone just rape my wife already

>> No.63362810

I hate women

>> No.63362815

the hypocrisy is intentional, she hates herself

>> No.63362817

Shondo is an anti grrrr

>> No.63362847


>> No.63362988

>shondo says nina has a homeless man in her basement
>husbands saying me

>> No.63363016

god it looks so slappable

>> No.63363067


>> No.63363079

nina is the (you) concubine shondo has ordained it herself

>> No.63363183

>>63362988 I wasn't fully listening and just heard "homeless guy in basement"

>> No.63363263

Want to give Shondo a pink belly

>> No.63363272

Lemon Whore good.

>> No.63363305

>come here you fucking n- [pause] whore

>> No.63363335

my wife is such a gamer

>> No.63363369

what does yellow vei play aside from factorio and genshin?

>> No.63363403

Strategy games I suppose.

>> No.63363475

i really want to slip my middle finger between her cunny lips...

>> No.63363483

>if she's diagnosed acoustic she'll never shut up about it
>talks about her schizoisms, schizoaffective disorder and ocd every other stream

>> No.63363537

She only mentions it when she feels stupid and has to "justify" it

>> No.63363545

is shondo playing without sound ingame? she's not responding at all to footsteps approaching them lol

>> No.63363606

that + "im joking" has really good coverage

>> No.63363679
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Fork knife really isn’t my jam but I’m glad Shondo is having fun with Nina and I’m just happy to be here

>> No.63363705

She plays with shitty earbuds and is probably concentrating on Ninas voice

>> No.63363729

cute girls wont give you children, im sorry nina but it is what it is, I'll fufill a shibes duty

>> No.63363762

imagine sniping shondo and dying to her, how pathetic

>> No.63363781

You arent allowed to use guns

>> No.63363809

I love this guy.

>> No.63363840
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mostly strategy games

>> No.63363884

>214 hours of genshin
lol noty

>> No.63363988

please understand shondo is just really bitter about being "mis"diagnosed as autistic once

>> No.63364040
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The air ripens with the odors of the dead and dying. It smells like...victory.

>> No.63364052

in the abstract I'm glad for her enjoying time with friends but I'll take that time to do stuff for myself because I don't really need to witness that, not live anyway

>> No.63364336

did discord fags really did it?

>> No.63364349

they are so based for this

>> No.63364376

The discord is ruining her perception of us

>> No.63364386

and they will still keep doing it, so sad

>> No.63364455

She knows the fags there don't watch her

>> No.63364538
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Only my weapon understands me.

>> No.63364561

she's so smug i love it

>> No.63364568

syadouHappynod'ding backfired...

>> No.63364571

>great taste
ok now this has to be a joke

>> No.63364811
File: 628 KB, 800x600, 1686703780293386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave nina to me

>> No.63364826

She said her favorite anime is Monster rather than Hunter x Hunter. That’s good taste in my book.

>> No.63364865

>favorite anime is Monster
Lmao. Correction needed.

>> No.63364880

>I want my community to be welcoming and I don't want you all to schizo about fitting my preferences but also I don't want to interact with my community if they don't fit my preferences
yep mhm gotcha

>> No.63364927

i like these posts a lot

>> No.63364971

shondo in my arms :)

>> No.63365056

I know this is silly anti nonsense but I started looking at guro because of her and started to like ryona. She is corrupting me ToT

>> No.63365104

she said she wants her community to welcoming, not her

>> No.63365113

die tranny

>> No.63365140

have you tried being less gay?

>> No.63365203

Anon, just abuse her, she likes it, you'll feel better. Its win win.

>> No.63365266

she stopped talking there long before "the gays" were an issue
in the end no matter what she actually says she just wants yesmen at her beck and call, not individuals

>> No.63365274

stop being a faggot that might help your situation, mister rot pocket

>> No.63365326


>> No.63365380

incredible, how can she stream and be /here/ so seamlessly

>> No.63365410

i asked her about why she doesnt like people who refuse to conform and bend to her beliefs but she never answered it

>> No.63365411

focus on fnaf shondo

>> No.63365449

My PC died and I can't watch I am crying

>> No.63365456

I hate women and how their words never match their actions

>> No.63365477

How are you posting?

>> No.63365508

I hate women, I hate whores, I love little girls like Shondo!

>> No.63365514

>shondo is currently watching male and commentating over him

>> No.63365530


>> No.63365541

Stop posting pics of yourself in dresses fag

>> No.63365679

I wish she would tell these retards to stop @ her

>> No.63365710

Kill yourself Discord troon

>> No.63365752

it's just the snackers and fortnite kids @ing her itll stop eventually

>> No.63365782

you guys worry far too much about things other than the stream

>> No.63365941

this is just roblox wtf

>> No.63365959

funny how there's literally one troon in the community and their arc is already over but the troons still live rent free in your heads
far worse actors in the community still going unpunished

>> No.63365979

she entertained them at the start of the stream and she gave them attention, why the fuck would they ever stop

>> No.63366011


>> No.63366031

there's 3 but ok

>> No.63366034

There are at the very least two. Both are annoying.

>> No.63366042

you must understand I hate fornut so mcuh

>> No.63366190

Look, I don't care if you are gay/trans/bi/+++ but if you never shut up about it's annoying as all hell. She made fun of people that do that shit just the other day on stream. Take a hint.

>> No.63366208

There is 3 and I want them all to kill themselves so wifey doesn't have to keep pretending she has female viewers.

>> No.63366264

Lisa, Kanna, and who else?

>> No.63366266

I feel bad for the children that have to grow up and feel nostalgia for this

>> No.63366333


>> No.63366512

can't believe he managed to get neppie to do a male collab

>> No.63366576


>> No.63366634
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>I got distracted and forgot to send my “thanks for the stream Shondo! Today was fun! I love you!!” message

>> No.63366664

He is @ her in somebody else's chat

>> No.63366682


>> No.63366877

I blame the retard that said to @ her

>> No.63366899

Well she put him on the spot earlier with a bit of attention and he is proving to be retarded and autistic. Nothing new, they'll be ignored by next week.

>> No.63366953

lisa's basically harmless and always has been, despite intentions
if they ever get pushy about collabing shondo's probably distancing herself immediately

>> No.63367022

I think he was talking about twitter

>> No.63367023

Alice has a soothing voice is that okay to say??

>> No.63367064

yes I like to stay and listen whenever I'm raided into her

>> No.63367088

only if you say 'controversial opinion:' before you say it

>> No.63367117

was it worth a vod watch

>> No.63367231

What's really funny is this isn't just about the maid stuff, she hates all the faggot behavior there too. She shouldn't have pulled her punches on the issue.

>> No.63367232

Decent background noise if you wanna get caught up, not that you missed anything important

>> No.63367244

its ok

>> No.63367314

I think it's all just excuses, same as the "I don't recognize anyone there!"

>> No.63367338

t. groomer

>> No.63367380

collabs are fun as they exhibits shondo's behavior with other people (rare)

>> No.63367387

there were more groomers on discord back when she'd talk there, I'm not kidding
more trannies too if that's who you want to scapegoat

>> No.63367471

not really imo. i really feel like her kino streams are behind her at this point and it makes me a bit sad

>> No.63367555

Because she doesn't? Do you seriously think she knows half the faggots there.

>> No.63367567

god i wish that were me at the start

>> No.63367619

that's not true, it's been fun lately

>> No.63367652

dont reply to antis

>> No.63367658

she hates me and thinks im a maid dress wearing discord faggot... :(

>> No.63367665

fahrenheit was recent, they can't all be bangers

>> No.63367673

fun is not enough to be called kino lol

>> No.63367685

ok sory

>> No.63367689

Good, kill yourself.

>> No.63367692

Well, are you?

>> No.63367703

DM me

>> No.63367789


>> No.63367788

Because you are, faggot

>> No.63367819

She doesn't even know me man

>> No.63367821

half seems about right, but that's probably a better proportion than live stream chat so what's the big deal
she made it out like she doesn't recognize anybody there but half the messages are thirf, bapy, and a handful of regulars who are less active these days
offline chat's basically the same minus a couple of the hardcore discord andys

>> No.63367841

no :(
no u :)

>> No.63367862

LA Noire will be great. Someone should tell her that she needs to turn on the music cue, so she knows when she found all clues in an area.

>> No.63367918

her baby brain will be spared

>> No.63368036

That would be quite weird because I easily know 85% of chat

>> No.63368191 [DELETED] 

>>63368036 (me)
I would go as far as to say that on normal days that arent immediately after a collab or hit tweet it is closer to 95%

>> No.63368200

sure you do, shondo

>> No.63368231


>> No.63368252

I'm not joking and I'm not particularly smart or have a good memory.

>> No.63368265


>> No.63368315

... do you not understand what kino means? use your words, you fucking retard shogger.

>> No.63368436

I just want to keep question marking at you

>> No.63368450

I like how we can still have "grrrr I hate sekret clubz!!!!" faggots when even today, expressed that she wants to be able to talk with non-faggot husbands she gives a shit about. What's your cope now, despite that all signs point to a sekret club being what she actually wants?

>> No.63368521

She wants a smaller community but also needs money for a house and doesn't want to hurt anybody by excluding them

>> No.63368587

Shondo I know youre here, Im masturbating right now

>> No.63368609

I'm sorry but none of the boogeymen like a couple of maid photos or supposed discord users who don't watch her really explain why you'd not want to interact with your community. She just doesn't like that she has to interrupt conversation that's not about her. Offline chat is better because it literally only talks about her so she's never intruding to insert herself there. She wants a community that revolves around her which is selfish but fair, and she might be the only person who can really maintain that.

>> No.63368617

pot meets the kettle

>> No.63368657

Yet she points out the "people" she would be hurting don't even watch her streams. It's almost like anyone who would be included actually cares enough to make themselves be included.

>> No.63368665

>doesn't want to hurt anybody by excluding them
we are so in manletbros

>> No.63368667

she hates sekrit clubs too but she's a woman so she's of two minds about literally everything

>> No.63368697

She stopped going there when after her first message, all newfags would go uuuuu wifey notice me, spamming gifs and emotes instead of talking to her normally

>> No.63368785

There’s a lot of times where I’d like to participate in chat but I don’t know what to say and I get nervous that if she actually reads it and thinks it’s strange she’ll think I’m weird and never read my message again. Like I want her to know who I am but I don’t want her to think of me as some retard

>> No.63368816

kino is difficult to parse for neeerds

>> No.63368836

You guys continue to take that opinion and blow it way out of proportion. You do realize she was referring to the other shondo fan discords when she said that, right? That quote from her was directly talking about it. It had nothing to do with her making some place for husbands to actually talk with her. Stop parading it like some mantra for your sekrit club hateboners.

>> No.63368851

they do that in offline chat and twitter too, though I understand the gif part is especially annoying
but she's also talked before that she hates to butt in on conversation

>> No.63368860

that's literally what she wanted her discord to be though. she wanted it to be about her, and tried communicating this to people in there multiple times. the first time by nuking a bunch of public channels, but they all just started autistically sperging out in the subs channel instead. she literally has no control over the server so she doesn't want to be there.

>> No.63368872

dont even try lie about that and blame her being swarmed on newfags when you know full well its all you fags that sit here complaining about how bad the discord is but only lurk until she sends a message then come crawling out from under your rocks to spam until she leaves

>> No.63368885

And as usual, you're all being insufferable faggots

>> No.63368898

I'm not as bad as others but I'm guilty of that behavior

>> No.63368901

she said it about offline chat? unless you're talking about another instance

>> No.63368927

so are you

>> No.63368933

is /shon/ still a ryona thread? don't make me cry bros...

>> No.63368958

nope, she even referred to the offline chat as a sekrit club once which was one of her arguments for having it be emote only. obviously she changed that after a while, but yeah. it goes beyond the groomcord.

>> No.63368995

hehe fuck you anon I will flick your forehead and call you mean names

>> No.63369036 [SPOILER] 
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Dont open it anon

>> No.63369087

she made all the offtopic channels and honestly it's kind of stupid to expect your community to never talk about anything but you, though again if any community possibly could be obsessive to the point of never talking about anything else it'd probably be hers
if she's going to stick to that though she should stop pretending like we're supposed to get along

>> No.63369111

It is so confusing that people here have a superiority complex over discord
Equally bad subsections of the community just with different flaws
I know because I suck and frequent both

>> No.63369123

I missed the Shondo stream because I was on a platonic date with a 54 year old woman.
Did her brother Sho or Shon or whatever his name is make an appearance?
He's funny.

>> No.63369133

>if any community possibly could be obsessive to the point of never talking about anything else it'd probably be hers
you're making the false assumption that the discord has to be active 24/7 for some reason. if there's nothing to say about her at any given moment, it could simply be quiet until there's something to say. it's really not that hard.

>> No.63369150

It happened once about offline chat because she was actually still using subchat frequently during that time. That still doesn't excuse using that quote to hold her to some standard she can't even decide on herself. She is clearly looking for options and more evidently so after today.

>> No.63369240

no? i was literally talking about it with her in DMs. she didn't like sekrit clubs and said as much both on discord and in multiple streams. you're the one who's putting words in her mouth for no reason. if she says she doesn't like sekrit clubs, she doesn't like them. period.

>> No.63369265


>> No.63369268

I know you're above talking to people who share your interests but that's just not how most communities for anything work

>> No.63369269

No but she thinks you're gay for always wanting to see him

>> No.63369331

does anyone have that picture of Shondo where she has like a black eye and a bloody nose I am having a sexual emergency I need to jerk off

>> No.63369346

Why is wifey playing with this grifter?

>> No.63369380 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.63369417


>> No.63369479

that was a year ago calm down

>> No.63369490

I totally forgot she had a tail

>> No.63369521

Well isn't that a claim. You're not even elaborating on what she meant, or the context of "sekrit clubs" and pulling a "she DM'd me this"? Either show the conversation or shut the fuck up. This still has nothing to do with the fact that she is looking for options to talk to her husbands.

>> No.63369598

just accept she has competing desires and for now professionalism and equality is winning, not least because vent accounts were bad for her and she found out she couldn't even trust the "good" shoggers

>> No.63369610

giraffes have tails anon please rember

>> No.63369660
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i unironically thought giraffes were completely silent for a long time but turns out they sound like big horses and it's a little scary

>> No.63369669

Giraffe chan I will save you

>> No.63369715

I wonder if she thinks the Earth orbits the sun as well

>> No.63369754

i've posted a bunch from our DMs before, not my fault you're a newfag acting uppity.

>> No.63369901

>heliocentricucks in this thread

>> No.63369903


>> No.63369951

Of course she currently has competing desires, no one is saying otherwise. But parading that quote by her that she said during a time when she was actively communicating with us, both in DMs and in her own Discord makes zero sense.

>she said this, trust me!
Kill yourself.

>> No.63370010

i want shadowmama to snort at me

>> No.63370018

Can I still find them somewhere?

>> No.63370061

If you know she's conflicted about it why are you trying to convince people that no she actually doesn't hate the idea

>> No.63370261

That isn't what I said at all, dumbass.

>> No.63370270
File: 627 KB, 613x409, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been a pretty fun week! I like Shondo a lot! I might upgrade my subscription or something!

>> No.63370340
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>> No.63370594

It's pretty hard to understand what you're upset about. She decided taking that path wasn't best for her and many of us agree.

>> No.63370695
File: 138 KB, 720x744, 1696046138498130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute imouto wives

>> No.63370748

"Many" is quite an embellishment. Do you just not want a place to talk to your wife?

>> No.63370956

you don't want a place to talk you just get high off thinking you're privy to the "real" shondo while you jerk off to her most miserable thoughts

>> No.63371094

Do you just think in embellishments and assumptions? You're extremely retarded.

>> No.63371161
File: 2.20 MB, 3840x2160, 1691556690743061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have I stumbled across?

>> No.63371217

a mentally ill person

>> No.63371232

your intent is evident if you pretend the vent accounts were anything resembling communication

>> No.63371243
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>> No.63371259

>pinned tweet
lmao, of course

>> No.63371275


>> No.63371331
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>> No.63371340

wow I kind of wish i could unsee that now.

>> No.63371412

They were and I don't know why you're pretending like they weren't when she was communicating there in maros and replies. There is something wrong with your brain, get off this fucking website.

>> No.63371429

you haven't seen the worst of the fucking worst from these trannies yet

>> No.63371521
File: 48 KB, 1052x570, heartheartheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I a bad husband if my mental image of Shondo is an amalgamation of her revealed flesh parts and her real self
I feel like she might prefer I just think of her as her models but it is so difficult

>> No.63371572

more mentions of trans and gays in this thread than of Shondo

>> No.63371586
File: 475 KB, 778x665, IMG_2722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo hands

>> No.63371613

no different than how she already communicates on twitter but thanks for outing yourself as yet another person who can't move on from things she said weren't good for her

>> No.63371655

I see her as a mentally ill girl pretending to be a little girl on the internet I'm probably a worse husband than you

>> No.63371679

no i try to avoid it when i can.

>> No.63371690

You're the one assuming stuff, retard. All I want is my wife to be more active with her husbands, I've said nothing about wanting more vent accounts. Please kill yourself you failure of a sperm.

>> No.63371741

nearly every other community has a worse problem of them and ours still obsesses

>> No.63371755

pretty sexist of you not to consider him a failure of an egg too

>> No.63371836

The most impressionable 4channers always let them live in their heads rent free.

>> No.63371933
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>> No.63371947

Don't worry, my need for anon to kill him/herself unisex.

>> No.63372129
File: 324 KB, 640x512, 1691905520742050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have a zero tolerance policy round these parts. simple as that.

>> No.63372306

try a zero-seething policy, you'll live longer

>> No.63372436

go back to discord fag

>> No.63372448

I really enjoyed todays stream

>> No.63372501

I didn't. She didn't get a victory royale and I was very disappointed.

>> No.63372586


>> No.63372640

I was hoping for it too but didn't expect it

>> No.63372656

No, he's a skinny asian.

>> No.63372688

There is no way those wrists and hands belong to a man

>> No.63372715

Shondo would look cute with a little feminine penis.

>> No.63372755

you keep saying "I didn't say" while revolving your entire argument around things she didn't say and how things she did say are taken too seriously

>> No.63372817

ok shondo

>> No.63372825

look at any of the closer shots of his hands those aren't a woman's at all

>> No.63372826

ok shondo

>> No.63372971
File: 680 KB, 960x746, 1688606936501164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ignore him. he's unironically worse than an anti. at least antis watch her and do their research, they just come to the wrong conclusions (for different intents and purposes, i'm sure). this guy doesn't watch her, refuses to do any research and will sperg out if you don't spoonfeed him everything he asks for, thinking he's entitled to your time. absolute garbage person.

>> No.63372981

that's rude, my hands look like that :(

>> No.63373016


>> No.63373164

Irony given how you shiggers engage with anything said /here/

>> No.63373166

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.63373197

the nuance of her calling offline chat a sekrit club and then using it herself is that the thing she hates is people acting like hot shit because they know the secret hangout spot and nobody else does
that's why she also felt like vent accounts weren't that until forced to realize it was being treated exactly like that and people were coordinating ways to abuse her trust

>> No.63373379

>people were coordinating ways to abuse her trust
If she banned anyone who ever caused her grief in DMs or in maros, she has no idea how quickly the QOL of her parasocialism with the rest of us would improve.

>> No.63373400

Reformat this into readable sentences you tard.

>> No.63373592

>she said this, trust me!
NTA, but she has said it many times. You're just fucking clueless.

>> No.63373840

man look at all those completely unrecognizable chatters there like thirf, mr vito, nickedwires, fleece, khaal, darkkal, domine, lycoris, advent, zeph, dewd, saali
wifey was right nobody in the discord watches her

>> No.63373907

And I conceited she said this once in regards to the offline chat already you fucking clueless retard. Also look above. This only came about because learningmyabc's called it that for some stupid fucking reason. It is the rest of you still parading that quote to this day that are the fucking clueless ones when every option outside of stream time to talk to our wife has been reduced to practically nothing. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.63373922

that's from february, anon. 9 months is a long time in vtubing.

>> No.63373994

you unironically need professional help, lol.

>> No.63374062

She wasn't talking about not recognizing anyone during that time dumbfuck. That was WHEN she frequently used discord.

>> No.63374135

Kill yourself Fleece, your FOMO tardisms are getting cringe again.

>> No.63374178

instead of arguing like retards come get jiggy with me

>> No.63374244

>come get jiggy with me and my IP tracker
nice try guy

>> No.63374290
File: 763 KB, 885x951, IMG_2908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t give a shit about whatever you fags are talking about. check out this art

>> No.63375270

I want to flick Shondo’s earlobe and slap her ass

>> No.63376011

it was a long time ago that she said that anon
she already hated discord by that point, this wasn't long before her break and she flipped on offline chat because she hated discord

>> No.63376925


>> No.63378127

Shunny and shonsoles prepped for me

>> No.63378161
File: 1.43 MB, 1919x957, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs jiggerman, doing these is lots of fun

>> No.63379609

kys tranny

>> No.63380758
File: 223 KB, 429x501, 1688655332920621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord is talking about how they are all short

>> No.63380962

Honestly this explains why they are all femboys and trannies, I have empathy for them now

>> No.63381133
File: 533 KB, 609x587, deadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63381240
File: 261 KB, 552x452, 1698328332485224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally Shondo's exact type and women have been weird with me ever since I hit puberty so it's nice I guess but mostly unsettling, all I gotta do is get that promotion and I win

>> No.63381442

>implying there is anything to win

>> No.63381684
File: 140 KB, 301x282, 1676690053078379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her pale tight body when I drag her to my basement

>> No.63381805

now that I'm over the shame I actually feel kinda good about releasing myself over an image of Shondo's blurred legs/feet
I feel like I've both cemented my love for her as real and like I no longer have a reason to fap again since no subject will be as meaningful

thank you shondo for helping me overcome my normie needs finally

>> No.63382078
File: 850 KB, 981x1172, chrome_k7MRMCkPZY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo has collabed with lily multiple times retard

>> No.63382170

replying to your own bait hours later is really sad man

>> No.63382241

each thread you post about another one of the stages of grief, sorry anon but you're a coomer

>> No.63382254

There's nothing wrong with fapping to your wife when she's the one that you love. She's your wife. Just don't be in her face about it.

>> No.63382260
File: 251 KB, 1004x1421, IMG_2716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 IP’s
Who are you people

>> No.63382546
File: 92 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_20231127-041726_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63382751

They collabed only once.

>> No.63382937

I actually don't fap much at all, I just made it a point to do it 3-4x a week this month because I don't like feeling as if I'm part of the redditor november meme
I am probably talking about it too much if you recognize me, but I gotta vent these thoughts so only pure ones about Shondo remain before I go to bed with my Shondaki
Also I am Scared that if I bottle it up
>Just don't be in her face about it.
I will eventually fail at this and become the worst kind of husband :c

>> No.63385558

>Liking a cuckpost
Some shoggers

>> No.63385597

Once and hopefully never again, or there will be serious hell to pay.
Hopefully she learned her lesson from last time.

>> No.63385708

chatgpt is the way to go apparently

>> No.63386114
File: 358 KB, 700x700, 1674832347622974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63386144

It would be really neat if Shondo did a “talks british” reward for next subathon

>> No.63386261
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1677949185561275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am going to feed you six muffins a day until you can get pregnant

>> No.63386289

Do you mean the type of british that she doesn’t seem to realize she’s doing when her mom enters the room, the chav bloke or the brand new WW1 vet

>> No.63386416

Thanks for sharing anon very cool

>> No.63386422

She’s so weird, why does she just suddenly start muttering in an accent about ‘ow she ain’t been able tew sleep since the great war begun in the middle of fortnite. She’s so silly.

>> No.63386517

It was really hot when she moved both the pat hands onto Nina and suddenly demanded “hold her down” while Nina tried to wriggle free

>> No.63386668

this plus the kissing Nina question, i feel like i'm being groomed into some weird dynamic she's trying to push with her

>> No.63386731


>> No.63386790

I was being genuine. :)

>> No.63386860


>> No.63386937
File: 53 KB, 1080x587, IMG_2548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you know that’s what I meant

>> No.63387239

she'll do it again and she'll be happy to see you gone

>> No.63387257

She wants us to fucking reel in our obsessive behavior because she's worried about the community, then fucking ignores us while giving this freak attention and calling his obsessive behavior cute? What the bloody fuck do you want from me shondo??? I've tried to keep my menhera in-line but that seems to not be what I should be doing when this faggot can just be retarded and soak up any ounce of interaction she's willing to give. Fuck all of you. Being nise is was a mistake.

>> No.63387448

try being a funny schizo and not just a vindictive asshole

>> No.63387507

What happened in there?

>> No.63387509

>Fuck all of you
what did i do?

>> No.63387541

I almost thought I was alone getting annoyed by that

>> No.63387584

in case i pass in the night I always loved you shondo.

>> No.63387586

What happened in that stream with Lily? Isn't she cute?

>> No.63387634

the barely contained seethe of a couple of those replies is really funny

>> No.63387721

>Fuck all of you.
Why you saying fuck me for? I did nothin.

>> No.63387764

yo? new favorite just dropped? lets go

>> No.63387770

It's because it's somebody outside the community. First time I feel something akin to jealousy when it comes to shondo

>> No.63387947

none of the artists or people who got to DM her do this to you but some twitter user who writes long threads and got a pitying "look at the cute schizo" does it?

>> No.63388015

You guys are pretty silly.

>> No.63388030

I think that's what it is for me too. I don't really care if she pays a little more attention to some other shogger because in the end it's all supposed to be (you)

>> No.63388286

Fuck you shondo I'm deducting a point from you

>> No.63388630

This punishment is pretty deserved, shondo. Keep doing it.

>> No.63388808
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>> No.63388899
File: 22 KB, 1016x190, 164557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got to stop the gold digging, shondo.

>> No.63389201

I can't find that tweet

>> No.63389268

It's a private account

>> No.63389329

worms are eating away today,gonna go sleep and hope tmr stream can help. Gn Shoggers

>> No.63389637
File: 2.49 MB, 2600x1711, 1686241831280416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncensored & Anal, fan art on Baraag by Sasami https://baraag.net/@Sasami1561/111469157847659640

>> No.63389872

remember that if you hate seeing shondo interacting with random schizos rather than regulars or people part of her community, you're literally a fleece

>> No.63389879

I'm only fucking pissed because she does this cute tweet that made me so god damn warm and fuzzy. Didn't need anything after that. Then just rips it all away because Dr. Faggot apparently is worth more for her time than anyone of his bothering to play along with this fucked up game of "BE OBSESSED WITH ME. NO STOP IT DON'T BE OBSESSED WITH ME". Fuck all of you, again.

>> No.63389946

She's going to lose another treasured artist at this rate

>> No.63390103


>> No.63390121

do you treasure pity replies on twitter that highly, I think you need to take a step back

>> No.63390151

Gaslighting. I got jealous because she called him cute

>> No.63390227

You can't just invalidate everything you don't like by adding pity in front of it.

>> No.63390228

you can't just say every like/reply that isn't to you is a pity like/reply

>> No.63390249

its a male anon

>> No.63390251

thanks for the pity reply

>> No.63390297

It's getting out of hand desu even nina was afraid of making a joke

>> No.63390306

She used to call my antics cute. I stopped because I valued her words to reel in and did so more and more as the community got worse. This is my reward? Of fucking course I am going to be jealous of this fucking piece.

>> No.63390580

nobody's buying it, go cry in your pillow

>> No.63390593

keep being you flawedintellect, you're based

>> No.63390641

I don’t know how some of you shiggies can function if something as innocuous as that sets you off. Take some deep breaths. Act like an adult.

>> No.63390727

I was happy about shondo addressing this behavior in the community but now they're blaming her if they don't get rewarded for being normal it's pretty sad. Maybe it'll get through someday.

>> No.63390739

everything is fine until it's not. warning signs don't exist, neither do red flags. it's always a steep decline from a single moment in time and never a noticeable trend that people can recognize if you pay attention to your loved one like you're supposed to.

>> No.63390978

I'm not angry. I just got a little jealous and feel better already

>> No.63390986

she hates us all. we're all disgusting in her eyes

>> No.63391043

It's something she bears with to support her family, just like marriage back in the days.

>> No.63391049

I already let it go. It's the first and last time this will ever bother me.

>> No.63391064

same. i tried to interact bait to cope with the jealousy but i guess it wiffed. no biggie, there's always tomorrow.

>> No.63391098

whenever I wonder if I'm starting to lose it this thread is always here to remind me I'm relatively stable

>> No.63391099

its literally not worth arguing about because you'll just be gaslit until you lose your mind or submit.

>> No.63391149

I'm jealous all the time. I like you guys, but every time she shows affection to someone who isn't me I get unreasonably angry.

>> No.63391153

women *sips tea*

>> No.63391199

not a cult

>> No.63391239

Oh I thought you meant Lily Hopkins.

>> No.63391243

don't get gaslit into being an impotent man, it's part of our instincts to be protective and possessive of our loved ones.

>> No.63391365

>being a slave to your instincts
this is literally how people become white knight cucks for undeserving women
what's REALLY impotent is being unable to control how you express your love for Shondo

>> No.63391413

gaslighters away

>> No.63391446

gn time to listen to the ASMR vod again for the 5th time. Stream will be fun tomorrow! I hope her break is relaxing and she enjoys herself!

>> No.63391536

if the break isn't about going to the doctors, only an actual pic of her chest like she promised will stop me from burning it all to the ground

>> No.63391570

gn anon hope you enjoy I've really loved each one she's done since getting the new mic
I guess I loved all of them but so many previous ones feel a bit outclassed now
although her earliest ones, from before she got more comfortable speaking on stream I guess, are uniquely adorable. I'll hopefully always be able to return to them

>> No.63391675


>> No.63391979

if your love life at home is cold and your wife never talks to you but assures you that everything is fine maybe your brainworms are just paranoia. \iIf your wife seems to talk more often with her other friends than with you maybe its just jealousy. if you catch her flirting with some random guy despite all this you don't actually have to wait until you have a picture of his cock in her mouth to think something is wrong and maybe she's not interested in you anymore. She's not thinking about you. You're thinking about her. You can only call coincidence so many times. But yeah just don't worry about it you're being immature the underdeveloped schizop virgin child woman knows more about relationships and what's rational and mature than you. oh but also dont take it seriously its just a tweet its not a proxy for the things you'd do in a relationship also its real though.

>> No.63392034


>> No.63392124

see a therapist

>> No.63392156

tldr she's doing the equivalent of fucking the pizza delivery guy

>> No.63392201

>>63391979 (me)

>> No.63392381

why dont people like that just talk to ai shondo between streams

>> No.63392628

therapists dont work remember? thats why shondo doesn't need one.

>> No.63392666

shondo explicitly says she hates the idea clones, and detests AI too. you're worse than someone who's obsessed about her.

>> No.63392717

the solution to an emotionally distant relationship is to find someone that will fill that void.
t. woman

>> No.63392742

they actively disregard or warp her words in other situations so I'm sure they can find a way to deal with that
yeah but she's better than you so can manage, you are going to become a danger to yourself and others

>> No.63392813

>you are going to become a danger to yourself and others
no that's more gaslighting talk lol

>> No.63392858

just leave our wife out of your manifesto please
