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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62591097 No.62591097 [Reply] [Original]

When it all changed...

>> No.62591191

mysta literally had nothing to do with this whatsoever, he was just suffering whilst the rest were being retards kek

>> No.62591375


>> No.62591692

>Entire branch lost to Promise

I know you chucklefuck NijiEN livers lurk here so here's a reminder rumao.

>> No.62592103

everything they said was correct. council did so bad they rebranded it and one of them just quit because she made more money drawing a picture every 6 months. tempus is a knockoff made in direct response to luxiem mogging so hard that holofans stopped bragging about superchats and moved on to the merch cope. they also had tech issues all the time before all their concerts were prerecorded. basically they hated them because they told the truth.

>> No.62592166

>so much of a failure they had to relaunch it under another name
fungus covid is a prophet

>> No.62592256

Back when they thought they were on top of the world.

>> No.62592366

>they also had tech issues all the time before all their concerts were prerecorded
Aside from Holofes I think most people would prefer the old days of live 3D events.

>> No.62592456

I really don't understand where the hubris was coming from. Niji hasn't beaten holo at anything in years

>> No.62592810

Sure they have. Niji males still out-perform all Holo males. This whole discord chat spawned from Cover announcing StarsEN auditions.

>> No.62592943

Cope harder nijitroon

>> No.62592962

oh yeah true

>> No.62592963

Funny how Karma works

>> No.62593257

>Nijien did so bad 3 of their organ left
And they won't stop going and they won't stop going.

>> No.62594256


>> No.62594683

>I'm just not sure if they do it like the Japanese side with the idol mentality of genders being separated of if it will work at all.
Well, wasn't that the stupidest statement.
>luxiem/nocys ern hust as mush as their successful JP livers
Why did Finana call them livers. Is it just that she's stupid or have people been misinterpreting this the whole time.

>> No.62594732

The only thing this changed was that it confirmed something everyone already new.

>> No.62594777

And nijimales somehow managed to throw all of that away with their stupid yabs while the homos just stayed in their lane for the most part and continued their grind quietly.

>> No.62594778

I'm pretty sure this was the nicest way she could find to say "damn that's crazy lol"

>> No.62594953

it's right after cover announced male auditions in a blatant attempt to compete with the niji men

>> No.62595187

did you memoryhole the fact half the homos jumped ship because management wouldn't let them collab with the girls anymore?

the nijis were 100% right about Cover using stars EN to copy luxiem, and they were 100% right that Council wasn't as successful as expected. those were extremely common opinions on /vt/ before they decided to turn it into a console war. none of you care about holostars EN, don't act offended on their behalf.

>> No.62595564

>Why did Finana call them livers. Is it just that she's stupid or have people been misinterpreting this the whole time.
Muscle memory after being in Niji for a year and a half at that point. Her point still stands though.

>> No.62598224

Yeah, and turned up the tribalism meter here to 11

>> No.62598758

So how did Holostars EN do compared to Luxiem? Because they are talking about the launch of a male EN branch by cover, considering the flop that council was at the beginning when people where still doing research on them.

>> No.62598902
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Yeah nigger thats why council was brought up and the copes looked like this

>> No.62599302 [DELETED] 


>> No.62599348

why is posting private discords chats okay? Would it be okay if you did it to some hololive discord?

>> No.62599482

I don't get the nijimale cope angle, I mean yeah they had one gen that was really successful among an ocean of failures but they still weren't more successful any single hololive gen. Hololive trying to copy them was smart and with how little they invested in their males it's no skin off their back. Not even mentioning how literally all the successful nijimales turned out to be yab machines that squandered it lmao

>> No.62599614

ok, anything that matters?

>> No.62599617

Blame Fulgur for diverting from the topic at hand. And as you can see from the messages after him, nobody entertained his comment about Council.

>> No.62599721


>> No.62599777


>> No.62600052

That has nothing to do with Council

>> No.62600943

I always find it funny that people outside the board defended everyone except fulgur and the collective just shat on him

>> No.62602510

Still damage controlling a year later I see

>> No.62602653

Look at this newfaggot retard

>> No.62602716
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>> No.62602798


>> No.62602855

Fuck off. This is out of context and you know it.

>> No.62602912

It's been a year and a half already, just move on HOLY FUCK

>> No.62603017

Pretty sure this was menst to be a joke. Fulgur even apologized on stream iirc

>> No.62603042

>"damage control"
It's literally what the message says

>> No.62603102

> 2 homos left
Doesnt change how badly luxiem are doing now. What happened sister? Watch their streams! Theyre not gonna compete with JP like this.

>> No.62603152 [DELETED] 

Dont be silly, niji is the zerg.
Pump out units and never win.

>> No.62603322

Go back to /#/ numbernigger. Wee all hate you here

>> No.62603325

When I get called out it was a joke

>> No.62603560


>> No.62603596 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the

>> No.62603673

Yeah, the context is that nijisanji was shitting on hololive behind closed doors while publicly working together with them to counter rrats

>> No.62603705

You're going to have to work harder than that for us to forget your sins nijinig

>> No.62603770

mysterio.... at least he is in a better place now...

>> No.62603793
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>success breeds jealousy
who knew being a part of the vtuber equivalent of sloppy seconds would make you like that

>> No.62603805


>> No.62604099

Pomf pomf kimochi is still being brought up after 15 years, you're in the wrong place if you think this will get forgotten after only a year

>> No.62604163

This shit is becoming schizophrenic

>> No.62604433

Yeah the weight of your sins aren't easy to carry are they?

>> No.62605213

I'm not a schizo so not at all

>> No.62605366
File: 435 KB, 1080x607, nijiuk-now-officially-renamed-to-zuttomo-are-revealing-new-v0-4dv5ikunm1yb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62605735 [DELETED] 

did realize this board loved holostars so much

>> No.62605818 [DELETED] 


>> No.62605974

i always laugh out loud when i see this. imagine being this obsessed with your rival company you sit and gossip little middle school children about it in your little shitcord, meanwhile the holo girls don't think or talk about you at all in theirs

>> No.62606036

no wonder they ran his ass out; didn't toe the company line of holoHATE and all out war

>> No.62606108

>he says while posting on this board
whatever you say schizo

>> No.62606391

Ah yes the latest nijinigger deflection, how droll

>> No.62606457

Drown beneath the weight of your sins

>> No.62606472 [DELETED] 

yeah, imagine being so obsessed you open up male audtions 5 hours after Niji did

>> No.62606505

>"noooo stop devaluing my shitposts with the actual truth :("

>> No.62606530 [DELETED] 

quote the homolover nevermore

>> No.62606534
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>> No.62606558

The weight of your sins cannot be so easily lessened by dear nijinig

>> No.62606599 [DELETED] 

that has nothing do with what I said, keep posting your nijinigger folder if it makes you feel better

>> No.62606653

The nijinigger believes that obfuscating his sins will make it lighter.
He will not succeed

>> No.62606702

And yet, you are trying to obfuscate the truth by deflecting onto other random bullshit from 2chan or wherever

>> No.62606789 [DELETED] 

The truth that nijiniggers have sinned and refused to own up to it? That's more like your work

>> No.62606824 [DELETED] 

mmm yes my "sins". maybe you can keep talking about it over some freah jollibee

>> No.62607028

The nijinigger continues to search for scapegoats to blame his sins on, not realizing it simply adds to the weight he needs to carry

>> No.62607326

You’re both retards and we need /vtg/ to kill you scum

>> No.62607492

>they rebranded it
The rebrand made it official
Ask any Council fan. They’ll all say IRyS felt more like Council than Sana because IRyS was actually present and constantly interacting with Council. She was an honorary Council member from the start

>> No.62607627


>> No.62607711

I still feel bad about mysterio.
He just there, stressed out and his coworkers keep making drama and stressed him even more.

>> No.62607744


>> No.62607811

No you don't

>> No.62607839

>message says X
>"It's actually Y"
>no, it literally says X
What's your next gymnastics move?

>> No.62607955


>> No.62607996

Yeah gotta be a kick in the face not to have everyone belive your lies just because like it is behind the wall huh?

>> No.62608770


>> No.62608813

the beginning of the fall of nijisanji.

>> No.62608949

+1 sin

>> No.62609492

>2 out of 8
Can sisters math?

>> No.62610623


>> No.62610687
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>> No.62611164

What's the matter? Ashamed of your sins?

>> No.62611476


>> No.62611653

Mysterio was finally saved in the end.

>> No.62611857
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No. I'm not in the screenshot.

>> No.62613031

Mysta was right for leaving this bs behind

>> No.62613174

And yet you damage control as if you were. Curious that

>> No.62613323

It was hilarious when Hololive had their own discord leak, an entire sub discord, and they were nothing but professional the whole time.

>> No.62613572

Sponsorship Discord for Among Us, so of course they wouldn't talk about anything other than the sponsorship in there with company outsiders watching.

>> No.62613648

What outsiders? There was nothing indicating that anybody but the talents and managers used that discord.

>> No.62615554

The absolute state of nijicope

>> No.62615813

>ever needing to know the internal communications of the company they're sponsoring
All they need to see is the sponsor content

>> No.62615927

and now literally every single niji is being mogged hard by two dumb hag dogs.

>> No.62616299

I fucking love this image

>> No.62616847
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>> No.62617024
File: 228 KB, 763x553, 312232213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always bring this up but never bring up the fact that the ID leak was way worse.

>> No.62617104

I dont understand star wars language

>> No.62617179

check the left side

>> No.62617302

>not the mio thic bush one

>> No.62617324

>reine sex crimes
>channel is empy because she never scores

>> No.62617348

>h-holos do it t-too

Prove it NijiNegros.

>> No.62617758

Holos like to ignore Nijis on Twitter. It's obvious that they hate them. Therefore, there is a high probability that holos shittalk nijis in their discord server.

>> No.62617783

Prove it

>> No.62618620


>> No.62618957

my sides

>> No.62619086

funniest thing is how they actually thought they were matching the top JPs

>> No.62621606

>Naive to think projecting your own sins onto others, was a good way to wash your hands clean

Sad sad sad

>> No.62623461

Truly, all out war was declared

>> No.62624016

Mysta having a crisis in this screenshot will always make me laugh

>> No.62627630

funnily enough that's why the screen even popped up in the first place, petra set her setting wrong and had the window automatically pop up whenever a new message is received

>> No.62628070


>> No.62628670
File: 629 KB, 2016x2743, itsholosfault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Nijiniggers says its our fault...

>> No.62631630


>> No.62634918

right? I have really dug deep to find discord dirt on them too for shits n giggles, they are really tame in comparison to the other companies.

>> No.62635246
File: 534 KB, 1027x999, 8472a1a2f6ff3f97133dfd17c3681c5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were they so threatened by tempus anyway?

>> No.62635315


>> No.62635530

I don't think they felt threatened, they were just laughing at the situation.
StarsJP eternal 3views -> NijiEN Luxiem males debut and skyrocket in numbers -> Cover sees this and announces StarsEN auditions because they want a piece of that pie, despite Cover never being successful with males

>> No.62635740

>it's mostly unprofessional and bad for the company
>it's usually retarded shit n giggles, otherwise good news
i still remember when kobo leaked her discord and confirmed that all ID will be getting kimono outfit.

>> No.62636001

It's particularly hilarious because niji has leaked their discord a grand total of three times and all of them just so happen to be huge yabs
Meanwhile Holo has leaked like 80 times and it's all good shit

>> No.62636027

I feel like StarsEN was always supposed to be a place to put the promising male applicants they got.
The primary goal of StarsEN would really just be to establish Cover's presence in the male EN vtuber field. They don't need to win against Nijimales, they just need to be there.

And then the NijiEN talent shot themselves in the foot anyway, making StarsEN look good even with the Holostars debuff.

>> No.62636434

>and all of them just so happen to be huge yabs
No? Unless you consider the boys sharing links to their homo clips a "yab"

>> No.62637880


>> No.62639235


>> No.62640422

Why do captions get worse every time I see this picture? All the words are so fucking easy to see, except names, what is the fucking problem?

>> No.62642378

The sponsors werent in the discord itself anon

>> No.62642521

also kiara trying to make en do things

>> No.62646240

go back
