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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62552523 No.62552523 [Reply] [Original]


>"I only have one YouTube channel. The secondary account pretending to be me used images that have no association with me (sometimes misusing my Instagram selfies). This has led to misunderstandings and speculations, so I'll take this opportunity to clarify. I've never cosplayed as Uruha Rushia, and it's all a form of harassment. It's incredibly disheartening to experience such harassment. I'm addressing this because tweets like these lead to further speculation and manipulate impressions."

>> No.62552798

defame implies she had fame to begin with

>> No.62552907


>> No.62552935

that's a stupid statement, unless you've been living under a rock in the past 2 years.

>> No.62552989

they like to pretend they're retarded.

>> No.62553018

>I've never cosplayed as Uruha Rushia
Why is she like this?

>> No.62553030

This girl never catches a break from drama.

>> No.62553053

Most probably know that the sub channel is someone else using the name but they just want to make fun of her.

>> No.62553081

Meh what's the point with antiing her, she hasn't done anything yabworthy this year

She still did nothing wrong btw

>> No.62553100

If only you closed your discord that day...

>> No.62553239

She starts at least half of it herself

>> No.62553299

Except this year she hasn't started anything. People just refuse to leave her alone.

>> No.62553354
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because she hasn't, if you check the quoted tweet it shows a youtube channel that is impersonating Mikeneko. Mikeneko doesnt have a Mikeneko "sub" account.

>> No.62553457

This anon thinks that her literally lying and backstabbing her audience by collabing with males was somehow not her fault

>> No.62553716

Who cares

>> No.62553739

>lying and backstabbing her audience by collabing with males
That's what she means. You're defaming her when none of this ever happened. In the meantime, Kirsche is a faggot who rightfully got his just desserts from Nekofami and now knows not to fuck with us again.

>> No.62553777

I'm tired of this whore drama. When will she finally quit?

>> No.62553900
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>> No.62553914

I agree that trying to get a team for a tournament isn't anything yab-worthy, males or not. Lashing out at her own fans for her own lack of foresight is a bit of a yab though.

>> No.62553996

>I'm cute neet Japanese girl

>> No.62554129

Newfaggot-san please, she was not lashing out at fans, but antis masquerading as fans.

>> No.62554358

Thankfully she's gotten rid of the unicorn chuds for good

>> No.62554589

It's amazing that this is basically a man pretending to be her and defaming her for clout and a massive number of retards concocting some very poor rrat so they can chastise her somehow for something she has nothing to do with.
Basically this board but in japanese. Though people here assume that you're making shit up in the first place.

>> No.62555029

673 mentally ill people

>> No.62555135
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>> No.62555229


>> No.62555260

not the first time ive seen it, delutaya also had a channel impersonating her shortly after she left hololive. its funny how people flock to these and get fooled so easily. both of them being menheras probably helps with it.
i guess im mentally ill

>> No.62556087

No one asked Henyaturd

>> No.62557494


>> No.62558535

If I was a mikefan that troll would be the most annoying fucking thing I've ever seen.

But I'm not so right now it's the most hilarious fucking thing ever.

>> No.62559274

She shouldn't have fed the dramafags, trolls and antis so well. It's not unsurprising things like that keep happening around her.

>> No.62560412

But she's not feeding them. They just won't leave her the fuck alone.

>> No.62562174

Who is more likely to seethe over random trolls on the internet and let them live rent free in her head, Mike or Mori? Is this a pink woman thing or is it exclusive to these 2?

>> No.62562267 [DELETED] 

looks like a mikopi found the "memory hole" thread and didn't take to her early male collabs

>> No.62562808

JP users reaction toward her on Twitter is pretty much very negative. The whole Mafumafu and termination thing gave her a really big stigma and she's prime target for shitposting there.

>> No.62563366

ah yes Mikeneko the easy way for farming (you) even in twitter/youtube

>> No.62564077

the fake one is smarter, make him the real mikeneko

>> No.62564344

Dramanigger craving for attention

>> No.62564813

It never ends.

>> No.62564874

They do this because she pitches a fit about it every time.
Every time Mike finds one of these accounts she posts about it and gives them attention.
If she just quietly reported the impersonators instead of public heraru it would get deleted.
Instead she rewards the antis so they keep doing it.

>> No.62566327

So just another Tuesday? Her problem is her inability to stop giving them the attention they crave. Sure, she fucks them over but it just incentivizes other antis to anti her because they know they are guaranteed to get a reaction out of her and that's all they really want.
Menhera gonna menhera.

>> No.62566437

Watch out! If people don't stop making Mikeneko general like this thread, Mikeneko bunker will DDOS the website again.

>> No.62567002

What will it take for her to have just one dramaless year?

>> No.62567099

Why is it "harassment" and not simply impersonation, like happens all the time with western artists?

>> No.62567153

She can't even go a month without a drama

>> No.62567154


>> No.62567387

>vtubing has lolcows now.
When did this happen?

>> No.62567969
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I wonder, how many times does this work?

crying over same spilled milk that resembles a patch of mold at this point

>> No.62568203

Hope it keeps happening till she leave vtubing for good.

>> No.62569247

Is she indeed the single greatest fall from grace in the industry? It sure seems like it.

>> No.62569683

as much as im fed up with her menhera meltdowns, id say her recent streams are pretty good. if you arent an eop nigger you can enjoy her sister koneko debut stream because she mocks mike for having a meltdown and needlessly being angry. shes pretty selfaware of what she was doing.

to enjoy her, just dont give her any money, and watch her as an entertainment, not as a gfe experience. her antis are actually too much obsessed with something. they are also shitty menhera parasites.

>> No.62570280

Hi deet

>> No.62571999

buy ads

>> No.62572033

Most of her antis on the JP side are literal school children. Looks like it's much the same on the EN side.

>> No.62572038

Thanks god Miko exposed her and she left Hololive.

>> No.62572136

If anons here care so much about her so much, why not even try to make her general again? The male collab betrayal a few months ago killed it. Surely this time she learned her lesson.

>> No.62572154


>> No.62572311

There's really no reason to have it. Even assuming people would keep it bumped while I'm asleep, and even assuming the antis don't bother us, the thread was absolute shit for months even before all that happened because of infighting. Unless something changes massively I wouldn't consider baking again.

>> No.62572709

What were you guys infighting about before that male collab? I'm legitimately curious.

>> No.62572801

Watch as she sues even people that give her positive criticism.

>> No.62572866

NTA, but it was just a nonstop loop of people crying about Apex, Vshojo fags crying that she wasn't streaming as Nazuna anymore, whining about guerilla streams, etc.

>> No.62572942

It's funny in a sense that ever since the yab, she's been playing Apex less and less. Going off of her Koneko stream, she's actually aware that a decent portion of her fanbase despise the game.
It's even more obvious on Twitch because she doesn't plan out the game in advance: you can watch her view count drop in real time when she opens up Apex.

>> No.62572955

Basically whatever was happening at the moment, and timelooping everything that had already happened. There was almost zero stream discussion. Sad how things turned out because it was a pretty good thread through 2021.

>> No.62572959

shes literally the embodiment of the worst Japanese women have to offer, jesus fucking christ get over yourself you miserable cunt.

>> No.62572986

She reminds me of Chris-chan for some reason.

>> No.62573012

Ignoring the dumb way in which you've phrased the last part, there's no point in having a thread.
I don't even agree that antis would be the main problem (because except for her legitimately deranged 5ch antis, most people aren't going to anti post in a general). No point in having a general when half of the people who would have posted in it have left. I doubt it would stay up.
It's also nice having a very visible reminder that she's lost a huge amount of overseas fans.

>> No.62573024

>through 2021
She was still Rushia at that time. Was the general not any good even when she came back as Nazuna?

>> No.62573082

Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the male collab didn’t cause that much drama and she simply blamed them unicorns because they were an easy target to deflect blame onto even if they had nothing to do with he drama.

>> No.62573161

> Was the general not any good even when she came back as Nazuna?
Well considering the first thing that happened with her as Nazuna was getting into drama with another former hololive talent, I say yes.

>> No.62573204

>even when she came back as Nazuna
Lol, what? Her first major post termination yab happened a month into Nazuna. On top of that, after January, you could slowly feel the life drip out of her whenever she'd stream as Nazuna. That wasn't a particular good period when she was half assing Nazuna streams while generally putting out decent Twitcasts as Mikeneko (with exceptions). The first breath of fresh air was her Yasuyuki model debut, but there were still a few problems (her crippling Apex addiction and numberfagging on occassions). And then the yab that killed off half of her fanbase.
Things haven't been the same since. She's extremely conscious about how many people left and so you have a weird balancing act where she's trying her best to stream well for a bit and then she'll menhera, rinse and repeat.

>> No.62573254

Lol, the only annoying thing about that incident was drive by tourists shitting up the general. Pretty much all of her fans were on her side once she had a moment to actually explain her side.

>> No.62573258

True. I almost forgot about that. Two of the most menhera former Hololive girls with dedicated audiences having a fight was a pretty interesting time.

>> No.62573314

Speak for yourself, that was the moment I realized she wasn't getting better.

>> No.62573386

I wonder why so many chuubas get pulled in by Apex. It's a disease.
>And then the yab that killed off half of her fanbase
I observed the general at that time. It was a real shitshow. I had never seen a general get that bad before.

>> No.62573739

Yeah probably the first sigh that things were only downhill from there, then again we should of expected that from the fact she was fired for something any company in the world “even western ones” would of fired her for.

>> No.62574070

Looking at viewing figures and superchat ranks it didn't kill off much at all. Except the thread in /vt/ Guess that's why her antis have had to resort to making regular bait threads like this instead of just timelooping and trolling there.

>> No.62574340

> Pretty much all of her simps were on her side

>> No.62574434

I sided with Delu. But I don't particularly like either to a large extent.

>> No.62574557
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Interestingly enough, she's still getting botted.

>> No.62574647

Those bots must have a lot of money

>> No.62574666

She lost two thirds of her Twitcast memberships, 2000 YouTube memberships, 100 Fanbox members and 40 percent of her viewership
Superchats sort of remained the same for a while but have dropped a bit outside of special streams. The only reason we know these figures is that she's talked constantly about losing loads of fans

>> No.62574748

The people who stayed began to donate more to compensate but again, her average Superchat are down. Same with Twitcast teabomb donations. She has barely over a 100 donators now

>> No.62574842

How much does it matter? More people are watching than when she was Nazuna and she's been in the top 15 for most superchatted vtuber 4 months in a row now.

>> No.62574946

Honestly outside of botting, her viewership is probably lower than Nazuna's
Her real viewership is closer to 1.5k

>> No.62574973

A lot of the faggots who used to post in her general are very invested in her failing now after she didn't beg them to come back like they wanted.

>> No.62575018

Look, mike will be fine and can always make money. But this also isn't what she wants, she'll never be happy with it, so she's going to keep doing retarded shit that blows up in her face in an attempt to claw back relevance. It's not a good situation.

>> No.62575079
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I don't think it's that bad. This one from two weeks ago looks legit and has 3.5k.

>> No.62575115

At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if the next drama she finds herself in is her during illegal shit or flat out getting arrested.

>> No.62575164

That's probably the bots kicking in at 1.6k
If her Halloween stream only barely hit 2k without bots, why would this stream be 3.6k

>> No.62575296

It's precisely because I still watch her that I know that she's talked multiple times about losing fans.
There was one stream she said "it's over" multiple times and had to be talked out of it by chat. I don't need some catalog mouth breather calling her a liar

>> No.62575378

Because there were a ton of better Halloween streams to watch in that timeslot?
Look, I'm the anon that's been ringing the bell about the botting from the beginning, but there's nothing suspicious about that graph the way you see in >>62574557. It's possible there's multiple botters and one is way better at hiding it than the others but that's leaving the terrain of evidence and entering conspiracy theory.

>> No.62575413

Ehhh have you missed his often she talks about missing her kaigai or how they're all gone or how her Twitch streams are literally just kaigai flirting sessions or how she's made up with even the most infamous Unicorns who stayed around?
You don't watch her

>> No.62575449

I still watch her too and I'm well aware of you people sulking and threatening to kill yourselves when she didn't apologize during her return stream. Feel free to keep posting pictures of your slashed wrists though, you sad faggot.

>> No.62575480

The only streams hitting that high were her ASMR streams
Basically every other stream has had some measure of botting

>> No.62575491

> But this also isn't what she wants, she'll never be happy with it, so she's going to keep doing retarded shit that blows up in her face in an attempt to claw back relevance.
It seems like the only way she be happy is if hololive rehires her, which after leaking company secrets, I doubt she be hired by ANY company let alone Hololive, she was lucky that Vshojo exists and kson vouch for her, though she is barely apart of it nowadays.

>> No.62575526

Were bots banned on halloween or something? Maybe you should just move on. Obsession with someone you don't like will get you nowhere.

>> No.62575615

If you watch her, when was the last time she herarud about numbers on stream
Hint: you couldn't miss it in the stream

>> No.62575636

And how do you know that?

>> No.62575671


>> No.62575680

> Obsession with someone you don't like will get you nowhere.
Tell that to the anti-unicorn crowd.

>> No.62575695

The voices.

>> No.62575767
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She got botted there too. 2k before botting though
Also I don't hate her. I like her more than you. The fact that she's lost so many fans isn't something I'm happy about, but it is what happened.
People lying about that are just using her for their own agendas

>> No.62575875

Your obsession with bots that you can't prove the existence of is weird.

>> No.62575902

Apparently the op wasn't juicing so all the drama fucks have to derrail the thread into something else.
Get a life.

>> No.62575946

Why the fuck does this bitch have a new model again?

>> No.62575962

The Twitch stream on the 9th where she did the skit with other characters. You may now return to your discord with the rest of the suicidal faggot squad.

>> No.62575969

Anon, this was reposted by a popular compilation of youtube comments twitter account and that got 12 million reproductions before getting taken down...

>> No.62576025

Probably influenced by vshojo which is ionic because her actual Vshojo model is just sitting in her computer not being used at all.

>> No.62576029

The stats website outright says this stream peaked at 1.3k and that you should ignore the spikes

>> No.62576108

The website cannot possibly know how much was her actual viewership and how much was botted, the end.
She's roleplaying a loli younger sister of Mike character. Are you this new you're surprised by a female chuuba doing this?

>> No.62576134

A lot of it was falseflagging but unfortunately yes.

>> No.62576203

She spent hours heraruing about losing fans and low numbers but actually she didn't lose loads of fans?

>> No.62576244


>> No.62576278

Botsanon here again, after examining this closely you may be right. It's not unusual for a streamer to get a big spike early in their stream, but in both the Halloween and the Smash stream the spike doesn't correspond to anything in particular, it just happens randomly about 17-18 minutes in.
If I had to guess I would say these streams are probably botted too, just with a less obvious botting service that doesn't produce laughable rollercoaster graphs.

>> No.62576321

No. It's the same old all talk and no action. It's gotten to the point where I wish the falseflaggers and tourists just fucked off so Mikeneko can just do about as she does in peace without having to worry about outsiders starting shit over and over again.

>> No.62576502

She did lose fans, and it's unfortunate that the crew who are still hanging around trying to manipulate an apology out of her instead of moving the fuck on with their lives weren't part of that group.

>> No.62576542

Thanks anon
It's basically impossible to even talk honestly about her viewership because of the botting
Today's stream too had really obvious bot lines too
I don't like the idea that acknowledging that she's declined is causing people to call me an anti. I don't want her to be botted. Her antis mock her every time it's obvious, it risks her channel and makes it hard for her to know what people want to see

>> No.62576659

Noboby thinks she's going to apologise for the collab. It's irrelevant anyways because everyone who left is gone for good
Why would I care about an apology?

>> No.62576858

But she did blame overseas fans for everything, even though it be the Japanese fans that would cause problems.

>> No.62576933


>> No.62576987

No shit didn't, falseflagging retard

>> No.62577036

Oh yes she did, it was mentioned a lot.

>> No.62577083

She mentioned both. You're a falseflagger.

>> No.62577193

> Obsession with someone you don't like will get you nowhere.
I am more considered with the people constantly defending her actions, which isn’t somethign you should do with someone with as mentally I’ll as her and probably will cause this drama to keep escalating until it reaches the breaking point.

>> No.62577234

So she did mention it.

>> No.62577235

Seek help, unironically.

>> No.62577274

And even if she did nothing has changed because she never said anything that constitutes what your /pol/brained headcanon tells you.

>> No.62577322

You first

>> No.62577366

>bringing /pol/ up out of nowhere
Ah so you are one of those people.

>> No.62577370

>I'm gonna keep monitoring and escalating this situation until it reaches the breaking point
Why can't you just leave her and us alone? She's said multiple times she's wanted to lay low but it's YOU who won't stop harassing her and us. She would be at peace if you just listened.

>> No.62577394

This is basically what happened ever since she was fired, over and over again. She repeatedly kept making the same sort of mistakes and everyone fell over themselves to justify it, at least until the kirschtorte affair.

>> No.62577409

Because she never directly insulted all Western fans you child. You never were interested in Mikeneko anyways. You just want drama. She still tweets in English, but no that's not good enough for you. SHE HATES KAIGAI NIKI BROS XDDDDD

>> No.62577439

Politely making reasonable criticisms on an anonymous imageboard is harassment? News to me.

>> No.62577454

Maybe just stop randomly bothering Mikeneko for existing, OK?

>> No.62577498

Watching over her like a hawk with the intent to start drama with her is in fact, harassment. Fuck off leave my wife and I alone.

>> No.62577554

Antis don't have anything left so they're just harassing her for the crime of existing. Grim.

>> No.62577643

Someday she is probably going to dox someone or get someone killed and you would still defend her, Infact she probably can get away with torturing a puppy on stream because you would still defend her.

>> No.62577706

Seek help

>> No.62577722

Only a matter of time until her next big yab, you know how this goes.

>> No.62577954

Because this one is just Rushia, same artist and everything she's trying to reclaim that mantle again but her lunacy is finally catching up with her.
Its insane how some of you defend her, makes me wonder what its gonna take for something to finally give, at this point I feel she could forget to turn off her stream and we'd get audio of her getting fucked, and some of you would still defend her.

>> No.62578007

“That man she’s fucking rn? Me”

>> No.62578027

It's called sunk cost

>> No.62578094

You lot have been trying to harass her to try to make her kill herself for like the past 2 last years already.
Even if there were no yabs (btw, a few of them caused by the extreme stress you're putting a BPD woman into) you would still be doing this retarded threads every now and then despite her being pretty much irrelevant nowadays.

>> No.62578105

> Its insane how some of you defend her, makes me wonder what its gonna take for something to finally give, at this point I feel she could forget to turn off her stream and we'd get audio of her getting fucked, and some of you would still defend her.
It probably would take her committing an actual serious crime (and let’s be honest she probably is mentally ill enough to do that, probably without any awareness it was even illegal) and getting arrest.
I think that’s how most white knight simps are made.

>> No.62578115

You leaking the bunkers reaction?

>> No.62578267

that was the last model retard

>> No.62578409

If only she defended you as fervently as you all defend her. Unfortunate.

>> No.62578461

>this retarded threads
Always some chink dipshit

>> No.62578472


>> No.62578617

That’s has to be the most unhinged post I read so far.

>> No.62578773

he's been making variations on it for over a year now
the funny thing is i see him in /vsj+/ too so he's probably someone who got into her through nazuna, or possibly even more weirdly someone who got into vshojo through her.

>> No.62578864

I don't care. She told us to go away so I did. I don't give a fuck what retarded shit she does anymore.

>> No.62579014


>> No.62579059

He says, posting in a bait thread about her nearly 3 months after
You're nearly as retarded as her

>> No.62579101

You haven't moved on and you never will

>> No.62579100

He could just be a keyboard warrior that thinks he is being moral and a hero by fighting the so called “antis” and unicorns, and doesn’t really care for the vtuber in question, or is one of those people that think vtubers are all just good people that do nothing wrong thus would definitely not lie about drama or being harassed.

>> No.62579116

>whataboutism and projection of what mikeneko antis probably do
Maybe you should seek help

>> No.62579158

To be fair OP probably made this thread because the drama/news vtubers put it into one of their videos.

>> No.62579162

How hard is it for you anti tourists to just leave her alone?

>> No.62579181

This vtuber killed my parents!!!

>> No.62579215
File: 270 KB, 399x397, 5-9i-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saw that post and he's been permanently dealt with

>> No.62579219

I know some of you autistics take this shitposting thing very seriously but it takes literally two seconds to post in a thread. You can even do it while taking a shit.

>> No.62579239

You're still obsessed 3 months later no matter what you say, loser.

>> No.62579248

Is there a explanation as to why she privated her twitter?

>> No.62579296

She doesn’t even come here, and I sure 90% of the people that post here don’t even leave a single comment on her streams.

>> No.62579324

>one post, one reply
>”you’re obsessed”

>> No.62579329

She hasn't? Maybe she just blocked you. If so take meds and move on.

>> No.62579341

keep telling yourself that autist lol

>> No.62579384


>> No.62579394

I actually just came to a conclusion, the people defending her are the dramafags.

>> No.62579413

I'll just tell you next bait thread instead when you inevitably come to tell everyone how you've left and totally don't care anymore.

>> No.62579515

Or he doesn’t causing you to assuming another Aeon is him because you are obsessed with antis.

>> No.62579546

If you want to read her sab account why not just follow it in the months and months it was open? I don't really keep track of when she locks and unlocks but there's nothing particularly interesting for dramafags on there right now, although she does mention which of her tags she's looking at.

>> No.62579558

You'll get your apology one day sister, keep fighting!

>> No.62579580

how else are we supposed to get her attention? god knows being an actual fan doesn’t work. antis and tourists are a dime a dozen and get all the attention she refuses to give to her actual fans

>> No.62579600

That account is the only interesting one since she was posting about sending threats and lawsuits

>> No.62579618

> the funny thing is i see him in /vsj+/ too so he's probably someone who got into her through nazuna, or possibly even more weirdly someone who got into vshojo through her.
It’s so weird she doesn’t stream as nazuna anymore even though they were the ones that gave her a second chance, like does she hate vshojo or something?

>> No.62579680

She replies to her actual fans all the time and regularly interacts during streams. It just doesn't work if you're one of the gigantic retards who managed to get blocked after throwing a tantrum.

>> No.62579778

yeah I guess interaction would be easier now that her fanbase is small enough for her to be on a name basis with each of her fans

>> No.62579794

No she does not lmao, she "regularly interacts" when she receives a donation.

>> No.62579880

It's been the same for me for going on four years now, but then again, I'm not a dumb faggot who screams at her on Twitter and then plays innocent and spams superchats begging to be unblocked.

>> No.62579932

Type a message in actual Japanese when she's not distracted playing a game and she will read it. It's not hard.

>> No.62579967

all you need to catch a mikeblock is have an avatar of a girl she doesn't like. anyway why are you arguing with obvious tourists? have some self-respect.

>> No.62579980

you have clearly never played maplestory, defame is literally the opposite of fame, it's fame minus

>> No.62580032


>> No.62580052

> anyway why are you arguing with obvious tourists?
Probably because he has nothing better to do in his life besides argue with aligned antis and unicorns and probably doesn’t even care about the vtuber in question.

>> No.62580071

None of her antis in this thread are Unicorns, dipshit

>> No.62580146
File: 337 KB, 591x899, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.62580173

Bunkerbros she has betrayed us all.....we gotta DM her threatening to kill ourselves until she does what we want!!!

>> No.62580197

>thinking she doesn't interact with people she's blocked on Twitter
This is how you spot a newfag. She literally forgets or is not bothered to unblock people. She liked a Tweet from a fan despite having blocked that fan's main account account. She has also liked a fan's Tweet using her sub account even though she had him blocked on her main. Her blocks are basically meaningless

>> No.62580430

Aligned was supposed to be aligegedl my mistake.
But I was saying that her defenders always assume all of her antis are unicorns (Infact tne anti-unicorn crowd always assume that of any vtuber anti)

>> No.62580560

She opens the hashtag or vod and goes down the list liking tweets or comments. I'm going to assume you're talking about either Arigathanks or Vegeta. Both of those retards lack the self-respect to move on after she outright told them she dislikes them and instead made alt accounts to get around their blocks. She's went back and unliked tweets or comments before after noticing it was one of them.

>> No.62580845

Watch streams, faggot. She literally told Vegeta to make a new account directly. That's why he made a tweet to explain that he was only doing it due to her instructions.
A bunch of her regualrs would not have followed him had he just made a new account. And as for Arigathanks, his alt accounts were made before she blocked him. If she wanted to be thorough, maybe she should have blocked every account he had.
You lack any respect for her or her fans. You should kill yourself, you slimy stalking faggot who can't even be bothered to watch her streams, or just is too much of a dumbass EOP to understand anything she says. Fucking autistic shitstain.

>> No.62580863

Probably is. What a sad strange little man.
You don't know shit retard

>> No.62580912

No she doesn't?

>> No.62580955

So if anyone was still wondering why no one bakes rumina anymore it's (in part) because it's like this except also people post mike fanart to keep it bumped.

>> No.62581036

There's still a thread on /jp/. Antis are too dumb to go there and lose every time.

>> No.62581043

You seem upset

>> No.62581153

Did I hit a sore spot, Vegeta? Keep orbiting a woman who openly dislikes you and talks shit about you. It's also pretty rich for you of all people to try pulling the EOP card on anyone.

>> No.62581175

He's right though. You're taking 2 falseflaggers and pretending they were actually fans.

>> No.62581209

>projecting this hard
Just leave my wife and I alone. It's not that hard Faggot-san.

>> No.62581260

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.62581279

I'm not the one who gets on her shitlist and then begs for forgiveness via superchat spam every few months. She actually likes me.

>> No.62581335

Why do your antis openly stalk and bitch about fans by name on 4chan? I don't think I've ever seen a bunch of schizo antis that go so far as to anti individual fans on 4chan of all places?

>> No.62581464

Because those "fans" constantly start shit and then pretend they dindu nuffin' while talking down to the people who don't have to regularly beg to be unblocked.

>> No.62581482

The call is coming from inside the house, anon.

>> No.62581533

Or they're just pathetic falseflaggers who want to act like monkeys over and over again and expect Mikeneko to give them a lifeline when they probably ran out of them long ago.

>> No.62581717

Why are you gossiping about fans when you don't understand her personality?
This is why I hate the people who use this board: it's full of mouth breathing retards

>> No.62581777

>This is why I hate the people who use this board: it's full of mouth breathing retards
To be honest I think most of the people that use t his board came from twitter.

>> No.62581792

>I dislike these two people
>therefore they are falseflaggers, not fans, etc
If you're trying to make people hate Nekofami, you're doing a pretty good job.

>> No.62581860

Is that you, Heidern? You always were a negative IQ EOP, weren't you?

>> No.62581924

True, I'm sure she absolutely loves the guy who tweeted at her to call her Ai Hoshino and claimed her Asian fans were all incapable of loving her. She's probably head over heels for the dude who posted pictures of his slashed wrists to try to stop her from entering an Apex tournament too. It's everyone else are weirdos.

>> No.62581998

Dunno, she seems to treat them normally when she talks to them on stream. If you want to imply she secretly hates them, you'll have to provide some actual proof, won't you?
>Ai Hoshino
Why am I talking to a fucking EOP who writes Japanese names in American order?

>> No.62582022

QRD on this? News to me. Holy shit that's low.

>> No.62582110

She doesn't know who you are

>> No.62582163

the fart force is after her again?

>> No.62582273

There are some people who have been here a long time. I always liked the one anon who always posted the picture of the homemade mike plush (my favorite mike design btw), I know he's still around because I see him post it in the 'log occasionally.

>> No.62582287

How many times recently has she told Arigathanks on-stream that she loves him?

>> No.62582333

>to enjoy her, just dont give her any money
Just to have her other fans shit on you for not watching her fanbox/fantia/whatever private streams/posts and call you a fake fan.
This is an isolation chamber of their own creation

>> No.62582481

Poor girl.

I don't watch her but it's obvious she just wants to stream and have a good time with her viewers. Why do people do this weird shit to her?

>> No.62582552

He keeps missing streams
She distinctly and directly told him that she loved him in the 14th October Twitcast, which was post drama

>> No.62582571

Two of the most obnoxious discord faggots that hang around here are Vegeta and Arigathanks. They constantly throw tantrums and go schizo at Mikeneko whenever she does anything they dislike. Vegeta is the less insane of the two and just insults her on Twitter and spams comments in her chat when he gets angry. The Asian portion of Mikeneko's fanbase despises him because he tweeted that none or them really love her during one of his tantrums. She's blocked him twice and he's begged her for an unblock via superchat both times. Last time she didn't unblock him and instead told him to just make a new account because she didn't feel like it. Arigathanks is a complete schizo who sends her DMs and threatens to kill himself whenever he gets angry at her. During the Apex tournament drama a few months ago, he decided posting pictures of his slit wrists would definitely convince her to do what he wants. Despite her blocking them both multiple times and outright telling them both that she dislikes them, they refuse to move on with their lives and keep sticking around and going schizo on her whenever something happens.

>> No.62582588

What a close and loving relationship those two have

>> No.62582592

Don't ask me, ask the antis and falseflaggers that keep doing this.

>> No.62582679

>begged for an unblock
KWAB, nigga should have just said he won and left

>> No.62582792

If that anon is right and she's fine with both of them on stream now, this sounds like a (You) issue
They should stick around just to make people like you cry on 4chan

>> No.62582859

I accept your concession

>> No.62582902

So Arigathanks is the former Marineschizo that shat up /ahoy/? lol I knew he had a name
>slitting wrists
kek what is this the late 2000s?

>> No.62583043

I don't think he's marineschizo, but he is definitely extremely mentally ill.

>> No.62583073

No, lol. Marineschizo is the guy who hates loads of Hololive girls, including Rushia.
I'm pretty sure he's already posted in this thread, if he's not the one getting extremely butthurt and namedropping her fans.

>> No.62583224

How is any of this worse than what she's done, and continues to do? If you were doing this to Suisei or something you'd be a harasser but she is absolutely as insane as them. She lost her job over it.

>> No.62583273

No but marineschizo used to post in rumina religiously. And in the /jp/ thread.

>> No.62583427

If you need to ask how slashing your wrists and posting the pictures online to try to force a streamer to do what you say is any worse than breaking a corporate NDA, I don't think there's anything I can say to help you.

>> No.62583720

It was less than two weeks ago that she got annoyed at fans for trying to force other fans out of her fanbase, wasn't it? When she brought up the Taiwanese person who sent her an email?

>> No.62583919

Posting what they've done on 4chan isn't going to force either of them to do anything. If they don't want other people to know about it and judge them accordingly, they should stop acting like subhumans in publicly visible places.

>> No.62584107

That wasn't even my point. Although my point is now invalid because I had assumed you were a fan, but now I realise you're just the Rushiaschizo. Ideally you should change up your argumentation style so that it's not immediately obvious
If you hate them, they're obviously based because you're a delusional schizo. Ciao, amigo
>they should stop acting like subhumans in publicly visible places.
Literally you every day as you shit up the catalog and other streamers' generals, by the way, honey

>> No.62584215

Mike has hinted at suicide many times and sent that out to thousands of fans which is arguably as bad as sending a streamer your slit wrists. And I could list probably a dozen other things just out of what's happened since termination, (which wasn't just a technicality about breaking NDA). No one could look at someone like Arigathanks and think they're not insane but you could say the same for mike.

>> No.62584293

Mikeneko has expressed publicly that she feels like her and Arigathanks are the same type of menhera

>> No.62584471

Rushiaschizo is definitely known for defening Mike from being compared to obvious schizos. For sure. Cope all you want, those two have earned the reputations they have among the rest of the fanbase.

>> No.62584513

According to 5ch, Vegeta's mortal enemy is Volvox, who apparently oshihen'd at some point in June after Mikeneko blocked him. What's up with that?

>> No.62584721

Nobody actually gives a shit about Volvox. Vegeta mostly just seethes about her Asian fans in general for calling him out when he was melting down.

>> No.62584739

Rushiaschizo has openly admitted that he hates her fans and specifically antis them
This is basic divide and conquer

>> No.62584832

Man gets name dropped by comments in every single stream. He's absolutely hilarious
Now he's following Tokino Sora. Why can't Volvox be based enough to try to reconcile with Michael? She's forgiving enough that I doubt she's even mad at him

>> No.62584844

Seems more like panicked deflection after dirty laundry was aired to me.

>> No.62585077

I mean if you're a real Michael fan, you'd surely have the balls to admit to who you are, right? Or are you going to do the traditional Rushiaschizo thing whereby you claim to be someone else (in that case, it was usually LARPing as a Marinefan) but always refuse to identify yourself because "you don't want to be harassed/stalked/DMd by her fans" or some other dumb excuse.
Look, I'm sure you're doing a great job shitting up the catalog or whatever, but you're not accomplishing anything other than acquiring (Yous), but that's all you really want, Rushiaschizo

>> No.62585126

Wew, it's always something when anons lose their anonymity and a rabbit hole opens up. It's part of the reason I don't like /vg/ as that exact thing happens a lot there. Anybody who becomes a thread celebrity with some outside account that everybody knows should be banned AND the faggots who talk about them nonstop should be banned.

>> No.62585456

>im cute neet japangirl!

>> No.62585568

Is there a reason you're so unhappy about your actions being spread here, Vegeta?

>> No.62585679

I'm not whoever you think I am, Rushiaschizo
Grow a normal sized dick

>> No.62585788

Just don't sperg out next time and you won't have to worry about people knowing you're a schizo manchild.

>> No.62585961

So what's going on with her twitch stream? Does she try to speak English in them? Is there an archive?

>> No.62586010

Kson exists

>> No.62586054

I have more respect for schizo fans who openly tell their oshis how they feel compared to autistic catalog dwellers
Also if you're really the Rushiaschizo like that other guy was saying, weren't you the guy trying to describe the contents of a membership stream despite not having her membership? God, what a loser

>> No.62586213

She has auto-archive disabled and only publishes some of them. She usually speaks more English than a normal stream and panders to kaigai fans a lot, but still mainly speaks Japanese. They're higher effort than her Twitcasts and she plays games during them more often than not, but lower effort than her YouTube streams.

>> No.62586285

Is there an unofficial archive?

>> No.62586341

If you wanna have respect for some faggot that threw a tantrum, got blocked, and then spent hundreds of dollars begging a girl who dislikes him for an unblock, that's your sad business.

>> No.62586353

She is living her dream

>> No.62586400

Not that I'm aware of, beyond some people maybe recording a personal archive.

>> No.62586410

If said faggot is making you throw a tantrum right now, that's pretty impressive. Although people like you are the dregs of human existence so maybe it's not all that much of an accomplishment?

>> No.62586421

Her dream is shit lmao

>> No.62586521

Kson seems to have accepted her place post-Hololive, while Mikeneko tried to force herself and her fanbase back to those days.
The fact that one accepted it and the other didn't has to account for something.

>> No.62586580

The antis are wasting their time. Mikeneko doesn't need help in damaging her reputation.

>> No.62586754

You're the one having a melty over an account of what happened. I'm sorry that it bothers you so bad to know that Vegeta attacked Mikeneko on Twitter, got blocked, and then paid her a bunch of money to beg her to unblock him despite her saying she doesn't even like him.

>> No.62586838
File: 94 KB, 543x654, Screenshot 2023-11-14 172744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She opens the hashtag or vod and goes down the list liking tweets or comments. I'm going to assume you're talking about either Arigathanks or Vegeta.
idk about Vegeta, but she liked Arigathanks tweet a while ago specifically when it was unrelated to any stream. She only liked three comments that day, so it was definitely intentionally done.
She's also deliberately and specifically mentioned him on stream outside of donations.

>> No.62586906

she is possibly #2, but Rushia's fall was a fuckton worse

>> No.62587020

I don't care what fans get up to, personally, although if anything, I do have respect for people who want something and then strive towards it despite whatever adversity they might face
It's a hell of a lot more respectful than backbiting and gossiping on an anonymous image board, posts growing progressively more deranged and filled with venom. I prefer people who live their lives boldly and with their heads up than snakes crawling close to the ground.

>> No.62587102

He is definitely the most memorable fan despite the fact she has really talented fans like yuzuco. I guess there's orca but he doesn't do anything lately.

>> No.62587277

The boldness of giving money to someone who dislikes you so they'll talk to you. So brave. Also, just some general advice: you might wanna avoid speaking like an anime character when you're trying to call other people deranged.

>> No.62587333

>despite the fact she has really talented fans like yuzuco
Yuzuco hasn't drawn Mikeneko in months. She only draws Rushia and sometimes another Holo. Yuzuco used to draw Mikeneko and Nazuna but stopped drawing at some point after January.
It should say something that Mikeneko doesn't follow Yuzuco on any account.

>> No.62587395

You should avoid speaking like a chat robot if you want to pretend to be a person or portray anything in a manner that normal, flesh and blood human beings might be able to understand. Although you're just a ball of hate, spite and malice so what would you know about being a human?

>> No.62587486

But yuzuco follows mikeneko on her account AND the sab account linked in this thread. I think it's fair to call yuzuco a fan, regardless of which persona she chooses to draw.

>> No.62587659
File: 4 KB, 227x222, 1692471721193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, what the fuck are you people going on about? i made the bread to inform everyone that people hasn't stopped harassing her, 4chin died and i come back then i see everyone here blaming her for it.
>she's always making yabs
anyone who thinks this is a braindead catalog reader, she's been trying to start legal action BECAUSE the harassment keeps on going, for some reason have been persisting for months.
>botting views
who's ass did you pull that info from?

>> No.62587662

You're seriously reacting to some schizo's actions being posted on 4chan like it's the holocaust.

>> No.62587670

I don't understand Yuzuco, personally. I think she watches Mikeneko but even then, I can't even confirm that.
I know she watched her up to a point. I think she might still? But the honest answer is that I don't fucking know. If she does, sure, she's still a fan. If she doesn't, then she's not
But I mean, it's just really funny to me that you try to pick a fan to praise and you pick someone who dropped drawing Mikeneko altogether. Like even among artists, why not pick Milk Tea who at least draws her? Milk Tea even drew Koneko

>> No.62587776

This guy has been shitting up catalog threads about her consistently for nearly two years. Stalking her fans, trying to get mengen info out into the public, shitting on her, shitting on her fans, spreading and distorting info about her, always arguing in bad faith, always portraying her in the worst possible light.
It's unironically a one manga propaganda machine who has no self awareness to understand that he can, to the surprise of no one, be wrong on occasion about his judgements of a person whose language he doesn't even understand.
There are honestly not that many antis as committed, even on the JP side, as this cock gobbler

>> No.62587780

NTA but hasn't she literally blocked and then later unblocked arigathanks twice? He didn't ask her to either time I don't think, but she's insulted him more than a few times and he's done the same to her, but every time they both seemed to just get over it out of nowhere. Also she unlocked Vegeta once before too after he put that tweet up and the 5ch thread spammed it to laugh at it.

>> No.62587953

I think it's pretty obvious why I picked her, she has much better art than sakana or milk_tea. And I don't see why she'd follow a <10,000 follower sub account if she wasn't still a fan, and it's not actually a bad thing to keep having top-quality Rushia fanart in 2023.

>> No.62587990

Don't be too bothered by it op. Those are just anti's, in one form or another. They don't have a life.

>> No.62588008

>>botting views
>who's ass did you pull that info from?
Did you not look at the graphs or something?

>> No.62588425

>And I don't see why she'd follow a <10,000 follower sub account if she wasn't still a fan
Said account has been around since March of this year. Yuzuco drew Nazuna near the end of February, but not since
Again, I don't really know with Yuzuco, to be honest. Maybe there's a tweet that confirms she still watches Mikeneko, but also why would you drop drawing any of her current personas even after Nazuna made that really unsubtle tweet about being upset about artists who weren't drawing her (but who were drawing Rushia, she didn't name drop Rushia obviously).
JuuP is probably a better example. For one, he has Twitcast membership and his Mikeneko/Nazuna art is some of the best around. Yuzuco confused me deeply, anon. If I were in her position, I would definitely pander to Mike as hard as I could with a bunch of drawings to make her happy rather than drawing Rushia almost exclusively for months on end.

>> No.62588665
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1413, 13846151294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, why don't you actually do that instead of complaining about someone incredibly talented drawing whatever avatar of mike they want to? Or are you arguing for salvation by faith in mike alone instead of, you know, mountains of pics like this?

>> No.62588844

Art is good (except for the anatomy issues with the genitals usually)
Also, you say "whatever avatar" but she literally can't stream as Rushia anymore. Also I don't think I was clear, but Nazuna followed Yuzuco in the past (not sure about Mikeneko). But I checked Nazuna's profile just there and she doesn't follow her anymore. So Nazuna unfollowed her
I'm fine with Rushia art, it's just that there are a lot of Rushia fans who won't ever watch Mike: hell, some Rushia fans anti Mike. That's why I'm cautious. Don't want to get burned
I strongly strongly doubt Yuzuco antis her, but I just don't know if she even tunes into her streams anymore.

>> No.62588877

>fall from grace
Kson was never "graceful" by any metric. Sure, she was popular, but what she does now has barely changed at all.

>> No.62588952

I guess you fulfilled your dream of being an internet loser.

>> No.62589223

>Feel free to keep posting pictures of your slashed wrists though, you sad faggot.
wtf I just got here
why does everybody always accuse other people of being me
even fucking mikeneko accuses other people of secretly being my alt
fucking bullshit
I stopped being depressed enough to find ways of hurting myself after she got upset at me for not being a member even though I had only made a single one-word comment so no pics for you sorry. And then a while after that she liked that tweet I made on her sub. I'm still extremely depressed but if she really still wants me to leave she's not done a very good job of showing it

>> No.62590344

>but antis masquerading as fans.
She herself said she lost 100 fanbox subs
I know that at least 3 of them were ¥10000 tier subscribers, too. Plus if they sub to her fanbox, they were almost definitely subbed to her YT and Twitcast membership. Probably her Twitch, too.
In what universe is losing 100 people who gave you at least $30 a month not losing fans? That's $2000 a month if you factor in a 33% cut across the board(it's actually lowrr than 33% for all of those platforms so $2000 is an underestimate anyway). Have you noticed how often she's complained about her income having gone down lately, btw? She definitely mentions it enough.

>> No.62590940

She got in her favorite game twice

>> No.62591264

God, I have jerked off this artist's works so much. One of the few I would willingly support.

>> No.62591937

I hope her ex-manager in Hololive found some sort of coping mechanism or therapy from having to deal with her. Fuck who am I kidding, mental wellness doesn't exist in Asia.

>> No.62597111

I heard she is pretty aggressive with pressing charges, can’t she do that against those impersonating and directly harassing her?

>> No.62600219

the issue is that antis will repost control she got taken down and because of the high amount of tourist dramafags they can cause a stir with the most retarded bullshit multiple times

>> No.62600766
File: 2 KB, 125x124, 1699567031644070s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how sad and pathetic can Rushia get?

>> No.62604206


>> No.62604279

Because she melts down in increasingly entertaining ways

>> No.62604758

>says she misses them
>tweets out there's no place for anyone who stopped watching her and to not do goodbye tweets because she doesn't care

>> No.62604763
File: 718 KB, 400x300, delu_mike_kissing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62605131

Jesus, you guys really have nothing better to do today...

>> No.62605570

As a Japanese Hooker because Vshojo CEO paid her to win

>> No.62605685


>> No.62606260 [DELETED] 

jk, I just want (You)s from the Henyaturds who show up in every thread. Not today lol

>> No.62606481

>tells oversea bros to fuck off
>oversea bros leave
>Noo, I'm japangirl boing pls come back

>> No.62609285

The new model looks like Shondo.

>> No.62609615

This is getting old everytime i hear news about this whore its dumb shit like this

>> No.62612784

>tells oversea bros to fuck off
someone's misinformed, the stream where she told foreigners to fuck off were those that kept on harassing her, antis arent just nips.

>> No.62612889

Antis aren't just anyone who complains either, EOP friend. And yet you're still wrong about what she said
I mean, the funny thing is that the people who complained most ended up staying around: the huge portion of her fanbase that left did so silently. Guess which did more damage to her in the end?

>> No.62612927

If these are the types of "fans" she still has around, it's no wonder she's struggling. A lot of the remaining fans are really stupid or just love starting fights

>> No.62612981

Were you not watching the 6am member's Twitcast or something?

>> No.62613002

>Miguel Cato is being defamed by antis
>in other news, the sky is blue and grass is green
Please end this thread already

>> No.62613017

A lot of the fans Miguel has left overseas are just white knights, not gachikoi. That's why these threads should seem really bizarre to anyone who actually knew the Fandead.
The actual gachikoi don't post /here/ anymore

>> No.62613050

Kinda funny that I caught one of the biggest white knight fags openly saying "you're friend, not wife" during one of her streams
No wonder she's trying to act very pro gachikoi on Twitch: she wants actually gachikoi and not these sorts of creatures in her fanbase.

>> No.62613085

Her most famous fanartist is doing that thing again where she just stops drawing, but this time, there's no obvious cause why
She's probably having more fun just drawing Hololive girls now, like her new oshi.

>> No.62613114


>> No.62613118

The Taiwanese have no loyalty and spend all of their time harassing other fans. They all go on their equivalent of /vt/, too
Never pander to the Taiwanese if you ever want to have peace in your fanbase. They're also not above spreading rrats that serve their needs, even about their own oshi.

>> No.62613133

It would be so damn hot.

>> No.62613154

The sooner the few retarded Nekofami who still browse this board learn to stop biting bait, the less antis she'll have
Also this is the brownest thread I've seen in a while. She really does draw up the absolute scum of the earth whenever she does something.

>> No.62614581

who? sakana? if so he drew her a week ago

>> No.62614627

unironically would be a great paring if they werent at eachother's throats. their whole issue just died down with no conclusion. so i guess they talked it out and had sex (i strongly believe this)

>> No.62615087

She used to draw her multiple times a day. A full week without art is a massive outlier
Look at her main account. Also she made a new account just to draw Holo lewds

>> No.62615123

They're just like their oshi and bite every bait thrown at them without any forethought, it's kind of funny to see.

>> No.62615179

anon her releases have always been inconsistent, she stop drawing her for a week then releases multiple art in a few days.
>new account
sakana did? are we talking about the same artist? https://twitter.com/sa__ka___na

>> No.62615245


>> No.62615280

Anon this break is not normal

>> No.62615351

She used to draw art for every stream
Then it was at least for every YouTube stream. Now she's skipping streams

>> No.62615378

people who draw art of her: bad
people with 7+ unmedicated mental illnesses: good

>> No.62615454

She doesn't draw art, donate or watch streams

>> No.62615545

Sakana is one of the most consistent fan artists out there. That's her greatest strength

>> No.62615925

Like every other Mike lawsuit, it never happened, she thought she could use it as a threat and wasnt prepared for someone to say "ok see you in court"
which is why it's so funny when she posts bullshit about suing antis, we already know she's full of shit

>> No.62616032

You people really are mentally ill arent you, you're like beaten wives
>talk shit about overseas fans
>overseas fans quietly stop supporting
>nooooo you fucking disloyal whoooores you need to support her even as she attacks you

>> No.62616131

Kek. The majority of Taiwanese are anti Unicorn. They push for male collabs just to spite other fans. And now they're bored of her, so they're leaving

>> No.62616344

everything she does these days is just a ploy to generate drama for views
she constantly scrapes the bottom of the barrel to remain in some form of spotlight
i miss the old ru... i miss her comfy nighttime minecraft streams...
take me back to 2020
