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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62326578 No.62326578 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.62326601


>> No.62326642

Termination when?

>> No.62327216

now convert it to yt views

>> No.62327271

>only way ratjinsanji can get attention is through yabs
Seems about right

>> No.62327279

The reach these low 4views have doesnt make any sense to me

>> No.62327764

spergs just made him more famous
they all ate on his palm

>> No.62327782

This is the kind of views vox can only dream of now

>> No.62327824

a new record for NijiCN

>> No.62327825

>one week off
I don't know why people are celebrating this nothingburger as if it were a termination.

>> No.62327828

the horde is coming for him

>> No.62327896

Finally, the mind share nijiEN deserves, eat shit holochuds!

>> No.62327994

KimchiCHADS I kneel

>> No.62328367

thank you nijiEN management for killing the collab with tempus

>> No.62328430

gundou had 1 week vacation before the termination

>> No.62328618

>twitter interactions = views
Nigga you high? i want the same shit you're smoking.

>> No.62328626

Do better, racist! Get deplatformed!

>> No.62328760


>> No.62329027

Twitter does not translate into actual support Finana gets tons of likes on her tweets, that doesn't exactly translate into paying support or even viewers.
Hell, Zaion's termination notice got tons of views, that doesn't mean NijiEN's fanbase is large enough to even view it that much. It could as well just be bots viewing the tweet.

>> No.62329083

NTA but anyone thinking Enna's boyfriend will be fired is fooling themselves

>> No.62329323

>implying the leader of the clique will get fired
Rumao. This suspension was just for show. Had it been anyone else they would've gotten the Zaion treatment.

>> No.62330017


>> No.62330039

It really depends, if this shitstorm gets big enough in Korea it might force their hands.

>> No.62330118

I doubt they would fire him even if it got that big, he's a little bitch who just ate his suspension in silence and if you're not butting heads with the management they won't kick you out

>> No.62330215


>> No.62330274

Niji already pulled the plug on Korea, they don't really care for it anymore

>> No.62330321

You forgot the most important thing: Kyo is a male, therefore he will not be fired

>> No.62330392

Controversy causes people to interact on twitch which boost it. There was like a month where people went from posting memes to posting intentionally retarded takes because it had people talking and they get paid for that. Things have to be really good or retarded to blow up on Twitter now

>> No.62330395

KR audience nowhere big enough to justify it, hell there was probably only 5 korean kyo fans at most so it wont affect kyo either

>> No.62330449

>I apologize for my wording
>(for making) my audience feel uncomfortable
>no acknowledgement of his racism
Typical wigger, always bitching out

>> No.62330496

Depends on if Japan has gained the paid Twitter access. Likes, views and rt give pay outs now

>> No.62330526

Kpop audience is fucking huge. Nijisanji probably hoped to get them one day or another. But now they never will.
A lot of the Luxiem sisters were kpop fans. Nijisanji has been desperately trying to get them back. since January. I guess this means they're gone for good

>> No.62330658

hololive BTFO

>> No.62330712
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Like CEO, like organ

>> No.62330930

Somehow they’ve went from majorly chinese to majorly korean.

>> No.62331559

Its hard to really tell if they have access or not, but I doubt it makes much money either. Still, I doubt that makes Nijisanji's managers any happier knowing that one of their livers just caused a racial shitstorm in a country where they have plenty of employees.

>> No.62331606

the chinese did die anon

>> No.62332609

as funny as it would be i highly doubt graduation since hes done worst and only gets a slap on the wrist. this is just to get the koreans off his back he'll be back making lowkey jokes about the situation again with a temporary CCV boosts cause of drama buff. classic niji tactic

>> No.62332796
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>> No.62332961

Nigga said what he meant. Now crush his nuts, we got to stay consistent here in kurosanji

>> No.62333053

You people keep acting like Enna's Riki's niece or something, but like she's just some depressive chinese doomer girl from one of the worst performing niji gens, I don't think she actually has any power.

>> No.62333067


>> No.62333072

Wait what happened? Didn't he literally say her wasn't going to apologize and even doubled down?

>> No.62333191

This is amusing ngl.

>> No.62333229

Yeah but management forced him to after yab blew up enough. Kek the bitch got (at least a part of) what he deserves.

>> No.62333230

Please make this into a national news It would be too god damn funny if he gets fired

>> No.62333268

Koreabros, we won!

>> No.62333395

If Kyo gets fired for this I will unironically listen to one BTS song

>> No.62333560

The samurai fears the comfort woman

>> No.62333576


>> No.62333631

In the West controversy leads to attention which is good for gaining traction. That's why our news shows disasters, not "nothing happened today here is some old man making a gingerbread house".
The 'controversy!? Suspend!' Won't work in the west.
Also I'm offended by South Korea and the only way to appease me is to surrender to North Korea.

>> No.62333659

I'll buy all BTS album! Korea do your job

>> No.62333872

>able to manifest theri abilities as V-Tuber
Wow kinda expected him to be full of it but that is even worse
They gave them a model, but take away their play buttons, 98% of merch sales, and give shittiest managers ever

>> No.62333882

Send in the trucks

>> No.62333886

Wasn't there a homo, wait he wasn't, he was a bfe one who made a diss track of sisters who were sperging at him and his senpai Himawari?

>> No.62333934

Korea isn't the west though

>> No.62333946
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Yachts aren't cheap ya know

>> No.62334003

yeah but that was before Niji management had a Niji management moment
doesn't matter if he was right or stating plainly obvious facts, what matters is he forced the staff to actually get out of bed and maybe do some work for a bit, so he's getting punished

>> No.62334086

Niji homo gets suspended for making a joke about Koreans getting plastic surgery kek

>> No.62334131

She not just a chinese, her father is a mainlander, she probably got some favouritism in niji for having a true chinese ccp blood.

>> No.62334176

What did he do?

>> No.62334195

My take on it is that Kyo was speaking English and addressing a mostly Western audience. If Kyo was speaking Korean and typing his responses in Korean then I'd get it. He's obviously talking to Koreans and wants their opinions on their feelings.
Perhaps English speaking Koreans will think this will help them blend in better by being offended?
The better question I want to ask is how are you supposed to talk about Korea without offending them? They need more than Maplestory for Westerners to give a fuck.
If I was a Vtuber and my job was on the line (a weeks pay in this case) I'd refuse to acknowledge Korea exists at all.

>> No.62334245

Nah, we having a popcorn party, also pls tell him not to graduate because he killing nijien reputation is a gold material.

>> No.62334308

From the previous threads, Niji still has a sizeable KR audience, especially because Ver is pandering to them. A few translation channels is all it takes to fuel the fire, there was literally one guy under his tweets live translating his stupid takes

>> No.62334562

Have you heard about Samsung anon?

>> No.62334622

so what did he say? nigger?

>> No.62334729

Actually yes. However nobody cares about that. The drama is because he talked about plastic surgeries.

>> No.62334747

>all of this could've been avoided if he ignored it on his morning stream and didn't vocally double/triple down

>> No.62334764

Listen to Tear if it happens

>> No.62334814

>Worst Koreans mad because the world memes on their plastic
It'd be like Amerilards demanding justice when anyone calls them fat

>> No.62334924

I hate Kyo and all of Niji EN but Asians proved that they are some of the most sensitive faggots yet again. Chinese, Korean and even some Japs are some of the most thin skinned people ever.
They are also some of the most racist people ever, even towards people from their own part of the world.

>> No.62334987
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I'd feel bad for him but then again making a big deal out of nothing is how he got Enna in trouble that one time

>> No.62335016

can we sticky this please

>> No.62335019

It dawned on a lot of people when Miko and Marine had to apologize over some literal who fag artist seething on twitter over them putting one of his books in the freezer for a gag

>> No.62335061

>Actual wigger, not the Mori kind who just likes rap and hiphop, a genuine wigger.
>Tries to play the 'You're so racist' card at one of his coworkers, live on stream.
>Is actually a massive prejudice asshole
>Is suprised when his retarded behavior bites him in the ass
Always the same shit.

>> No.62335125

>Despite the literal mountain of statistical evidence proving said stereotype
You're not one of those lefty fucks that pretend low school attendance and grades is due to "da wite man" right
But Kyo should have just never brought it back up and let it die

>> No.62335233

It's more like saying "american cops are the best in the world because they shoot criminal and deliver justice instantly" that a compliment but people seem to get offended though.

>> No.62335252

Oh Samsung is Korean? That's pretty cool.

>> No.62335270

based, on the basis of saying the n word and acknowledgement of koreas plastic love

but really what happened

>> No.62335295

Read my post again you fucking lukewarm iq mid-wit.

>> No.62335320

Stealth suspension!

>> No.62335376

Maybe it Koreans didn't want to be known for plastic surgery they should stop asking their parents for it on their birthday. Non fat Americans don't get super butthurt when people bring up obesity in America.

>> No.62335395

No way he wrote this

>> No.62335401

I know you're trying to shift the example, but the US does in fact, have the best and most effective Police force in the Americas
Go south, and its flooded with cartel moles and corruption, go up north and it's overpaid meter maids who really only remotely use force when Trudeau is mad about truckers
I'd go on for everywhere else, but its essentially one or the other in varying degrees

>> No.62335404

the irony in this post

>> No.62335416

If black people don't want to be poor they should stop comitting crimes and doing drugs.

>> No.62335451

About as subtle as a hand grenade in a glassware shop

>> No.62335461

hope this faggot gets hit by a short bus

>> No.62335494

Based kimchiGODS putting this disgusting wigger in his place.

>> No.62335509

>not a single clip of what he said itt
useless fucking board

>> No.62335538


>> No.62335579


>> No.62335588

how new

>> No.62335619

it's just a shit translation by some twitter troon
plenty of material to shit on tazumi without making things up

>> No.62335657


>> No.62335670

And i never said it was wrong, i said it was a fact but people also find that a negative stereotype when you associate american with police.

>> No.62335679

His name was Axia, dude despised his fanbase.
Think he became a fleshstreamer and announced he had a gf shortly after resuming activities post-graduation.

>> No.62335733

but enough about yourself

>> No.62335735

He made fun of koreans for getting a shit ton of plastic surgery and they got mad at him

>> No.62335845
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It reads like the kind of paragraph you'd be forced to write after getting suspended in middle school

>> No.62335896
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I think the real question here is
Is this worse than what Zaion was fired over?

>> No.62335934


>> No.62335955

Dude wasn't even bfe he just wanted to play apex and his viewers babied the shit out of him so he told them to fuck off and quit

>> No.62336055

He literally rage quit.

>> No.62336086

Why does anykara insist on pretending this shit isn't just a suspension. "I will take a week off to reflect", as if anyone with two brain cells to rub together will ever buy that.

>> No.62336128

>People constantly shitting on ren for leeching gura
>He got humbled and even changed for the better
>Meanwhile kyo

>> No.62336225

Kyotoid talons typed this post

>> No.62336257

The big thing is that he's a fucking retard who doubled down on it instead of just shutting up, now half of korea is up in arms and severely damaging their business prospects in the region

>> No.62336268

>stop streaming for a week
lmao that translates to graduation in Nijisanji

>> No.62336291

>Kyo is a male
Could've fooled me kek

>> No.62336301

plastic surgery joke now is equivalent to making fun of Koreans for having small dicks
Don't talk about plastic surgery in front of a Korean, they will be very mad

>> No.62336329

He ahould have doubled down and stopped playing the "Hey that's prejudice" card against any group he tried to saviorfag for.

>> No.62336397

It has nothing to do with that, it's more like pointing out that a woman has fake breasts, and then when the woman gets offended instead of simply apologizing or shutting up he decided to go "why are you booing me, i'm right" because he's a retard

>> No.62336434

No, Zaion was rightfully fired for committing the unforgivable sin of......*checks bullet list* making a deez nuts joke

>> No.62336472

Killing niggers and criminals with guns without being little pussies with tazers in serious situations is based. Euros really have no idea how violent our nogs are.
If Kyo talked about that, I would kneel.

>> No.62336503


>> No.62336515

Umm anon it would look bad if the company handed out a suspension, we can't have that.

>> No.62336522
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Then Google is a fucking racist in this case?

>> No.62336542

This is what happens when you mutilate your penis, you become a pansy who can't take a joke.

>> No.62336553

are you retarded or just illterate?

>> No.62336555


>> No.62336601

Trying to suck cock for those Koreans in this ridiculous situation is just retarded

>> No.62336638

You are the one completely ignoring everything I say because it conflicts with the version of events you have in your head

>> No.62336717

Where is the comment that Kyo "pointing out that a woman has fake breasts"?

>> No.62336728

As a westoid, I agree and think some of you Asians are some of the most sensitive faggots lol

>> No.62336775

Classic nijisister deflecting by pretending to not understand the problem. Kill yourself.

>> No.62336809

no she didnt. Gundou wasnt terminated, she literally had a graduation stream and that happened after 3 months of suspension

>> No.62336824

because they still think they are operating in japanese bullshit culture where people will pretend that he really did take that break of his own volition even when it's clear to everyone what actually happened

>> No.62336833

Man there sure are a lot of
going on in these threads

>> No.62336852

Lol, yeah it totally wasn't a termination because Anycolor called it a graduation

>> No.62336863

>Can't answer the question

>> No.62336876

yes, your point?

>> No.62336886

Congratulations Koreabros, you have power to make one of these faggots kneel and grovel to an apology by management. Keep it up until he humbles himself or gets suspended

>> No.62336918

It's not, it escalates violence because the criminals realize that their lives are on the line so they resort to more violence.
The same for the police, america is already on the downward spiral for gang violence. The war on drugs has thrown a lot of minority men in jail, meaning that there were many that grew up without an adult pillar to seek trust, comfort and advice from. This in turn directs more kids towards criminal gangs who are more than happy to pick up new willing meatshields.
The only way to defeat the spiral is to provide kids in communities ravaged by drugs and crime a place where they can have access to a stable adult pillar to lean on and reflect themselves in.
I.e. The kids need an adult that can show them that there is an alternative to their situation.
The adult pillar also needs to be able to help the kid/kids deal with the descrimination they face as they grow up and teach them how to navigate in life without lashing out violently as that will also just reinforce the aformentioned spiral of violence.

>> No.62336978

lmao xd

>> No.62337001

I am not going to support kyo in any way, but he was right in making fun of them. koreans have a mental disease and continue getting a ton of plastic surgeries

>> No.62337010

why is this board so full of gossiping women?

>> No.62337040

I would rather just get to the root of the problem. Also, LMAO

>> No.62337067

no it wasnt a termination because she had a graduation stream.

>> No.62337162

As a korean, I'm annoyed with the faux outrage. But I know enough to know that this is a problem in pretty much every race group.

You think South Americans are all holding hands? They speak the same language and actively hate each other.

Middle easterners, nothing more your honor.

Rwandan Genocide.

Only westoids are deluded into thinking their brand of racism is the worst.

>> No.62337186

Even still you and I both know no American would throw a mega bitch fit over a comment like that. Americans get shit on way more with stugg like being fat, school shootings, health care and they don't whine like fucking babies like the asians do whenever this stuff happens

>> No.62337239

>>Tries to play the 'You're so racist' card at one of his coworkers, live on stream.
Was this in jest or was this a pansy outrage moment?

>>Is actually a massive prejudice asshole
I hate Kyo, but i hated him less when he said he wasn't going to apologize.

>> No.62337290

Westerners don't have enough problems so they invent some.

>> No.62337307

The root of the problem is the war on drugs, raeganomics and racism. Funnily enough the latter is by far the lesser problem, but the american left is painting it as the biggest issue and the american right is more than okay with "yeah we're racist, so what?" meaning nothing changes.

>> No.62337358

The root of the problem are Jews, spics, and niggers. Not your leftist nonsense.

>> No.62337411

Yeah, and it was totally an amicable separation too amirite?

>> No.62337465
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>> No.62337482


>> No.62337510

Tldr:be an american asian.

>> No.62337545

on one hand hypocrite deserves it

On the otherhand it is so fucking pathethic when Asians go for the pity race card.
I remember a ton of goober so-cal asian americans doing this dumbass shit after covid like they were oppressed.
Dipshit software engineers making 200k complaining about how they were being oppressed by "white people" really made me lose all respect for west coast asians.

>> No.62337625

>severely damaging their business prospects in the region
The region that Nijisanji pulled the fuck out of a couple years ago?

>> No.62337680

Wow, an actual retard! I wish I could get your autograph.

>> No.62337679

>On the otherhand it is so fucking pathethic when Asians go for the pity race card
But it's not a race card, it's a korean specific card.

>> No.62337702

that translation was done by anycolors own official translator anon

>> No.62337733

What a retard. It clearly wasn't good optics, especially for a corpo. Should've just shut the fuck up or apologized early and moved on

>> No.62337767

>hogwarts legacy witch hunt
westerners just have different schizo triggers

>> No.62337869
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This is now Botan's thread!

>> No.62337959

Kyo and Mah-lord are already forcing everybody to pretend that their "buffs" aren't the most cringe, overcompensating, manlet shit ever, and now NijiEN management actually has to work? Yeah, that's 100% a suspension.

>> No.62337980

This situation only reassured me that you guys will change your argument depending on the situation. If this was done by a beloved Holo you'd all be going against le SJWs for overreacting over a joke/stereotypical fact of a country and going all gung-ho like you did for Pikamee when the "twitter freaks" harrassed her, but because it's fucking Kyo, suddenly that he's getting all this overblown hate is fine. Guess what, I fucking hate Kyo too but I also think it's dumb that they're getting this offended, have some self-awareness that you're being hypocritical for once.

>> No.62338151
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I'm a Niji fan but it's kinda sad people only pay attention to drama.

>> No.62338209

its the only thing niji is know for nowadays that and being future vshojo members

>> No.62338275

why do you people obsess so much over drama from a company you don't watch? seems like teenage girl behavior.

>> No.62338281

>Why is everyone cheering that the retard who cried racism is now being judged as racist
gee anon

>> No.62338312

Most people don't apply equal standards to every person. The standards change based on "I like this person" or "I don't like this person."

One of the consequences of being a social animal, the ramifications of which many in this thread don't understand. Rule number 1 for being a defendable person is to be likeable. No one sticks up for people they hate.

>> No.62338318

not out fault thats what nijisanji wants since its the only way to make themselves relevant

>> No.62338351

>why do you people obsess so much over drama from a company you don't watch?
You're on a glorified e-celeb board, anon.

>> No.62338375

Pikamee played a video game not make racial stereotype statements then double down on muh stats when she's known for getting mad over other muh stats. Nice try Kyo

>> No.62338407

Kyo is a hypocrite who gets to stew in his own shitsoup, which is funny.

>> No.62338484

>Kyo is not racist for brining up statistics
I mean if it isnt racist then he should start discussing about 13/50

>> No.62338526

Gundou was just done with the bullshit behind the scenes over a shitty joke and how management had been changing recently.
I expect some of the others to eventually drop out eventually as well. I don't see Hoshikawa staying there much longer. Getting in on that VSPO / Neo Porte train sooner or later. (or indie, but doubtul)

>> No.62338546

>senseless virtual signaling to mentality ill people
its what they deserved

>> No.62338548

>suddenly that he's getting all this overblown hate is fine
There is nothing hypocritical about wanting an hypocrite to deal with shit he himself agrees about.
If he did the same shit without policing other people jokes, most people would be defending him and this situation, instead of just this situation.

>> No.62338875

Uki can't seem to go a stream without shitting on or making fun of white people but thats completely fine and acceptable. What Kyo said was legitimately so harmless that I think anyone that's actually getting offended by it has a an IQ of fucking 3. I fucking hate Kyo and I'll defend him on that shit because it is nuts how thin skinned some koreans are, when others get made fun of in actually more racist ways.

>> No.62338972

I don't usually participate in Niji drama spam but this is correct. Even the Niji thread are making fun of Kyo here because he did the same shit to Enna and Zaion. When the guy who throws people under the bus for clout gets thrown under it himself it's just karma.

>> No.62339022

Holy shit kek. That's amazing how this drama is a bigger deal than their new wave. They are legitimately dead to most normies

>> No.62339080

Remember how Millie got suspended for shitting on him?

>> No.62339205

In this case it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person

>> No.62339314

If this was any other live then I would agree with you but Kyo is a hypocrite.

>> No.62339661


>> No.62339788

NijiEN wasn't known for constant drama early in their first year, certainly not to the extent they have now. They were small but they had a dedicated following. The problem is that NijiEN grew too fast too soon, which may have done wonders for Anycolor's profits but it did bad for the branch's culture in the long run by basically turning into a free for all. It also doesnt help that even though some talents in the branch are actually trying to turn the branch's reputation around, you have people like Kyo having full on retard moments and harming Niji's reputation by nature of association and being a decently sized talent.

>> No.62340868

Yes, that's literally true.

>> No.62341148

This is objectively false. Blacks adopted by whites still turn out black in terms of both IQ and impulse control. While one might try to make the case that their undesirable nature is somewhat exacerbated by their circumstances it is simply incorrect to assert that their environment plays a significant role in how they behave.

>> No.62341206

Trainwreck syndrome. Everyone complains that the guy in front is slowing traffic to spectate, until they get to the front of the line and do the exact same thing.

>> No.62341208

It's funny that this ended up being a bigger deal than all of the good things that happened to Niji in the past month. They're just completely fucked as a branch and there's no salvaging it

>> No.62341241

Thats what a shitty reputation does to you. Nobody will take your side even if you're right.

>> No.62341290

I mean Enna's a pretty close contender.

>> No.62341820

no, i think gundou quit because of the suspension and the situation in itself, i didnt mean it was amicable

>> No.62341907

i also woud love to know that, i see this behavior outside of here too lots of ppl obsessed with niji, most specifically nijien because kr and jp with no drama are ignored in general. i only care about what i watch so no idea why so many holo and other agency fans care

>> No.62342444

I feel bad for Scarle and even Vox, their new models and the "movie" seemed like steps in the right directions for the company, only to be overshadowed by this wigger. Never change Niji.

>> No.62345130

Nah, hskw alrdy get that "first class niji seat", alongside with salome, chronoir, mito etc. Can't see her moving

>> No.62345374

Akane also got the first class niji seat with nornis and even she dipped out

>> No.62345454

Just look at the nippleboy. He was on Japanese TV thanks to his yab. He also triggered Koreans once by using a Japanese gamerword that makes fun of raging Koreans having an outburst online.
Now he is one of the most successful organ they have. He has like 3 braincells which apparently is very appealing to some females.

>> No.62345674

That still makes me laugh immensely thinking back to it all. How the fuck
I miss her shorts, especially the singing ones that always caught the eye of Seffyna.

>> No.62346438

kek youre talking about a confirmed botter, anon

>> No.62347559

I didn't know those two events happened until someone made a thread implying anther niji was trashing Vox's "movie."

>> No.62348027

Nippleboys success only came because he got axias old audience. youd notice that there was an increase of people babying him after axia posted that rant about his fans.

>> No.62348086
File: 274 KB, 506x567, 1611269070439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Niji's Taiwan yab? Are we going to pretend it is good for the company like the Taiwan yab?

>> No.62348408

>The problem is that NijiEN grew too fast too soon
Nah the problem literally is the fact they hired dramashitters like Kyo

>> No.62349033
File: 151 KB, 1245x1169, F-gI2NaWcAEvBwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the leader of the clique will get fired
>implying Kyo is the leader of the clique

>> No.62349072

If they get rid of Kyo then yeah it would be good

>> No.62349204

Kyo has been such a bad hire that him being terminated would probably improve the branch's image in the long term. Because then the attention would be given to the actual good things going on in the company, not Kyo throwing another self-induced shitstorm.

>> No.62349209

>implying theres only one major clique
even in jp theres 2 major cliques which is kuzuha and chaika clique

>> No.62349395

Koreans having an obsession with plastic surgery is not a stereotype or racist, one of the most common "presents" that Korean parents give is paying for their kid to have plastic surgery. It is quite literally an epidemic because Koreans are apparently so self-conscious of themselves that they need to get pumped with artificial material to change how they look.

>> No.62349449

I'm korean and I didn't get that. Must be a you thing.

>> No.62349487

Koreans for all their latent neuroticism don't have half the culturally instilled mental illness of the chinese.

>> No.62349632

No because he didnt touch up on geopolitics. If he commented on dokdo islands however thats going to be another whole can of worms.

>> No.62349642

I'm not Korean or Asian but aren't you just proving them right with the whole stereotype thing. I've seen plenty of rich burgers and other Europeans do this shit too.

>> No.62349825

Race sensitivity goes jews > niggers > indians > whites > muslims = east asians > spics and you know it.

>> No.62349861

https://www.statista.com/statistics/1111220/south-korea-plastic-surgery-experience-by-age-and-gender/ It is literally an epidemic, just because you personally haven't witnessed it doesn't mean it's not happening. It is also nowhere near as common in anywhere else in the world

>> No.62349890

Kyo also said that Ver looked like he had Korean eye surgery btw.

>> No.62349899


>> No.62349949

God Asians are probably the most thin-skinned people on the planet, I know westerners get triggered by dumb shit too but god damn some of the "controversies" in Asian countries are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.62350042

Zaion was fired over an unfinished, implied rape joke and misbehaving with FFXIV. Everything else on her list of crimes was embarrassing padding. The only relevant people she pissed off were autistic Japanese businessmen while Kyo missed off viewers.
Kyo is worse but Zaion potentially caused a bigger headache for management with FFXIV

>> No.62350107

Same reason Cover does it. Japanese.

>> No.62350287

Because while Kyo might be a hypocritical faggot this specific joke shouldn't have been problematic.
He made it worse so he still deserves it but he wouldn't have had to if twitter Koreans didn't piss their fucking pants over "I got plastic surgery in Korea haha".
But I'm opportunistic so I will hope for his termination while despising kpoop.

>> No.62350977

It's because Kyo is a politically charged freak who, like the rest of them, can't resist getting a good swipe in at a group that is doing good for themselves. His real problem is the only things he knows about SK is plastic surgery is more common, it's the K in KPOP, and Enna's family is from around there. So when he's taking these swipes he sounds obsessed about plastic surgery due to it being one of two things he talks about

>> No.62352357

Based Asians not letting anyone insult and demean them, unlike Wh*tes who are basically masochists at this point and jerk off over being talked down to and have intense self-hate.

>> No.62352737

This is a Holo board, the double standard isn't a gotcha, we own it.

>> No.62353042

Brown hands typed this post. Crackers have spent literal decades being relentlessly shit on, the Asians are VASTLY more sensitive.

>> No.62353119

Come back when a holo does this

>> No.62353429
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>> No.62356368

The only misbehavement with FFXIV is using an account she wasn't supposed to be using, she didn't break any TOS. I know people were spreading misinformation that she used mods but she didn't, I was watching that stream

>> No.62357133

and one that they keep trying to court, as can be seen with ver and their recent korea collab

>> No.62357480

nijisanji did a marketing blitz early on billing them as hololive's greatest competitor and that drew alot of eyes to them, so of course when they keep fucking up people will talk. Same deal as with sony

>> No.62357642

>I'm sorry you were offended non- apology
I see kyo took his pr lessons from sleazy politicians. Fingers crossed this just fucks him over more, typical spineless wimp.

>> No.62358332

Worst part is it's literally a manager writing the tweet. He doubled down then tripled down on his shit, he refused to fuckin back down

>> No.62358434

Yeah, that's sort of implied by the bit where they grew so fast they couldn't properly vet their hires

>> No.62358606 [DELETED] 

He deserves it specifically because he's the type of guy to call other people out for offensive behavior like Zaion.
If he was a shitposter 'let people say what they want' type of person I would have defended him

>> No.62358626

They never vetted their hires. If they did, Ike wouldn't have been hired given his history

>> No.62359726

>This situation only reassured me that you guys will change your argument depending on the situation
Correct, it's also true for every community on the internet.

>> No.62359856

The issue isn't asians it's the fanbase that Trannjisanji cultivated, which is just pozzed SJW scum

>> No.62359885

/asp/ie drama deflection thread

>> No.62360525

Unless that aspie is joining nijisanji we don't care

>> No.62360730

oh no

>> No.62361494

I'm not Korean.

>> No.62362156
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>> No.62362518

Why are you on 4chan? You should know most anons are too rightist to accept the truth.

>> No.62362781

Nobody knows who this is and we do not care

>> No.62363201

how would they even start to fix it? wouldn't they have to fire almost everyone and essentially start over?

>> No.62363244

Go to /soc/ with this.

>> No.62363346

What good things happened to Niji this month? Was one of them Vivi?

>> No.62363890

Pretty much. There's too many menhera's in the branch making the vibes horrendous and being un-professional

>> No.62364384

>but because it's fucking Kyo, suddenly that he's getting all this overblown hate is fine.
Literally yes. I'm normally against cancel culture but kyo is a drama stirring shit flinger who uses cancel culture himself. I will gleefully laugh at any misery he suffers from the very forces he usually manipulates for his own sleazy goals, it's poetic justice.

>> No.62365182

>because it's fucking Kyo, suddenly that he's getting all this overblown hate is fine.
We celebrated when jk rowling got hoisted by the sjws too. Wanna know what they both have in common? They were both champions of SJWs before they pissed off that crowd by not being progressive enough

>> No.62368910


>> No.62373098


>> No.62373138 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 640x734, ezgif-2-465862f1af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will emmydook get one million views

>> No.62373230

>one million threads about the same irrelevant bullshit

>> No.62373529

Seethe harder

>> No.62375246


>> No.62377597
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>> No.62377643

its kyover

>> No.62377812

In management eyes, whatever zaion has done is definitely worse than any action Kyo has taken so far. Zaion acted up even during suspension. While Kyo, despite being an incorrigible bitch who will never change his disgusting attitude, is still smart enough to not do anything funny or raise his hand against management during his "suspension"

>> No.62377858


>> No.62380297

Kyo is finally famous just like he wanted

>> No.62383149


>> No.62385032

I want his ass to be blown out but not by something i would do or generally found to be funny.

>> No.62385255

Not if it was Mori

>> No.62385701

i guess not even hatred for nijisanji can make /vt/ abandon their principles that easily

>> No.62387433


>> No.62389495


>> No.62390349

short cancel-culture-loving crippled man got cancelled

>> No.62390548
File: 96 KB, 680x493, wigger inc..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like almost entire board... hates the wigger & celebrates him getting btfo, strange huh?

>> No.62390807

Yeah, people here cheer when blacks hate her for saying the nigga word.

>> No.62391257

no we don't, every time the morischizo brings up a twitter screencap of black twitter hating mori we just shit on them

>> No.62393247

Wow. Go figure. People hate when people they like get fucked over by bullshit, but like when people they hate get fucked over by bullshit. You cracked the code, man.

>> No.62395375

does 2 people constitute a clique?

>> No.62395404
File: 216 KB, 730x876, kyo white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last tweet before his suspension is telling everyone how white he is

>> No.62397997

we need that cant pass an English test on this board

>> No.62399506


>> No.62399856

can anyone explain to me what did he say or do lmao?

>> No.62400690

>Kyo: I went to South Korea to do some plastic surgery lol
>Twitter snowflakes: That's racist somehow. Apologize!
>Kyo: South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world. I don't need to apologize
>Kyo's manager: >>62326578

>> No.62401011

I have no idea why Koreans consider this to be racist. Do they think it implies that they are so inbred and ugly they require plastic surgery to fix their fucked up genes?
I think this is even more ridiculous than when they cried over the retro Japanese outfits, that reminded them off their occupation by the Japanese.
I just hope they invent brain surgery to fix their online outrage issue and stop their Hwabyeong behavior...

>> No.62401763

because he's known for the guy who went apeshit on Enna for making a fried chicken joke so his audience is on the lookout for this sort of shit. You reap what you sow I suppose

>> No.62405132

>become known as a white guy
>lose anti cancel privileges

>> No.62405275

i wouldn't be surprised if most of the outrage are from koreaboos

>> No.62408078
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>> No.62408412

I don't get it does he think he's black because of his parents then throwing that away or is he just a turbo lib that imitates black people like using "y'all" all the time but to the extreme and lets people think he's black until the jig is up?
