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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62029387 No.62029387 [Reply] [Original]

>run by Mythic Talent so will be biased
>no doubt will be filled with Twitch whores and barely anyone from YouTube
>lewdtuber of the year award
>vshojo will probably pay to get their talent nominated even though Ironlung wants her own award show

>> No.62029473

Buy an ad ant

>> No.62029603

>if you hate vshojo you are Ant
Plenty of people hate that company, bro. Lots of people still refuse to watch Henya and the rest of the recycled "new" talent because Froot is still employed.

>> No.62029970

Cool story bro. Make another blog post about how much you hate vshojo for the catalog PLEASE, we're all waiting for another hate thread.

>> No.62030076

100 froot twitch points have been deposited into your account

>> No.62030357

>waah waah I hate vshojo what about hololive muh no-streams in a month shark, blue triangle good everything else bad, seethe seethe seethe spam anti every day

>> No.62030676

When is the date of this?

>> No.62030728

Have a free bump, retard. Imagine having your whole personality be rent free hate for a corpo no one actually gives a fuck about, especially /here/.

>> No.62030735


>> No.62030774

There isn't much prestige to the event so there's no point in being corrupt about it. You can build the prestige by being authentic and doing it all with votes. Believe it or not filian isn't actually a moron and probably understands this.

>> No.62030817

>Imagine having your whole personality
nta go back to where you came from,woman

>> No.62030922

>filian isn't actually a moron
debatable.she may not be the stupidest in her industry, but she did some pretty stupid things

>> No.62030961

December 16th, according to their site, at least.

>> No.62031053


>> No.62031160

you wish I was a woman you cum brained faggot.

>> No.62031200

No one outside of /vt/ is giving a shit. That's all you need to know about that shitshow.

>> No.62031391


>> No.62031607

She's pretty smart, especially when it comes to content creation things.
All the self-mutilation she does is not because she's too dumb to know any better, but because she's a menhera in a slow motion meltdown. You can think of her as of a "flagellant vtuber", and you wouldn't be too far off.

>> No.62031787

I doubt anyone is going to pay to get special treatment in an award show few people care about. Filian is ultimately just an indie doing this for content.
And let's be honest, Gura has no business winning any awards for this year. She has to actually stream to be a good streamer.

>> No.62032386

so true ant

>> No.62032447

success breeds jealousy

>> No.62032725

It's probably high favored for the mythic and twitch independants solely for the reason that this is the audience that is actually informed about these kind of awards. Hololive and most other big companies are still mainly jp based and their viewership mostly stays in their own microcosmos of chuubas and their interactions. These awards feel more like EN-indies awards.

>> No.62033260

So you only talk like a woman? Seems like you're the faggot here, limp wrist.

>> No.62034142

Mythic, Vshojo and some of their twitch indie 3view friends will win across the board. Expect Ironlung to win like 5 different awards. Probably throw in a Hololive pity win to make it look authentic and not a biased piece of shit. Yawn.

>> No.62034268

Win or lose the awards are basically meaningless. Its like video games devs bragging about getting a GOTY award from a magazine with 5 readers.

>> No.62034434

>run by Mythic Talent so will be biased
Biased towards who? They aren't a vtuber org. They literally can not be biased towards anyone. Why is the vtuber "fandom" compromised of 99% hate and incels? You idiots could see someone cure cancer and make the cure free and you'd find a way to make the creator not only kill himself but also erase the cure from our world. Demons, all of you. Back! Back I say! *holds up picture of a man* Yeah that's right, now you're scared. Get back to your basement. I'm unplugging your router.

>> No.62034500

At least it has sovl

>> No.62034560


>> No.62035128

Are you retarded, a buzzword spewing tourist, or both?
>you wish I was a woman

>> No.62035785

i love how mousefags are losing their shit as filian is slowly moving past the rat

>> No.62035955


>> No.62036061

>Country club awards

At least the JP awards try to be fair rumao.

>> No.62036198

They gotta do something when watching her sleep

>> No.62038267

froot's not going to fuck you

>> No.62038547

Please go outside, I beg of you

>> No.62038880

lol >>61998094

>> No.62039115


>> No.62039659

Considering how much of a whore she is, she probably will.

>> No.62039803
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Vote for Necoma Karin 猫羽かりん

>> No.62039980

Someday you’ll hit 14ccv Ant-Chan.


>> No.62040106
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>> No.62042010

Ant will go through menopause before she even sniffs your SEA cock. Give it up already.

>> No.62042811

i'm australian

>> No.62045803


>> No.62046074

silvervale broke down onstream from being harassed by troons over playing hogwarts legacy, froot (alongside saying that "everyone makes mistakes" when someone asked her about it) took advantage of the situation IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS by tweeting out that for every like she'd donate a dollar to a "gender affirming care for kids" charity (that surprise surprise has had no shortage of pedophilia scandals, even some that made mainstream headlines), she said she'd change charity after the backlash but we've heard absolutely nothing about her donating to any charity ever since then

>> No.62046707

If you want YT vtubers to get nominated then maybe you should vote for them and pass it around within the YT vtuber community instead of seething on 4chan about something that hasn't even happened yet

>> No.62046926

I dunno it still be funny if she won best streamer twice in one year.

>> No.62047626

it will be just like the other twitch award shows. filian will try to do a flip to distract everyone from it's mediocrity

>> No.62047824

Read that second paragraph again and tell me she's smart.

>> No.62050452

Have any of the vshojo girls even talked about this event? Not sure if they know its happening

>> No.62051177

>All the self-mutilation she does is not because she's too dumb to know any better
>she's a menhera in a slow motion meltdown
Isn't she literally like a professional gymnast and exaggerates most of her injuries?
the last time she did a serious self harm was like, the laxatives stream and since then she's kinda been slacking on serious risks
setting off the fire extinguisher from her window instead of her apartment for example

>> No.62051318

Eh, I just don't watch her because she doesn't stream on Youtube.

>> No.62051398

>OP uses Froot image for their Filian award thread
Who else could it be?

>> No.62055224

Just like her previous collab promoted by fansly, she'll be fucked by incompetent "friends" again. She tried to build up reputation in the industry, but people just don't care

>> No.62055727

this time it's jail ant, don't do it.

>> No.62055905

They will have been told to ignore it because ironlung is running her own.

>> No.62057370

why are twitchtubers just making their own awards shows and giving themselves awards like they represent the industry or something?

>> No.62057624

Hidden gem being determined by popularity vote? How is that going to work?

>> No.62057661

You already know lol

>> No.62057701

has she announced her award show?

>> No.62057703

anon it happened after twitchcon and half the attendees caught the plague because somehow the twitch is a plague turned out to be more than a meme

>> No.62057977

Thinking anyone gives a fuck about ant is like the /v/ retard screaming about barry in every other thread. If ant disappeared from the internet tomorrow froot would still be disliked.

>> No.62057997
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>> No.62058196

everyone wants a participation award

>> No.62058429

I read that the hidden gems nomination required less than 1,000 viewers before they changed it to 300 then again to 100 if you were wondering how its going

>> No.62058798

they would've had one of their friends with <1000 views win so they could get a viewer boost but the internet called them out so now they probably will rush through the hidden gem segment really quickly to get that <100ccv chuuba out of the way

>> No.62059491

holodrones are on high alert ITT
don't worry, im sure there are more tourists than people who actually watch chuubas that will vote

>> No.62059568

If Filian is doing the picking she will give Phase Connect girls some pity wins

>> No.62063557

They also rangebanned SEA from voting

>> No.62063623

But she filled it out herself on stream so you know it’s not rigged.

>> No.62063861
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>> No.62063960

tweeted out 4 hours after the thread was started
dunno what point you're trying to make

>> No.62063990

I trust Filian actually

>> No.62065169

They just don't trust her enough to show up. If the host was ironmouse it'd be different

>> No.62065421

Right, and Melody has been faking being very sick on stream for the past week, then?

>> No.62066266

Why would Holofans even care about an award show? The talents have most of the highest viewerships in the medium. rumao

>> No.62067032

what's the prize for winning?

>> No.62067106

whichever one gets the most support from viewers gets to decide who is important in the twitchtuber circles. I don't expect any to get major support since they give all the big awards to their friends or use them to cause drama

>> No.62067229

it's literally a popularity contest and they'll make it so someone wins at least 1 thing

>> No.62067528

Okay. But did she really steal money or are you just assuming?

>> No.62067964

she announced on twitter that she would donate money equal to the likes on the post so people gave her money to help cover the cost. she then said she'd look for another charity to donate to and that's the last time it was mentioned

>> No.62067970

She didn't, she said she would pay an amount of money equal to the likes of a certain tweet to some really fucked up tranny org and then just didn't. Nothing stolen. The virtue signal bs was disgusting ofc but with how often it get mentioned you start to think ppl are actually mad that she did not give the Trannies money in the end. She did more than enough other shit, try your hand at mentioning that instead of going "Oh no not the Tranny money!"

>> No.62068010

Reminder to nominate Hogwarts Legacy as Vtubing Game of the Year

>> No.62068626

it's all just twitch and e-celebs circlejerking anyway.

>> No.62068721

I don't understand how these things manage to be even more of a circlejerk than academy awards shows.

>> No.62068880

With the current rules on the site, I trust her to be fair, but maybe I'm wrong for that.
I'd Mousey's show to be 100% objective more, it seems she can't get her shit together

>> No.62069862

Absolutely no one cares about this shit except twitchtards

>> No.62069939

I dont know, but i voted mori calliope for best music, because it would be pretty funny if she won after dropping sneaking lol

>> No.62071032
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lol seethe forever ant

>> No.62071100

Gura won the last Vtuber award, bro.

>> No.62071255
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Mouse is trying to get all Vshojo, Niji, and Holo all on board with it, and she herself wants to host it rather than participate in it. Filian is doing more of an award show centered around twitch vtubers. And the award that Mouse already won wasn't from a vtuber award show, it was from a streamer award show that had a vtuber category.

>> No.62074387

Bump for the Apricot cuck.

>> No.62077759


>> No.62081070

I just hope Gura wins something to make the antis seethe.

>> No.62081834

I just hope Froot wins everything to make ant seethe.

>> No.62081944

Everyone at vshojo are grifter whores.

>> No.62082551

Ant is a textbook grifter.

>> No.62082750

Just call it the 2023 Mythic VTuber Awards and there will be no issues.

>> No.62084172

It really continues to impress me how people will not vote, then bitch and moan that the ones they like didn't win. Reminds me of elections.

>> No.62085004

Mouse is gonna have Connor do all the hosting as she relies in gunrun and her managers to contact the other orgs. The roster will likely have Vichiban members in every category. Each award will have 2 Vshojo, 2 Vichiban, and 1 member from another org as Vshojo will walk away with the most.

It will look like Connor and Mouse's Fortnite tournament where it's the two of them bantering 80% of the time and a quick camera break to announce an award.

>> No.62085091

This is about ethics in vtuber awards shows

>> No.62085102

That'd just take the spotlight away from Filian. I agree it's a bunch of corpo wankery from Mythic to take a support role on this when they're clearly the bigger entity here, but I suppose they want to stick through their "talent first" philosophy.

>> No.62085562

yes ant
sure ant
you're totally right, ant

>> No.62086328


>> No.62086377


>> No.62089027

This is such a funny fucking point to make because Matara and Henya both are significantly bigger within VShojo than they were at their old place. So they shed their most retarded tribalistic fans, and gained 2-4x as many viewers as before. It's quite literally the best tradeoff imaginable.

>> No.62089550

As much as I dont like watching Henya compared to her old self. This is true. She gets better viewership on Twitch than YouTube. I still won't watch her because it's not on YouTube.

>> No.62092681

she only agreed to join mythic after they promised her to do events like this
she said as much when she announced it
it also helps that she is IRL friends with several OTK owners

>> No.62097159
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>> No.62097240

What is the benefit of watching on youtube? The dogshit bitrate filters me.

>> No.62098890

Youtube is better at generating VoDs, instead of having to export that shit. But when it comes to watching the actual stream, Twitch is better with emotes, has better moderation tools so chat is less shit and the streamer is therefore having a better time, in most cases.

>> No.62100966

I like all the various plugins that frankerface has for twitch, and I've never liked not having a sidebar that just shows who is live that I'm following or subbed to like twitch has, Wish youtube would have a more simple system for that.

>> No.62101440

Really? Did she get so mindfucked by Gura winning that award over her that she decided to make her own award show? Jeeze.

>> No.62101862


>> No.62102434

Probably still better than the vtuber award in that streamer awards crap, dunno if they still do those after the first one.

>> No.62103061

I'm not watching that. I'm not terribly invested, I just plan to derisively lmao in the threads as they come.

>> No.62103164

They've done them 3 times

>> No.62106757

"kids" tranny org was the issue.
