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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 168 KB, 1280x720, shelteredchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60880765 No.60880765 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't even being a zoomer anymore. Its just being sheltered in a basement for 15+ years

>> No.60880815

i can save her...

>> No.60880849

Yes, that's her whole deal basically, and why she doesn't connect with a wider audience. She's like your weird homeschooled cousin

>> No.60880872

Sheltered only from video games. I'm guessing she wasn't allowed to have those, only anime and whatever else is accessible to her through the internet.

>> No.60881066

No even with anime she's pretty sheltered

>> No.60881251


>> No.60881284

It's called lying to to keep up an image

>> No.60881453

fuckin oath m8

>> No.60881587

It's a shed actually.
it's pretty common for chinese parents to force their kids to do tons of retarded chinese status things that mean nothing for 99% of people in the real world

>> No.60881633

The cuckshed meme was real and has been there all along.

>> No.60881646

She's the perfect candidate to introduce classics to and witness someone experience the games for the first time but she has no appreciation for shit that wasn't invented on tiktok

>> No.60882080

How can anyone believe she isn't don't this for the clicks?

>> No.60882234

It's a good bit, to be fair

>> No.60882272

>Its just being sheltered in a basement for 15+ years
If you live in some parts of Australia that isn't too different.

>> No.60882303 [DELETED] 

She's too busy having sex for 15+ years

>> No.60882340

No, she’s not. She just has feminine tastes.

>> No.60882357

She must be tired

>> No.60882423

Australia is a giant backyard with shit internet. That's one thing. She also lived hyper traditional asian parents. That's another thing. Those types are basically amish people and it's a miracle she knows as much culture as she does now. I believe her being a sheltered kid because those are quite common on the outback.

>> No.60882502

Never underestimate how dumb people are. The concept of its a bit doesn’t cross most peoples mind. Also in the actually stream she knows what metal gear is but has never played any of the games and didn’t know snakes name but knew his character design

>> No.60882782

Some of the most normie of normies and zoomiest of zoomies I know are at least aware of metal gear.
So I don't even know anymore. Either it's just her gimmick at this point or her parents let her out of a basement less than a decade ago.

>> No.60882799

I'm ok with Bae not knowing about some things so long as I get her cute autistic breakdowns and rants about what ever Shojo or Barbie lore that randomly comes to mind, that shit is great

>> No.60882811

>and why she doesn't connect with a wider audience

This. People keep asking what can she do to try to incline? For starters, knowing when to not walk into actual gaffes is one thing that would help, and not knowing even the absolute fucking most common simple cultural cornerstone shit is a fucking gaffe. It's fine if she's like a specialist in anime/jpop/kpop etc because many are, but, that doesn't and shouldn't come at the expense of knowing about ANYTHING else culturally in the world period. She's not even that massive an otaku to begin with so it doesn't even really add up.

She seems to wear her ignorance like a badge of honor, but really that is nothing to be proud of. She clearly nowadays plays up not knowing common cultural stuff ... as far as I've seen with normalfags at work etc, this is acutally not uncommon, she's a space alien to us but actually there are a lot of people like her and at least with ones I've known they unironically list "walking" or "reading" or "hanging with their family" as their "hobbies" and truly make the NPC thing feel like reality because funny enough, NPCs don't know that they're NPCs etc. Fucking Bae, is a fucking NPC mistakenly being given a voice and as it turns out she has literally nothing at all interesting to say/observe about anything, she's a plain gray canvas.

The thing is, if you tried to gently prod around these types in conversation to figure out what/how they think, it's commonly that they think they're better for -not- knowing these nerdy things and they're above needing to care. They can argue nerd shit is cringe and indeed a lot of it is, but to not even recognize it by name is a downright fucking sheltered level of ignorance. When I was a little kid in sunday school there was one girl who had never seen Star Wars as it turns out and even there some people pretty much gasped going "wow you NEVER saw it!??" etc. Bae is like that ultra-sheltered type even among sheltered kids. In these peoples' everyday lives, probably everyone they know also doesn't care about geeky/pop culture things too, so it's normal for them and then it makes sense. However when dealing with not just one person but a group of millions of nerds where not knowing common knowledge is downright dumbfounding, she just looks like she doesn't fucking belong, she's got truly nothing in common and no reason to be there.

>> No.60882858

Poor half Asian rat living in Australian outback please understand

>> No.60882909

She does it on purpose

>> No.60882940

oh yeah nah mate we got those snake cunts in straya too mate, fuckin me dad used to chop the heads off the cunts with a shovel to kill the little buggers, did anywun try that in the game

>> No.60882961

>She seems to wear her ignorance like a badge of honor
What the actual fuck are you talking about you schizo

>> No.60882976

Love when normies like you blow a fuse cause I don't care about your shit

>> No.60883131

She plays up not knowing basic shit for "humor" more, it's really obvious dude. She didn't originally start out like this, but it became "a thing" and it started getting clipped, so she started to lean into it because it makes chat react. Thing is, just getting a reaction isn't always a good thing when it just starts to build up to ridiculous levels and she doesn't recognize that.

For example, maybe someone out there had never drank pepsi even once their entire life, and that'd be a surprising/amusing fact to hear - that's the kind of thing where Bae is like "what's star trek" and it becomes a big clip. However, where Bae is at now with continuously not knowing stuff is getting more to like "what's soda, what's pizza" where you start to go "ok there's too much ground to cover now I give up."

>> No.60883158

I know about MSG but I never played it. And by know I mean I know some memes about it.

t. 33 years old european man

>> No.60883166 [DELETED] 

TLDR >>60882909

>> No.60883216

TLDR >>60882909

>> No.60883225

But what you are saying is not being proud about not knowing shit, that's just playing it up for the audience like you said. So your original line still doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.60883265

Normalfags sometimes are proud of not knowing nerd stuff yes. You didn't know that? Well now you do. I'm not certain Bae is like that because I mean, she can't just go "who fucking cares about your stupid games and tv shows I clearly never fucking did you useless virgins" but you 100% cannot disprove that she could be thinking that.

>> No.60883418

>Bae ending stream and talking what other girls are doing
>Brings up Calli's MGS collab
>says she's heard of it but doesn't really know anything about it or how big of a franchise it is
>Chat informs her that it's similar size to streetfighter and Pokemon
>Gets interested in it and says that it really cool that Calli has got such a cool collab then
I hope that helps you guys, clipper thumbnails are always clickbait so I don't know why people always base their opinion on just that.

>> No.60883428
File: 74 KB, 784x876, 1695583077563987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not certain Bae is like that because I mean, she can't just go "who fucking cares about your stupid games and tv shows I clearly never fucking did you useless virgins" but you 100% cannot disprove that she could be thinking that.
Well yeah no shit, you can't really prove she is faking it either. I just think your hateboner for normies is clouding your judgment, calm down a bit.

>> No.60883438

Considering how shitty the games are
and considering how shitty the fan base is
she's better off not knowing.

>> No.60883469

>Chat informs her that it's similar size to streetfighter and Pokemon
l o fucking l
imagine believing that.

>> No.60883489

It's nowhere near as big as Pokemon or even SF. A better comparison would be the game she was playing, Resident Evil.

>> No.60883537

I'm aware I'm just pulling up what was said during the stream, her chat was full of retarded greyniggers today and that was probably the least retarded thing that came about from them.

>> No.60883629

>still believing that this rave goer was a sheltered kid

>> No.60883650

ah yes raves, well known for how often people discuss the metal gear series at them.

>> No.60883726

>rants for an hour about inuyasha being a groomer
>this is what gets clipped

>> No.60883727

she didn't say this, stop fucking linking this retards clips

>> No.60883763

Bae's rants are honestly the best, does anyone have the 20min clip about that Shojo anime she watched?

>> No.60883935

now all she needs to do is have strong autistic opinions about these things she doesn't play, and she'll fit right in on /v/

>> No.60884146

It's called playing way too hard into her retarded kayfabe.

>> No.60884159

>t. /v/aggot

>> No.60884184

Are you pretending? v worships mgs and kisses kojimas feet.

>> No.60884226

No one cares about your /v/ tier shitty video games and not knowing about a video game doesn't mean your ignorant. All it means is you don't care about that type of culture. Also MSG is shit franchise filled with redditor fans

>> No.60884265

who fucking cares, I saw her lies of p stream and she's a better gamer than all of (you)

>> No.60884636

It took you THIS long to figure it out? her problem was never that she's a zoomer, nay, she had the misfortune of having super tiger parents

>> No.60884705

hey fuckhead, you do realize she has gone on record to say that she's still learning about everything and is willing to give it a fair try as long as cunts like you don't harrass her right? she has recently been trying to get into Soulsborne and has tons of games like Yakuza, DMC and stuff lined up and will also watch jojo next month

>> No.60884788

This board is unironically filled with thumbreaders
Imagine being worse than a clipwatcher

>> No.60884834

>Saying this about the girl who is always open mindedly and earnestly trying to give new things a shot

>> No.60885037

How the fuck do you selectively pretend to know about stuff? the tons of moments where she DOES know about stuff never get clipped and that's her fault?
There is not a single chuuba out there that exposes threadreaders vs streamwatchers harder than Hakos Baelz

>> No.60885137

There you go
She's a soulsborne savant if I've ever seen one

>> No.60885389

shes a normie, its that easy

>> No.60885479

normies don't buy 1000$ anime merch

>> No.60885517

*watches vtubers*

>> No.60885652
File: 33 KB, 949x668, HAHAHAHAHAHAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60885815

>literally 2deep4u

>> No.60885915

>knew who fucking roberu was and was a fan
>doesn't know mgs
literally how. how can you know about holostars or vtubers but not mgs

>> No.60885940

I don't like these clickbait thumbnails, she never said "what's metal gear" she just said that she doesn't know the details but knows it's a game and that it's huge and that Mori has a collab with it
Someone should start posting the actual clips in these threads

>> No.60885986

Holy Baesed

>> No.60886016
File: 37 KB, 720x732, 1682230037589700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baesed gamer rrat
I wish she didn't yell that much tho

>> No.60886113

no one would clip the groomer rant its far to considered real worlds serious by terminally online people. Also people who watch clips just want more of the same thing over and over again

>> No.60886274

Same reason she has watched stuff like Hellsing, Black Lagoon, Jormungaand, gangsta and Carnival Phantasm but doesn't know about Dragon Ball. She knows what she knows and if she doesn't, it is what it is
Gaming is especially something she never grew up with

>> No.60886449

Isn't it enough that she has watched Naruto and One piece? she doesn't need to watch all of the big 3

>> No.60886537

retard that is just a regular woman

>> No.60886561

You should make reading your hobby, maybe you'll learn to write better.

>> No.60886595

She's Australian. Any videogame more violent than Sesame Street was banned in that country for years.

>> No.60886644

Metal Gear is niche, especially nowadays when it has become so dated. Both gameplay and story could have used a lot of streamlining to be less weird and overcomplicated.

>> No.60886763


>> No.60886786

What's a condom?

>> No.60886833

My 11 year old cousin has played MGS, MGS2, and MGS3

>> No.60886847

Is she a hot girl?

>> No.60886918

Since she never pretended to have a broad gaming culture, I don't understand why it's surprising EVERY FUCKING TIME

>> No.60886935

>Its just being sheltered in a basement for 15+ years
Yesh tiger parents, confirmed for not watching her but that's about to change now that she is free of the shed

>> No.60887004

Why don't you have a shoujo manga knowledge battle against her huh big boy? wouldn't it be embarrassing if you didn't know a single one and she knew like 500? yeah thought so

>> No.60887044

>soulsbabies hyping up another "hard" game
Let me know when she beats balteus

>> No.60887046

Jesas christ man does every single vtuber clip have to have a shitty title and kid pandering thumbnail?
We are at the point where unedited compilations of moist crikital and XQC clips are better than this.

>> No.60887122

Because most anons here are terminally online and don’t understand that not everyone cares or grew up with the shit they care or grew up with.

>> No.60887151

>fruits basket
No she absolute chad tastes

>> No.60887174

She's just pretending not to know to bait chat reactions and clips

>> No.60887184

Its a boy

>> No.60887197

>Hang out with your workmate irl who has a deal in the works with said franchise
>Pretend not to know about it
I think bae plays some of this shit up honestly. Just going to japan and being as much of an outback japanaphile that she is would not allow her to not at least know of it on a surface level.

>> No.60887209

Bae doesn’t know Metal Gear but has probably watched all 16 seasons of Criminal Minds.

>> No.60887210

She think that she's being funny playing ignorant, but the only thing she has accomplished with that gimmick is alienating even more of her posible viewerbase

>> No.60887217

Wow, I can't believe this girl who only recently got into video games doesn't know about a franchise that hasn't been relevant for nearly 10 years.

>> No.60887312

Autists tend to highly over estimate how important their bullshit interests are. I’m sure you have some delusional Star Wars mongokoids who think normalfags know the lore or give a flying fuck about some cartoon that aired 19 years ago. Or have the gall to think everyone should value it as much as they do.

>> No.60887321

Just saying, maybe you should stop falling for what's written on clickbait thumbnails and watch the actual clips

>> No.60887394

Feel free to fuck of from every board forever

>> No.60887405

NTA but see? this thumbnail is so much fucking better than the one in OP which is straight up putting words in her mouth. Just a mere difference between clippers adds so much more context.

>> No.60887448

>cultural cornerstone
>a videogame that isn't tetris or mario
Come on, even you know you're just that much of a nerd.

>> No.60887546

Based anon writing up a large comment and triggering the normalfags' and their ADHD.

>> No.60887628

>Wears her ignorance like a badge of honour
>"I actually really want to discover all these games and stuff II never grew up with and will give them a shot one by one so please be patient with me"
The shit you read on this board sometimes, you can get away with knowing jack shit about a chuuba and just type fuck all and pass it off as truth

>> No.60887994

>rat pretending she is retarded part 214334

>> No.60888004

She said she didn't have a childhood. It was all schoolwork, which she excelled in. JPOP, KPOP, singing, dancing and anime were her hobbies instead of games.

>> No.60888052

She's also a JP Seiyuufag, you forgot about that one

>> No.60890176


>> No.60893115

please do so, right now

>> No.60893399

This kills the zoomer

>> No.60893702

Didn’t read, but Bae is hot and has the second best thighs in Hololive after Zeta, so she empties my cum tanks regularly.

>> No.60897874

>expecting a random woman to be familiar with a 2nd rate franchise that spent maybe a few years at best being popular among normies

this is not even close to not knowing what a gameboy is. MGSV's trailers being memed and pushed so hard in general probably got more notice from normies than the entire rest of the series did. leave your own basement

>> No.60900392

Sheltered from everything, she doesn't know any movies pre 2010.

>> No.60900872

not reading your reddit essay just came by to say put a gun in your mouth

>> No.60901030

True. Metal Gear is way better known for memes than anything to do with the games themselves.

>> No.60901109

Pretty much, It says a lot when Bae knew about the nanomachines son meme

>> No.60904670

need to fix bae

>> No.60905380

Is it better to be ignorant, or have some of the cursed knowledge?

>> No.60907244

Woah there autisticus, you're getting way too upset about a girl being culturally blind. I know normalfags can be annoying in how little they know but you have to be patient with them if you wanna talk with them about stuff. It's not that they're necessarily not interesting, you're just a shut in and know a lot of stuff none of them have ever cared to know because they have actual lives.

>> No.60907323

And you have girly tastes

>> No.60907657

Such lie. Insulting.

>> No.60907681

....Or you know it's called acting for simp bucks?

>> No.60908405

she's the archetype of the youtube film/music/artist/etc. reacting the first time watching/listening to the classic everyone everywhere has learned about the day they were born except in her case i actually believe it's the first time. which brings my theory that the world before zoomers don't exist to them. everything happens or happened today.

>> No.60909368

>Actually believes in the NPC mean
>Actually believes being into weeb shit and browsing an anonymous Internet forum makes you some enlightened individual
>Actually believes that walking, and reading, and engaging with a community are somehow signs of an inactive mind
You’re not gonna make it anon…

>> No.60909428

I believe her
T. Strict asian family

>> No.60909477

Yes, she's a repressed Asian baby girl, what do you expect?

>> No.60909581

I still have yet to find proof she's watched One Piece.

>> No.60909740

She talked about it in her streams, watched it all the way till dressrosa
Now why would the clippers clip it? They have to do clip stuff like OP pocrel

>> No.60909782 [DELETED] 

She was a theater kid who attended Australia’s most prestigious high school. She’s very culturally aware and intelligent.
Contrary to what 4tran thinks, video games are not high culture, and most successful people don’t know much about them.

>> No.60909959

>Its just being sheltered in a basement for 15+ years
Yea, mine.

>> No.60910011

She lived in a cuck shed until very recently, why is this surprising to you?

>> No.60911914
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 1669718515109531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She seems to wear her ignorance like a badge of honor, but really that is nothing to be proud of.

This is honestly so annoying. If something new is trending then its not hard to just do some 30 minute research on a topic so you get the basic idea of it or why people like it. Just being a retard who doesn't even try to understand anything is just lazy at this point. She acts like a newfag who just demands to be spoonfed.

>> No.60911962

I only know that it's a series of shitty games because I've seen Pomu play it once (I don't watch Pomu)
That's all I know of Metal Gear.
I'm not a gamer, so don't assume people outside of your hobby have any idea about niche topics, anon

>> No.60912032

Do holofags believe it when the idol 'forgets to mute' and makes cute noises too? Cmon guys.

>> No.60912240

> Australia is a giant backyard with shit internet.
Just because we have internet on par with 3rd world countries doesn’t stop us playing fucking Metal Gear.

>> No.60912391

>Metal Gear as big as Pokémon
Rumao even
They couldn’t even claim that before trashing the series with the half finished MGSV and Survive.

>> No.60912434

When bae streams she is clearly either drinking or on xanax, she is blatantly retarded and not in a normal 'stupid' way.

>> No.60912516

No, shit parents stop you from playing metal gear

>> No.60912571

meant for

>> No.60913293

Rat is a deadly concoction of being a total zoomer, so she has no real object permanence for anything before when she existed, mostly a normie by Japanese aussie standards, and her interests are total womancore. Pre-Holo Bae probably glanced at Metal Gear once, saw it was some military thing, and immediately stopped considering its existence.

>> No.60913345

Yeah, mine

>> No.60913433

>Pre-Holo Bae probably glanced at Metal Gear once, saw it was some military thing, and immediately stopped considering its existence.
So she was correct?

>> No.60913449

Imagine how much sex she is going to have when she fucks off to Japan.

>> No.60913565


most of the steamers people watch are on stimmies too lol

>> No.60913587

>Couldn’t name Hayamin when playing Fire Emblem

>> No.60913661

She recognized nearly every single Japanese voice actor in Persona at first hearing, my point still stands

>> No.60913679

>most of the steamers people watch
So I'm not the only one who keeps a watch on my steamer while it's cooking away. You never know when it might go rogue and start dropping stimmies.

>> No.60913837

Try shit sleeping habits, 3-4 hours of sleep combined with immense caffeine consumption

>> No.60913853

Would fucking hope so when the main cast of that is made up of people like Fukuyama Jun, Miyano Mamoru, Yuki Aoi and Mizuki Nana.

>> No.60913882

I consume a lot of caffeine and sleep 8 hours normally. No excuse for the rat.

>> No.60913883 [DELETED] 

She is a homeschooled rat that didn't had IRL friends, that started to go out from her home when she was 17 years old to raves in Australia with her only IRL friend that she meet online and lived near her, get wasted on alcohol and MDMA while dancing, and in her home she would play otome games and wathc otome animes everyday while beating her bean, and watched male J and K idols.

>> No.60913992

You sleep 8 hours, she doesn't because she has to watch criminal minds and read shoujo manga
Sleeping like shit scientifically makes you stupid

>> No.60914005

I would spoonfeed her my dick if you know what I mean.

>> No.60914045 [DELETED] 

> she was 17 years old to raves in Australia with her only IRL friend that she meet online and lived near her, get wasted on alcohol and MDMA while dancing,
Some lucky fuck got to rail a drunken 17 year old Bae who was so off her head she didn’t know what was going on.

>> No.60914108

Many such cases.

>> No.60914183

>redd it ellipses
You are the npc.

>> No.60914232

Towa… posters not like this…

>> No.60914239

You mean mumei, bae is 3.

>> No.60914236

>Le stupid rat pretending she’s retarded for clips part 457!

>> No.60914252

That's everyday in Australia with asian women that let loose after living in a strict house.

>> No.60914282

You mean mumei, bae is 3.

He said normalfag. You are the 'normie', or rather a fucking red ditor who doesn't even understand how much of an outsider he is. Kys faggot, go back to red dit and stay there this time.

>> No.60914298

I want her to play Silent Hill 2. Tis' the season.
Also Fatal Frame since she's afraid of ghosts.

>> No.60914350
File: 1.04 MB, 1555x1297, 1696381727197416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't let your kid be normal
>they turn into some weird degen failed normalfag who pretends to be a rat online

>> No.60914367 [DELETED] 

Yes, but not every Asian woman in Australia is now a ‘pure idol’. Sticking your dick in the drunken, 17 year old rat is not the same as sticking your dick in some random drunk Filo bitch.

>> No.60914511

Hot gamer girl, pffft

>> No.60914600

"reading" is an worthwhile hobby. If you don't think so it's because your brain has been melted by youtube/ tik tok / whatever mindslop is trending.

>> No.60915097
File: 34 KB, 640x347, 1680842475540546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian women that let loose after living in a strict house
They gotta stop bringing their bitches to the west. As soon as they step of the boat they become worse than any white woman

>> No.60915242 [DELETED] 

Incorrect information, she has already debunked this on stream and has admitted that she isn't familiar with raves
Even if you are a doxnigger, there is not a single picture of her at an actual rave. Only a few of her at a massive concert in broad daylight with a group of friends
Now, if you want an actual representation of her daily life before Hololive, she used to upload vlogs of her daily life on her roommate channel
As you can see, it's pretty much the same daily life loop she describes on stream
>Get ready
>Go to uni
>Dance practice probably
>Hang out with a friend
>Go to a resturaunt
>Come back

Replace uni with streaming and add bouldering in there and you get her current life schedule.
Next time you try to be le sekrit knowledge fags, make sure to do proper research instead of gossiping about things that don't exist nor have ever happened
Sincerely, a proper doxnigger

>> No.60915258

>let your kid be normal
>they go to the drug rave at at an earlier age and more frequently.
You lose either way.

>> No.60915339

Based educated doxnigger

>> No.60915429

>she is pretending guise!
I doubt that stonewalling nearly every conversation topic with Gura because of her lack of knowledge was on purpose

>> No.60915454
File: 78 KB, 340x340, 1684895828498048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that link
Looks like my ex who used to sell pills to middle schoolers

>> No.60915807

All doxfags are ass but atleast a doxfag who has done his research is better than one who writes fanfiction so good on you I guess

>> No.60915983 [DELETED] 

Fuck it, while I'm doxniggering anyways, her not knowing about some things is the real deal, she's genuinely not pretending.

>> No.60916022

man, mumei was very lucky to have this cutie all for herself for an entire month in japan.

>> No.60916135

I can't believe I'm about to call a fucking doxfag based of all things

>> No.60916237

Thanks for clearing that up. Enjoy your vacation.

>> No.60916350

honestly a fair question to ask when Konami is just barely scraping the series back from the pachinko dumpster to shit out some ports and a remaster

>> No.60917085
File: 2.97 MB, 498x280, gohan-whip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian, lives in a shed, shares little culture with her age peers. Classic case of asian parents, maybe not as bad as Haachama but pretty close.

>> No.60921227

the "pretend to be retarded" bit only works if people actually believe you're retarded. but not knowing metal gear in this space is just hard to believe

>> No.60921322

I doubt it. It's a weird gimmick with no end game

>> No.60921341

anon, she is a vtuber that actually does the idol shit in the idol vtuber company. you're the actual normalfag here

>> No.60921525

>Does the idol shit in the idol company
Singing and dancing a few times a year does not make you an idol. Nor do only a few music releases.
The only idols in Hololive are Mori and Suisei. Oh I guess Sora fits too. That's it.

>> No.60921556

is she still living in her dad's cuckshed

>> No.60921622

Speak for yourself, Bae really wants her own solo live and has an impressive output of releases considering she has no financial backing like Mori does with UMJ

>> No.60925684


>> No.60929952

She's just that good at kayfabe

>> No.60930052


>> No.60930570

Maybe your normalfag game is not as iconic as you think, /v/ermin.

>> No.60931127 [DELETED] 

ehehe bratcucks downplaying the popularity of a very successful franchise just to defend their retard aussie bitch

>> No.60932397 [DELETED] 

she literally looks like a generic asian woman in her mid 20s jesus. i'm a zoomer and i know about all this stuff she's ignorant about. she was probably too busy having a boyfriend and university stuff to bother learning about this stuff

>> No.60932650

When she's in Australia, but she's moving to Japan, permanently, next year.

>> No.60934751

God this fake acting "durr im a zoomer teehee" shit is so boring.

>> No.60934965

Metal Gear is not as ubiquitous as you autists think it is.

>> No.60935086

Or has no interest in them and only plays them now as shes forced to as part of her job

>> No.60935205

Clipbaiting to try to scrape viewers is far more ubiquitous than you autists think it is.
Hint: she's been doing it for nearly a year

>> No.60935225

I’m 30 and I’ve never played any of them and only ever heard about the game once I was in my mid 20s

>> No.60935409

I think it's retarded you expect girls to know topics that's primarily oriented towards male audiences. Do you guys know as much shojo manga as bae does or what? Also it's freaking mgs, it's a 10 year old niche, not something mainstream as cod or pokemon

>> No.60935414

hint: you are full of shit and will never be able to prove that she's clipbaiting

>> No.60935423

Keep seething and pissing your pants /v/tard, your game is niche as fuck.

>> No.60935549

This is bait

>> No.60935561 [DELETED] 

>the seething bratcuck replies as she does this shit YET AGAIN
Got them in one anon. Let's just ignore the fact she hasn't picked it up by osmosis from being so close with Mori kek. It's humiliating defending this lying bitch.

>> No.60936833

This. It's so painfully obvious

>> No.60936944

Awww you made him cry, I think you brats should apologize to him

>> No.60937046

I'm 32 and I only know about Metal Gear because 4chan won't shut up about it.
Well, that and I saw the demo on a Playstation Underground disc back in the day.

>> No.60939901

I had the Metal Gear Solid demo disc from Pizza Hut
