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60725736 No.60725736 [Reply] [Original]

Are vtubers entitled to free promo for commissioning art?

>> No.60725801

Professional artist here, I never include client work in my portfolio.

>> No.60725834
File: 259 KB, 1288x820, Joshua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60725929

>Professional artist here

>> No.60726015

Why should the artist post it? Couldn't those vtwitterfags just post their commissioned art and @ the artist? I swear xitter shit are becoming more absurd these days.

>> No.60726073

I commission vtuber fetish art that appeals to ONLY me.
I tell them the hashtags if they wanna post it for more views and just tag me as Anonymous.

>> No.60726179

I mean the artist is not in the wrong, if you care about the artist big name this much just post it yourself and write something like
>Got this amazing art by @XXXXXXX
His fans will see it

>> No.60726291

Is your twitter your portfolio?

>> No.60726377

Who's this moron?

>> No.60726435

Another professional artist who also works as an art director here. You are a literal bitch faggot for not putting your commissioned art up on your social media. Your submitted portfolio needs to be a curated collection of your best work that highlights your versatility within the role you are applying for. If I then go to your social media and only see your portfolio work, I toss your shit in the bin. You don't create art for anything but building your portfolio and/or only draw shit you are not proud of. Regardless, you're a bitchfaggot who does not belong in the industry.

>> No.60726566

Dear diary, I can't get free clout. I must post about it...

>> No.60726578

The artists is absolutely entitled to manage their own branding, which includes not promoting potential menhera whores/drug addicts/pedos.

Crying about it on X validates the artist's decision to stay the fuck away from your mental illness.

>> No.60726680

The guy behind Fuwamoco's first ever yab. The twins basically exploited their fanbase trying to get people to do work for free, he called them out on it and the entire fanbase turned on him for telling the truth.

>> No.60726712

>Are vtubers entitled
>to free promo for commissioning art?
If she's smart, she'll use that angry energy to fuel her career. Otherwise she just bitch and whine about it on the internet as she fades into irrelevance.

>> No.60726759

Let it go Joshua. It's been weeks.

>> No.60726827

Joshua was like the Dark Night in that moment
Not the hero we wanted but the one we deserved

>> No.60726852

Artists can promote themselves however they want. Even foolishly. I think it's perhaps foolish to think this way, the only thing you should consider is whether the art is good or not. If the art matches what you're trying to continue selling. Everything else is pretty much blind.

If it happens that posting a piece of art will give other people a boost, that only adds to the power you have as a worker. It makes you more valuable for others. It creates a good history. Also, it costs you nothing. You should never hold back a painless, costless action that benefits others. Doing so shows that you're ruled by jealousy.

In your example, it does not seem the chuuba cares about promotion, rather than feeling insignificant. She's an insecure woman who encountered a reminder that she has low worth in the world. Of course, rather than taking it as a moment to reflect and draw up a plan, she chooses to complain and cry in public, perhaps awkwardly in front of the very artist, to immaturely signal a "fuck you" to him, while farming praise from lying desperate simps telling her that she's worthy -- all without actually taking any real action to increase her low worth.

>> No.60727059

What the fuck are you even saying?

>> No.60727158

Josh was right. If you hire an experienced developer who really knows their shit, they could probably make/fix something in an hour. They could do it in an hour because they've been coding for 20 fucking years. You don't pay that developer by the hour as if you've freelanced some fucking pajeet, that developer deserves their high wage. Getting a musician to make a little skit, even if it doesn't take them that long, is still asking a skilled person for something that they're only able to do so quickly...because they're skilled. For a 2/3view it's fine, but not at the height Fuwamoco were around this time. Josh was right.

>> No.60727187

Imagine my post started out with this greentext line:

>you're not famous enough to be on my portfolio

>> No.60727317

Repeating it over and over won't make it true, Josh.

>> No.60727344

Ok so you're just a salad chewing faggot

>> No.60727413

People just don't understand tact...or know when to shut up and let it go.
There is a time and place for everything. Change the sad face to a surprise Pikachu face would be more fitting. Surprised to receive backlash for being tactless. Surprised to receive more backlash when doubling down and not seeing it by 'your' way.

>> No.60727511

Aah, the consequences of one's own actions.

>> No.60727518

This lady got 10k followers, although that's indeed not very famous, but I do wonder what's that artist's standard line to post the art in his/her twitter, 100k followers?

>> No.60727588

Post where in artist profile? I don't know, If you commission something is for (You) uses not the artist, so what is the problem?
I'm ESL so maybe I misunderstand something

>> No.60727627

You really need to stop coming here and letting this live rent free in your head, Joshua. You were already btfo weeks ago. This isn't healthy.

>> No.60727660

you could use a salad fat fuck

>> No.60727692
File: 525 KB, 1248x1891, FntOILuaMAEMJGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really strange. Usually you have to specifically request or even pay an artist extra to not post your commission onto the internet since more public art = more clicks and potentially more money.

>> No.60727852

Anon fan contests for different things have been around since the beginning of entertainment. You're acting like they're personally extorting their fans when its the same type of thing entertainers have done for decades

>> No.60727924

Chuuba's probably a clout chaser. And a pity chaser.

>> No.60727930

It's a new thing with vtuber commissions. Artists saying they "feel used" for clout so they refuse to post publicly the art they got commissioned for.

>> No.60728160

>retards do retarded thing for long time
>it therefore isn’t retarded
Are you religious?

>> No.60729236

They wanted something made by their fans for sentimental value. Sure they *could* pay someone but it helps to build a sense of community when streamers recognize their fans like this. Or do you think Shiori (and previously Calli) were exploiting their fans by showing their fanart/remixes?

>> No.60729285

this is strictly a western/non JP artist problem, i've commissioned much bigger jp artists to don't think twice about reposting skebs to my 2view oshi's art tag (without me even asking or linking to their profile a lot of the time), im sure if i asked it would happen even more frequently, and then there are SEA or western artists who will only post to art tags if they're big brand or high 3view vtubers, some of the big JPs even followed my oshi afterwards

>> No.60729443

oh and i call it a "problem" but i personally dont really care about it hence why i dont ask for it, but i know it makes the oshi happy to get a bit more spotlight

>> No.60729534

This is why I want AI art to be normalized. I want these artists living on the streets

>> No.60729766

what does that have to do with the OP? chuuba being a menhera is the artist's fault?

>> No.60729985

>No one talking about ai
>AI art! Fuck the artists
Aifags are the absolute scum of the earth.

>> No.60730245

holy fucking coping retard

>> No.60730422
File: 100 KB, 1024x989, 1628670512641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fans willing to do it for free
>joshua : wtf im not consented

>> No.60730601

>fans want to give something to their oshi
>somehow this is explotation on "artist"
Keep crying joshua, kay yu would laugh at you too.

>> No.60730651

nobody should comment on that fuckin tweet before actually knowing what was said, in which context and word for word, because there's things that both sides get right and get wrong, the real question here is which one was more of a bitch to the other, and publicly crying like this only gets you bitch points

>> No.60730772

yes if its part of the deal and make it very clear (plus save any evidence), if for some reason the artist doesnt comply with the deal burn its name to the ground.

>> No.60730875

jingle submission wasn't even a proper contest, the only prize meant to be was getting chosen by them, if that didn't make you happy then just kindly stay to the side and fuck off, "exploiting" would mean that every single vtuber who shows a new costume silhouette is exploiting all the people who draw predictions, ifuckingmagine that concept

>> No.60731096

Joshua just take the L

>> No.60731680

You're a fucking sped Josh. This was a simple contest for fans, especially those who AREN'T talented musicians to try their hand at it. Let's say they offered a cash prize or proper compensation. You know what'd happen.
People like YOU who don't watch them, who don't care about them, who just want free clout, cash and attention by having your name associated with a Holo talent would apply and while it would be a musically sound end result, there'd be no heart, no passion, no soul. It'd be empty. It'd be meaningless.
But brownskins like you don't understand that kind of concept, only concerned about your back pocket like the little rat you are.

>> No.60731745

>Your submitted portfolio needs to be a curated collection of your best work that highlights your versatility within the role you are applying for
It is, my personal work is of higher quality than anything clients pay me or give me time for.
>b-but then you're false advertising!
No, I work in games. Clients usually want dogshit done in a pinch that meets their loony AD specs. None of that stuff is particularly portfolio-worthy.

>> No.60731898

this is so weird, normally artists or just about any creator you commission posts their shit publicly unless the person pays them NOT to. Weird that the artist is doing that.

>> No.60732262 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 280x345, 1680721221784282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon was right
they are on their period right now

>> No.60732327

do dogs have periods

>> No.60732371

Why is everyone on the modern internet so money-hungry?

>> No.60732482

The artist is an asshole if they told you that unprompted. You're the asshole if you pestered them to highlight your art on their twitter.

>> No.60732573

welcome to post covid era

>> No.60732775

It's pretty commonplace for artists to post commissioned work
It's kind of weird that this one decided they wouldn't because the client doesn't have clout

>> No.60732865

This is the lazy eyed mothefucker. Where was he looking?

>> No.60733225

I'm on the music side rather than art. I've worked with a range of clients ranging from people with several hundred of thousands of subscribers to less than 100 who wanted their first song. (In reality, I'm a 9-5 corporate grunt oji-san who does music for the fun instead of money, so I just take projects that interest me for a pretty cheap price relatively.)

I tweet all projects I create whether with big/small vtubers/clients or my own personal creatiosn, because I'm proud of them. Vtubers don't 'deserve' free promo. If they're not paying for something, they aren't entitled to it. But I will post it, because I like my work.

Exceptions if the client is a shithead, because then I just want to get the project commitments done and peace the fuck out.

>> No.60733704

So what if it's commonplace?
Is it really necessary to follow each and every norms of twitter?

>> No.60733862
File: 291 KB, 438x683, BatVtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's colloquially called "going into heat". Most people get their dogs spayed but if you don't female dogs will bleed during this time and display extreme horniness to male dogs and such. They will whine at the door and try to get outside to go mate.

>> No.60733956

I mean, if you're an artist on social media, what logic is there to withholding work you've done?

>> No.60734197 [DELETED] 

>Pippa 3.5k
she keeps slowly raising her ccv

>> No.60734474

Because he already wasted time making it, he hurt a poor girl’s feelings by hiding it, and there is quite literally zero downsides to him posting it? Do you have a good argument as to why he WOULD want to hide it? Or are you taking the non-logical side just to feel unique?

>> No.60734834

let it rest joshua you hypocritical faggot, didnt you perform in that sonic conference for free? for fun, for that fanbase amirite

>> No.60734838

What is this argument?
>I created art, therefore I must post it

>> No.60735141

>I work in games
So do I, and I can guarantee that you're missing out on the best jobs because the art directors of prospective projects look at your social media look at your shit and see you as a "professional art robot" and that's assuming you're not lying about it.

>> No.60735152

Hololive or Nijisanji probably

>> No.60735187

People like this are the reason I hope AI takes all their jobs.

>> No.60735251

If you're doing art as a career or hoping to turn it into a career, you're actually crazy to not post the work you do

>> No.60735370


>> No.60735429
File: 494 KB, 1079x1091, 1680069985866729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional autist here, I have my own Stable Diffusion setup at home. Go brew me another latte, you assclowns.

>> No.60735466

>professional art robot
Maybe that's what anon wants.
Kinda sad desu.

If your work is good, they go to you for art, not for your clients, duh.

>> No.60735487

Artists thinking they're hot shit. Get a real job. Soon a robot will be able to do what you do faster and better.

>> No.60735494

I'm the artist you're replying to, and same, I love Stable Diffusion.

>> No.60735549

Common SEA monkey L Take

>> No.60735630

>I can guarantee that you're missing out on the best jobs
Nah, I don't. CG artists' best work is just miles above what's feasible in production. Go look at what's on Artstation, and compare it to what ships in videogames.

>> No.60735664

Josh was right, you're right, and it doesn't matter how much all the braindead sheep here or elsewhere screech and try to cancel him, you and him will still be right.

>> No.60735695

Also nice to see a fellow gamedev autist, hope you're not a holo or niji fan.

>> No.60736240

What reason would he have to hide it? He’s hurting this girl’s self-esteem by doing so, and posting it wouldn’t negatively affect him in any way

>> No.60736474

Playing Devils Advocate here, while its a nice gesture the artist is under no obligation to serve as an advertiser for anyone they do commissions for, it's their choice at the end of the day.

>> No.60737551

Why are you promoting on porn sites?

>> No.60737687

Just say your name so i will make sure u never get any other work.

>> No.60737788

100% chance the artist didnt say anything

>> No.60738417

Everyone is poor now thanks to inflation, and it's not going to be fixed until the entire economy takes another great depression.

>> No.60738636

Same with your job

>> No.60740273

Can't wait for Joshua's live suicide

>> No.60740356

>because the client doesn't have clout
I think thats really the key element, assuming this is actually what happened its kinda retarded to only be against posting artwork if the vtuber the art is based on doesn’t have an arbitrary level of popularity. Either post the artwork or don’t, it doesn’t have to be a numbers thing.

>> No.60740492


>> No.60741108

Some commissions are just really weird. I don't want people to get the wrong idea of me. Also, there are a lot of these low follower "graphic designer" accounts on Twitter that shit out AI-generated garbage and I don't want to attract them in my DMs by shouting out a commission for someone with equally low followers.

>> No.60741515

Why do a commission you're embarrassed of?

>> No.60741842

it's funny because Mori was exactly in that situation before she was Mori, an enthusiastic fan with a creative's skillset doing free shit for their fav band
then they started giving her actual jobs when the free shit popped off, and then all of that gave her an entryway to Holo
and Mori paid it down by giving people like Ririsya or Patterns similar entry way by the RIP contest

>> No.60743843

that's not devils advocate, that's the most rational take

>> No.60743956

sorry anon, there is not and never will be an "idea guy" position open for your favorite video game company

>> No.60744286

AI will beat shitty artists because it doesn't have an inflated ego in comparison to the quality of work.

>> No.60744422

Sounds like we've got a case of clout goblins all around. vTuber commissioned art without any clout of their own and expected for an "included" bump from the artist and the artist doesn't want to give this person clout.

>> No.60744443

Just STFU and Kill yourself my man

>> No.60744603

>"exploiting" would mean that every single vtuber who shows a new costume silhouette is exploiting all the people who draw predictions
Would be one thing if the jingle was intended to be a one off but didn't they intend to use it during basically every stream? I think an asset used that frequently should be paid for.

>> No.60744615

idk man, if someone is paying you to draw something the least you could fucking do it post it on your god damn twitter.

>> No.60744704

What a tl;dr tedious nig
>I didn wan canchel any1..
>thanks to those that handheld my retarded ass and explained what was going on instead of attacking poor me!
oh like how he calmly expressed his reservations rather than fly off the handle in public like a typical xitter troon?
lmao faggot

>> No.60744746

If someone is paying you to draw something for them the least you can do is draw something for them.

>> No.60744770

>I do wonder what's that artist's standard line to post the art in his/her twitter
Clout goblins man. Most creators won't retweet for anyone smaller than themselves because "free clout" is somehow a fucking problem.

>> No.60744837

It's not something you should expect even if you pay. But it's not something the artist should guard with their life either. It's a minor red flag.

>> No.60744896

Scratch what I just said, that's a major red flag in that case

>> No.60744985

The funniest thing about this was how Mori unfollowed him on Twitter and changed the jingle he made in her current streams.

>> No.60745148

It doesn't matter if he was right or wrong, he's getting shadowbanned by the industry for throwing a tantrum on twitter

>> No.60745161

Retweeting a smaller creator occasionally gives you additional clout. It's just not numberfag clout, it's actual clout.

>> No.60745230

Before TheArtGun did IronMouse, Veibae and Snuffy models, there were other Vtubers that were showcased before omitted because she wanted to cut ties with (those that are not of fame and wealth) crowd.
Its called catering to the personel clients that are of wealth and producing a product that is worth over $1K+.

There's reasons why she wouldn't showcase other models of Vtubers that have less than 2K followers. If the Vtubers that were not mentioned by the artist on their ArtStation, Twitter, and other art gallery websites. You can safely assume that some artists don't want to acknowledge the poor riff raff to those of influential, wealthy, popularity and circumstancial.

>> No.60745447

Doesn't that just mean they want a prettier portfolio? Obviously the cheaper models aren't gonna look as good as the pricier ones side-by-side hence they just show the nicer models.

>> No.60745473

I'm an artist and I haven't posted some commissions simply because I don't want to but I'd never say why (I'm not a professional anyway and don't care about a portfolio). Saying it's because the client isn't popular is straight up mean and unnecessary. Hard to believe this happened but knowing xe/xemtter I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that this was true.

>> No.60745567

Having a prettier portfolio of recent works is alright but not showcasing the projects near the beginning of one's career is quite damning to one's reputation between client and artist. Especially if they were a long time supporter. Omitting any models of that they did in the past to the lessor known Vtubers shows that they little care for the successes of their client and only prefer those of influence and fame because they have a larger piggybank.

Having poor clients does not make a Artist successful.

>> No.60745727

Advertisement is a game of selective honesty and there are many strategies. In all honesty, streaming inflates the value of the numbers.

>> No.60745729

If you have 20 years of experience in music and you are crying for pennies means that you are a talentless hack.

>> No.60745802

Only posting rich and influential client commissions means you are a bad artist, if you were a good artist then all your works would be quality, and if that was the case then you wouldn't hide your work.

>> No.60745951

Not wrong, and even if you were, I don't see what the problem is. Worst case scenario, if you take the 2 seconds to boost them and nothing happens, was that 2 seconds really so valuable when you already probably spent an hour or more on them? Lord knows if I DO make it and this is how you're behaving now, I'm not doing you any favors later.

Make it make sense holy shit.

>> No.60746049

I dunno, kind of strikes me as the same as omitting that you worked as a sailor in favor of more room for your academic merits at Harvard on a CV. A lot of times, that's what you need to do. Sometimes, the sailor post would have gotten you the job.

>> No.60746389

No this would be like omitting all the different people you cooked for except for listing only Guy Fieri when applying for a personal chef job.

>> No.60746453

What's your beef with TheArtGun? For all I know, she seems very reputable and she lists all the works she done.

>> No.60746621

I don't think she listed any of her pre-2022 works of smaller/insignificant Vtuber models she has done. Aside from that, she uses PiPuProductions as a means to showcase which features nothing but 2.5K+ Follower Vtubers in her list. If anything, she is one of the more sought after Vtubers to get a model from but due to the overwhelming sought from everyone she decided it is best to be making works for only the best of the best.

>> No.60746695

You basically said the same analogy though.

>> No.60746729
File: 401 KB, 1600x3200, E_2dvsxVcAsKl9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has.

>> No.60746732

If the person who drew your vtuber model doesn't posy that they did your vtuber model, citing that you aren't popular enough, is it fine to claim you made it? If it bothers the artists then they should post that they did it, right?

>> No.60746801

The difference is that in the first analogy the sailor position wouldn't be related to a marketing position or whatever, it would only be useful if you were doing something related to the working field of "sailor"

>> No.60746834

They will issue a DMCA claim and pretty much refute the fact that the art created in said media is theirs along with transcripts/receipts/posts/texts and among other things that the Client/Artist communicated regarding the commission.

All in all. The Artist will win ESP if they have a Terms of Conditions/Services behind their work.

>> No.60746923

And then show that they are a clout chasing faggot who only cares about clout and money. Good way to kill their own career.

>> No.60746964

I thought you might have a point before that post. That's not a great angle at all. You don't have a point, you just wanted to disagree.

>> No.60746991

Fuwamoco calling out this retard indirectly in their morning show made me kneel so hard.

>> No.60747017

Anon, Idols are literally there to make money pretending to be people GF/BF. : / Its nothing new in the Vtuber scene. EVERYONE seeks to make a career and be *SPECIAL* in the Vtuber scene. Even more so to get soooooooo popular they get featured into Video Games, Animation, Movies, Songs, Manga, and ETC.

>> No.60747057

My point is that your analogy isn't specific enough when relating to the subject at hand. The subject is about artists and their art, that is their business. Same as a chef and what they cook and who they cook for.

>> No.60747120

I'm saying that the artist is the one that would show they are only clout chasing and only about money. Not the vtuber.

>> No.60747212

They both are clout chasing and money anon. That's the joke. No one does these things without profit/fame. No one does this as a purely hobby. As soon as you agree to Twitch/Kick/TikTok/Youtube affiliation agreement. You are actively NOT a Hobby Creationist. You are seeking to make a profit out of works contained in media.

>> No.60747228

>some artists don't want to acknowledge the poor riff raff to those of influential, wealthy, popularity and circumstancial.
This really doesn't make sense to me. Beyond confidentiality requests, I can see dropping outdated/substandard work or assets/people you no longer have an association with, but I seriously don't see why the popular wouldn't seek you out just because you've done work for the less popular, unless the work you've done for the less popular is notably sub-par, in which case I gotta wonder about your level of professionalism.

>> No.60747256

Just stop and rethink this. Terrible angle. Erase the habit of disagreeing to disagree. I will say no more.

>> No.60747277

Is this comment still exist? Would love to read the replies

>> No.60747318

You can be out to earn money and not portray yourself as an asshole that only cares about famous or rich people, especially if you are interacting with a fucking client.

>> No.60747339

>my personal work is of higher quality than anything clients pay me or give me time for.
Why the fuck would anyone want to pay you then? lmao

>> No.60747431

Ironically that is what you are doing right now, but suit yourself.

>> No.60750378

Memes and Boobs. That is what makes a Vtuber successful.

>> No.60752275
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1676906686710657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was an artist with reach and a literal who commissioned me art I'd charge extra if they wanted me to post their commission onto my socials. You paid for a piece of artwork, not advertisement.

>> No.60752635
File: 5 KB, 98x99, XD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF I love Mori now

>> No.60752762

As an artist with ~50k followers, what exactly would be the reasoning to not post commissioned art? You just post it and it prints retweets and maybe gets you more followers, or it doesn't cause they're a nobody. There's no harm.
The only rational explanation I can think of is that they're obsessed with metrics and don't want a "bad" post, or they just don't think the vtuber fits the content they go for which feels petty at best.

>> No.60753135

As he should be. Children making a mess should rightfully be escorted off business premises until they learn to behave themselves.

>> No.60753347

Could be because they don't want to be a metaphorical billboard for anyone who commissions them. At some point your art will be secondary and everyone will commission you for mainly the metric boost.

>> No.60753506

It doesn't matter anymore since X is going to be Paid only use by December.

>> No.60753605

This isn't commieland where people get paid something because they feel like they deserve it.
This is a market, and when someone does the same job as you for free you'll have to deal with not getting money for it.

>> No.60755030

But commieland always boils down to "we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"

>> No.60755153

when did they do this

>> No.60755664

Could they have done more? Probably.
Did they have to do more? No.
If you're willing to work for exposure, you're the problem, not the person you provide to. Marine did a great job handling her submission contest years ago where she said the best meme created about her would receive personalized artwork drawn by Marine herself - but again, that's NOT Fuwamoco's obligation to do.
If praise from your oshi and the knowledge that your work will accompany them most likely until their graduations or until a new jingle is chosen is not enough for you, this contest was never intended to be for you.

>> No.60756226

And this is why they use AI art

>> No.60756323


>> No.60756353

They aren't forcing you to do it Josh. Volunteer work.

>> No.60756473

>artist who is probably much more popular than the vtuber doesn't want to give her free marketing
I don't see the problem here. She paid for the art, not for it to be advertised on his profile as well.

>> No.60757510

>my personal work is of higher quality than anything clients pay me or give me time for.
So, you are saying he is right when he said that most of what you draw is actually garbage.

>> No.60757653

>Idols are literally there to make money pretending to be people GF/BF
You don't know what an Idol is.

>> No.60757788

Posting a commissioned art would still help their portfolio. Let's be honest here, the only reason an artist wouldn't post a commission is because they half-assed their shit and felt like it would ruin their portfolio.

>> No.60758279


wow, like, just dont participate mate

>> No.60758524

How else are you supposed to get noticed in a sea of vtubers where only the already established big names are basically getting everything handed to them?
We already know that models don't get you shit and that streaming/tweeting gets you nothing because of the algorithm.
The only way to get any form of attention from social media is to throw out as many """hot takes""" as possible and hope that it sticks.

>> No.60758697

Maybe they just didn't like the piece, but the client did? Artists are absolutely not required to promote the art they create for commissions on their social media, the ones that do it are choosing to. This one chose not to.

>> No.60758831

>Let's be honest here, the only reason an artist wouldn't post a commission is because they half-assed their shit and felt like it would ruin their portfolio.
Or maybe the commission was just lame. You're not required to proudly endorse every single piece of work you're paid to produce.

>> No.60759056

Now i can see why people want AI art to succeed. So that scumbag artists can be put in their place.

>> No.60759232

Tell me how would a vtuber thank the commission of an ai art? Do they need to thank the creator? The program? Or the complete string of text?

>> No.60761198

Nope. I will say though that the artist I commissioned asked me if she could include my avatar in her portfolio before she had even finished it, so they're obviously not all like this.

>> No.60761284

>Clients usually want dogshit done in a pinch that meets their loony AD specs.
The saddest part is he's actually right.

>> No.60761290

obviously not and the artist doesn't need to even state their policy about it nor even have an official policy. if the vtuber cares about that they should ask the artist when commissioning

>> No.60761584

I hope AI replaces you both

>> No.60762198
File: 98 KB, 850x612, a384f35a445f2f8f69ee8da4a17f771a9cca4f25c2c35e8e8dcb0dbb731c6c4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this, and really wanted more context which I dont think the poster provided. How did this even come up? If they were just having normal comms communication and the artist just went
>Btw, i'm not posting this because you're a nobody
Then that's pretty randomly dickish. But if the commissioner was openly inquiring and pushing for the artist to post it, then I can see why they'd just be honest; and the commissioner should take it as a lesson to not expect people you work with to do things they never agreed to (even if you assumed it went without saying). It's like those indies who get models commisioned off artists, then assume they'll give them as much attention as their far more popular children afterwards (i.e. fanart and the like)

>> No.60764512

I don't really follow FWMC too strongly. What's the context of this? He's saying something really obvious about corporations exploiting free labor for exposure, but I'd like to understand the specific situation this is referencing.

>> No.60764790

Fuwamoco made a fan contest for a 2-10 second jingle for their morning show and he went ballistic

>> No.60764893

>FWMC hold a contest to choose a short sub 10 second jingle to play at the start of their morning shows
>Musician in the image complains about it on Twitter
>He's previously done work for Mori, making an intro song she uses on her starting stream
>Next Mori stream, she's removed it and is using one of her own songs instead; doesnt say why

>> No.60765135

>We don't want your jingle if you're not a ruffian
>It's about passion

>> No.60765239

It's a case of
Or something like that.
Max beta cuck energy. It's the same thing that happens on 4chan when people meltdown because a drawfriend posts unsigned art on 4chan

>> No.60765243

kek, thanks for the explanation

>> No.60767465

>>Next Mori stream, she's removed it and is using one of her own songs instead; doesnt say why
Perhaps I've judged her too harshly. That's pretty fucking chad, actually.

>> No.60767662

Yep, Mori gained some points from me too.

>> No.60768716


>> No.60769805

Holy shit these dogs are based.
Perhaps I should watch them.

>> No.60770591

only if they're holo
