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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60691772 No.60691772 [Reply] [Original]

number 15 burger king foot lettuce edition

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
PixelLink (Oct 30): https://www.pixel-link.com/audition
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>60661423

>> No.60691950

Number 15

>> No.60692419
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Doing a review/overview of 4 Hololive talents on Saturday before Banjo Kazooie! I want to learn more about them so I will be looking at their designs and their most popular videos a little.

>> No.60692440

If you actually watch his streams, its obvious that he is into dudes.
He has also joked about being "bi" on his debut, but changed it to "bilingual".
Just because he isn't a "pronouns in bio/rainbow flag in username/yaasss queen slay" streamer doesn't mean he doesn't like guys.

>> No.60692575
File: 119 KB, 606x526, who's lila.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stweam in 20min

>> No.60693018

Okay but imagine this:
You're browsing at your local library. It’s the one night of the week it's open late so you've made a habit of visiting just before closing. It's peaceful. Barely anyone else around other than the librarian who is in the back room sorting. They have even shut off most of the lights to save power, just enough light seeps through the shelving to make out letters on the pages. You can browse to your heart's content with nothing to bother you. The librarian even lets you check the books out yourself at this hour. Calm, dark and quiet. However, something has been bothering you. Recently, some girl has made the habit of coming here at the same time as you. You have managed to catch a few glimpses of her between the shelving, just the top of her head though. It is the same girl every time, who else would have pink hair? Her presence is infuriating. Your peace, your time alone, broken. Although, she is so quick to enter and leave. She always runs to the same spot, flips through a few dozen pages, and books it to the checkout desk. Nonetheless her panicked pace breaks the calm.

Oh well, what are you going to do? It’s a public library. She can do whatever she wants. Continuing your browsing, she ends up on the other side of the shelf to you. Without warning, a book shoots out from the shelf, smacking your chest and landing at your feet. A gasp comes from the other side and the rummaging falls quiet. Whatever she was trying to grab, she wanted it badly. Studying the cover as you pick it up, it’s very clear what sort of thing this is. The title reads, “Throat Training: A Brat’s Lust For Facefucking” with an equally obscene cover art plastered across the front.

Walking around the corner, you see her dimly lit figure. Her eyes stuck to the floors. Her hands meekly gripping the edges of her pink skirt. Her feet together giving her an appearance of smallness and submission. Even through the dark you can see her face glowing red. This is the girl who has been interrupting your quiet time. How pathetic. Walking forwards you scold her, “Be more careful. Some of us don’t like having book thrown at us.”

>> No.60693085

Good one

>> No.60693094

Like a mouse she mutters out, “I’m sorry.” Her eyes still fixed to the floor.

Less than one pace away from her, you tower over her. “Also, you need to be quiet.”

“I’m sorry” she whimpers.

“And this,” you slam the smut into her chest, “is not something girls like you should be reading.”

Gripping the book like it was her lost puppy, she says again, “I’m sorry.”

“Do you have anything else to say other than ‘I’m sorry’? Those books are for adults. Is that why you are always here so late, so you can borrow this type of stuff without anyone noticing?”

She cradles her head back and forth in the slightest nod possible. Her knees are visibly shaking. Noticing a lanyard hanging from her neck, you grab the library card dangling at her chest.

“Rura. Only adults can borrow these things. Are you an adult?”

Her knees squirm and with a hint of attitude she squeaks out, “I’m not a kid. I’m allowed to like this stuff.”

“Really?” You grip her cheeks and force her eyes upwards. Misty with tears she stares back at you, paralysed. “If you are an adult then, you won’t mind practicing what’s in that book to make up for bothering me, right?”

Advancing against her body, she meets the shelf behind her rattling the books. Her breathing has turns heavy as tears run down her cheeks, trailing down your hand fixed firmly to her face. “Lick it off.” She complies to your command and gently licks her own tears from your hand. “So, your mouth works.”

Gripping the bow of her blouse, you rip her down to her knees and she grunts at the suddenness and force of hitting the floor. With her bow now in your hands, you grip her snappable wrists and tie them together so tight she squeals in pain. Bound and without direction, she begins to undo your pants. What a perfect little whore to ruin. Your desire to turn her into a barely breathing mess peaks as her eyes widen as your size becomes apparent. Running along her face, you feel her breaths against your hardness quicken as she realises what is going to happen to her throat. Pressed up against her lips she reaches her hands up to grip you.

>> No.60693133

You belt the stupid fuck doll across the face with your open palm, she stares back in shock. “Don’t you dare touch me. Touch yourself.” Complying to your requests with timid chirp, her hands disappear underneath her skirt as she returns her mouth to you, press gently against you with her lips, hormone ridden saliva dripping onto her blouse. Gripping her hair you pull her forward as you push past her lips. She squeals as you hit her throat barrier.

Her slut body convulses, gagging on you, she brings her hands up again to push you away. Disobedient brat. Another corrective slap, this time leaving a lovely red mark on her cheek, lowers her hands back down to herself. Her throat continues to tighten and relax around your head as she convulses. Her painful whimpers vibrating inside her mouth add to the pleasure. Pulling out of her throat, the empty space is filled up immediately as she pukes onto herself. Crying, drooling, and sputtering out what looks like oolong milk tea, her hands have stayed underneath her skirt as she moans between her coughs. She’s just fucking perfect. Looking up to you, she opens her salivating mouth to you again. The soft insides of her throat on full display. Her eyes glowing in lust, she begs you in the softest, girliest voice she can manage,

“Please train me more. Use my throat as much as you want. It’s what I’m good for.”

Pinning her head against the shelf, you use her throat what it was meant for. Gagging, moaning and whimpering, she takes all of your lust and violence. Only stopping to make sure she only throws up onto herself. The soft lining of her cheeks drawing you in, the cushion of her tongue leading you further and her throat squeezing you with every convulsion from her diaphragm. All the while, her hands worked on herself, each moan of pleasure vibrating through you. The conscious light of her eyes begins to fade as you build up. Her own body begins to tense as your thrusts begin to rattle the shelves behind her. Deep down her throat you finish training her as she screams in her own pleasure. The light behind her eyes dullens, as her body becomes limp and keels onto the floor covered in her own puke, drool and wetness. A well trained brat.

>> No.60693167

Okay. I feel better now.

>> No.60693357

I hope you get hit by a bus

>> No.60693412

Love you too anon

>> No.60693447

excuse you i’m three in cat years


>> No.60693449

Thank you

>> No.60693529

It's iriya

>> No.60693538

It's Iriya writing more Rura erotica. Maybe you weren't here for the first few of them

>> No.60693548

Iriya seems to be going through it. This is the outcome when you spend $500 trying to groom a girl.

>> No.60693606

This is how I feel about another /asp/ie. I get it now.

>> No.60693909

Love you

>> No.60693964


>> No.60693974

Dear Aspiring VTubers,

In this vast digital ocean where countless pixels converge to form stories and dreams, you are the shining beacons of creativity and hope. Remember, every animation, every voice modulation, every stream you craft is a testament to the boundless power of imagination.

Each one of you has a unique voice, a distinctive style, and an unparalleled passion that can light up the virtual world. It doesn't matter if right now, your subscribers are just a handful or if your streams garner a mere few views. Every giant oak begins as a small acorn. Your dedication, resilience, and heart will see you through, transforming every challenge into a stepping stone.

One day, your character will flicker on screens all over the world, inspiring countless hearts and forging connections that bridge realities. Dreams will be realized. Echoes of your virtual laughter will reverberate through the circuits and fibers of the net. Remember, even the brightest stars were once lost in obscurity, waiting for their moment to illuminate the cosmos.

But here's the twist, dear VTubers: in this vast, interconnected realm, permanence is an illusion. As quickly as digital stars rise, they can be extinguished. Servers shut down, platforms evolve, and tastes change. When you've reached your peak, when you think you're invincible, remember that the digital realm is unpredictable. It gives, and it takes away. So, cherish every moment, every subscriber, every chat message. For in the digital void, all that truly matters is the impact you leave behind once your mortal coil has ceased.

With dreams and reality intertwined,
A Fellow Digital Voyager.

>> No.60694028

Dear Aspiring VTubers,

In the vast digital expanse, with billions of bytes zipping around and trillions of pixels painting a complex tapestry, it's easy to feel like a mere speck. A single pixel amidst a sprawling digital masterpiece. You might pour hours into your streams, craft detailed animations, and echo with voices that feel deep, emotional, even real. Yet, in the grand theater of the virtual world, these efforts can sometimes seem like whispers lost in the cacophony of louder voices.

With every VTuber vying for a slice of attention, the cruel reality is that not everyone will be the next sensation. Not everyone will be showered with fame, fortune, or even a modest living. The algorithms are fickle, audiences unpredictable, and the path riddled with uncertainties.

But here's the beautiful twist, dear VTubers: True success isn't always measured by numbers on a screen or coins in a digital wallet. It's the passion that you pour into your work, the joy you derive from creating, and the connections you forge, however few. Every individual you touch, every smile you bring to a face, every heart you move – that's your true legacy. It's not about being the biggest star in the digital sky, but about being the warmest, most genuine light for someone in their moment of darkness.

In the vast digital realm, it's not always about conquering the world; sometimes, it's about touching a single soul.

With hope and heart,
A Digital Dreamer.

>> No.60694236


>> No.60694253

What on earth is happening today

>> No.60694280

Nice general guys

>> No.60694340

/wvt/ is at it again and they plan to shift the blame to us viewerbros

>> No.60694356
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Viewerbros should take turns streaming during these dead hours to keep each other from going insane

>> No.60694412

Tiny is streaming.

>> No.60694423

Nice try, groomer-kun

>> No.60694425

Viewerbros this is a trap, also we agreed to decide who streams by playing a game of jong

>> No.60694468

I'm unironically simping for Rinna

>> No.60694477

but i dunno how to jong...

>> No.60694498

Write some ero for her, I'm sure she'd get off to it.

>> No.60694514

if i talk in your chat more often than other streamers, you're my oshi.

>> No.60694528

I could but I'm not posting it in the thread because that's cringe.

>> No.60694550


>> No.60694574

You either learn how to jong or you learn how to stream brother
Either way I'm winning

>> No.60694587


>> No.60694636


>> No.60694658

What's wrong with mond?

>> No.60694660

if i talk in your chat less often than other streamers, you're my oshi and i'm too shy to interact with you

>> No.60694684

What a loser

>> No.60694810

You know she's probably disgusted by this, right? She's fucking asexual dude

>> No.60694854

mf jerks off in public and just says "I had to get it out of my system you understand"

>> No.60694888

I did that before, more than once

>> No.60694944

Alto will train you

>> No.60694950

>not showing love for your oshi in every way you can

I'll give it to the guy, he's not one note

>> No.60695065

No, I will.

>> No.60695199

i love her

>> No.60695245

Me too!

>> No.60695256

It's 8:47 AM. I rouse from my sleep. Broken as I am, my first thought is to check /asp/, to be certain that I haven't missed anything in the last thread. I didn't, at least not anything of terrible worth.
I then do the logical thing, moving to the current thread, and I see them. Multiple posts, several paragraphs, all spoilered. I click, wondering if it's some schizo shit, or perhaps Han got into writing longer stuff.
It's just Iriya doing some Eroruraposting. A welcome sight in these trying times. I contemplate busting a quick post-awakening nut, but think better of it.
Two more long posts follow. I read one, thinking it might be nice. It was, in a way. I glance at the other and my perspective shifts; both must be the work of notable pre-debut talent ChatGPT, I think to myself. Hmm.
Good morning to you, /asp/.

>> No.60695312

Mond and Rinna, angel and devil. (But both succubus) I want art of it. NOW.

>> No.60695349

I'm so sad that alto will never train me in jong....

>> No.60695395

Name and rank brother
We need an /asp/ jong list

>> No.60695454

Kissing Mond's anus while she sleeps

>> No.60695545

Han. I am Adept 1 and would derank again if it were still possible. God how I wish I could.

>> No.60695576

>rura gets passionate well written ero fanfics
>mond gets this

>> No.60695591

Han don't be like this, I'm sure you could at least scrape up to expert ...

>> No.60695710

It's just denpa being mentally ill as usual. Ignore the schiz

>> No.60695716

I wanna lay in bed with Coco as she snuggles into my chest, breathing softly, while I struggle to remember everything that she subjected me to the night prior

>> No.60695823

I've been close to Expert before actually but I throw too many games getting greedy when there's no need for it...my greed knows no bounds...

>> No.60695890

I need this

>> No.60695914

>now everyone is writing fanfics about their oshi

>> No.60695944

Don't go around making offers for me
Add me on Discord (alto_walker), I don't mind training people

>> No.60695972

It's okay, no need to feel down about it.

>> No.60696001
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>> No.60696020

You are my oshi anon

>> No.60696022

I don't really mind as it's unimportant to playing with my friends, the only thing I care about in online play is having Washizu (which I do). IRL play is much more pleasant than online clients, anyway.

>> No.60696046

>well written

>> No.60696101

It's all about comparison anon

>> No.60696187

Why are you guys so horny? As long as you don't bother my oshi, I guess it's fine.

>> No.60696220

what are you, a woman?

>> No.60696279

I have no strong feelings towards Mond. I just wanted to kiss her anus.

>> No.60696287

Sorry Alto I'm too shy to take up on your offer

>> No.60696316

Understandable, idk your name so I can't add you myself, so just know that if you ever change your mind, the offer still stands

>> No.60696348


>> No.60696401

I mean, not everyone is like this. There's just a few schizos writing these things

>> No.60696613

I rate it 10/10

>> No.60696648

sometimes i wish i could be a eunuch so my horniness would drop to zero. problem is i want kids in the future.

>> No.60696828

Same. I want like six kids, if I could realistically support them.

>> No.60696888

Reply with your oshi but say what they could improve on.

>> No.60696972

They can improve by marrying me.

>> No.60697006

No oshi

>> No.60697140

More children

>> No.60697159

Can I have a regular oshi and an /asp/ oshi?

>> No.60697193


>> No.60697228

I wish I was even more openly slutty. I want to be a thirst trap so bad.

>> No.60697251

Jongers derailed the thread again but they never post rooms, curious.

>> No.60697298

Mond. She could use a better mic

>> No.60697316

sick trips
i wouldn't call her my oshi but lavandel could be better at transitioning from one category to the next (i.e. from playing a game to art)

>> No.60697389

Y'know what? I can't sleep anyway
71925 (Tonpuusen)

>> No.60697393

Just do it. Vtubing is about being how you want to be.

>> No.60697457

They could improve by killing themselves

>> No.60697546

Anybody get a view on a Hololive audition in the past month?

>> No.60697565

Live2d model.

New mic.

Nothing. She is perfect.

>> No.60697585

>Daiya keeps growing even when he is on a break

>> No.60697592

2 slots left, gonna wait 10 mins before adding AIs

>> No.60697778

>Nothing. She is perfect
I dont remember writing this

>> No.60697985

>Phone went to sleep mode and the match started without me
It wasn't mean to be

>> No.60698018


>> No.60698035

I just assumed the wait was too long, which I wouldn't blame anyone for

>> No.60698095

Ended early
New room is 64821 (Still tonpuusen)
Waiting 5 minutes from this post

>> No.60698164

Time to mimir I guess

>> No.60698195

There's 1 slot left on the new room if you're still interested (np if you're tired tho)

>> No.60698534

I would be streaming today if i didnt have stuff to do today.

>> No.60698570
File: 37 KB, 445x586, tiny peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgor to raid AAAAAAAAAAAAAA thanks for dropping by everyone!

>> No.60698586

Great stream Tiny!!!

>> No.60698683

What's the proper viewer etiquette when you need to leave before the stream is over? Saying nothing and leave or say goodbye?

>> No.60698736

Id bully you if the universe wasn't already doing it.

>> No.60698797

There are no rules but if, for some reason, you're in a conversation with the streamer probably let them know so they don't wait for a response

>> No.60698922

He knows she's asexual. He can't not know. So whatever his game plan might be, it's beyond mortal understanding. Or he's stupid

>> No.60699009
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>> No.60699132

gg, gonna try to get some sleep, can't believe I somehow discarded an almost complete kokushi lmao

>> No.60699194
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>> No.60699200
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Say something horny about Sun

>> No.60699203


>> No.60699216

Thanks for the stream rat woman it was fun

>> No.60699243

lmao get haneman'd nerds
thanks for the game

>> No.60699248

You da real MVP for saving us during deadhours, thanks Tiny

>> No.60699312

Dear Oshi
Wake up and get back to work

>> No.60699372

uuuuu no sexy tiny uuuuu

>> No.60699384

one day i'll learn how to jong and play with u guys

>> No.60699397

I miss my jong memes collection....

>> No.60699454

I hate this place

>> No.60699820

If I'm a regular that chats a lot I say goodbye, otherwise I just leave, obviously this is only like this in small~ish channels

>> No.60699858

I wanna finish on his hair.

>> No.60699871

quick, someone post /asp/ie art

>> No.60699913

I say “I gotta go now, but thanks for having me and have a good rest of stream!”

>> No.60699956
File: 1.04 MB, 1564x1296, A305D3EE-A4F1-4DAD-94F6-B8F63D0AAD0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. It’s all I have on me that I haven’t posted on the thread yet.

>> No.60699972

Finish what? You have to specify in great detail

>> No.60700084

bunCUM love!

>> No.60700170

I’m not Iriya lol. I don’t have the confidence or the writing ability for that.

>> No.60700958
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>> No.60700960
File: 171 KB, 1402x757, 1697556647872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I was gone for like two weeks! Does anyone know who did this so I can properly thank them?

>> No.60701043

From the eyes I would think it was cheen but no idea really, too many anonymous artists lately so is hard to know

>> No.60701136

I don't think it's Cheen

>> No.60701272

Haru is back and now I only need Beryl to return

>> No.60701680

Rinna is a problem for this thread, she's making us all too straight, so post something you like about cute boys to make this thread gayer like it should be.
I'm going to start by saying that I want Tornkite to caress my hair while I sleep on his lap, but then I suddenly wake up and see that he has a bulge, so I sneakily pull down his zipper without him noticing as he's also becoming sleepy.
Then I pounce on him.

>> No.60701711

i think about cute boys while cumming in rinna

>> No.60701783

I want to make the frog moan.

>> No.60701845

Rinna love

>> No.60701861

Need Kuku cute feet wearing cute socks to give me a footjob

>> No.60702149

I think last night was the first time she ever did two things in the same stream so I can forgive my scuffed wife for that one

>> No.60702398

Think I've finally given up in trying to make the thread care about me. I'll still linkpost and lurk around but I have no idea what exactly I can do to get better so I may as well just keep looking inward.

>> No.60702514

I love my weird oshi I hope they keep making content forever so I can have more things to treasure and watch. I need to consume more and more and more. I can't get enough. Please give me more content to consume.

>> No.60702647

>trying to make the thread care about me
Rookie mistake

>> No.60702969

Does the thread care about anyone?

>> No.60703133

No everyone here is a deranged piece of shit

>> No.60703185

Post name and maybe someone will say they care about you

>> No.60703255

Talk about /asp/ies you care about

>> No.60703651

I aspire to be a better streamer, a better chuuba, in hopes that I'll eventually be someone's oshi.

>> No.60703756 [DELETED] 

Last time I did it was really fucking gay and not in a sexual ir romantic way but purely from me expressing how much they helped me without them realizing so I won't do it again.

>> No.60703766

Who has the most potential?

>> No.60703830

Anon, you're gay, just come out of the closet already

>> No.60703876

No thanks, I had sex with a girl 7 years ago so I'm straight af

>> No.60703882

Yes sometimes. But you can't control it. Just focus on yourself and people who like you will appear. Don't just tunnel on getting fans from here.

>> No.60703968

I love denpafish!

>> No.60704038

Does the water care about where it flows?

>> No.60704044

Air Raider chuuuba when?

>> No.60704119


>> No.60704169

Be serious anon

>> No.60704209

i am

>> No.60704236

I feel like you would do a good Hank Hill.

>> No.60704263

She has been at it for a year which shows she is serious about it.

>> No.60704272

I saw what you said and it really meant a lot to me Vita, I know you said you were glad I probably wouldn't see it but it really gives a lot of meaning to what I do. Thank you.

>> No.60704281

denpa. crazy girls are hot

>> No.60704359

Males? Daiya and Haru. They are top tier twinks.
Females? None of the current ones.

>> No.60704419

Stop identifying Vita, anon. He's gonna freak out again

>> No.60704600

>not cab

>> No.60704603

I like being able to pick his posts out! I like seeing him being passionate and enthusiastic, he's a good guy and it's nice to see him being genuine about those he likes and to see him continue to improve his art. Even if it's a little embarrassing, it's good to see people who are genuine with their feelings, especially in today's irony laden world!

>> No.60704901

My condolences

>> No.60704951


>> No.60705022

He already deleted his post even when he vaguepost he is still too obvious and for some reason he still freaks out when people identify him.no idea what he expects

>> No.60705042


>> No.60705046

Vita love!
Vita love!
Vita love!

>> No.60705178

letting viewers self post was a mistake
specially those that end up being mentioned more often than other /asp/ies

>> No.60705234

He's obvious because he keeps referencing his previous posts lmao

>> No.60705259

I bet all my money that, if they had the possibility, Gumpai and Denpa would be scissoring the whole day, they are like two drops of water.

>> No.60705285

i’m crying this is great
>love rinna

>> No.60705289

>I don't like people who support /asp/ies
so, you're from aspcord or lancecord?

>> No.60705405
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, chrono trigger thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHRONO TRIGGER - Party like it's 1999 and the world is ending - Merlie Azoth Ch.


>> No.60705414

ill take a bullet for hyde and protect him with my life.

>> No.60705424

This isnot a thread for discussing viewers. You already shit up one thread with this.

>> No.60705432

Honestly, it all started when aspies started naming viewers and being all thankful n shit. It's a nice gesture but most viewers here would rather stay as anons.

>> No.60705446

>t. l*yla

>> No.60705502

same but for Jekyll

>> No.60705552

Denpa looks like fucking Chris chan

>> No.60705614

>t. r*ra

>> No.60705620

And she wishes you were dead, perfectly balanced

>> No.60705658

Haru you are probably scaring him away he already mentioned that he doesn't chat in your streams as often because he got shy and you saying this stuff will probably end up making him a lurker lol

>> No.60705674

post the gen4 and gen5 image and I will tell you

>> No.60705730

it all started with viewers posting their fan art here and on twitter simultaneously

>> No.60705755

t. somebody without a clue but lots of opinions

>> No.60705888

Maybe I should just stay quiet. I really appreciate anyone who derives any value from what I do and I always want to let them know I appreciate it. It's hard to stay quiet when I see so many people who never get thanked for what they do.

>> No.60705896

Not really.
Viewerposting is the most harmless thing in this thread so far.

>> No.60705956


>> No.60705970

is this a bad thing to do?

>> No.60705993

Which ones have bad audio?

>> No.60706011

Call them out

>> No.60706029

i've talked to a few and the answer is usually they have a bad mic that can't really be fixed in post and they can't afford a decent one

>> No.60706037

listen i fixed mine

>> No.60706043

Relax anon it's just Merlie

>> No.60706063


>> No.60706125

I like him, but that mic is not based let's be real

>> No.60706166

I'm sure he appreciates those post directed at him but he seems unable to take that kind of response and ignore it instead he will panic

He did say before how socially awkward he was and how he wished he could make more friends here but he entered panic mode and deleted his post after anons identified him

I think that's why the chat in which he chats the most and is the most open is Cheen's chat because everyone there don't pay any extra attention to him and many are as awkward as him there

>> No.60706207

>many are as awkward as him there
don't call me out like that

>> No.60706209

sorry anon that's just my accent making my mic settings awful

>> No.60706293


>> No.60706332


>> No.60706347

I wonder how the people mond brought there felt yesterday with all the conspiracy crap

I know I was laughing my ass off with how serious everyone in chat were

>> No.60706535

who raided mond yesterday? with how many? too lazy to look at the VOD

>> No.60706538
File: 177 KB, 510x346, 1685491448254892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60706602

I made this post

>> No.60706722

Ignore the retards, all artist can be as public with their work as much as they want as long as it's legal and if they want to be noticed for their work is up to them

>> No.60706723


>> No.60706768

I think it was like 30 or 40, no idea who raided her first

>> No.60706801

Male /asp/ies: be more fucking active on your socials, second warning.

>> No.60706842

Just do what you want

>> No.60706860

zenya raided her with 40 or 45

>> No.60706876

going to tweet rn because of this

>> No.60706879

What are you hoping to see on our socials?

>> No.60706987


>> No.60707031

Something more than just
>meme/low effort
>streaming link
At the very least socialize between yourselves if the opposite gender scares you

>> No.60707125

Why don't people stream near midnight or something and catch all the raids? Seems like a good idea.

>> No.60707173

dick pics

>> No.60707177

Because sane people are sleeping at that time. You can tell because the most unhinged posting here starts around midnight.

>> No.60707194

boob pics

>> No.60707195

Every time I come up with something vaguely funny or interesting I write it down somewhere. Then every week I schedule the better thoughts as tweets for days I don’t stream. The tweet scheduler is my best friend and the only way I manage to appear to be active at all since I hate social media so much.

>> No.60707308

It could always be worse :)
>t. A gen 5 streaming into a Turtle Beach headset

>> No.60707323

Wrong, the unhinged posts start when the "viewerbros" have an existential crisis around 7 or 8 am burger time because there is no one streaming at that time

>> No.60707469

Viewers hate!

>> No.60707509

There are some gen 5s with good audio. Kuku comes to mind.

>> No.60707559

also I'm sure it's vita responding to his own posts most of the time since the viewerbros type just the same way he does and they also bring up mahjong too often while both him and the bros are active around the same time
>t. not a schizo

>> No.60707608

I'm sorry... every time I try to fixes my mic I make it worse.

>> No.60707742

I knew the spike in IPs per thread was a bad sign

>> No.60707776

I think I do like, at least 1 Tweet per day, so I'm plenty active. What I need to do more is play around with gimp and what not more, so I can actually produce some funny stuff so people are more willing to follow me.

>> No.60707843

Bruh there are only around 60 posters so I would guess this is not because the number of posters

>> No.60707937

on drama heavy days we get like 80-90 IPs so this isn't that bad

>> No.60708022

Right now the thread is slightly above another, dying, thread.

>> No.60708030

this posts feels weirdly structured as if someone was trying to mask their own posting style
let's see if this post gets deleted before it hits the hour

>> No.60708132


>> No.60708582

Everyone in this thread dying would make the world a better place, me included

>> No.60708670

Blasphemy. Do you know how many cute aspies you would be riding the world of??

>> No.60708773

Yeah 1, me

>> No.60708925

>Keitaro gets to nut inside Daiya’s perfect bussy
It’s not fair bros…

>> No.60709235

Cabu isn’t really seen as having lots of potential bc he hasn’t had much until recently. For the most part he’s been ignoring things like networking, discord, and purposely ignored affiliate for years, instead getting a system for free emotes for viewers. He said recently that he plans to do it more seriously now, so we’re going to see how much potential he has in the upcoming months.

>> No.60709505

Cabu needs to network with the vrchat / dancing community more. His setup is very professional and he has a nice personality. I believe in the catboy

>> No.60709735

who is live?

>> No.60709804

He definitely does, and it’s nice to see him with viewers from asp and vrc. It seems like a large a mouth of VRC viewers tend to be lurkers like art stream watchers though

>> No.60709814

merlie https://www.twitch.tv/merlieazoth

>> No.60710107


>> No.60710635

I'm a viewerbro too but I mostly lurk around here.

>> No.60711103 [SPOILER] 

I want to convince him to allow me to play with/brush his hair while we're relaxing together. I would do so from behind while he's sitting on a chair. Running my hands through his thick hair I would slowly pull harder & harder, until taking a firm grip, gently pulling his head backwards till he's looking up & we lock eyes. Proceed with upside down smooching & more

>> No.60711142

Send confessions to Daiya’s maro

>> No.60711216

>hanbun is lewding sun now

h-hot, new ship acquired

>> No.60711232
File: 126 KB, 398x398, YomoCut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you all today /asp/?
Well I trust
Tonight we got some more fun samurai hijinks in fate samurai remnant
Why does it have such a clunky title? Me no know. I guess fate samurai was taken?
Either way lets take our little psychopath on murder dates!


>> No.60711783


>> No.60711923


>> No.60712013

Try hiring professional fans. Why not? Many entertainers have crowd plants meant to help guide their audience. It couldn't hurt to follow their example some could it?
Think about this: a great way to lead is by example, but you as a vtuber can only be an example for other vtubers. You need a viewer to set an example for what it means to be a fan of your channel.

>> No.60712118

How much money to have (You) sucking me whenever I want?

>> No.60712318

this is a great idea. I think on top of this, it would be cool if vtubers would watch gameplay of other streamers and do commentary over it so they don't have to balance between gameplay and chat interaction

>> No.60712700

Shit why stop there, just do tiktok npc shit too

>> No.60712733

/asp/ is healing

>> No.60712770

Layla love!

>> No.60712803

If you're looking for equipment for your show consider shopping less, and training/learning more about what options you currently have available. For example you may have a perfectly good headset, but could be recording in a loud room. One common issue as well is often vtubers have poor technological skill, and often simply need some lessons on audio mixing to best use their current available equipment. I see this a lot. There's a vtuber who is speaking, but barely anyone can hear a single word the vtuber is saying to their audience. It's almost as if they are trying to sing a mumble song, so nobody tries to backseat them, or tell them how to run their show. Hours upon hours the vtuber is hardly audible to a single soul. Her only chatters who can understand her have a loud stereo system cranked to 100 notches. Then suddenly out of the blue a chatter mentions the vtuber is not very audible. The vtuber says there's no way that's possible as they spent $800 on a microphone. The chatter suggests the vtuber increases the gain on their equipment.
Suddenly a vtuber who's been streaming for years can be finally heard by their fans.
This is one of the many examples of how lessons could benefit a vtuber more than simply throwing money out for expensive equipment when it comes to improvement.

>> No.60712815

Camui love!

>> No.60713548

These 3 posts look like a cock and nuts

>> No.60713709

No amount of asking chat gpt for help is going to make the potato not scuff

>> No.60714084

" Test bc I suck at spoilers "

>> No.60714161

Test 2 let’s go

>> No.60714223

Hear hear, what a fable! This poster is truly the Aesop of the burgeoning discipline of Virtual Tubing. You better take this tale to heart, you hopeful novices and amateurs. One could relate this to an alchemical principal: the elements are already there and readily available, but they require both skill and imagination to manifest as useful matter.

>> No.60714324

CTRL + S in case you didn't know

>> No.60714380

Fuck it I’m gonna try Iriyaposting
“Captain look out!” you shouted as you leapt at him, tackling him to the ground. Momomo groaned as he used the barrel of his ray gun to lift the brim of his hat off his face. “What in the—?” He looked down to see you bleeding with the stab wound meant for him. His confusion turned to anger as you could feel the ship shake beneath you, but whatever happened was after you had passed out from the blood loss.

When you awoke, it was in the ship’s infirmary. A fellow Momomatey was watching the futuristic medical equipment that surrounded you. When he saw your open eyes, he let out a boisterous laugh. “Hahaha! Glad to see you finally up! I was worried for a second there! What kinda ship doc would I be if I couldn’t save our first mate? The captain would have my head if his favorite died under my watch! Well, not really, but I hate to see him down! Anyways, he told me to send you to him once you’re up. He’s in his private quarters.

Momomo was at his desk, boring over maps, schematics, and papers you couldn’t recognize. As the first mate, you’re capable enough to understand everything the captain does, but these papers were written in the language of his home species. What species that was, nobody knew. You had walked into his office through the open door, but he hadn’t even noticed you, so you knocked on the wall, snapping him out of his concentration.

His eyes lit up when he saw you. He spoke in his thick alien accent that reflected human German, “My first mate! Lock that door behind you and have a seat. I have something important to discuss.” It was very curious. The captain never locks his door. You wondered if he planned to finally tell you more about his mysterious past that seemed to bring people to him as you obliged and took a seat.

“You’ve been my first mate for a long time. We’ve been through thick and thin, and your unwavering loyalty has been invaluable to this ship. I want you to know just how much what you did today means to me. And…” He paused. “How much you mean, too.” You weren’t sure what he meant. Did he mean that romantically? Platonically? Just in an underling situation? Regardless of what it meant for you, you could feel your face heating up and turning red.He stepped towards you and grabbed your chin, and before you knew it, you were being kissed passionately. Your words stumbled out of your mouth. “C-captain—“ but he shut you up with his mouth. Every other meaning was lost to the air as one thing became clear, he wanted you to feel good. You felt his gloved hand run through your hair and another grab your waist. When your lips finally broke apart from his, he gave a look that told you not to speak.

You jolted as you felt something that felt cold and slimy touched your waist. You jumped, but Momo’s hands calmed you down as you realized what it was. Momomo’s tentacles were normally limited to under his hat, but when he got serious on the battlefield, they would show their true capabilities, likely what happened after you passed out.

You felt the tentacle squeeze past your waistband and get into your undergarments. You gasped feeling it run past your sensitive area, giving Momo a chance to French kiss you. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as another inky black tentacle slid up your shirt. It rubbed past your nipples, causing your knees to wobble. Before you could fall, you felt Momo embrace you, holding you up against the wall of his quarters.

You had started to get comfortable and Momo could tell. You quickly felt a tentacle going up your pant leg, running against your thigh, as well a second in your chest area. Momo removed his tongue from your mouth, letting you catch your breath as you gasped out, “M-more please.” Your request was quickly obliged as another tentacle forced its way into your mouth, resting gently on your tongue to let you get used to the feeling. After you adjusted, it began slowly thrusting into the back of your throat, causing gags. The tentacles held you up, and Momo let go of his embrace. You were overrun with feeling. Two tentacles slid around your genitalia in your pants, two tentacles rubbed on your nipples, and one was continuously pressing your throat. It felt like you were about to melt, and Momo got to stand in front of you and watch you at your most vulnerable. Your eyes were still closed, but you knew the captain well enough to know how long his patience lasts. Another tentacle entered your clothes from behind you.

You felt a slippery cold on your rim and your eyes shot open as your realized what was going to happen. It slowly made its way in your ass and you weakly jerked your hips against it, moaning on the tentacle in your mouth. After teasing you while it gave time to adjust, you felt it moving in and out, reaching your deepest part.

>> No.60714395
File: 270 KB, 100x100, icon_46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im silent hilling, and probably talking about other stuff too but we will see. game is super atmospheric so idk maybe I'll be really into it! see you cuties there

>> No.60714439

The assortment of feelings was too much, and your arms unconsciously scrambled for something solid to hold onto. Seeing this, Momo grabbed your arms and put them on his back, not caring if you scratched or clawed at him. As you felt his uniform, you heard him lean close and whisper into your ear, “You’re so good for me. You’re the best first mate in this galaxy, and I want you by my side forever, Miene Qli Liebe Xxandar.”

Hearing his voice, you finished as you released a loud moan. You didn’t care if you were still wearing clothes, if anyone could hear you, or if it mattered that you had just recovered from a serious injury. The captain had expressed his love for you, and that was what mattered. The black tentacles carried you into Momomo’s arms, and he placed you gently in his office chair, covered you in a blanket he kept for late nights, and kissed your forehead. As you smiled, you fell asleep and dreamed of a story the captain had once told you.

When Momomo’s species first approached Earth, they arrived in Germany. To Momo’s species, language was very important and they couldn’t comprehend the idea that Earth had more than one language. To build connections while preserving their beloved language, the species quickly learned to communicate in German. The only phrase to ever be garnered by humans from the language was the one that was symbolic of the bond between the two species, a mix of German and a language no other species would ever know, ‘Miene Qli Liebe Xxandar’, ‘My One Love Forever’.

>> No.60714475

I am no longer asking, I NEED to see Coco piss

>> No.60714495
File: 141 KB, 1145x1331, F5dTfFXWkAAFKpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image and I'm also in between the FBI document posts now

>> No.60714512
File: 79 KB, 680x491, tfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why people go for femboy designs

>> No.60714667
File: 887 KB, 1439x1211, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60714697

lmoa i could like record audio
we love the cursed shit here
lemme get yeti mic drivers on my laptop and i'll see what i can do

>> No.60715525


>> No.60715531

Dammit Coco I know this is really you bc this is a conversation I’ve already heard take place.

>> No.60715614

NO SHIT?! We Sherlock faggot Holmes in the thread!

>> No.60715667

Sorry Keitaro. I didn’t see you there :(

>> No.60715698

Probably in one of the post-stream movie night chats

>> No.60715979

Would you guys send scripts like this for me to read on stream? :)
> love rinna

>> No.60716211
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, Alien 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Alien Isolation

>> No.60716662

I feel gayer having read that

>> No.60716732
File: 55 KB, 317x326, 1692487363278516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the cute slutty /asp/ie girls?

>> No.60716746

like what? taking a piss like coco? so this is what you are into Rinna?

>> No.60716967

>Keitaro is straight
Not like this bros…

>> No.60716978

I tried to make it androgynous. Not my fault if you’re a dude

>> No.60716980 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 162x117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, only gay males here.
Including myself.

>> No.60717009

Any viewers here that aren't super weird or larping? Just asking for a friend.
Welcome to the thread, but where the heck did you guys come from?

>> No.60717422

NO i mean just sending me scripts in general to read!

>> No.60717482

I like to believe I'm a chill viewer. I mostly lurk, but chime in now and then in chat. Usually with emotes, or something relevant to what's happening on stream.
I've always been here

>> No.60717687

I'd pay you to read all of iriya's rura eros

>> No.60717897

if rura says it’s okay then i would

>> No.60718032

rura has said she doesn't mind the stories, idk if you need to ask her for permission to read them or not

>> No.60718141

could you pls not bring that kinda stuff into the streams?

>> No.60718226

Ill donate 10 subs

>> No.60718518

Imagine the sleepover girls all reading the ero posts they get to each other while giggling and getting horny together

Muh dik

>> No.60718523

As a vtuber you should not restrict yourself to simply playing games while trying to talk to chat at the same time. Try being a live anime character. You can write a loose script to help guide your performance as you guile, and entertain all of those who stop by to render unto your channel their patronage.
With this in mind it might be best to name your channel something like a channel name instead of a personal Facebook page. Instead BobTV you could call your channel something like "EasyLaughHousetv" and present a variety of characters instead of simply displaying who you are as a social influencer you could display who you are as a entertaining minstrel by performing shows orchestrated in the world of mythos and fiction rather than simply chatting for three hours about the sandwich you ate for lunch, or who you are collabing with in half an hour you could instead pretend you're traveling a forest, and chat is your strange friend who lives in a magic ball you carry.
There's more to vtubing than simply playing a game, and screaming "oh wow wowee wow wow oh wee wah owee oh wow" and watching YouTube videos. At least there could more to vtubing if you wanted to give theatre a shot next time you go live on twitch, or YouTube as a vtuber.

>> No.60718617

Posts like these make me wish I followed through on learning art and becoming a mangaka. Think of all the ero aspie doujins that could be made...

>> No.60718733

Yeah but Androopy Taint said I need to build MY brand. Remember to lick and sub to me.

>> No.60719118


>> No.60719211

It would be hilarious if this was Han saying this

>> No.60719224

who’s speaking, dm me? would like to know why

>> No.60719364

There’s always fanfics…

>> No.60719402

>Not a bottom
LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Also I'm stealing the last part for my lore now btw. Good reason why I have a German accent lmao.

>> No.60719425

Maybe just remove Rura's name and replace it with she or her.

>> No.60719500
File: 127 KB, 490x532, Tachanka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Aspies, I've been trying to figure this out for months...

>> No.60719598


>> No.60719676

It literally just happened, it came to me in a dream: we are all gonna make it

>> No.60719725

alright send me (rinna) fanfics

>> No.60719877

Who are the top ten rising stars of Gen 5?

>> No.60719942

I want the ECW but instead of wrestling they're trying to seduce each other

>> No.60720008

I am not masturbating today, taking breaks is important

>> No.60720090

Stop being femboys you fags
Literal bottom of the barrel trash tier design
The only thing you have going for you is your design and nothing else
Go be baras or bishonen if you really want to

>> No.60720104
File: 2.82 MB, 720x404, faceHandTestCHEEKPUFF2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop objectifying me.

>> No.60720150

Case in point. Being femboy does not guarantee views.

>> No.60720193
File: 2.83 MB, 720x404, faceHandTestGAOGAO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just said I don't want to be sexualized.

>> No.60720264

Go through the archive, you should be able to find all the Rura eros, I'm phone posting so I can't

>> No.60720290

>I don't want to be sexualized!!!
literal fag behavior
pits exposed
selfposting for identification
ok lmao

>> No.60720331

Pits are NOT a sexual organ!

>> No.60720394

The only time I manually insert spoiler tags is when I'm on my phone like now, sorry! I've spent too long on here to not know the ins and outs. Rabbit tip of the day, if you're on the catalog, you can hit shift left click on any OP image to quickly hide threads you don't want to see. Great for when there are pictures that you don't want to see.

>> No.60720411

No one has the star power like COLONQ has.
He is gonna be a partner soon.

>> No.60720440

Babis and femboys never sustain numbers.

>> No.60720601

All the fanfic posting shits me to tears, how do girls like this shit?

>> No.60720832

I'm older than probably most of the girls here (35+) and it doesn't make me horny like it would have but I do find it very charming. To see someone's obsession for someone else that they can think of them in so much detail, I wish someone would have done something like that for me.

>> No.60721275

A lot of the girls have a boyfriend, but you? I can tell you're single

>> No.60721297

Beryl and Haru are doing well.

>> No.60721302

˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ I LOVE CAMUI AND I WANT TO MARRY HIM ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

>> No.60721430

Sorry Cabu. What do you consider objectifying? Obv no more horny posts over you or shipping with Daiya, but is still saying stuff like “Cabu is so cute” still fine?

>> No.60721445

I wish I was worthy of love too. I'll do better.

>> No.60721483

This person’s ideal is Camui, you are doing just fine, anon

>> No.60721490

You're worthy of love, don't worry
Me, though... i'm gonna be alone forever

>> No.60721514

Just don't be a male

>> No.60721619

Daiya Cabu being dead makes sense.

>> No.60721752

Anyone got the tic tac toe pic of denpa's 5head

>> No.60721761

Literally only sustaining themselves off raids. People wouldn't raid them if they didn't have coomer models.

>> No.60721847

The only thing worse than femboys and babis is this retard schizo vtuber who posts DMs and sexpests all the female vtubers. You've actually lowered the bar, amazing.

>> No.60721890

Ah, his ban is over, it looks like

>> No.60721925

Yeah the ship was kinda dead on arrival but I just needed another example of something to ask about so I didn’t have a one item list

>> No.60722025


>> No.60722087

bread to talk about vtubers

>> No.60722141

>twice in a row
>teehee, don’t want to start drama
Can someone else bake? This is too early anyway.

>> No.60722306

You have two choices for possible friends vtuber san
>Groomer who leaks your DMs and blames you for his own inability to set boundaries but he's fun to be around
>Schizo self harmer who will oshi you HARD with all forms of content but may be a danger to you and themselves

>> No.60722390

>but he’s fun to be around
Don’t you dare imply that Camui is more fun than Iriya. He’s my awkward buddy and I love him

>> No.60722413

What about another person who just does this for fun but is otherwise normal, outgoing and mostly socially will adjusted?

>> No.60722437

Do you know where you are?

>> No.60722484

I refuse to believe I'm one of a kind.

>> No.60722520

Delusions, huh? You fit right in.

>> No.60722862

I'm not using the new bread someone bake another one please

>> No.60722934

Can you stop with this shit, baker? Things were just starting to get comfy again

>> No.60722938

You wouldn't be in this thread if you were normal

>> No.60723119

Actual new bread




>> No.60723154

Baker love.

>> No.60724015

