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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59758105 No.59758105 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, BE NISE

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters.

Previous thread: >>59734244

>> No.59758178

New thread new me, I am a reformed derek

>> No.59758183

shontoes in my mouth

>> No.59758192

Making good memories with the shontoes

>> No.59758206

Thank you for your services

>> No.59758214
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>> No.59758227

I feel a bittersweet sadness today

>> No.59758234


>> No.59758250


>> No.59758283


>> No.59758291

I hate you all

>> No.59758292

speak to it anon, im being nise now

>> No.59758334


>> No.59758342
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>> No.59758350


>> No.59758369

be nise, improve yourselves

>> No.59758388

guys you know i don't hate any of you right? :(
i get silly sometimes but i'm just a goofball.

>> No.59758409


>> No.59758423

Passionate love making with Shondo with tons of hand holding

>> No.59758425

So did we all just forget about her health issues? I'm so fucking worried. As if the lump wasn't bad enough already, she now has something else. too?

>> No.59758437

I have so much hatred in my heart I genuinely hate some of you

>> No.59758453

I didnt but im not gonna ask about it

>> No.59758457

no, but what can you do? no sense in shitting your pants over things out of your control

>> No.59758458

its girl parts issues, thats why she doesnt want to talk about it

>> No.59758461
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>> No.59758481


>> No.59758492

I'm not suggesting that. She was very clear that she doesn't want to talk about it right now. I mean talking about it here in the thread.

>> No.59758512

mama's going to guarantee she sees a doctor in a couple weeks if it doesn't improve (or so she says and I hope)

>> No.59758539

Reminder to find purpose, work on improving yourself, stay focused, and love wife unconditionally. Oh and kiss some shoggas goodnight.

>> No.59758579

I just hope it isn't that shitty one.

>> No.59758608

if it's girl part issues and that's why she doesn't want to talk about it, then she's absolutely getting a cab to see a female doctor

>> No.59758634

i dont know enough about girls to know what it could be

>> No.59758637

No such thing. Please have some self respect.

>> No.59758660

what about it needs to be discussed shogga? It's out of our control and we're not gonna find out what it is yet

>> No.59758729

>No such thing
Speak for yourself

>> No.59758813

can this japanese melon shit load so we can go back to comfy talk time

>> No.59758826

So what now

>> No.59758835

She wouldn't do something that would break the deal so I love her unconditionally

>> No.59758865

I'm lacking some faith in that some shoggers can be reformed when she told them to their face that sometimes she doesn't feel like being lovey-dovey and they interpreted it like she meant putting on an entertaining facade

>> No.59758889

it was 1 person

>> No.59758940

Skill issue. Experience issue. You'll find that one person one day. I believe in you shogga.

>> No.59758984

I hope she tells mods to pick up the slack and timeout/ban shoggers fighting. Even if they see it on twitter

>> No.59759075

far more chats than one read similarly
>I watch you for you / because you're my wife not because of that!
I think they latched onto her saying "performing" and didn't realize what the "performance" was

>> No.59759081

it's not their job to police people outside the server/channel. it's only their problem if they bring it to there

>> No.59759096

She's already gotten complaints from them about having their own lives and you want them to babysit retards on twitter? Get a grip

>> No.59759188

Everytime she talks about love i feel like she doesnt understand what love actually means in our context

>> No.59759313

Just because it would take something she would never do to make you stop loving her, doesn't mean it's not conditional.
You would still love her if you got cucked? Or if she threw all of her fans under the bus? I'm not saying that I think she would do that, but if she did, that would be the end of it. I love Shondo as she is right now. I will also love her in the future, even if she changes, because I know she is striving to improve, but it's still conditional.

>> No.59759324

none of us understand love, she had one e-bf, most of us have never had girlfriends
we're all just trying to take the edge off of loneliness with the closest thing to intimacy we can reasonably commit to, her included
it's when people go out of their way to think way too hard about it and try to ruin it for themselves that we get all these problems

>> No.59759355

This shogga doesn't know what unconditional means

>> No.59759398

ayo this nigga arguing semantics

>> No.59759415

>it's when people go out of their way to think way too hard about it and try to ruin it for themselves that we get all these problems
meaning we want more than what it actually is

>> No.59759421

not subject to any conditions.

>> No.59759423

>Everytime she talks about love i feel like she doesnt understand what love actually means in our context
That's a you problem. Self reflect.
>it's when people go out of their way to think way too hard about it and try to ruin it for themselves that we get all these problems
I really wish these people would just leave.

>> No.59759475

maybe I should take the wife aspect less seriously

>> No.59759498

>it's when people go out of their way to think way too hard about it and try to ruin it for themselves that we get all these problems
eventually you will find some difference between your outlook of your relationship with shondo and hers. not saying its a justification for going schizo, but it's not like it happens for no reason

>> No.59759645

darlingstrawb out here catching strays

>> No.59759762

I'm not disappointed that Strawb is in a relationship, I'm disappointed it's with that fucking dramabait anituber, it made me feel such second hand disgust it ruined her ASMR for me

>> No.59759907

>shiggers already fighting again in chat
thus is life

>> No.59759962

disagreeing with someone isn't fighting

>> No.59759970

shondo in my arms while i tell her how much i love her

>> No.59759974

she has the same problem though, that's why we had the cheater meltdown
in old maros people have asked her about the nature of the relationship and shit; she'll acknowledge the limitations if pressured on it but it makes her uncomfortable, and she doesn't want to think about it
she wants that distant sort of affection and the aesthetic of something more, but when the brainworms come she'll hyperfocus on the parts that just don't pan out

>> No.59760001

Should we disband /shon/ for the good of shonkind?

>> No.59760010

I hope you guys will be nice to me from now on

>> No.59760019

its called arguing

>> No.59760050

I hope you guys keep being nice to me, no one has ever said anything mean about me before

>> No.59760055

No, fuck you.

>> No.59760069

I have said for months that /shon/ was a mistake.

>> No.59760087

Nope. Without these threads this would have never surfaced

>> No.59760137

Would unironically be for the best
Stop doing these vague larps

>> No.59760143

I'd prefer stream only threads like worked just fine before but I always get called an anti who wants to disband the thread.
I don't care about antis, you guys need to learn to ignore them no matter when they show up. For shoggers' sakes I think it'd be better if they just don't have the place to air brainworms or derek shit because it's just being encouraged now in the name of containment.

>> No.59760205

fuck you im mean to you grr
your cool though bro dm me ;)

>> No.59760265

I want to derek so bad right now

>> No.59760286


>> No.59760296

and you didnt, good job anon
nade nade

>> No.59760405

I dont like her talking about favorites desu

>> No.59760437

All me

>> No.59760438

she said i was her favorite get fucked chuds im in

>> No.59760472

I'm finally a favorite

>> No.59760498

nobody was being mean about it don't get your panties in a knot

>> No.59760524

all of you are her favorite, its just that she likes her small group of top favorites more

>> No.59760587

"(You) are bad if you tell multiple vtubers you love them"
"All of (You) are my favorite viewer btw"

>> No.59760616


>> No.59760620

remember be nise
its true and the cause of all my brainworms, nothing she can say or do will change that

>> No.59760628

alt stream is offline

>> No.59760639


>> No.59760640


>> No.59760651


>> No.59760658

see that's what I mean about thinking about it too hard

>> No.59760669


>> No.59760671

Double standard

>> No.59760683

>this would never have surfaced
>the problems that only exist solely because these threads exist

>> No.59760689

its not

>> No.59760700

I tried buying the suika game on my switch, but can't use the JP store. And it's only available there.

>> No.59760706

Just leave already. You will never get what you want.

>> No.59760724


>> No.59760770

How did she get a watermelon and I didnt? HMPH

>> No.59760792

it's not solely the fault of the threads and it would've happened without them too, it just accelerated things

>> No.59760796

You don't know what I want

>> No.59760852

you only need to create a JP account iirc, the switch isn't region locked but the store region is tied to the account

>> No.59760895

>accelerated things
>literally making issues worse than they need to be and causing her unneeded stress

>> No.59760919

you're not a pro gamer like my wife

>> No.59760927

I see. But will they even accept a credit card that isn't from Japan?

>> No.59760936

You said it yourself:

"You are bad if you tell multiple vtubers you love them"
"You are my favorite viewer"

"You" (singular) is the personalization of everybody in chat

>> No.59760949

You mean like when retards wouldn't stop making shit up to be mad at to the point people were spamming her dms about it?

>> No.59760981


>> No.59761010

She said all of you, not you (singular)

>> No.59761023

that I don't know, you might have to look for import eshop gift cards?

>> No.59761062

Yeah, but that's what "you" represents?

>> No.59761118

I'm too addicted to this thread to leave, but I'll try to derek less and be nicer

>> No.59761122
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"I hate you all"

>> No.59761153

stfu derek
but also lmao

>> No.59761175

You (person) are getting hung up on a personification gimmick when she's addressing the entirety of her viewers

>> No.59761187

Playasia has them, but fuck those prices. I'll stay suika-less

>> No.59761195

both of you are in the wrong now both of you go to time out and come back when you are feeling nicer

>> No.59761212

omg sisters, you would not believe what Moobot just did

>> No.59761215
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*cheeky giggle*

>> No.59761258


>> No.59761273

That's a tough question...

>> No.59761278
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While I'm here, I may as well let this thread know that like always I'll be hosting the movies for Shondo's movie night on cytube. Stop by if you don't feel like getting the movies yourself or if you want to watch while being able to say the word faggot

>> No.59761311

thanks brother I appreciate it

>> No.59761334

I'm not that other anon I'm only saying it probably would have come to this regardless of the threads, just maybe delayed by a bit. The threads make it all worse but it's also a large part just shogger nature and the downstream effects of her rapid growth. It was always on the horizon.

>> No.59761346

Thanks anon, please don't jumpscare me with babytime again

>> No.59761348

No, I meant that this is an asymmetrical relationship. It's not hypocritical because she treats chat as one party in this one relationship.

If you had another vtuber you love it would be different because you treat them as two separate parties in two separate relationships

>> No.59761359

thanks for hosting last time homie i will probably take advantage on you again

>> No.59761448

I'm going to remain uninterested in participating in "the community" but I'll try harder to ignore them

>> No.59761493

I disagree, I think the lack of acceleration would allow more people to reflect and not be encouraged to be bold or have their own issues perpetuated and prodded at by anons trying to be shit disturbers. This has given her no time to breathe or even think about how she can help us get along.

>> No.59761519

You're hopelessly naive if you believe she doesn't have viewers she interacts with and loves/likes/enjoys/etc. more than others.

>> No.59761671 [DELETED] 

I feel like I hurt her and pushed her away. Maybe I attribute more of what she said to myself than is necessary, but still I'm sorry Shondo. We're lonely, and we're in love with you, and we can never actually have you. All the fighting and schizo shit is born from wanting more and wanting to ensure that no one else takes what we want. Loving you from afar is painful. I am used to venting my emotions into this anonymous space without any restraint, because normally it doesn't matter and there's few . I do that for things I can't talk about elsewhere and I don't worry about if what I'm saying is wrong or stupid or hurtful or weird. Sometimes I just fire and forget batshit insane things because it makes me feel better. With /vt/ I guess its a bit different because the subject of discussion usually has visibility into what's being said and it has real impact on people moreso than other things. I wish you weren't here, you say you aren't, but I feel its pretty clear that you've seen nonsense I've put here. But its not all bad either. I post good things too. I just don't filter any of the intrusive thoughts when they come up like I would when I talk in any other place. I guess I need to reflect on how I post here, because it seems like I'm stressing out someone I love a whole lot.

>> No.59761673

that male vtuber? me
had to put her in her place so she knows she nothing more than a dirty e whore

>> No.59761703

Any guesses who tried?
Holy shit anon I am not reading that

>> No.59761704
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I'm dying

>> No.59761767


>> No.59761786

Thanks, I appreciate the work you do for the watchalongs

>> No.59761795

Nigga I'm not reading that shit, meds or kill yourself but don't make me read your fucking essay

>> No.59761827

Probably Lisa

>> No.59761829

Everyone has a price

>> No.59761835

stopped reading at

>> No.59761836

Illiterate retards, it merely takes a few seconds.

>> No.59761867

She declined $10k for the vtuber debut watchalongs
Yeah everyone has their price but no one is willing to pay shondo what she would need to do it

>> No.59761874

I stopped reading after the first period

>> No.59761890

It's fine, it's more for me anyways.

>> No.59761954

Shes not mad at anyone, she is probably /here/ but she was mostly talking about the people fighting on twitter. if you're antagonizing people, stop. if you're dereking, stop.

>> No.59762008

i marrowed this to her
im joking

>> No.59762032 [DELETED] 

I'm still going to shit up the threads. sorry guys, it's too funny and gives me mega keks

>> No.59762045

rember to nise

>> No.59762058

you are NOT the dewd

>> No.59762097


>> No.59762158

man it's a nice gesture and all but I would've understood if she took the money for her family, I'm not leaving her for the clunny or anything

>> No.59762157

you're still a 5 months sub so I guess is a process every shogga goes thru. the bad part is that not only you act on it but you also do it publicly and expect her not to feel bad about it and even worst that you didn't said that you'll change so

>> No.59762165


>> No.59762227
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goodnight, now be nise

>> No.59762252

goodnight, shogga

>> No.59762251

goodnight shondo I love you

>> No.59762274

I cannot understand what youre saying
>the bad part is that not only you act on it but you also do it publicly and expect her not to feel bad about it and even worst that you didn't said that you'll change so

>> No.59762285

Goodnight <3

>> No.59762286

It's possible she read the maros without responding since I sent her one about the infighting but it's more likely this has been on her mind for awhile

>> No.59762290

please don't reply to my posts with a chu that's gay

>> No.59762292


>> No.59762299
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Thanks anon, I am not sure where to get my shit now that rarbg is dead

>> No.59762305


>> No.59762336


>> No.59762344
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>> No.59762363

with her private stalking list im sure shes seen it. it was happening in the replies to her end stream tweet once too

>> No.59762366

I sent one about her finding us disgusting and if she was just pretending to be affectionate

>> No.59762367


>> No.59762378

don't pretend to be me
ty for nise

>> No.59762416

>we can never actually have you
Stopped reading here tbqfh shogga

>> No.59762449

might sound mean but you should've kept the brainworms to yourself

>> No.59762483

*chu* no homo

>> No.59762536


>> No.59762544

please rate the stream

>> No.59762591

10/10 realest stream ever

>> No.59762603

it is what it is/10

>> No.59762610
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>> No.59762611

It was more an apology

>> No.59762616

I thought for a moment to ask if she was phoning it in sometimes but I didn't go through with it. I feel pretty vindicated now that she's all but said there's time she just goes through the motions because she fears people will have brainworms.
Makes me feel a little good that I picked up on it, and feel a little sad for the shoggas that needed the routine to feel her love.

>> No.59763054

I swear I didn't write that essay shogga

>> No.59763099

then you are the anti, ok

>> No.59763134

Mixed emotions, I hope things are better
10/10 I love my wife

>> No.59763248

He didn't. I did. And it doesn't need to be seen anymore. It's a blogpost. Thanks for coming to my blog.

>> No.59763268

I'm such a piece of shit. I feel so much regret for what I've done and only hope that I fade away into irrelevancy so I can't hurt Shondo or anyone here again. I don't want to abandon her because I still support her, but I really don't deserve anyone's affection and that's something I have to live with.

>> No.59763278

How long has it been since she called out cheaters like she did tonight?

>> No.59763284

A lot of elephants in the room not being addressed also letting that faggot trample over your scolding by taking no accountability himself. Pease ban this retard already, he has clearly learned nothing and only took tonight as a means to take more shots at chat. If people like him are allowed to stick around you will never get rid of the in-fighting.

>> No.59763384


>> No.59763449

I'm talking about Fleece, dumbdumb.

>> No.59763467

10/10 aside from some lingering worry about her health issues
I'm incredibly pleased with the fact she was able to have a honest talk and not be constantly pulling back worrying that she's going to set off one of the shoggers. She said a lot of things that needed to be said, and gave us a promise to consider her own needs more.
I'm excited to hear about her making new memories with her family and hopefully leading a healthier life.

>> No.59763547

dumbass this shit is why this all happens, because you're always in some crisis of self-doubt
accept that she loves you and you don't have to do anything to deserve it
nobody takes the full blame here, you work on yourself and she'll work on her end of it

>> No.59763637

what do you consider to be the elephants in the room?
I don't disagree that some people clearly aren't letting the lesson sink in, but I think the way forward is to not instigate shit because of it. She's just ignoring him now when he has tantrums, best we do the same if attention is the only thing he responds to.

>> No.59763721

I don't see this improving unless she starts calling out people causing problems by name. Even today when she was clearly referring to certain people they were in chat going "yeah those other people doing these things grrrr". And I don't know how she can handle the people who run here to anonymously do exactly why she says not to do

>> No.59763796

>run here to anonymously do exactly why she says not to do
Shes said before that having a place like /here/ top dump brainworms is good, but Im not sure if she feels that way anymore
All I know is that Dereking is bad for everyone and she thinks the same thing

>> No.59763801

Hell some people just do it straight in front of her

>> No.59763802 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't he? He won. Shondo is changing her entire person to fit his demands and making him happy.He's the top groomer husband.

>> No.59763865

It may be hard to do anything about the problem chatters but you're focusing too narrowly on that bit when this was a part of a larger picture of her taking responsibility for her part in encouraging brainworms.
I think even if the end effect were minimal it's good that she's thinking about her impact on others and trying to redirect that in as positive a direction as she can where applicable. I think that'll have a real effect on some people.

>> No.59763924

Her bringing it up tonight will easy some brainworms for a while, but the nature of this relationship will always lead to jealousy

>> No.59763942

>didn't tell us her full feelings about this place existing
>not taking responsibility for herself being guilty of perpetuating jealousy and competition amongst her husbands

>> No.59763999

it's worth a shot, and if nothing else maybe the emphasis on self improvement will actually stick with some people
I'm just saying no matter how much people want to absolve her of everything, she's acknowledging she played a role and I honestly agree with her, she egged shit on and made it look appealing to be an obsessive schizo to an unhealthy degree

>> No.59764041

What has she done that encourages brainworms? It's all shit like
>she didn't read my message
>she said she DMed someone
>she was active on Twitter while I was asleep
>she didn't say the line I expect her to say every day

>> No.59764094

>didn't tell us her full feelings about this place existing
it was never brought up, ask her about it in maros I guess, but I figure she wants the same for us whether /here/ or there
>not taking responsibility for herself being guilty of perpetuating jealousy and competition amongst her husbands
she literally did though, and all of chat was people trying to tell her it's not her fault

>> No.59764164

People did bring it up, the nature of the relationship being a rat race, fear of missing out, and being worried about climbing the favorite husband ladder. She ignored it everytime, if you believe she reads every message, or missed it each time

>> No.59764175

I think what's fucking hilarious is you big shots all thought you were so clever and witty trying to dunk on Digi over the Fumo stuff thinking she would actually approve of your behavior. Yet not only did she say she didn't like that but all of you guys dogpiling only made her feel worse!
A reminder that she has felt worse to a point of wanting to interact less with you shoggers on twitter as a result.

>> No.59764179

>she egged shit on and made it look appealing to be an obsessive schizo to an unhealthy degree
She absolutely did. If she sits there and tells people she thinks acting like a psychopath, stalking her obsessively, deliberately taking an unhealthy approach to his relationship is hot/a compliment what does she expect? People have different ways of being mentally ill.

>> No.59764220

kys dmer

>> No.59764228

stfu digi

>> No.59764268

Don't care failed groomer. Seek purpose besides munching on all those sodium filled microwavables dumb fucking BLOB

>> No.59764285
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Be nise faggots

>> No.59764323

You would love for me to be Digi, retard. But I called you guys out before and now I am completely justified by her own words. Get actually fucked you retards.

>> No.59764328

All of the alt account stuff absolutely encourages brainworms. Imagine FOMO but instead of missing out on some videogame skin or some shit it's a private part of the object of your affection, an intimate look into her mind that you have a real chance of experiencing. People absolutely would and have gone schizo over that, especially when she touts her own stalking prowess as a display of her dedication and affection towards her audience. People are going to want to try and reciprocate that, and that's how she gets people in her offline chat talking about her IRL details

>> No.59764338

>calls it "cute" whenever people say insane shit
>also calls it cute to do stalker shit
>teases us in ways that make some people schiz out
>phones in intimacy when she's not feeling it
>alt account shit and various other time sensitive stuff that constantly makes people worry about missing out on seeing the "real" her
some of that's a bit of a stretch, I don't mean to say she played a *big* role, it's still up to the shogger to manage their own mental health, but if the question is only did she encourage it, I'd say yeah I agree with her

>> No.59764406
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>> No.59764421
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>> No.59764429

how did she get so small? she needs to be squished

>> No.59764468

Digi was being retarded and entitled, and was rightfully called out. You don't get to spout your retarded opinions uncontested.

>> No.59764497

remember she said that if you see something retarded to ignore it instead of fighting on her behalf

>> No.59764504

no clue why you get so upset on his behalf if you're neither him nor in his posse but no amount of "play nise guys" makes his entitled whining any less pathetic
fwiw I said back then that instigating shit with him will probably just backfire but this doesn't vindicate him or anything, anymore than it vindicates fleece for all his shitty behavior just because she's asking that we don't start shit with him

>> No.59764546

That was about twittertards. Don't take her words out of context.

>> No.59764586

I should have replied to >>59764468 but I wanted it to be a more general statement

>> No.59764608

You are delusional. Please reward the fucking VOD. She said all of the in-fighting behavior made her feel worse and have less energy for interacting on twitter. What do you not understand that none of you needed to be involved and attack him, when she even said the other day that she thinks white knighting for her is cringe.
What the actual fuck do you shoggers not understand that you are more at fault than he is over that Fumo situation?

>> No.59764619


>> No.59764661

I did not say once that this vindicates Digi. Please actually read what I fucking type instead of assuming what I mean.

>> No.59764704

How fucking retarded and pathetic are you that you would let entitled retards speak, but forbid anyone from disagreeing? Fucking kill yourself. I will not stop speaking my mind, no matter what she says.

>> No.59764708

Bro she literally stopped dms and asked people to say this shit publicly because she knew others wouldn’t approve of the abusive shit you were saying in her dms and wanted it to at least be public so others could humble you. Basically she wanted you to stop being a coward and out yourself to everyone.

>> No.59764718
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my wife

>> No.59764754

im going to make asmr and prank my viewers by telling them i am married after 4 years

>> No.59764757

>more at fault than he is
no really, what's your horse in this race mate, it's kind of pathetic if you're actually unrelated to digi

>> No.59764762


>> No.59764774


>> No.59764775

who was that btw? does anyone know

>> No.59764784

Man you guys really suck at not replying to bait
Did anyone also laugh when she mentioned her ex's mom went to Disney with them? Imagine bringing your mom on your date when she already is bringing hers

>> No.59764786

This was about the troon antis. Not people who claim to love and respect her.

>> No.59764815

Watch streams, she said today if you saw some shoggers fighting or being idiots to ignore them

>> No.59764830

>Hey guys, this guy is telling her his delusional opinion, but because he shared his first you are now not allowed to post anything that goes against it.
So fucking retarded. If you aren't him or one of his friends you are even worse than they are.

>> No.59764858

There are people in her chat who were completely oblivious to what she meant, you think we don't have ones here?

>> No.59764869

Why not? That way the moms can keep each other company while you spend some time with your gf.

>> No.59764892
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>> No.59764908

violent creature

>> No.59764932

And I already told you that I don't care what she says. I will not stop voicing my thoughts.

>> No.59764961

Poor guy will get scared and shit all over their house when they are on vacation.

>> No.59764990

This is my biggest worry, I don't trust literally any of Shondo's extended family to take care of Otis and he'd probably feel like shit with Shondo gone, unless she brings him

>> No.59764991

Not surprised /shon/ is dodging more accountability. she spelled out behavior that upsets her and you actually dick ride eachother thinking what she said somehow doesn't magically apply to your own behavior. amazing as ever, shoggers. she will see you have learned nothing.
she knows I stay out of drama and loves me for it. stay losing idiots.

>> No.59765008

>I don't care what she says
Then who are you even fighting for?

>> No.59765010

oh and also it's not fucking white knighting to say someone's take is retarded, shondo's honor wasn't on the line, just from shogga to shogga it was a retarded statement

>> No.59765020

>she knows I stay out of drama and loves me for it
this post proves otherwise

>> No.59765034

Already back to it I see

>> No.59765054

She will probably leave him with the lady who she bought him from. They can trust her not to fuck up taking care of him

>> No.59765059

cats get separation anxiety so she might worry and try to bring him

>> No.59765075

stop moving the goal posts this is pathetic. like him or not, she called you guys out and you shouldn't act like you did nothing to upset her.

>> No.59765080

To be fair, most of the people being talked about and receiving hate deserve it for valid reasons, and I'm going to let that go, hoping that they either:

a) apologize and/or change
b) keep it to themselves

>> No.59765083

Oh yeah, I forgot about her

>> No.59765087

if you went into this and came out of it thinking only about how you were on the right side of some fucking argument from a month ago then I'm afraid you missed the point

>> No.59765109

shut the fuck up and talk about otis

>> No.59765122

Fat fuck

>> No.59765126
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>Shondo literally constantly says she just wants people to be nicer to each other
>Blatantly has said this plenty of times
>Outright tonight said she doesn't like seeing people fight
>Surely this means we need to keep fighting over dumb shit

>> No.59765143

What the fuck are you talking about? I am not going to let anyone silence me, simple as that. I will not let retarded opinions go unchallenged.
That would be even worse for him. Traveling puts cats under immense stress, especially when they aren't even used to going outside.

>> No.59765153

this makes me wonder, do other general threads of parasocial vtubers have the same kind of infighting?

>> No.59765184

I lurk in /jidf/ sometimes and they seem pretty chill

>> No.59765186

Maybe she had no point. Maybe she is fucking retarded, and you shouldn't listen to a mentally ill girl in the internet.

>> No.59765204

qrd on what happened the past 4 hours? just woke up

>> No.59765224

I'm not that fat...

>> No.59765229

Goodbye shon have fun shitflinging and causing your wife to be even more distant

>> No.59765261

It's best you watch the VOD for yourself. People will twist her words.

>> No.59765267


>> No.59765301

i jerked off

>> No.59765386

alright, i will

>> No.59765408

you know how she said she doesn't want this shit to be a rat race anymore and you're instead here trying to gloat that you stayed out of an argument because you kiss the dude's ass for whatever reason
why the fuck are you so concerned with how much "worse" it is, you think it made her feel good when one of her fans tries to make her feel bad about kind gestures she did for her friends?
you'd be in the clear if you just said you felt good about staying out but for some reason you have digi on the mind a month later and want to make such a point about him being the bigger man here

>> No.59765418

No! You dont understand! I hate someone so much that I have to dogpile and make a situation worse! And when called out by her directly on stream, completely pretend like I did nothing wrong!! Even though I'm also guilty of causing her grief I have to pretend like I did nothing wrong!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.59765442

bro's so mad he grew a new IP

>> No.59765580
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>> No.59765729

She's so girly

>> No.59765749

She might have changed her mind now, but originally she closed dms so that we could see what she was dealing with and react accordingly, hopefully showing them the error of their ways and I think people ran with that idea a little too hard and now it’s gotten out of hand to the point it’s just upsetting her.

>> No.59765756
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>> No.59765837

The underlying issue is, and always was, that she refuses to actually put her foot down when trouble arises. Ignoring things might work if it's something that comes from outside, but nor when it's withing your community.

>> No.59765852

i still don't really get it. it's a good thing that communities self-moderate by bullying retards until they either leave or submit. if we weren't they way we were she might've had a lot more annoying people around

>> No.59765878

So she is kind of right that she’s been encouraging it. The blame doesn’t lie on any one person though.

>> No.59765907

I don't know about that being her intention in the first place, I think it was more like if it's something you can't say publicly you should think about whether it needs to be said at all. Also having notifs of people telling you what they did that day is probably less stressful than seeing thousands of unread DMs which have read receipts. I could see maybe where you're coming from, maybe she wanted the community to self-police and wasn't satisfied with the outcome, but I don't really think it's the case.

>> No.59765917

She is a woman, and mentally ill. It would be utterly stupid of anyone to simply do as she says.

>> No.59765936
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i never tire of it

>> No.59765975

How far into the VoD does she start talking about stuff?

>> No.59765985

just be more subtle about it, question the bad lines of thinking, encourage alternatives, that sort of shit
the problem is largely that shoggers have built up hate against people like fleece who kind of deserve it but they take the next opportunity when they fuck up to make it personal and it just looks ugly

>> No.59765997

>she refuses to actually put her foot down
She softly did it today. And I'm proud of her but it was a little too soft

>> No.59766053

she also did it on a hidden alt stream. it's difficult to consider it an official stance unless she does it on main imo, but maybe that's just me. yeah i know, all regulars know about the alt stream, but still.

>> No.59766056

Her fault for reading

>> No.59766093

Plus, you can't really blame her for it. The mentally ill cannot be held to contract.

>> No.59766136

She didn't do anything though. She didn't even address the people she was talking about. You could watch them in chat acting oblivious. It's just like with the DMs. If she had just blocked the repeat offenders after telling them to stop multiple times, she wouldn't have had to close them. She wouldn't have had to make several long twitter threads, all because a few select shoggers STILL didn't get it. Her words will change nothing if she refuses to back them up with actions.

>> No.59766137

All seethers right now are cheaters who she called out and you cant convince me otherwise

>> No.59766148

I think calling out specific people now would undermine the whole message. The culprits will start making a scene, the rest will think they're off the hook because they weren't called out. It's best this way. It'd be nice if she follows it up by being more stern about specific behavior, but we'll see.
I'm happy with it because she's done a very poor job in the past of doing "real talk" for fear of her fans. I hope she can have that conviction while she's in "performer" mode too.

>> No.59766159


>> No.59766189

>le cheating
Stop playing into her consumer loyalty gimmick and just enjoy yourself

>> No.59766216

>Her fault for reading
This thread's fault for being so goddam parasocial. Holy jeezus on a popsicle stick some of you unironically need medication and therapy. I went through a phase like this long ago with a famous singer so I know how it feels. But I got help and my life got a lot better. Most of us were raised by overgrown children so it's not really our fault we are fucked up, but we can do something about it, most of us.

>> No.59766219

^bad bait

>> No.59766259

And cheating is another thing. You can't tell people to take a few steps back when they feel like they are negatively affected by her, or maybe just not in the right mindset, and then call them cheaters, and act like it's fine to call them out and make fun of them when you just spent an entire stream telling people not to do that.

>> No.59766275

jesus, take it on the chin and move on or something.

>> No.59766280
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we should do nise things
like a jiggie of shondo's feet

>> No.59766303

We should all make a cum tribute, and send it to her.

>> No.59766304

still waiting on an AI HD version
i need it

>> No.59766314

With the amount of white in that picture, it would make it impossible. Im down

>> No.59766328

Now you're just putting random ideas together

>> No.59766379

I hope part of why she wants to take better care of herself and act in her own interest is that she realized her people-pleaser attitude is why people never trust her when she says she isn't being taken advantage of
like literally a week or two ago she got mad at the concernfags (deservedly) for insisting she's under duress to post her feet because of le evil fetish friends, because she wants you to believe she only does things because she felt like it
but literally this stream she admits she's been doing things even when she doesn't feel like it to keep everyone happy!
(none of this is to say concernfagging does anything except for upset her, don't do it)

>> No.59766394

especially when she doesnt go live and she's even announced her second vacation already
notice she didnt sound sick in the slightest?

>> No.59766477

How so?
>I feel mentally unwell
>Shondo said I should take a few steps back when I feel that way
>I decide to watch someone else instead
>I get called a cheater
Do you not see how fucking mental that is? I'm not even one of the affected, but I can see how this is contradictory. If I felt that way some day, I don't know if I could just take a few steps back, as she said.
Don't use my post for your delusions.

>> No.59766479

I think the best move if you need space is to just watch her *less* rather than not at all. And of course avoid watching someone else when you know she's streaming. I just think some people could exercise just missing one stream on purpose so they can see it's not the end of the world.

>> No.59766489
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I've never actually done this before what settings are good

>> No.59766525

Are you incapable of watching a streamer without telling them youre in love with them or what?

>> No.59766537

I don’t think as long as there’s people saying they actually have plans outlined to find and rape her when she’s on vacation with her sister, and people who actually love and want to protect her, that anybody is going to get along. Even if it’s just a sick joke or a fantasy for most, it only takes one actually obsessed enough to do that. Good on her for taking steps to protect herself. A lot of growth from the time she mocked the concern maro on rrk warning her about this very thing.

>> No.59766559

its just correct. who sleeps 24 hours and feels better after?

>> No.59766579


>> No.59766583

it's not that deep, just watch a few a different streamers and don't flirt with them
if she knows you needed a break (because you said so publicly in some way she would see) she maybe won't even care if she's streaming at the same time but I wouldn't risk it

>> No.59766585

Ive never set up a jiggie either so im not sure

>> No.59766589

Don't worry, I doubt anyone actually cares enough to do it for real. No one bothered to find her while she was livetweeting her location.

>> No.59766623

>who sleeps 24 hours and feels better after?
a sickly sleep deprived anorexic schizo girl with paranoid delusions.
her sickness was probably entirely psychosomatic as a result of her anxiety about going outside and her belief that she was going to get sick again like last time because she left the house.

>> No.59766629

weird how I can tell who wrote this

>> No.59766643

I think it's a little different if you have time to plan.
I'm not gonna fault people for playing along with the fantasy, but I kinda did expect at least one person to go through with it. And yes she's grown a lot. A lot of this haha funny jokes, unless...? is starting to get too real and honestly it's a little late to be noticing, but better late than never.

>> No.59766650

>just watch her *less* rather than not at all
I never said to stop watching her completely, but you should take as much time as you need. Whatever improves your mental state.
>And of course avoid watching someone else when you know she's streaming.
That's exactly the issue I'm talking about. You can't tell people to simply don't watch if it makes them feel bad and then tell them that they are cheaters if they decide to watch someone else in the mean time.
Maybe make yourself familiar with what she considers cheating before you chime in. If you watch someone else while she is live, it's cheating. No flirting required. And not everyone feels like airing their mental issues out for everyone to see.

>> No.59766690

I can tell you are a kekold who believes everything you're told even when she's in your face just fine

>> No.59766708

there he goes lol, knew it

>> No.59766716

>cares enough
Uh the one thing people definitely have is "caring enough". Capable enough, brave enough, willing to throw everything away are words I'd use instead.

>> No.59766724

then she should feel even more like a sick zombie if theres nothing really wrong with her, but no she was just fine tonight

>> No.59766748

you aren't compelled to cheat I'm not sure why this is difficult to grasp, just distance yourself without cheating
I made a little concession for if you really feel like you can't help but do it, because I think she'd get over it honestly, but come on

>> No.59766775

Yes I understand the not flirting part but she’s outright stated that watching other streamers while she’s streaming is cheating.

>> No.59766787

^ Most pointless discussion on the entire board

>> No.59766800

>my streams make you feel bad so I tell you to stop watching them for a while, but you still can't watch anyone else while I am live

>> No.59766805

watch with your eyes son

>> No.59766834

>okay you can stay with your mother but you can't fuck another woman while you're out
>goddamnit can this whore make some sense

>> No.59766836

i've said this before but she's a master at gaslighting, whether she does it on purpose or not. there is no winning here. she's inherently toxic because of her mental illnesses and all we can do is accept that and live with the pain of never being able to satisfy her

>> No.59766862

Anon I’ll let you know since Shondo is too nice to say it, you just need to kill yourself. You refuse to accept that you could ever be wrong and only exist to make others feel worse, your continued living is a major net negative on the entirety of not only this fanbase, but life itself. You need to end your life to ensure your major retardation and refusal to accept your faults doesn’t drag others down. Find a rope and use it.

>> No.59766877

>If you watch someone else while she is live, it's cheating.
I don't think its that clear cut either. Severity and intent also matter and I think Shondo would agree. There is nuance, but the problem is also that opening it up to nuance just means people will use it as an excuse to cheat.

>> No.59766951

Wasn’t this what caused the D***al incident?

>> No.59766954

how much it even matters in the first place is mostly up to you because she never penalizes the cheaters in any way, she's a battered wife who only cares that you come back to her in the end
if you can live with it and feel you have a justifiable reason, may as well
if ever there were a justifiable reason it'd be to watch a streamer without flirting because you need a break

>> No.59767002

Stop thinking about other men. All of your problems are solved

>> No.59767016

i mean we can only go by what she said, and she literally wrote in an rrk maro when somebody asked what constitutes cheating that watching somebody else while she's live is the biggest no-no. can't get much clearer than that

>> No.59767019

I will never cheat on my wife I love her <3

>> No.59767022

you like to watch?

>> No.59767033

she was worse mentally then and she thought they had an understanding in the DMs just prior to it which made it feel intentional

>> No.59767039

>okay you can stay with your mother but you can't fuck another woman while you're out
>wtf how dare you to talk to the neighbors
>new IP
>no argument
Probably true, but I will not believe it until I hear it from her mouth.

>> No.59767132

Yeah, I know. My point is that it's contradictory to tell people to distance themselves if they need it, but then discourage them from doing that by calling them cheaters if they dare to use their freed up time as they see fit.

>> No.59767142

not as much

>> No.59767157

you know one thing I've actually wondered, if alt streamers are "not a stream" does that mean it's okay if you watch someone else during them

>> No.59767182

because it doesnt actually matter to her outside of revenue

>> No.59767200

watch me rip my wife's skeleton out of her pretty pink butthole then you fag

>> No.59767253

I'm going to cheat on her with one of her friends. I'm going to make sure my name is deeply implanted in her head. Every time she talks to her friends she will think of me. Every time she sees me in her chat she will try extra hard to please me.

>> No.59767256

What's "throwing away everything" about hugging Shondo irl

>> No.59767293

Or she just silently bans you one day and never thinks of you again

>> No.59767316

I don't think that situation is relevant. She has grown past that. A lot of you seem to go by singular incidents in the past like it forms some kind of Bible or instruction book for Shondo but she's a growing person and a mentally ill one at that. Her emotional state when that was happening is clearly not the same as her emotional state right now. She made that really dramatic like it was the end of the world.

>> No.59767334

You know nothing about her if you think she could ever do that.

>> No.59767389

NTA, but I go by her answer to a maro, in which she explains in detail what she considers cheating.

>> No.59767424

This was regarding rape, which is a crime you wouldn't get away with.
Hugging is a different story. Rather than throwing your own life away, it would be Shondo throwing away a good chunk of her audience who are in a jealous rage.

>> No.59767428

I am a retard with no experience with women. Does anyone have any idea what she could be sick with that's causing her to worry this much?

>> No.59767438

put sand in your lungs

>> No.59767547

I was right about her getting tired of the schizo fanbase phase just like her edgy discord fanbase phase

>> No.59767548

What about bratty? Just straight up called him a lolcow on stream

>> No.59767575

he wasn't a cheater he was just a flagrant vibe breaker

>> No.59767592

That had nothing to do with cheating.

>> No.59767625

i get triggered when she says that "just being here is enough" when she's the one who has actively encouraged stalking, "doing reps", finding alt accounts etc for over a year now. she didn't acknowledge this at all. i wish she'd say "i used to think this, but i changed my mind and have realized that just being here is enough" or something. just saying it like that makes it seem like gaslighting or that she's lying again to calm down people's emotions. i don't know, maybe we're just too menhera for each other

>> No.59767653

It has to do with banning a fan which she would never do. Also never heard her speak ill of a husband on stream before. Banned or otherwise

>> No.59767686

I know, I've seen it maybe it is still that clear cut to her but I really think you need to account for today and other things she's said. It's not hard to reconcile her different statements to make sense of what she's feeling.

She doesn't want people she has started to form a bond with to suddenly up and disappear, and finding out the reason those people disappeared was to go farm love and attention from a different streamer hurts her. If you decide to go watch Kitanya one day because you just don't like Slime Rancher and want a break from Shondo today, and you're not over there saying stuff like "ohhhh I love you Kitanya here's $20 kitanyaLove kitanyaChu when can I see your feet" I don't think it would really matter.

But if you stop showing up for weeks, and finally show your face in Shondo's chat again like nothing happened and taking advantage of her love again, and meanwhile you were doing all that same shit in other streamer's chats it's a bit of a betrayal.

>> No.59767709

being a vibe breaker is worse than being a cheater
I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but one is a detriment to the streaming environment which is why they're removed. Cheaters on the other hand as long as they still put her first she doesn't want to lose them.

>> No.59767721

That’s a good point. Bring it up in her maros but be polite about it and ask for clarification.

>> No.59767730

Calling him a fan and a husband is a bit much. He bragged about not reading the rules, repeatedly broke them, and them announced that he would ban evade when he got a timeout. Also, it was her mods who banned him, not Shondo herself, and mods don't give a fuck if you watch someone else.

>> No.59767732

Basically, I guess, the difference between cheating and not cheating is whether you are watching the streamer or you are trying to get the streamer to pay attention to you.

>> No.59767788

What exactly all did he do? I know he said something about her touching herself and then said he would evade the ban, but is that it? I feel like there’s been worse husbands who get better treatment.

>> No.59767870

Yeah, most likely she sees it that way. Would be nice to hear that from her though.
>ohhhh I love you Kitanya here's $20 kitanyaLove kitanyaChu when can I see your feet
lmao, "This one is for you, Max" I scream as Tanya puts me on a banlist shared by all barbie girls.

>> No.59767874

This is the most respectful I’ve ever seen this place wtf

>> No.59767948


I tried

>> No.59767968

I don't know that she didn't acknowledge it; she didn't say the specifics but she did say she felt to blame for fostering a community like this. Last she was asked about alts she said she realized it wasn't a good coping mechanism. Maybe it's just me but I did get the impression that she recognizes how her behavior encourages this. Also she talked about how she often feels things that are contradictory, which I think is pretty related to the fact that she wants the best for us but also for us to be obsessive.

>> No.59768020

I regret thinking /shon/ can be better, wipe it off the board

>> No.59768039

kinda crazy a thread about one girl competes with threads talking about multiple groups of chuubas

>> No.59768060

Shondo will wipe my cum off of her massive forehead.

>> No.59768107

we are the biggest schizos on this board

>> No.59768123

Totally not a cult

>> No.59768129

I've heard us compared to beatani threads on at least two occasions

>> No.59768146

bruh how tf do I chat

>> No.59768188

Should be in the bottom right of the screen

>> No.59768320

I love her so much

>> No.59768422

One is directed towards one type of viewer (more casual shondophrenic), while the other is for you lot.

>> No.59768450

Just be better.

>> No.59768471

Just bee better.

>> No.59768576

I think shondo sucks, if any of you attack me, she'll hate you, get rekt

>> No.59768600

you are gay i think

>> No.59768612

for them it happens in their discord, everyone gets invited into a smaller discord where they gossip to gang up on the person who dissents, not even a joke.

>> No.59768669

kind of, it's a reassurance that the minimum you ever need to do to get all of her affection is show up, the rest is if you want more recognition and more insight into her "real" self
she wants to start de-emphasizing the latter though because it's starting to cause friction among people who think there's any sort of race for top shog and/or are convinced those are the actual only people she appreciates

>> No.59768704

maybe I should give credit to jumper for his sekrit club being pretty harmless

>> No.59768729

asdada is soloing this puzzle rn

>> No.59768870

did nobody notice that she didn't say paris anymore? it probably means they came to a decision to change where they're going because they know how many people will stalk them if they went to paris.

>> No.59768893

>are convinced those are the actual only people she appreciates
The only people she appreciates are artists and a handful of twitter stalkers.

>> No.59768901

you wonder if she told her sister about everyone's plans to kidnap her and she maybe didn't quite see it as a funny joke

>> No.59768935

what the fuck anon, i'm telling wifey, waaaaaah

>> No.59768939

Those 14 days of "sickness" were the trip to Paris, next year she'll find an excuse to cancel at the last second.

>> No.59769018

I hope you guys will have the courage to call her out in the future whenever she does something that encourages the schizos again, or does something that'll increase the negativity of the community. If nobody holds her responsible, you just know she'll use the woman response to shrug off all responsibilities when she fails to make it happen.

>> No.59769076

Why would I do that? I like this community the way it is right now. Men will fight and bust each other's balls.

>> No.59769104

you think that'll work?
she's pretty good at dismissing feedback
really it doesn't feel like I can affect anything about her or the community so the result of all this is just I'm happy she's acknowledging the problems and hoping she does something about it

>> No.59769151

She only does that when there's just 1 or a few people that give her feedback, but if multiple long-time viewers were to chime in, I think she'd take the feedback/criticism to heart

>> No.59769217

Thank God
Paris is a shithole

>> No.59769261

uh, so is shondo alright with me watching other gfetubers as long as I don't say I love them, or watch them when she's live?

>> No.59769262

explain to me how she encouraged it.

>> No.59769274

well you'd have to convince them all to say anything because most of us learned awhile ago to keep our mouths shut lest we sound like one of the whiners
maybe if you found a way to signal it to her without being too direct so she comes to the conclusion herself, like people start talking explicitly about things she's doing that's making them brainworm
or maybe public twitter conversations about it

>> No.59769284

Anon please, future tense.

>> No.59769286

by leaving hints up for 5 seconds leading to secret alts for example? alts where she'll tell you that the only ones that matter are the people who are there etc. if you can't think up a single example you probably started watching her like a week ago

>> No.59769292

anons? I want to die

>> No.59769297

it's playing with fire but sure
she's only human so if she sees it's that kind of streamer she might start thinking things and have to confirm

>> No.59769308

tell me when, i'll join you so you don't feel lonely

>> No.59769327

To get rid of the current culture she'd honestly have to drop the wife act completely and then just stick with a new direction for a very long time until every oldfag has been replaced. We're too fucked up to ever change, let's be real here.

>> No.59769340

>wife act

>> No.59769351

>alts where she'll tell you that the only ones that matter are the people who are there
NTA but I kinda memoryholed this
being one of the chosen few never made it feel less weird to hear
I want to think I'm not remembering the context right, but either way I think that persona is dead

>> No.59769354

unirioncally this

>> No.59769368


>> No.59769389

she said the same thing a few alt streams ago

>> No.59769394

I hope so. her first vacation out of the house she shouldn't have to worry about that. she should just have fun with her family. and for me there's no way I could realistically justify doing that uninvited. even if the interaction was positive I would feel like a scumbag forcing that on her.

>> No.59769399

Spoonfeed me about what happened
t. not one of the chosen few

>> No.59769403

things weren't this bad until alts and her becoming a 4view
I think shoggers can improve, but there will be aspects that can only be suppressed

>> No.59769436

I think what'll solve everything is whenever she does a schizo joke, she gives a warning that it's a joke and not to do it for real, and whenever she says something to stroke your ego, she gives a disclaimer that she's only doing it to act cute or gain your affection.
That'll make it so nobody misunderstands things or reads too much into lines like "I love psychotic serial killers that are emotionless stalkers ready to choke me and kill me just to have fun with my body after I'm dead"

>> No.59769441

we just need more people to spoonfeed this information here. I'll make sure to share what I've found so no one misses out.

>> No.59769470

How am I suposed to not hate the other people in the community when you guys act like this?

>> No.59769491

sewing a (you) plushie and punch it each time one of us acts out

>> No.59769493

>"I want less tryhard edginess"
>Advent and Retro "agreed"
>Dewd "a lot of us put on friendly faces i think when we're here"
realest shogger

>> No.59769502

at least alt stream is open to anyone that just pays enough attention to her but I feel bad if euros are sleeping and she's telling all the americans that hey anyone that matters is here
now that I'm remembering she did that at the end of the subathon too (kinda forgivable because of how little sleep she was running on) where she didn't care about vod mute during her ending thoughts because everyone that matters should be there
is it just one of those things that sounds right to say to pander to the people who are there

>> No.59769508

lucky for us she said that she hates that

>> No.59769538

You will never have your cock anywhere close to her so why even bother not cheating? She not only cheats on you with all the other husbands, she constantly tells other streamers she loves them AND listens to gfe ASMR imagining them being her wifes. Just stop being such fucking cucks and cheat on her too. It's not like the relationships are anything like irl relationships anyway, who gives a fuck? If you can show your support and that you care about her that should be enough because that's the extent she is willing to go for us.

>> No.59769539

yeah I'm from Europe and I feel like shit

>> No.59769540

problem is its not strictly just regulars. there's still people like chris who would use this situation to their advantage to try to provoke us into thinking there's good company for the continued behavior

>> No.59769550

>new ip

>> No.59769579

My favorite one was fleece saying she shouldn't change how she acts on stream to make chat happy and that he's there to see the real her

>> No.59769607

That comment was insane, he can't even handle his wife's violence fetish.

>> No.59769619

give fleece a break, he's reformed. once he starts schizoing out again, then we can go back to mocking him

>> No.59769647

She wants us to get along, but also said she doesn't want toxic positivity, so if you can't get along just uh... don't interact? But she acts like if you can't interact with the community you're just going to leave. I don't really see why that's the case, I've never cared about the community because this whole relationship is us pretending we're exclusive. No shogga likes to think that she's actually married to everyone else too. The best I'm gonna be able to afford her is I'll just try harder to completely ignore the existence of anyone else in chat.

>> No.59769652

>he's reformed
Its been < 1 week, I'll believe it if he's still reformed in November.

>> No.59769688

put a filter on your chat that just includes your own name

>> No.59769696

good idea

>> No.59769735

>no shogga likes to think that she's actually married to everyone else too
This. I cringe when shoggas say "our" wife, it's lowkey immersion breaking.
>The best I'm gonna be able to afford her is I'll just try harder to completely ignore the existence of anyone else in chat

>> No.59769834

"our wife" made more sense when she told everyone that raided her that they've married her, but since she's escalated how serious calling her wife is it just feels wrong

>> No.59770068

No matter what she says, I'm not forgiving darkkal for his sins.

>> No.59770070
File: 24 KB, 961x490, 1692460467574528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we did it

>> No.59770119


>> No.59770122

holy shit owlbyte is black

>> No.59770133


>> No.59770157

it was posted earlier im done now, can try again another day if there's still interest

>> No.59770283

is that new to you?

>> No.59770333

most well behaved shogga is black, how does that make you guys feel?

>> No.59770374

indifferent, I'm not a racist

>> No.59770391

all I want to know is that if he gave shondo the N-word pass, would she immediately shout it out at the top of her lungs

>> No.59770415
File: 2.71 MB, 2896x5000, 1674016829015616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my wife's mental health I'm willing to be less of an asshole, I'll stop screenshotting Fleece.

>> No.59770428

imagine being racist in 2023

>> No.59770470

racist jokes will never not be funny

>> No.59770472

I'd be racist but minorities are way better at it so I don't bother

>> No.59770622

I saw retro apologize in chat and say that he would try to do better. Am I misremembering?

>> No.59770756

please don't remake the thread it will be just like this thread, people still name drop and shit on each other
nothing changed

>> No.59770761

a conditional apology
>I always worry my actions are upsetting you, and if they have i'm sorry
