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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5954199 No.5954199 [Reply] [Original]

who's ready for ollie's collab with gigguk and connor on chess.com on the 17th? https://www.chess.com/article/view/tournament-arc-2-all-the-information

>> No.5954257

Nice baiting thread, here’s your (You)

>> No.5954380

>6 players
>Round of 16: July 16, 5 p.m. PT/July 17, 02:00 CEST

>> No.5954485

So, why are they stalking Hololive so much?

>> No.5954590

Oh god Tectone joined too. He's even more cringe than Trash Taste guys.

>> No.5954688

Wasn't he laughed out of the Arknights community for making shit guides?

>> No.5955053

the full player list is likely unconfirmed atm (theres 7 so far shown on the site), theyre aiming for 16

>> No.5955099

Since Ollie likes math a lot do you think there's a chance she's actually a wizard at chess?

>> No.5955250


>> No.5955326

>no hikaru

>> No.5955461

A combination of a bit too thin-skinned, the CN Arkngihts community being an absolute trash-fire when regarding anything they don't like, and making guides that, while not SHIT desu, were definitely not as good as they could be.

He definitely deserved SOME of the shit that got flung at him, but he's also easy to get a reaction out of, so internet does as internet does.

>> No.5955515

>Gura wants to collab with this bitch
I hate everything

>> No.5955519

>$10,000 isn't the main prize for 1st place. It's shared across the top 8 players. You only get $4,000 for 1st place.
Ollie must be doing this for fun because she can get that amount in like 2 streams.

>> No.5955547

He's too busy copyright striking anyone who puts his losses up or crying about being flagged after flagging his previous 10 opponents.

>> No.5955688
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>> No.5955690

no chance, she says she isnt good and doesnt know how to checkmate

>> No.5956137

desu I've never had a clean endgame checkmate that didn't involve either two rooks or a rook and a queen.

>> No.5956267
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>Ollie gets a peepoo man collab before Mori
sasuga ID manager

>> No.5956314

I don't think Connor could deal with Ollie's personality and loudness.
Connor can't handle not being the loudest one in a conversation and he'll probably need to fall back on playing those shitty meme song sound clips he always uses.

>> No.5957084

What the fuck is this lineup
Also the site shows esam and not sonicfox, did he bail?

>> No.5957148

>I'm gay, Black and a furry. Did ya know? huh? huh? Did you?
the absolute state of queers, I tell you. Nothing of their personality BUT their sex kinks. Other than being an obnoxious cunt.

>> No.5957172

>No Sonicfox
Crisis averted.

>> No.5957237

Not only his whole personality is based only on his kinks he's also a huge ego-searching asshole that goes into fights against everyone, but for some reason he's regarded as a pillar of the fgc.

>> No.5957463

Unironically yes, Ollie is great at piercing the veil and being a good content creator who is a vtuber rather than being limited by the format. If that's not your preference, holy shit watch someone else then

>> No.5957567

My favorite moment was when some asian guy beat him in a tournament and the asian guy replied to that faggot furry's tweet that went something like "I'm the #1 player of x" with "was*"

>> No.5959248

It was DBFZ. He won at EVO 2018 against GO1, who got his runback in 2019. The 2018 finals were super controversial tho, with Sonicfox using a rule that, afaik, was never used on any EVO top 8 ever. He basically forced a cooldown period on GO1 after he reset the bracket by involving the TOs, and still almost lost the tournament. But seeing his fall from grace on DBFZ and the failed attempt at SC6 brought me joy after the popularity got over his head, and I hope he has the same fate with Strive. He's only good on NRS games because nobody who actually plays fighting games likes them.

>> No.5959524

he doesnt care like he literally doesnt care like he does not care at all

>> No.5960217

I thought back then hes also very good at MK, he doesn't play that anymore?

>> No.5961104

I've never followed MK and only knew about tournament results from whatever happened in the main FG events, and since we don't have those because of the rona I have no idea if he's still a top player or not. I think he won MK in the last EVO, but that's about what I know.

>> No.5961157

>Gura wants to do a lot of things that never materialize
I hate everything too.

>> No.5961166

It's not on the page for the tournament, thank fuck

>> No.5961226

I actually looked at the comments again and apparently he quit

>> No.5962198

He's strong and a top player, but because he says a lot of dumb shit, places like /v/ instantly eat it up and can't stop talking about him as a result. People who play actually play fighting games don't bring him up nearly as much, at least not in the games I play.

That image with P1 Sonicfox being two tiers higher than P2 Sonicfox still makes me laugh

>> No.5962643

It's not only /v/ that hates him, but you don't see a lot of criticism coming from the FGC because he always pull the "bigot" card to shut down it down. The people who criticize him are generally twitter users who will never have to deal with being ostracized by the community because they dared to say the gay fury is fucking retarded.
