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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.59535935
File: 154 KB, 640x480, 1696021404647078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandment̴s̵.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.59536109
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what the morse code reads?

>> No.59536165


>> No.59536203

Hakka sending the cattiest work emails...

>> No.59536223
File: 8 KB, 801x341, F7O6XmGXUAAzUnI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59536244

if it's yaoi again I swear to god

>> No.59536278

He sounds like he was really petty in that job kek

>> No.59536489

and here I am just about to post it myself after typing it out using a Morse keyboard on my phone

also, top kek

>> No.59536527

Fucking kek

>> No.59536567


>> No.59536617
File: 83 KB, 1038x576, Ghost-Miku-FT-1038x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh she does look pretty good!

>> No.59536648
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, dark3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dark Miku was the best
>Great design
>Artist is light years ahead of any of p*kemon's current artists

>> No.59536866


>> No.59536871

>Young Hakka adding strangers on Facebook for Pet Society gifts.
This fucking retard.

>> No.59536907

Wouldn't be surprise that more than one old man tried to bait Hakka into sending pics

>> No.59537056
File: 177 KB, 1298x1298, 1673617978684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just like me fr.

>> No.59537215

Me with sims social

>> No.59537249

Omfg I was the opposite but I always secretly hoped a random rich lady would swoop me away even though I was so secretive, maybe if I was a lil more like Hakka…

>> No.59537295
File: 233 KB, 1920x1080, 1677356351427404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually said something out loud when I saw her the first time. Beautiful.

>> No.59537330

Huh? What happened?

>> No.59537335

Me with Dragon City

>> No.59537390

He was popping into the livestream VCs to make pokemon sounds
I guess he was in Altare's a few times but he went into Hakka and Shinri's to do a charmander impression too

>> No.59537582

What is this game kek

>> No.59537632

2048 but with fruits

>> No.59538049

I think I did at some point but I never talked to them.
I did used to add and chat with the accounts pretending to be anime characters.

>> No.59538388

This is a good game for nihongo dekinai people like me who got redirected.

>> No.59538493

The 2048 addict in me wants to play this right now.

>> No.59538702

Yeah, honestly I might play it with Miyabi in the bg

>> No.59538923

altare's pop rocks batsu

>> No.59538969

To inform about the death of Regis Altare

>> No.59539118

>Op image
Good lord. Imagine the manhandling Hakka would take

>> No.59539190

One man’s batsu is another man’s asmr

>> No.59539296
File: 64 KB, 442x256, 1683352099491404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the breathing getting heavier

>> No.59539590


>> No.59539758

With AMPRULE, the big guy is a masochist who loves being punished by the little one, so if anything it'd be the other way around...

>> No.59539820


>> No.59539919

I see
I'll hope for timestamps later

>> No.59540060


>> No.59540612

Almost sounds like he's takin' a leak.

>> No.59541203

management autism is infuriating, no wonder the other two noped out

>> No.59541496


>> No.59541880

skill issue

>> No.59542186

gatekeeping goth culture, based

>> No.59542269

the clown's mixing up goth and emo a bit, but who cares at this point kek

>> No.59542519

As usual with normies these days

>> No.59542831 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 1080x810, ER-5TAnXkAAlGU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi doesn't like my kamioshi... I'm devastated...

>> No.59543069

rape banzoin hakka

>> No.59543380
File: 160 KB, 933x625, 1692889967625574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59543432

Love me Kamelot/Seventh Wonder

>> No.59544050


>> No.59544275

Jerry is a fucking menace

>> No.59544385

Axel you fucking DUMBASS

>> No.59544589

Don't mind if I do.

>> No.59544648

Shinri may use some cutesy brushes and colors but the guy is good with art, he knows quite a bunch of techniques. Not sure if he KNOWS knows or if it's all instinct, but he's good.

>> No.59544954
File: 190 KB, 1500x1500, FsEp2bBaIAMqhFl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dog

>> No.59545245

Do straight dudes even watch Tempus anymore?

>> No.59545306

Yes? Why?

>> No.59545378

Yeah, I do, though not so much anymore. Can't bother watching Flayon and Bettel, for example.

>> No.59545415

I get the impression most of them left after the graduations

>> No.59545487

less than before but yes

>> No.59545544

I'm too tired to do a straight brotuber bit but I am here

>> No.59545554

Oh I see, you're trying to push this tired narrative. Most who left after graduations were the faggest of the fags anons we had in /MANS/ so I don't understand where you're coming from

>> No.59545582

I liked the cover. I wasnt expecting anything but hakka's rapping is actually pretty good

>> No.59545599

Phantom plushie design has been changed, he is now even fatter than before

>> No.59545608

You really don't know shit kek

>> No.59545634

Funny enough Magni and Vesper during their last months were my least-watched Tempus members, I mostly watch Shiny Spicy now

>> No.59545635

>the straight people left with the two gayest Tempus members

>> No.59545746


>> No.59545804

I mostly watch collabs and zatsus while I play games on the side

>> No.59545815

Yes. Bettle and Axel are funny, and Hakka and Axel have good singing voices

>> No.59545844

>likes crunch bars
based crunch enjoyer

>> No.59545886

I watch Bettel from time to time still.

>> No.59546076

Yeah, I actually like it more than I expected to.

>> No.59546155

He looks so much better with the round eye, I might get one now

>> No.59546465

'ate Big Rob, simple as

>> No.59546504
File: 288 KB, 1024x576, 1277193624409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leader, bettel, aniki, and maybe some shinri are the only vtubers I ever watch

>> No.59546837

Oh interesting, wonder why they changes it

>> No.59546900

I don't get why his face is a different color from his body still, just use the same fabric?

>> No.59546974

Senzaki-mama complained probably.
She already went on a rant when Cover released the official ref sheet.

>> No.59547024
File: 62 KB, 727x900, 1662341042592934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this dudes obsessed with seamen
>the dude

>> No.59547508

What the fuck is wrong with big rob

>> No.59547589

Yeah every second of that rainbow was awful

>> No.59547701

guys the joke is that Jay R is 6mm tall

>> No.59547817

Pretty sure it's the same fabric but different thread direction

>> No.59547898


>> No.59548147

Senzaki-mama (Gavis Bettel's designer) went on a rant when Cover released the official ref sheet of Phantom's (Bettel's mascot) plushie.

>> No.59548157
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>> No.59548216

where did she did it? i wanna see the rant

>> No.59548258
File: 273 KB, 1644x2048, 1694325731871757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the MILF of Tempus

>> No.59548296 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59548526

>Honestly I don't think
Yeah, I've noticed

>> No.59548874
File: 38 KB, 719x311, 1693323792466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless I've missed anything recent I'm pretty sure she was actually complaining about how the reference sheet got Bettel's height wrong.

>> No.59549048

I wanna lick his back

>> No.59549503

Yeah, I just didn't bother adding the context that >>59546974 omitted. She in fact really liked the plushie when it was revealed

>> No.59549659
File: 161 KB, 258x254, 1679326028009196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him. I'm kind of in the dark when it comes to the Final Fantasy series, but I'm happy to listen to his stories and how he explains the lore and games. I love hearing people talk about things they love after all, and his words make me want to go back and play through old series that I have found memories of- this is nice.

>> No.59549935

fuuuuuuuck I've been away from /mans/ and Tempus for a while because of life. Didn't manage to buy the Summer Camp VPs before they got deleted. Is that really the end of the availability of the VP even though it was only Magni and Vesper who graduated? I thought the other boys made cameos in each other's and that's why they all got removed, but it looks like each voice pack was recorded individually?

>> No.59550086

Hey. Since those VPs were thrown into the void, it should be fine to reupload them publicly now, right?

>> No.59550327

Scorched magmite actually had all of them in the archive

>> No.59550493

The Vesper ones too? I thought they only had Magni's

>> No.59550634

axel wants to learn how to suicide bomb

>> No.59550775

No, but all of the summer camp ones

>> No.59551167
File: 108 KB, 1079x1074, 1692041704754114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've missed out on almost the entire Lies of P arc. How do I catch up? There are too many streams

>> No.59551206

Ah thanks anon, I don't want to get you in trouble though. Wish it was okay to compromise and just ask for a transcript of the VPs xD
Scorned magmite did? Damn, what a vendetta. I'll guess I'll do archive reps if that specific archive is still active.

>> No.59551225

when is aniki streaming dave the diver. i got hooked into watching it by him

>> No.59551547

me and the boys are going to hell! lets gooooo!

>> No.59551723

just watch beginning section and then the boss fights lol
bettel is dex, open mouth gaming mode
flay is strength BIG DEEPS chad, screams alot
shinree's first soulslike, is strength, pretty calm/analytical

>> No.59551792

Just said maybe tomorrow, but he isn't actually too sure. But, let's be honest. It's probably a yes.

>> No.59552063
File: 138 KB, 1200x1200, 1678868028151989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and your temposhi have to take on the other 5 members in a fist fight are you winning?

>> No.59552117

I will let Flayon do all the work

>> No.59552173

For full immersion, Bettel and Flayon were mainly dual streaming and I loved watching both, same times most days. Only outliers are after MIR Flayon did a one hour with Bettel in vc, and Flay’s 7.5 hr endurance started before and ended after Bettel’s 2.5 hr finale. For quick play, pick dex build (Bettel) or strength build (Flay) and just watch their streams on whatever speed you like, you can skip entire hours long chunks of waiting on the boss battles if you don’t care for zatsu talk.

>> No.59552257

>my tempus oshi is axel
>i wack his ball sack
>he crumbles to the floor
>i run away while he gets beaten up by the other members

>> No.59552378

Does geega like tempus? I only know her from NL's stream but i saw her in bettel's chat

>> No.59552461

Yup, she is pretty much in all of their chats. She has collabed with Hakka, Flay and Altare

>> No.59552509

With Bettel? No way, we're screwed.

>> No.59552766

Just use him as bait/emergency meatshield.

>> No.59552774

Bettel is my oshi and I'm weak as fuck so no I'm getting my ass beat. Bettel is probably the psychically weakest current tempus member though we might stand a chance against just Hakka but that is it. since it is fists maybe Leader might take some damage. Shinri would probably get tired during the fight. Axel and Flayon would fuck us up without breaking a sweat. All of them coming at us would likely kill me before the fight started on account of me having a weak heart it would likely cause a heart attack.

>> No.59553749

well he's dead, so probably not

>> No.59554157

G’night bros, see you all later for Altare menshi chu~

>> No.59554725

Yes. He's a gladiator and i have schizophrenia powers there's no way we would lose Fuck you now I'm imagining an epic battle where we fight back to back with badass music playing in the background

>> No.59555012

Do not open

>> No.59556130

Well I... Wouldn't say no...

>> No.59556139

Perfect blend of just fem enough/not too fem/appropriately boyish. Sasuga lewder

>> No.59556288

It looks better now but I've already placed my order and skipped Phantom :(

ship my tempantsu already geekjack you fucking faggots

>> No.59556348

Xenokunians shippers are eating good with that MV

>> No.59556391

Bettel will kill you for this post

>> No.59556593

There is only one at most itt but that mv gave me fujo mindrot

>> No.59556610
File: 78 KB, 800x693, Magchilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature Anon here. Well something surprising happened at the sanctuary. I suppose I should start at the beginning. I was eating dinner with the pack and Alpha seemed to be trying to communicate something to me but was unable to even going as far as asking Hazel if she could which she could not apparently not knowing how to say what was needed. This worried me but nothing was wrong with the pack I also went and got a physical from a near by walk in clinic in case I had something wrong with me and Alpha noticed. When I got back I started my nightly rounds making sure everyone has food,water,and clean bedding. Bruno suddenly stops during round and rushes back to me and starts pulling my coat sleeve. This is very odd as Bruno has never act up once since I got him. I allowed Bruno to lead me to a bush which I find dehydrated magchilla curled up in. Naturally this came as quite a shock since Magni variants went extinct years ago from a plague that effected animals with the halo gene. I rushed the little one inside and began treatment, they perked up fast however they are in quarantine as they are too weak to vaccinate still and I do not want to risk an outbreak as animals with magni genetics do once in a while catch the plague this is why I vaccinate any animal I have reasonable suspicion of carrying Magni DNA such as all Axel and Bettel variants but I can't predict every animal's genetic history. You may ask why I don't just vaccinate every animal from the plague, the reason for that is a bad side effect seen in non magni/magni decedents which severely reduces quality of life if developed meaning it isn't worth the risk unless an outbreak happens or I have reason to suspect magni genetics. They aren't infected just dehydrated and suffering from a poor diet, I wonder if they were an illegal pet that escaped. I suppose it doesn't matter their existence means a potential of reviving Magni variants especially if they turn out to be male as male Magni variants are very willing breeders. I don't want to stress the poor thing by trying to determine their sex right now however. I am calling them Ash as It works well for both a male or a female so their gender won't matter. All staff have been advised to sanitize both before and after interacting with Ash to prevent illness in Ash or our other animals. I believe Alpha spotted Ash earlier and knowing what I do and that Ash was not a variant he normally sees he tried to inform me of them.

>> No.59556679


>> No.59556752

What a cutie, hope it recovers well

>> No.59556756

What a hideous creature.

>> No.59556896

ugly living being

>> No.59557384

Thinking about Shotare selling his body for a giant Pikachu plush

>> No.59557453
File: 14 KB, 221x247, Wardelltime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Answer Good Answer

>> No.59557529

>male Magni variants are very willing breeders
Cute magchilla!

>> No.59557904

Yes. If Ash turns out to be male it will be a huge benefit however his small size may prove challenging. Ideally I'll be able to pair Ash with a partner they can breed with while producing larger Magni variants in order create a successful breeding population. I didn't think I'd be starting a Magni variant preservation program today but life likes to mess with you sometimes. Princess seems oddly interested in them I've had to stop her from getting into the room 10 different times so she may be a good candidate though she is a bit old to have kittens she still experiences a heat cycle. She is allergic to anesthesia so I never wanted to risk spaying her and just keep her in a special room during her heat to prevent unwanted kittens. We moved her to the room since we thought she could be in heat and that was why she wanted to get to Ash.

>> No.59557970

I miss Nowaxel

>> No.59558444

rewatching the cover and holy shit the size and voice difference ToT

>> No.59558546
File: 148 KB, 1300x1032, 1688239074350141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too

>> No.59558772

i want apologies from everyone who told me they were too dad-son coded when i posted about hakka/shinri being underrated

>> No.59558885

I want apologies from everyone who was mean to me for saying I ship them

>> No.59559057
File: 140 KB, 764x785, 12312313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got paid 1,753.89 Argentinian pesos for drawing this

>> No.59559072

Victim complex anons...

>> No.59559099
File: 3.57 MB, 1170x1511, shinhakka01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59559108

>~5 euros
you should value your time more

>> No.59559121


>> No.59559141

thanks Riz-ler

>> No.59559154

Who thought they were actual father and son? VG was meant to be like those 4 person shonen anime teams, with Hakka as the protagonist and Shinri as the badass but traumatized mentor who's bad at teaching, kind of like Kakashi or Gojo.

>> No.59559157

I hope to god riz makes this a print in their next shop opening

>> No.59559202

nta, nobody thought that it's just how hakka acts around him and constantly calls him his dad. makes it feel a bit gross to some

>> No.59559204

That was Altare and Vesper, there isn't really lore about VG and Hakka is the one that keeps calling Shinri his dad. No one actually thinks they are related

>> No.59559245

Where did you guys see the fat phantom

>> No.59559274

behind you

>> No.59559277

in my dreams

>> No.59559324
File: 338 KB, 479x450, 1686988487360340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59559420

Ah the memberships are gone... one freechat is gone....

>> No.59559554

good morning /MANS/
hope you had a fun time watching streams and the cover
i had to call in sick today and ofc my chef made me feel bad about it, listening to the cover made me happy again, will now watch the cover zatsu

>> No.59559598
File: 1.53 MB, 1601x800, IMG_0159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is original, right is the new image. they made his eye more circular! i don't think he's really any fatter though

>> No.59559664

I'm mad, i would have bought it but i hated how the eye looked
but i'm not gonna spend another 30bucks for shipping again

>> No.59559666

Oh nice, that's an improvement. I might add him to my list now

>> No.59559865

got refunded my menshis, that's that I guess

>> No.59560052

how many? only the month?

>> No.59560065

Sad they removed them from holoplus too

>> No.59560157

So where is that Bettel x black yumedan art?

>> No.59560161
File: 451 KB, 1080x727, Screenshot_20230912-003812~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59560338
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1691002971887138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid less than a dollar for this
Buddy I'd pay half the price

>> No.59560584
File: 43 KB, 150x150, 1678061690948261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least i like the art style more compared to the ones posted some months ago

>> No.59560939

Fuck you for reminding me of the monstrosities that artist drew

>> No.59561353

Incest renaissance

>> No.59562048


>> No.59562388
File: 961 KB, 1280x720, no hoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59562576

who needs hoes when you got bros

>> No.59564752

Rio is so cute. I miss bad boyz

>> No.59565818

Ohh, that is a lot better.The left eye makes it feel like a kirby boss.

>> No.59565959
File: 352 KB, 2481x2302, F7QzfiLXIAAxyst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59566140

New outfits 10/20
3D debuts 11/17

>> No.59566166

this is some absolute cope

>> No.59566176

Flayon kissing me on the mouth 01/10 (dd/mm)

>> No.59566241

You'll understand when they take days off in groups

>> No.59566302

wow next year? guess we still have a while to wait

>> No.59566310

bettel getting beheaded on live television august 19 7:43 pm

>> No.59566416

Reminder that only 2 members sent Roberu a birthday tweet despite all of them receiving a recording from him for their birthdays. Tempus is ungrateful

>> No.59566468


>> No.59566678

iirc altare sent one as well but didn't get any reply probably because he sent it not on robe's bday tweet and get drowned by other replies

>> No.59566730

Twitch con is the 20th, unlikely.

>> No.59566749

blue fuck on menshi telly

>> No.59566778

Yeah he's part of the 2

>> No.59566824

It's 3 though? Axel, Hakka and Altare.

>> No.59566842

huh you left one then it's axel, hakka, and altare

>> No.59566872

Hakka's right leg looks fucked but who cares SEEEEX

>> No.59566923


>> No.59566955

Axel is japanese

>> No.59567000

i do wonder if having an official death date will help him in the future if he wants to graduate, he can freely work it into a bit

>> No.59567083

Axel is also a member of Tempus. Learn to count.

>> No.59567131

Altare's had the plastic protection on his guitar since middle school until now

>> No.59567191
File: 920 KB, 798x618, F7PAnIkWgAAIo_c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shincleavage...

>> No.59567587

Archive vestie here, I was nuts enough to buy all the voice packs for the boys, so I can upload anything that got removed, though it'll be later in the day, got some shit to do. Obviously not gonna put up stuff still for sale but any Mag or Ves shit is fair game.

>> No.59567656

I watch mostly Shinri, but yeah.

>> No.59567754

Nope, if you look at their new thread it's pretty much where all the attention whore women and literal homosexual men went. The ones who are still here generally seem straight.

>> No.59567776

I had a feeling he'd bring it out

>> No.59567867

What out? I hope it's his dick, my gifted ran out ;_;

>> No.59567872
File: 58 KB, 239x226, irlmagmite3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59567892

>camping with flayon
Sounds kino, would be cool if they do a vlog like what mmiyabi does

>> No.59567911

Better, his otomatone

>> No.59567919

Better. His otamatone.

>> No.59567961

They took Vesper's freechat, nande

>> No.59567966

Now kiss

>> No.59567990

privated. mag's should go too, only a matter of time

>> No.59568021

Flay's gonna make Leader go on a run with him and Leader's gonna fucking die ToT

>> No.59568182


>> No.59568254

Leader already in murder mode

>> No.59568257

abayo o7

>> No.59568414

I never like this song but I'll listen to it for you

>> No.59568441

I really love this song

>> No.59568510

pat pat

>> No.59568567


>> No.59568761

So this is heartache~

>> No.59568836

this sounds better than his cover, even with the JP kek

>> No.59568887

The mixing on his heartache cover is crap

>> No.59569034

So many leader covers...!!

>> No.59569057

They had to argue in a meeting to get super sticker perms

>> No.59569092

they should private their entire accounts now and any videos/streams they were a part of desu

>> No.59569111

after some of them had already turned it on kek

>> No.59569164

I still don't know the glizzy meme

>> No.59569179

I hope Leader manages to work his brainwashing magic on his new manager like he did with his previous.

>> No.59569233

It seems 2 homos isn't enough, huh? You fags ruin everything Hololive. Flayonfags will pay.

>> No.59569281
File: 61 KB, 834x724, 1682988258468930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59569303

don't think I've heard this one before

>> No.59569319
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>> No.59569336

you pussy sniffers dump girls all the time for the smallest reason. this anon says they moved to the dogs? who fucking cares? they're still on your side. move on

>> No.59569349

I'm late, did he say when he wanted to do the cowboy bebop talk?

>> No.59569371

Lol ONE OK ROCK poetry reading

>> No.59569435

did Altare ever make a hashtag for song suggestions?

>> No.59569436

No mention of it

>> No.59569483

not that I noticed

>> No.59569581

What exactly is this referring to...?

>> No.59569650

That's some loud ass typing.

>> No.59569739

cute leader

>> No.59569815

Oh leader, your inferiority complex is showing again...

>> No.59569944

oh he's getting ballsy

>> No.59570118

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.59570130

a lot of vestmites are melting down on X

>> No.59570240

Do you think dingo will join

>> No.59570298

Please buy a new guitar before you buy more cards/cases...

>> No.59570322

One more reason why hololive apologists shouldnt be allowed here. If you associate with these cunts and youre reading this kill yourself now

>> No.59570329


>> No.59570354

samefag cute!

>> No.59570457


>> No.59570460

*cums on stupid bait*

>> No.59570561

isn't he's really busy lately

>> No.59570589

NTR on monday, thank you leader

>> No.59570679

I dont get it, is this that much of a huge deal? The guys already graduated. Unless I am missing something here

>> No.59570703

Meh just woman being woman

>> No.59570757
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refer to >>59562388

>> No.59570791

He's the guerilla king of tempus so who knows

>> No.59570844

It's not, some people just want something to cry about

>> No.59570945

some people were planning to say a final farewell, holding their last menshi messages, and wanting to be there on the timeslot to get kicked out one final time. management "lied" about the ending time and ripped it away from them 12 hrs early when most NA were sleeping, so its tearing open the grad wounds of the talents simply being taken offline with no prior notice.

>> No.59571762

That's kinda stupid since the money won't go to them anyway. Why not just post on their rm?

>> No.59571767

Would they have even been able to read these messages at this point? It seems like they had been locked out of their accounts long since the graduation announcement and I don’t think those two who already moved on would be camping that video before it got privated.

>> No.59571907

People do that for themselves, to get closure and stuff, not to be noticed by the talents

>> No.59571975

its more for the benefit of the audience being able to come together as a community and express themselves to work through their grief by connecting to the content they love, but i guess that level of social interaction is useless for anon site users

>> No.59572194

from what i see it's similar to sending the deceased off at a funeral. if you think funerals are stupid then you will think this is stupid too.

>> No.59572510

Bruh they're still alive... Why are you making it sound like those sports anime where the MC sends regards to senpais who have graduated as if they were dead

>> No.59572712

>t. parasocial losers

>> No.59572819

Thank you for explaining!
>i guess that level of social interaction is useless for anon site users
>if you think funerals are stupid then you will think this is stupid too
Aaaand I'm never trying to understand or sympathize with you lot ever again. Arrivederchi magmites

>> No.59573005

It's been so many months and they're not actually dead, you had plenty of time to say goodbye already. Just leave a comment on a vod if you still need to get it out your system.

>> No.59573170

because the way those fans are acting you would think that their oshi has actually died or something, which in a sense they kinda are because those models won't get to see the light of day ever again, but they aren't actually dead. it's quite stupid given that the reason they are bitching about it because they stopped the membership hours before the deadline, when they already had weeks to grief over with it. i imagine if magni or vesper actually died the lot of them will just hang themselves out of grief
retards read again i'm not with those crazy fucks. i'm only trying to rationalize why they are acting that way

>> No.59573386

He seems to be very busy with Uni and work already, he may play one day or two but I don't think he will do marathons like before cause those two times he was lucky of being during a break

>> No.59573437

they can just fuck off back to /orc/ or discord or wherever else they congregate now, they're dead to cover, holopro, and us in here

>> No.59573658

Good riddance, now leave

>> No.59573704


>> No.59574343

But seriously now, I kinda understand the sentiment, but if you wanted to have that closure then they should've negotiated for a graduation stream instead of openly joking and taking the piss the day after the announcement.
Now go to /orc/ or move on, we're all adults, that behavior is pathetic.

>> No.59574362

Wait I wanted to catch up on what I missed of Leader's guitar menshi but where's the vod?

>> No.59574402
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They're not dead to me. Don't be rude.

>> No.59574426

Oh wait nevermind. Found it, it's just unlisted.

>> No.59574608

A bitch of an oshi makes a bitch of a fan. I'm so tired of magmites and vesties acting like magnoir were some type of martyrs when the guys themselves clearly didn't care half as much. Just move on or at least let people be mad/indifferent without throwing a fit because they are not mourning and shitting the bed

>> No.59574788

Why call something like that pathetic when we are all watching 30 year old men larp as anime boys? Nobody here is any better than either side.

>> No.59574896
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>> No.59574960
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>> No.59574989
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>I won't leave until you wake up

>> No.59575035

I'm sorry but having a hobby is not pathetic, acting like a kid crying because someone took your lollipop is.

>> No.59575161


>> No.59575226
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>tfw no depressed parasocial vestie gf

>> No.59575284

yeah this thread and fanbase in general have done things way more pathetic in the past. I dont see a reason to write paragraphs about it

>> No.59575317
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Don't listen to that anon, he is a smelly animal and you MUST bathe him no matter how many times he resists.

>> No.59575421

flayon kuro collab when

>> No.59575596

why flayon isnt that dude closer with bettel

>> No.59575730


>> No.59576044


>> No.59576936


>> No.59577145

hes going to cover that meme song cpr

>> No.59577849

If Bettel did My Summer Car I would go back to watch him

>> No.59578006

man that's such a kino game I remember the funhaus videos on the game, it was their magnum opus

>> No.59578085

>two members all the EXTREMELY vocal straightbros watch leave
>thread now the least horny it’s ever been, no longer plagued with offtopic gay porn posting, minimal posts about huffing armpits or trying to bait others into talking about who the fattest tempus member is
what happened? i kind of expected these threads to be overrun with VG yaoi shit by this point. this general is definitely way slower but somehow it’s not a bad feel at all, and i say that as someone who was here since day one.

>> No.59578366 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59578370

>>two members all the EXTREMELY vocal straightbros watch leave
You're forgetting all the insane yumes those two had. Remember all the ojisan rape stuff? Also a lot of anons just decided this thread wasnt worth the hassle anymore so you generally see less of the yaoi and yume posting. There's even less liveposters now

>> No.59578451


>> No.59578485
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(sorry for posting this twice i had to fix something)

>> No.59578507

There was a demographic poll there a few weeks ago and the majority vote was het dudes. So unless they were just lying i think most of the horny posting there is from a VERY vocal minority

>> No.59578558

The yumeposters and fujoposters all went to the doxxsite, the activity got increased over there

>> No.59578618

ive been staring at these two pictures trying to figure it out but i cant tell the difference. what the hell did you fix?

>> No.59578734

i fucked up and didnt clip one of the layers to the cat so the barely noticable cheek blush on the right side went on the transparent bg and it bothered me

>> No.59578748

Fujo and yume posting makes me feel conflicted given that they discuss the IRL person over there but eh, whatever rocks their boat

>> No.59578781

Good morning MANS, Nature Anon here. I have an update on Ash the Magchilla. First things first I was able to gender Ash this morning they are in fact a male which means I could have some success if I started a breeding program to try and revive Magni variants using him. He is doing a lot better this morning so I'll likely vaccinate him later today if he continues seeming very healthy. Tempanimal breeding is odd mostly because no one knows how long a tempanimal is pregnant for often times when pairing them you'll go to feed them later and they'll just have babies in fact it is rare to even spot a pregnant tempanimal because their pregnancies are so short. The longest known tempanimal pregnancy was a week. We do not know why Tempanimal pregnancies are so short as everything else about their life cycle is the same or slower then their closest animal relative reproduction is the weirdest part of their biology as most tempanimals can breed with each other as well. Hybrid animals only happen if the closest animal relative of both parents can produce hybrids with each other although most babies produced are reproductive viable unlike in standard animals which the hybrid would often be sterile. The babies closest animal relative is the same as their mom unless a hybrid can be produced.

>> No.59579054

this is fascinating… why are tempanimal pregnancies so short? will the world ever know?

>> No.59579262
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No Leader till Wednesday….im gonna miss him sm but I hope he has fun camping. He’s been waiting to do for such a long time

>> No.59579505
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>> No.59579616


>> No.59579863

I wanna poke Shinri’s tit

>> No.59579973

nipple doko

>> No.59580382

Anime men don’t have nipples you silly

>> No.59580419

God what the hell am I going to do without my cute dumb blue wife!!!!

>> No.59580535

Hakka sliced them off

>> No.59580538
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explain this

>> No.59580588
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>> No.59580649


>> No.59580909
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>> No.59580937
File: 167 KB, 479x450, 1671729848856324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm getting burned out from Tempus again

>> No.59580984

Hot. Weird it's tagged, but hot

>> No.59581127

I wanna be as smug as 4

>> No.59581141

I love this fucking doofus.

>> No.59581249

oh wow it's tagged?

>> No.59581347

it's not more raunchy or shippy than the riz art or even the MV art, don't be weird

>> No.59581375

pee on yourself maybe that'll help the burn

>> No.59581542

kind of happy Magnoir left the way they did because now the most annoying yume/fujo fans are filtering themselves. twitter might actually be interactable once they fuck off into a discord properly

>> No.59581633

Shinhakka belly bulge doko

>> No.59581877

I need a fic of powerbottom full-corrupted Hakka with Shinri and Altare.
Shinri just being completely enamored by how Hakka's form is twisted by the tengu and Altare being controlled by Hakka's exorcist powers

>> No.59581949

Idols don't have nipples

>> No.59582210

I sucked it and it came clean off. I'm so sorry everybody

>> No.59582266

Did you at least swallow?

>> No.59582399

Yes and I regret it every day we are never going to see those nipples again

>> No.59582614

I never thought about the Hakka/Shinri/Altare threeway…Nyaruhodo

>> No.59582722
File: 655 KB, 2048x2048, F7SDvaQbwAA9YRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pretty

>> No.59583240

ToT please just write it yourself...

>> No.59583296

oh damn that's nice.. looks like Altare's face is still a little off color though

>> No.59583444
File: 230 KB, 1079x509, Screenshot_20230930_211642_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fuckin ridiculous

>> No.59583493

Oh shit, is she selling these?

>> No.59583532

Thanks for the update on random twitter users keep us posted

>> No.59583621

go back

>> No.59583685


>> No.59583864

I think she's planning to, but these are just samples because she hasn't decided which version to go with yet.

>> No.59583943

based (?)
