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59302688 No.59302688 [Reply] [Original]

Which chuubas actually had good TTRPG sessions?
Bonus points for finished campaigns that weren't one shots.

>> No.59302838

heh, titty rpg

>> No.59303066
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Fuck, that was good.

>> No.59303638

Mori. Yes, unironically
Halbernacht (some male indie)
The rest is all JP. Unfortunately EN vtubers are too weeb to appreciate a good TTRPG.

>> No.59303955


>> No.59304631

AIA? Really, of all people? I'm gonna need some convincing for that one.
The rest, eh sure I can believe it. Mori can be pretty good when she's not cringing herself to death, and I haven't seen the green elf but I heard he was a decent watch in general.

>> No.59304890
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She's very competent but has two flaws:
-Doesn't run anything BUT DnD regardless of setting because she resigned it's the easiest to understand and teach (wrong)
-Has a random list of people in her games and some of them are problem players (for example, Vox)
Both of these stem from confidence issues because she's scared of running anything else, and doesn't curate the people she puts in her games.

I mentioned those 3 and not Reza (graduated ex-nijiID) or any other vtubers specifically because they're not infected by Critical Role brainrot.

>> No.59308935

If not DnD, what do you think she could run?
Also idk what's the problem with CR, never payed too much attention to them

>> No.59310755
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For me it was Otikata's Curse (RIP, gone too soon)

>> No.59311086

I will always love Death and debts, also from arcadum
>Prjkt Melody
This was way before Vshojo was a thing and bunnygif was outed as a scammer and overall shit person. Azaetac was genious.
Shamefully some chapters felt boring because the girls wanted more weird interactions such as the ballroom, the shy wizard and Azaetac, not much of the rpg aspect of it.

>> No.59311950

>Also idk what's the problem with CR, never payed too much attention to them
NTA but CR has the Madoka problem where every quartinary that's never played a TTRPG expects that to be the standard experience, and any GM that can't tardwrangle a group of 6 dipshits is a bad GM. Oh, but if you tardwrangle too hard they call you a bad GM anyway for railroading them.
CR itself is fine if you take it for what it is.

>> No.59312671

CR wasn't the problem, it was the people who watched CR and wanted to emulate it without actually being into TTRPGs. it got worse when WotC decided to make those people their target audience instead of people who actually enjoyed D&D for what it is

>> No.59312840

Chiaki fan outside of /pxl/? good taste

>> No.59314524

As corpo Vtubers go probably Reza Avanluna is the only one with multiple finished campaigns (some in English). Some variety in systems as well, including Kamigakiri. It's a pity he's graduating at the end of the month, I think his TRPG setups and scenarios are better than the vast majority of TRPG content out there, Vtuber or otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/@RezaAvanluna/playlists

Yurikago Kokone (from V&U) also comes to mind as another small corp Vtuber with some TRPG content - she's been running MAID and Call of Cthulhu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDJ0SARN_1s&list=PLN5KODjAlFi-scd9cWwqZreKi0emLlLaV

>> No.59318815 [SPOILER] 
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Chiakita my beloved

>> No.59318982 [DELETED] 

>If not DnD what could she run
Pathfinder is the next step up from DnD. Pretty similar but with more advanced concepts and options.

VtM would be a bit more difficult to plan and would require players to do research in advance which for a vtuber is asking the world, but could be kino.

Cyberpunk would also be kino

>> No.59319022 [DELETED] 

Controversial take but I always enjoyed Dan Harmon's DnD campaigns more

>> No.59319049

Mori and Gura's one on one session was absolute dynamite lightning in a bottle that can't be replicated now because Gura doesn't stream and Mori's too scared to DM again. The timeline where it's just Mori Storytelling/DMing for Gura and they make it to 10 sessions is blessed and one we're not in.

>> No.59319311
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The Tempus one was fun. Plus it gave the world Catxel XII

>> No.59319472

>Mori's too scared to DM again
citation needed since she didn't have a problem doing that oneshot with Kronii and the dead homos, although I do kind of doubt she'd try to run a campaign with vtubers after Mythbreakers

>> No.59319960

>good TTRPG sessions
I've been playing RPGs since high school and the amount of truly good RPG sessions I've played can be counted on two hands.

>> No.59320112

you're a bad player. sorry I had to be the one to tell you

>> No.59320117

she's not scared, she just knows she needs players who actually want to play a ttrpg rather than people who just want to Collab. that's why she DMed for kronii, magni and vesper, they actually wanted to play the game

>> No.59320217

>you're a bad player. sorry I had to be the one to tell you
If I wanted this kind of swamy, passive-aggressive posting I would be on /tg/

>> No.59320287

God I miss when /tg/ was fun.

>> No.59321943

Do you have [controversial thing] in your campaign anon?
This is how you [stupid thing]
Admit it, [weird thing] is fine and you're an [insult] if you disagree.

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.59322951

Mythbreakers was great until it slowed down a bit at the end. The final stream was kind of nice, too, if a bit rushed.

>> No.59323120

the only issue with some of Aia's sessions is she has newbies, and has to hand hold
For the games with more experienced people (Vox, Fulgur, + every ID member)
it has gone great

>> No.59327228 [DELETED] 

Myth breakers had a great start but myth are unironically too anti social to regularly collab

>> No.59327455

Can't argue with that, even though I enjoy their collabs.

>> No.59335100
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Mythbreakers had so much potential, but is highly overrated.
>says me, who followed it 100%
The best part by far was Gura's intro.
Mori is a chucklefuck DM with no serious planning or direction.
her Alt confirms this.

AND CurioBot.
...Vesper's session was amazing because it really pulled no punches but was also tweaked so the boys had the most fun with their dumpsterfire. THAT is true DMing power.

I like Fubuki's RPG's, but 90% of it is in non-subbed japanese.

i will look up other players mentioned in this thread. Thanks!

>> No.59339424

i mean that's fair, wouldn't call a preference controversial though

>> No.59343693

Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.59344128

Chuubas cant ttrpg. If you are serious at ttrp, like momo or mori when she is being serious about dnd, then you arent vtubing during it, like how momo turns her model off or how mori doesnt even exist as mori when she does serious campaigns. If you wanted something system-lite enough for the vtubers to still be vtubers during it then you are asking for vrchat or minecraft rp.

>> No.59345394

Literally a Glowy kek

>> No.59345432

Mythbreakers was good. You're just a retard looking for a reason to complain about the wigger

>> No.59345591

I think the problem with vtubers in corpos playing tabletop games is that the dynamic will usually be: ‘Experienced Dm drags players along and teaches them’. So multiple campaigns across different channels start out with the players learning and showing all the flaws that first time players have. Naturally this doesn’t make for a good experience for actual ttrpg fans, because it’s the same level 1 content over and over. Happened with Mythbreakers, and Tempus Dnd. Though, Tempus Dnd turned kino after a while.

>> No.59346393

i hate that you're right, even applies to the en BG3 playthrough. the only way i can see it working is if there are enough experienced players in a single corpo to have regular sessions

>> No.59348811

Mythbreakers had the session at the vampire party, that was the funniest one. Not the greatest role-playing wise, but splitting the party between rape-turned-combat and Yuulgioh was absurd, hilarious and yet full of adrenaline.

The only other TTRPG sessions I watched were ones with and by Fubuki, mostly Emoklore. Do your reps if you want to watch vtubers who aren't wrapped in irony while roleplaying.

>> No.59349370

Lol yeah, Magni really got into character
"All I know is power, and death, and the blood of my enemies"

>> No.59350690

VEE’s had a bunch of one-shots where Ringo-same introduced people to TRPGing, but it’s the same module over and over with different players.

>> No.59353570

>Yurikago Kokone (from V&U) also comes to mind as another small corp Vtuber with some TRPG content
Ill be looking into her

>> No.59354877

Unpopular opinion but Snuffy is quite decent

>> No.59354925

Oh hey, it's the Ollie model sister that had a radio show-type of streams. Glad to see she's still around.

>> No.59357466

>No mention of Mori in OP
>Most people being either positive or giving mild criticism towards Mori
Anon c'mon.

>> No.59358505

Mori is a bad GM but the question was about a good session, and there were some good ones.
But it is probably a bit misleading to just ask about a good session.

>> No.59358787

> Chuubas cant ttrpg. If you are serious at ttrp, like momo or mori when she is being serious about dnd, then you arent vtubing during it, like how momo turns her model off or how mori doesnt even exist as mori when she does serious campaigns. If you wanted something system-lite enough for the vtubers to still be vtubers during it then you are asking for vrchat or minecraft rp.
I disagree. It might be a bit trickier since you would need to roleplay your Chuuba character like normal, while also roleplaying your character. It might be even tougher as a GM because you’d need to roleplay how you are building your npcs and having them act which might even result in you pretending yo be a worse GM than you really are because of the quirks of the chuuba you portray.
But many vtubers barely bother to keep up a distinct kayfabe character for themselves so such restrictions are mostly in ideal circumstances rather than practical expectations.

>> No.59358911
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>showing all the flaws that first time players have.
Of course, those also get to show off the creativity and spark of new players compared to the worn down cynicism of "experienced" ones.
If they are actually interested, I love new players.

>> No.59360796

>when the time comes, I'll know
this is such a power-move

>> No.59361083

not even a chumbud but Scout made that entire experience worth it. Ina's doormat personality actually played into her character alright while Kiara pushed the story forward. Ame and Mori were the weak links. I feel like Mori should do Fabula Ultima or something easier than political / social type games.

>> No.59361996
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This guy does Call of Cthulhu oneshots with vtubers but they are all pretty short with minimal rpg elements so might not fit your TRPG preferences.

>> No.59362132

Releasing 200 pigeons would be a good defense against projectiles in enclosed spaces. Might also scare some beasts that are on the more fearful side.

>> No.59366343

I just want to see one group of vtubers have a comfy playthrough of B2 Keep on the Borderlands with B/X or another system...

>> No.59367201

After joining Sony, she had to close her Fanbox for an unknown reason and sized down her activities to around weekly, but she’s still kicking!

>> No.59367586

Id really like to see Aia tackle a more challenging game or an actual campaign

>> No.59368149

Honestly I wouldn't say Mori is a bad GM at all. Just not as experienced as others. She was a rookie at it and I would argue she did well for someone with an extremely small amount of experience

>> No.59368329

Are DnD and Cthulhu the only tabletop games people play?

>> No.59368429

Wake me up when a battletech campaign happens.

>> No.59368611

Mori has clear weaknesses (crunch) and strengths (fluff), so depending which one you focus on you might be more keen to judgmentally deem her as a bad or good DM
she's also a bit railroady but usually just to get people to the action, not with resolutions themselves, so while some might find that imposing on the players, others can see it as keeping a good pacing

>> No.59368690

DnD is the most recognizable ttrpg out there and one of the most entry friendly ones out there too.

>> No.59368990

I honestly feel like being railroaded isn't a bad thing for new players a

>> No.59369042

No, but the thread where I'd talk about my homebrew TTRPG where players let themselves get possessed by chuubas to get superpowers has been dead for weeks, and I don't feel like reviving it.

>> No.59369089

>DnD is the most recognizable ttrpg out there
>most entry friendly ones out there too
No, it was the first one.

>> No.59369101

Japan is pretty solid on Call of Cthulhu hence why when you saw Fubuki doing TTRPG it was usually CoC.

Problem with Battletech is not just picking an era but the physical requirements to do so. And you know no one's going to go full madman with Hunchback Lances or something fun like that.
But let's not kid ourselves they'd probably do the usual 3050+ Shit so they get MUH CLANS involved and probably not even the fun times of Operation Bulldog (and kicking the teeth in of Smoke Jags is always fun)

>> No.59369201

Personally I feel like the entry level for dnd is a lot lower of a bar than most ttrpgs. Personally I really love Pathfinder but I feel like it's a bit more complicated to get into. 5E holds your hand pretty heavily

>> No.59369996

yeah, new players are often lost in the amount of options offered by true tabletop and can often lack any sort of direction
Mori's problem is more so lack of subtlety, her railroading can have the grace of a hammer sometimes (like putting the party to sleep in GUN), but she keeps things going and she does allow some healthy downtime during slower sessions so it's not super jarring

>> No.59370602

Gura's solo intro with Mori was great, it was hilarious and Gura really gets into her rps. It's a shame the rest of those shits didn't keep up with her energy. Ironic now, I know.

>> No.59371817
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>nearly everyone unanimously agrees Mori and Gura's session was the best
Is this the power of sharky?

>> No.59371927

I found the GUN session way funnier and better ran personally, but considering the board we're on it was probably seen by like a tenth of the people

>> No.59371977

Gun session had a great concept but the cast wasn't all that charismatic even if they were having fun, which is unfortunate.

>> No.59372160

I disagree, they were less fleshed out overall (part of the system, I'd say + one shots generally doesn't encourage as deep investment in the character), but Clappington and Cookie were both distinct and hilarious
and while you could tell Kronii lacked experience and clear direction compared to the two, her fucking zingers were amazing, I still crack up thinking about the "...but you did at least check his pockets, right" bit

>> No.59377080


>> No.59377349

I didn't watch the GUN one but I liked guras character from the moment she took off her belt and accidentally pantsed herself in the process

>> No.59382567

Crunch is more of a problem when you're livestreaming and the players do 0 work to learn the system for themselves in private.
