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58777490 No.58777490 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii is on the path of redemption.
Do you think Ame can do it too?

>> No.58777554

IRyS saved Kronii.

>> No.58777672 [DELETED] 
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>Council d-didn't do as w-well as expected...

>> No.58777807

You can't help those who don't want to be helped and ame is the most stubborn person I know

>> No.58777879

Myth is unsalvageable while Council was always good

>> No.58778084

She hasn't apologized ever for what she did. She needs to graduate

>> No.58778192

>Do you think Ame can do it too?
Not until Altare graduation and Ame need stop collab and romantic duet karaoke with the guy.

>> No.58778275

>and Ame need stop collab and romantic duet karaoke
holy ESL

>> No.58778652

The thing I hate about this gen is because of their stupid mask off moments the only one I can watch without lowered expectations is Bae, and she's the communal mating press. Can't believe it ended up like this.

>> No.58779089

She never did anything wrong. Honestly she's kind of boring now, the brief unhinged period was kind of nice, but once the homos dipped it was like she couldn't be bothered to continue to do fun shit without them so she just did a 180 back into the boring CGDCT shit.

>> No.58779159

She still shilled them on the news show she did, which was dropped.
I hope Ame can find another way to collab with Tempus.

>> No.58779238 [DELETED] 

redemption my ass

>> No.58779306

>Ame had to go back to making content her audience actually wanted after the Homos dipped
How terrible

>> No.58779362

>She never did anything wrong.
Kronii ditched the male collabs because she realized they were very, very wrong

>> No.58779366

How well is that going for her? Bleeding viewership since 2022.

>> No.58779383

Ame literally just needs to start doing stuff regularly with the other members and she'd be fine, so no

>> No.58779493

>Kronii ditched the male collabs
Vesper just no longer wanted to collab with this cunt. Kronii is still mourning his death till now.

>> No.58779497

I need her to admit this publicly and apologize

>> No.58779640

>bleeding viewership since 2022, which is when the homocollabs started
uhh anon...

>> No.58779758

>bleeding viewership since 2022, which is when the homocollabs started
>and still has not able to get back after a year
That's the point. You claimed that if she started doing cgdct content they would come back.

>> No.58779765

Singeronii was the best Kronii.

>> No.58779834

>path of redemption after sucking holostar dick on stream
Are Kroniifags really this easy?

>> No.58780316

>redemption arc
lol what would cause her the need to have a redemption arc? take your meds schizo

>> No.58780417

Does her mods still spam chat like crazy? I haven't watched her in months because of them.

>> No.58780593

Haha not a fucking chance

>> No.58780645

What happened this time? Did Nijisisters get cucked again?

>> No.58780855

I won't forgive her for not knowing Weather Hackers or Ahoy.

>> No.58780901

What did Sana and Mumei do?

>> No.58781391

Dumb homobegger
Ame already did her redemption arc. Kronii has done nothing at all to deserve forgiveness.

>> No.58781622

When? She was shilling Tempus on her news show and calling them cute.

>> No.58781675

She's going to have to do dry anal for me to forgive her.

>> No.58781887
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Repentance goes hand in hand with redemption, and she never, EVER thought she did anything wrong. So no, she's not on the "path of redemption", you delusional chucklefucks. Fap to her if you must, but don't try to paint a rosy picture of her.

>> No.58783051

It you are talking about her redemption as getting her spot back as the second largest right after gura thats gone. No one is going to start watching or go back to her when she's two years into being a vtuber.

The only way she can get back to those number or get back the people she scorned is to make such great streams or having such creative ideas it almost like you are.missing out from not watching her.

But since she is mostly going to do the same thing without making changes to improve her content she's just going to slowly fade

>> No.58783453

The main reason I've never been able to get into Ame streams is because she reminds me too much of myself.

>> No.58783959 [DELETED] 

Sana was a quitter and Mumei probably has a bf/fiancé

>> No.58783994

She wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.

>> No.58784035

Or she could eat some humble pie and try just apologizing publicly specifically to the gachis she chased away and ask them to come back

>> No.58786989

No wonder she's boring nowadays

>> No.58787097

Whores can never be redeemed.

>> No.58787129
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>> No.58787186

She isn’t making content fullstop. She’s like Ina level in terms of stream hours now.

>> No.58787464

I'm tired of this shit. Ame has never been good, except for the first 2 or 3 months.

>> No.58788009

You have to let it go

>> No.58791028

You know council has been in JP for like the last month and change, right?

By this logic IRyS is Ina tier as well

>> No.58793374


>> No.58794056

Yesterday's sctream showed gachis don't matter, at least not when it it comes to view

>> No.58795583

Ame can, and she never even shit the bed as hard as Kronii. But she won't, if her lying and ghosting are anything to go by.

>> No.58795661

I dont think a path to redemption exists when you say "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" and if you back to her you are weak and deserve to be taken advantage of

>> No.58795972

>she never even shit the bed as hard as Kronii
Except she is the lowest viewed EN now.

>> No.58796341

Singeronii deserved the award, dammit...

>> No.58796441

inviting the attention of twitter warriors who have completely ruined vtubing for everyone and harassed multiple chuubas

>> No.58797868

How broken is she after being forced to swallow her pride and do the idol lark she hates so much? It must make her seethe uncontrollably

>> No.58798150 [DELETED] 

>once the homos dipped
She hasn't reached out to them since early winter.
What do you think changed recently?

>> No.58798687

>idol lark she hates so much
How broken are you that you have to spout the same baseless rrats and can't even find new ones?

>> No.58798826

>Mumei probably has a bf/fiancé
Anon... reps

>> No.58798950

>literally a comment she made
how new and/or retarded?

>> No.58798968

nigga i don't give that much of a fuck

>> No.58799035

Why are you even posting in /vt/ then? Nobody watch stream here it's only gossip and drama

>> No.58799233

>Redemption arc
lmao even

>> No.58799427

A comment you keep misquoting to death with literally no supporting evidence for your ESL interpretation of it

>> No.58799597

Ah, so you have seen it, you're just coping.
Actually humiliating. You can take the L now

>> No.58799648

Kills me everytime

>> No.58799677

What are you even talking about retard

>> No.58799696

there are still clucks defending kronii? grim

>> No.58800052


>> No.58800114

Yes I have seen it, and I can read, unlike you.
It's unfortunate that your ESL is hindering your ability to participate in this discussion.

>> No.58800222

I'm talking about this "quote" >>58795661 that is constantly misquoted, like now, misrepresented and that misrepresentation has no evidence to back it up but it's a shitty rrat antis can spout without effort so they keep doing it even though it makes no sense.

>> No.58800227

You clearly can't. You're the only faggot ITT that came to that conclusion. Might want to work on your comprehension sister.
Thanks for taking the L though.

>> No.58800503

>Bunch of ESL retards claiming obvious bullshit because it supports their rrat
I guess they must be right.
If more than one person believes a thing it becomes fact.
You can go take a look at the quote right now, you don't even need to understand english to see that it's different, just use that pattern matching brain of yours to see the letters don't match up.

>> No.58800766


>> No.58800774

>keeps seething like a retard
>everyone knows he's wrong
>he clutches to this "IT'S OUT OF CONTEXT" rrat like his life depends on it
this is what supporting an abusive oshi does to a man when she cucks you and the entire board laughs at you. let this sink in.

>> No.58800868

Kronii hasn’t done enough for me yet. Need more 3D streams

>> No.58800968

Yeah, just keep name-calling instead of rebutting the argument, which would be trivial if what you say is true.
Nice way to prove your point.
This is a pathetic way to cope with the numbers Kronii is pulling. I hope you know that.

>> No.58801056

You've not rebutted a single thing, you just keep clinging to your bullshit rrat. The irony isn't wasted on your ESL brain I hope.

>> No.58801087


>> No.58801492
File: 57 KB, 1199x343, 1663794941793448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the quote in question.
As you can plainly see that nowhere does it say "unfortunately idol culture is a thing".
It says "Yes, there unfortunately is because idol culture is a thing".
Now you being ESL can make this difficult to understand but I will help you through it.
What is in fact unfortunate? It's the "double standard between same-sex and opposite -sex shipping".
So Kronii is lamenting the fact that she cannot hang out and stream with men because of idol culture.
Nowhere does it say she hates being an idol or doing idol related activities like dancing and singing.
This is 6th grade level reading comprehension anon, I feel you never passed your GED.

This is further compounded by the fact that she does do those activities a lot however instead of admitting that they are retarded antis claim every time she is being forced against her will and is "corrected" by doing those and she hates it, another claim with zero evidence.

>> No.58801609

>he actually edited a comment to cope with the fact he's wrong

>> No.58801677


>> No.58801744

That is some real fucking cope.
I guess the brain rot has finally taken hold.

>> No.58801834

I'll accept your concession
Glad to see you finally buckled under your own cope and just sperged out though, you LOVE to see it.

>> No.58801862


>> No.58801927

I'm one of her old oil Baron who switched to a better GFE and she'll have to strip herself on stream to take me and my dollars back

>> No.58801952

Anon, that is the original comment.
The fact that you either have never seen the original and just parroted shitposts or have but forgotten what it says over repeating the same phrase ad nauseum until it calcified your brain is very telling.

>> No.58802009

Do you have a humiliation fetish? I feel like I'm helping you get off after destroying you so hard ITT.
You need to seek therapy man.

>> No.58802086

Why didn't Kronii have any of her genmates on her showcase? Do they hate her for what she did?
I guess if CouncilRyS can't forgive her, neither can I.

>> No.58802192


>> No.58802205

This is getting sad now.
I don't even feel like dumpstering on you anymore.
Is this what you life is now?

>> No.58802378

Please. I was actually around for that whiny little shitstain and he maybe donated $5 every few streams.

>> No.58802634

people aren't going to just blindly believe she's changed, especially without an apology

it's going to a be slow grind, where after months of not interacting with them, people begin to trust her again

>> No.58802788

I still fap to her, that's all I care

>> No.58803314
File: 195 KB, 1280x669, holostars-magni-vesper-graduation-announcement-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is healing
>Bae is healing
>Kronii is healing
Impressive how much deleting these 2 troublemaking faggots is helping the brand.

>> No.58803447

Ame needs to heal too

>> No.58803503

Ame has been steadily consistent for 2 years.
There was nothing to heal form.

>> No.58803970

lmao even

Let's hope for another Tempus collab.

>> No.58804621

no, Ame called fucking bitch the one that could have helped her

>> No.58804767

Even Mumei gave up on Ame.

>> No.58805706

You aren't the audience for hololive

>> No.58805740

It was the management change, whoever was behind the homo's are gone now

>> No.58809276

I don't care. I'm better than you

>> No.58809404

She seemed miserable and sad the whole time. I'd rather see her happy and free than with money and thousands of fans.

>> No.58809444

I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, or Ame and Ina, in any way shape or form ever. I will always think of them as lesser, I will always hate them, and I will always avoid content that includes them in any way, shape, or form. The reason is simple. They are anathema to Hololive and the values of cute girls doing cute things. They have shown through their words and actions that they are not the right fit for Hololive and that they don't belong there. Moreover they have shown that instead of trying to fit in, they would rather take radical measures to try and change Hololive. Hololive should not have to suffer people who are just there to cynically funnel attention to their roommates, lazy ironic weebs, or spiteful bitches.

>Y-You should forgive her!

>S-She's changed, she's better now
No she hasn't and even if she has, I don't care, she will never be forgiven for her past sins.

>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

>Don't you believe in second chances?
All these girls got multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather "own the haters" or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that Hololive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn't even do a basic service job. Just by being in Hololive, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves and decided to try the "my way or the highway" approach.

>Y-You're just a schizo anti!
Actually I'm being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances and they all chose to make bad decisions. I do not harass them on Twitter, I don't stalk them, I don't even leave negative comments on their videos. I just simply do not watch them, I do not buy their merch, and I tell everyone on this discussion forum that I do not like them and that others should not watch them either. I inform people who are new, who may not know why they are hated, of the things these girls did in the past and why people have a sour view of them now. Obviously I cannot make other people stop supporting them, everyone is free to do what they want. But I will warn others of the type of shit they've pulled in the past and consequently the type of person they've shown themselves to be.

These girls are not worth your time or money. There are plenty of other girls who are.

>> No.58809472

Anon can't argue with that. I atleast I know I'm in the wrong for thinking my Oshi is my wife and talking to other men is cheating one me. I give her half my check every week. I'm on and off my meds.

>> No.58809538

She's right, idol culture is a plague. Idol fand are seen as scum in Japan

>> No.58809600

Are they viewed lower on the Japanese Imperial hierarchy than greasy anime otaku?

>> No.58809615

>Comment too long

>> No.58809643

>I'd rather see her happy and free than with money and thousands of fans.
If money and fans aren't making Kronii happy then do you think having no money and no fans would make her happy? Do you understand the sheer stupidity of what you've just said?

>> No.58809655

Mucho texto but can tell you get no sexo.

>> No.58809763

I think so.

>> No.58809799


>> No.58810251
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I'm never watching her again.

>> No.58810297

Saplings can't into coping, huh

>> No.58810319

This is the most abusive shit I read all day.
>Kronii stopped collabing with Holostars because they were harrassed on Twitter and in chat.
>"She saw the error of her ways and knows that she was in the wrong"

>> No.58810501 [DELETED] 

pretty much. Thank god unicorns can get a gf

>> No.58810705

>pretty much. Thank god unicorns can't get a gf

>> No.58810808
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>> No.58810937


>> No.58811003

>The average IQ in Indonesia is 78.49, according to the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) in 2022. This places Indonesia at 130th place out of 199 countries globally.

>> No.58811146

Money and fame aren't everything anon. She might wanna go back to being a nobody. Not having thousands of eyes on you at all times. This time when she goes back to normal she might a certain somebody with her though.

>> No.58811199

This much obsession is not healthy anon.
You have to let it go.

>> No.58811203
File: 45 KB, 497x617, Altare x Amelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sings a lovely duet with kpop fuckboy
>Never shit the bed as hard
Ah ah ah ah teakek

>> No.58811287

Are they healing or dying inside?

>> No.58811308

>"I want to collab with the boys but unfortunately idol culture is a thing."
>"But I will still do it just to make the incels mad!"
As a JP only watcher I never understood why the Holostars EN branch was such a big deal here compared to Stars JP but that Kronii is literally acting like an SJW cunt. Not even the biggest homocollabers in JP ever did that and if they did they would have been harassed to graduation.

>> No.58811318

Unforgivingly BASED

>> No.58811324


>> No.58811356

>posts the exact same comment to own me
So you admit you never even read it?
What is that supposed to prove?
What am I supposed to be looking at?

>> No.58811568

Wow that's fucked up

>> No.58812058

she's right though

>> No.58812213

>Everything done that makes me mad is done specifically to make me mad
It's sad that unicorns never matured emotionally past toddlers.

>> No.58812887

What did Ina do? Redpill me.

>> No.58813192

Wrong. Stats from January until the end of August show it's still Bae and Kiara.

>> No.58813361

>If money and fans aren't making Kronii happy then do you think having no money and no fans would make her happy?
There is a middle ground where she gets a design that doesn't appear to be from a sleazy harem anime and Kronii would still get thousands of viewers. Cover doesn't want that since a coomerbait model sales more dakis but that is almost certainly what Kronii wants.

>> No.58813479

NTA, but she ghosted her fans under false pretense for literally months.
Looking at his schizo rant its probably some shit about her having been in a song cover with Tempus for him though.

>> No.58813565

>where she gets a design that doesn't appear to be from a sleazy harem anime
Harem anime tend to have pretty tame designs. Hers is made by Wada and looks likes most of her characters in FGO.

>> No.58813641

My favourite Council Amelia Watson

>> No.58813742

Oh, Ok. Schizo rant as usual. Moving on.

>> No.58814552

Only way to redeem herself is with a public naked dgz. With her 3D models dangling tits!

>> No.58815077

This pic would improve two fold if Altare was giving the middle finger

>> No.58816013

There was never any "false pretense", stop spreading this long-debunked rrat. The only thing she did is extend her health break for few days because she wanted to visit some friends which she explained beforehand in a member post.

>> No.58816174
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Need whore Kronii

>> No.58816666

How in the holy fuck Ina ever "took radical measures to try and change Hololive"? How any of th-
>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
>Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

>> No.58816938

Still there, but they aren't obnoxious.

>> No.58817020

She definitely isn't. This is even sadder than deadbeats trying to redeem Mori by pretending her new songs aren't just her gloating about winning over the haters.

>> No.58817068

You know she was shitting on het shippers, right?

>> No.58817112

Buy an ad, Ame.

>> No.58817149

Gabe never gave her money.

>> No.58817218

She was happy.
