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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 689 KB, 803x751, F5aH8BDbgAAilRj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58158721 No.58158721 [Reply] [Original]

>does donothon
>donothon goal was a NSFW animation
>animation is finished
>management said it was too porny so she doesn't get to release it
>instead she'll knit scarves for the people that donated
>fans harass Shiina on discord, twitter and /pcg/ because they can't coom to her
Why are they like this?

>> No.58161463

Is this the donothon cuckolding girl?

>> No.58161506

>donothon goal was a NSFW animation
Is she fucking retarded? Like did she genuinely think that the management would accept that shit without asking them first?

>> No.58161672

the animation was leaked yesterday:


>> No.58161745

I wonder what happpened in a certain rainbow logo corp today

>> No.58161862

>instead she'll knit scarves for the people that donated
as in she'll actually send them the scarves? handmade stuff from your oshi sounds way more appealing to me than some porn animation anyone could commission on skeb with a few hundred bucks

>> No.58161876

>management said it was too porny
>management said it

>> No.58161885

Not a phase fan but if i payed for product and am promised product and then get not that product i too would feel very scammed

>> No.58161897

weird thing to harrass her over but she deserves it

>> No.58162357
File: 398 KB, 1177x2580, 1694299187021671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58162565

Shiina's right. That coomer should take his complaints to management who are acting on fishman's orders to beat seiso into the talents.

>> No.58163768

because it was not management, they approved other nsfw pieces

>> No.58164170 [DELETED] 

M-m-m-m-m--m-mmmm MYYYY b-b-b-b-bb

>> No.58167315

Why the FUCK is there a place where the schizo fans can talk directly to the talents? If I were a talent I would distance myself miles from that shit. There isn't a single good thing that can come from it. If the fans wanna make their own discord to talk about the talents that's fine but the talents shouldn't be part of it at all.

>> No.58167332

She's only saying that because it's your typical "call center" style bullshit where the employee is betting you won't escalate up the ladder
Plus she's provided not a single shred of proof that management said anything.
It's basically been "Hey trust my guys, management totally told me I can't release it!!! Boo hoo"

>> No.58167685

Haha no. She's running a raffle for a chance a one of a handful of scarves. If you donated for thecanimation she is going to automatically enter you into the raffle as an apology for not releasing the animation.

>> No.58167850

>talent promises reward to fans of they achieve a goal
>fans achieve goal
>talent doesn't deliver
Golly I wonder why they're mad?

>> No.58167901

Something tells me those people complaining about the "coomers" weren't actually donating

>> No.58167911

phase connect is a ntr vtuber company. that is why she is being harassed

>> No.58167912

it seems congruent with an agency that runs things like donothons (let alone donothons offering pornography as a prize). they are targeting a certain kind of person

>> No.58168160

Those evil degenerates don't deserve anything! Shouldn't have donated, sweety!

>> No.58168205 [DELETED] 

how about cooking a big batch of wontons for the donors?

>> No.58168479

Gubulus and Scaramouche are real street niggas. Idk who the mad coomer is.

>> No.58168500

It's literal one autist and you giving him free publicity, neck yourself op

>> No.58168766


>> No.58168769

Phase Connect is literally like one guy with connections (Fishman) and like 2 managers who allow the girls to say and do whatever they want with no filters or advising when to do or not do things.
This usually works out for them. The fact the girls even WANT to talk to their fans in discord, without any form of gating who can speak to them (you don't need membership or anything) is insane to me.

>> No.58168866

Fans should not validate scams, they deserve to complain and be heard.

>> No.58168932 [DELETED] 

So uruka gets to fill a bottle with her drool and chewed up food but wontons doesn't get to release a porn animation featuring her model? unfair.

>> No.58169140

I was gonna coom to this too. Genuinely disappointed.

>> No.58169208

I will not be satisfied until I receive a personalized card bearing uruka's signed anal lipstick imprint

>> No.58169231

Oh shit great idea

>> No.58169426

I paid for porn so give me what I paid for or give me my damn money back

>> No.58169791

>do better
ok she deserves it

>> No.58170072 [DELETED] 

>Pippa wants to do actual stupid shit that actually hurts the company's image
>A-OK slay kween
>someone else wants to fulfill a basic coomer donothon goal (the kind of goal people actually donate for) that was obviously previously OK'd during its inception
Why is Phase like this?

>> No.58170138

I don't even need to read it to know that at some point she brings up her stress or mental health and her discord simps start throwing a pity party for her.

>> No.58170207

Pippa has Phase Connect on her shoulders

>> No.58170211

Still at a 100% scam rate of fucking over their fans on donothons
Why is phase such a shitfest?

>> No.58170323

What are the odds she lied about management not letting her release it?
Maybe she never even comissioned an animation and just pocketed the money

>> No.58170488

wait shouldn't she have gotten permission from management first about what goals were acceptable? You can't shift the blame to management if you didn't even run it by them first.
And you can't just tell your fans to blame management when it's your fault for not clearing it with management in the first place.

>> No.58170580

Because she's lying about it being management's fault. Saying management won't let her release it is a new thing she started saying today after she started getting backlash and none of the managers have made any statements about it yet. Yesterday she was saying she wouldn't release it because it was lewder than she expected. There's also the fact that her genmate commisioned and released artwork of herself getting anal without management caring and management had months to put their foot down and stop this but suddenly only take issue with it when Shiina doesn't want to release it. It's pretty clear she's just trying to shift blame.

>> No.58170614

>do better
liste I like Shiina a lot and I'm sure this situation stresses her out but she got herself into it and is now backtracking, she has her "I don't feel like I fit in" moments and looks like this was one of them but she should have bit the bullet to just release it if she fucked up

>> No.58170642

that shit is basically a scam, I get feeling bad for old farts getting swindled by pajeets because they're ignorant and have dementia but I couldn't care less about coomers

>> No.58170712

Management never had a problem, if they did, they wouldnt have let the other talents do the same thing and let them be free to the world. she was just a pussy after seeing it and decided to backpaddle. it is what it is. but she needs to stop blaming management cause its an easy scapegoat.

>> No.58170786

>pity baiting

>> No.58170939

>There's also the fact that her genmate commisioned and released artwork of herself getting anal
Rie is based

>> No.58170979

Good. Don't scam people next time.

Who am I kidding...

>> No.58170981

Isn't it illegal to scam people like this?

>> No.58170983

yikes my dude, stop being such a weirdo coomer and give shiina a break, you are making us all unconfy here. do better, be better.

>> No.58171130

kek esl king

>> No.58171132

>Yuri scams her audience out of thousands from her new pc fund donathon.
>Panko tries to flake on her donathon promises and has only fullfilled about half of them after chat pressured her hard into getting off her lazy ass.
>Shiina makes a big deal out of this porn animation and then doesn't deliver after taking in thousands for it during her donathon.

Weirdly Pippa has actually delivered on all her stupid promises and she didn't even do a donathon, just subs goals.

>> No.58171147

why is henri like this

>> No.58171249

>doesnt mention Lia
We already know which poster this is

>> No.58171349


>> No.58171494

I don't watch Lia. Too zoomer for me. All I know about her donathon is she was talking to some guy who called in during the asmr thing.

>> No.58171495

>nijiniggers now attacking Hololive‘s allies
Fucking pathetic

>> No.58171610

Never donate to donothons without proof itll happen

>> No.58171740

Dude even the rest of /pcg/ was laughing at the butter cookies today. They got cucked by their oshii AGAIN and are well known for it among the rest of phase connect.

>> No.58171844 [DELETED] 
File: 507 KB, 1548x2304, 1692874926398448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s one pic, I know there’s a zip file with all of them floating around somewhere. There’s more than 10 images total with clothed and nude variants and funnily enough a cropped version of this pic is literally Hime’s profile picture on twitter.
Shiina using management as an excuse to get out of posting her NSFW reward is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard.

>> No.58171879
File: 25 KB, 400x400, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk go to the /pcg/ archive but she uses the cropped face of that image as her twitter pfp

>> No.58171885

What happened Bros?
It's pipnigs faul?

>> No.58171966

If management wasn't involved in the decision and she's trying to throw them under the bus, they would/should have come down on her hard. So at the very least they have to be cool with taking the blame and her reneging on the goal.

>> No.58171998

and she commissioned this herself too, so whatever bullshit shiina is on she should get off of it.

>> No.58172018

fucking peruvian ESL proofread your posts

>> No.58172028

i once got banned by elaria stelarias menhera mod so i refunded $200 in donations. if you dont like what the person doing just refund your donations and unsub to them, its not hard

>> No.58172131

The donations were from months ago and are outside the refund window.

>> No.58172147 [DELETED] 

Wonton girl NTRs fans yet again, nothing new to see

>> No.58172214


>> No.58172216
File: 625 KB, 1170x1416, 1694309630888802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, it was way lewder than she expected, I think she is doing us a favor for not showing it to us.

>> No.58172220

So that was a fucking lie, huh

where's your management god now?

>> No.58172244

>fans pay a lot of money for a product
>product is not delivered and refunds are not given
>people complain
>somehow they’re the bad guys

>> No.58172336

>hyping it up before cancelling it
200iq move

>> No.58172346

If only she didn't drop that JKR comment...

>> No.58172344

>hololive allies

>> No.58172371

No one pressured Panko, watch streams you down syndrome fuck

>> No.58172405

Time for them to find a new oshi, that guy may be a coomer but he's completely fucking right, if I donated for something and they didn't deliver just on principle I'd throw a fit

>> No.58172452

Well that sucks ass then, I'd be mad too

>> No.58172496

frankly at this point if my oshi ever did a "donothon" i'd get worried some shit is about to go down. do these donothons ever go well without the vtuber scamming their fans?

>> No.58172502

ah get over it she's nice and australian, give her a second chance

>> No.58172615

uh oh donathon scammers, this will have a chilling effect on your marks if they don't think they'll get what they're paying for, think of your bottom line here

>> No.58172771

lmao yuri was crazy for this one, she got the PC, bailed, Phase covered the refund on the donations and her new life just released a marketable plushie too, I'm thinking based

>> No.58172883

>Shiina runs donathon.
>The big goal is a NSFW animation of her getting fucked.
>Takes in over 20k in donations.
>Spends months hyping it up and giving updates on it.
>It arrives (as confirmed by other phase talents) and its way lewder than she expected and she gets cold feet.
>Backs out of releasing it and blames management after her fans are more mad than expected.
>Says as compensation she'll add the donors to her already ongoing raffle wherethey will have a slim chance to win a scarf that she totally swears is handmade by herself and she would never lie to her fans.
>Hides in her discord getting circlejerked by her biggest simps all day.
>The rest of /pcg/ laughs at Shiina's fans getting cucked for like the hundreth time.

>> No.58172940

It's just Shiina, no one else scammed their audience. Even Yuri is excused since she was fired. Panko has delivered and is still delivering.

>> No.58173120

maybe you are right, i'm just highly allergic to this stuff

>> No.58173135

Real? What did she say?

>> No.58173361

that's a bit of a cope anon.
Panko tried to ghost her audience until they got mad at her and started bothering Sakana about it.
Lia straight up cucked her audience, and I say this as a Lia fan.
Yuri 100% cut and ran with the donothon funds. She explicitly did the donothon just to scam both her audience and Phase Connect and Sakana even admitted that they can't refund the money because she stole it so they'd have to go in the red to pay people back.
And that's just Phase Connect, there are other 2view corpos that have had shady donothons like KawaiiPro where their entire 3rd gen used the donothon funds to fund their startup corpo and scammed their employer. Just seems like donothons are an overall bad idea that chuubas only resort to when they're getting desperate.

>> No.58173566

Dont forget idol corp that does scamathons monthly, also eien with the chair

>> No.58173779

>Yuri 100% cut and ran with the donothon funds.
wondering why she did this

>> No.58173787
File: 417 KB, 2000x1125, 20230909_220246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The big goal is a NSFW animation of her getting fucked.
The NSFW skeb was one of several goals and not even the top one. The top one was a plushie. She deserves to catch shit for this but as least be accurate. https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina/status/1657421522443833348?t=ijCnghZPbSaiiMFYEDjBnA&s=19

>> No.58173789

Anon, no one paid for the meet and greet messages, it was an extra. It wasn't paid shit.
She wasn't able to do it and apologized, everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.58173899

>Panko tried to ghost her audience until they got mad at her
I’m not arguing with your other points but this just isn’t true. There was one ridiculous thread here that was made less than 24 hours after her donothon ended claiming she was a scammer but they got BTFO almost immediately when she delivered

>> No.58174011

>mother fucker doesn't know the messages panko didn't deliver weren't from a donothon therefore no one paid for them therefore no one was scammed
you're delusional

>> No.58174085

Panko posted actual cunny
Hime released the anal skeb
but suddenly Shiina can't into nsfw animation

>> No.58174258

This scarf raffle reminds me alot of the 5$ giftcard fallout 76 powerarmor-edition buyers got

>> No.58174296

The more I learn about Phase the less I like them. If Tenma wasn’t there I’d probably drop the company entirely.

>> No.58174440 [DELETED] 

>w*nton being deleted
she literally said it on stream whats wrong with the phasejanny

>> No.58174642

ohhh you're talking the reward she delivered not even 48 hours after the donothon ended?
yikes sister, panko is such a BITCH...

>> No.58174803

Anti post

>> No.58174854 [DELETED] 

Isn‘t she the one famous for cucking her fans in her previous incarnation?
Why is anyone suprised by this and more importantly why give her money in the first place

>> No.58174975

Holy thread watcher
I'll start trolling in here too if it's that easy to make people believe shit

>> No.58175059

One of the funniest threads I've ever read on this board. I think it was 12 hours.

>> No.58175939

I'm sad for the girls in this company, everyone shits on Phase Connect but the girls are truly precious, you should check them out instead of just reading fucking troll posts on this board. Panko and Tenma are so fucking fun, Airi is an airhead, she probably doesn't even know about this place, Uruka and Erina are dorks, and I can go on and on and on. Even Pippa and Lia aren't that bad if you actually try and watch them.

>> No.58176103

Sorry I dont support scammers. Good luck on your next reincarnation

>> No.58176105

Lia the girl who flirted with a guy on her gfe asmr stream, yeah not gonna watch that one.

>> No.58176204

If I’m an anti because I prefer Vtubers that treat their work like a hobby or a career more than ones who do it to avoid responsibilities as an adult, then yes I am an anti.

>> No.58176386
File: 119 KB, 1735x976, 1691111274901780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't make a ton of sense that it cant be released because Shiina said during the donothon that she wants people to make lewd art of her and did a whole tag rating stream. I guess some lewd pics that management can brush away as "fan art" is different than an animation.
The situation still sucks. Guess I'll have to skeb my own Shiina lewds.

>> No.58176446

>check out these mediocre chuubas who are associated with the worst en fans
No thank you

>> No.58176557

You don't have to watch Lia, there's a lot more

>> No.58176704
File: 310 KB, 616x486, Ive only had 3 tonight officer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Shiina spent an unusual amount of time in her streams recently talking about how she wants to satisfy her donothon goals. There were a lot of goals that were completed and a lot of phase members have a ton of backlogged goals that haven't even been attempted. (Fucking christ where's my desktop lia assistant). So naturally, when the person who literally bends over backwards to deliver content to us and provide at least high quality GFE cannot provide something for the first time, the fake fans go apeshit. Shiina apparently made some promise in her donothon to do some H animation where she was going to get fucked. Don't know the position. Wish I Had more details. Shiina described it was "just holes" at one point when pressed but wont' elaborate.

The apeshitting isn't entirely unjustified. a lot of people watch Shiina because they're lolicons and they're here to jerk off. Personally, Shiina was the first streamer I jacked it to during a stream. what an achievement. But honestly her entire audience is always going to be sexually charged. Like, dude, she's practically naked and her chicken cutlets are hanging out. She's mentioned before many times she's in tune with H stuff and it's obvious she's got a real passionate interest in it. So it's really weird to a lot of her audience when she's hyping up this supposed H animation and then being like "NOPE" not too long after. Essentially that's what rubbed everyone the wrong way. Even people like Omega Simp and Gost were voicing opinions directly in the channel that weren't 100% in Shiina's favor. Those two are incredibly simpy (bless their hearts) so when they give up any ground for their kamioshi, you know it's a big deal.

Shitting up the place and chimping out is not the correct response, but the fake and fair-weather fans are numerous. Shiina has a ton of those. But ultimately she says it's not her fault and we should be inclined to believe her. Shiina says it's management's fault that the animation didn't get final approval, but everyone who's been around for more than 30 minutes knows that these companies lie and formulate strategies to lie their way through minor controversies like this. So who knows. The favored rumor is that her 'manager' did not approve of this. Possibly because of a voice acting element? Either way, it's very strange that she was seemingly so into the release of this animation, and then suddenly throwing her hands up.

either way, she went to the discord to tell her butter cookies to grow the fuck up, essentially. She says she's going through a bunch of stress recently, possibly related to this.. possibly not. She was a little vague but I think she wants to imply that the infighting of her fans over this brings her down and possibly her health too. Personally I think the health mention is just your typical 'muh sick vtuber' thing that they do to maintain control and sympathy but who knows.

Ultimately it's the dumb and fake fans that are pissed and that's all you need to know.

>> No.58176713

Those mediocre chuubas are better than all the holos combined, and I'm not fucking with you

>> No.58176888

Maybe they just rejected Shiina's because anything involving her model was going to be pure lolicon and they didn't want Phase Connect to be caught up in that.

>> No.58176896

Oh is this the wontons girl?

She should honestly just graduate

>> No.58177043

This is why I only like Airi from Alias.

>> No.58177072

meanwhile Tenma shared porn based on her model without problem

>> No.58177082

Do you think you have to fuck their fans or what? Every single chuuba fan is cancer, even you, so what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.58177279

Airi, Erina and Panko are great

>> No.58177312


>> No.58177326

Another day
Another drama after donothon

>> No.58177328

I dont know if those were porn animations though. Plus Tenma to be blunt has a lot more alpha female energy, Sakana is probably more scared of her than they are of him.

>> No.58177535

Is this what small vtuber companies have to do to survive? Geniune sexual content?

>> No.58177570

Guys which phase chuuba should i watch? The one who fucks e-celebs, the blacked one or the one with a boyfriend?

>> No.58177671

Erina and Airi are the only good streamers in this shitheap since they don't pander to pedophiles or /here/.

>> No.58177675

Airi, the hag that gets constantly overworked at her office job.

>> No.58177739

watch nasa. nasa cute.

>> No.58177851

Marine... Matsuri... Noel
... the entirety of the splash party...

>> No.58177930

its not explicit, it's not putting out artwork of them getting fucked

>> No.58177974

Inflated rrats

>> No.58177980

at the end of the day porn is just like a fanfic, it has no real consequences, unless the marketing is prude.

>> No.58178015

>only dumb and fake fans complain when they don't get what they paid for and they should grow the fuck up
Shouldn't be supporting idol corp?

>> No.58178027

Nothing, she acted like i didnt exist, this was while she was still in Kawaii btw

>> No.58178036

Oh they post artwork of themselves getting fucked? Links?

>> No.58178212

just go to pixiv or rule 34, is full of it.

>> No.58178223 [DELETED] 

Niji consistently gets beaten by Phase these days, anon. It's not even about attacking Holo's allies anymore, it's a sense of self-preservation at this point.

>> No.58178227

matsuri does but its not official content

>> No.58178339

They're just lucky they're not discussed in this shit hole, there are other good chuubas in phase who get drowned by this place and never mentioned it even once nor dog whistled about it.

>> No.58178341

Oh that explains it.

>> No.58178381

unironically yes. look at the small corpo scene and youll notice seiso companies like Prism just dont work

>> No.58178423

I dont give a fuck what others do. You just said they post artworks of themselves getting fucked, can you provide a link or not?

>> No.58178490

nah, there's a small corpo out there with genuinely sweet and entertaining chuubas, even one who almost lives up to the ideal idol, not telling which one tho you don't deserve it

>> No.58178508

everyone in phase is a holo fan, so yes, they are

>> No.58178617

sorry i forgot to say i wasn't the same anon, so no idea do your reps anon.

>> No.58178650 [DELETED] 

qrd on the wontons?

>> No.58178693

bullshit, phase hardly does anything sex related, and a stupid donothon goal doesn't make the whole company sexual

>> No.58178832

With indies and small corpos direct fan interaction with talents is needed in order to keep oil barons sane and interested.

>> No.58178891

Her "brother" really likes them

>> No.58179052

come on butter cookie, do better actually, as if we hadn't seen the streams where she talks about her feelings, she sould admit she fucked up because she wanted to fit in even when it's not her thing and every fan would be all the more generous.
I do believe though that this weighs heavy on her

>> No.58179132

>Seiso company

>> No.58179145

I find it hilarious that the official phase thread doesn't give a fuck about all this and they're watching a stream and enjoying their hobby right now. You should go and do it too!
Oh, wait...

>> No.58179256

/pcg/ has never given a fuck about Shiina, you know this

>> No.58179262


>> No.58179274 [DELETED] 

Her "brother" loooooves them.

>> No.58179370


>> No.58179388

fugg are you talking about

>> No.58179419

I still think it's retarded that people jack off to nonsexual streams. Like a vtuber will be playing Elden Ring or some shit and you're sitting there jerking your dick? That quite frankly sounds absolutely pathetic.

>> No.58179460

>the kiwifag general doesnt care about the kiwifag vtuber
Pretending to be retarded should be a banable offense

>> No.58179471

oh, didn't know about that

>> No.58179570

>gatekeeping your favourite company so they become less popular and go out of business

>> No.58179630

>offer product for money
>get said money, dont deliver product
I fucking hate coomer trannies, but yeah thats bullshit. The donations should be refunded

>> No.58179683

I'm sorry I'm drunk but are you implying Shiina is a kiwifag vtuber? Do your reps faggot, thread barely talks about her

>> No.58179810 [SPOILER] 
File: 282 KB, 581x323, Screenshot 2023-07-02 at 14-39-22 【YAKINIKU SIMULATOR】let's chat and grill up some meat!【PixelLink】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the small corpo fan in /vt/'s dilemma a certain lottie, a certain raki

>> No.58179821
File: 1.49 MB, 996x1910, 6chaza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58179848

>offer product for money
>get money
>don't release product
If you don't like the product then you should denigrate her for offering it, not the people who are simply asking for the thing they already paid for.

>> No.58179880

>Do your reps faggot
>roastie gossip board is now part of "reps"

>> No.58179925

Kiwifags really are embarrassing.

>> No.58179986

well fuck me, that's news to me, still they don't talk a lot about her in /pcg/ but that's crazy

>> No.58180011

Is kiwifarms finally up again?

>> No.58180066
File: 152 KB, 468x492, 1662513585122463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me like you are the one that needs to do his reps.

>> No.58180188

hey fair, I'll take it, call me any slur you want I deserve it

>> No.58180435

this is GRIM

>> No.58180471

Look at the date.
Oh wait it's been conveniently omitted.

>> No.58180595

Just checked and yeah its up

>> No.58180740

>blacked one
That's idol

>> No.58181250

It was obviously Fishman who disapproved. Guy has been slowly trying to put a leash on all the talents with exception to Pippa for a while now. Shiina's mistake was tweeting about it. Everyone knows that the second you say something out loud the smooth brained will take as a unbreakable promise, so if it does get pulled it's just pure betrayal. She should have kept her head down and got something else commissioned instead.

>> No.58181352

When you pay someone $5000 you expect to get what you paid for
Are you 11 years old or something?

>> No.58181366

Remember when Airi lied about being in the car with multiple employees and in a company owned car? and later revealed in discord it was just her and one guy in his own car?
no of course not, just like mumei's fans don't remember her doing a male collab

>> No.58181432

would you know if it was exchanged for something slightly less lewd if shiina didnt say anything? Thats the point.

>> No.58181521

I don't remember shit stop slandering Moomers

>> No.58181697


>> No.58181783

Do you not know how to read? Get something else commissioned approaching the line. If her voicing herself getting fucked was a step too far. She could have said sorry, it got delayed, then had a commission of her masturbating or something made. Plenty of other girls in Phase had art commissioned in the past. It's about staying under that line the higher ups have. Lia did it, Uurka did it. Shiina flew too close to the fun and more importantly, made it public.

>> No.58181913

>It was obviously Fishman who disapproved.
Okay, so Sakana should be on the hook for paying for an animation he feels comfortable releasing. The talent, aka the company, received real humans dollars for something and that means the talent, aka the company, is on the hook to deliver it. It really is that simple.

>> No.58182070
File: 284 KB, 572x635, 1460700928083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinna you said you'd spread your loli baba ass, I'm very disappointed in you.
Holy cringe, no matter how angry you are you cannot act like this especially when your oshi is fucking talking directly to you. The world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.58182088

But dude scarves lmao

>> No.58182200

Also, Rie had an entire set of picture of herself getting fucked commissioned and approved for release. It was the voiced animation that was the step too far.
I agree, the money for the alternate commission absolutely should have come out of his pocket. Or they could have just gracefully said " The project fell through and we're going to offer a refund, or we can keep your money and put it into a new commission." Either way, making it public that it exists was a mistake.

>> No.58182210

>pay $2 for a burger
>receive a wet towel instead
>"whY ArE yOU sO EnTitlED??!?!

>> No.58182216

Idk what she expected. You asked people to donate towards a goal and end up not delivering, of course you’re gonna get shit. You’re dangling a NSFW animation in front of an audience that is predominantly comers , I’m surprised the reaction has been this tame desu

>> No.58182263

> $2 for a burger
Where the fuck are you buying your burgers from, man?

>> No.58182311

Not anywhere in America thats for sure

>> No.58182401

Then why not release the animation unvoiced?

>> No.58182635

I don't know. The decision making process of the Phase higher ups is a mystery. My best guess is that they didn't like both points - that it was animated and that it was voiced.

>> No.58183013

>food analogy
If you don't like it talk to a MANAGER and ask for a refund and carry on with your entitled life.

>> No.58183111

>Guy has been slowly trying to put a leash on all the talents
>Uruka fills up a bottle with spit
>Panko posts actual cunny
>Hime releases the anal skeb
>Pippa and Lia play Hunniepop and show anime tits live
all within what? 3 or 4 months? dyrbi?

>> No.58183161

>animation is already done
Just... release it? How is that so fucking hard?

>> No.58183163
File: 101 KB, 811x901, 1680051361110361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT Phase cucks literally justifying a talent not delivering on things when money was asked of.
Nice to know every single one of you is an unironic cuckold.

>> No.58183206

It happens every single phase donothon. Its basically tradition at this point

>> No.58183377

Why the talents is in the same fucking discord with her fans?

>> No.58183478

I think he has absolutely no idea what he's doing and what he exactly wants. He makes decisions and reverses them days and weeks later. He wants to improve the reputation of Phase, but the talents of Phase have already cast the die in the favor of what they are doing now. The best he can do now is to damage control.

>> No.58183583

>Throwing stones as a Shondo fan

>> No.58183639

Either management is going fullon into autism mode or someone is lying

>> No.58183722

all i hear for them is negative, why would i bother checking them out?
The only one that give me good impression is tenma

>> No.58183741

Makes more sense then Shiina just not releasing this paid for thing just "because"
>Do the donothon
>Talk about it all the time
>Show it to Tenma who verifies it exists
>Don't release for ??? when it would cause huge backlash from the fans
Yep, obviously time to harass the talent because she was scamming us all

I think it's because Shiina's model is too loli

>> No.58183770

>he has absolutely no idea what he's doing and what he exactly wants
It probably doesn't get more complicated than this. He hates the "sad girl/menhera" image but he's sort of stuck in it. Any attempt to be basic and safe like other vtubers just doesnt work, fans and talents hate it.

>> No.58183792

Uruka violin and karaoke is a treat, though shes forgettable otherwise

>> No.58183887

then why tenma shared her porn fanarts without problems?. unless shiina is an anti loli.

>> No.58183999

surely Jelly will save him

>> No.58184048

Tenma has posted footjobs and also had a nsfw skeb done (paid by herself). Uses cropped porn in thumbnails
Pankos nsfw tag is pankomanko (japanese word for pussy)
Remi replies to maros where people say they want to fuck her and she invites them

>> No.58184072

It isn't "just because"
Like a typical woman, she had a moment of clarity too late and realized that releasing it will make her look like a fucking slut that wants to sexualize herself

>> No.58184169

Have you seen her model?

>> No.58184340

Think about it a bit more ESLking
All the girls have NSFW tags, but why would Shiina not release this thing that was paid for, verified to exist by her co-workers, and say it's management who decided to release it? Really? What would be the goal of that? Don't you think if she was falsely accussing management someone would have said something?
Now let's compare that to the possible motivations of Phase Connect
>Hmmm, maybe having our lolibaba Vtuber have her own official NSFW animation is a bad idea, block it

>> No.58184356

there is a difference between being plausibly slutty and being an actual slut

at the moment she has plausible deniability and can call horny anons coomers, tl;dr shiina is a cunt

>> No.58184622

Shiina and conning her viewers, name a more iconic duo lmao!
Coomer or not, I'd unironically drop a chuuba after not completing such a big promise

>> No.58184649

>I think it's because Shiina's model is too loli
this would makes sense as the line drawn in the sand for Phase but then you remember Panko's pantsu cunny

>> No.58184739

>I paid for it
Yes, with donothon or whatever the fuck money???

>> No.58184898

The only excuse I can think of is that Shiina is maybe the third most popular streamer in Phase, she's at least the third most subbed on Youtube. Maybe that's why they're more scared, because Fishman thinks it'll somehow hurt Phase's opportunity for sponsorships more than what Pippa's doing, somehow.
Then again Phase is a group that seems to succeed in spite of Fishman.

>> No.58185100

qrd? What's jkr? I rarely catch her streams nowadays, different schedule and she doesn't really gets into my recommended for some reason

>> No.58185195

>they would/should have come down on her hard
Maybe in hololive my guy, but it isn't hololive lol

>> No.58185292
File: 1.07 MB, 1191x1684, 1687470831620863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't blame Shiina for management's decisions.

>> No.58185338

I don't have the clip, it was 1 or 2 off-hand comments about JK Rowling beeing a transphobic bigot

>> No.58185375

my rrat, as casual butter cookie is that she did it to "fit in" the Phase Connect bad brand the she got cold feet because she grew a lot recently and she also really does want to be seiso and normal unlike her coworkers, after all she's always talked about how she feels like she doesn't fit in anywhere

>> No.58185455

Le heckin based connect wouldn't object porn.

>> No.58185463

Yuri didn't have a donothon for the PC lmao. She had a donation goal since late January up until a couple weeks before she was terminated, and all of her earnings she was putting toward it because her PC would lag so bad she couldn't stream games for months.

>> No.58185523

Romanian gypsy is consistently based

>> No.58185598

Ah, that one, right, I know, I just didn't get abbreviation.

>> No.58185624

Like all PC “talent”, the solution for this bitch is at the end of a rope

>> No.58185627

you heathens made her cry, she's currently singing to make the pain go away

>> No.58185730

ah stop it anon, I will forget about this and be reminded that she's actually really talented and deserves all the success in the world STOP IT NOW

>> No.58185817

She has the money and the simps, she probably already forgot it happened

>> No.58185901

All of those are mediocre, if you want an actual chuuba, watch Lumi, Ember can be really fun sometimes

>> No.58185932

How do people even gosling over this girl?

>> No.58186070

Erina is nice too, but she can be boring to some, and obviously dyke debuff

>> No.58186130

wiping her tears with the 6000$ she scammed out of her fans

>> No.58186219
File: 17 KB, 280x194, sixsigmaPhaseConnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows it wasn't her "Manager" at phase connect that put an end to it.

>> No.58186224

I don't remember that, can you remind me?

>> No.58186284

>if you want an actual chuuba, watch Lum
I'll pass on value brand Veibae thanks

>> No.58186612

>I was in a car wreck in a company car with 3 others
>they even went to the hospital because their healthcare was free but I just went home
>no one bats an eye, she lives in commiefornia that's pretty common
>later gets in discord and starts talking about it to others
>the story changes
>it wasn't actually a company car it was someone's personal car
>and there wasn't anyone else in the vehicle, just her and one guy
its probably still up in discord, but she chats so much there it'd be near impossible to find

>> No.58186623 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 600x600, wonton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez, another phase connect scamothon?

>> No.58186756

Girls are something, why lie at all then? I mean I get it why it happened she is pon and probably forgot that she told story in a different way, but still, especially when you have simps that won't bat an eye to it(I think)

>> No.58186796

>says she thought it was too much and made her uncomfortable
>is commissioning a replacement
Ok, fair enough.
>throws management under the bus saying it was their decision
>says she isn't going to elaborate on it anymore and take it up with management
And now she fucked up. I like Shiina as a streamer, but trying to pass the buck like that to cover your own ass is a shitty thing to do.

>> No.58187443

and still no one has asked management

>> No.58187731

don't care Airi is funny also big tits also has a second job so I forgive her

>> No.58187773

The state of phasecucks

>> No.58188196

I am seeing a pattern here.
This reminds me of that weird meme contest Shiina held when the new girls debuted.
There were a few people though who pointed out
>How are you supposed to make quality memes 5 days after debut? We barely have anything to go with.

Then she bitched on stream about peoples entries and those that were good, she didn't get cause she was so boomer she didn't even know the Snickers ad.
Folks on Twitter and YT just went:
>Next time, maybe wait a bit more until we have more content to make memes of

And she just pushed all blame on management. In hindsight, no wonder Pippa didn't join the stream as a guest.

>> No.58188380

Where did the dyke stuff come from? Did she mention it on stream?

>> No.58188446

it's shiina, this was already a given

>> No.58188453

Never forget:
The only ones in Phase you can trust are Pippa, Tenma and Ember.

>> No.58188482

This post is bait

>> No.58188511 [DELETED] 

Wontons girl

>> No.58188669
File: 134 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, management told me to post it. Take it up to them.

>> No.58188861

Are people really that dum? Management allowed her to do a donothon for an R18 animation but then the same management says no AFTER the donothon, and they attack her? Attack the fucking management idiots, demand refunds or boycott whatever

>> No.58189294

I'm not sure, but anons on pcg kept talking about her being dyke even before i started watching her, didn't seem in a meme way to me.

>> No.58189304 [SPOILER] 
File: 356 KB, 498x552, 1693588187748182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.58189695

Nice to know that if management tells Shiina to do a strip tease and then get gangbanged by 5 triad guys in a very special livestream, she'll do it

>> No.58189853

Most of Shiina's big spike in subs this past year came from her playing the shorts meta on youtube. It hasn't carried over much to her actual streaming numbers.

>> No.58189931

It's the buttercookies, even other phase fans call them cucks and laugh at them. That's why they rarely post in the general and mostly hide in their discord safe space.

>> No.58189937

Ah I wanted to find out if that was made yet, her model is something else

>> No.58189984 [SPOILER] 

which vtuber wouldn't comply with management's request?

>> No.58190061 [DELETED] 

Retarded management should stop her before it get to that point
Incompetent fucks

>> No.58190067

That one chuuba from small corpo that graduated after refusing to stop saying retard(not vei)

>> No.58190175

that small corpo was retarded af

>> No.58190189

Sounds bretty based

>> No.58190401

Why are jannies so aggressive with “shiina” shitposts? Does Sakana actually pay racks to support his whores on the Mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.58190554

dudes and actual gooner

>> No.58190568

Yeah, they were
Phasejannies are phasejannies for a reason, you don't remember during Pippa's "yab" they would delete a lot of shit, way more than any other yab.

>> No.58190748

It's a very lame thing to do and I'm frustrated she's blaming everything on management but that's about it

>> No.58190834

Pretty much same, but that's because I never watched Shiina or donated lmao, if I donated I would seethe, even if in the end goal doesn't matter, it's just when you promise something for money, you should do it, otherwise you are scamming your cashcow

>> No.58191367

I've noticed it too, just make records of it, it'll be useful later, that said do make sure all current discussion is on Shiina herself, I don't see how "Shiina" is against any rules but be careful and record all deleted post, take note that it could also be people self deleting post to look like it is abuse.

>> No.58191667

I personally don't care. I donated out of the bottom of my heart because I like the girl (yes I know about the wontons, I don't care).
At the same time, I understand the people feels wronged by this. Management allegedly approved the donothon goals, they should have also approved the comission as it was being made (no artists start working without that) so this is very scummy from management IF what Shiina is saying is true. I do not thing she got cold feet as she doesn't strike me as a prude, girl's going around half naked FFS.

>> No.58191724

>It's a joke because she constantly thirsts after the other girls

>> No.58191779

fuck yeah, I'm a cuck too!

>> No.58191797

I wonder why coomers would be interested in someone as seiso as Shiina

oh wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6EqiortTXM

>> No.58191800

>when you promise something for money, you should do it
Not even that.
If you promise something, you do it.

>> No.58191863
File: 36 KB, 350x405, FVyRtO_aUAA3JJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58191979

>prude shiina gets cold feet after she sees the mating press animation
>management tells her it's ok to lie and blame them for not releasing it
>shiina cucks believe her but are too cucked and pussy to shit on management and just let it go

she's going to get away with it

>> No.58192067

Enjoy your shitty scarf. You can masturbate with it thinking its a onahole of her

>> No.58192166

It's gonna be a nice scarf. 5$ from walmart nice

>> No.58192233 [SPOILER] 

why don't you go to management about it?

>> No.58192308

I didn't donate

>> No.58192472


Don't worry PC shut down a lot of talking between fans and talents. Fuck PC anyways, it's gotten stale.

>> No.58192679

>fans harass
That's not how it works, retardchama. It's always antis that sniff out the drama and jump in, like a bunch of stray dogs.

>> No.58192806 [DELETED] 

>the girl you like gives you a scarf and then goes to fuck her bull
>you use it to jerk off angrily while crying
Fuuck, that's so hot.

>> No.58193312

When you just promise and don't do it, you are an asshole, when you set price for a promise and don't do it you are a scammer.

>> No.58193423

When real money is involved it stops being a promise. Its a product, service
You fail to deliver you scammed your customers

>> No.58193825

>>Yuri scams her audience out of thousands from her new pc fund donathon.
still a rrat

>> No.58193878

how much did you pay

>> No.58193968

I dont support a black company that takes 8 months to ship while selling the same goods at a con for twice the price

>> No.58194106

A lot of folks will end up disillusioned after all these small corpo donothons. Idol girls have a bunch of outstanding goals as well.

>> No.58194136

damn you phasecucks have it real hard huh. I wonder how many donothons will it take for retards to realize they are being taken advantage of. At the very least serves to show how fake their e-whores are.

>> No.58194160

>be burger
>be too poor to buy a burger in burgerland

>> No.58194171

>whiny corporate apologist dropping multiple logical fallacies in defense
>"real street nigga"
you need jesus

>> No.58194207

go back to whatever groomer discord server you are from you underage faggot.

>> No.58194227

It’s not though. Sakana literally had to refund people who donated out of his own pocket

>> No.58194422

then you aren't a "customer"
shut the fuck up and get out

>> No.58194479

>you have to willingly get fucked over and get scammed or your opinion is invalid
? What the fuck? Are you a 7 year old?

>> No.58194572

>if you aren't personally sinking money into a business with bad practices then you can't criticize their bad practices

>> No.58194579

>all i hear about them is catalogue shitposters because i spend 0 effort actually reading about them outside catalogue
>the only one that gives me a good impression is the one girl who openly hates 4chan
you made a few mistakes, can you find them?

>> No.58194599

You are a mouthbreathing troglodyte and that is EXACTLY what I expected the average phase connect fan to be.

>> No.58194616

>let me join the crowd and whine about this thing that doesn't affect me because I'm such a kind person that I speak for all the people who should be outraged at it
the moment you said >>58193423, that's what you started sounding like
good job
try a different argument in case you don't want to look like the average twitter outrage mob

>> No.58194678

>ultimately it's the [people who disagree with me] that are mad about this
you are very transparently mad people don't share your assessment and four paragraphs of apologism only really makes you and defenders of this look bad

>> No.58194686

Yet ppl only know Uruka because she filled a cup with her spit on stream

>> No.58194847


>> No.58194957

Fuck yeah, Liker! Own that shit!

>> No.58195070

They are supposed to be the the alternative to Twitch sluts, what happened here. I don't even watch them but I get second hand disappointment. I hope she release her NSFW even if it wasn't the same one.

>> No.58195104

there was a point there where one of the jannies would ban mentions of rie's rowling fuckup (which is on stream, on a vod that is still up right now) and it was pretty clear she was their oshi and couldn't be held accountable. if it happened (hasn't in a while) for rie, it could just as well happen for shiina. other talents have had personal jannyguards in other corps, i think ina is a well known protected name, or was.

>> No.58195144

This is why you should avoid any vtuber that is on a discord with fans
It always spells trouble

>> No.58195213

it's a rrat because it isn't verifiably a scam. it happened right before she was terminated, not the reason for the termination. we don't know why, and that protects it from being true. it can't be known unless sakana or yuri openly state why. sakana choosing to reimburse can just as well be fixing the bad time as literally anything else.

>> No.58195214

Who is that one person who prevented it from happening? We should start marching with riots and pitchforks.

>> No.58195262

what a fucking disappointment they chose infamy over fame and consistency

there has to be one anti WITHIN the management itself that is set to destroy phase from the inside

>> No.58195315

No shit dude because Phase has schizo antis

>> No.58195325

Refund people the $6000 if its not a scam
So far it is

>> No.58195354


>> No.58195420 [SPOILER] 


>> No.58195433

You were paid $6000 to deliver a product. You are not delivering it.

>> No.58195544

what are you even talking about now? your tenses are fucked up

>> No.58196005

>twitch whore with paypig discord
>schizo fan incident
Name a more iconic duo.

>> No.58196164

>not having a clue what their talking about

>> No.58196258

Name the catalogfags >>58162357

>> No.58196284


>> No.58196305

The censorship was more for Null afaik, hes been pretty close to nuking the vtuber fans out of there a few times because hes convinced anime fans are all pedos.

>> No.58196314

right here

>> No.58197293

Null is autisticly against anything approaching Shiina's body type. It's expected from a feeder such as him.

>> No.58197467

Why doesn't she just work with management to get an animation that is approved?
She's either lying or too stingy to fulfill her promises.

>> No.58197550

The talents have to approve of the donothon rewards with management prior to doing the donothon in the first place.
This whole thing is just Shiina having a massive woman moment and using management as an excuse to get out of posting the animation she promised.

>> No.58197569

Phase connect is infamous for its scammers that run with the money. Every single donothon it happens and their fanbase falls for it every single time

>> No.58197658
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1024, 1694125033468051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't what stingy means.
Yeah, she shutting the blame on management. They would have stopped it before donations finished had they anything to do with it.

Over and over this has been repeated. She got cold feet about it. Now she's going to have minor surge of interest in her channel followed by a steep drop.
Coomers can commission their own unofficial Shiina porn

>> No.58197768
File: 156 KB, 1614x327, null.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope the tranny and Null kill each other already. Dudes a projector, and that site's only purpose is to dox people.

>> No.58197796

There's nothing stingy about this, she's losing money in doing it. The animation has already been paid for in full and delivered, so that money is gone. Now she's commissioning more shit as a replacement, and putting aside how SFW or NSFW it is, it's more money gojng to be spent.

You can accuse management of being faggots, or her of being spineless, or many things, but you can't call scam because the situation is a financial loss for Phase as well.

>> No.58197818

>losing money
>by pocketing everything and handing out some shitty $5 scarf

>> No.58197953

There is 0 proof of this existing and if you take the words of pathological liars then I dont know what to tell you

>> No.58198000

>she paid for it herself
>management told her she couldn't release it
>she has to pay for a new one
Holy shit that's black

>> No.58198082

>This anon doesn't know japanese and is stuck with subpar whores.

>> No.58198151

>Hime releases the anal skeb

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.58198182

We're talking about EN though, nobody cares about JP here since nobody understands them.

>> No.58198280

Matsuri and Marine are lewd but they don't paywall their model's cameltoe behind a donothon goal. Whores like Panko wants money to show skin like sluts only to be resentful after, cute but lewd girls do that for free because they like to do fanservice as much as their audience. Know the difference and your place.

>> No.58198324

The one which claimed to never be promoted because she refused to sleep with her office supervisor. Guess three times.

>> No.58198392

I don't dislike Shiina but I don't trust a word that comes out of her mouth

>> No.58198419


>> No.58198430

>This anon doesn't know japanese despite using this board.
Newfag or sad brainlet. You deserve these western whores.

>> No.58198458

You ok with opening zips from an anonymous image board?

>> No.58198518

Oh my fucking god, stop with this bullshit and kill yourself catalogfag

>> No.58198524

It was already posted in this thread>>58171844

>> No.58198577

It's a whole set

>> No.58198650

It's really funny how you chose the exact wrong girl for your argument. Panko has >accidentally shown off her secret toggle multiple times before the donothon.

>> No.58198781

Sure the same "i hate coomers, i don't want them in my audience" Panko despite the only thing she is remembered for is her lewd stuff. As usual whores are resentful and bitter while actual cute girls like Marine embrace the lewdness without trying to lecture their audience. Know your place filth.

>> No.58198807


>> No.58198834

No, this is the pl wonton girl

>> No.58198857

>"i hate coomers, i don't want them in my audience" Panko

>> No.58198925

She said this multiple times you need to watch streams and stop stroking your dick. I know it's hard since she's so low energy and sleep-inducing but you can do it.

>> No.58198931

Panko doesn't do porn or lewd content and never will. I don't know why you care so much about a forever forgotten twitter post, no one except you cares about twitter.
If you weren't a mouth breathing inept, you would actually enjoy this hobby. Get help.

>> No.58198956

Or she is mega retarded and decided to not discuss it with management and now in trouble because of that. But I'm still leaning towards woman moment and that she chickened out.

>> No.58199013

Never heard her say that. If it's multiple times it should be easy to find a timestamp to enlighten me, right?

>> No.58199019

>does donothon
Problem #1
>instead she'll knit scarves for the people that donated
That would be kino
>Haha no. She's running a raffle for a chance a one of a handful of scarves.
But this is prosperous. I would be mad too
>Groomcord shit
Right, I never liked her and now I know why

>> No.58199073

Enjoy my miner lmao

>> No.58199092

Yeah maybe a year ago, thread watcher.
She's improved a lot and can be even too energetic at times.
I hate catalog fags so fucking much.

>> No.58199180

No one cares about Panko. The only thing she is worth for is her lewd model since her personality is the same as a plank. Even management forgot she exists since they don't involve her in any events. The improvement is a cope she was and she's a waste of a good model.
She deleted her tag stream specifically because it attracted a coomer audience. Stop embarrassing yourself trying to protect a whore you don't even watch.

>> No.58199276


She never said something like this, you should stop believing trolls on 4chan.
Panko doesn't like DOING lewd stuff and everyone who watches streams knows it, but she plays around with the "being called a lewdtuber meme" (tried to explain it as best as I could since you probably don't even know what I'm talking about) cause she's not a pole in the ass person.

>> No.58199293

Are you really defending that cameltoe baiting and flesh baiting whore?

>> No.58199325

>she deleted her tag stream to avoid coomers

>> No.58199386

She's so not a pole-in-the-ass person that she deleted a whole stream to avoid dealing with the same audience she constantly baits for simp bucks.

>> No.58199446

You know what, keep bitching around about hololive, I'm sure you don't even watch Matsuri or Marine cause you're a walking EOP failure anyway.

>> No.58199478

Looks like nobody likes Panko anymore ever since her bvtm account got banned for attacking other corpos
Kind of sucks but ok

>> No.58199499
File: 767 KB, 1000x750, 1686976146792706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy projection.

>> No.58199651
File: 73 KB, 778x485, 1674354848259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58199654

She never hardly baits anything, and you're making it up. She deleted it because it's not the path she wants to take, it's not that hard to understand.
It's hilarious that you want to call her a whore so bad that even if she doesn't care about it, you must create 4chan-rrat-inflated head canons.
I'm sure that if she kept the vod up you would be here fucking saying she's a whore for keeping it up kek

>> No.58199768

>catalogfags who know nothing about Panko hate her for some rrat other catalogfags made up
so true sister, no one likes panko anymore...

>> No.58199839

bro wtf stop browsing 4chan and watch streams

>> No.58199856

Calm down Panko, you can't respond to every post shitting on you, it's and for your mental health.

>> No.58199867

>spamming damage control on cooldown
Fuck off back to your discord already

>> No.58199925

You don't even know what the words you're saying mean

>> No.58200034

mouth breathing illiterate

>> No.58200071
File: 141 KB, 378x300, 1665862283714769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna say you pankofags backtracked from "Panko doesn't mind coomers in her audience" to "It's not the path she wanted" ergo she doesn't want the lewd audience. You guys need to make up your mind and possibly drop that whore there are so many vtubers more worth defending than a lazy slut like Panko. Not gonna engage anymore enjoy your discord badge but remember your place and stop bringing up good chuubas like Marine and Matsuri to defend your subpar whore.

>> No.58200176

I don't even know why would you defend a shit chuuba, you can say, yes she is lazy whore or whore or a bitch, whatever fits the bill, but I love her, and that's it, no need to cope

>> No.58200181

SHE doesn't want to DO lewd stuff. It's not about the audience, she's proved that she's good at ignoring trolls.
She just doesn't care about it, all the lewd stuff you'll ever see from her is memes and nothing more.
Is it that hard to understand? You holofags are insufferable.

>> No.58200261

I defend her because I care about her. She's nothing like those faggots try to depict her as.

>> No.58200274

What I meant was that if it's true that it was management stopping the animation from being shown, she should comission a new one that has management approval to fulfill her promise. The only reason to not do so would be that she's too stingy to pay for it, since management has allowed NSFW content before.
If it's not true that management stopped it, she is lying. It has to be one or the other, so I don't care which it is. She looks bad either way.

>> No.58200367

Nah, she is exactly like these faggots depict her, because I said so.
Just ignore them just like panko ignores trolls, you just come off as insufferable with your UHM AKSHUALLY SHE ISNT LIKE THAT, noone here gonna watch her just because you defended her honor, no one would care what these faggots have to say about her, if you want to defeat the trolls you just gotta exaggerated anon, they say she is a lewd whore, you add, yeah I love her tier 3 memba asmrs or whatever the fuck.

>> No.58200417

>mentions hololive out of nowhere
You are obsessed

>> No.58200448

>marine post
>out of nowhere
How are you so retarded? No really, fucking how?

>> No.58200474

She is doing it. It's just not as nsfw.

>> No.58200726

Oh, good on her if true. I'm glad I dealt in hypotheticals.

>> No.58200868

Why lie about it being replaced with a scarf?

>> No.58200975

Guy got all his information from reading the thread is my best guess

>> No.58201199

Everyone in this shit hole knows nothing about anyone

>> No.58201313

Nobody except him mentioned it being replaced. So he invented that one in his head

>> No.58201587

Well, yeah. He's torn between letting the girls just do whatever and that sweet sponsor money.

>> No.58201643

>announces skeb won't be released
>announces raffle as compensation
I see it

>> No.58201803

>shill posting missinfo now

>> No.58201887

Since nobody is posting stream, here what she exactly said about the subject


>> No.58201917

wow dude whats the stream link/title? share pls

>> No.58201929

>f it's not true that management stopped it, she is lying
I don't think even Phase would let the talents flat out slander the company in a non banter way.

>> No.58202088

I think she got cold feet then looked to management for approval and is taking that approval way too far

>> No.58202846

Why is this troll thread still up, where the fuck are the jannies

>> No.58203012

>haunted by the sight of my hole
Okay, that's a funny line.

>> No.58203366

