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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57530792 No.57530792 [Reply] [Original]

>アイリス は日本人です


>Connect the World MV



>HoneyWorks Covers

>Story Time

>Snow Halation Cover

>SodaRyS Cover!




>HOPE Soda Can SleeveRyS

>SummeRyS Acrylic stands + Random keychains (Goodluck)


>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Channel / Twitter


>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and replyschizos, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.57530823
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>> No.57530961
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>> No.57531343
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I'm not going to understand a thing but i'm glad she's streaming.

>> No.57531400

Airisu rabu

>> No.57531879


>> No.57531933

KanjirYs a GoGo!

>> No.57531955

Toire de arimasu!

>> No.57532041

Moonrunes? aaaiieee save me cheeb

>> No.57532328
File: 115 KB, 567x366, chibrys .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's as powerless as we are right now.

>> No.57532740
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>> No.57533316

...are we slowly being replaced by JOPs?

>> No.57533367

The JOP was inside (You) all along

>> No.57533415

it looks like it

>> No.57533686

It’s kinda funny how Bae has literally had an entire week schedules of JP streams and Mori and Kiara go all out pandering to JOP’s while IRyS is having her first JP stream since she started and you get this meltdown. You fucks seriously deserve nothing with all the constant bitching I see here

>> No.57533846

>IRyS is having her first JP stream since she started
She had a handful of them already.
They are fun and virtually nobody seriously hates them.
It's just an easy topic for antis to pick up and shitpost about.

>> No.57533850

I don't watch them nor I care about them.
Oh but of course when she plays any game the fucking tread is full of retards complaining but when it's something else suddenly it's a sin.

>> No.57533891

>It's just an easy topic for antis to pick up and shitpost about.
They will shit on anything, they don't need a reason. They'll make one up if need be.

>> No.57533983

I was talking about solo streams not collabs

>> No.57534009

She's done solo JP streams as well.

>> No.57534008
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I'm watching Pokemon with Subaru instead

>> No.57534067
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I am watching Oga AC6!
IRyS AC6 doko?

>> No.57534092


>> No.57534156

I will not speak Japanese

>> No.57534165

too late

>> No.57534242
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1200, 1675116802550409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/HiRyS/ - Japanese Edition
But I don't understand Japanese

>> No.57534284

Go where?

>> No.57534501


>> No.57534667

I will watch my wife speak like a JK using 50 percent wasei eigo and a fuckton of loan words play a kanji knowledge game and fail all of the kanjis

>> No.57534948
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1663971344425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up early to go to the beach and get a stream instead, nice guess I'll stay home today

>> No.57535023

>wrixne just casually drops $200 again
I hate that guy.

>> No.57535055

It's over, she gave up on the EN audience. She's now slowly transitioning into JP. The Overwatch collab broke her.

>> No.57535081

Because he's got more money than you?

>> No.57535108

Didn’t he go menhera because of the OW collab ?

>> No.57535117

If you are going to behave like a kronie at least have a reason

>> No.57535157

Yes, I want to casually throw that kind of money at her too.

>> No.57535188
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IRyS hates you by the way.

>> No.57535212

You know, I like the streams at this time. As a European, I feel good about it.

>> No.57535255

It's nice not having to wreck your sleep. I assume we'll be back to our usual schedule at some point though

>> No.57535263

>as a EN main
>a EN

roru. rumao, even

>> No.57535327


>> No.57535328

I thought this was a JP only sream

>> No.57535335

is that the new angle shitposters are going for?

>> No.57535344

Crumbs of eigo .. please IRyS...

>> No.57535351


>> No.57535423

translation please...

>> No.57535427

I'm not feeling well

>> No.57535460

Bae has multiple sub 3k JP only streams. I hope IRyS also get this number so she won’t stream in this timeslot anymore.

>> No.57535469

Yeah fuck this i'm gonna game

>> No.57535475

shes so shit at reading kanji there was some stuff on the setup page she couldn't read

>> No.57535477

hiRyS is all we get

>> No.57535480

I wasn't saying IRyS hates (You).
I'm saying IRyS hates the guy whose comment I posted.
Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.57535531
File: 190 KB, 768x768, Pien_768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a little english please

>> No.57535550

>Already 4k
Why? What kind of audience would watch this stream?

>> No.57535561
File: 85 KB, 813x88, moon english.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.57535565

Me too, gonna play some DRG and shoot some bugs

>> No.57535570

>so she won’t stream in this timeslot anymore
Every English stream she's done in this timeslot has gotten over 8k CCV, her karaokes and the Council fangame all reached up to 15k CCV.
She gets better views during this timeslot than she does for her regular early morning streams.

>> No.57535608

nevermind im retarded ゲキムズ is slang created from actually japanese words

>> No.57535612

Tomorrow we'll get a half English stream at least.

>> No.57535617

Hope you did your reps anon.

>> No.57535627

How long is this game? Is this even a game?

>> No.57535634


>> No.57535636

>reading chat
she is cheating...

>> No.57535637

None of this is true by the way.

>> No.57535651

Nope. I knew at least one kanji but the stupid brush stroke font puts me off

>> No.57535652

When will Youtube tech gets good enough to transcribe streams in real time? I can read JP but my hearing is shit

>> No.57535671

A scuffed version of that already exists

>> No.57535677

isn't tomorrow the splatoon thing?

>> No.57535715


>> No.57535731

bets on the gameplay going beyond an hour? she's so terrible lmao

>> No.57535742

Bless the dude doing TL in the chat

>> No.57535743

over 5k now. Chat moves fast as fuck also

>> No.57535746

You can check Hololyzer if you want.
I don't particularly care at what times she streams since I'm a filthy NEET, but fucktards like you that pretend to care for her but then drop verbal diarrhea like "I wish she does badly" drives me up a wall.

>> No.57535793

6k you mean.

>> No.57535794

Council fangame: around 7k
Karaoke: 13.7k
Yeah her karaoke in this timeslot is higher than usual.

>> No.57535823

FWMC waiting room

>> No.57535849 [DELETED] 

Unlike you, those of us with a reason to be alive have self-respect and won’t devote hours to some egirl speaking ching chong bing bong.

>> No.57535862

You're flat out wrong, her council fangame peaked just under 7k and she has never had a 15k karaoke in the JP evening.

>> No.57535864

She should just move to this time slot instead.

>> No.57535874


>> No.57535895

how could she not even read that

>> No.57535893


>> No.57535904

Least obvious falseflagger

>> No.57535954

how is she doing?

>> No.57535955

Her normal karaoke at this time do around 11k. One was even sub 10k. That 13k karaoke wqs boosted by the overwatch drama and the Homo graduation announcement hours earlier.

>> No.57535973

stop gatekeeping. im happy to see shes actually got jp fans

>> No.57535984

Better than me.

>> No.57535999

fuck off tourist

>> No.57536050
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You are completely right about the Council RPG, I apologize.
I remembered that one wrong for some reason.

Still, she absolutely does get very solid numbers when she does streams during this timeslot despite virtually all of them being guerilla frames with no prior heads up whatsoever.
Claiming anything else is just stupid.

>> No.57536109

I'm just listening to the stream in the background, I'm not even watching it, it's like I'm a bot.

>> No.57536111

Almost as stupid as claiming that she does better at this time than her morning streams when the numbers say she doesn't at all

>> No.57536161

On average she absolutely does.
She has quite a lot of morning streams that are around 5k CCV.

>> No.57536165

>Genuine numberfagging
This thread is actual garbage

>> No.57536182

If it was boosted by the overwatch drama, audience would just leave after she clarified her situation but they didn’t.

>> No.57536204

eigo yabb

>> No.57536208

brown hours please andastand

>> No.57536231

the jonapedia guy translating is good

>> No.57536235

Genuinely the worst HoloEN general. Nothing but numbermonkeys and schizos here

>> No.57536242

tbf she gets between 5-6k a lot and when she does jp streams it's usually something special that gets higher numbers so its not far fetched

>> No.57536245
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>> No.57536265

Yes. Don't think I've seen him before.

>> No.57536295

Yi Xuan Tan on suicide watch

>> No.57536314

I think I've seen him a few times before, but it's usually that Yi guy

>> No.57536341

I've seen this nickname somewhere, but I can't remember, I think it was a long time ago.

>> No.57536368

wtf youtube plays ads in the middle of a stream now?

>> No.57536408

for a while now, maybe it just got rolled out for you

>> No.57536434

Yes, please.

>> No.57536442

i don't like this time slot but i'm happy for the JP bros getting some attention

>> No.57536452

wait I just got that too LOL

>> No.57536467

I don't like JP bros getting attention but I like this time slot

>> No.57536481

Always have done. Keep your adblocker on.

>> No.57536491

She's holoEN, you know!

>> No.57536493

7k you mean.

>> No.57536499

thank god adblock still works for me

>> No.57536521

Oh, don’t let juan and pedro hear that

>> No.57536565

Adblocker skill issue

>> No.57536669

im in the same boat but im always a little miffed about jp bros getting extra because they're already drowning in good streamers and hololive content in general, meanwhile EN has like a pretty garbage watchable talent:branch size ratio to begin with

>> No.57536708
File: 1.19 MB, 1352x763, 1692689213049198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Hunter chads, it's our time to shine!

>> No.57536750

JP bros get the most attention whenever IRyS reads them though

>> No.57536755

her kanji has gotten pretty damn decent compared to debut desu

>> No.57536769

> EN has like a pretty garbage watchable talent.
EN has IRyS. That’s enough for me.

>> No.57536822

This is EU timeslot.

>> No.57536837
File: 56 KB, 488x434, Screenshot 2023-09-01 213301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many grays

>> No.57536844

that's a damn good point
well if it's anything like the english duolingo streams JP tubers used to give us, this won't be a regular thing

>> No.57536868

Again, how do you exactly come to this conclusion. Because out of all JP speaking EN girls, IRyS is the worst at pandering to JOPs

>> No.57536873

How does she have this massive gap in knowledge and yet can speak and converse in japanese immaculately? She is like trying to mash kanji together using kunyomi or some shit which is something that I would do lmao

>> No.57536887

They'll tune in next time and get greener soon, hopefully.

>> No.57536902

mazoRyS my beloved…

>> No.57536907

i hope this stream convinces jp niki they need to use kana in place of kanji like 90% of the time, would genuinely be funny because they already do that a little bit

>> No.57536914


>> No.57536977

Reading/writing and speaking/understanding spoken japanese can be unrelated skills. Especially with that pants on head retarded writing system.

>> No.57537015

There's people that can read that can barely speak too.

>> No.57537016

learning JP through entertainment media will do that to you. That and doing shit digitally when translation is almost always available. I'm the same as her desu

>> No.57537017

It turns out I know slightly more kanji than irys. This stream is good for my confidence.

>> No.57537078

IRyS will never be able to read Monobeno

>> No.57537102

Natives have issue with Kanji as well

>> No.57537112

on our way to 8k views boys

>> No.57537136


>> No.57537166

fuck off numbermonkey

>> No.57537173

it's fucking over, she is going to leave EN
my time to become a whore has come

>> No.57537180

Japanese is a disjointed language, where writing, reading and speaking are three separate things.

>> No.57537242


>> No.57537253

she's gonna leave us bros I can feel it

>> No.57537265

she speaks a lot of JP in her normal stream so people think she's pandering to JOP but among the EN who can speak JP she's the only one who hasn't done a pure solo JP stream until now

>> No.57537307

You know I'm right.

>> No.57537309

Please leave, it’s about time the ESL monkeys that turned this thread into their jungle got filtered

>> No.57537313

Better learn Japanese then.
I might clip some of this for myself.

>> No.57537319

Becauase she panders to JP more than any other EN in every single stream. Why would she need to do a JP only stream to pander?

>> No.57537427

on a serious note, anyone who genuinely thinks she's gonna switch to JP has to go back to their local mental asylum

>> No.57537457

I have next to no Kanji knowledge whatsoever but can speak basic conversational Japanese just fine.

>> No.57537461

Don’t talk to me about pandering until she starts writing almost all of her tweets in JP like Kiara or starts doing entire week schedules of JP streams like Bae

>> No.57537482

Even if I leave I will come back just for you

>> No.57537490

because speaking JP in a mainly EN stream would only pander to JP who's already her fan, which doesn't change much. Doing a JP only stream during JP prime time attracts JP tourists more

>> No.57537567

Honestly after seeing the initial reaction to the OW2 tourney and the lack of faith from “IRyStocrats”, I can’t say I’m surprised by this current meltdown

>> No.57537578


>> No.57537611
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>> No.57537620

>"It's IRySover" Shut up!

>> No.57537666

I miss NaziGumi...

>> No.57537699

lol k

>> No.57537708

believe it or not japanese's writing system has pretty significant advantages. for one, morphemes in writing are way more consistent because kanji are logographic, so unlike english where water can be alluded to as 'water' or 'hydro' etc or blood with shit like 'sanguine' and it's related forms, it's a lot easier to guess what a written word means in japanese because often times its just a big-ass lego construction of concepts instead of english's soup of unintuitive etymological soup

a good example is 脳波図 (electroencephalogram). it's just brain-wave-map in order. a japanese child might not be able to read it, but they'd get a pretty good idea of what it actually is, whereas in english all a kid is getting out of 'electroencephalogram' is that electricity is involved

japanese also has a shitload of homophones if you discount pitch accent technicality shit, so kanji is pretty important for differentiating things in writing. kami can mean paper, god, or hair (of the head), for example (紙、神、髪)

>> No.57537750

it's nihongo jouver...

>> No.57537758

Yeah, kanji has its own quirks but it makes enough sense once you learn the rules.

>> No.57537798

don't take the brazillian trolls and 2 actual schizos on /here/ as anything substantial lol

>> No.57537827

>it's a lot easier to guess what a written word means in japanese
I love this about kanji but the different ways to read them sometime is even more stupid than the bullshit in english

>> No.57537832

She still feels so embarrassed doing the -RyS thing in Japanese
It's very cute
Reminds me of the early days before she got used to it

>> No.57537847

>a good example is 脳波図 (electroencephalogram). it's just brain-wave-map in order
That mostly applies to more recent neologisms, for which there was no chink runes to "borrow". So they just had to make do with whatever they have.

>> No.57538012


>> No.57538024
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>> No.57538036


>> No.57538054


>> No.57538079
File: 709 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[59_42], take=[30].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57538127

>irys bgms

>> No.57538128

she gave me a heart attack lol

>> No.57538129

She's a fake IRyStocrat...

>> No.57538134
File: 59 KB, 742x800, 1677205116114134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>storing files on desktop

>> No.57538140

>irys bgms
>IRyS stream thumbnails
The inconsistent capitalization triggers me...

>> No.57538147

oh thank god

>> No.57538148


>> No.57538167

Really looking forward to what kind of bs photoshop drama-addicted niggers will make out of this.

>> No.57538186

be that as it may it also does just work in practice. im at about 3,000 words deep into my main anki deck and ive studied about 600 kanji individually and im pretty surprised at the number of brand new words i've immediately accurately guessed the meanings to

>> No.57538199

She's clean. We chill

>> No.57538210

IRyS is the irys poster.......

>> No.57538214

how do i report IRyS?

>> No.57538232

She is the fake IRyS, hence the JP stream

>> No.57538249 [DELETED] 

Care to explain why she would need to add her rigger as a friend on switch, non-drama faggot-san?

>> No.57538288

>3D objects
>Cover was so incompetent that IRyS had to make her own 3D model

>> No.57538315

BrownVTM is mashing his shit-skinned fingers on his keyboard as we speak

>> No.57538344

That's the thing. Because you can guess the meaning by just looking at kanji, but not be able to read it correctly, does not make it a good writing system. On the contrary. In alphabetical writing systems you would be able to do both at once.

>> No.57538359

My wife is so talented!

>> No.57538372

>No cheebs file
It’s over.

>> No.57538395

where's the cheeb folder?

>> No.57538425

What's in the "@" folder on her cloud storage?

>> No.57538429

cheebs is in the 16 tb external hard drive

>> No.57538461

My dick pics.

>> No.57538469

I'm sorry, but she fucking sucks at Japanese.

>> No.57538528

Her @channel meme pics
It's on the cloud so she can phonepost

>> No.57538537

>Chinese characters
>she sucks at Japanese
What did xhe mean by that?

>> No.57538541

written that is

>> No.57538570

It's to make this image more highly exploitable. Only one character to erase.

>> No.57538582

an alphabetical system with consistency in how it writes morphemes would still be less space efficient and harder to immediately understand compared to logographs. the speed at which you can understand something just by looking at like the kanji can be pretty insane. im not saying i love the japanese writing system or anything but theres this dumb sentiment floating around that it's just objectively terrible from every angle

>> No.57538608

that's where she stores her vt memes

>> No.57538637

Because that's what Japanese is. Bastard child of Chinese.

>> No.57538667

game kinda sucks

>> No.57538761

It's fun if you actually know the language and aren't just pretending.

>> No.57538828

it’s okay she can watch mikoti’s playthrough of this to feel better

>> No.57538920

Miko did million times better than this.

>> No.57538954

I'm about a month in between my anki decks and I can parse 1 kanji every few words.
I'm pretty proud of myself.

>> No.57538970

>Japanese only stream

>> No.57539039

well yeah but still pretty terrible

>> No.57539173

Irys is one of those bitches like Kiara and Mori who pretend to know Japanese despite not being able to read it at all. Shameless.

>> No.57539206

Her JP voice is so sexy, I've been dripping pre in my pants this entire stream my boxers are completely soiled now

>> No.57539225

it's pretty much a carbon copy of that biohazard typing game

>> No.57539303

>Accepts your shitty promoted stream that involves males.
>Streams for both of your biggest markets.
>Destroys her voice for your questionable picks in music.
>Zero yabs.
IRyS is the perfect worker. I hope they give her a fat bonus this year.

>> No.57539341

back to catalog you go

>> No.57539367
File: 14 KB, 77x100, 1665971875018566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57539409

So when are we gonna get an English only stream?

>> No.57539443

Never, hopefully.
I want her to repeat every single line in both languages.

>> No.57539450


>> No.57539483

how delayed is your stream anon? that's like 30 minutes ago

>> No.57539526

I'm posting from 23 minutes in the past.

>> No.57539535

I wish that she didn't participate in that overwatch collab, not because of the drama, but because she absolutely sucks at overwatch. It's hard watching Botan while she gets zero to no support. I knew the girls would get hammered, but the could at least practice a bit.

>> No.57539599

You say that as if she had a say in the matter

>> No.57539609

The OW stream had many problems, but IRyS not being good at it isn't one.

>> No.57539618

All "japanese" characters are reconstituted chinkoid script. Hiragana is just a variant of ancient cursive chink. The descendants of the "barbarous denizens of Wa ruled the the Sorceress Himeko" didn't have writing until some chinese buddhist monk went over there and taught them how to handle a brush.
From the chinese pov that was an ill-advised thing to do really kek

>> No.57539640

quite possibly the worst stream of all time

>> No.57539654

If irys streamed only things she doesn't suck at, she wouldn't stream at all.

>> No.57539669
File: 5 KB, 231x177, Lorerys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staff was the first shitposter

>> No.57539732

im just going to use irys from now on

>> No.57539779

Get in line.

>> No.57539783

it's an sponsored stream for a dying dead game. No need to take it seriously. IRyS took the heat off a JP senpai, she's the best!

>> No.57539962


>> No.57539970 [SPOILER] 
File: 597 KB, 1280x720, 1693580444997250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57540003

Airisu much more cooler

>> No.57540005

old news anon

>> No.57540079
File: 1.15 MB, 1349x759, 1691224644102283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyo... I was too hasty.

>> No.57540224


>> No.57540296

Yeah, but it's not even ノーマル yet.

>> No.57540317

god damnit girl I'll wake up at any time any day for you but I can't if I'm already asleep when you post

>> No.57540412

t. DadRyS

>> No.57540493

bro, yesterday I told you that she was going to stream in the morning (her night)

>> No.57540637


>> No.57540756

we don't need pity number

>> No.57540834

Yes she does, she's got nearly a dozen raids so far this month

>> No.57540842

pity numbers already leaving cuz japanese stream lol

>> No.57540958

She kind of does. Getting some JOPs to sub to get her to one million, would be nice. After that, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.57540962

That's the way it is for a lot of people. Most of the time when IRyS raids somebody else I'm not interested in the stream and close the tab.

>> No.57540964

You can tell this general is only populated by SEAmonkeys by the amount of numberfagging that happens here

>> No.57541006

It's just one fag

>> No.57541026

That's what you always say

>> No.57541041

I guess I’m the weird one thinking of it as a nice gesture instead of obsessing over numbering brainrot

>> No.57541129

holy shit IRyS 10k. seething EOPs can leave now

>> No.57541133

She hasn't beaten any level yet...

>> No.57541211

I used to cope like you, but It’s obvious this thread is only populated by ESLmonkeys that hardly care about her on top of the Brazilian

>> No.57541221

How long has she been at this? Is this the only way to learn kanji, just bashing your head against a wall until the characters finally stick?

>> No.57541265

those who are seething about IRyS number are nijinigger btw

>> No.57541268

It's true though.

>> No.57541347

I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be pictograms but good luck deciphering thousands of years of rot

>> No.57541367

Kinda? It's not the most efficient way of doing it, but its still practice.

>> No.57541381

Please understand my wife's retarded (I don't know jack shit about ancient moon runes either).

>> No.57541406

>How long has she been at this?
She's still not done.

>> No.57541476

I think IRyS should violently advocate for japanese language reform.

>> No.57541621

So this stream is basically a stream of shame for her? She's never going to live it down in the japanese community... why is she doing this to herself

>> No.57541625

>Is this the only way to learn kanji, just bashing your head against a wall until the characters finally stick?

no, physically writing helps a metric shitload. so does learning the components so you can mentally do kanji math to help create more associations in your brain that help you remember. ie 始 (start) is 女 (woman) + ム (katakana mu) + 口 (mouth)

>> No.57541660

only the most basic ones, all of the composite ones are just shit mashed together

>> No.57541702

>9.7k CCV
NAbros... I don't feel so good.....

>> No.57541721

Least obvious bait

>> No.57541734

She has lost the respect from her Japanese fans (not that there are many) for sure.

>> No.57541808

It's ok, because she's EN and cute. This will just make them like her more and press for a Miko collab.

>> No.57541834

we never stood a chance

>> No.57541939

Is she really doing that bad? What's this game about anyway?

>> No.57541960

>all of the composite ones are just shit mashed together
a lot of them having like, tagger components that help unify them. like stuff related to water/liquid has that left radical: 洋 湖 海 汗 汁 池 泳 河
body parts: 胸 脳 腹 肌
stuff related to people: 僕 俺 仏

>> No.57541974

>The one stream where Miko actually gets to bully someone

>> No.57542028

>What's this game about anyway?
It just tests whether the player knows how to read basic Japanese words people learn when they're in elementary school.

>> No.57542113

Watch Nene or Himawari Honma's stream of this game, anon.

>> No.57542145

WTF is this language!?
You make your language so hard to learn it will vanish or morph into an easier version over time.

>> No.57542146

Somehow Miko will get bullied anyway.

>> No.57542202

Some squiggly lines fly at your screen and you have to figure out what they mean and type it out within the time limit otherwise the Kanji monster hits you and takes a life.

>> No.57542256

That's pretty much what Hiragana and Katakana is for

>> No.57542282

thats too specific. its just a kanji reading game. it can get pretty basic or super obscure depending on the mode you pick and stuff

>> No.57542306

Will she read the superchats?

>> No.57542324

>Japanese game
>Japanese words
>Keyboard input method still uses the superior roman letters
The absolute state of JP

>> No.57542338

you say that but english pronounciation and spelling is obtuse as fuck and its doing just fine in terms of worldwide speaker count. and you don't have to be able to read kanji to be able to have conversations

>> No.57542354

Who knows, she's kinda inconsistent with those these days

>> No.57542367

irys can't even best the easiest mode

>> No.57542369
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>> No.57542406

Let's not pretend English isn't the simplest language on the planet.

>> No.57542416

Those anniversary superchats are almost reaching their 2 month special kek

>> No.57542441

>you don't have to be able to read kanji to be able to have conversations
the japanoids will laugh at you if you don't though....

>> No.57542536

English is an absolute abomination linguistically speaking

>> No.57542550

All languages are about power: political, economic, or military. Powerful nations push forward their language even if they don't mean to. if you're a SEA born you want to learn JP or CN to work in the wealthier country who pays you peanuts (from their point of view) which is still miles better than what you can get in your own country.

>> No.57542602

It's still considered just about the easiest language there is.

>> No.57542621

So what you're saying is that her Japanese is bad even for a child's level? Thanks.
I see, thanks.

>> No.57542701

her reading isn't great but she's clearly perfectly fine at speaking

>> No.57542730

>So what you're saying is that her Japanese is bad even for a child's level? Thanks.
She wouldn't be able to pass third grade in a Japanese school.

>> No.57542734

Probably gonna get memoryholed like the 900k karaoke ones.

>> No.57542779

suddenly I remember that one thread from some anon recounting his stories working with the Chinese and warning people to not work with them. I wonder if his ramblings are true

>> No.57542791

That's fine, most of them just said the same thing over and over again anyways

>> No.57542830

Anyone who has worked for them will tell you the same. Be glad you don't have to so that.

>> No.57542870

JP it is for me

>> No.57542880

I have faith in the 12 hour sc reading.

>> No.57542886

The game is made specifically to fuck with native speakers by throwing at them words with odd kanji, asking for unconventional reading of common kanji or kanji spelling for words that have long been simplified to hiragana spelling. It's to get the "oh you got me with this one, clever developer-san!" reaction from them.
Needless to say, it's ill-suited for a non-native, even for a hafu, who speaks the language very well, but not good with kanji.

>> No.57542889

was that the guy buying metal or something and him getting fucked over? or am i thinking of a different story/anon. regardless, i've heard those type of stories elsewhere too

>> No.57542901

the one upside to superchat readings is that the streamer can bounce off of them and go on interesting tangents. when its almost entirely 'omg irys ur so amazing' rephrased slightly 2,000 times there's nothing there to inspire fun to listen to responses in irys, it just turns into a 5 hour exercise pleasantry repeating exercise

>> No.57542931

of all the angles this schizo could use for this stream, pretending IRyS is not doing exceptionally well has to be the stupidest

>> No.57542936
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, pol china is terrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57542964

A timeless classic.

>> No.57542986

Yeah exactly, milestone superchat readings are only tolerable because IRyS brings up completely off-topic tangents

>> No.57543007

when he doesn’t understand a single word this stream he has to grasp st straws

>> No.57543050

>The game is made specifically to fuck with native speakers by throwing at them words with odd kanji, asking for unconventional reading of common kanji or kanji spelling for words that have long been simplified to hiragana spelling.
Only the higher levels. She still hasn't made it to even to the mid levels yet.

>> No.57543059

I remembered >>57542936

>> No.57543153

you have to take into account that most of the words they throw at her in the "variety" stage is pretty uncommon in normal conversation. She doesn't know what most of the words mean even after they give the correct way to read it

>> No.57543171

super brave of irys to do this stream, huge props to her, genuinely
no hiding, no shame, totally willing to just show where her level is at
really admirable stuff, I hope some of the other branch girls will follow her lead

>> No.57543253

Why is she doing the variety mode instead of normal, anyway?

>> No.57543265

variety feels basically the same difficulty as normal

>> No.57543269

unironically this

>> No.57543277

Unless you're taking about ID, I doubt any of the other branch girls even have a chance of making it five minutes in.

IRyS is doing really well.

>> No.57543286

Normal is kinda boring. It's just flash cards.

>> No.57543297

Bae might
And probably just Bae

>> No.57543351
File: 291 KB, 1746x589, Screenshot_20230820_233644_Spotify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the whole stream, she struggled even in normal (the easiest) mode. It's glaringly obvious that she has no understanding of phonetic components, which is why she keeps failing even the most basic words.

>> No.57543354

the closest thing the other ENs could do is play the japanese game that Gura played
That one is for actual children

>> No.57543358
File: 2.43 MB, 4096x2276, chibrys pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note i quite enjoy the music, reminds me of the Ridge Racer Revolution ost.

>> No.57543418

I just woke up a while ago been watching for like 30 mins, anything I've missed from the past 2 hours? Should I watch the VOD later?

>> No.57543453

If you want some occasional nice noises.
This hasn't been too bad at all to be honest.

>> No.57543455

>ching chong nip nong
That's pretty much it

>> No.57543460


>> No.57543473

I mean it's just gonna be more of the same.

>> No.57543483
File: 560 KB, 1280x720, 1687242461846012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole stream has been great practise for me!
it hasn't...

>> No.57543517

God no!

>> No.57543528
File: 7 KB, 395x102, Screenshot 2023-09-01 113454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57543553

Fuck off

>> No.57543561

ero RyS

>> No.57543570

alright cool I'll watch the first 2 hours later anyway while multitasking for cute IRyS

>> No.57543575

would be the same, if not worse lol. She's not that much of a gamer

>> No.57543626


>> No.57543632

I mean she would have got this final question if she had played it before, or at least read some doujin manga

>> No.57543641
File: 789 KB, 551x566, clockmode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tits hidden

>> No.57543652

Even the zatsu is in Japanese? Man.

>> No.57543682

Irys isn't really good at anything, so this stream is very much on character for her.

>> No.57543688

Those are for EN only

>> No.57543719

she doesn't learn JP from the convention way. She learns from media and real life experience. If Mori can live in Japan for years and still ass at japanese then IRyS can live comfortably without all that

>> No.57543761

just like me fr fr

>> No.57543764

Kronii is proud of her tits now

>> No.57543801

finally some english

>> No.57543806

Oh I'm glad to be wrong.

>> No.57543822

I understand japanese but hearing english after so long is like popping my ears

>> No.57543855
File: 17 KB, 426x170, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yen is so weak...

>> No.57543858

fucking cover piece of shit

>> No.57543867


>> No.57543888

Just watch the VODs with that one extension that pins TL comments

>> No.57543903

That pretty much confirms that she was forced into that shitty collab

>> No.57543915

>was told about the event last minute
so they really were struggling to find girls for that shit

>> No.57543924


>> No.57543939

I...Isn't that obvious? Why would IRyS suddenly shift gears when her line in the sand is drawn on homo collabs? We got the "best" possible scenario at least.

>> No.57544006

yeah, being told 3-4 days before announcement is insane

>> No.57544029

natto stank

>> No.57544050

Never mind the homos, why would she suddenly play OW out of nowhere?
Anyone who thinks she wasn't forced into that is mental.

>> No.57544079


>> No.57544162

fuck that homobeggar

>> No.57544273

Pretty much, it just really sucks that they'd jeopardize her career and the fanbase she's worked hard to build up that way, I hope they don't pull that shit in the future

>> No.57544275

Guys, does no one feel bad that she prefers her JP audience over us? If she could, she would only stream in Japanese.

>> No.57544306

She has a well established trend of mostly doing evening streams in Japanese. I don't mind it.

>> No.57544318

No why would we? Her JP streams are great, we aren't filthy EOPs like you

>> No.57544345

It's likely that another JP that was "asked" unexpectedly pulled out.
Kek, everybody passes the radioactive hot potato because they all know it's fucking death to their branding.

>> No.57544347 [DELETED] 


>> No.57544349


>> No.57544362

With this, all the JPs have realized that Irys really is an EN
LIke sure they knew it intellectually, but this drives it home harder than anything else she's ever done

>> No.57544375
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, chibrys baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57544379

Yeah, it was obviously not their first choice to go beg an EN branch member to join.

>> No.57544428

Can someone post the bloom version of this fat fuck

>> No.57544430

I'm going to cringe into a black hole

>> No.57544433

Funny that these discord circlejerks have someone to help them translate shit for their superchats, really cringeworthy.

>> No.57544458

would any IRyStocracts like to play war thunder

>> No.57544465

is IRyS switching to JP?
i wouldnt blame her she has no genmates in japan

>> No.57544466

all the jp cred she earned in the last 2 hours just flew out the window

>> No.57544472

why? did you send that shit?

>> No.57544481
File: 115 KB, 1280x1095, IRYS!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she THIS dumb?

>> No.57544525

she's a woman

>> No.57544527
File: 424 KB, 1080x1134, 1650684104625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me mention

>> No.57544533


>> No.57544591

too many braincells used up during the game

>> No.57544608
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1668984198052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57544612

I understand why she does it. The hafu's deep set desier to be accepted by nip society as a whole is strong. Her senpai, jp audience, she NEEDS their approval

>> No.57544648
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57544679

i would watch this

>> No.57544696

how can she be so dumb, cute and sexy at
the same time?

>> No.57544743

Nope, I just like watching her :)

>> No.57544749

She's perfect.

>> No.57544825

she earned a lot of *negative* JP cred in the last 2 hours, this stream was a huge hit to her reputation
her speaking is impeccable compared to her literacy after all, she basically just exposed herself as having the reading ability of an 8 year old today
on 5ch for example plenty of people have had their perceptions of her change a lot

>> No.57544861

Wait until IRyS finds out that Anya reads classic JP literature

>> No.57544908

Jesus christ, japs and their novella length SCs.

>> No.57544932

It's really unfair how that works

>> No.57544971

You objectively get to write more in in JP the in English in SC's.

>> No.57544991


>> No.57545006

One of the upsides of kanji is that they can write more if there’s a character limit

>> No.57545012

Wait did the stream go down for a little or something? I tried clicking on it like 20 minutes ago but it seemed it was over and I saw the length of the vod and everything but now she's still going.

>> No.57545014

they totally should have vs viewers for their practice.

>> No.57545016

>on 5ch for example plenty of people have had their perceptions of her change a lot
why am I not surprised? 4ch and 5ch is full of language autists

>> No.57545049

don't worry airisu the dogs are even worse at kanji than you

>> No.57545064

how are you this bad at this still

>> No.57545066

YT can bug out. I remember catching something like that in the past.

>> No.57545131

this. The number of retards screaming ESL /here/ is a prime example

>> No.57545234

if it's anything like practicing with viewers in mario kart they'd just be constantly getting beat down

>> No.57545236

I'm lazy anon

>> No.57545239

I'm staring at her tits for 10 minutes straight

>> No.57545276

People usually only do that to shitters, schizoids and drama niggers. Otherwise it's just funny.

>> No.57545283

Based and same. They're hypnotizing.

>> No.57545368

Look at all those green japanese names in chat. It's beautiful, I'm so happy for her.

>> No.57545380

Se should go to sleep.

>> No.57545396

So everyone.

>> No.57545399

She will after this.

>> No.57545425

A very outspoken minority

>> No.57545434

EOPbros how do we learn japanese for our wife...

>> No.57545450

plenty of them are long time members though

>> No.57545467

start grinding

>> No.57545490

watch more anime

>> No.57545497

We make this thread into a JP only thread

>> No.57545513

everyone in catalog I guess

>> No.57545522

Just do it. I can mash kanji together in a broken way. I made a mistake in my superchat, I'm not good at typing.

>> No.57545540


>> No.57545553

IRyS doesn't speak difficult-to-understand Japanese and you don't need to learn how to read for her streams. Just do it

>> No.57545576

Learning kanji legimatly isn't even that hard if don't try to learn to write them or learning every single meaning. Learning n5-n2 kanji and the worlds most used with them can be done in like 6 months.

>> No.57545598

im too retarded to learn japanese grammar

>> No.57545605

That means they are loyal and not retarded hurr durr male collab i'm dropping her

>> No.57545608

Just do it.

>> No.57545631


>> No.57545646

I'm glad for IRyS

>> No.57545686

I want to osanpo with iwys.

>> No.57545716

anon, nobody cared about that because people understood that it was Cover making them participate on that stream, if you fall for obvious falseflags here maybe you should use another site one that's not anonymous because you clearly can't form you own opinions

>> No.57545727 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 420x374, im fast as fudge boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57545759

Anybody that dropped her for that “collab” especially after her response, were never really IRyStocrats to begin with

>> No.57545776

How to do it? I have to idea how to intentionally learn a language. I learned english just from media and internet, picking up things here and there. What's the system, the structure? How to do it efficiently?

>> No.57545995

about the same way you learned english.

>> No.57546024

delivering cheebs still getting updates?

>> No.57546036


>> No.57546067

>I'll do my best to play it ASAP
Just give her early access to it so she can play it before others and then drop it for something else

>> No.57546084

I mean, it was the guy's only success (it was mostly because of Kaela btw) so might as well milk it

>> No.57546107

Hopefully the insane backlash this garbage got is enough to convince the retards at Cover to abandon the project.

>> No.57546128

I tried learning it for 400 hours, mainly focus on Kanji thus my speaking and listening was shit, i can't understand half what she said

>> No.57546217

true, I made sure to not give it any views or interact with it at all, hopefully that helps open Cover's eyes that this shit won't fly

>> No.57546225

I understand 80% of spoken japanese but can't read a single kanji. If only we could combine our powers...

>> No.57546257

They got a paycheck. They don't care if it gets 0 views (which of course it didn't, people did watch it)

>> No.57546269

this is what happens when you skip leg day

>> No.57546286

fair enough

>> No.57546306

is it worth paying for a japanese course IRL?
i dont mind spending the money but im worried my autism will make it too awkward

>> No.57546342

I'd only do that if you can do it at a college, I wouldn't pay for online shit.
There's nowhere where I live that does that though.

>> No.57546345

>”Should be the same voice”
>Noticeably lower
>Goes back to Japanese
>Higher pitch and tone

>> No.57546456

I think it will be a waste of time. Learn it by yourself and get one of those apps that finds you a japanese-speaking person who wants to learn the language your know, so you two can speak and practice.

>> No.57546463

It's not just the ow stream, the whole project is being criticized literally everywhere, including reddit.

>> No.57546472

I'm the fat fuck

>> No.57546474

korosan should unleash her baseball autism on IRyS

>> No.57546564

Seems like OW/Blizzard rot is contagious, it corrupts everything that it touches.

>> No.57546567

Do it. Either you get over that awkwardness and slowly learn to interact with people (also understand what your JP oshi is saying)
or you crash and burn in the most pathetic way possible
Regardless, your story would probably make for a good read

>> No.57546605
File: 272 KB, 482x526, cheebs crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57546609

logically it's because esports is a bubble waiting to burst and this is such a direction pivot
but I won't take my meds and assume reddit is finally rejecting homocollabs

>> No.57546701

Just start somewhere, it doesn't have to be perfect. Do a bit day-by-day.

>> No.57546741

theres no good anime these days

>> No.57546772

watch old ones

>> No.57546776

that's why IRyS mostly watches old anime, do that

>> No.57546804

They're more neutral nowadays. The whole push plus the second batch of EN homos forcing that place to enter lockdown because "muh trolls" destroyed a lot of the goodwill that place had for them so it's not completely one sided anymore and the beggars need to bring their entire groomer discord to bump their shitty threads. But the thread about the esports garbage was almost 100% critical and barely anyone used the homocollab against it, it's just that no one thinks this is a good idea.

>> No.57546914

esports are just not fun to watch, and games made to be esports aren't fun to play

no one involved is having fun or enjoying themselves

>> No.57546962

Evidently there are people out there that enjoy that. Build a team with those people and their fans.

It's the dragging of others like IRyS into it that's problematic.

>> No.57547038

You don't need a course unless you really want someone to check your speaking ability.

>> No.57547213
File: 613 KB, 1100x982, cheebmon sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57547241


>> No.57547243


>> No.57547247
File: 192 KB, 439x394, aha~~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57547294

i fucking love her Aha~

>> No.57547298

she looks quite thin, considering

>> No.57547347
File: 22 KB, 235x345, cheebsleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57547372

I'm not going to be firegassed by you, cheebs.

>> No.57547395

i play old famicom games in japanese if they didnt had a na release

>> No.57547487

I guess even if I can't follow a damn thing she's saying for most of this zatsu, I just love hearing her voice.

>> No.57547492


>> No.57547553

>Does like two or three JP only streams like what, a year?

>> No.57547634

...Okay? Still bilingual.

>> No.57547646

the voices in my head said that she wants to leave us

>> No.57547724


>> No.57547767

>before the 15th

>> No.57547769

Are you happy now schizo? Can you shut the fuck up about them now?

>> No.57547772

>Still reminding her about the SCs
lmao give it up

>> No.57547799

Get btfo.

>> No.57547816


>> No.57547819

Will finish Yakuza next week no matter what

>> No.57547826
File: 595 KB, 2560x1440, 1685266617009012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that voice to fuck off, and punch yourself, NOW

>> No.57547861

who me or the SCers? I don't SC, and she said she'll "read them fast" aka she won't get around to it anyway

>> No.57547954

Didn't work, it's still there and I'm in pain.
Only IRyS reassurance can fix this.

>> No.57548058
File: 18 KB, 1568x57, SC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this the fucker that SC her about the homo tournament in the karaoke stream

>> No.57548089

Yeah and made a few comments about it, he wasn't schizo about it at least

>> No.57548111

You lack any faith in her, if you need reassurance for every retarded thought that comes into your head

>> No.57548117

If he is I'm thankful.

>> No.57548163

average HiRyS posters

>> No.57548175

>Ryan Gosling is great
bros... she's saying I'm great...

>> No.57548196

Sorry :(

>> No.57548216

Most people here didn't need any clarification. We knew she wasn't going to touch them with a ten foot barge pole. Still, it's nice that she said that.

>> No.57548222

not going to watch the barbie movie

>> No.57548253
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1571, GFRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She helped me prepare for the role alot during her off stream hours. Such a great wife

>> No.57548269

he phrased it fine, it was Babski who was a dick

>> No.57548308

IRyS is a miracle of the universe

>> No.57548326

Otsu RyS

>> No.57548351
File: 19 KB, 480x522, 1554952077655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57548382

sure, personally I think the fact that she was okay with showing everyone what level her reading ability is at is impressive, that takes a lot of self-assuredness and self-confidence that I bet others don't have

>> No.57548457

Trust me, I know. My primary language got eaten up by English since its the dominating language in America and I've regressed over the two decades. Its hard to maintain prowess in languages. The fact that Kiara somehow juggles six at any given time is insane to me.

>> No.57548488
File: 633 KB, 1280x720, 1683343897522576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right, and she has big tits too

>> No.57548493
File: 1.03 MB, 245x180, 1690823119139680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57548513

>she privated the VOD
did something happen?

>> No.57548519
File: 19 KB, 480x485, 1672966130180847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why?

>> No.57548532

aiiiiiiiieeeeeeee dead stream

>> No.57548533

is the video privited for anyone else?

>> No.57548539

She is editing the VOD now

>> No.57548540

Windows Explorer screenshot that showed nothing.
She's probably going to edit out anyway

>> No.57548549

huh why did she make it private?

>> No.57548556

Did someone archive the stream

>> No.57548561

it's over...

>> No.57548582

gotta edit that (thankfully nonyab) yab

>> No.57548587

Probably because we saw her PC folders.

>> No.57548592

Welp. Time to go to the gym and pretend I enjoy doing barbell rows. But that was a nice way start Friday morning.

>> No.57548593

That was fast

>> No.57548598

oh right the windows thing

>> No.57548599
File: 53 KB, 683x382, IRySes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's renaming her folder right now...

>> No.57548605

yeah, the superchats

>> No.57548624

might have been this >>57538079, although it was nothing bad (just breaks the kayfabe)

>> No.57548657

Yeah, she embarrassed herself in front of everyone.

>> No.57548660


>> No.57548661

>Nothing bad
She's using OneDrive. I need to disown her now.

>> No.57548681
File: 140 KB, 1211x1354, 1692528889658170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

