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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57430148 No.57430148 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57430405

does that mean there's a chance they could come back?

>> No.57430534

Terrible, nobody even bothered to show up

>> No.57430533

Even terminated talents technically have a chance of coming back. The chances are still near zero. Whether alum or terminated

>> No.57430601

looks like a funeral lmao

>> No.57430802

You don't get a graduation stream if you run out the remaining time on your contract playing WoW. Vesper should have committed to the bit instead of fencesitting so long. Instead Cover wasted resources on a 2.0 for one and a redesign for the other(because OG artist died). Not to mention hurting their image by announcing an indefinite hiatus while they tried to convince the boys to sign a new contract once their original ones ran out. They can't stream while they aren't under contract. Cover can't give a return date if you don't know if they will return. The whole thing looked bad and it is unironically the fault of the two of them. They fucked over the company, they fucked over their fans, and they fucked over their own wallets by missing out on a graduation stream.

>> No.57430812

My favourite part was when they kissed on stage and promised to always be together

>> No.57430935

Total homo death

>> No.57431711

>the fault of the two of them.
Tipical drone, the company is the oshi. It can't never be at fault.

>> No.57431799

Go back to your general, orctomo

>> No.57431890

Coco is coming back, I know it!

>> No.57431996

oh is it official? finally

>> No.57432438

The company lost nothing of value. as the other anon said magni and vesper just screwed themselves out of a final paycheck by being retards, that's all.

>> No.57432776

Even fucking Sana had the dignity to have a proper graduation stream even if she didn't like the job.

>> No.57432930

The what?

>> No.57433397
File: 49 KB, 282x424, 1592545289729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company was basically running a charity for them and they wanted more. The male branch has always been an experiment and one that's caused more issues than ever brought benefits. The likelihood that they threw away an easy gig because they thought they could get better is hilarious.

>> No.57433558

So it was mutual.

>> No.57434005
File: 1.85 MB, 270x480, CheekiBreeki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fywxojm.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 didn't have to see their faces.

>> No.57434665

Lmao. /orc/fags are so salty!
The real culprits are you fags. If you actually sc and buy merch, your greedy ass oshis would have had an incentive to stay. Magni sc baits so hard but barely gets near a fraction of what mori makes. Vesper dramafags so hard but barely gets any attention unlike mori does. And that’s mori, the least liked myth.

>> No.57435432

Vesper is a fucking retard

>> No.57437787

>Rate the gradu-

>> No.57438440

Didn’t watch, Never watched/10

>> No.57438626

I won't/didn't watch / 10, just like their other streams

>> No.57438709

Just like the number of their "fans" actually watching and buying merch.
It didn't exist out of 10.

>> No.57439372

I only watched magni because he frequently hangs out with bettel. Don’t care much about the other guy.

>> No.57439435

>Two more weeks until graduation, sisters!
Not happening. I hope they collab with your oshi, incel.

>> No.57439513

Terminated talents can come back. Just not to Holo. Astel has been begging Kira to come back for some time now.

>> No.57439534

Didn’t even happen so no one ever has to hear or see them again.
Rest In Piss, Will Never Be Missed / 10

>> No.57439589

A little before her final stream, Coco said that cover management told her she may return for special events but then she joined another company.

>> No.57439893

>Their contract expired!!
Do you have any proof for this claim or are you just going to repeat it over and over so you start believing it without any proof?

>> No.57440440

Cope orcsis

>> No.57441542

Astel also said he doesn't know management's position on allowing talents to return, it's just something he'd be okay with.

>> No.57441739

Sis... Expired contracts is actually best rrat for them.
Any other would point to either them hating their fans so much that they refuse graduation stream or them doing something bad that requires termination with Cover disguising it as graduation to not kill the HomoEN brand.

>> No.57441834

Looks like it'll be a closed casket funeral

>> No.57441943

Never watched them regularly to be honest but I didn't mind these bozos. The only thing that made me lose respect is that they screwed their fans over from their deserved closure, for that alone fuck these faggots hope they rest in piss.

>> No.57441950
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Even the lesser brown australian Sana got a graduation stream.

>> No.57442525

Management was too busy picking their noses, get the perms for graduation streams.

>> No.57442592

>no graduation
>somehow not deleted from history
Damn, so it really was a disagreement on money

>> No.57442638

NijiJP allowed one of their livers to come back so it's not unprecedented.

>> No.57442717
File: 205 KB, 1079x591, Screenshot_20230831_032712_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57442774

>didn't drag on too long
>put a smile on everyone's faces
>-2 homos taking up resources

10/10 it was perfect

>> No.57442988

The door was kept open for Aloe apparently.

>> No.57443009

>a reminder that a monkey paw's finger curled to get this result
better hope nothing happens to your oshi

>> No.57443228

totally sis! i can't believe these angels were treated like this for no reason!!!

>> No.57444337

