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File: 147 KB, 647x1150, 0h1oxxksJdbkBFAXyaZZERF3tXM24-cndSOHljJ2kAY3M9OCsQLDNxdGUFNCc4OCsRKTAlczVWZSJvMiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57197047 No.57197047 [Reply] [Original]

I am waiting to see if she feels guilt and starts spiraling into apologizing on a stream again or not(she has every single time before)
It won't happen this time, it feels different. Therefore, nothing said will ever get through to her, even if true.
But she keeps reading this board accusing it of slander.
She has probably seen people mention how her collab partners turned her into a lolcow. That they mocked her, her fans, her trauma, and her worth as a person, but the mania was too strong and she too stupid to figure it out.
And she might even read this too, if it's on the catalog when she comes here.
And she will read it. And because she feels no guilt, she will disregard it. And she will let bad people she is too stupid to understand are bad toy with her until she has nothing left.
You won't remember this post, or that people warned you, when you do realize it. You won't feel foolish for disregarding the advice and pleading of people who had a proven track record of acting in your interests. You will be shocked.
I don't know why I made this thread.
There's nobody on this earth who would benefit from reading it, regardless or whether they could. And that makes me fundamentally sad.
You choose to forget everything painful at whim due to your trauma.
And choosing to remember it all, exposing yourself to that guilt that will hit you, is the only way for you to save yourself.
You can only continue to be sad without ever really knowing why.


>> No.57197122

jesus total eop retardation

>> No.57197215

Has she cried or completely broken down yet?

>> No.57197340

probably during sex. and the guy that fucked her probably made fun of her for it.

>> No.57197481

>Jesus total EOP retardation
Anon, mikeneko wrote that. I just changed しろい to したしい.
I am sorry, but the retard here is you.

>> No.57197743


>> No.57197778

the homo collab was suddenly totally enabled and it was even successful in a way. unicorns couldnt even raise their voice because her casual fans went fully un un mode over the apex ban and mike also rode on it and nobody did give a shit about homos. its like it mightve been her actual strategy. she get permabanned by the management for sure but instead she successfully purged her unicorns and could get homo collabs enabled.

thats it. get over it and move on. there are plenty of fan friendly good vtubers

>> No.57197832
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pic included just so you know exactly how dumb you saying this was

>> No.57198038

Get help.

>> No.57198100

Anon, I know exactly how it happened and it wasn't a "strategy"
I have been watching actual real fans leave slowly over this, including the majority of her income
She also got nothing from this
She was desperate, stupid, defensive, manic, and depressed
And so were her fans
And now it feels as if she truly has nothing left
kitatsuki is probably still chain smoking over the stress of wondering if she will even come back from her break

>> No.57198128

I haven't followed the mikeneko yab, can someone explain what happened?

>> No.57198139

>she will let bad people she is too stupid to understand are bad toy
Implying she isn't a bad person lemao!

>> No.57198156

She won't have sex with you anon

>> No.57198200

Do you want the real QRD or do you want the blatantly overdramatized catalog post QRD

>> No.57198266

Shut up. Mikechan would never do this to me. This is all the fault of that koito ria whore.

>> No.57198282

I honestly believe that she is simply too mentally ill to be either bad or good. Or at least, that her mental illness isn't fundamentally her fault, even if her actions are hers nonetheless

>> No.57198322

Something something she promised, something something collabs with two males(again???idk, don't watch her) under guise that she wants to compete in apex

>> No.57198369

I want the twitcast suicide baiting again

>> No.57198447

I think she should listen to her real fans, the ones that don't throw a tantrum over normal intergender collaboration and make her cry, the ones that give her positivity in chat and in comments, and finally get rid of her parasocials.

>> No.57198469

her fans are were slowly leaving but she totally knew homo collabs would become a shitstorm and she pushed it pretending not to know it. the homo collab announce was literally the decisive blow. it was the total destruction of her core fanbase. i also decided to leave her due to it.

>She also got nothing from this

she can do homocollabs without any controversy and backlash. this is her biggest paradigm shift.

>> No.57198515

She already sold her body to mofu mofu and korekore, anon
Forget it

>> No.57198522

It doesn't really matter, when she keeps hurting people that support her. Cut them off or stop feeding them bullshit that just straight up makes you look like malicious person, I understand that she is a trainwreck and you can't do much about it, she will keep sabotaging and fucking everything up, because she seemingly can't live otherwise, any sane fan should've understand that and leave her already, unless you are there to laugh at her and looking forward towards more of her fuck ups

>> No.57198586

>And she will let bad people she is too stupid to understand are bad toy with her until she has nothing left.
You mean you Fandeads/Nekofami? Yeah, no, she finally did something about you cancerous cunts.

>> No.57198651

She saw a dude ask for a third member of an apex team for a tournament run by credible people.
She is desperate to try and fix her image, and in her mind, being seen competing on that tournament and nothing bad happening because of it would be a way to begin proving to people that she isn't some kind of cursed object to be avoided at all costs.
This guy was unfortunately also a terrible person, who likely accepted her because she was the biggest name who asked and he could use her for publicity at her expense.
She tried(poorly) to talk to her unicorns about it, they exploded, she exploded because they exploded,
and then for unrelated reasons, she was kicked from the tournament anyway

>> No.57198667

The lack of self-awareness you fucks have is amazing, just amazing.

>> No.57198734

>she can do homocollabs without any controversy and backlash. this is her biggest paradigm shift.
No she cannot. She has at least 3 major donors still who I have privately confirmed still intend to oppose the next one. Ones that she hasn't cast out.

>> No.57198742

She's just one of those people that only feel happy when they're neck deep in some kind of drama.

>> No.57198826

>real fans
she has none of those left because she also insults her chat when they are too "boring" and says things like how she'd prefer to talk to antis on occasion

>> No.57198850
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She'll be fine. You are a minority, you lost.

>> No.57198857

I see how it is, eitherway, she knows how it would end up, or atleast she should've known, I mean about her unicorns, not that she would've been kicked off. She is too long in this business and too much similar things happened to her where she should know her audience and how they would've react

>> No.57198920

None of those people will gove her money.

>> No.57198940

These normalfags are right though? She should stop playing up the gf kayfabe, ofcourse antis won't leave her alone, but it would save her a lot of headache, as she just can't stop herself from collabing with dudes, or trying to make her fans go mad at her with jealousy

>> No.57199019

I have watched almost every single mikeneko stream and twitcast that had occurred for years, and I do so while watching chat
I have never see any of the names in your screenshot comment during a stream of hers

>> No.57199070

mental illness makes you act irrationally, think of people with OCD, they know what theyre doing is pointless but they cant stop themselves from doing it anyway

>> No.57199252

It'll never cease to amaze me that non-JPs have this delusion that Japanese people all speak textbook perfect N1-level Japanese in everyday speech and and not just stylized casual speech like everywhere else.

>> No.57199304

She knew, but she went full Gollum over the idea of redeeming her image. She was already thinking about it as if it was a sure thing. She was desperate.
And in the end, she lost her fans and gained nothing but a manic random cope fueled collab that two fuccbois used to mock and degrade her for two hours. She cried a bit during the middle and I think she was actually too manic to even realize she was.

>> No.57199311

All those niggers are just there for drama. Notice that none of them are even subscribed. lmao

>> No.57199656

People love having opinions, but there aren't many opinions spoken that anybody else should bother to hear

>> No.57199772

Their moral support is more valuable than a few bucks thrown at her by a few sad weirdoes.

>> No.57199893

Too bad their moral support won't pay her bills.

>> No.57200003

Those same people made shit worse for her during her final days as Rushia.

>> No.57200200

>Their moral support is more valuable
Moral support isn't going to keep her fed, clothed and from being homeless. Money will.
One side gives her money, the other doesn't. The ones who give her money will always be more valuable.

>> No.57200212

if it wasnt for them sperging out rushia wouldve never panicked and self destructed, its literally their fault she got terminated

>> No.57200276

on one hand unicorns talk about love, but they love boiling the relationship down to money and a transaction, not very love based is it

>> No.57200311

uhhh, she wouldn't have had any reason to panick if the unicorns didn't freak out first.

>> No.57200313

She doesn't need money. She needs to move away of the drama in her life.

>> No.57200340

thats what i meant, the unicorns sperging out is what made her panic

>> No.57200357

She's the one who creates the drama by doing the things she does.

>> No.57200376

I see but im sure as fuck she will still push it like nothing. Dude, the party is literally over. Idk what her real goal is but it's certain that it's not about sharing comfy time with her old fans. She probably wants to become a mainstream vtuber again and to achieve it she believes homo collabs and big vtuber/streamer events are essential, will continue homocollabing and purging her remaining unicorns.

>> No.57200497

She should have realized that years ago and not cater to gachikois and put herself into the situation she’s in right now.

>> No.57200513

It's not about unicorns or love. It's about which side is more valuable. The ones giving her money are automatically more valuable because it's thanks to them that she can do what she does. You're the one trying to make it into unicorns and love because you have nothing else to say.

>> No.57200631

Unicorns morally supported her for the year and a half after rushia terminated, the people you see commenting there did that for...2 months, 3 max. The rest of the time, the comforting words were from unicorns.
The people who were always there were kicked out. The people in the comments section screenshot won't even watch her much less "support" her outside of comments on drama videos

>> No.57200636

I hope she succeeds. I think she's has the ability to be a funny and entertaining streamer while working in some cute appeal into her content without exploiting extreme parasocialism.

>> No.57200647

She lives for the drama.

>> No.57200730

I'm sure all these EOPs definitely watch her, and for sure didn't come from a tweet / reddit post / drama clip.

>> No.57200736

If that's what she wants to do then she should go for it. Just so long as she doesn't do a 180 at some point and starts begging for money again.

>> No.57200894

>she probably wants to be a mainstream vtuber
anon the party is over, but for both us and her, not just us. Look past the tourists and see the comments in her paid-only Discord posting things like "anybody want my merch before I go?" or "I can't support this direction", look at the comments on her tweets about the collab(if she didn't delete it) saying stuff like "thanks for being transparent, all the best"
All of those were paraphrasing of comments by JP fans who had never voiced concern before
There's more and more
Fans who supported everything are worried too, if you can't tell by their tweets
She bet too much and lost it all and it truly feels like a dead end here for her

>> No.57200985

Rushia, Mike, whatever the fuck she wants to call herself now, is a bad person. If you continue supporting her, you're a bad person. If you "support" her by advocating for collabs you aren't going to even watch to spite her old fans, you're a bad person. Everyone involved with this situation would be better off in a grave.

>> No.57201015

>I hope she succeeds
she tried before and failed
she cannot stay stable without feeling loved by her audience because she is inherently insecure and her emotional needs vary by the hour and between extremes, and if they aren't met she detonate. This was her history as a "non-parasocial" streamer, and bipolar gets worse with age and medicine doesn't really help

>> No.57201096

what about me, the only thing I'm doing now is thinking about how much I want to kill myself

>> No.57201119

Never kill yourself over a woman. Women are not worth it.

>> No.57201313

why would she read this place and not 2ch? the world doesn't revolve around 4chan

>> No.57201490

She's not worth killing yourself over.

>> No.57201555

and how do you know they won't? are you saying they are just virtue signalling? isn't that too cynical?

>> No.57201577

Regretting something won't make things better. Just move on and do what you can right now

>> No.57201737

Because I watched drama clips during the Rushia drama and none of the niggers posting shit like that never bothered to show up to her streams 2 months after, if they showed up at all

>> No.57201829

it's time to move on and just leave her to her folly - I aint going to anti her but I stop following her, woman is her own biggest enemy

>> No.57201834

So...I should pick a man to kill myself over instead!

>> No.57202002

>why would she read this place
because she knows her foreign fans are upset and post here, and she is upset at them and therefore will come here to see what they are saying about her because she expects it to be bad and then to get angry at it

>> No.57202111

well if you check them on wesave all but one doesn't even have a single message, which means that either they managed to dodge every single vtuber stream tracked over multiple years...or more likely, they just don't watch vtubers

>> No.57202156
File: 167 KB, 614x342, 1692239827463882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should just move to the USA for six months and learn English via a total immersion technique. That way she could get leech Henya audience and will not have to care about insane otaku anymore.

>> No.57202299

In case you haven't noticed she's obsessed with her antis and cannot ignore them. Doesn't matter if they're foreign or domestic. She is a menhera who is always looking for a reason to be upset and she does that by seeking out antis, arguing with them and getting angry.

>> No.57202344

That's BPD behavior though.

>> No.57202435

She is unironically too stupid to learn English
Anon, she can't even remember what she said 2 weeks ago when called out on saying the exact opposite

>> No.57202461

>Their moral support is more valuable
most vtubers only focuses on 3 negative comments instead of 400 positive ones you know so moral support means jackshit
its always moneys first anyway for this manipulative menhera, gotta get that 20 akasupas to buy a new 500$ kitamura bag!

>> No.57202499


>> No.57202517

English is super easy to learn just for the basics. If Americans can speak it then anybody can. The only real problem is that learning a second language requires total dedication.

>> No.57202523

idk what you want me to say, I'm just explaining how she has always behaved and her inability to feel guilt for her actions long-term(if at all) means it won't change

>> No.57202618

English natives take shit like this for granted

>> No.57202620

BPP cannot be medicated it's about therapy and behavioral changes.

>> No.57202623

You will get over it anon, find some chuuba that appreciates her viewers, not necessarily a gfe one

>> No.57202685

anon I have devoted my life to knowing as much as possible about this woman to the point or being able to successfully predict her general behavior days in advance
She is too stupid to learn English
For fucks sake anon, she is worse at Japanese than one of her previously EOP fans who speed-ran learning Japanese in a year, and regularly struggles with kanji in video game that even some of her N3-type EOPs can read
Mikeneko can't learn English, she hasn't even finished learning fucking Japanese

>> No.57202693

Not even native speakers understand how English pronunciation works. It also doesn't really matter for casual conversation.

>> No.57202745

None of that shit matters. Even if you end up sounding funny you'll be understandable.

>> No.57202768

Japanese is way harder than English. It has three fucking alphabets.

>> No.57202780

Nah, English is one of the easiest languages, besides no one expects from her perfect English, broken but understandable is enough and it adds cutesy level. I guess it's different for japs and girls, but most dudes I feel like know basic level of English just from gaming.

>> No.57202796
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Why did she do it?

>> No.57202805

>obsessed anti dismayed that RuMiNa is dead still needs his anti fix
>makes catalog bait thread
Every time.

>> No.57202806

therapy is mostly mental tricks that fade into being ineffective over a period of months, and that's if it works at all. Almost all therapy patients eventually regress to pre therapy eventually, and the only major noted contributing factor to success of therapy is the therapist themselves, with factors like type of therapy having no meaningful difference long term

>> No.57202859


>> No.57203005

To be fair, some amerimutts and britbongs and aussies type "could of" instead "could've", it's not unheard that second language person understands more small details, which never mattered for native speaker.
Or even classic pregnante, a lot of people are illiterate in their own language, I feel like that's the case with any language

>> No.57203012

>make an announcement that Nazuna streams will slow down
>get a new Mikeneko model that blatantly looks like an off-brand Rushia
>play that Marine horror game on stream, clearly trying to recapture her glory days in Hololive
>immediately swerves into a collab with two guys and has a meltdown
Maybe just pick one career strategy and stick with it. That would be a good start.

>> No.57203117

Does this dumb bitch ever learn?, does she think people watch her because shes talented and funny... Without gfe shes just another mentally ill woman

>> No.57203179

One year is more than enough to fully learn a second language. It's only a matter of dedication.

>> No.57203315

she wants instant gratification
she doesn't understand that had she kept doing streams with NuRushia, like she was, consistently, without making choices that lead to fan exodus of creation of more hasten antis...
If she did that for a year without causing any drama, it would do way more to remove her reputation as a "cursed object" than the implied tacit seal of approval of an official apex e-sports organizer.
but she saw what she thought was a quick fix and jumped for it
and it fucked her

>> No.57203398

anon, she almost fell for some Indian trying to scam money off her by dming her on insta saying he was an insta employee

>> No.57203416

>are you saying they are just virtue signalling?
I know you're being facetious with this post, but still I'll give a (You).

>> No.57203533


>> No.57203758

To be fair japanese is a lot like english in that there are entire formal and poetic forms to the language that most people just never need to learn. Its like saying you dont know english if you cant read both medical dissertations and classic literature like The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace

>> No.57203792

She really just either needs to stick with the "hyper possessive" GFE or stop doing it altogether and collab with whoever she wants like her other vshitjo colleagues.
It's not fair if she expects fans to be so dedicated to her but she turns around and doesn't do the same back.
Girl wants to have her cake and eat it too.

>> No.57203887

You know the worst part? Sometimes she realizes she is being too greedy and says it, says I'm too greedy or how she knows how difficult it must be her fan
And then she just forgets again in a day
It's a genuine mind fuck

>> No.57203969

You think she forgets?
Sometimes I do things and I feel guilty, but I still do them because my desire for it overweights the guilt.

>> No.57204249

>that two fuccbois used to mock and degrade her for two hours
Has there been any reaction to these two and how they treated her?

>> No.57204313

haven't seen any western dramatuber or any of the "yas queen collab whith whomever you want" crowd acknowledge it. They probably think they are besties.

>> No.57204334

I have been analyzing her behavior for fucking ages at this point trying to understand the way she thinks because of how insane her behavior can be
I genuinely think she forgets, or something close enough to it, like convincing herself that what she did happened a completely different way
There's tics to when she is being knowingly manipulative that aren't there when she talks about something she's forgotten. It's not even important stuff or stuff worth lying about all the time, she will say she loves a show one time and then 2 months later say she always hated it

>> No.57204505

So a compulsive liar. I'm always curious how cogs in their head work, like what is she thinking when she does certain thing, how does she react to certain things, getting called out on bullshit etc.

>> No.57204535

most remaining fans are either actually lobotomized and/or terrified of speaking out publicly in fear of being attacked
A brave one or two have vagueposted not trusting them
A sizeable number of unusually well-written/well-mannered posts on her 5ch thread(usually means that an actual fan came by to say it anonymously) mentioned it pretty heavily though. Phrased in a way a fan would say it, not an anti. It's one of the few ways I've noticed her jp fans use to actually speak their mind.

>> No.57204609

I think quite a few psychologists would like to know as well. I genuinely want someone to pick at her brain for hours on end and report their recordings.

>> No.57204754

I dont watch her specifically but working with bipolars its probably tied to her emotional cycles. When youre down you cannot comprehend the you from the times when you were up, and vice versa. Youre brain chemistry is so different that it might as well have been a different brain that had the other set of thoughts.

>> No.57204787

I always find it funny when she condemns fans who only say extremely basic comments for being uninteresting sometimes, because she will occasionally mock fans who disagree with her opinion, and there is literally no way to know what her opinion will be on any given day
It's just extremely difficult, she didn't used to be like this at all

>> No.57205069

Ironically, I have bipolar as well. And I know what effect you're referring to. I feel like with her it is different, and post termination. I suspected she had bipolar as Ru before she mentioned being diagnosed and this was one of the reasons. She had very recognizable "swaps" before, but she wouldn't flip into a completely disparate set of opinions on a weekly basis.
The only rationale I can possibly imagine is some sort of PTSD and maybe how it interacts with her bipolar, but fuck if I know for sure. She doesn't even want to take her fucking meds let alone have the capacity to find a doctor in Japan who takes mental health seriously but also respectfully.

>> No.57205249

Because she's a menhera whore since inception, anon.
you can't fix whores.
that mafumafu thing is just tip of the iceberg compared to whoreness she did in the past.
Not surprised she's menhera nutcase, people who knew about her past already give a warning about her during her hololive days, but holofags are too blind.
she's legit actual BPD menhera that loves to mindfuck her fans by pity or suicide baiting.

>> No.57205389

>actual BPD
BPD is 'has a womb' disorder, its the modern day term for hysteria because the term hysteria is mean and misogynist. Her problem is much deeper than merely being female.

>> No.57205438

I know she has felt genuine guilt before, when she is confronted with the truth and cannot rationalize it away. It takes immense mental effort and unique circumstances to corner her like this, but when does realize, she is capable of genuine guilt. I have made sure of this and can usually determine between when it's fake(when she even bothers to fake it) and when it's real
Ironically, one of the biggest signs of her having a moment of genuine guilt is when she remembere all the people she's hurt by doing the same thing and crying out apologies to them even though those people are long gone, months sometimes even over a year. That or other mentions the mistake as jt pertains to events in the past.
It's as if she simply doesn't remember she's done wrong and therefore feels no guilt, but when pressured tremendously, they both occur and spiral into one another into a self sustaining crash into complete contrition
And by the next week, she will have forgotten it

>> No.57205884

qrd? I can't believe I missed a Mike drama

>> No.57205922

>BPD is 'has a womb' disorder
kek, make me remember of my therapist brother that all of his patient that being BPD are females.
I don't doubt there's male who also being BPD but why females seems to be prone for being bipolar compared to males.

>> No.57205993

She did it again. Then got kicked out of an Apex tournament along with the other two dudes.

>> No.57206255

Goes against the narrative they're pushing, not that they'd understand what was being said anyway.

>> No.57206303

Apex and Males. She's surrounded by stupidity

>> No.57206426

her fans tried to get her to stop playing apex
she never does
how can she even stand to look at that game after all the destruction it's associated with in her life?!? I seriously can't understand

>> No.57206523

same reason gambling addicts cant stop going to the casino

>> No.57206551

That's because it was a bit, and people with unironic autism don't realize that.

>> No.57206585

What was "a bit"? Sorry, please clarify

>> No.57206611


>> No.57206693

Is this reply bot-generated or just too ESL to understand what was being said

>> No.57206722

An act.

>> No.57206819

So what I'm gathering is that Rushia/Mikeneko is a painfully basic, barely-passed-high-school bitch who struck gold with hololive, pissed it away with her stupid bitch antics, and is now desperately trying to claw her way back up to her previous glory.

... she's gonna end up doing AVs/soaps, isn't she?

>> No.57206879

how are avs and soaps on the same level?

>> No.57206899

She loves getting attention from men and her fans are just ATMs. That "destruction" is just one layer of her con falling apart.

>> No.57206929

from how she's being described, she seems like the type stupid enough to fuck up being an AV star and end up being a soap-jo.

>> No.57206972

WHAT was the act? Can you describe which part was acting? You seem to know about it, so you can describe it, right?

>> No.57207022

But she has literally destroyed herself with apex even when men weren't involved
I'm telling you, every time she plays that game, SOMETHING bad happens and it is involved

>> No.57207133

Was a big Rushia and Mike fan before, and she used to even be my oshi, but I cannot tell you the liberation you will feel once you drop her. She's just playing with people's feelings at this point, and while she does need help, she doesn't give one fuck about your or my help.
Mike is not inherently evil, but she's way too toxic to enjoy watching her. You don't owe anything to her, just get over her and find a better oshi, killing yourself over a camgirl isn't worth it.

>> No.57207231

Fuck if I know. I thought you were too ESL to understand he meant "a bit" as in an act and not "a bit" as in an amount.

>> No.57207291

This is the part they are talking about. This is not mocking her, this is literally a "keep a stiff upper lip" bit. Most of the stream is the three of them making jokes about the situation, and while it's clear that she's disappointed, it's all just trying to make a positive spin on it.
And this crying https://youtu.be/L-MvU3PFx84?t=756 is 100% a bit on her part.

>> No.57207509

I know a psychologist close in my family, and one thing she keeps saying is that people with BPD are nearly impossible to work with (she said this while having worked with people with the deepest level of autism and schizophrenia by the way).
Apparently they're just not logic, their mind works more as a split than an actual train of thoughts, you're almost working with two people at the same time, except they're shared in one mind. They can have a full therapy session and then completely forget about it the following day, or just have a big fucking breakdown in the middle of a calm discussion.

>> No.57207543

>this is the bit they are talking about
Was the part where they said "the only party you'll ever get invited to is a sex party" also 'a bit' even though she barely half processes it and clearly didn't like it?
was the part where he says "man it's funny how this collab wouldn't have happened 1- wait no, 2 years ago" and the implication of what he was saying was clearly lost on her also 'a bit'?
Was the part where she she was a hyperactive manic mess while they sounded bored af also 'a bit'?

>> No.57207688

so her fans are spineless by not publicly calling them out then.

>> No.57207767

You're really desperate to spin this situation into something she wanted nothing to do with.
Yeah that collab wouldn't have happened a year ago because she was still all in on fooling idiots like you, and that IS funny even to her. She doesn't love you and never did.

>> No.57207785

But where would she get those sweet donos from then? You're not a top superchatted chuuba on Youtube unless you reinvent CoVid or do GFE.

>> No.57207870

>how can she even stand to look at that game after all the destruction it's associated with in her life?!?
Couldn't be as bad GTA5

>> No.57207898

did they actually say that, what the fuck man, im angry on her behalf even though im still mad about the fuckup

>> No.57207899

>Was the part where they said "the only party you'll ever get invited to is a sex party" also 'a bit' even though she barely half processes it and clearly didn't like it?
Oh boy, making a pun by changing "epematsuri" to "eromatsuri", so insulting and discomfiting.
>Was the part where she she was a hyperactive manic mess while they sounded bored af also 'a bit'?
Your autistic interpretation

>> No.57207950

why are you treating her like a baby with no liability? its her fault on both accounts.
1. this wouldnt have happened if that wasnt the audience she built. its her whole fucking shtick, how come morons like you cant understand this? shes not just some vtuber who randomly attracted some unicorns, she build that audience and she wants to keep it. she has nothing else going for her, 0. and she keeps doing shit that put her in hot water because shes a fucking idiot.
2. she could just have acted like an adult and handled the situation better. instead she took all the wrong decisions.
>"boohoo she panicked its not her fault she breached contract"
fuck off

then she should stop streaming and seek professional help to fix her life. if she doesnt want to deal with the audience she groomed throughout the years anymore, she would need to start over from scratch but she doesnt have the courage to do it so she keeps repeating the same shit because of the enablers and shes losing all of her financial support. shes following the same pattern as a lot of lolcows, which shes going to become if she doesnt wake up from her spoiled princess dream soon.

>> No.57207974

>spin the situation into something she wanted nothing to do with
No, I am saying she chose to collab with people who mocked her without her even realizing it, you fucking retard

>> No.57208076

>Your autistic interpretation
Nigger you do not even speak Japanese
>Oh boy, making a pun by changing "epematsuri" to "eromatsuri", so insulting and discomfiting.
>doesn't mention the part where when she announced the collab the same guy started changing thumbnails to find the most offensive one possible and then made the same joke
It doesn't even matter if you think it was bad because thet joke was one of the few times she actually realized she was being mocked on some level and said she didn't like it, although barely
dumbfuck retard

>> No.57208185

would she even remember some random garbled tweet she made years ago though? Just because mike tweeted out some random incomprehensible garbage one time that doesn't mean that it becomes meaningful for people to riff on

>> No.57208236

They mocked you, not her. It would be mocking her if she gave a shit about her fans but she doesn't.

>> No.57208319

The funniest part of her being unable to process nor understand what was happening was that despite kirscht trying his hardest to make it a cuck thing the entire time mikeneko was oblivious and kept calling him gay and said that the two guys were fucking each other
It is actually hilarious because kirscht was so bothered by it he literally tried to clarify his sexuality but because she was zooming and wasn't aware of what was going on arond her she called him gay again afterwards anyway

>> No.57208337

You want to see it as her being mocked because you hate the whole situation and you want to take the most toxic interpretation of it.

>> No.57208358

no, they mocked both, I can assure you of that much

>> No.57208366

She'll always have paypigs. Even lolcows like DSP to this date still live from the handout of his paypigs that never abandoned him not matter what. Another nasty lolcow that wasted all his money on crypto, Boogie2988, came back with his tail between the legs and his fans went back to giving him copious amount of money just because he asked for it because he's broke.

>> No.57208383

NTA. Being real, did not even a tiny portion of her fans called out those fags?. did most of them keep their head down?

>> No.57208446

fucking moron, 5ch antis/hasten who memed all year about キル<3なず were saying that they felt shame just by watching how she was treated. When the antis feel bad for you is when you know shit is fucked.

>> No.57208506

there were some but they either did it on 5ch, discord servers she wasn't on, or vagueposted on twitter after
AKA where she would not see it
The one person who said he wasn't a good guy she said to fuck off and go away forever, and then banned him from twitcasting

>> No.57208593

i need to start doing my reps again so i stop missing out on these nip only kinos

>> No.57208644
File: 32 KB, 400x267, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if most of them showed their feelings and tried to defend her she would have banned them all..., what an idiot...

>> No.57208677

>English is super easy to learn just for the basics
It's quite literally the hardest language for a Japanese native to learn.

>> No.57208773

It wasn't worth it. Watching it was almost physically painful. That was basically the only amusing part. I honestly don't even know why she was so certain he was gay, he's never even mentioned being gay. The only manic malfunction that wasn't downright painful.

>> No.57208776

wonder how would she react to a wave of constructive criticism, from the majority of her fans trying to stop it instead of being enabler yes-men.

>> No.57208852

One year is not enough to fully learn Japanese. It is not actually possible. The fastest I've ever seen someone go from zero to N1 was 8.5 months and that person already knew other language learning techniques. They studied for an average of 8 hours per day. They could read and listen perfectly, they however, could not speak and couldn't not write kanji since JLPT doesn't test those. They studied purely to pass the N1. This is to say nothing about slang or hyper formal keigo that they were mostly unaware of. So no, unless you are actually an autistic savant with unlimited time and money, you cannot fully learn Japanese as an English native speaker in 1 year.

>> No.57208944

this actually sounds amazing, based mikeneko

>> No.57208957

would she ban all her fans if they stepped out of the enabler yes-men line in order to help her?

>> No.57209063

the only fans who ever spoke up(foreign unicorns) were in the process of being violently ejected by her due to a failed attempt at discussion about it that ended up with unicorns blowing up and then her blowing up as a result of them blowing up on her
both parties might have been able to talk it out, unfortunately both she and her fans are overreacting schizos who end up escalating things unnecessarily and regretting their choices after they calm down
t. overreacting schizo regretting certain choices made

>> No.57209169

she only had to choose
>one of your core audience type.

>faggots who bring nothing good to her and mock her and her core audience.

I can't understand this creature at this point... .
Was it all about Apex or is there some other important factors?

>> No.57209182

She isn't really in the mood to take fan feedback right now for reason explained previously ITT
if she manages to feel guilt for her choices after this, by some miracle(probably won't happen this time), I'm sure someone will say something. As it is, though? Refer back to the OP. We can only wait and hope that some sort of epiphany hits her.

>> No.57209210

see >>57198651
and >>57203315
tl;dr she's retarded

>> No.57209271

The definition of check yourself before you wreck yourself. She has zero self awareness.

>> No.57209322

Okay, like, literally any other VTuber and I would maybe feel sorry for them or understand, but Mike is literally the one VTuber who I feel is completely justified in the response she's receiving from the audience she not only cultivated but heavily groomed and manipulated.

>> No.57209379

But she doesn't care about you.

>> No.57209412
File: 1 KB, 256x173, not logical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't understand how some fans can have such a lack of spine. to the point of just accepting being treated like shit every time they try to help by stepping out of the line.

>> No.57209488

I agree, I am simply saying that she also ended up with no tournament and in a manic collab where a clout chasing fuccboi mocked both her and her fans AND she doesn't care about them

>> No.57209783

because she was in the middle of blasting unicorns out for opposing the collab in the first place so anyone who would have spoken out would have ended up lumped in with them

>> No.57209856

Now that's using a fucking anti tank rifle to shoot yourself on the foot.

>> No.57210083

the more i try to analyze this woman the more i feel i'm slowly losing my sanity.

>> No.57210142

Youre thinking about it the wrong way. The 50k people who wanted GFE left years ago for any of rushias hundred imitators. The 3k who remain want to give her their wallet and and have their balls stepped on as they cry and scream in pain and then get locked in a cage while she cucks them with some random jp fleshtuber. This is the rumina experience and no one else does it quite like her.

>> No.57210444

There was nothing to defend her from. She likes guys like that and always has. Anyone trying to "defend" her doesn't really know her.

>> No.57211336


>> No.57211658

Please use her name next time, so you don't dodge my filters. Thank you

>> No.57211963

I will do the opposite of this specifically because you asked
I'm not OP though

>> No.57213474

Funny all you here confuse bipolar disorder (BPAD) with Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
The last being one more severe, more disruptive, more common in woman.
I have douts about Miguel being BPAD like she talks about because japanese psychiatrist fucking sucks, even more than american ones.
She seems to have a mild version of BPD (real ones mostly end with them dead or killing loved-ones, doing drugs or dying of STD, one the few mental diseases who kill woman)

>> No.57213601

>EOP armchair pyschologist

>> No.57213760

I pity both this anon and Mike herself. Get help both of you.

>> No.57214096
File: 542 KB, 2000x3235, d8f58b8222243048802fb57473f15178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should stick to being Nazuna. Fuck numberfagging, caring about drama or past glory will do her no favours. The recent vshojo concert shows that she will have a dedicated audience, and there are peeps in VshojoJP who will interact with her

>> No.57214577

>I am waiting to see if she feels guilt and starts spiraling into apologizing on a stream again
Not this time buddy. She made it clear in her last stream she don't care about the gachis or unis. It's over.

>> No.57214800

She did this before?
Like try to clean the parasocials and become like more a "normal" streamer?

>> No.57217478

I agree

>> No.57218783

lol no it's so much funnier than that. She spent a fortune TRYING to get mafu to fuck her and he still dropped her in an instant

>> No.57218906
File: 148 KB, 346x346, 1680443700246385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never gonna shit on her. I know she isn't doing any of this maliciously. She's just extremely retarded. She needs to understand that she has a unicorn fanbase. It's what she's cultivated. If she wants to collab with men, she needs to accept that there's going to be an immense backlash. She needs to either weather it or stop trying to do male collabs. There is literally no other option aside from not streaming anymore, which I hope she doesn't choose and don't think she ever would.

>> No.57218955

She never loved the unicorns, anon.

>> No.57219178

If you read it vertically it says “I want to die”, you EOP moron.

>> No.57219206

Yet she went out of her way to prove she wasn't with mafu to not lose them and ended up leaking info and getting booted out of Hololive. That's how much of a retard she is.

>> No.57219405

Because she thought she would lose her money farm, not because she loves her fans. Her suicide bait cast after getting fired for "clearing her name" really shows that.

>> No.57219460

btw this is in the comment section of a male vtubers video, they may be slightly biased, you could see a bunch of them going over to her vod and saying "oh your real fans support you" even though none of them had memberships or anything kek

>> No.57219697

It's not just for the money. She genuinely did love her fans. She craves the attention. I don't mean that in an insulting way either. She genuinely wants to be loved and to give that love in return. The more, the better. She is an idol through and through.

>> No.57219784

>She genuinely did love her fans.
No she didn't.
>She is an idol through and through.
No she isn't.
Currently she is about the same as she was before hololive, which means she never changed and was just bullshitting you all along.

>> No.57219873
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>> No.57219995

You're just cucked. You will send your savings to her again after she cries a little bit.

>> No.57220092
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>> No.57220163

Cuckofami defence force in full action

>> No.57220183

what's your point

>> No.57220280

you know she did have a relationship with mafu,right? Her denying it and mafu ditching her doesnt make all the proof of them living together disappear, you know that right?

>> No.57220336

She's a cruel person and I hope her fans can finally break free from her. You will never mean a tenth of what any random male Apex streamer means to her.

>> No.57220367
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>> No.57220408

Not that cuck, she didn't have a relationship with him. Everything that happened went down because she didn't get to have a relationship with him, but really wanted to.

>> No.57221152

Literally this. Vshojo can solve basically all her problems.
Feeling lonely? Collab with Henya and Kson.
Missing the stage? Vshojo actually does concerts.
Hell, if she's just missing looking like Rushia maybe Nazuna can get a pink haired version too, Zen changed massively between dragon and cyber so vshojo has no problems with large changes in the talent model. I'm not sure what autism is keeping her in Mike,

>> No.57221295

still coping... cuckdead...

>> No.57221364

>I'm not sure what autism is keeping her in Mike,
You are trying to analyze her as a rational person, but she is not. She doesn’t make sense. Nothing, literally nothing she does makes sense at all.

>> No.57221378

Where's the cope? How am I a cuckdead? Literally just said she was in love with mafu. None of the events make sense if she was in a relationship with him. She would have no reason to talk to him through discord or to ask korekore about him.
You arguing against me is actually what a cuckdead would do.

>> No.57221433

Mikeneko if you're reading this, I wish you well and do whatever makes you happy.

>> No.57221504

She lived with him and was his onahole until she fucked up

>> No.57221694

If she did live with him that was years ago. She was not in relationship with him in 2021 given the proof that's been shown.

>> No.57221753

>Why would mafumafu send her a message on discord saying "I'm on my way home" if they lived together?
5 dimensional coping

>> No.57221789
File: 43 KB, 640x556, 1669571905853071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a fanbase that has suffered more than nekofami?

>> No.57221821

Why was she sad about not being able to meet up with him if she was in a relationship with him?
You're literally claiming that existing proof isn't real.

>> No.57222385

You are just being a retard on purpose. The message he sent to her doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to their home, it just implies he’s going back to his home and that’s it. She wasn’t dating him let alone living with him and saying this is not being a fancuck, is what whoever with a brain can understand based on the information leaked.
Yes, she wanted to date him but that’s it. That dude is drowning in too much younger and non batshit insane pussy, he doesn’t need to put his career or his mental wellness at risk to date her.

>> No.57222622

The big question is why the fuck did he even go out to eat with her in the first place. Maybe he gets a kick from getting older women's hopes up or something but didn't know her well enough to expect her to do what she did.

>> No.57222696

Some number of people started watching mel nekomata with honest intentions.

>> No.57222941

lmao, just like the shitters on twitter that go "OMG, prayers for _" over whatever tragedy is trending at the moment

>> No.57224656

The two dudes standing by her and quitting the tournament in protest is pretty based though

>> No.57224776

She seemed to have fun joking around with them while her cucks thought she was literally screaming in horror because she could never enjoy the company of guys and only did all of that because of her mental illness.

>> No.57224789

They joked about her getting fired from Hololive and mocked her the entire time during the collab.

>> No.57224855

She's over it already. Maybe you should follow her example.

>> No.57224903

You say that like she's not into douchebag types.

>> No.57224947

S-she wasn't when she was Rushia!

>> No.57224991

She is absolutely not over it lmao

>> No.57225016

>based on the information leaked.
you mean the photos posted on both their accounts of them living in the same house with the same classes with her arm in both easily identifiable by her bracelet?
just a coincidence I'm sure.

>> No.57225063

From fucking 2017. Are you claiming they had been living together for 5 years?

>> No.57225283

Who the fuck knows how long they've been living together for? But it's a fact that they were.

>> No.57225344

But it's not a fact because they clearly weren't together between 2020 and 2022.

>> No.57225352

no, he clearly kicked her out during the drama, did you forget about her complaining she had to find a new place to live?

>> No.57225360

The question is
Was it worth it? Killing the legacy she spent years cultivating.
Why did the GFE queen feel the need to destroy the GFE industry? Out of spite? Wanting a new career? She won't receive the same level of devotion or donos again, and the tourists will leave as she becomes just another streamer. But perhaps the truth is that she has had enough of pandering to online otaku.

>> No.57225399

She said that but then didn't actually move.

>> No.57225434

lmao they've gone from "I'm not being cucked, she loves us!" to "We were only cucked for several years!"

>> No.57225485

Just FYI mafu2 has a scandal where he's supposedly dating some woman every six months or so. So either he's fucking and living with half of the Japanese entertainment scene or these rumors just aren't very reliable. Rushia was definitely interacting with him way too much offstream for a gachikoi to be reasonably comfortable with but if you think they were living together based off of plates or iPhone colors you've fallen for a rrat.

>> No.57225498

They clearly were. It's a huge part of why she ended up getting fired.

>> No.57225575

You're just inventing shit now and throwing out all the actual reasons she was fired. Is this a fancuck psyop to invalidate every single piece of proof? Sure feels like it.

>> No.57225600

She pulled her biggest donors into a discord call before the announcement and tried to guilt them into accepting the collab because she thought participating in this tournament would magically fix her reputation as an untouchable. When it didn't work as planned, she then did a members only stream on YouTube where she complained about people trying to manipulate her with money and repeatedly said she wasn't a slave or puppet. Anyone who doesn't immediately give in to what she wants is a horrible abusive villain in her eyes.

>> No.57225627

Or that some scandals are false and some are true. There's no smoke without fire. A celeb with a wide social circle and plenty of options is not something an otaku can imagine.

>> No.57225633

There was no discord call. She sends them messages through twitcasting.

>> No.57225670

There was 100% a discord call this time.

>> No.57225678

>doesnt mention the photo of her arm wearing the same clothes and bracelet
yeah that'd destroy your cope so I can see why you wouldnt

>> No.57225710

How do you know that?

>> No.57225717

She wouldn't need to leak sensitive info if she wasn't close with the guy because the discord message that triggered it all wouldn't have happened in the first place.

>> No.57225743

Nah, there was apparently some kind of call, because she showed DMs from some dude upset he wasn't included during a twitcast afterwards.

>> No.57225777
File: 857 KB, 993x900, 1683544783114450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read all that but continue supporting her so you can get betrayed again and keep making threads like this.
If the year is 2026 and I'm not still seeing MikeRushiNazu shitposting then it truly will be over.

>> No.57225800

She was close to him but they weren't living together. You're intentionally ignoring all of the other proof because you're trying to invalidate it. Her only time talking to korekore wasn't after the discord message.

>> No.57225847

This plus what she said during the YouTube stream.

>> No.57225972

>b-but they may not have been living together at that exact moment!
What the fuck are you even rambling about? The point is that they were clearly romantically involved. Whether they were still living together like they were back in 2017 is irrelevant.

>> No.57226095

No, I just don't buy it, especially because it doesn't line up with what she told korekore. But I'm curious, do you think they're still dating and living together? Because if they've really been cohabiting for 5+ years and buying matching iPhones and wearing each others' bracelets like you think, it would be really odd to break up over a Discord message.

>> No.57226229

They broke up because mafumafu was in danger of losing his fans/having schizo fujos murder him so he completely dumped her. I dont know why you keep trying to put up the strawman that anyone is arguing they're still together.
She does still thirst for him but he ditched her entirely

>> No.57226268

>The point is that they were clearly romantically involved.
She was, he wasn't.
>Whether they were still living together like they were back in 2017 is irrelevant.
It is relevant you fucking retard. The point is that you're throwing all kinds of shit just to "fuck with le cucks xDDDDDDD" while ignoring all the actual events that lead to her firing.
Why is she inquiring some random fucking guy about her 5 year long boyfriend's past dates and getting sad about not being able to meet with him if they're literally living together? How the fuck does that make any sense?

>> No.57226293

she hates Henya LMAO

>> No.57226377

Why would they break up? They've been together for half a decade and successfully hid it. The discord message and the suspicious plates are already out there so the damage is already done, they gain absolutely nothing by breaking up. Why not just go on dating forever?

>> No.57226380

>She was, he wasn't.
He messaged HER, you dumb fuck.

>> No.57226525

And? He never wanted her as proven by her behavior and messages to korekore, you fucking moronic retard.

>> No.57226606

This is really it, her messages to krkr make no sense if she was already dating and living with him. That should have settled it but we'll apparently have people sperging about glasses and bracelets forever regardless.

>> No.57226639

He messaged her because he didn't want her? What the fuck are you on about? You're completely fucking delusional.

>> No.57226693

she wasnt in hololive before, she was trying to keep her job and freaking out, he didnt want to get caught in her death spiral
she's in love with him, she's just some good menhera pussy to him, easily dropped

>> No.57226715

Why didn't he want to go out with her anymore if he wanted her and was already dating and living with her? What the fuck are YOU on about, retarded ape?

>> No.57226778

Hard to tell. Honestly if you told me years ago I could go on a date with Rushia I 100% would have done it. Now I know I’d rather eat shit over dating her because she’s insane. Maybe it was the same fir that dude.
I’m not defending her. Would she had the chance to date him she 100% would have done it but I seriously doubt that guy is retarded enough, more so when you know how much pussy he can get.

>> No.57226806

Nothing is odd when mentally e-celebs are involved

>> No.57226807

In 2017 she was fucking nobody and just as crazy. If they were actually together that long they obviously would have been very committed and it just doesn't make sense to believe they'd break up because she got fired from her job.

>> No.57226954

He 100% percent is fucking a lot of girls. Maybe he fucked Rushia a couple of times. Having said that I seriously doubt they were a couple at any point.

>> No.57227008

He did say those items were gifts from fans. I wonder if they had a host-customer type relationship where he'd meet up with her (and probably many other women) and accept gifts like that.

>> No.57227085

According to who or what? I don't know what they're doing after the drama, they could still be fucking for all anyone knows. There haven't been any leaks about their relationship ever since.

The fact is that the evidence at the time of the drama points to them being in a relationship at that particular time.

>> No.57227260

According to all the proof from korekore, you fucking imbecile. The fact that you think I'm talking about something "after the drama" shows how you know fuck all about what's being discussed and just read some QRD on /#/ that was completely wrong.
The evidence at the time of the drama is literally what points to them NOT being in a relationship. It all happened because they weren't in one, moron.

>> No.57227282

Yeah, I think that's much more plausible. I suspect she had a mostly one-sided infatuation with him where she'd do things like buy him gifts, buy iPhones to match his, etc., while he mostly kept her at arms' length (though still way, way closer than most fans could ever dream of). It actually lines up with the facts we know whereas "mafumafu have been living together and dating for 5+ years" just doesn't.

>> No.57227466

Korekore's """proof""" is fucking testimony from the two people that got ousted and who had all the motivation in the world to lie, you delusional retard.

Even if this bitch sucked cocks live on camera and told you that it didn't happen you'd still find some way to delude yourself into believing her.

>> No.57227479

>"mafumafu have been living together and dating for 5+ years
You're the only one posting that strawman and you admit they were together in 2017
you're just a sad cuck who wants the crumb of "Well his cock isnt in her pussy this exact second right? So mine could be...."

>> No.57227645

Kirsch has successfully used the flames to achieve independence. He will now move on to a bigger firm where he will be successful without incident.
She has been betrayed by the man again.

>> No.57227666

There was actually zero motivation for her to pretend to not be in a relationship with him in Nov/Dec of 2021, unless she has precognition and knew their discord messages would get leaked three months later.
If the evidence that leads you believe they were dating is actually evidence, they have been living together since at least 2017 yes

>> No.57227717

Korekore's proof is literal screenshots of his chat with mike, retard. You just keep exposing yourself as a complete newfag who has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Why would she be lying to him IN THE PAST? Why would she be talking about ANY OF THAT SHIT in fucking 2021?
>Even if this bitch sucked cocks live on camera and told you that it didn't happen you'd still find some way to delude yourself into believing her.
Cool strawman, retard. In what part of this conversation am I "believing her"? She claims to not have feelings for mafumafu. Do you see me "believing her" saying that?

>> No.57227791

>Korekore's proof is literal screenshots of his chat with mike, retard
Of a service they didn't actually use to chat regularly (discord), you moron.

>> No.57227886

Man, you really have no idea what's going on. You don't even have the basic facts of what happened. Other anon is right, you read some /#/ greentext, fuck off.

>> No.57227955

Concession accepted. I'll always be around to remind you of your retarded delusions.

>> No.57228160

You clearly weren't around a year and a half ago when this stuff actually happened so I highly doubt that.

>> No.57228250

I miss Rushia

>> No.57228259

Keep coping, fancuck.

>> No.57228505

She said. That it was you guys who cheated and betrayed her first. You should apologize to her.

>> No.57228546

the audience really does reflect the streamer, mentally ill, unable to think straight, immune to logic, constantly going through the same loop and fucking up at understanding it every time

>> No.57228646

I remember how anons used to claim that she is THE role model for vtubers, the GFE queen. I wonder what those anons are thinking right now

>> No.57228769
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Might be hard to think with a bullet in their brains.

>> No.57228910

they probably still think she has never done anything wrong ever and all the evidence is fake and fabricated and everyone is lying and out to get her. Literally hundreds of unrelated parties just hate her for no reason at all

>> No.57232773

Jesus fucking christ you literally have no idea what you were talking about.
Every single screenshot korekore showed was a LINE screenshot, idiot. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

>> No.57232958

Discord was what they used to chat and was what they didn't show, you dumb fancuck.

>> No.57233169

Mikewhore never talked to korekore through discord, ENtard.

>> No.57233337

I'm talking about her and mafu you incoherent retard.

>> No.57233745

>stop browsing vt for a while
>come check back quickly because of the recent vtuber horror game
>my wife did something stupid again
FFS woman, can you stop hurting yourself for one second?

>> No.57233838

Why doesn't she just sell NTR ASMR? Dlsite is full of that stuff and I'd shower her with money.

>> No.57233864

Yeah because you're deflecting. korekore never showed any discord chats between mikewhore and mafu that were exclusively available to him.

>> No.57233989

>She probably wants to become a mainstream vtuber again
By collaborating with those two landmines? No fucking way you can go mainstream that way, she'll have another sort of fan yeah, but she'll stay underground.

>> No.57234149

my dumb oshi is just like that too. they should get a hobby offstream or a second job where they can get their self-actualization and focus on gfe, or treat vtubing professionally and avoid gfe.

>> No.57234215

Kirsch is the one who got an invite to build a team for the event. There's absolutely nothing wrong with collabing with him if you just want to be mainstream trash.

>> No.57234365

She gets off on this.

>> No.57234881

I've completely ignored mike since she got terminated, and I haven't been lurking /vt/ either.
I know she got into vshojo, did she leave? What happened with that?
And how is it possible that she's just using her Rushia model with some extremely minor changes, was there no copyright fuckery?

>> No.57235087

Vshojo was/is a dead-end so she announced she wasn't going to be streaming regularly and shelved Nazuna bit hasn't fully quit.
Mike model doesn't matter because that isn't how copyright works, but it also doesn't matter because she just self sabotaged all the good will she built up in the month since she started using it.

>> No.57235293

If Kirsch, whom you all hate, moves to Holo and Neoporte, the collaboration with her will automatically disappear.
Unicorns can rest assured.
However, if Kirsch joins Nijisanji, with which she is closely involved, there will be room for 30 percent because she has no connection with Nijisanji.

>> No.57235615

>turned her into a lolcow
She was always a lolcow. The only thing that saves her is she's a cute japanese girl which triggers protective instincts in men. If she was morbidly obese and white she'd be no different then those fatgirl eating channels in terms of reception and behavior

>> No.57235711

That's Ria.

>> No.57235959

unfortunately, even in the AV industry age is prioritized before look.
ironically, she's too old to go for normal av , but look too young to sell to hag/milf fetishist.

>> No.57236562

time and time again her fans will just come back to her because she already did this 3 times already

>> No.57236566

She was a lolcow pre-holo, then she escaped that fate temporarily and shone as Rushia, but it was only a matter of time before she fell back into it.

>> No.57237260

To be fair she doesn't hesitate to kiss her viewers and tell them "i love u". The girl is smart when it comes to GFE, she knows all she needs to give is some love and she will be forgiven.
It's like having a cheating gf that always apologizes and comes back to you. This, is truly elevated GFE. A live drama where you're the protagonist.

>> No.57237976

This thread is like a psychological case study. I can't stop reading.

>> No.57241067

She was a good girl after all.

>> No.57241542
File: 93 KB, 1185x667, 1691402966746928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint reading all that nigga. You retards deserve to be cuck.

>> No.57245484

>Now I know I’d rather eat shit over dating her
Or you could just do her a few times and enjoy the feeling of cucking other people. It's not like she doesn't know what she's doing.

>> No.57250320

I hate the peanut gallery so much. I actually agree with these people, but not for the same reasons. They have ZERO idea what they're talking about.

>> No.57254949

>2K updoooooooots. you are minority!

>> No.57255035

bump, goodbye

>> No.57255192

don't do it, mikebro

>> No.57256063

shinitaineko. means cat wants to die or something idk if you read the first letters vertically. typical menhera behaviour nothing to see here.

>> No.57257585

I think the issue is that she's a number fag herself. Yes, VS can give her the things that holo used to give her but they're like downsized versions of what she had. Let's not forget that this is the same girl who started going menhera and tried calling people when her first outfit after joining VS didn't match up to her usual Rushia numbers. And I get it somewhat. It's like an old boxer or athlete who's pass their prime or just went through a career ending injury. Or maybe a has-been actor would be more apt?They wanna prove that they're still just as good as they were but reality just keeps smacking them in the face. Mike unironically got a taste of what it's like to be in the mountain top as Rushia. She was part of not just Hololive but holofantasy, the golden gen of HoloJp. Loved by everyone. She had literal seiyus and tv personalities commenting on her and showing clips of her in Japanese morning shows. She had legions of people numbering in the tens of thousands willing to spend not just money but their time and attention to her. Compare that to where she is now and you can kind of see why she can't let go.

>> No.57258044

in the end, NTRbros cant stop winning
