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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 282 KB, 600x1000, Gawr_Gura_Full_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56960165 No.56960165 [Reply] [Original]

where is Gura

>> No.56960241

Back to fucking that doctor or lawyer or whatever after she sabotaged Advent

>> No.56961357

Based grifter, chumkeks deserve it

>> No.56962056

This would be funny if it wan't true

>> No.56962136


>> No.56962960
File: 141 KB, 850x856, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rumaki__sample-e602f8ee1c93b5c1dc5087f0a218df9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor actually, she will return soon, my dick can't take her libido anymore and need to rest.

>> No.56963054

Eating out Shion

>> No.56963292

Having 3p with vesper and magni

>> No.56963409

This except it's me included

>> No.56964401

protesting the firing of her oshis

>> No.56964740

This except I am also included.
Would be hilarious if this was the case.

>> No.56964803

waiting to see the times for advent's membership opening streams so she can schedule an overlap

>> No.56964885

Her job is done. She streamed for a month because Mori sacrificed two homos and overlapped the new gen. You'll see her next at the anniversary.

>> No.56964904

advent isn't streaming

>> No.56965060

The mythical shark has descended back into the deep sea. It is unknown when it will be sighted next. It comes and goes as it pleases, never allowing its movements to be tracked.

>> No.56965123

she stopped

>> No.56965246

Probably back to working on projects and will soon go back to Japan is my prediction. That's why she had a burst of streams because she knew she was on borrowed time and wanted to get as much streams out as possible before she had to back to working on projects, 3D performances in Japan and what not. What do you expect from her, she's extremely over worked due to her extreme popularity and being the star of HL whether you agree with it or not she's a phenomenon and no girl in HL is close to her in subs. I will patiently wait for my oshi to finish her idol duties and I'll be happy af when she returns to streaming again because I miss her dearly when she's gone.

>> No.56965860
File: 1.86 MB, 480x852, dpfExbXcNB-uJF6s.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's with me.

>> No.56965991

why is she the only one who can't stream in japan? council are all there now and seem to have pretty much figured it out

>> No.56966230


>> No.56966263

Everyone always asks where is Gura. But no one ever asks who is Gura?

>> No.56966308

Gura is the Carmen Sandiego of hololive


>> No.56966494

I already pretty much addressed that in my last comment, she as alot more HL work to do than most of the other girls, hence no time to stream. I think she'll do an off collab or two with the other girls at some point though, once her work schedule has calmed down, hopefully.

>> No.56966515

What fucking projects? There has been one song that was revealed at the EN concert, and every other girl can do original songs and still stream regularly. Where are these supposed projects that she's been secretly working on for a year?

>> No.56967024

She also does alot of 3D performances with the JP girls, where she will have to learn the choreography and learn the songs, do you think that's not time consuming? When Gura goes to Japan Cover takes that opportunity and includes her in lots of shit, because she is the star of HL and is loved by both EN fans and JP fans alike. She has more idol duties than all the other EN girls, maybe on par with iRyS.

>> No.56967175

And yet all we got was a karaoke on her birthday with a kanauru animation, an anime that other people are doing for her, and....that's it. You chumficks really need to accept your oshi is fucking lazy.

>> No.56967438

the ones that somehow never get closer to being released, like the video for the new single that she thought might be finished 9 months ago, or the reflect jazz version that's probably forgotten about, or the mystery cover song that was apparently finished but can't be released because management never got permissions for it.

>> No.56968352

I know Gura is lazy, but she suffers from bad social anxiety and probably has some form of depression, which is commonly confused as laziness. But she powers through it which I can appreciate and at the end of the day she is my oshi, she introduced me to the rabbit hole when I randomly found her stream in my yt feed and I was addicted to her instantly, even though my brain was saying this shit is weird and even though Gura was a dude with some voice changer or some shit because I'd never ever seen a vtuber before. anyway I eventually overcame that then I started checking the JP's like Korones english only streams which are adorable, "fire in da water, whyyy" "smol smol turdle house" Korone is fucking adorable. Then foobs spending days and days fishing on pokemon to catch a golden magikap, and her reaction when she finally caught one her reaction was fuckin adorable. Watching Miko play GTA 5 was amazing, Miko is pure comedy and I love Miko, when Miko is in a collab or a group collab she makes it so hilarious, she is a little treasure, so endearing. My point is Gura made me go down the HL rabbit hole and HL is wonderful, makes me really happy, cheers me up on shitty days so I thank Gura for that and she will always be my oshi, idc if she's lazy. When she streams I just get a rush of endorphins in my brain or some shit, her cuteness, her humour, her mannerisms in how she speaks, she just ticks all the boxes for me and no other Holo girl can compare to her for me, I still can enjoy other Holos though, but Gura has stolen my heart over the years and I love that girl man seriously. Long ass comment, but I'm high af so fuck it lol.

>> No.56970122

She doesn't care about her audience as much as her audience cares about her.

>> No.56970170


>> No.56970358

Also she slurred through her whole bday stream

>> No.56970687

It was rough yeah.
>starts a story
>'waitaminute ummmm'
>verbal keyspam
Repeat for 45 minutes. If the benzos and booze aren't helping her anxiety she shouldn't take them before a stream

>> No.56970787

On break until en4 debuts

>> No.56971241

Ghosting her fans again and playing rust with her boyfriend, and no not (You)

>> No.56971263

Her birthday stream?

>> No.56971297

tonguing my asshole TuT

>> No.56972306

The hack here is to keep releasing new gens so she keeps streaming.

>> No.56973164

She's hunting down Dimitri Jap for betraying us with that Overwatch Collab. Believe in Gura.

>> No.56976112

She actually fucking disappeared already? Yeah nothing suspicious here she clearly wasn't trying to sabotage advent

>> No.56978266
File: 249 KB, 417x397, 1672463441030091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't have to overlap Biboo anymore since her unicorns got nuked from orbit

>> No.56979258
File: 465 KB, 800x512, 64D9DDBF-9C27-4011-A12C-7F472549DB04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s literally a mascot so lots of job offers from cover and other member. From live to commercial to 3d variety to sponsors. Has to talk to animators, create music, be tokyo ambassador etc
>b-but my niji liver stream daily
That just mean they’re not getting other offers

>> No.56979454

He came back from deployment

>> No.56979481

We know, Vesper.

>> No.56980010 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.56980291


>> No.56980341

Chumpedos believe this.

>> No.56980385

I don't wanna eat a ban but it gets posted on /gem/ pretty much every thread, look for it on warosu if you are interested.
