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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56601822 No.56601822 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56601975

That sounds reasonable to me?

>> No.56602021

And people wonder why Holo management would not let Subaru or Choco go to Comiket.

>> No.56602254

I get what she's saying but why did she share IRL footage if she wants to dedicate herself to be a vtuber. Vtubers don't exist in the real world. There is an argument to make that Nene Amano didn't go to comiket, her RM went. Therefore she failed to do what she says she's doing.
If we put aside all the stalker discussions, she's acting like a complete victim without realizing she herself sent mixed signal with what she did

>> No.56603350

seethe, jealous roastie
my pure angelic maiden nene love me

>> No.56604555

didn't she already show her bare ass to everyone anyways?

>> No.56605653


>> No.56605972

Why is this getting reposted again and again?

>> No.56606027

Rope neck schizo

>> No.56606584
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her hands?

>> No.56606622

If you don't want people to know about your activities outside of the publicized fictional persona you play, then don't publicize your real world activities and especially not on your public-facing company accounts. This isn't just a mistake, it's either intentional or disqualifying as a reliable adult.

>> No.56606748

>samefag that shits up 50% of /pkg/ at it again
This retard got banned for samefagging in Nene's streamlabs. He sent her a bunch of hate messages pretending to be different people when she could see that it's all one person.
After he got shamed on stream, he started his anti campaign. Literal subhuman retard.

>> No.56606816

Literally schizo fanbase. That's why you're better off staying away from small corpos doing GFE.

>> No.56607639

I'd like to see it, there are timestamps of the stream ?

>> No.56607880

Or Marine.

>> No.56607927

Good point

>> No.56608000

Yes. She's a whore and her fans choose to ignore it while thinking that she actually loves them.

>> No.56608022

And don't tell people you are doing them while the event is happening. Tell them Sunday evening or Monday that you had gone to the thing.

>> No.56608074

Nene is so transparently fake
I don‘t understand how people deal with that

>> No.56608151

But that's what she did. She had a stream retelling her experience with comiket and shared some picture/video she took.

>> No.56608680

Why even tell them at all? I don't understand why anyone in the business thinks giving specifics about their personal life or using their business accounts as personal accounts is a good idea. It's unprofessional, lazy, and is guaranteed to create problems.
>I went to a festival during my break and caught up with friends, it was really nice and I feel refreshed, but I'm glad to be back with all of you.
BAM. There, done. That's all anyone ever needs to know.

>> No.56608901

I think she was worried about someone seeing her there and leaking it to her fans so she wanted to be open about it. Which is based on one hand but on the other it just fed into drama queens rrats. Her true fans didnt mind it at all.
I think Nene is a good girl in general.

>> No.56608919

Because she wants to talk about comiket and expects vtuber audience to be interested in such a major otaku event.

>> No.56609137
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Nene is the love of my life and she is required to dress modestly in public. She is only allowed to display her magnificent boobs and ass to us cloudtomos.

>> No.56609157

never watched Nene but stop pushing your faggy hypersanitized ideals on to every vtuber, not everyone wants to watch someone who sets up an emotional brick wall between herself and her fans

>> No.56609235

It's funny when vtubers use the kayfabe argument only to defend them, but on stream most of them are just normal girls with no kayfabe.

>> No.56609391
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>> No.56609488

Want to do it official? Then do it official.
It's called a job. It doesn't stop being one because they overshare or breach their contract, well it could end up not being a job from the latter.

>> No.56609527

Menhera bitch, stop deleting people's channels.

>> No.56609642

NTA but if her response is this retarded maybe she's better off toning it down

>> No.56609662

To be fair, many fans don't want vtubers to be vtubers. They want them to be camwhores too, just look at the irl vs vtuber trend. That's unironically what a lot of fans really want.

>> No.56609749

>hypersanitized ideals
Please elaborate. Are you saying that playing the character is hyper sanitized?

>> No.56609771

I‘m not seething just confused
Why not choose any of the other, somewhat more believable gfe chuubas as oshi?

>> No.56609780

You repeat this every time, your logic is retarded.

>> No.56610050

The only seething is from people that want reality to not be the way it is obviously going to be. There is no seething possible from understanding the blatantly obvious repercussions of actions.

>> No.56610055

BTW this fucking schizo started messaging all of her genmates because he made up a /rrat/ in his mind completely unprovoked by reality that she went to comiket in slutty cosplay his new rrat is that she hid going to comiket or something????
actual eop retard neck yourself

>> No.56610105

What? Who asked

>> No.56610120

Who is talking about cosplay? If you cultivate a fanbase and antis full of schizos then as an entertainer you might want to reconsider what you do.

>> No.56610253

Where are these fans? Even adding 30 or maybe even 100 of them together their fan base wouldn’t equal Gura’s so that statement is wrong.

Since she put the words NORMAL in all caps and said a modest top I believe the issue was being called a cosplay whore looking for attention. Then again English is my first language I might look for things that aren’t there

>> No.56610310

>comiket in NORMAL clothes
Maybe just maybe she’s responding to something

>> No.56610356

Vtuber hasn't been about 100% dedication to the character "lore" or w/e. They always have to draw some aspect of their life to keep up interesting conversation, especially for zatsu heavy vtuber like nene. Even in Holo jp, they regularly talk about their daily life or experience outside of vtubing in zatsu if it's stream appropriate content. Also, "off-collab" would also be considered immersion breaking. The "immersion" reason to anti Nene is pretty stupid.

>> No.56610451

And you don't need to respond when you don't share. You have to actively cultivate this and create the opportunity for it. I grantee many people went to comiket and none of their fans know, it's literally a skill issue.

>> No.56610581

Yes they're way more than Gura's fanbase. They even include part of Gura's fanbase, part of all fanbases. The fanbase is called horny simps, they're huge and they have no self-control and no self-awareness. So the statement is objectively true and pre-emptively crushes all your false arguments.

>> No.56611816

How? She failed to separate public from private. It's her fault, cucktomo.

>> No.56613933
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by the way Nene is pro abortion, that should tell you everything you need to know about her

>> No.56614241

where would one find this

>> No.56614402

Menhera Bitch Slut

>> No.56614489

can you explain it to me, I'm retarded

>> No.56614575

Not mixing things you don't want to be mixed is just pure logic that nobody can legitimately argue against. But this >>56613933 is unhinged schizo posting.

>> No.56615599

*Pro choice
not the same thing inceloid.

>> No.56615939
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My my, that was kinda dumb, but you know what? It could be worse, yeah, she could be posting her bare tits online for instance, heh.

>> No.56616502

Maybe you should choose better for whom you spread your legs dumb bitch lmao

>> No.56618167

>I am ONLY a vtuber
>also here is footage of me IRL

>> No.56618251

Why would it be called pro choice? It's about someone's stance on the topic of abortion, not 'choice' which is way broader and less descriptive, why wouldn't it be called pro- or anti-abortion?

>> No.56618826

Both are just obfuscating, and you can't have a proper discussion until people agree to grow up and be serious. But this is a vtuber board.

>> No.56619173

I feel that using 'choice' is just unclear, probably deliberately because choice is generally seen as a good thing. I don't see how the term abortion is obfuscating though, isn't that what the conversation is about? What other term would better describe the topic?

>> No.56619356

If you are a vtuber you should not physically go to conventions or other events where you could be recognized. This is how that 5 guys shit happened and also why people shit on mori for trying to funnel her fans away from hololive.

>> No.56619401

Now say it without sounding like a hopeless virgin.

>> No.56619477

Pro life or choice, both are obfuscating. Abortion could also have negative connotations at this point. Talking about things like viability would be more reasonable, and it's closer to what most of the developed world seems to follow.

>> No.56619516

Nice way of outing yourself who can't think and attack my argument.

>> No.56619761

You're not going to be recognized. You're playing a character online and only a few million people at most care in a world with over 7 billion.
>but I also want to feel like *I am popular* and not just the character I play
Well then, it is what it is.

>> No.56619850

>Timelooping drama from a week ago when you created 2 threads about this
LOL Most desperate drama shitter

>> No.56620008

Knowing all that you literally out yourself as a former Nene fan. No one knows that about her. Obsessed incel.

>> No.56620257

I have never seen a single proof of this, it might as well be a schizo rrat from the same one guy for all I know. Not that it'd be a problem.

>> No.56620460

When people have streamers on in the background people will recognize you if you talk at all

>> No.56620742

No they won't, they won't even recognize you at first if you're a flesh streamer and talk a lot. Even some idols can lead double lives. They're not actively looking for you, and everything is different in real life. You're not getting recognized in a sea of billions of people. Arguably when they realize how invisible they really are some will orchestrate accidents to get noticed. Definitely not when you stream to an average of 3k people.

>> No.56620902

Yes they will, numbers have rotted your brain

>> No.56621201

No they won't, numbers have nothing to do with it. Instead it seems you have deluded yourself and you're angry about numbers. Nobody is going to pick Pekora out of a line in Comiket when she mumbles and points to the doujinshi she wants and then moves on, surrounded by a sea of hundreds of thousands of people doing the same thing. Nobody is going to pick her out when she goes and orders fast food or sits down at Yoshinoya. Nobody is going to notice her when she gets a throw-away umbrella and snack at FamiMa. She's literally invisible until one day she decides not to be. You are delusional and have ceased to comprehend what it is like living in the real world.

>> No.56622463
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Stop talking, it's embarrassing to read you

>> No.56622895

you don't even watch her, why do you care?

>> No.56623086

based, people need to stop pretending that the ability to have kids doesn't make someone a good parent

>> No.56623094

Shut up, you're embarrassing yourself. Did you even read what you posted? No, I didn't think so. Let me explain.

It is referencing OffKai and similar gatherings, conventions, specifically targeted at certain VTuber fandoms and indies. They're not attending to be invisible or just to live life. If they are attending then they are attending for attention. It's not like COQUI has separated their VTuber activities from their real-life activity, actually they emphasize in this post how they've merged them, and knowingly engaged with schizo fans. It isn't right or good behavior, but it is 100% expected and nobody can possibly claim otherwise. You touch the schizo stove and then you get schizo burned.

>> No.56623123

She only got recognized because she went to a fucking "VTuber" convention and publicly announced she was going, so you're kinda proving their point that you'll only be noticed if you're trying to be.

>> No.56623365

>I want to have my cake and eat it too
A tale as old as time.

>> No.56623643

It's just like that one time when Nihmune went to Twitchcon, tweeted about it, streamed during it, cosplayed herself, had meet and greets, snapped pics with Hasan and other Twitch people that got posted while she was cosplaying. Then everybody somehow found out who she was irl.

It's dangerous times out there indie sisters. Stay safe.

>> No.56623902

your mother should have been.

>> No.56624153

this board is recorded proof that abortions shouldn't just be legal, but also mandatory
