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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56511758 No.56511758 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56511941

That's a whole 'nother level of hover hand my guy!

>> No.56513526

>Knonii breast reduction

>> No.56513724

>shorter than Kronii who is 1.68cm

>> No.56514194

>Men's Bikini (Physique) pose
>Doesn't train legs

>> No.56514239


>> No.56514458

what the fuck are those legs LMAO

>> No.56515111

Those calves are good. You never stepped foot in a gym.

>> No.56515198

You're just a fat fuck. For his bf%, his calves are alright.

>> No.56515297

>Doesnt know what a Kimono is.

>> No.56515341

Never skip leg day...
Or well Kronii's legs are sticks too so I guess that checks out.

>> No.56515387

Good? Barely existing more like it, you have never seen good calves if you are serious about that statement.

>> No.56515438
File: 345 KB, 1920x1280, takodachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tako deflection thread

>> No.56515473

that guy was taking pictures with everyone, anon-kun

>> No.56515518

She wishes she was allowed to do that.

>> No.56515531

>weakest Kronie

>> No.56515662

jesus christ these legs. some people aren't helped by genetics, but this is just funny.

>> No.56515778

they look all pretty normal, at most they seem like people i could see in a supermarket on a tuesday. considering they're in the burger country, that's already pretty surprising how some of them are not so out of shape.

>> No.56515929

That guy is supremely ugly Jesus

>> No.56515977

Post your calves right now (you won't).

>> No.56516052

Dereliction post.
This is 1. the US, 2, specifically "queer fan"
You keep this on your hard drive to try and own people. Choke on it.

>> No.56516150

I am surprised they arent fatter.

>> No.56516276

look at his nonexistent quads anon

>> No.56516278

>going to the supermarket on a Tuesday

>> No.56516543

The size of the calves are determined by genetics

>> No.56516585

What level of hoverhand are you on, bro?

>> No.56516641

Do you have x ray extension that allows you to see through his baggy pants?

>> No.56516649

>brag that you are superfit to inspire your fans to train and not be a complete embarrassment on photos
>is actually a fat weakling that cant even do 1 pushup
sasuga kronii-sama

>> No.56516650
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>they look all pretty normal

>> No.56516699
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we *breaths* can take you scrawny asian twinks! *gasps at air*

>> No.56516769
File: 343 KB, 680x680, 9c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally pic related
Post your calves with timestamp, fatties

>> No.56516803

Yes, some of us don’t live in sububan hellholes inside our single-family pod where the nearest food source is a 3h drive away. Americucks should be nuked.

>> No.56516859
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>> No.56516938
File: 224 KB, 439x404, 1000004668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board has the most amount of crabs in a bucket when it comes to lifting and fitness and I don't understand why.

>> No.56517122

Her brand is a fast food restaurant and they sure look like they frequent those places

>> No.56517146

Jealousy and cope, the post.

>> No.56517167

Decent biceps and shoulders but dude is really flexing hard and pose is important, not to mention hes lean. Good on him for not being a fat fuck, id never hate on anyone's build. Op just go to the gym a few times a week, do some cardio off days, eat right and you too could gain his build in like 8 months. Definitely a reminder of how many fat fucks watch vtubers

>> No.56517299
File: 1.02 MB, 406x720, fat genshin player.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why.
Yeah, I mean, when 99.999% of the users on this board look like pircrel, I couldn't imagine why either.

>> No.56517627

If you cant get bigger than that you are doing it wrong, pure weight lifting isnt the key to big calves. Inclination exercises is the key.

>> No.56517699
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but I still don't understand the jealousy, whenever I see someone bigger or better than me it's just another mental note of achieving the same or better.
its woman behavior

>> No.56517747

its better to be fat than skipping leg day, simple as

>> No.56518009

It's genetics. It's like how some people have short biceps and no matter how much they train, they won't be able to have the arm with a full protruding biceps
He's also flexing his upper body to make it look like he has big muscles, so his calves are proportional to the level of fitness of his body. What do you want him to have, calves the size of his head?

>> No.56518194

The jealousy, narcissism and faggotry in the fitness community is off the charts.
If someone is fit
>lol he barely lifts, anyone can get that body with diet and cardio
If someone has bigger upper body
>lol he skipped leg day
If someone is big
>lol he's roiding

>> No.56518622

I think that's a man on the right, wearing pink

>> No.56518632

>t. Burger

>> No.56518937

The post above was fact checked by real American patriots

>> No.56518954

You can be gay anon just be gay elsewhere

>> No.56519023

lol amerimmutt

>> No.56519089

there is no fitness community, theres your local group(s) and internet faggots
on that
4chan isnt nice place, dont take it at face value

>> No.56519207

At least most of them are white

>> No.56519395
File: 2.27 MB, 540x720, choose your fatty fat which boy are you taking home.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'm the same as you. I've always despised the crab mentality this site seems to attract, not to mention how most people here are only capable of thinking in black and white terms and must view everything in extremes, while also seeing nothing wrong with this horrible way of thinking. It's just fucking pathetic.

>> No.56520039

>Jesus Kronies look like THAT!?
yes, they do

>> No.56520601

why his face all like that

>> No.56520606


>> No.56523355

>Kronii cute toes are exposed
very nice

>> No.56523592

what in the everloving fuck

>> No.56523784

Just your average /vt/ard

>> No.56524057
File: 1.07 MB, 180x356, ezgif-5-f6d8941d7a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was that crossdressing Fag, that bought the mumei outfit for Kronii. Man Kronies are fucking retarded

>> No.56524066

It's like if the most stereotypic otaku broke the conditioning and started to lift. Proud for him.

>> No.56524107

Gabe looks like THAT?

>> No.56524166

They are not neglected, but by no means are good. He focused way too much on his upper body or might just be fucked by genetics.

>> No.56525720

>that guy to the right
I didn't know Gaben was KFP.

>> No.56526247
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I really want to know his routine, there's shit genetics and then there's "literally doing nothing but bicep curls and calf raises." Bicepkronii, if you're /here/ please respond.

>> No.56528183


>> No.56528548
File: 377 KB, 1547x1170, 7C2DFB9E-1B56-4A21-82D3-C407D3F883B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average JP vtuber fan

>> No.56528563

As a general rule, people that talk fit without providing visual evidence that they are fit are almost always larping fatasses. It's the one thing that's not normalized these days and you will always be free to make fun of a fatass so an anonymous image board is a great place to pretend you're not fat for a bit an reach for that dream of being on the other side of that scenario.

>> No.56529411

which one is nerissa?

>> No.56529673

This manlet could pull some chicks, yet he choses the feminazi who loves Vesper.

>> No.56530000
File: 451 KB, 1179x386, 1691775388634955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern men conflate being fit with being vain/narcissistic
Being fit is what everyone is supposed to be, but being a muscle freak is not the same thing and offers no extra health benefits a regular fit gym person has

The whole point of being fit is that you live longer and healthier because your heart/blood/muscles/bones/limbs/etc. are being used properly to an efficient degree such that you prevent/delay any illness/disease/negative health effects
When you're trying to be big, you're not doing it for health reasons you're doing it purely for the looks(vanity), you like how you look and want others to complement you and acknowledge that you put work into your looks(vain)

It's not even necessarily healthy to be super big because the type of extreme limits you push for gains damage your body(internally and externally) in the long run way more than being fit does, not to mention the amount and types of calories/carbs/sodium/sugar/vitamins/supplements/preworkout/etc. required to maintain your physique often end up contributing to health affects in old age to the required dietary requirements of being massive.
I won't mention gear due to how obviously huge of a role it plays in health.

Most importantly the average woman doesn't like big bodybuilder bodies, they prefer anywhere from ottermode-athletic and occasionally strongfat so the idea of being huge for women is delusional

Pic related, left is healthier than right and will live longer

>> No.56530102
File: 131 KB, 560x1024, 1691944939820839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kronies, he's merely the weakest chumbud

>> No.56530509

You've never lifted a damn weight in your life talking like that.

>> No.56531270

Why does she hate the idea of men being attracted to her so much?

>> No.56532221
File: 277 KB, 1536x2048, F3_BaJeaEAA-G5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56532529

but does he have female friends?

>> No.56532554


>> No.56532697

He's not gonna NTR kroni right guys? haha...

>> No.56532778
File: 5 KB, 100x100, 1669836452020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern men conflate being fit with being vain/narcissistic
a fucking women made this post

>> No.56532804


>> No.56533039

Strange hill to die on seeing as most corporate vtuber consumers are infact sea

>> No.56533242

That’s exactly why he said that though?

>> No.56534149


>> No.56534751

Wait... is that the How To Drink guy in the Hawaiian shirt?

>> No.56536784

you can work out as much as you want, but you will never fix an ugly face

>> No.56536855

Many words just to cope. You die of a lot of things way easier than the slight difference you’re describing.
The truth is when you’re exercising constantly you’re already healthier than 90% of people. The guy on the left could die of a million reasons earlier than the guy on the right. Arnold Schwarzenegger is still very healthy and in his 80s.
It’s like being in a burning house and worrying about the stove being on or not. Technically you’re right to worry, but realistically it’s the least of your worries

>> No.56537525

