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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5643552 No.5643552 [Reply] [Original]

The duality of man

>> No.5643779

Completely Anya's fault
She's been debuffing her growth since day 1

>> No.5643793

"We have the same rigger"

>> No.5643891

What went wrong?
Are her big balloons really that much of a turn off?

>> No.5643945

>Both Great design
>Same awful rigger
>Completely different personality

>> No.5643969

Anya debuffs herself constantly. She refuses to play minecraft and picks games with bad numbers to stream all the time. Being the most fluent Japanese speaker outside of holoJP is not enough of a reason for people to be interested in her.

>> No.5644042

Anya is boring

>> No.5644065

The opposite actually. She refuses to show them. In every single stream she covers her chest with graphics or moves her model to the bottom of the screen so you can't see it.

She's ashamed of the character she portrays and reflects on her performance and drags the entire atmosphere down. It becomes distracting after awhile, which is funny considering that's probably the opposite of what's intended.

Probably would have been a lot better off if she was just a normal loli in the first place, but even if she became one now everyone would just make fun of her for getting "breast reduction".

Also she's just kind of boring. She has my favorite design in all of hololive, but it seems like she hates it.

>> No.5644170

She refuses to show the feet too, such a shame

>> No.5644182

>sheet design was freudian slip

>> No.5644220

Anya filtering filthy coomers sounds based. Too bad it hurts her numbers

>> No.5644244

That's why i like her to be honest, the werid shit she plays atracts me

>> No.5644303

>People think Gura is only popular because she's a loli
Big cope

>> No.5644368

It was her heavy accent speaking English. She meant sheet not shit.
Even back then she was trying to tell viewers she only considers her mama's design sheet canon.

>> No.5644402

The self debuffing dagger that hates her chest. All her fault.

>> No.5644435

She definitely wouldn't still be popular if she only had the loli imagery going for her, but it was still a massive boost in the beginning.

>> No.5644475

https://youtu.be/yOLEOnncGQM&t=1380 OHNONONO

>> No.5644482

That isn't a big cope that's a fact. No one gave a shit about Hiyo until she became a loli cat girl and now they love her even more now that she's a baby cat.

>> No.5646262

Imagine being afforded 200k subs within debut month and not doing anything to maintain or cultivate it. This bitch should just graduate. People whine that Gura didn't do anything to grow, No, Gura did everything to grow. Her game selection was exceptional during debut month. Not to mention that Gura is a living meme machine that attracts normies. Her first tweet was literally a meme. Anya on the other hand does absolutely nothing. A walking Pebble Place character.

>> No.5646505

anya unironically just doesnt seem like she enjoys it, but I feel bad for her because I have this same quirk of autism where if im focused on something and having fun I sound like im not
a new outfit or something may revive her just like has happened to some others, but she has to work for it, and may already be in the mindset of giving up.
plus being ID means shes limited anyway, even moona and ollie dont get the attention they would have got if they were in EN or JP.

>> No.5646645

tfw she was designed with small boobs and the rigger supposedly just turned 'em into massive tits

>> No.5646808

This. Gura is a walking meme machine. She has excellent comedic timing, knows how to balance the seiso vs. degen, and probably has the best understanding of internet culture in all of hololive. If anything, she's nerfed her growth by not doing many collabs and leaving HER locked in the wine closet.

If she has another 3-4 songs as good as Reflect coming out she's going to hit 4 million before any of the other holos hit 2m.

>> No.5649666

this is not a fact at all in any way

>> No.5650073

Anya got help by her avatar a lot and her fans too (Anyafication) but it still not enough because her personality is suck

>> No.5653858


>> No.5654162

lurk more faggot

>> No.5654256

Literally all Anya would have to do to grow is to play Minecraft and interact with the JP members. She can also stop playing debuff games.

>> No.5654329

Remember when some were saying that Anya would chase down Gura's numbers. About that, yeaaaaaa....

>> No.5658615

I saw the video where she did complain about it, but I haven't see her openly express not wanting to show them like anon here said >>5644065

>> No.5663316
File: 252 KB, 480x480, 1624675480228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All her fault

>> No.5665437

But it's Anya's fault not the rigger's

>> No.5665515


>> No.5665668

She's an indog. She has a natural debuff that means she cant grow past like 500k, ever, no matter how hard she tries.

>> No.5666157

That's either a shitty bait or you're a retarded faggot

>> No.5666862

Of all the people to say that about, you went with the one that sounds the most Japanese and acts like an angsty US grunge-head.

>> No.5667016

Oh, you mean she’s not a numberfag and plays games she enjoys? Sounds pretty based.

>> No.5667186
File: 16 KB, 423x115, fuckyoudetectivefagimthebossofthisthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and you won't watch it, and neither will most people.
She once streamed a really really really gay otome SFW yaoi game with a weird artstyle and even her fucking gachikois were leaving.
She had less than 300 people watching and the chat was almost dead, which is something I've never seen during a hololive stream. There's sabotaging yourself and then there's taking sabotaging yourself to the next level like Anya does.

>> No.5667622

She uses the table to hide her shitty hair rigging which she dislikes even more than having fat tats.

>> No.5670153

Sounds like she belongs in nijisanji.
Why didn't she join them instead? Everybody wins.

>> No.5670297

How come riggers are just gigachad than can shit on your mamas design and your career without any supervision or repercussion?

>> No.5670398

Damn there are a whole lot of Anya experts in this thread that haven't actually watched her stream before.

>> No.5670496

Anya is just a victim of thinking that being a V-tuber means you just stream games and you will naturally become popular and successful. She doesn't put any thought into how to be entertaining or engage her audience and basically just coasts off the brand recognition of Hololive. To be fair, Mori and Ina are the same but they can fall back on their music or art, HoloEN also has a much bigger audience. There's only a couple Holos like Marine and Kiara who actually put a lot of effort in.

>> No.5670583
File: 38 KB, 400x580, 1624414785158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is from EN and the other from ID, that's the main reason. There is a curse probably casted by Watamage that makes all of ID numbers low as fuck even tho all of them speak english. The reason why she has the lowest numbers in her branch is already explained by others anons in this thread.

>> No.5670588

No, she is just retard

>> No.5671308

KFP once again being tribalistic.

>> No.5672542

I'm just stating FACTS, if you think that's being tribalistic that's your problem.
Ina literally has a second job drawing stuff for chink gacha so she's already not putting 100% into Hololive; and half her streams are just drawing anyways where she will sometimes go for minutes while barely saying anything.
As for Mori, 5% speaks for itself. She puts in the bare minimum amount of effort into everything that isn't music or her TTRPG streams and only does game streams to meet her quota.
Even if you don't like Kiara, it's indisputable that she puts the most effort into her streams out of everyone in her gen, and probably Hololive too to be honest.

>> No.5672751

>There's only a couple Holos like Marine and Kiara who actually put a lot of effort in.
fbk, mio, Aqua, Nene, Coco, Haachama(prime). And I only talk about I've watched enough to know what I'm talking about.

>> No.5682174

You think FAQ idol doesn't?

>> No.5682256

Part of The Final Yab involves Anya performing this song at her 3D debut:
