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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 413 KB, 714x678, enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56289474 No.56289474 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Enna like this? Is she fucked in the head?

>> No.56289511

bitch is crazy

>> No.56289550
File: 41 KB, 505x277, Enna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56289565

This is just... weird. Worryingly weird. Like it's coming from the weird kid no one wants to talk with, but who isn't quite creepy enough to be interesting either.
Did management force her to backpedal?

>> No.56289617

What? Don't they know nobody cares if they are getting fucked? Why they keep trying to do this bullshit

>> No.56289668


>> No.56289703


>> No.56289788

>Is she fucked in the head?
gee I dunno!

>> No.56289905

getting some real school-shooter vibes from her if i'm being honest
or at the very least the chick who'd stalk and stab some boy she's interested in

>> No.56290106

>"too bad I'm not healthy in the head"
>Is she fucked in the head?
mental retardation advanced so far, (you) lost the ability to read

>> No.56290228

Reminder vtubers get notifications when people cancel memberships

>> No.56290358

Enna seems based, why do you guys hate her so much?

>> No.56290371

She is simultaneously OBSESSED with being known as a virgin, while also being REALLY into cucking her own fans
I honestly think she is a sociopath

>> No.56290381 [DELETED] 

a chink being psycho?
nothing new here

>> No.56290561
File: 52 KB, 1025x283, firts time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56290701

Being "literally me" for angry dumb women who lie constantly can't possibly backfire. She'll have a long happy career.

>> No.56290793

> All V-Tubers have mental illness
Enna is just especially severe

>> No.56290871

>Enna pretends she has a boyfriend
>gets flooded with superchats from her cuck fans to support her and her new boyfriend
>entire chat is positive wishing the best for her and her boyfriend
Oh but it was all a joke!
>later tells a story about flirting with a hot guy she wanted to fuck
>gets more superchats saying "you should try to date him!"

>> No.56290970

This was her way of telling chat she has a boyfriend but leaving herself an out if it backfires.
She's getting off on NTRing chat.

>> No.56290981

>fucked in the head
So she's not a virgin, THAT LYING BITCH

>> No.56290984

Menhera moment.

>> No.56291040

>Is she fucked in the head?
She isn't. Her fans are

>> No.56291048

So this is the power of the Nijisanji corporation

>> No.56291091

Didn't she once claim that 40%-50% of her viewers are females? That'd explain it

>> No.56291123

This nigga is on light mode

>> No.56291183

>shiorin talking about getting blacked
>/vt/ so cute; you go girl
>enna breathes


>> No.56291201

If you’re not Enna’s fan, you either don’t believe that she’s a virgin or you don’t care. Because Enna’s so obnoxious it doesn’t even matter anyway.
But if you’re watch her stream and she says it, as a viewer you have to decide if you believe her or not (although yes, deciding you don’t know/care is an option). If you decide to believe her, you’re invested into not being wrong.
This happens to resemble what the Nigerians scammers do an awful lot, by the way. Except it’s with a healthy dose of the p-word thrown in.

>> No.56291249

Pomu, Rosemi need to get out, Selen is on her way, Elira needs to tell her chink ass to get her shit together.
People still think NijiEN will get better.

>> No.56291271

So... she has a girlfriend instead, while Kyo is just a sidehoe to her?

>> No.56291274

What the fuck are you going on about, retard? The people that are supporting the blacked shit are the same ones supporting enna.

>> No.56291292

She fucks on the side, what's so hard to believe? She also doesn't care if she lies to chat, they pay her anyways, no wonder why she is laughing at them.

>> No.56291299

Recently she said it was 54% female 46% male or something like that.
But remember, even BFE males like Luca claims that 30% of their audience is male. If you look at his chat it's literally 100% females commenting, so ask yourself how accurate these metrics really are. If I were to guess the number of males is overestimated a lot, possibly as much as 15 points

>> No.56291312

I've never known women to give other women money for shit like that. Whoever is doing it is just as weird as any unicorn. Give money to people if you enjoy their content not I'd they may or may not be fucking someone

>> No.56291428

>Is she fucked in the head?
Unironically yes and everyone who has watched her for few hours can confirm this. To be fair, it's mostly fault of her fucked up zhang parents that were locking her in the dark room and did plenty of other things that can easily be seen as child abuse, but the point still stands - Enna IS fucked in the head.

>> No.56291453

Yeah Enna has done Chinese streams that get huge viewers like 8k-10k, but her donations don't increase at all. The people actually donating to her are the small pathetic number of male fans she still has. Her superchats are really low compared to the other girls especially in proportion to her viewership. That's the consequence of treating your male fans like crap and pandering always to bitchy chinese females.

>> No.56291455

>BFE males like Luca
He's not BFE though? At least not anywhere near the level of Vox.

>> No.56291523


>> No.56291557

Aloucucks actually consider their bird is a better singer than Suisei. Delusional and Dumb, doubles Ds.

>> No.56291594

Nobody likes Shiori, every fucker you see supporting her is doing solely for "unity" reasons.
Everybody is glad she's taking a break

>> No.56291608

>shiorin talking about getting blacked

>> No.56291652

The absolute sorry state of nijikeks

>> No.56291698


>> No.56291807
File: 458 KB, 828x822, mediapeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even do that in the first place? is she trying to see if chat would have a meltdown? get angry supas? she was clearly trying to accomplish something and just playing it off as gaslighting. woman are fucking weird holyfuck

>> No.56291875

I never watched a stream that has females in the chat. Assuming they are not disgusting trannies, can you tell from reading chat that it's majority female?

>> No.56291905

She's always joking around about being virgin, her chat even wants her to get someone, I'm guessing this is another joke of hers towards her chat and the joke is that she's still single, even though nobody believes this and are just playing along. She also has a lot of female viewers so it doesn't matter, I still think she's one of the funnier ones in her group.

>> No.56292009

But that's the whole joke, that she's a "virgin loser" that's the play with her chat. I also don't see anyone getting mad over this other than /vt/ schizos that don't even watch her.

>> No.56292068

She made a “once you go black you can’t go back” joke. Pretty rich to play that angle in a thread about the Queen of Spades herself.

>> No.56292344

that has to be some kind of psychopathic conditioning. she rewards chat with nice words
>you guys are so healthy!
for acting like a bunch of self hating cucks, so that they keep being subservents and giving her all her money

their "i got to be good to her despite everything because that's what a healthy person would do" mentality will eventually expand to a point where they will be giving away money they cant afford, while not even enjoying her streams anymore.

They might even feel good to watch boring and insulting streams because going through that mental pain gives them an illusion of doing the right thing

>> No.56292453

at this point she is trying to convince herself that what she's doing is not wrong.
she feels guilty about chat supporting her despite being trated like shit so she comes up with that "theyre just being healthy" to clear her counciosness

>> No.56292522

>Hololive out of nowhere
At least make them pay rent sister !

>> No.56292627

Enna literally singlehandedly ruined NijiEN

>> No.56292689



>> No.56292794

Are you cranky because you're all out of eggs sister?

>> No.56292837

great family

>> No.56292849

Hahahaha this bitch is deranged.

That they do.

>> No.56292900

Post the clip with context or neck yourself.

>> No.56292929

she was talking about larva or some shit, so it made perfect sense to make a blacked joke.

>> No.56292930
File: 2.81 MB, 300x150, 1672907681257757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shuriken of Spades

>> No.56293021

>get out xD
>stop mentioning holos, rent fre xDD

>> No.56293034

I know. That's why I want that disingenuous threadreading anon to actually post the clip or fuck off.

>> No.56293196

>>56293034 (me)
Although, reading it again they may mocking the whole blacked angle. I don't know, I'm tired.

>> No.56293532


>> No.56293708

Nijisanji's motto is anyone can be a vtuber. Even Enna. She certainly fills a niche. You might not like that niche but it exists and she fits it. That's all there is to it.

>> No.56293863

That's a dumb philosophy. Too much diversity will just result in a lack of cohesion.

>> No.56293912

NijiEN is a fucking shitshow that even the JP branch looks at with disgust because of people like this in the branch. Enna should have been gone long ago with her bf Kyo

>> No.56293978

It certainly is better than hundreds of vtubers going for GFE and/or coomer bit if you consider her success compsred to success rate of those. She found what works and stuck with it.

>> No.56294022 [DELETED] 

>watch the part of the stream this happened to
>literally just a harmless joke she clarifies in 30 seconds
I fucking hate you seaniggers so fucking much. KILL YOURSELVES


>> No.56294044

Lmao don't bring in JP branch when you don't know shit about it. They had NTR RP streams in JP.

>> No.56294089

"money at all cost" mentality totally disregarding ethics ore basic decency. This girl ruins the collabs of others and drives males away from the branch so that vtubers like Rosemi can't get an audience anymore.

>> No.56294110

Yeah but the rest of the branch suffers from it, is the thing.

>> No.56294164

Why should she care. If they fail to maintain an audience it's not her fault.

>> No.56294237

All their own doing. Their fanbases are not hive mentality and Enna's overlap with other girls is minimal

>> No.56294440

Enna's modus operandi for getting popular used to be "creating drama" often by insulting her coworkers, insulting her chat, or stirring up a bunch of crazy drama out of nothing. This completely changed the dynamic of NijiEN from "friendship" to "bickering" as everyone was trying to one-up each other for the most drama they could create. Some nasty insults were said and it created constant yabs and meltdowns, even before the AR live fiasco.

Management gave her a silent suspension after the Secret GC stream and she stopped insulting people to the same degree, but she's still doing the dramawhore bit as you can see in the OP. This kind of thing is a disaster for the reputation of NijiEN and even affects the main branch.

The point is that people can't be selfish and attempt to gain for themselves while ruining the greater whole, which is what Enna did to get popular.

>> No.56294594

>ruining the greater whole
are you a commie or something?

>> No.56294723

enna just sucks desu

>> No.56294737

The irony
You can't go three posts in a non-general holo thread without someone bringing up Nijisanji

>> No.56294757

It's a well known dilemma. Soldiers are holding a shield wall against the enemy. The first soldier to run will certainly live. But if he runs, the formation will break and most of his compatriots will be killed. He benefits, everyone else perishes. But if all of them hold the line, they can nearly all survive, and more importantly they can actually win the battle.
Selfish actions can drag everyone down, even if they benefit the individual person.

>> No.56294798

enna appeals to people with a cuckold kink, simple as

>> No.56294837

how can anyone take enna seriously with that granny voice. i turn on her stream and just laugh. haha!

>> No.56294859

Fucking kek, if this isn't proof Nijiniggers are the ones spamming Shiori threads on the catalog, I don't know what is. She lives in your heads rent free and it hasn't even been a month since she debuted.

>> No.56295269

Wow anon they literally used to brag about making "bait threads to filter the evil raiders" in /nijien/ but you just figured it out

>> No.56296266

Remember that Nijisanji fans harassed Aloe into graduation and Millie deserve to get sexually harassed in a jeepney for joining Nijisanji. She should have been raped instead.

>> No.56297103
File: 332 KB, 582x744, enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she try so hard to come off as unfuckable?

>> No.56297360

She said on the debut stream that during the final round of the auditions, Yagoo send 2 huge black guys to her private address and she had to fuck both to completion while performing idol shit while Yagoo watch via live cam. It seems to be the standard part of the selection process for hololive and Yagoo never misses this part of the interviews. Sounds weird but that's how they choose talent.

>> No.56297492

God I want to blow a load on that bitch's face.

>> No.56298222


>> No.56298455

I’d still fuck her while licking her sexy chinese feet.
t. yellow fever chad

>> No.56298572

>I'm not healthy in the head
>Is she fucked in the head?
OP maybe it would've been better to say "Why is she fucked in the head?" because she literally answered your question

>> No.56298699
File: 379 KB, 598x626, 46f077e2d6c129b3ef1933e3107b2b94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.56298811

NijiEN is always a reminder to me to appreciate my oshi because things could be far far worse. NijiEN is like the homeless man I drive past everyday.

>> No.56298920

this isn't actually true is it?
because now I feel awful about canceling my membership to that one indie....

>> No.56298955

zoomer babble

>> No.56299136

I think he was trying to say she gives great blowjobs

>> No.56299207

He quoted the part he thought was funny. Basically the obnoxious zoomer version of green text.

>> No.56299237

The head he gets is crazy, I told you last thread, Enna is only good for her mouth, gives great deep throat to Last Wish kids.

>> No.56299249

If you just watch her streams. She will tell you gladly how petty and fucked up her head.

>> No.56299468
File: 1.02 MB, 1391x1053, 56666667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Enna like this? Is she fucked in the head?
Yes, her mother has mental problems (Enna never said what she has) and there is a high chance that it might be hereditary. Ask the Ennaschizo for more information on Enna's lore

>> No.56299793
File: 531 KB, 700x1035, 1676577545795541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you even imagine, even conceptualize, even ENVISAGE the very idea of existing as an aloucuck?
Words unironically fail me.

>> No.56299817

>both Millie and Enna lying about having boyfriends to see fan reaction
This is so pathetic. They will do anything for a crumb of attention.

>> No.56299876

They have the list of active and non-active membership even the cancelled membership. Youtube made a tab for that.

>> No.56299919
File: 102 KB, 218x230, 1667062763571960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck

>> No.56300041

nijicucks will accept anything

>> No.56300133

I think most of her fans are zhang sisters who vibe really well with her rancid personality.

>> No.56300203

Enna confirmed master of blowjobs

>> No.56300657

Don't worry she's having Kyo's d*ck right now

>> No.56300814

Too bad I'm not healthy is (in) the head is CRAZY


>"Too bad I'm not healthy in the head"

>> No.56301026

I dont know why she tries so hard when she is already so unfuckable, and thats comming from someone with yellow fever

>> No.56301262
File: 48 KB, 256x387, If_I_Did_It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56301343

In reality Millie was saying this.

>> No.56301840

Kill yourself, cuck.

>> No.56302019

>shiorin talking about getting blacked
>/vt/ so cute; you go girl
things that never happened

>> No.56302735

Good day to you, Aloe schizo.

>> No.56302975

i don't know about shiori but natsumi moe definitively did. numerous times.

>> No.56303393

why the fuck would a normal person ever go on /nijien/

>> No.56303494

HAHAHA did that bitch basicaly scammed cuck for their money? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA So much for those retard who say that you are a simp who get scammed by a fake seiso idol HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA For a Enna that is based HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.56303714

at least I'm doing my part by harassing nijisanji members to avenge aloe

>> No.56304174

NijiEN must still be scared of /vt/ because I see no reason for this woman to still pretend she's some single virgin.

>> No.56304195

For all that EN likes to shit on parasocials, they've really cultivated quite possibly the most deranged and psychologically fucked parasocial fans in the vtuber sphere.

>> No.56304223

just like Shiori taking SC to go vacation with Tyrone

>> No.56304285

Who the fuck uses light mode

>> No.56304360

She's straight up pretending she's not fucking kyo now.
It was all just a gag!
So the numbers dipped then is what you're telling me?

>> No.56304509

You realize that Enna is the queen of spades of nijiEN right?
And that's not a joke, that's a fact. Like they actually gave her an outfit with her title being the queen of spades and the other niji girl got the title of queen of hearts.
Shouldn't the quote here about glass houses come into effect?

>> No.56304508

Holofags ITT are fuming because they know if their oshi tried this as a joke she'd have countless death threats in her DMs and the catalog would be full of incels crying

>> No.56304636

I'm sure you can pull up a quick clip, video with timestamp or something similar to verify these claims since they are abundant?

>> No.56305157

Enna is a strange person.

>> No.56305532

why she's doing this?
It's weird she seems more obsessed about the whole virginity stuff despite she claimed to ''hate'' parasocials

>> No.56305617
File: 50 KB, 593x687, be6b58ccc526c6ee967275b16932b97e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile nijisisters need to be lectured like retarded kids for harassing a fellow fan

>> No.56306376

Right on sister! #Cut4Hex

>> No.56308403


>> No.56308553

Why would a normal person go on /vt/

>> No.56308573

more like they were hoping their fans would be okay with it after they have been mentally broken, but to my surprise enough managed to snap out the middle and games, and fucking cancelled their subs. now they have to pretend this was all a clever joke in order to save face.

>> No.56308622

*mind games.* sorry I'm a phonefag at the moment, and it keeps auto correcting stupid shit

>> No.56308670

Its also just as likely that NijiEN's own talents know that the viewership and money coming in is declining, so they resort to drama in a desperate bid for relevancy.
But yeah management told them to backpedal because otherwise none of their remaining male fans would willingly buy their merch.

>> No.56309058

You wouldn't fuck her regardless of how hard your dick is.

>> No.56309304

They have to justify the time and money they invested on this trashheep of a branch somehow.

>> No.56309564
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, ennas oshi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcbg3lf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeat behavior

>> No.56310735

It has all the feeling of a socially awkward adult undiagnosed autistic girl. I know one like this and she sometimes has zero filter online about some stuff that while not being really unhinged, it's the kinds of things that most normal people have learned by social osmosis to not bring up in public.

>> No.56315167

well, she is ugly as fuck

>> No.56315427

Why do you keep misspelling her name as "Shiorin"? It's "Shiori". There's no "n" at the end, you moron.

>> No.56315466

that's not gaslighting, that's just lying.

>> No.56318430

As as she can sleep at night

>> No.56318740
File: 67 KB, 694x390, 1691927479274233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a bf

>> No.56319642

It's an announcement to other people/lovers that she is in control of her viewers. Or she's testing how devoted her viewers are. She might be planning to go to a holy war or something.

>> No.56320372
File: 181 KB, 820x774, enna's scam charity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before stream, anon mentions that Enna's charity is a fucking scam
>after stream, anon is still warning people, enna flips out and bans him

>> No.56321629

Huh, the guy was an actual Aloupeep and got banned?
Actually now that I'm looking more closely I guess he was just a unityfag Rosebud

>> No.56321672

This anon was also in Millie's stream earlier spamming shit like Millie being addicted to meth before and how she is a fake christian by going to a whorehouse with ethyria

>> No.56323749

Where's the lie?

>> No.56327875

That's cool I did not know this. I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.56328162

I watch Enna and I want to know who tf are you? Do you even watch Enna at all? I do not count clip watchers as fans at all. So mind your own business. I know you and other trash don't give two shits about us fans in the first place. So take your guys's fake caring elsewhere.

And to answer some people's question yes Enna is fucked up in the head and she isn't the only one.

>> No.56328399

As a male Enna connoisseur I really do not understand why females watch Enna. I just cannot grasp the idea bout it. To me Enna's personality is highly attractive and her way of being is sincere. I don't even know where to begin why females would watch Enna for anything except interest in developing their own singing abilities. I can't understand.

>> No.56328760

Was Millie even a christian to begin with? Even if she was this is what "christians" actually do anyways because according to that cult you can never lose your salvation. Once saved always saved they teach because you just have to believe in white jesus as he did the work for them. So it is a faith without works belief system and the laws of God are done away with. What is the lie though is none of this is true it is neither backed up in the bible. It says the very opposite.

The meth part is most likely a lie.

>> No.56328808
File: 149 KB, 1200x675, nyocover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56329189

Looking at those images it doesn't look like he was an aloupeep the green text I mean. He must of received one in today's stream a few kindly donated free memberships. It slipped out of my head but I think Enna said it was around 300 new members.

>> No.56329533

>Is she fucked in the head?
I’m sure Kyo has at some point.

>> No.56329615

>entire chat is positive wishing the best for her and her boyfriend
I don't remember doing any of this live on her stream dumb shit.

>>later tells a story about flirting with a hot guy she wanted to fuck
You have a warped sick mind. She said nothing like that.

>gets more superchats saying "you should try to date him!"
Are you sure you watched the clip idiot?

>> No.56329908

The weirdest thing to me is chat's reaction in her screencap. "SLAYY", "THANK GOD", "POG". Who the fuck gets this invested in some random eceleb's relationship? Is this really supposed to be the opposite of parasocial? I don't react like this when people I've known for years tell me they have a girlfriend, why would I? None of my fucking business.
This is unironic cuck behavior, it's exactly the same codependency as unicorns have, but somehow much worse.

>> No.56330120

From what I've seen, it seems to be people who treat chuubas like characters in a video game or anime and like shipping them together? I don't really understand it either.

>> No.56330312

She has a narcissistic personality disorder pls undastand

>> No.56330404

Of course you're not going to see it in the chat. You think men like me are as stupid as your conclusion? I stood there not saying a word wondering if she was bullshitting like usual or if this was the end and I almost bought it till her poker face cracked let out a laughter. I'm not going to lie and not say that this is not fucked up because it is and I have no idea what someone like me or anybody else has done to deserve the treatment even as I try and hope my words may encourage her on her stream.

I see this as her just being fucked up in the head because my entire family and myself are like that too but worse. One time she was open to the idea of dating an aloupeep but nowadays it seems more like paranoia as well as to stay distant instead.

>> No.56330731

lmao where are you getting all this from? None of this is how I am when I watch Enna. Holy shit but you think aloupee's like me got problems. Check the mirror.

>> No.56331029

Why would you or anyone believe her lie for a single second? She's crazy but not stupid enough to actually tell us if she got a bf, especially when everyone knows she just met with a bunch of other nijimembers so if what she said was true, people would assume it was one of the nijimen.
I get it, Enna has a history of doing and saying stupid shit, but anyone who earnestly believed her and is getting mad about this really needs to get away from the computer for a while. I'm saying this as someone that is terminally online.

>> No.56332588

kys larper no one is actually a gosling for enna of all people

>> No.56332729

He is though. He didn't keep it up but he is quite bfe sometimes

>> No.56332914

So… a joke? A dirty joke? Like a nothingburger? Ok.

>> No.56332941

I thought this was towa baby...

>> No.56333025

>Is she fucked in the head?
She's a vtuber. Being severely mentally and/or physically ill is literally a requirement.

>> No.56334169

>You think men like me are as stupid as
Yes. If you actually believed any part of her story was anything more than a bit then yes I believe you are extremely retarded.

>> No.56334379

I would t be shocked. She seems like a femcel icon like Taylor Swift. Swifties are crazy bitches so I assume her fans are a bunch of crazy bitches too

>> No.56334472

Normies get invested into celebs relationships all the time. Like Bennifer and shit.

>> No.56335238

nta but you sound delusional. Seek help.
Hence, fake Christian. You're proving the guy right

>> No.56335798

To tell us? You're not an aloupeep or a part of her fanbase Iol. I'm curious, how many times have you wrote this same bullshit?

>I'm saying this as someone that is terminally online.
That sentence and the prior one let's me know whose actually clinically insane and it's neither Enna or me. Mind your own business.

Don't cut off my words mid sentence so you can create a narrative in your brain stupid retarded fuck.

>> No.56336379

How does someone sound delusional from a short reply retard? Saying one sentence then asking to seek help without proving how I am in fact delusional but of course just run away with your diaper full of shit stupid child. Here little child >>56292344 explain how I am delusional from such a retarded post. How do you asses such bullshit while not watching Enna or are part of her fanbase? Do tell mf?

No shit moron what to do you think my words were? I'm still waiting for somebody to validate if Millie ever said she was a christian.

>> No.56336596

>how can you tell someone is crazy, you don't live in the hospice yourself

>> No.56336803

Just run away pussy. I'm sure you're very good at that.

>> No.56337957

give some credit to luxiem, they brought in the fujos

>> No.56338263

she's a sociopath with trust issues who constantly feels the need to "test" people around her. it's a sad way to live and i hope she can get past it.

>> No.56339894

I'm glad nijis have a sense of humor. imagine the seethe if a holo joked around like this.

>> No.56340283

Literally a brain damaged moron.

>> No.56340425

>the guy was an actual Aloupeep
Not likely, probably got a free membership from all her fans handing them out.

>> No.56341737

Assuming she's telling the truth, why? What was the point?

>> No.56341892
File: 540 KB, 557x468, 1668528997279257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she fucked in the head?

>> No.56342376

holy based. she found the optimal strat to bait supas and get away with it.

>> No.56342508 [DELETED] 

based. Millie is a meth addicted whore

>> No.56342529

the amount of people who care about this shit is frankly too high

>> No.56342618

Aloe was a whore who never should have been in hololive. She shouldve graduated life too.

>> No.56342654

She's priming her fans so they're ready to accept it like a cuck when she really does have a BF

>> No.56342838

shiori is literally the blacked sheep of gen 3
The weakest gen 3 member

>> No.56343062

That's why I always put that my financial situation changed.

>> No.56344466
File: 310 KB, 1536x1110, Fy8Jm9OXoAAMfvD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But according to these retards it's not a good thing because these pussies can't handle dark jokes that come from Enna and the others in niji. Just look how some of those sociopaths so called en fanbase were flipping out on FuwaMoco over them doing a stream showing their gratitude to the Japanese audience. I don't think they'll be able to handle a dark joke. It's probably why many of them hate IRyS who does some tame dark jokes.

>> No.56344554

Holobronies have mental breakdowns at the mere though of a man, its best to ignore their opinions.

>> No.56345581

Her fans are 100% into this shit they live for this sort of NTR GFE.

>> No.56345747
File: 169 KB, 692x720, 1691732288975929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna has 6 bait threads on the 'log at this very moment.
Logic says that you do the opposite of what /vt/ says.
Enna is therefore a good vtuber, and the midwit masses of /vt/ are wrong once more.

>> No.56345903
File: 7 KB, 249x244, 1691029790370400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbqh it's fun seeing /vt/ pretend to be men while simultaneously melting down whenever a woman banters back like this

>> No.56346100

>aloucuck defense force

>> No.56346305
File: 852 KB, 1099x911, 1690740871879725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love some fresh holoseethe

>> No.56347014

Enna is not GFE dumb ass.

>> No.56347339

She does almost all the things peak GFE vtubers do with the added perk of humiliating her fans and collabing with males and bringing up boyfriends.

>> No.56347480
File: 12 KB, 287x128, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56347510

What bizarro world do you live in kek

>> No.56347517

>Just look how some of those sociopaths so called en fanbase were flipping out on FuwaMoco over them doing a stream showing their gratitude to the Japanese audience
BVTM is not representative of the EN fans sister.

>> No.56347607

Shiori... I hope you're not like this.
Don't be kronii 2.0

>> No.56347677

>[boogeyman] is not representative of the EN fans [boogeyman]
worthless post, literal NPC response

>> No.56348417

I've seen her streams a bit, I've seen her way of treating the fans and her cooking, she barely plays games. Most of her content was just interacting with the fans.

>> No.56348540

>anon is so starved for female interaction he thinks zatzudans and handcams are GFE
how do I know you're a hooman

>> No.56348993

Kyo is actually brain damaged if you couldn't tell by his "poor Aloupeeps always getting cucked" comment

>> No.56356381

The fact how her and Millie managed to get their branches concert cancelled says a different story

>> No.56356522

surely you got proof of that?

>> No.56357156

She is a virgin so shut up

>> No.56357537

Shut up Aloe harasser

>> No.56358246

shutup holofag
not your business

>> No.56358963
File: 127 KB, 733x957, 7293485729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shutup holofag
>not your business
worthless post, literal NPC response

>> No.56359071

Kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.56360390

>show me proof of a concert that doesn't exist
Ok done

>> No.56363894

See... she's not as stupid as you clearly are, so she understands the fucking mess she would cause by actually telling us if she had a boyfriend. Please fucking go talk to people or go outside.

>> No.56364195
File: 65 KB, 320x350, 1481470035293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark jokes

>> No.56364260

it's dark humor because her imaginary boyfriend is black

>> No.56366704


>> No.56366919

This is called conditioning. One day she'll literally livestream herself getting bred (by me) and the chat will be completely okay with it because they'd think it's just another one of her sick jokes.

>> No.56367386

Ok based and redpilled. Good luck. I done with vtubers. You guys ruined a perfect and healthy hobby and turned and a mental asylum.

>> No.56367594
File: 38 KB, 405x405, 1692203015498149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look how some of those sociopaths so called en fanbase were flipping out on FuwaMoco
You mean you nijisisters making bait threads about shit NO one cared about because Kotoka got shat on for the same thing? Lol. Try a better bait next time.

>> No.56367639

have fun with that kyo

>> No.56367732

Shortly after her debut she was already telling stories how she completely wrecked her former apartment before leaving to get back at her landlord. This is nothing fucking new, dude.

>> No.56368124

Even if it's a joke if I were an alloucuck I'd be very upset about this and just leave.

>> No.56369276 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1040x948, Mesu nochi torare Nijisanji Part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56370569

Sounds like a good time
