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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55857385 No.55857385 [Reply] [Original]

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.55857454

What a faggot sounding name.

>> No.55857535

Do shioriniggers really?

>> No.55857801

she did it with Council too

>> No.55857893

based grey

>> No.55858159

Don't post me anon delete this thread now

>> No.55858175

based russianChad

>> No.55858235

Is this Alexander Babskii under an alt or are all Slavs mentally ill?

>> No.55858346

I checked, she didn't

>> No.55858525

Pretty much all of them. Look at what they're doing to each other in Ukraine.

>> No.55858540

>Implying cumbuds watch the other girls

>> No.55858543

This greyfag actually have a valid point. even if Gura is streaming at her usual time and seem less busy after connect concert. The other EN members were streaming just fine even with connect concert practice. This timing with advent is just bad, but better she stream than no stream again.

>> No.55858592

Slava Ukraini

>> No.55858656

>slavs invented war
>american education

>> No.55858691

better she stream regularly the rest of the year so she can take a break when advent debuts, LOL

>> No.55858709

schizo fucking seethe
>not stream
schizo still fucking seethe
OP will stay eternally seethe no matter what

>> No.55858744

>carbon copy of the narrative Gura antis post around here
So what is it? That member money actually hurts because some backwater Eastern European currency is so piss poor in value?

>> No.55858762

Don't /#/fags constantly say that chumbuds only watch Gura and no one else? If that's true why does overlap even matter?

>> No.55858796

americans might not have invented education but they sure as fuck need it

>> No.55858863

chumkeks our response?

>> No.55858874

Kek, struck nerve huh slavnig? Hope you get drafted by either side and come back alive but with no legs.

>> No.55858933

Stop being poor, yurofag?

>> No.55858999
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Can you even speak English faggot?

>> No.55859030

>hurr durr why did she stream now
Tempussies is dead, Omegay is gone. The Dogs are here.
Gura finally found her reason to stream. Here come the shark.

>> No.55859124

Holy shit! Look! Look at the retard!

>> No.55859163
File: 121 KB, 818x606, 12312516871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the chat breakdowns of Bijou and Nerissa respectively. Gura streaming is actually helping Advent by bringing out her audience and tourists to watch them.

>> No.55859166

>Gura finally found her reason to stream.
Well it can't be because she likes to or for the audience

>> No.55859184

This guy is clearly a Russian living in Ukraine who ukrainized his name around a year ago. It’s like a white guy named Dan who moved into a ghetto and changed his name to Denzel to fit in. Pretty hilarious.

>> No.55859282

>calls someone ESL
>is ESL
why does this happen so often?

>> No.55859283

I have seen this shit in like 3 different threads....you are the one that commented this aren't you anon...

>> No.55859296

Holy shit! Look at the faggot! When are you getting drafted, Vlad?

>> No.55859332

her passive income is dropping

>> No.55859357

Nah, just thought it was funny

>> No.55859359

don't know what kinda schizo pill you are on nijifag.

>> No.55859397

Gura has been streaming at exactly 8:00 PM EST for three fucking years now. If they didn't want her to overlap them, they would have streamed at a different time.

>> No.55859455

it's easy, she doesn't want to lose her paypigs to the shiny new toys.

>> No.55859491

sis she died for like a year, why would they assume her slot was even a factor?
are you retarded?

>> No.55859503

>muh overlap

>> No.55859540

Pekora streaming every day is destroying hololive JP

>> No.55859608

Streaming more often is a good thing.

>> No.55859622

weird I just checked January, February, March, April, and May and she didn't do it then... huh, must be a glitch on my computer

>> No.55859729

Maybe if you worked more instead of spending all your time shitposting here, you would stop being poor, Vlad.

>> No.55859746

Ever wonder why she died for a year? Maybe because of SOMETHING happen during that duration, like some FAGGOTs killed her motivation ?
Now that she have more girls to play with of course she will come back to streaming.
Fuwamoco will heal the broken shark.

>> No.55859870

>FAGGOTs killed her motivation ?
She ignored them entirely, you retard, and now there's even more streaming than before. If she wasn't streaming because of faggots then she shouldn't be streaming now

>> No.55859883
File: 247 KB, 608x657, 1690437125868885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are all Slavs mentally ill?
We're just very angry at all times. I'm not sure why we're like this. It might be because of the shit holes we reside in, or maybe it's something wrong with our dna.

>> No.55859984

Kill yourself.

>> No.55859997

Jps overlap all the time in their Timezone and no one gives a shit or spergs about Pekora overlapping holoX or whatever

>> No.55859998

Pedophiles haven't been this owned since the invention of the age of consent

>> No.55860044

Someone post his LinkedIn.

>> No.55860334

>Gura streaming is actually helping Advent by bringing out her audience and tourists to watch them.
The fact that Cover doesn't have a problem with overlaps should be proof enough for numberfags, but they just can't get it through their thick skulls
Overlaps strengthen hololive. Sure, it spreads the viewership over more streams, but it means a higher overall viewership. If certain members weren't streaming right now, there would literally be less people watching over all. I thought you guys wanted more streams?

>> No.55860457

maybe if she worked more you wouldn't eternally seethe, Pedro
funny, she only got attacked after she stopped streaming. not really the chicken and egg situation youre trying to shitpost with here sis
