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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55231136 No.55231136 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with male collabs

>> No.55231173


>> No.55231218

I don't want to watch men.

>> No.55231282

They don't belong in Hololive.

>> No.55231370

>What's wrong with male collabs
Just watch 10 minutes of Nijisanji and you'll understand why.

>> No.55231457

Surely no one would be stupid enough to think this is a shill thread now right

>> No.55231640

Why watch men flirt with your idol?

>> No.55232949


>> No.55232972

Not everyone has cuckolds fetish.

>> No.55233706

I want to watch cute girls doing cute things.
I don't want to watch and hear men try and vie for a vtuber girls attention and flirt with her.
If I wanted to watch a male vtuber I WOULD.
But guess what I fucking don't.

The only people that want male collabs with girls are troon fans of the homos and they DON'T FUCKING WATCH THEIR OWN STREAMERS.
They don't actually like vtubers or their homos. They treat vtubers as a fucking front to their ideological war.

Fans of vtubers don't want male collabs, at BEST they tolerate it, at worst they fucking schizo out and go anti.
What I do is just close the tab.

>> No.55233839

Why are you fags constantly shilling this bitch? Go back to discord.

>> No.55233936

This is Pippa's drawing, isn't it?

>> No.55234030

Plapa x cum-a-lot when?

>> No.55234192

Why did Cover think it was a good idea to debut HolostarsEN? Has there been any positives born of that decision?

>> No.55234246

Did she forgive him for doxxing her?

>> No.55234753

was it really her in the picture?

>> No.55235257

At best, it's just content that I'm not interested in (if the female VTuber is not GFE). If I wanted to watch male VTubers, I'd watch them on their own. But I don't. In this case, i won't anti her over it, but I won't watch it, and if it becomes too frequent or crosses a line, I'll just quietly stop watching her entirely.
But at worst, it involves my oshi interacting with other men more closely than I can ever interact with her (if she is GFE). I'm not deluded enough to think I'd ever have a chance to speak with her 1-on-1, let alone actually date her, but if I don't get to experience that, no one else should either. That's her end of the deal that she agreed to by choosing to do GFE. Deliberately cultivating romantic feelings in your audience, and then betraying that, is indefensible behavior that warrants ruthless anti-ing.
Either way, I just don't think it's worth it. It needlessly upsets your audience, and for what payoff?

>> No.55235299

No, it was his gym partner who's been in other photos with him. He was just mad that he got banned from collabs with Phase Connect and that was his idea of getting back at the company.

>> No.55235321

Very good post

>> No.55235591

Thx anon. Based non-schizo unicorn gang.

>> No.55236905


>> No.55237245


>> No.55237739

nothing. people against them are just bunch of virgins thinking they'd have a chance with any of the girls.

>> No.55239427

But why

>> No.55239628

You know I probably wouldn't mind guys as much if they weren't flaming fucking faggots and use the whole vtuber thing to be simps

>> No.55240083

What an insecure man

>> No.55240706

Male collabs is western culture. Vtubers aren't supposed to be western, they're supposed to be Japanese.

>> No.55241522

Male collabs aren’t a problem being a cuck is. Male collabs means he or she was in the dms and now has her contact info. Simple fact is if there’s a chance they are fucking another guy I’m not giving any monetary support which includes views. I’m not giving a whore a free meal in real life and I’m definitely not doing it virtually.

>> No.55243886

Male good

>> No.55244481

I think it really depends, if the female vtuber is GFE, 100% a problem should not do it.
But if she's not then if the man invited on is being flirtatious or making jokes of stealing her away from the fans then that's also a problem.
But if the male is just being normal and friendly just cracking regular ass jokes then that's the absolute best situation.

>> No.55244615

What a mess. Never be controversial for a momentary boost in numbers and you'll never find yourself balancing controversial allegiances for the rest of your career.

>> No.55244671

Retard. He's right

>> No.55244698

Ex-Capippi here, male collabs are what made me drop Pippa

>> No.55244778

Pippa’s feet stink

>> No.55245137

you don’t even now how to spell the fanbase name anon, how am I supposed to believe you watched her at all?

>> No.55245145

It's like she picks the absolute worst of the worst to collab with in terms of males. The only one that wasn't bad in my opinion was that one gun guy vtuber.
The others were just grifters.

>> No.55245245

You're wrong. You're not a fan of VTubers if you want to rewrite history and claim that VTubers are only for CGDCT unicorns, not even idol fans. Idols go on variety shows with men on the cast too and the fans love it. They just don't want their oshi to stay over at some guys house. CGDCT fans are not idolfags and they're not VTuber fans. If the entire VTuber industry suddenly changed to cater exclusively to CGDCT fans the whole thing would implode as only a minor blip in history that lacked vision and a way to evolve and expand. A VTuber fan wants the industry to get better, to experiment, to branch out. They want VTubers on the news, forecasting the weather, giving concerts inside VR games, getting on variety shows, and doing a whole lot more than onii-chan what are we doing on the bed ASMR. You're not a VTuber fan, you're a CGDCT fan, which is fine only as long as you never mistake the two for being the same thing.

>> No.55245264
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I like het collabs, especially when they encourage traditional family values.

>> No.55245312
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>> No.55245569

Does anyone have a list of which holos are pure?

>> No.55246601

I actually didn't mind the Merryweather collab either. It brought out the best in Pippa, and I was pleasantly surprised to see her stick to her guns and push back against his bad takes. And although his takes were bad for the most part, he was pretty respectful and chill throughout the interview.
He only turned out to be a backstabbing faggot after the fact, months later.

>> No.55246981

>End of list

>> No.55246984

Everything. We don't want it. Simple.

>> No.55248056


>> No.55248923

So don't watch them?
They are usually quite rare regardless.

>> No.55252156

You are the problem

>> No.55253338

Probably the worst thing is that it inflames the passions of the most annoying people on this board.

>> No.55253651

Girls pretending to be anime is cute, guys doing it is just weird, sad, and fucking gay. Every male vtuber is a queer, and acts like one. I watch vtubers to see cute girls doing cute things, not some socially awkward fag trying to be funny and fit in

>> No.55253760

This anon gets it, thread over

>> No.55254378

That's why i'm going to join Holostars

>> No.55255434

>sisters be like: "they're just coworkers, incel!"
>meanwhile this post
Men know how men are, why do you think they're hesitant about guys being near their oshi in the first place? Even if they're completely principled and there's no attraction or any of that shit, it's still gonna make fans anxious. The only way to remove that is to keep them separate, there is no other way.

>> No.55255610

He's right and all of you are wrong

>> No.55257752


>> No.55258424

I like how pippa completely changed her mind about tempus and homocollabs right around when magni and vesper disappeared
Really shows how insincere she is on both sides
>doesn't support the guys when they could use the help
>supports the guys now that they are basically striking new management who is imposing new rules on EN

Remember, pippa is a "hololive fan" here

>> No.55259178
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not him but i will dunk on you easily

this is not a vtuber only issue, a female issue or even a streamer issue
people do not always like who you associate with, and naturally in society, you will be judged by your associations

this affected many youtubers during the lets play era, many creators themselves have spoke about how they did not like how collabs with other creators took away from their content and just made amorphous fans who seemingly only exist to hype up shipping and fanfic in the fandom

Pewdiepie and Markiplier spoke about how the fans shipping them got out of control and that it made Marzia uncomfortable that fanfics would either include her being cheated on or that Pewdiepie broke up with her, which is why they stopped doing these collabs.

One of the best things that vesper ever said, was that you live or die by your solo content.
And vesper didn't even listen to his own advice, and that why instead of streaming to 1500+ people right now, he is having a temper tantrum for being an employee at a company that wants to change direction

As an actual fan of the guys, I think any of you that ever pushed for division in the company against the other fans, shit talked idol fans as toxic, pushed for mixed sex collabs, you need to recognize that magni and vesper are gone right now because of your actions.

>> No.55259253


>> No.55259421


>> No.55259480

correct, hololive not holostars

>> No.55259565

why are the chubbas conveniently all cute single women

>> No.55259638

Insecure incels are often autistic and they just meltdown with jealousy, no matter how platonic and polite the conversation. Weird little world.

>> No.55259650

Nijisanji sounds like a biased comparison considering work culture is different from company to company.

>> No.55259713

Most people don't want to watch men. It isn't complicated. It's like asking what's wrong with adding magic to Oppenhimer.

>> No.55259722


>> No.55259773

Stop being jealous that these women are showered with praise, affection, and support

>> No.55259966

Only idolfags find it wrong, normies wont care. But normies like me is just there for entertainment, not "supporting".

>> No.55260189

what that other guy said, instead of getting mad at idol fans, how about you actually stream instead and stop being so butthurt all the time
it might take you awhile to fix your attitude, but a vtuber avatar hides how fat you are, you can completely "fight" these girls at their own game, you just choose not to while you revel in sour grapes that these girls are "pickme's" while you've never really even made the attempt to be attractive to anyone outside some crush you had in middle school who called you eww

>> No.55260335

>normies wont care

Which is why the homos numbers are so low and why FuwaMoco have already passed their average views in under a week. You know, because they don't care. It's just entirely coincidental that the girls who don't collab with guys always have more retained viewership.

>> No.55261995

By that logic, it doesn't make sense to tip a female musician who's playing at a venue where there are male musicians. There is a chance she's fucking one of them, but there was zero chance that you were, so it's still impossible for you to be a cuck.
>free meal
Whore is a profession. A service is exchanged for money. Vtubers are entertainers, which is also a service-based profession. If anything, the only person who can get something free is you, while watching a vtuber, since they have to provide labor to exist, but you get to choose whether to pay.

>> No.55262632

Because all the male vtubers want to fuck the female vtubers

>> No.55263401

>retarded semantics argument
You really bought into the 'just a performance bro' koolaid huh? lmao come on. Ever heard of RMs? The hardcore gachikoi/fans always go there.

>> No.55263898

>hey bro you like motorsport right, are you watching this year's Indy 500?
>nah I'm not really into Nascar, F1's more my thing
>Heh, what an insecure man
