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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55200617 No.55200617 [Reply] [Original]

>is the best EN gen of 2023
How did a small corpo do it?

>> No.55200691


>> No.55200883

Did what exactly?

>> No.55200916

Buy ad

>> No.55201062

show proof if true

I heard them burping and farting on stream, very uncouth

>> No.55201167

Nobody really watches indie corpos. They say they do but they don't.

>> No.55201239

Imagine being so poor that you have to advertise yourself on /vt/

>> No.55201653

I don’t even think this is idol’s best gen in general

>> No.55201837

You seem to talk about PixelLink but post some entirely unrelated image, weird

>> No.55201894

>more talented chuubas than HoloEN3
>but they don't have a blue dorito logo
>so nobody cares about them
This proves again that /vt/ does not care about vtubing but about the Hololive brand name

>> No.55202071

Roca good, everyone else bad.

>> No.55202158

Roca is a lovely singer but Poko and Coni are the strongest entertainers

>> No.55202230

>/vt/ exist because of holo
>complain people focus more on holo

>> No.55202317

Not the best but I don't see why they can't be the second

>> No.55202383


>> No.55202404

Raki is really good but the rest of PixelLink aren't that impressive
Who would you say are the best?

>> No.55202456

literally who, the black haired is the only one I've seen been posted here

>> No.55202540


>> No.55202614

going with the popularity=quality option huh? Lame

>> No.55202945

Roca is an impressive singer but a shit streamer. Her weekly karaoke is great, the rest not so much

>> No.55203023

more like cunnyEN

>> No.55203171
File: 459 KB, 500x455, nani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the best EN gen of 2023
good joke buy ad kike

>> No.55203363

The EN scene is so full of garbage that even one above average vtuber can make a gen "good".

>> No.55203797

I literally how no idea who anyone of these chuubas are.

>> No.55205285

Yer not getting a cent from me you kikes

>> No.55205340

Holoboard. Holothread.

>> No.55205476

>three irrelevant boring chuubas (one of them is fucking fat and her whole brand is made to piss off another company)
>clown (literal)
>roca, the only good one
heh, don't think they did a great job anon

>> No.55205734

Going with response=cope option huh? Lame

>> No.55206084

Only really care about Kai and maybe Roca when it comes to singing, don’t really care about anyone else from gen 2

>> No.55206116

Buy an ad you parasites

>> No.55206169

I'm just happy Chapipi escaped 2view hell

>> No.55206310

Still better than anything the other corpos have to offer.

>> No.55206354

Even within idol theres better

>> No.55207605

>one of them is fucking fat and her whole brand is made to piss off another company

rent free phasecuck

>> No.55207797

>brings up phase for some reason
>rent free

>> No.55208060

All I know is that the blue bitch is fat and a swede
t. swede

>> No.55208167

she's half flip

>> No.55208280

You clearly never watched any other corpo if you really mean what you're saying. Those chuubas are the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.55208304

Momo is forgettable and Kai is just a shitty discount Mori. Others might be entertaining but Poco is a reskin of Yuko who is the Gura clone but horny and streaming, Coni is a reskin of Fuyo. Roca has her vsinger abilities going for her, I'll give you that.

>> No.55208354

you're not making it better anon

>> No.55208389

Ah so she is a swede, most likely from the north

>> No.55208940

i dont follow any of them but I can say momo is at least willing to pander to her viewers in her ASMRs

>> No.55209353

>references a retarded rrat made by schizo phasecucks
>WhY Do YoU BrInG Up PHasE

>> No.55209468
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, 1686554263326912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly want to know how Pixel Start girls stack up against ENdless. Both of their best girls, Raki and Roca, are the best singers of their gen. How do others compare to each other.

>> No.55209516

Where does idol get their money from? Their gens are money sinks already

>> No.55209598

Yes roca is min maxed. You can see why she'd get passed over by groups looking for well rounded talent. She's a lovely singer, just incompetent at everything else.

>> No.55209644
File: 18 KB, 235x330, marika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so poor that you have to advertise yourself on /vt/

>> No.55209649

CEO claims they don't make profit because all of it goes to better staff and equipment. Most likely, idol is getting their money from investors.

>> No.55209774

>Why does no one watch my "superior" vtubers?
>I know i'll shit on others vtubers that'll get them to watch mine
Fans like you are what keep these girls largely irrelevant on a world stage, don't belittle another corporation instead make positive threads that don't compare, make clips and get people interested in your favorite talent.

Even Hololive was tiny in the golden era of Vtubers but the fans provided a community people wanted to join instead of despise, the only corpo(s) i've seen do that correctly on /vt/ are VSPO, 774, and even a few indies but everyone else tries shitting on the biggest guy in the prison unsuccessfully

>> No.55209824
File: 417 KB, 622x400, unknown-2-622x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. E-Sekai is better.

>> No.55210172

that's retarded if there aren't a catch. Do they have subliminal messages in their streams or something?

>> No.55210331

Actually true. The Pixel girls are amazing. VReverie girls are great as well

>> No.55210379

I wonder what would be the catch. Even Rin was doubtful when she got scouted

>> No.55210420

Raki is the best out of endless and pixel. That girl makes me swoon.
Endless is weaker than idol's en1. Poko is an energetic streamer and Roca can sing, the other three are pretty forgettable.
For pixel I already said that I adore Raki. The others are fine, pretty good, I'll watch if I notice they are live, but I don't check their schedule. I do Raki's. Do like listening to the cunny bunny's cutesy esl swearing.
Also feels like holo's new gen hit pixel harder than it did idol, knocking some of them to below 50 viewers.

>> No.55210466

>i know the corpo allegiance of random anons who create rrats on /vt/

>> No.55210585

Haven't watched a lot of VReverie but Gen 2 is solid, too. I enjoy watching Rana. I also excited to watch V&U's new gen debut tonight.

>> No.55210648


>> No.55210876

I enjoy watching all of the Pixel girls, mostly Miuna, Nebi, and Chiaki. I'm sure with their debuts' success that a gen 2 will follow, which help increase on their viewership. If an unsucesssful corpo like Project F can get a new gen, I don't see how Tora-P would hesitate.

>> No.55211574

I'll wait until Fall to see how good ENdless really is.

>> No.55211814

i forget, which one drank her own pee on stream? peak content.

>> No.55211871

That's Yuko, the ghost cunny. Doesn't even belong in this gen.

>> No.55211900

Raki knows what she's doing, and I love her for it. As expected of a huge vtuber fan and someone who has worked multiple customer-facing jobs. She just makes you feel good, has a dream she wants to achieve, supports her genmates, and has audience interaction you can hardly get anywhere else.
Too bad she really is bad at games and tech. Not that being good at games is important, but it limits what games she can play. Having 12fps streams and getting hacked while not using 2FA or a password manager are much more severe issues though.

>> No.55211918

I'm sorry, but they got completely overshadowed by EN3. Bad luck.

>> No.55211996

I've been enjoying Miuna's Sekiro streams.

>> No.55212042

Burping and farting is the ultimate GFE, for if a girl if willing to burp and fart around you she is truly comfortable in your presence.

Also its preferable to NTR

>> No.55212043

>all in on cunny
Should have diversified their newest gen a bit. I would probably have watched if one of them had a hag model.

>> No.55212058

well, I know something about her. Her genmates should do it also so people find out they exist.

>> No.55213004

As expected of a Miori fan. The thought of Raki working her way up to that level both terrifies and thrills me. I absolutely love her recent approach to her content too. Shit at games? Play to your strengths and go all in on audience interaction and creative streams

>> No.55213118

the loli ratio is off, it looks like a disgaea party.

>> No.55213189

buy an ad

>> No.55213374

The apprentice applications streams have been good. Great way to get some interaction and people love showing off their pets as familiars.

>> No.55215308

Just work on IdolES

>> No.55215373

Idol Corp is a medium corpo by now, Sir.

>> No.55215581

It's typical for startups. Even if you don't make a profit immediately, you are building your business and market. Not making a profit isn't the same thing as losing money.

>> No.55215789

I enjoy listening to Kai and Roca. The pipes on Roca are insane.
Raki is such a fun gal to watch. While her tech understanding sucks balls and shes not great at games, like another anon said, she's great at pivoting and focusing on other cute content that involves her community.

>> No.55216010

Shiori shit the bed for all of EN advent.

>> No.55217035

You forgot to link your 30 bait threads

>> No.55218008

I'm happy that jew are happy with them

>> No.55218339

>check Momo's latest stream
>her room is still made of cardboard boxes
So that wasn't a joke?

>> No.55218525

literally who?

>> No.55219058
File: 437 KB, 1504x2000, 20230513_151442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally prefer e-sekai over endless but you do you buddy

>> No.55221742

With sex

>> No.55224730

Lol no

>> No.55227176

>subliminal messages

>> No.55227865

Holofags only care about blue doritos. You could get any of the idol girls and if they were in hololive they would be hyper shilling them. Meanwhile, if any of the holo en girls were to be in idk Phase, they would be attacking them.
It's not about the talents for them and it has never been.

>> No.55229748

What's their appeal?

>> No.55229795

Buy an ad.

>> No.55230257

It’s so funny when threads like these get absolutely btfo’d in the replies

>> No.55230335


>> No.55230483

attacking the audience you are trying to shill to will make them not watch your whores
buy an ad so that some bots might accidentally click on your streams
