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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55165287 No.55165287 [Reply] [Original]

Wifey is finally back!

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1681059380844806145

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Previous thread: >>54046425

>> No.55165413

I love my wife.

>> No.55165441
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I missed you shoggas

>> No.55165444

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.55165517


>> No.55165548

I love my little goblin wife!

>> No.55165692

why is she overlapping fuwamoco...

>> No.55165703

I missed you too! G

>> No.55165736

She HATES them

>> No.55165844

I was able to watch Nerissa, so it's fine.

>> No.55165861

I missed some of you

>> No.55165886


I missed it here even though you're all schizos. Finally someone to talk about wife that isnt offline chat

>> No.55166096

God, I missed her so much. Not a day's gone by that I haven't thought about her.

>> No.55166286
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>> No.55166356

I love her so much!

>> No.55166389


>> No.55166431
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the ironing

>> No.55166496


>> No.55166502

new holoEN twins she has been gushing about

>> No.55166553

I didn't

>> No.55166596

Stop thinking about chatters when your wife is right there

>> No.55166623

I'm not crying you are.

>> No.55166629

The only good part of her being away was me not needing to remember that faggot, stop talking about him

>> No.55166682

I'm glad she had a break at the point where I most hated her community

>> No.55166751

I almost died

>> No.55166897

I am convinced streaming is going to make her more sick and shes going to get even more depressed
I hope im wrong

>> No.55166987

don't think too hard just syadouHappynod

>> No.55167026

Now that I finally have a fallenshadow thread to shitpost in: I read every X during her "illness" saga and it read exactly like one of the kids who would call in sick to my work. If she wants to take a break why not just announce it? She never sounded sick during her birthday stream, and she doesn't sound sick now. This was when I reconsidered becoming a husband and removed her oshi marks.

>> No.55167167


>> No.55167228

She seems to be just about better

>> No.55167247

what artist did she say this was?

>> No.55167259

aight just leave

>> No.55167285

banger music

>> No.55167295


>> No.55167309

She met someone when she went to see barbie and doesnt want to tell us, but want to lie. Shes been delaying it for as long as she reasonably can

>> No.55167383

thanks homie

>> No.55167443

I wouldn't call whispering with your mouth literally touching the mic much indication, she didn't sound much different on her bday either

>> No.55167450
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It's so nice to finally hear her again

>> No.55167449

Ill give you the real reason anon
she had no interest in thanking people for the mass amount of donations for her bday so she stopped streaming and no one would ever bring them up

>> No.55167494

not schizophrenic enough

>> No.55167567

I could believe it

>> No.55167697

i could believe it considering her streamlabs broke and she probably felt guilty as fuck about it

>> No.55167715

I understand what you mean but she has my trust and hasn't done anything to lose it yet
If you're thinking like this you'll likely leave eventually so might as well rip the bandage off

>> No.55167742

Shoggers what size daki do I get again?

>> No.55167758

$32500 in just full bundle deals
Jesus christ

>> No.55167930

that's not profit though

>> No.55167962

Would also like to know this, whats the best quality pillow I can get for this daki

>> No.55167974

she has the least conducive situation ever to self fulfilling merch and yet

>> No.55168041

I love my paranoid wife

>> No.55168105

why is she caring so much about this now? she didn't seem to care at all during the last merch run. was there a yab i missed?

>> No.55168180

She likes to be professional

>> No.55168210

she gave this spiel last time what do you mean

>> No.55168280

she doxxed me on stream and i got send plenty of dildos and pizza
honestly she should dox me again

>> No.55168283

she opened it while streaming to look something up and constantly joked about doxxing us

>> No.55168304

part of me wants to buy something from her, the other doesn't want her to see the shithole i live in lol.

>> No.55168321

So she does listen, this kitten might actually have some use after all.

>> No.55168389

she's joking about it right now too

>> No.55168395
File: 3.52 MB, 1471x1003, 1662202500342740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your routine RAPE CHECK!

Reply with RAPE to RAPE THE SHONDO while she tries to work on merch orders

Reply with GRAPE to RAPE THE SHONDO while she tries to work on merch orders while telling you that you love and cherish her

>> No.55168420

Don't add your username

>> No.55168464


>> No.55168470

She really doesn't owe Rucaco shit at this point, but okay.

>> No.55168521

shut up

>> No.55168549


>> No.55168551


>> No.55168562


>> No.55168561

Say that in chat so she can take a massive dump on you

>> No.55168600

The rape check in /lig/ yesterday got funny reactions

>> No.55168621

>ren lives within 150 miles of her
Its shover

>> No.55168701


>> No.55168704

thats a really fucking bad thing to say on stream shondo

>> No.55168719

Who was the last person she mentioned?

>> No.55168757

ren is only a threat to nep

>> No.55168766


>> No.55168775


>> No.55168793

Even if she didn't, it's not like she'd take heed of anything anyone told her anyway.

>> No.55168845

Shocking how many pregfags and AIfags but still manage to whine about lolis

>> No.55168935

she was the one using her secret alt to bitch about rucaco because she knew she wouldn't see it
it was the thing I liked least about those accounts

>> No.55169003

I know she needs the help but I dont want shadowmama touching my merch I jsut want my wife to touch my daki

>> No.55169097

I'd fuck Shadowmama too so it's fine

>> No.55169112

she's still wrong about what caused the shipment problems last time. it was customs related because she lied about stuff in her customs declaration, and she's doing the exact same thing with this merch run kek. she's literally comitting tax fraud and puts her supporters in an annoying position because of it

>> No.55169131

She still brought it up on stream soon after that bitching albeit in a lot less detail

>> No.55169241

Tax fraud is based

>> No.55169399

not when it delays my shipment by 2 months because it's held by rabid customs agents asking me for documentation

>> No.55169574

this. Fuck taxes

>> No.55169809

Uncles HATE

>> No.55169815

i thought his uncle was cool.

>> No.55169924
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I missed her so much that I almost committed suicide while she was away.

>> No.55169930

Turns out she wasn't overexaggerating when she said he's a big baby

>> No.55169970


>> No.55170013

>miss someone
>so stop yourself from seeing them again
What did Anonymous mean by this?

>> No.55170052

Getting blackout drunk isn't a suicide attempt

>> No.55170072

Finish the job faggot

>> No.55170089

worked on my country lol

>> No.55170177

Not going to lie I was feeling that way at one point due to jealousy. Feeling better now, I needed this stream a lot

>> No.55170213

be nise

>> No.55170224
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>> No.55170289

Nah it was holydays.

>> No.55170361

makes this recent break the second time I've realized her behavior is a lot less tolerable over text

>> No.55170393

nope, it wasn't

>> No.55170505

My brother in Christ, if you kill yourself you won't see her again, and she'll be sad.

>> No.55170585

NTA but that seems much more likely

>> No.55170646

shoulda done it

>> No.55170666

Yes it was. I order shit all year long, its the holydays.

>> No.55170752

I really wonder. She should know a lot of people who send merch so it's a wonder she made the original mistake no matter which problem it was.

>> No.55170855

my guy, my shit literally got stuck in customs and they contacted me about it. how often you order stuff doesn't change that

>> No.55170890


>> No.55171054

Who's Peter again? Her pet rock?

>> No.55171159
File: 401 KB, 470x523, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck you gonna do about it nigger

>> No.55171165

yeah that guy just walks in like he owns the place

>> No.55171218

My guy its the holydays, shit gets stuck in customs literally only during holydays.

>> No.55171257

she touched me and told me i'm pretty virgin.

>> No.55171271

Be nise to my new son

>> No.55171421

she had me for longer fuck you

>> No.55171497

Give me giraffe ASMR

>> No.55171512

Calm down, Otis.

>> No.55171620

pvz gang are we going to take this lying down??

>> No.55171715
File: 394 KB, 433x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she will have me a lot longer than your bitch ass, go clean your balls- oh wait

>> No.55171718

anons i went schizo this sick break and confirmed that she hasnt said her height ever online

>> No.55171757

I already voted for it, but it was losing and monkey game is a zoomer game so it's gonna win anyway.

>> No.55171776

I'll make 500 alts and force them to tie so she plays both at once

>> No.55171778

I did my part but zoomers outnumber us

>> No.55171945

Shondo can't collab with Nazuna but can she collab with mikecat?

>> No.55171961

Bloons HATE
PvZ (Only 1 + GW1+2) are way better than any of those games combined

>> No.55172044

She can't speak Japanese she can't speak with either

>> No.55172053

>zoomer game
the series is ancient

>> No.55172236

It's barely older than PvZ but it gets more releases. No one remembers PvZ that isn't a millennial.

>> No.55172254

narrator: she will go 5 hours every day

>> No.55172258

>an entire week of baby games
Time for the full daughterwife experience

>> No.55172321

Shes going to go 5 hours this stream

>> No.55172333

cumming inside shondo's pregnant vagina

>> No.55172349

I'm a zoomer that played it on my xbox 360...

>> No.55172367

prease no. I need to work tomorrow

>> No.55172472

it's only going to get worse and she will hold you in contempt for having your own life

>> No.55172473

Please, tell me I'm not the only one who doesn't get Kikuo's appeal.

>> No.55172586

you can sleep at work brother

>> No.55172593

Never heard of them but this is okay, not something Id go out of my way to listen to

>> No.55172621

Shit taste desu

>> No.55172660

schizo music that mentally ill women listen to

>> No.55172677

>she will hold you in contempt

>> No.55172707

Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime
That's why I watch wifey on company time!

>> No.55172749

they are ok vocaloid songs

>> No.55172750

You're the only one who doesn't get Kikeuo's appeal. What kind of music do you normally listen to ?

>> No.55172786

Personally I prefer the stuff he did with Hanatan but I like all his music

>> No.55172824

she doesnt care about me anyways so its ok

>> No.55172872

now that's just not true, nobody I knew ever brought them up before her

>> No.55172936
File: 1.29 MB, 1122x1108, 1686109992676919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be like the tax stream where she gets nothing done and instead does a full listen along of Kikuo's discography

>> No.55172960

Back in my Vocaloid heydey, I'd have probably committed them to memory as a producer. It's not bad, but I don't have that passion for it anymore.

>> No.55172988

i dont know who that is either

>> No.55172994

Go eep eurobro, we'll take it from here she will be in good hands

>> No.55173049

Listen to this

>> No.55173061

this one is cute at least

>> No.55173067

why are you stopping me from filtering random shoggers

>> No.55173079

I like it but listening to it for too long makes me physically sick, like i'm doing something i'm not supposed to

>> No.55173141

im est... I just start work at 6am

>> No.55173186

She'll be wary of you though, especially if those screenshots of her mod leaving because they "got a life" are real

>> No.55173391

Sleep at work

>> No.55173405

Mostly stuff from when I was at school. New metal, metalcore, regular rock and some other rock variations and very rarely some electronic songs when I'm in the mood for it.

>> No.55173425

what new rrat is this, do you mean snowie

>> No.55173484

hi digi

>> No.55173520

>this one is cute at least
>starts playing this

>> No.55173562

I'm not american

>> No.55173665

no you're not alone. it's garbage

>> No.55173670
File: 10 KB, 277x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bravest shogger

>> No.55173717

Nigger music

>> No.55173718


>> No.55173845

I tried some edibles for the first time because of shondo
It was really underwhelming idgi

>> No.55173974

bro weed DUDE

>> No.55174002

Probably too weak of a dose. Same here starting because of shondo and it took me 4 tries to get it right

>> No.55174057

They were probably shit? Never had them and don't plan on ever having them.

>> No.55174096

she's like 60 lbs so it probably hit her harder

>> No.55174104

I'm too lazy to ever start doing it, even though it's legal where I live

>> No.55174416
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>> No.55174450

Kikuo's stuff is so weird but I can't get enough

>> No.55174466

1 hour in already what the actual fuck pls time slow down i want to enjoy my wife.

>> No.55174532


>> No.55174589

Someone in offline chat was using a blacklight to find the kiss on the poster. Does that actually work? Do I need to buy one to find where she kissed it?

>> No.55174613
File: 205 KB, 361x452, 1672776662800947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen wifey...

>> No.55174621

it does not

>> No.55175065


>> No.55175237

Kikuo lyrics moment

>> No.55175311

I forgot how much I didn't like dubstep. I'm so glad that era is behind us.

>> No.55175409

The dubstep is garbage sorry Shondo

>> No.55175491

What do I do with the postcard when I get it?

>> No.55175562

cum on it

>> No.55175569

Trust me bro. Dubstep back in the days are better than today's dubstep.

>> No.55175609

Do something that CAN be detected with a blacklight.

>> No.55175619
File: 855 KB, 978x867, 1686900841637380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got how this is one of his most popular songs, it's one of his worse ones

>> No.55175657

Well now the obvious answer is you imagine her holding your dick by pressing it on it.

>> No.55175704

This is from 10 years ago

>> No.55175767

This is exactly what I'm going to do

>> No.55175851

its wubshit for zoomers

>> No.55176059

I will measure it against my penis

>> No.55176161

Edgy music for teenager

>> No.55176179
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>> No.55176448

What the fuck Shadowchama has mods? I swear this is the first time one of them have actually typed here, I just assumed she never bothered modding on shadowchama

>> No.55176863

why wouldn't it, it's nearly as much chat activity as main already

>> No.55177035

The few times I've checked none were in chat so I just assumed not

>> No.55177344


>> No.55177401


>> No.55177407

i need that clipped

>> No.55177412


>> No.55177441


>> No.55177458


>> No.55177480

That is the most shocking thing shondo has ever said and im not even joking

>> No.55177489

Shondo piss is REAL

>> No.55177643

Same I can't believe she's fucked up like this

>> No.55177691

she takes one break and now she's peeing...

>> No.55177752

If powder room = pee
Pee = Do coke
That's my theory

>> No.55177769
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>> No.55177813

This is canon

>> No.55177872


>> No.55177894

Schlop schlop schlop

>> No.55177907


>> No.55177961

Oh she was just getting peas, thank god I almost started thinking girls actually peed

>> No.55178046

she's an opioid abuser anon get it right

>> No.55178050

Dumb brat lost an entire cat

>> No.55178149


>> No.55178198

I just realized since she normally hums the loading screen BGM
>I need to be extra quiet, both critters are here!
>009 Sound System Dreamscape fucking blasting from her headphones while she's gone

>> No.55178204
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>> No.55178253
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>> No.55178372

don't say it like that...

>> No.55178417


>> No.55178495

dumb brat misplaced an entire cat (now found)

>> No.55178520

I hope she leaves the vod up that fart timing was too good. I need the clip

>> No.55178541


>> No.55178638

I'm archiving it, don't worry.

>> No.55178783

tell me when the video is over, I don't wanna get spoiled

>> No.55178828

For fucking Elden Ring?

>> No.55178879

Yes, I haven't played it yet.

>> No.55179080

Shondo BTFO

>> No.55179113

about time

>> No.55179135


>> No.55179212

Amogus is gonna wake the critters

>> No.55179240

what did he even post

>> No.55179314
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>> No.55179329

"POV: You watch Shondo's only up stream"

>> No.55179362

>POV: Shondo's only up stream
And it was the guy falling down kek

>> No.55179391

Its over anon

>> No.55179414

10 minutes is harsh.

>> No.55179553


>> No.55180290

I hope wifey name doxes me

>> No.55180666

I don't need shoggers privy to anything about me

>> No.55180695

im daniel

>> No.55180715

Fuck you Daniel

>> No.55180813

Stop being a bitch

>> No.55180831

must feel nice

>> No.55180945

Wasnt she going to show the cards? Did I miss it?

>> No.55180982

She did, not the back tho

>> No.55181001

i have a biblical name im actually not going to know if it was really me
its over

>> No.55181012

shot put shondo directly into the garbage disposal

>> No.55181013

2 hours and starting work btw she's totally not going to 5 hours every day

>> No.55181029
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>> No.55181210

She's a dumb cat who doesn't understand the flow of time, for her it's been 20 minutes

>> No.55181416

to be fair i dont know how time as passed so fast

>> No.55181767

Who the FUCK names their son Jimbob?

>> No.55181844

someone in florida

>> No.55181867

You've never been to the southern US

>> No.55182716

she's never getting better

>> No.55182801
File: 784 KB, 960x960, 1665532065650652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babying perma sick wifey and princess carrying her when she's too weak to move

>> No.55183273

Shes being retarded, please get back to signing cards

>> No.55183330

can her fucking chat stop encouraging this extreme unbasedness

>> No.55183338

Wifey about to start the next pandemic with all these kisses sent all over the world that people are going to kiss back

>> No.55183364

Worth it

>> No.55183417

You fucking bet I will

>> No.55183468

this is the girl who thinks full surveillance would be a good thing if it meant children didn't get abducted

>> No.55183519

Im gonna be honest when she talks about dumb shit like this i zone out

>> No.55183537

I love my fascist wife!

>> No.55183591

Only if shes the one watching

>> No.55184098

shondo stop filling air

>> No.55184282

How is she filling air?

>> No.55184387


>> No.55184406

Guys I think Jimbob might have been american

>> No.55184436

we almost got nina's name

>> No.55184629

jimbob confirmed for florida
surprising nobody

>> No.55184668

Honestly I've always assumed that it's actually just Nina

>> No.55184744

idly commenting on everything when her voice is failing her

>> No.55184935


>> No.55184945

hey fuck you nigger for getting her to eat random garbage

>> No.55185024

She should eat peter

>> No.55185067

Bros I'm starting to think... this isn't her actually playing...

>> No.55185132

Fuck off rrat.

>> No.55185150

Stop being a schizo, I know its been a bit but thats a bit too much even for this thread

>> No.55185288


>> No.55185529

Dummy Giraffe CUTE

>> No.55185622

I mean is it really that dumb, it's not like hay-soos is a different name, that's how they pronounce jesus in every case

>> No.55185709

As she said, it's different in the UK but I've always seen it as a pretty common name

>> No.55185833

I went to the bathroom just now and discovered a completely white hair. It is so fucking over for me.

>> No.55185898

I've been found my white hairs, I get you

>> No.55186035

I'm blonde I don't know that I'd even notice. I think grey hair is fine on men though, better than losing your hair.

>> No.55186102

Question is there a third tweeter where she actually posts, or is the new account which she hasnt used since she made it the only new one?

>> No.55186120

My hairline bald spot is growing larger ang larger. it's so over.

>> No.55186152

The latter

>> No.55186166

>better than losing your hair
Don't hurt me like that.

>> No.55186265

I'm sure Shondo would enjoy slapping your bald head

>> No.55186321

I dont think its her

>> No.55186367
File: 472 KB, 2760x4096, F1s99jYaMAIYn8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had white hairs since I was 12. Shondo loves old men we are so in.

>> No.55186537

it's okay I took collateral just from saying it

>> No.55186682

>started balding at 23
I just shaved it all off, couldnt handle the way it started to look

>> No.55186858

oof. this one hurts

>> No.55186871
File: 308 KB, 960x936, party pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just the weekend

>> No.55187127

Who is she talking about?

>> No.55187199
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>> No.55187207


>> No.55187256

Oh neat

>> No.55187261

Whore (Complimentary)

>> No.55187285


>> No.55187389

her hard work is admirable but you can totally just... debut an outfit shondo, you don't need a redebut for every outfit

>> No.55187404

Shondo extorting money from her music guy...

>> No.55187426

i only watched her for a a little bit but her bgm is pretty cool.

>> No.55187457

New things are exciting

>> No.55187524

He deserves it

>> No.55187699

that's fine but honestly the lead up to redebut was kind of miserable, she was talking about her channel nonstop and stressing over each of like 20 moving parts and working herself to death on animation

>> No.55187742

the stress and money drain is not

>> No.55188020
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>> No.55188114

i never noticed that fluff did otis get to one

>> No.55188184

Forest Elder...

>> No.55188664

i fucking love her so much.

>> No.55188718

I'm jealous of the fags that are getting the fumos early. I should have donated more early on the subathon.

>> No.55188836

I'm not that jealous considering they also made her basically have a mental breakdown, I'll just pay

>> No.55189011

I don't care about that I would've liked the voice message
I did get a drawing but after her panic attack I conveniently forgot to remind her about it

>> No.55189070

That was mostly the fags who couldn't contain themselves when redeeming other stuff from the wheel and kept bombarding her with their requests. I just really wanted the fumo.

>> No.55189184

I was an unemployed poorfag at the time but I was considering spinning for the voice line but I think shed be upset knowing that would have been half my bank account to try and spin for it

>> No.55189586

The fuck was speedrunner dude trying to say?

>> No.55189807

The REAL Ryan Gosling?

>> No.55190169

Before she fell ill she said the fumos will be available on late 2023

>> No.55190220

Sometimes I fantasize about how would her neck feel and choke her

>> No.55190336


>> No.55190375
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I love her so much!

>> No.55190390

I'm kinda glad she isn't going MALE ON STREAM REEE over youtube videos anymore the joke got old

>> No.55190481

eurasian wrenpc

>> No.55190577

That joke got old a year ago, even tho sometimes I do it out of reflex

>> No.55190587

Anybody else shed a tear ?

>> No.55190631

Go alt hunting every time she doesn't tweet much.

>> No.55190697

I want all of Shonshon's cooties

>> No.55190784

I was honestly skeptical of her setting every WR in one stream, but god damn

>> No.55190856

Shondo is the best gamer of all time, she first tried champion gundyr after all

>> No.55191119
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its been so long

>> No.55191166

reminder she has no stamina when sick and she's trying to get better so she won't be doing full streams anyway here's your 3.5 hour alt stream

>> No.55191256

This fucking brat teasing us...

>> No.55191285

I want to brutally cave her head in lovingly
