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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 533 KB, 1080x1080, IdolES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55115569 No.55115569 [Reply] [Original]

Formerly /WACTOR/

>> No.55115758

C'mon, anon. Don't act like a Phasecuck. Unless you are one.

>> No.55116117

Phasecuck here, OP is still retarded

>> No.55116302

>not /spig/ (spanish idol general)

>> No.55116360

buy an ad

>> No.55117530

Compra un anuncio.

>> No.55117628
File: 135 KB, 1186x965, 20230613_134032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mis putos costados

>> No.55117657

Coñito corporación

>> No.55117849


>> No.55118404

Nisha, Ember and Anya confirmed members

>> No.55118856

Hermanos, I'm on a crusade.. give me your best cunny (forma spic) I'm open to try new things just recommend me your best local chuubas

>> No.55119207

Ok, someone make a proper /WACTOR/ thread.
It seems that the general name is a chispatrads repellent.

>> No.55119410
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My sister-wife rest in peace

>> No.55119496


>> No.55119545
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Groom bros, it's our time to shine.

>> No.55119555

Nice jewish tactics OP. Trying to merge the Wactor general and making a slow transition like this. Sedaishills also tried, didn't work.
/WACTOR/ needs to exist as an eternal memento of Akira's sin.

>> No.55119597

I hate spics. They don't belong in the European x Japan sphere of influence

>> No.55119621
File: 277 KB, 720x1219, Screenshot_20230803-093615~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranita earns more than Shura on streamloots.

>> No.55119730

I'm all in to make /wactor/ a spic chuuba general. It kinda been like that for a while now, but it would be good to make it official.

>> No.55119747

What happened to her

>> No.55119759

Shura bros!? Our response?

>> No.55119830

she was harassed and doxed until she couldn't take it anymore and graduated

>> No.55119863

Shura has been on streamloots for like 2 weeks

>> No.55119892

Meica fans harassed her into retirement. Beweare of Meica fags, they're worse than SEA monkeys

>> No.55119908

>she doesn't know it's just their boyfriends
holy naive, prime grooming material

>> No.55119949

I thought the Wactor doxxing thing was a meme, what the actual fuck

>> No.55119997

Or that's want she wants you to believe.

>> No.55119999 [DELETED] 


real thread

>> No.55120050

This time the culprits were the fans of one of the past girls.

>> No.55120053

I don't care for Idol, but anyone shitting on WACTOR after what they did you Laila is a ally in my book

>> No.55120220 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 1080x1658, 86366373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful idolbro that schizo is now in your thread

>> No.55120224

Got fired by her black company, then said company doxxed her.

>> No.55120247
File: 270 KB, 2400x3000, 1687234305412794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiero darle fuerte a la payasita

>> No.55120285

The CEO Akira Oishi do post personal information of the talents if they breach their bullshit contract.

>> No.55120296 [DELETED] 

>she admitted being a femanon /here/
This is the same retard from the other day spouting his headcanon, isn't he?

>> No.55120378 [DELETED] 



>> No.55120489 [DELETED] 

KEK that guy is the underage argie schizo pushing the /int/ tribal war in the generals.

>> No.55120620 [DELETED] 
File: 739 KB, 1080x2340, 87#77#7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55120829 [DELETED] 

He's also the same idiot who anti any girl who is showed some love here.
That name of his was mocking Diler's twitter handle.

>> No.55121344

Sexo con payasas

>> No.55122184

I'm staying here, WACTOR has to die already. It's barely a vtuber agency at this point

>> No.55122619

She's cute, I knew about Nisha but now I like Anya too. I didn't expect Spics to have such high quality cunny

>> No.55122843

Hey gato, why did you delete your channel?

>> No.55122954

not only is she cute but very good at games and she is a natural born gfe.
her only problem is that she attracts a lot of schizo

>> No.55123340

Hey sisters! Are we auditioning? I know we’re all here so let’s have chit chat about what we thinking about

>> No.55123781

Hermanos, ¿a que chica de idol debería de ver?

>> No.55123937

Riro o Fuyo.
Fuyo tiene algunos streams de español.

>> No.55123965

In the audition form only required a "feminine voice" so there is the potential for a femboy : D

>> No.55124120
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Se me olvido

>> No.55124553
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pegate un tiro culiado

>> No.55124708
File: 338 KB, 800x611, 1672168088529983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuyo sometimes responds to Spanish messages in chat with her broken español, she's super cute

>> No.55124817
File: 137 KB, 373x299, 1681221883661170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosa rosa

>> No.55124847

Ódio maricas por mucho

>> No.55125259

Cute chuuba shilling herself!

>> No.55125812

I don't watch macacos

>> No.55126044

Cosa rosa preciosa
Cosa verde bonita

Tell me more about your chuubas

>> No.55126599

Wactor had so many wasted good designs...

>> No.55127086

This. They are like the cancer of the spic community

>> No.55127267

The doxxer this time was a stalker she has, the fag posted personal data in /wactor/ a couple of days ago, WACTOR can't do anything to her tho

>> No.55127327

Fuck off dracucklon

>> No.55127345

I love idol but I don't know what they are planning opening an ES branch. I'll just wait and see how it goes. If they get a full whore branch like Nimu, Karma, PurinSeishin, Rakkun I would have dodged a bullet cause that's what I hate from ESvtubing, if they go for a Nisha, Akami chiyo style I'll cry for not having audition

>> No.55127398

She's a certified mesugaki. But don't tell the idolfags.

>> No.55127526 [DELETED] 

I hope he was being an anti the day anya was doxxed, he and pettanko will share a cell

>> No.55127629

Reminder that Anya is an ojousama that can have you killed.

>> No.55127672

>She's a certified mesugaki. But don't tell the idolfags
Anon, what are you implying?

>> No.55127683

There is a considerable untapped marked in the spic chuuba scene.
Even if our different currencies are worth dogshit, the amount of people wanting a quality spic chuuba is astonishing and would certainly skyrocket your brand positioning.
Other than the shit currencies, logistics for physical merchandising must be a HUEG issue they must solve somehow.

>> No.55127751

That you shouldn't tell the idolfags what I just said.

>> No.55127777

she's a litteral mesugaki, that's why she attracked so many schizos

>> No.55128119 [DELETED] 

stop asking, WACTOR resident kiwi-like subhumans are here waiting for a excuse.

>> No.55129042

a self-proclaimed pedophile did the dox and posted it all over social media, on top of that, a wactor moderator leaked a test stream of her audition from an account called @streampractice or something like that
add to this the fact that every day they would enter her streams with the names of her loved ones to annoy her and harass her to death for being a threat to others
if I remember correctly, in at least three different streams she cried about the same thing, she deleted one for the same

>> No.55129272

trust me you don't want to know

>> No.55129290

>I hate spics. They don't belong in the European x Japan sphere of influence
Spics sure love dragonball tho! And japan is all too willing to sell them slop like super to meet that demand

>> No.55129433



and it's not the only thing

>> No.55129518

stop lying retard, the culprits were that mexican pedo, the retarded "mod" AND herself.

>> No.55129662

>blaming the victim
Fck off and go to twitter to post ur schizo shit again, retard

>> No.55129703 [DELETED] 
File: 475 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2023-07-24-23-37-13-438_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that the one harassing Anya was/is Pettanko

>> No.55129751 [DELETED] 

She literally did nothing, they attacked her just for having a boyfriend haha

>> No.55129756

i miss her so much…

>> No.55129836

But they defended the others from the same

>> No.55129919

Probs going to be EU focused

>> No.55130063

Ironic isn't it? That's why I hate brotecitos

>> No.55130222


>> No.55130519

Seethe wactordrone, WE WON

>> No.55131108

What you won exactly? Your oshi devolved in to a generic twitch harlot without anything special and is a disgusting liar.
Meicatards are just a bunch of blind fanatics supporting a burraca, and harassing other girls in the name of a horrible person that became the best example of everything that's wrong with ES chuubas.

>> No.55131409

You're giving pedanko too much credit.
Fucking retard can't even get a job, and you think he has the brain cell count needed to pull a dox?
Going by the leaked stream, I'd say it came from the W company as retalation for exposing them.

>> No.55131519

That she became the most successful vtuber in the Hispanic community even with so much competition from her ex-colleagues and now friends both from the agency she worked for and others, not to mention the huge profits and new contacts in the streamer world that she has been forming. In addition to successfully achieving her new model and with big plans to improve the user experience.

>> No.55131798

Good for her. Enjoy her triumphs and let others be.

>> No.55131899

Are you implying that thanks to meica the png gang got noticed? I think they could've managed by themselves tho

>> No.55131946

>hat she became the most successful vtuber in the Hispanic community even with so much competition from her ex-colleagues
She was already the chuuba with the most viewa/subs before leaving Wactor, what "competition" you're talking about?
>with big plans to improve the user experience.
Good. Let's hope she stops being an annoying burraca Nimu wannabe soon.

>> No.55132002

Where's the American dog?

>> No.55132212

Imagine if Meica never joined Wactor.
She would be working in the local combini, crying alone in her room or would have been deported back to Paraguay.
You like it or not Wactor was a necessary evil.

>> No.55132283

At what cost...

>> No.55132656

Honestamente no conosco tanras ES chuubas. Cuales son las mejores que les gustaria ver a ustedes en idol es.

>> No.55132724


>> No.55132730

ninguna, fuck your black corpo.

>> No.55132905


>> No.55133297


>> No.55134116

We have yet to see a profitable not black corpo invest into our community, I think it could be huge if done right

>> No.55134398

my pirañita wife akamin, but she won't leave her friends on amai.

>> No.55134405

>the CEO is an actual jew

>> No.55134493

Hopefully none of the ex-wactor, Aviel should be able to find something good
I don't think she fits in with the culture of the rest of the Idol girls

>> No.55134533

lily maybe , nisha 100% , eru and yukine

>> No.55134746
File: 3 KB, 475x50, audition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to their audition guidelines anyone can get in as long as they speak spanish

>> No.55134933

>I don't think she fits in with the culture of the rest of the Idol girls

idol girls:
>girl masturbating on stream
>playing a porn game
>pee baiting stream
>my fetish tier list

>> No.55135097

Ironic that the name of the agency is idol.

>> No.55135116

I miss Misora so much bros...

>> No.55135146

Having a Jew CEO is a buff, they knows how to do business. Only drawback being their nose and how you'll get called a shill for even mentioning idol at all in the future, it's kinda funny but it can get repetitive pretty quickly

>> No.55135230

>pee baiting
It wasn't bait, it actually happened and she drank her own pee on stream

>> No.55135315
File: 108 KB, 900x900, 143465456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironic that the only seiso one is a half spaniard choni...

>> No.55135346

I think he meant meica doesn't sound cunny enough

>> No.55135400

As long as the moderators aren’t always the same bunch of 4 old dudes and a fucking tranny handing out all the girls, then everything will be fine.

>> No.55135612

Isn't that the girl that was talking about "rabos"

>> No.55135881

Business is not everything, my sociopath numberfag-kun.
The key to have a good vtuber agency is also having good management and make your talents comfortable while doing their jobs.

>> No.55135936

>Fuyo:tienes rabo
>Rio:no, soi una chica

>> No.55136219

I've been watching idol for a while, and I know for a fact they're doing good things management wise, they provide a lot of commodities for their talents.
Also some of their girls have talked on stream about small mistakes management has done in the past so they're not censored to speak their minds, which is a good sign in my opinion

>> No.55136497

The difference is that they act like that for (you) and not for some e-celeb or male vtuber, and before you say something about Rin and Juna, nobody cares about them.

>> No.55136542
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>> No.55136904 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 479x500, FyjLBagX0AEJuuJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made her bf mod in youtube and follow him on twitter (he was pretending being a girl) later they posted a fake twitter rm to keep schizos on check, it was okay for some time until people find out about her lies and her bf and everything went downhill after that
She left wactor a few weeks ago because someone harrasing her but it was also revealed that she and her bf were trolling that guy until he went full schizo

>> No.55137137


>> No.55137326

sound like some kiki tier bullshit

>> No.55137352


>> No.55138087

>WACTOR (2018-2023)
How did they last that long, I didn't even know Wactor was around since 2018

>> No.55138238

wactor was doomed when it entered into the spic market

>> No.55138299

Wait wasn't wactor an ES corpo

>> No.55138630
File: 387 KB, 3123x2661, 1691012273231292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget wactordrones

>> No.55138835

wactor is a japanese company created by a chilean hafu

>> No.55138847
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, 1690837750972166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder

>> No.55138969 [DELETED] 

This summarize everything pretty well

>> No.55139100 [DELETED] 

She was the real menhera experience.

>> No.55139140 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Anyaschizo

>> No.55139290 [DELETED] 

after that loyal public practice video
and after that Akira or Loyal posted the doxx in /WACTOR/and after that Akira or Loyal posted the doxx in /WACTOR/

>> No.55139341 [DELETED] 

Stop spreading lies fucking schizo, pettanko never talked to her, it was her ex boyfriend and his friends. Then pettanko made himself multi accounts to harass her, he found her ig and her other socials, then her ex boyfriend posted the doxx and she is now in a legal matter because she is a underage.

>> No.55139394 [DELETED] 

she dared to do all that and still she has fans, incredible

>> No.55139448 [DELETED] 

Yep basically this

>> No.55139501 [DELETED] 

>her ex boyfriend posted the doxx
no, that was you Loyal stop telling lies

>> No.55139567

Anyaschizo is losing it, he's desperate.

>> No.55139726

fk off Loyal we all know it was you

>> No.55139828

Nisha is Fer Purafil’s property.

>> No.55139927 [DELETED] 

Hi Anya. I love you.
Will you audition for Idol?

>> No.55139937

As much as you hate loyal, he doesn't has anything to do with this.

>> No.55140003

That won't save you in the court Loyal.

>> No.55140019

hi Loyal

>> No.55140040

dracucks and trannysitos will keep shitting even this thread, I guess I shouldn't be surprised

>> No.55140106

Hi Anyaschizo

>> No.55140251

Shup Nexcell Pride. What's your latest sockpuppet account so I can follow you?

>> No.55140452

these fagots don't give a shit about Anya, they just use her as an excuse to attack Meica

>> No.55140488

it wouldn't be a surprise if that retard is also behind the harassment, kek.

>> No.55140594

nobody calls them “trannysitos” more than the Anyaschizo tho

>> No.55140677

>>They just use her as an excuse to attack Meica
That's the whole WACTOR for me. Just a tool to make Meicagos seethe, I don't even watch vtubers.

>> No.55140785 [DELETED] 

This is correct
The girl and that other with her are menheras, I hope she never comes back because she always brings with her some of the most retarded shit of all

>> No.55140887 [DELETED] 


>> No.55140953 [DELETED] 

Stop samefagging.

>> No.55140992

I'm pretty sure he's behind that t0tlly not wctor twatter account.

>> No.55141152

everytime someone shits on loyal, somebody comes in saying "he's not that bad"/"x is worse"
really makes you think

>> No.55141159

Is Miu ogey?

>> No.55141221 [DELETED] 

I'm not that guy, I'm just stating a fact, that girl and "Natashka" her "mod" turn into shit everything around them

>> No.55141284

She's free from Wactor at least.

>> No.55142374

>mod nuked 20 replies in one go
>all of them were related to that one post explaining stuff
They're watching this thread right now. I'm not talking about the mods.

>> No.55142591

Damm, yuko is super cute

>> No.55142614


>> No.55142719

Idol whores hate

>> No.55142829

I approve of thise name change kek

>> No.55142892

damn, is this how it usually goes for you wactor guys?

>> No.55143024

yeah, pretty much

>> No.55143212

Can we please have a split thread for ES and bring back /end/?

>> No.55143241

kill yourself, opportunist

>> No.55143371

Wait, fuck I didn't notice this IS IdolES. Please forgive me.

>> No.55143412

For more than a year at this point.

>> No.55143652

Bros I don't need the png gang anymore.

>> No.55143970

Not really, nisha pass as "meica's friend" but shura and eru and in the bottom of the pit
Also, as meica has been expanding her circle and has been interacting with new friends, nisha is slowly getting laggard
The interaction between those two during nisha's yesterday stream was so awkward, and even if meica looked fine with everything, nisha couldn't stop repeating "she is tired of me, she is tired of me"
Her abandonment issues were kicking so hard

>> No.55144059

Death to all SOP (Spanish only peasants)

>> No.55144218

>nisha couldn't stop repeating "she is tired of me, she is tired of me"
This never happened.

>> No.55144315

>european spanish and portuguese
so they are both racists?

>> No.55144328

Anya big menhera, big troubles, big lies
Natashko big menhera, big troubles, big lies
Be careful

>> No.55144496

She said it at least five times in that stream dear threadwatcher-kun, or do you want me to spoonfeed you like a little baby with all the timestamps?

>> No.55144553

Then post the timestamps mtf and stop being a fag

>> No.55144557

Yes, it's great I know

>> No.55144758

And I'm sold.

>> No.55144962

is this what the shitter is calling awkward? that's pretty much how they've been talking to each other since they were Luna and Misora

>> No.55145071

Anya cunny love.

>> No.55145143
File: 885 KB, 1156x878, 1684644273887675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man wtf with that girl

>> No.55145242


>> No.55145436

>believe the shitter narrative

>> No.55145526

imagespamer do your thing.

>> No.55146192


>> No.55146474

It all happened, you can check it on /Wactor/ archives, use her mod's name for an easier search

>> No.55146780

I listened to that space and i was in every shit that happened, and it wasn't like the shitter says, kek.

>> No.55147795

Is /idolES/ going to be a new general from now on?

>> No.55147873

It was like that lol archives are there

>> No.55147886

/spig/ will be.

>> No.55148134

then go to the archives and read, you will realize that nothing was like that.

>> No.55148202

what archives

>> No.55148210

>Reality bender wannabes

>> No.55148359


>> No.55148402

Which part? all of that happened literally like that

>> No.55148472

>>55148402 (me)

>> No.55148490


>> No.55148692

they really doxxed her. i don't want these kind of subhumans to be around idol girls.

>> No.55148742

This is why HoloES will never be a thing.

>> No.55148891

That doxx is fake, just use google

>> No.55148968

Fck off Ren

>> No.55149055

>use google
Are you retarded?

>> No.55149108

wait is this Anya? I liked her but didn't follow that close to know she was gone

>> No.55149271


>> No.55149355

I'm not falling for your honeypot.

>> No.55149573

nigger worshipping amerifat basedboys actually think they are better than spics KEK

>> No.55149730 [DELETED] 

List of persons doxxed by /WACTOR/

irrelevant equizos
The CEO and his mother

>> No.55149929


>> No.55150179

For what? the doxxer copy pasted someone's description and passed it off as if it were about anya, you don't even have to search much it's the first result that google shows
Anya said it was real on her space when she knew it was fake btw

no >>55148891

>> No.55150267

Lily even the subhumans think that you are irrelevant...

>> No.55150506

stop trying, Ren.

>> No.55150558


>> No.55150642

If that makes you sleep better at night.

>> No.55150660

Ren and anya are together in this

>> No.55150755


>> No.55151055 [DELETED] 

>Anya and her brothers were born when their dad were 7-11

>> No.55151153

There's a bunch of spicboard users in the WACTOR general that use this place as if it was kiwifarms

>> No.55151184

>he believes that the information is easily found in google

>> No.55151209


>> No.55151362

That's not him, and I won't say anything more. I don't want a hitman on me.

>> No.55151364

i warned you faggots, now don't cry you hdea how cancerous your thread will become...

>> No.55151408

friendly reminder that there are a lot of people who share a first and last name, you're not going to find a fucking businessman on a site like Linkedln.

>> No.55151433

Anya big menhera, big troubles, big lies
Natashko big menhera, big troubles, big lies
Be very careful

>> No.55151541

fck off guardiafag

>> No.55151560

Anons big love

>> No.55151584

It's the same name the same work and the same description

>> No.55151649

search better, anyaschizo.

>> No.55151694

As I said I won't say more. Keep messing with that family if you want to die.

>> No.55151811
File: 203 KB, 352x328, 1681439052949404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya and cuernuditos are exposed lying again
It became a classic at this point

>> No.55152036

Holy fuck I hope the girls that end up in IdolES are unknown low-2views that do well in the auditions and not any of the already known ones

>> No.55152090

You have nothing lol

>> No.55152437

Will this be the only way IdolES can work?

>> No.55152462

I'm not a doxxnigger and I don't want to get in trouble, kek. continue to believe that you will find information on linkedln, retard.

>> No.55152672

>It's not true! i can't show my sources just believe my words!
Nothing lol

>> No.55152766

>He keeps digging his own grave.

>> No.55152829

I’m not a doxxnigger. if you are going to search, do it yourself.

>> No.55152943

are you a retard? KEK

>> No.55153170

Same tactic cuckzuni used with lia he never show proof of anything just his words just like you
Nothing just parroting the same lol

>> No.55153171

>the shitters are still trying

>> No.55153183

sorry but they will get doxxed on the first week

>> No.55153387

it's the same crap, there's never any proof of anything, there's no proof it's real and there's no proof it's fake, but for it to get to the point where Anya disappears, it really gives a lot to think about.

>> No.55153470

Given Idol's history so far, I doubt it.

>> No.55153598

Here's all the info bout Anya and the rest of the former wactor talents


>> No.55153670

I want Keri Ikehana, Diler, Kana Imeru and Saru Himeki in IdolES

>> No.55153830

Nice IP grabber fag

>> No.55154923
File: 775 KB, 1280x720, 1676300990070444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ex natamo hoes
yeah no thanks, Kana Imeru in particular went from a cute cunny chuba to a disgusting model with big tits and male collabs. Keep this shit out of Idol.

>> No.55156167

No matter the girl, these kiwilike niggers will shit on her.

>> No.55159395

Idol is causing way too much seethe these days

>> No.55159649

Who who who and who

>> No.55159782

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.55163750

As long it kills Wactor I'm all in.

>> No.55167799

Who is this?

>> No.55168706

Coño con Confeti
