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55002384 No.55002384 [Reply] [Original]

Mumei passed Kronii

>> No.55002430

150k subs lead thrown for tempussies

>> No.55002455

There's a new Number One Council. I kneel.

>> No.55002467

I want to say good for her but I rarely watch her and I'll never forgive her for THAT stream.

>> No.55002468


>> No.55002476


>> No.55002490

Good for Kronii, she doesn't like to stand out, this is what she always wanted

>> No.55002523

Lol how tf do they still not have 1m subs? Imagine getting mogged by filian

>> No.55002544

>I'll never forgive her for THAT stream.

>> No.55002612

You love to see it.

>> No.55002639
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>> No.55002725

That's literally the happiest she has ever been kek

>> No.55002726
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Woo big numbers! I love to see it! Woo woo!

>> No.55002880

No, she laughed more when she was streaming with Gura.

>> No.55003097

Based. Fauna's turn next.

>> No.55003288

Doesn't matter, Fuwamoco will get to 1mil first.

>> No.55003387

cgdct won..?

>> No.55004072

yeah but that only counts as 500k

>> No.55004414

Covid “ended” and a lot of people went looking for indies or other corporate vtubers.

>> No.55004526
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Kronii just need more counseling from Mori and she'll reach 1mil in a heartbeat im sure of it...

>> No.55004590

Was she legit 150k subs ahead prior to >"unfortunately idol culture is a thing"

>> No.55004754

She used to have POWER GAP between her and whole Council

>> No.55004921

Susan took them
They would be 1million at this point except sana

>> No.55004935

No it was always less than 100k.
Still shows the difference between honest effort vs being incompetent and hateful.

>> No.55004979

This really shines a light on how many pathetic virgins make up the general vtuber fanbase. Holy shit this is sad.

>> No.55005050

101k actually
when Kronii reached 600k, Mumei was 499k

>> No.55005062

Tell your annoying customers to fuck off at work tomorrow and get back to me with the results

>> No.55005071
File: 208 KB, 463x453, Pekora Wine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei I'll drink in your honor

>> No.55005103

>incompetent and hateful.
Listen to yourself. Apply yourself and try to meet someone. God damn what a sad existence.
I'm self-employed. I do this all the time.

>> No.55005108


>> No.55005202 [DELETED] 

Um, honey, even redditards knew about the Mumei's irl relationship. As much as you hate to admit it, it's not about "m-muh oshi has to stay pure for me", it's about delivering good content, which Kronii fails at.

>> No.55005226

Then you're comfortable losing money then. What makes you think kronii is in the same boat and not shooting herself in the foot?

>> No.55005239
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>> No.55005262

As deserved. Mumei has always been the best of council
>sana: didn't deserve a spot and left
>kronii: carried by her model with nothing else to offer
>bae: promising but similar problems with kronii's personality, just not as bad and more honest
>fauna: good but boring
Can't wait to celebrate her as the first million subs

>> No.55005265

You mean
>sana went awol and never really streamed consistently about 2 months in (unclear why she joined when she didn't really want to be a full time vtuber, or even part time really)
>kronii got mad at people watching her play buff content like minecraft and began doing it off stream (literally no one knows why she joined hololive when she hated it)
>bae took a dump on unicorns from day 1 with roberu lusting and basically being the 'kiara' with an annoying gimmick and bad schedule that was supposed to be 'chaotic' because of omega's retarded lore (people were again confused by someone who didn't really like 'hololive' as it was joining up)
>mumei was in college like bae but struggling a lot more, she was shy at vtubing because they told her to be the history girl but told her history wasn't allowed because what if the chinks blow a gasket? so she would randomly just not stream for weeks at a time (people were confused why someone who wanted to stream part time and was on meds joined up, took her a while to find her footing)
>fauna was not particularly bad but is boring, she never leaned into her buff content (ASMR) the way she should have because I guess she didn't want to be defined by ASMR
Council, she was extremely compartmentalized and treated it like a 9-5 but because of this even now refuses to be parasocial (the least offensive of the 5 since that's not really a requirement)
Years later it seems likely that council was created, as they were, to pave the way for tempus and women like kronii and bae who were down with collabing with men. Basically omega sabotaged the generation by making weak picks who were half-hearted, had other jobs or were going full time to university and vtubing was something they were paying attention to only if they had the time.

Council basically squandered the debut buff that myth kept for a year, I remember when holox debuted watching Bae's reaction to La+ (who turned out to be another shit pick in the long run) and how bae seemed despondent that La+ mogged the fuck out of her early on- bae seemed to realize she had had the gold in her hands and then let it go for no good reason.

Gen 3 feels like it's a result of the JAPENING and the removal of whoever omega was from running the branch, with all the girls being people who understand what vtubing and hololive is from the get-go and want to buff themselves as much as possible instead of randomly dumping on their fanbases for no reason. Even shiori, the 'weakest' member with the highest potential to dramabait or homocollab, is a strong pick because of her extensive experience in vtubing.

>> No.55005331

>Then you're comfortable losing money then.
That's not the way the world works. If you had actual work experience beyond beyond a shelf stocker or burger flipper you would know this. It's not at all uncommon to tell problematic customers to fuck off in many businesses because the high risk is not worth it.

>> No.55005426

Have we started the mooming?

>> No.55005453

tempus effects

>> No.55005562

that's embarrassing

>> No.55005623

I work a job where I literally can't if they are repeat business. I'm not taking the high ground and getting fired just because I don't like this business structure. It pays fucking well. I'm choosing not to fuck myself financially because I can retire easily on what I make and buy property.

Not everyone is in the same boat as you anon, do you really think kronii could make this much bank elsewhere?
It's not a black and white situation.
Telling customers to fuck off is a lazy successful person's luxury

>> No.55005872

>I'm self-employed.
doing chores for mom doesn't count

>> No.55005903

>Imagine getting mogged by filian
Literally every big indie got big by catering extremely hard to the algorithm and spamming low effort high yield content. Filian even admits as much as seen here >>55005108
Ironmouse hosts popular streamers while she sleeps. Shylily is almost entirely reddit browsing and youtube reactions. Show me a single indie surpassing Council numbers who doesn't rely on farming the algorithm or catering to literal children with reddit reaction "content."

>> No.55006021

>Not everyone is in the same boat as you anon
If you understand this then why are you talking as if everyone is a corporate slave living under the long outdated "the customer is alright right" mantra?
>Telling customers to fuck off is a lazy successful person's luxury
I can't tell if you're envious or retarded. Possibly both.

>> No.55006457

they're all catering to children
don't kid yourself

>> No.55006468

I'll admit I'm envious but my point still stands
Kronii empirically lost and is continuing to loserevenue.
Do you think she's OK with that? I fucking hope so, because if she realised nothing would pay as well as being a holo idol with no male collabs it would a pretty fucking grim realisation.

You don't even have to gfe, look at coco who made 3 million in supas and is just a comedian with some yab moments, no parasocial involved

>> No.55006525

filian needs to bring 15 different people on her stream everyday just to stay relevant lol

>> No.55006563

It's Krover...

>> No.55006564

Oh no no no no no

>> No.55006677

>Kronii empirically lost
I don't know what company you work for but holy shit have they done a good job of mind breaking you to be a good little slave who puts corporate interests above your own.
>Do you think she's OK with that?
She lives a very comfortable life and likes her companions. I sincerely doubt she gives a single shit about some upset virgins who feel as if she stabbed them in the back.

>> No.55006690

her solo content gets 5-7k
without the holobuff the holos wouldn't get close to that lmao

>> No.55006992


>I don't know what company you work for but holy shit have they done a good job of mind breaking you to be a good little slave who puts corporate interests above your own

I work sales faggot, I put my earnings above whatever the company decides. I don't tell business to fuck off.
>She lives a very comfortable life and likes her companions. I sincerely doubt she gives a single shit about some upset virgins who feel as if she stabbed them in the back

The virgins don't like in her bank account and literally everybody thinks about that.
The difference over time could be a fucking house or more.

Make sure to dodge my points and cut out half my sentences on your next reply moralfag

>> No.55007011


>> No.55007242

>The virgins don't like in her bank account and literally everybody thinks about that.
>The difference over time could be a fucking house or more.
Okay so it was both. You're genuinely retarded and have been mind broken by whatever business you work for. You're literally incapable of understanding this situation. Apparently you're some kind of mix of the sigma grindset and one of the desperate virgins who foam at the mouth whenever a female vtuber so much as looks at a male. It's somewhat novel at least. Hadn't run into someone like you before. Give yourself a pat on the back.
>Make sure to dodge my points
You're not making any points. You're getting mad and throwing a fit because Kronii doesn't give a shit about male-hating virgins and you can't comprehend this.

>> No.55007385
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Literally just do pic rel, show your anime avatars titty area, stream 4-5 days a week don't work with men and badmouth the company and you'll be a millionaire within 1-3 years.

>> No.55007548

And you're didging the money issue entirely which IS my point.

What she did could be the difference between retirement in 5 years or less and having to grind that idol bullshit for 20 plus years for the same result.


Like I said coco made 3 fucking million usd in supas and didn't have to go the rushia route and court the virgins you speak of.

>> No.55007725

You’re forgetting Susan kneecapping Council at the starting gate and being spaced out enough from IRyS that they couldn’t ride her debut hype, but didn’t have the “long time since last EN debut” hype either.

>> No.55007777

>Mumei passed

>> No.55007909

>And you're didging
I'm not "didging" anything. I'm addressing it and saying it doesn't fucking matter. Again, you are literally incapable of understanding this because you're so hung up on thinking appealing to as many people as possible so they'll throw money at you actually matters more than being miserable because some virgins send death threats if they feel betrayed.
>coco made 3 fucking million usd in supas
And this. This is just sad. For someone who seems to care so much about money you sure as fuck don't understand it. Cover is a multi-billion dollar corporation. The amount of money they're getting from stream donations is essentially a drop in the bucket from their overall revenue. A vast majority of their profits come from things like merchandise and music. Step your game up if this is the hill you're going to die on anon. Stop embarrassing yourself. You think Coco actually made three million dollars? No, three million dollars were donated and most of that was taken by streaming services and Cover.

>> No.55008010
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, mumei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55008327
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Fake, that clearly isn't Mumei's channel.

>> No.55008378

Would you take a death threat for a million dollars?
I sure as fuck would.

>> No.55008612

Coco got 30% so one million dollars. Not including merch or memberships or all the fucking money made since getting a holo buff with no male collab yabs in her new life. Kronii could have had similar and fucked off to be an indie or vshojo and more bank but she drove more and more paying customers away. Supas and memberships are her primary income because she doesn't have music and has few sponsorship deals.

Did you know that kroniis merch no longer sells out and 60% just fucking sitting there when the rest of en sells out easily.

Can you name kroniis last music release? Her talent isn't in that area, so she can't rely on that.

You've proven you don't know shit about the financial side of the industry whilst assuming I'm one of kroniis angry former unicorn paypigs. Fact is, I've never supad anyone and unironically liked her therapy collab with vesper knowing full well she was tanking her income.

If she put up with for a few years she could have fucked off forever and been happy the rest of her life. Instead she doomed herself to this or something worse because she took an unnecessary stand. Kiara and Ina are in the same boat and both have invested wisely, kiara in stocks and properties and ina had to hire a money manager. Kronii did the polar fucking opposite.

>> No.55009043

>You've proven you don't know shit about the financial side of the industry
>literally a "no u" response
>still regurgitating the same delusions
I'm just going to accept your concession here and reiterate that you are literally incapable of understanding a mindset that isn't about making as much money as possible. I'm tired of trying to educate you. It's in yours hands now anon. This is the part where you take a final swing because your ego demands it. Go ahead, prove me right like you have with every other post. Take the last word you're so desperate for.

>> No.55009447
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Sure, but you can't refute empirically ongoing loss of income. I laid it out for you, but numbers seem to be too hard and fee fees more important. You haven't made a single counterpoint other than "money isn't everything". It's not. But it is required to live and retire on. And that is increasingly expensive every year.

Like I said I hope she is OK with her decision, because if she isn't 100% on board with your worldview, it's grim from here on out for her.

There is nothing to concede because the second empirical data, ie money, was brought in to this conversation you failed to engage and went back to your abstract world view in "defense".

Unironically take that shit back to r*ddit where you belong and take this capital fucking L with you.

>> No.55009917

jfc he's already ded
Stop the damn match

>> No.55010230

>sana : Nice wholesome giga busty avatar, quits because health issues and mentality
>kronii : snob depressed busty dominatrix voice, secretly depressed, despises her fanbase, imitates Calli's seiso, actually the sluttiest ("I'm nude right now, it's so hot", :twerks:)
>mumei : boring weird lazy cursed childgirl, acts cute. Just saying "berry" while playing Minecraft is enough since her fanbase is retarded.
>fauna : quiet wholesome mommy Nature. Secretly the best humor of the whole firm.
>bae : retarded nice seiso alcoholic, fangirl of Roberu.

>> No.55010371

Mumei deserves to pass kronii. Idk how anybody was interested in kronii her voice is fucking boring to listen to and she's never enthused over anything except when she's playing with homos. How was anybody pulled towards her dry personality was it the model? If so your coombrain faggots deserves it.

>> No.55010472

Lots of people are stiff and awkward at first, took a while to see that was just her personality

>> No.55010563

>coombrain faggots
>hates males specifically because it ruins the delusional fantasy
The hypocrisy.

>> No.55010564

But anon, that wouldn't enforce my rrat.

>> No.55010702

>hates males specifically because it ruins the delusional fantasy

He never said he had such fantasies about kronii

>> No.55010717

Ok so you're a sanalite/sapling so your opinion is already irrelevent, but
>quits because of health issues and mentality
is already wrong because she confirmed it herself. She said she is perfectly healthy and happy after graduating

>> No.55010849

There's no reason to blindly hate males unless they're ruining some kind of self-insert. Let's not be disingenuous anon.

>> No.55010893

You should learn to comprehend some basic English before replying to me or anyone ever again pajeet.

>> No.55010999

He never said he hated males, he said he found kronii boring and disinterested unless she collabs with males.

Read it again and put down the unicorn pitchfork

>> No.55011067

You used the term "homos" specifically. Let's not be disingenuous anon.
See above.

>> No.55011114

unironically, low wagies like mcdonald burger flipper or walmart cashier wish they can tell the customer to fuck off, considering their some if not most of their customer outright retarded or Karen type, oh and blacks, too

>> No.55011385

Homos is catch-all nickname for holostars tourist kun, it's value neutral

I call everyone an "x"-fag here all the time it doesn't mean I hate them, it's just Chan culture.

Try not to dig your heels in, you're already looking lost on your way here from reddit

>> No.55011438

English motherfucker do you speak it?

>> No.55011467

Well that's that then, Kronii's probably happy about it because she never liked being in the lead. Can't believe Wada was wasted on her.

>> No.55011554

If both were to start at 0 again only with people knowing how Kronii would end up being a tempus hole then she wouldn't have ever been anywhere near the others in subs

>> No.55011598

>Homos is catch-all nickname for holostars
No it's not. It's overwhelmingly used as a negative connotation by a specific subsection of people. Let's not be disingenuous here anon.

>> No.55011895

don't worry mumei will certainly handicap herself in some way so kronii can stay on top.

>> No.55011999

The jp holostars were called homos affectionately back in the day to use a male identifier when holo was mostly about the girls and that naturally carried on the en stars when they came around.

It's not the slur you think it is on reddit as I said it's value neutral. Same as "x"fag for anons.

Even the male generals use homos to refer to male vtubers in their male positive threads.

I genuinely think you haven't been here very long and think homos means what it does in regular society and used the same way.

>> No.55012086

>Even the male generals use homos to refer to male vtubers in their male positive threads.
>ctrl f "homo" in holostars general
>zero results found
Let's not be disingenuous anon.

>> No.55012313

The ENstars general is like its own different board and doesn't really share same culture as the rest of this place for obvious reasons

>> No.55012374

Everyone and their mother knows Mumei only really closed the gap because of a random tiktoker with a similar name.

>> No.55012518

you speaking to brain dread retards,
they are sisters/homobeggers for a reason

>> No.55012736

No matter how much you want to say that’s the case, everyone knows that’s bullshit.

>> No.55012777

Really like that word huh?
Read the original fucking post again. He complained about kronii being boring unless she collabs with the homos

I'll translate in to reddit for you

Unless she collabs with da hexkin Boyz

Homostars originated with jp stars and only has negative value if there is added context.

That anon was only complaining about kronii half assing it all the time. Let's not disingenuous and address the fact that kronii sounds disengaged unless she collabs with vesper and magni, which is a her complaint not a ho-sorry "tha boyz" complaint

Unironically go back to r*ddit if words offend you when you don't even understand the local context

Did you know "nigai" is Japanese for bitter, just like you, or is that a no no word as well?

>> No.55012946

Not him, but I'm gonna lay it down real quick. When it was just the JP Stars, using homo in reference to them wasn't negative, it in fact indicated that they wouldn't mix with the girls and so it was a respectable term, at least for 4chan. It has become a slur for the EN homos, but mostly in connection with the use of homobeggar as a derogative and not for any particular reason for using the word itself. Erosion of meaning is pretty common these days, so I'm sure you get what I mean.

>> No.55012955

>Really like that word huh?
If it's enough to shut someone down I'll use it as many times as it takes.
>words words words
Didn't even bother reading the rest of the post. I already know what the subtext is going to be.

>> No.55013095

You haven't shut anything down, you just outed yourself as a newfag and a redditor.

You were the anon arguing earlier about kroniis lost business right? Your posting style is the same. You fucking lost hard there too.

>> No.55013112

>Not him, but I'm gonna lay it down real quick.
I'll lay it down even quicker. They stated something that is objectively false and got called out for it. This is what happens when someone talks out of their ass.

>> No.55013111

>sana :
>quits because health issues

>> No.55013182

>schizo thinks everyone who doesn't adhere to his safe space is a samefag
Should've known. Time to disengage.

>> No.55013199

Mumei tops Kronii.
All is right in the world.

>> No.55013266

Kronii is such a wasted of potential, so many mistakes in so little time

>> No.55013280

Yes? However he was partially correct, he just missed out on how the use of the term changes depending on the context. It's neutral for JPs, hostile for ENs, simple, most of the people who drove that change were EOPs who weren't familiar with the JP stars at all and were only using the available lingo to fit in.

>> No.55013360

Project harder please.
Try to find the down vote and block button homo (negative connotation this time.
4chan has never been a safe space for anyone, least of all baseless opinions, as you've found out.

>> No.55013450

>he's still going at it
I wonder how high I can raise his blood pressure if I just keep doing this.

>> No.55013460

I wonder if Kronii’s stupidity contributed to Gen2 stagnating so much. As the saying goes, “a rising tide lifts all ships”. When your star attraction screws the pooch it hurts the others too.

>> No.55013583

Who are you quoting?
If she didn't fuck up she would be over a million subs with the rest being pulled behind her
