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File: 742 KB, 1000x500, Shiori vs Fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54992974 No.54992974 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Shiori has debuted, can Saplings still claim the title of the most mentally ill fandom in Hololive?

>> No.54993284

They might be my top 2 holos, pls send help

>> No.54993329

Kronies still exist.

>> No.54993330

>most mentally ill fandom in hololive
>when chumpedos, kfp, and cuckronies exist
nah, i'd say kfp takes the cake

>> No.54993371
File: 40 KB, 700x552, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone /here/ is mentally ill. And I love you all for it

>> No.54993405

cant be mad cuz true but a la fuck you too

>> No.54993437

I'd vote 100% for cumkeks. KFPs and kronies haven't harassed enough indies and other holos by far to take the first place

>> No.54993450

I thought that was KFP.

>> No.54993454

Fuck you nigger you killed my father

>> No.54993529


>> No.54993535

Shiori let the ex-Kronies have their time to play around and ERP in chat (and even featured them a bit), but then told them to tone it down from now on as it would get too weird if it was a consistent thing. I don't know how well they'll listen, but at least she's said something about it.

>> No.54993682

Novelites are currently accepting applications from any resident schizos who lurk in generals. They prefer you apply before the first male collab melt down.

>> No.54993753

>letting the likes of gabe in
Nah, he can stay with Nerissa.

>> No.54993822

Kfp will always hold that title

>> No.54993934

There’s a difference between mentally ill and underage.

>> No.54993954
File: 147 KB, 363x386, 1675249825596250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mentally ill, I'm a psychiatrist.

>> No.54994084
File: 1.10 MB, 736x920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's actually doing true GFE, then she'll have the most mentally ill fanbase by far.

>> No.54994163

>I'm a psychiatrist.
More like Therapist with spacing between "e" and "r"

>> No.54994190
File: 614 KB, 1080x1920, 1643128580813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think Shiori most appealed to out of all the existing fanbases?

>> No.54994321

Pro tardwrangling move

>no true scotsman
It's a milder form of GFE, but still GFE. Definitely more than anyone else in HoloEN so far. I doubt we'll get wedding ring merch, but she's already talked about chat bridal carrying her.

>> No.54994448

no because people only watch shiori ironically

>> No.54994509

How can someone accept GFE from her after that debut disaster?

>> No.54994601

There is no way kfp and kronies come even close to chumkeks.
they might have higher max mental illness, but nowhere close to the per capita of chumbuds.

>> No.54994656

The statement was vague. Nobody really knows what she meant even now. We'll see in a month. Personally I'm prepared if it happens.

>> No.54994703

Kronies, Deadbeats and Brats.

>> No.54994756

She literally mentioned her male "best friend" from the previous life in the description of this stream.

There is no excuse, it's game over Anon. Even the jannies here were deleting the posts because they cannot imagine Shiori self PLposted about her boyfriend.

>> No.54994856

Saplings just larp as mentally ill. The mommy stuff is just a self deprecating joke. The average sapling is a 6'2 software engineer who makes six figures a year and has a long term girlfriend.

>> No.54994879

that just means you get authentic GFE where the gf never fails to have woman moments

>> No.54994892

I dont get it... there's no e in psychiatrist

>> No.54994897

muse is such a generic taste

>> No.54994924

wow dear god i wish lmao

>> No.54994944

Kronies, goslings, and former deadbeats. And saplings for some reason?

>> No.54994993

Anon I know this board sets the social bar really really fucking low.
But are you criticizing a woman for her taste in music as a middle schooler?

>> No.54995001

You probably think that way because of the male collab rrat. Note that things may change if it actually happens.
Based on the split right now though, the plurality are saplings and hoomans.

What can I say? If you're afraid of a literal friendzoned simp helping her out for free, she might be a good fit for you.
Feel free to check him out yourself if you think I'm wrong.

>> No.54995063


>> No.54995120

Do you mean teamates? I don't think I've seen a single self-proclaimed teamate so far.
Deadbeats and kronies often prefer deeper voices, which they imagined she would have. Most of those are probably with Nerissa. (Though I haven't checked their split.)

>> No.54995214

What is your diagnostic for this thread?

>> No.54995327

Another schizo that thinks that anyone that insults their shit oshi is a Gura fan. No anon, everyone hates your oshi, not just cummies.

>> No.54995548

that this is mostly holo vs holo bullcrap, and that op is a nijinigger and a faggot

>> No.54996661

the title now goes to the remaining 5 sanalites

>> No.54997331

*kisses you on the lips* full homo bro

>> No.54997389

But it's literally always been hoomans since en2? We can't have this conversation without starting with the right info. See you next topic.

>> No.54997846

Before catalog opinion 180'd most novelite's were saplings and hoomans.
I think it's still the case, especially outside burger hours

>> No.54997905

Guys, let's ship Fauna and Shiori.

>> No.54998935

>They might be my top 2 holos, pls send help
no help needed

>> No.54999221

The stereotypical hooman is just a 12-year old larper in my mind. (I can't take Mumei being scary seriously at all.) No offense to the general fanbase though, they seem level-headed to me.

>> No.54999276

They're both quite shy, but I fully believe that they'll love each other once a collab happens. They're both very professional and experienced at this point.

>> No.54999444

Man, imagine both of them stepping on me with a disgust expression on their faces

>> No.55000090

I think Shiori is more the kind of girl who would grin while stepping on you, repeatedly asking "is this what you wanted? are you enjoying yourself? do you want me to call you a disgusting maggot?"

>> No.55000239

Nobody's mentioned Hoomans yet. There's definitely an appeal there but they're not going to drop Moom just because they also watch Oreo now.

>> No.55000376

love you too retarded anon

>> No.55000490


>> No.55000602

I don't love you BAU BAU

>> No.55000603

Yeah, I think saplings and hoomans are the two biggest sources of novelites. It makes sense, given the overlap between Fauna and Mumei's fanbase. They're also all into the emo/goth thing.
I hope they make an emo rock band group. (Moom has to be the singer though. Haven't heard Shiori karaoke yet, but I bet she's Ame-level at best.)

>> No.55000729

Yeah, something like that while faufau tells me "have you been a good sapling? Uuuuu i guess you deserve a reward, I'll let you feel my feet just this time ok?"
Yeah that would be nice

>> No.55003178

when is fauna going to get the goth outfit

>> No.55003418

i love you too anon-kun (not a danger to self/others)

>> No.55004076

Not sure that's ever happening given Shiori exists and Fauna's casual outfit kinda filling a similar role.

>> No.55004723

This sounds like something she'd already have done.

>> No.55004792

Saplings have never pulled off the vaunted Reverse Astroturf so no, they lost that crown. These guys are going to end up worse than Kronies when the time comes

>> No.55004800

they'd make great collabs, too bad they're both too autistic for friendships.

>> No.55004804

i'm a tako and i fucking love shiori

>> No.55004932

kronies aren't fans though why do they get to be a fandom

>> No.55004987

saplings are just loud memers. /uuu/ is tame as fuck

>> No.55005211

Lunaitos would make the rape of.Nanking look like a trip to Disneyland if she told them to.

>> No.55005352

Chumbuds and pebblephiles exist so no yet

>> No.55005415
File: 2.27 MB, 4093x2894, 1690928234336988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you faggots too. I wish you happiness even when you piss me off and I want to fucking throttle you most of the time because of how retarded you are.

>> No.55005492

of course, novelites are a varied bunch. It's just a question of ratios. Perhaps saplings are simply more vocal about it in the thread.

>> No.55006768

catgirls era happened so this isnt a big deal

>> No.55006977

You're talking about accessories/extras vs complete outfits here.

Granted, if whole of EN gets a goth costume wave then it's possible. Outside of that though, chances are doubtful.

>> No.55007954

we don't know what Saplings are like, they never post here.

>> No.55008056

I love you guys too. I just wish you would be niser

>> No.55008277
File: 322 KB, 640x703, k1rwr8b9vmg91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spalings being one of the most loyal fans (maybe we are a biiiiiit parasocial, but who isn't).
>Man these guys are mentally ill

The award has to go to the Deadbeats or Kronies if anyone deserves it.

>> No.55008411

Pretty sure thats KFP or cuckbeats desu, mby not for long with Shiori being here now though

>> No.55008460

Nah, that's still KFP

>> No.55009042

If you say anything other than KFP then I've failed as a falseflagger

>> No.55009156
File: 138 KB, 640x648, gigachad-bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too faggot <333333

>> No.55009225

In the United States therapist is another name for psychiatrist.

>> No.55009309

Sapling here, honestly find Shiori the least entertaining of the lot. It takes more than just a goth aesthetic

>> No.55009622

Phase fans.
We are attracted to menhera like flies to a rotten corpse.

>> No.55010001

therapists usually have no degree and are just bullshitting their way. like nutritionist/dietician

>> No.55011632

no youre thinking of psychologist

>> No.55011767

Why are things like "my fandom is more mentally ill than yours!" and "my holowife is more autistic than yours!" seen as good things to be proud of. I've seen full blown arguments over these topics, as if they're actual a positive traits.

>> No.55015345


>> No.55015512

So did Shiori call her fans simps in a roundabout way or what?

>> No.55015657

i love u too, nigger.

>> No.55016512

Still not as bad as Teakeks

>> No.55018270


>> No.55020238 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x3550, bxytnr8udtq91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can Saplings still claim the title of the most mentally ill fandom in Hololive?

>> No.55020953

They are the same in different colors, but Novelites don't have the same meme potential as saplings

>> No.55021220
File: 14 KB, 200x200, PS1 Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find you fags too fucking entertaining and it makes my day better

>> No.55021367 [DELETED] 

Who would be the unicucks oshis? I don't think it'd be fauna bc of her rm

>> No.55021463
File: 160 KB, 433x462, 1689957409206557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your too far gone anon

>> No.55021518

Mad that the catalog is too full with EN3 for your shitty doxxposting to stay up Faunaschizo?

>> No.55021978

It’s spelled “nicer” you ESLfaggot
Love you regardless tho

>> No.55022096
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 1514070377653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-shut up, dummy

>> No.55027527

She's not actually menhera though, it's called kayfabe.

Not every sapling will agree of course. Still, the general has a lot of self-professed saplings.

I don't think saplings ever claimed to be the most crazy fanbase, that's entirely down to catalogposting and twitter memes.

>> No.55027942

Well, you got the software engineer part correct.

>> No.55028002

This is a fair answer but I only think that's because of numbers. A lot of Chumbuds per capita are just normalfags. Fauna has a smaller fanbase with more concentrated autism.

>> No.55033000


>> No.55034918

If you act that gay I'm gonna breed your bussy fag

>> No.55035548

Saplings were never the most mentally ill

>> No.55036911

phase fan and sapling here, i couldn't care less for shiori
