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54700841 No.54700841 [Reply] [Original]

>laplus knows that fubuki is insecure about getting older
>still says something so incredibly cruel to her
You could tell that it hurt her while the other ones just played it off as a joke.

>> No.54700967

>retarded ESL translation

>> No.54701300

Laplus try to be a kusogaki like Shion but she seems like a bitch because several times you can tell she's just trying to be mean behind that curtain

>> No.54702076

who fucking cares

>> No.54702228

It's cute when hags squirm.

>> No.54702244

Fubuki is too sweet for this world lap-chan should hang herself

>> No.54702761

>laplus knows that fubuki is insecure about getting older
Is that why she got a new younger looking model?

>> No.54703070

At least Fubuki isn't a fake bitch that whines and runs away when things get tough

>> No.54703154

oh wait...

>> No.54703241


>> No.54703277

>This many anti threads
Damn, Hololive must be winning big lately

>> No.54703409

What's the rrats?

>> No.54703736

>complains that fubuki is sad because she got called old
>is literally whining they're getting old and running away from people calling it out.

>> No.54703849

>fubuki is insecure about getting older
she is??

>> No.54703912

threads like these are the reason this board exists

>> No.54703979

Oh I thought it was related to how Laplus took a 7 month break because she couldn't take it and maybe Fubuki had done something similar but I don't recall that happening.

>> No.54703985

Holy bottom of the barrel dramafag thread

>> No.54703991

yeah definitely not the general threads that get 1000 posts in 5 minutes. it's definitely these threads that get 10 posts in 10 days.

>> No.54704290
File: 396 KB, 3729x1197, vt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hide all generals. Nothing but image spam and circlejerking.

>> No.54704354

>and 99% of the content on this board

fyp yw

>> No.54704567
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Anon it is human nature that we are afraid of getting old...

>> No.54705104

Why is fbk so worried about getting old? Her content doesn't require youth.

>> No.54705233

Her eggs require it though

>> No.54705286

you must constantly remind hags of their age, to stimulate their urge to be impregnated before it's too late

>> No.54706127
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Anon we can't fuck them

>> No.54707774

THREE hags and they didn't correct that brat?

>> No.54708002

it's not about us, it's about Shinzo Abe's ambition

>> No.54708139

Goddamn it Fubuki just let me impregnate you before they all shrivel up.

>> No.54708172

Saw the clip, it was literally nothing... Damn motherfuckers will just start drama over any old thing these days baka.

>> No.54708499

Which is dumb, because aging and dying are literally the only unavoidable things in life.

>> No.54709511

I’m 28 but I feel like an ojisan already
