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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53920151 No.53920151 [Reply] [Original]

It's over for vthots.

>> No.53920536

ive tried all the realtime ai voice things i could find and they all sounded like glitchy shit unless i switched to normal record/playback mode which is not what i wanted at all

>> No.53920847
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, 1689957523617750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become loli vtuber
>fap to your own fanart

>> No.53922584

They sound bad if you're a guy using a girl voice or a girl using a guy voice. I'm a girl using a girl voice and I have had no issues even during 16 hour streams. No one can tell it's an AI voice at all as long as it's a girl to girl voice and you avoid making certain sounds such as going "ah" or "oh" for too long.

>> No.53923164

i KNEW you used a voice changer shondo, but nobody believed me.

>> No.53924785

I'm not Shondo lmao. I'm barely a 2view because I like to play games like Pikmin, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of, etc for 8+ hours every day on stream, no one likes to watch someone play games they like for hours on end vs flavor of the week/month games for 1 to 2 hours. Also if Shondo were to use a voice changer I hope it craps out, her voice is extremely grating and filtered me because it gives me a headache. But hey, she's somewhat successful, more successful than I'll ever be so she's doing something right.

>> No.53924833


>> No.53924869
File: 660 KB, 960x1568, 1656322140118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they didnt stand a chance

>> No.53925195

i'll drop an akasupa if any of you faggots manage to stream with this and not quit after just 1 whole month of consistent streaming. streaming is harder than it looks even with a voice changer.

>> No.53925389

Hey, that's all of the western ones

>> No.53925435

VRChat traps rise up

>> No.53925628

weak shit
>Makes the perfect ASMR you always wished for, all the words and triggers
>listen to it instead of depending on dumb whores that don't know what men wants

>> No.53925666

>Mel Nekomata's next plan

>> No.53925732

Post link so I can start grooming you.

>> No.53925737

You also run into issues when laughing, I find. It's a neat tool but certainly not a magic bullet by any means. It is funny getting compliments for having a great voice that's really just a voice actor's, though.

>> No.53925769

babichads rise up

>> No.53925781

this is the wish of all troons come true.
say thanks to AI faggots.

>> No.53925799

inb4 meltdown #526

>> No.53926378

There just isn't enough hours in the day to follow someone who streams that much, and then you lose out on context from stream to stream if you dip early.
Also, it's hard for the streamer to be entertaining/energetic enough for that long.

>> No.53926452

>streaming is harder than it looks
Harder than a real job? I doubt it.

>> No.53926474

It's not even hard to use a normal voice changer or editor.

>> No.53927302


>> No.53928034
File: 83 KB, 750x599, 1677898524069924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow great thread OP my favorite part was where you linked to comparisons and examples so we would know exactly what you're talking about.

>> No.53929075

People can tell your voice is fake

>> No.53929381

Isn't this dude in Holostars?

>> No.53930080


>> No.53931178

big names in ASMR spend lots of money eliminating all background noise. there's basically no content better for just sampling and putting back together into "new' asmr.

>> No.53934577

What does a fart sound like after being filtered through an AI voice changer?

>> No.53936930

Post fanart so we can fap together

>> No.53940390

The question is if they care more than they would care if the chuuba's natural voice was shit.

>> No.53944021

>It's over for vthots.
oh no
please save them

>> No.53944120

oh no.

>> No.53946604

>It's over for vthots.
not really

>> No.53946724

A queef

>> No.53947313

Minimum wagie detected

>> No.53947721

>great asmr but don't like the voice
>run it into AI and put the voice you want

>> No.53948194

yep, gonna find you and get you into my niche action RPGs

>> No.53949454

I have not run into any issues when laughing, all my laughs sound completely normal.
I get that, but ever since I was a kid I would spend all my free time playing video games. Streaming is just a hobby for me but I would be lying if I said it wouldn't be cool if I could do it full time. Thankfully I work from home so being able to stream for a long time is viable. As far as being entertaining/energetic for a long time I unironically think that's a skill issue. I often have some people who tell me I talk too much and that they think I live off of energy drinks even though I don't drink any kind of caffeine. If you are passionate about something you can do it forever.
I haven't received a single comment about it for the past 3 years.
Please suggest them to me! I love trying out a variety of games and I love when a viewer suggests a game for me to play and I end up loving it. That's how I got into the Metal Gear series.

>> No.53949538

I'm afraid to say who I am but I have Mel added on discord and a few weeks ago she was trying to figure out how w-oakada works. She was bitching and moaning the entire time because she was too stupid to figure it out but then she had someone help her and managed to make it work. She said she sounds like a mixture of Gura and Veibae and even though she said she won't use it because she's yet again saying "I'll never stream again" I think she's probably trying to find a voice she wants to use and stream pretty soon. Save this post anons, I will be proven right.

>> No.53949713

holy shit, is that you mel? lmao

>> No.53950062

No, sad to say but Mel has more success than me. I can barely break 13 viewers and I've seen her easily break 20-30 or so. People would rather watch a trainwreck like Mel compared to someone like me who likes to sit down and play video games while commentating.

>> No.53950109

Post link so I can groom you with money

>> No.53950228

I don't do what the viewers want, I do what I want. Closest you'll get to "grooming" me is suggesting a game and me actually trying it out. Also I don't accept donations of any kind so you can't send me money even if you wanted to.

>> No.53950237

Ah fuck. Imagine the amount of faggots and trannies using this shit now. Vtubing is over...

>> No.53950428

kek I always knew 2views were jealous seething bitches that deserve their lack of success, thanks for confirming the stereotype for me

>> No.53950436

W-Okada is honestly best used for girl to girl voices, guy to girl sounds terrible so you can easily spot a guy using it but it's nearly impossible to tell if a girl is using it.

>> No.53950500

Jealous of Shondo and Mel? I'd rather stream to 0 people than be Shondo or Mel. But hey, trying to reason with a faggot who uses "kek" is pointless. When VTubing dies Shondo and Mel will have nowhere to go since I doubt they could get a real career like the one I have been in for 15 years.

>> No.53950656

no one likes a jealous cunt, dumb roastie. Envy is a sin for a reason. Your real voice must sound as ugly as your personality is since you have to hide it.
It makes me so happy knowing hateable spiteful cunts will never be successful and will just impotently seethe about your superiors forever.

>> No.53950696

Alrighty then retard. I'm off to bed so have fun being retarded by yourself lmao.

>> No.53950795

>has nothing to say and leaves when called out on shit personality
'off to bed' more like off to antipost and shitpost about other girls elsewhere and cry yourself to sleep over your never increasing view count lol

>> No.53950829

bro she aint gonna fuck you, you look more pathetic than femanon

>> No.53951001

>t. totally not femanon who didn't actually leave
I don't even watch Shondo and I don't even know who the fuck this Mel person is, I just hate 2views and enjoy the schadenfreude of their (well deserved) lack of success and seething.
At least 50% of all the shitposting/dramafagging on this board comes from seething jealous 2view cunts, they don't deserve happiness. Plus there's nothing worse than a /here/ chuuba pandering and being an attentionfag. I don't know why people don't just tell chuubas posting here just to fuck off.

>> No.53951004

nope, it's very obviously you. your way of writing is way more distinct than you think it is, as is your tendency to respond to every single post. how's the lawsuit against your own supporters going?

>> No.53951038

ah yes, femanon is an attentionfag who posted her own channel...got it.

>> No.53951064

hello dogbear

>> No.53951296

being an attentionfag doesn't just mean promoting your shit and linking to it, going 'I'm a chuuba btw' and constantly talking about yourself and wanting anons to reply to you and ask you about yourself is also being an attentionfag

>> No.53951336

nigger you dont even watch streams, why the fuck do you care if a chuuba posts on a board about chuubas

>> No.53951476

I do watch streams, just not streams from the chuubas that were mentioned
>why the fuck do you care if a chuuba posts on a board about chuubas
because every /here/ chuuba is consistently terrible and having a fanbase entirely of /here/ retards makes it worse. Chuubas should not be encouraged to come here

>> No.53951518

so you think that retarded femanon is /here/ even though they didn't even fucking post their channel? please kill yourself faggot. you're the reason why this board fucking sucks, you seethe about dumb shit when you could just ignore it.

>> No.53951665

>you think that retarded femanon is /here/
...yes? because they're literally posting here? what kind of retarded statement is this
>they didn't even fucking post their channel
that's irrelevant, posters like that need to be shit on and filtered as much as possible, just on the off chance they really are an actual chuuba. They didn't post any evidence of them actually being a femanon either but you're still calling them that

>> No.53951684

good luck bro. at least you're not doing it for money

>> No.53951944

there's nothing wrong with doing things for money, in fact 'muh passion' is a stupid cope motivation that gets you nowhere

>> No.53952007

Someone, please save Kronies and Fandeads.

>> No.53952048

whats wrong with streaming for free though? i see a lot of people who shit on streamers, not just vtubers, who dont make a single cent by choice. i follow a 3view whose donation links are to a variety of charities and wont open membership because she doesnt want the money. people give her a lot of shit for it and i dont understand why personally but maybe you can help me understand?

>> No.53952638

>whats wrong with streaming for free though?
I literally never said that though, did I? That's a completely different statement. I said there is nothing wrong with doing things for money.
What I take issue with is people trying to do something that requires a lot of investment, time and work like streaming for hours and hours regularly and supposedly only doing it for some vague reason like 'because they're passionate about it.' If you're putting a lot of time and effort into doing something and getting nothing back for it you're just wasting your life and being retarded. Doing things for charity is a different story though.

As for why people would give someone shit for not wanting the money I assume the reason is that if someone is doing something for no financial incentive, people think this means they aren't doing it seriously and are just fucking around like it's a hobby - and this makes people think 'well if you don't really care about it that much then me enjoying your content and being invested in it makes me look retarded.'
Also people are probably frustrated that they can't monetarily reward someone for doing something that brings them enjoyment; that have no way to show appreciation and simply telling them they appreciate it doesn't feel as legitimate and validating as paying them for it.
Then there's probably also a small contingent of people who just hate saviorfags/martyrs and assume people like that are just narcissists trying to make themselves look good (like how a lot of people view celebrities who donate to charity or whatever).

>> No.53952744

bro i literally just asked a question, i didnt say you had an issue with it, i asked a question because my favorite streamer gets a lot of shit for not accepting a single cent. also i dont understand your point. people are literally playing video games and talking, its what all of us do and most of us arent streamers who how is it "wasting your life and being retarded"? i bust my ass at my 9 to 5 and go home to play video games, i dont get how thats wasting my life and being retarded.

>> No.53952891

NTA but Shondo and now Mel have a terrible reputation with other /here/ chuubas. Shondo's baby voice filters women hard, as is the infantilism shit she does, and if you take note that was the only criticism.

Success means many things for many people and it's entirely reasonable for anyone to acknowledge success while also wanting nothing to do with it. So yes, you ended up looking like a retard.

>> No.53952923

I understand Shondo being known but do other /here/ chuubas know about Mel? If they do they can't seriously care about her...right?

>> No.53953259

playing video games privately by yourself as a way to relax/just have fun and playing video games publicly streaming to people who can pay you for it and/or will build a following around you/give you attention and praise for it are obviously not the same thing at all so I dunno why you made that comparison.
I don't get how you could think
> If you're putting a lot of time and effort into doing something
means I was just talking about someone casually playing games on their own like you do.
I obviously meant someone who grinds streaming hours for a long time, has a whole set-up, equipment, social media presence and everything and talks to a fanbase for hours and hours. This is absolutely not the same as just chilling in your room and gaming whenever you want, you're stupid if you think it is.

If you're doing all that and not progressing towards anything/not having any success with it, then yeah you are wasting your life and being retarded. You shouldn't do something like that just for a flimsy motive like 'muh passion.'

>> No.53953288

wow you must live a pathetic life. there are a lot of people out there who genuinely enjoy streaming and you think thats wasting their life? you will die the most painful death with no one to be there for you in your final hour and care.

>> No.53953323


>> No.53953339

This kills the seiyuu.
By the time anime becomes real, we won't need voice actresses anymore.
AI actresses with AI voices, created by AI designers moved and AI animators.

>> No.53953398

>have a terrible reputation with other /here/ chuubas
yeah because they're jealous cunts
>Shondo's baby voice filters women hard, as is the infantilism shit she does
proving my point. Women should stop being jealous cunts that get triggered by things like this.
>and if you take note that was the only criticism
don't be an autistic retard, they also said they hope' her voice changer fails,' that she just streams FOTM shit, that if vtubing died Shondo would be a failure with nowhere to go and that they would rather stream to 0 people than be Shondo. Pretty obvious from what they said and the tone of their posts they despise Shondo and are seething about her desu
>while also wanting nothing to do with it
except they said 'people would rather watch fotm games for 2 hours than real hardworking people like me that stream good games for 8+ hours a day'
if you can't tell they're obviously being passive-aggresive, sarcastic and absolutely seething in jealously with that statement then you must have autism

>> No.53953426

none of us are gonna fuck you bro

>> No.53953440

But can it do it in Japanese?

>> No.53953459

yes, most of the voices for w-okada work best if you speak japanese. if you speak another language, such as english, it gives you a retarded accent.

>> No.53953476

It works better in Japanese, as the devs are Japanese

>> No.53953485

piling turds on top of each other will only get you a bigger turd

>> No.53953495

>How do you do fellow Lamys

>> No.53953512

More seething artists

>> No.53953534

She's gonna use for another vtuber persona for like 3 streams and then fuck off again after a menhera attack.

>> No.53953537

Pekoland world in KH4 world.

>> No.53953556

Yup. Also 3 streams? I give it half a stream, I told you guys when she appears again I'm going to make her regret it.

>> No.53953567

>there are a lot of people out there who genuinely enjoy streaming and you think thats wasting their life?
I never said that you illiterate retard. I said if they're doing it in a committed time consuming way and the ONLY thing they get out of it is enjoyment then its a waste of time. Most people in life agree with me whether they realize it or not btw.
Feeling accomplished/a sense of contentment or achievement isn't the same emotion as just enjoying something. If there's no greater goal or motivation behind what you're doing other than just passive enjoyment - and the thing you're doing requires the same level and commitment as doing some kind of work - then yes it's a fucking waste of time.

It'd be like if you spend years and years of your life mastering an instrument like a piano or something and learning music theory... only to play it in private just for yourself and not try to make/sell any music or get recognition for doing it. That would pretty obviously be a baffling waste of fucking time too.
Never turn your hobbies into work if you're not gonna actually treat them like work.

>> No.53953593

Obviously sufficiently clever and reasonably equipped vtweeters will look at this as an opportunity

>> No.53953607

so the streamers out there who get home from work and stream every day for over 5+ years are wasting their life because they enjoy doing it as a hobby? you are incredibly pathetic. i bet you're the kind of nigger who gets mad that people make money off of streaming. kill yourself, do us all that favor.

>> No.53953632

nice non-counter argument; not everything is about sex, dumb roastie. I just hate bad people and want them to know I enjoy their suffering.

>> No.53953660

WHOA! Watch out, we got a really edgy retard over here. He enjoys people suffering, so edgy I might cut myself.

>> No.53953730

>so the streamers out there who get home from work and stream every day for over 5+ years are wasting their life because they enjoy doing it as a hobby?
only if they're only streaming to like 20 viewers or some shit, don't make any money from it and aren't inclining, yeah
>i bet you're the kind of nigger who gets mad that people make money off of streaming
can you even read? My whole argument is that they SHOULD be making money off of it

>> No.53953736

like like bitch about it in endless twitter threads

>> No.53953756

you will never not be a 2view lol

>> No.53953772

i cant believe people like you exist. just because someone has a hobby you think its a waste of their time. so since people arent allowed to have hobbies in your fantasyland what do you expect them to do when they arent working?

>> No.53953802

Nigger I don't even stream, the fuck you talking about?

>> No.53953856

Lemme tell you something. The moment you start fapping to yourself, your brain is gonna melt and there's no turning back.

>> No.53953878

That's so fucking retarded. You probably have your own hobby (let's say watching vtubers, even if probably only 10% of this board watch them) and you certainly aren't paid for it. Does that make you a retard? No. Well you are, but not for that reason at least.

>> No.53953899

I'm glad I'm not the only one who views anon as retarded. Apparently having a hobby where you aren't paid is stupid in his eyes and I'm confused.

>> No.53953917

It's impossible to fap to yourself. Artists can't even fap to their own drawings. Because it's you putting the effort to make something over time. You're already spoiled on what you're gonna experience. There's no surprise or any tension or any kind of rousing fire sparked in you. It's like having 2 sisters and fucking only the same 1 instead of alternating. It just doesn't feel as great as it used to.

>> No.53953949


>> No.53953963

>just because someone has a hobby you think its a waste of their time
>so since people arent allowed to have hobbies in your fantasyland
why do you keep insisting on deliberately not understanding what I'm saying? What part of
>If you're putting a lot of time and effort into doing something
>treating a hobby like work
do you not understand? If you stream regularly for an extended period of time every day to an audience, with a whole set-up, making the effort to talk to and entertain said audience for hours and you're not monetizing it or trying to build a following around it or something then YES that is fucking retarded. You are wasting your talents/skills at that point and not capitalizing on your own potential. How is that not obviously a waste?
>You probably have your own hobby (let's say watching vtubers, even if probably only 10% of this board watch them) and you certainly aren't paid for it
oh wow another moron that can't read
I'm not watching vtubers while streaming it aas react content to a bunch of people on a high end PC for 5+ hours everyday or something, am I? Why are you retards acting like streaming to an audience is interchangeable and comparable to some casual hobby like playing with a fucking jigsaw puzzle by yourself or something? It obviously fucking isn't

>> No.53954004

>it's over for vthots!! i hate whores!
>goes and does the same thing with a fake voice, which makes you even worse
genius logic

>> No.53954034

kill yourself, unironically. thinking that streaming cannot be a hobby is retarded. literally everything can be a hobby, just because some people dont want to try and get fame or money by streaming doesnt mean theyre wasting their time, it's a hobby for fucks sake.

>> No.53954047

>defending whores play games while emoting that they have vaginas online as a job
lmao this kind of decadence is the fall of a nation, glad you simps and sluts will let yourselves die off soon

>> No.53954053

why are you speaking on behalf of some random seething 2view then?

>> No.53954082

I'm literally not bro, I don't give a shit about any of you faggots.

>> No.53954130

>It obviously fucking isn't
No I don't get it.
Some people's hobby is to play 2 hours of piano everyday, or some others is to grow shit in their garden and take care of it, or maybe building n scale trains for hours, or even write shit stories for hours everyday. Or guess what else? Streaming!
There's no fucking difference. Is there something wrong in your brain that you think streaming can't be a hobby like the others?

>> No.53954235
File: 60 KB, 300x300, rio_eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We somehow went from people making fun of those who treat streaming as job to making fun of those who treat as just a hobby. What time to be alive

>> No.53954268

Dude that's what confuses me the most. For years people would say "It's not a real job!" to people who make a living playing video games, now we have this anon who is angry that some people don't want to treat it as a job.

>> No.53954292

if you have to work for it and you have an audience that might be able to pay for it, it is by definition not a hobby.
You are literally arguing that someone who goes busking in the street for hours everyday or that a freelance gardener who goes round to people's houses to do their gardening for hours on end and says they do it just because 'they really like flowers' isn't working. That's how retarded you sound.
If you provide a service and could potentially be paid for it and it requires a lot of work, then it's not just a hobby.
go back

>> No.53954315

I don't need a real time voice changer but I was wondering how hyadain processes his voice to duet with a female version of himself

>> No.53954330

So when I jack off every night that isn't a hobby because I could be making money off of it? Got it.

>> No.53954378

>There's no fucking difference
except that - fucking obviously - in those examples you provided they are not doing those things FOR a fucking audience that could be paying them for it. How is this distinction so fucking hard to grasp?
who's we?
> For years people would say "It's not a real job!" to people who make a living playing video games
yeah and those people were fucking retards, what's your point?

>> No.53954449

"We" means those of us who are looking at your retarded rambling and realizing you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.53954481

>It's like having 2 sisters and fucking only the same 1 instead of alternating
there's a doujin like this and I hate the author because of it.

>> No.53954494

if you jacked off every night on cam for several hours to hundreds of people who could pay you then it wouldn't be a hobby, yeah, obviously
notice how all of the counter examples to my argument are all just private solo activities every time even this misses the point of what I'm saying completely?

>> No.53954534

so people cant do shit just for the sake of doing it? if i wanted to stream you would require me to fucking try to get money from people and grow my audience? i cant just stream because its fun? retard.

>> No.53954561

You would be surprised, word spreads quit about a chuuba who is known for scamming people.

What does hating her voice have anything to do with jealousy? Her baby voice can absolutely be grating. It doesn't filter me but I can absolutely understand if it filters someone else, that shit can be weird no matter how you look at it.

> 'people would rather watch fotm games for 2 hours than real hardworking people like me that stream good games for 8+ hours a day'
Shondo isn't a gamer, so this has nothing to do with Shondo. It's perfectly acceptable to lament that people watch shit for the fear of missing out rather than someone who spends time and effort trying old games.

>> No.53954593

No, I am enjoying this circus. Continue as you were.

>> No.53954597

You know what, good point. Everyone knows about Mel in some form and the two things they know is that she has a fart fetish and is a scammer.

>> No.53954728

Oh... I forgot about the fart compilation. Yeah, that made the rounds too during her ichigo persona.

>> No.53954764

>so people cant do shit just for the sake of doing it?
fucking hell how are you still not getting it? You have to be genuinely retarded to still not get it at this point.
>if i wanted to stream you would require me to fucking try to get money from people and grow my audience?
if you were streaming for many hours consistently every day, had a regular audience, some kind of following, had a whole streaming set-up, had a consistent schedule, and put actual effort in trying to keep the audience entertained for hours and hours? YES
absolutely fucking YES
why is this so hard to fathom? I feel like I'm going crazy reading these braindead replies because I feel like what I'm saying is common fucking sense that almost everyone agrees with. How many fucking times growing up did you hear people telling you to make something out of your skills and talents? Do you just not have a sense of ambition or work ethic or something?
why the fuck would anyone do something that requires time, work and commitment and skill and not be retarded to not capitalize on it?? It's baffling

as a wise man once said "if you're good at something, never do it for free"

>> No.53954830

Why is this so hard to fathom? Because I think you're retarded. No one here is agreeing with you and I have never heard anyone share your retarded way of thinking. I have a work ethic dude, I work 9 to 5 every week and when I go home so what if I want to stream for a few hours to regular viewers without trying to get fame and fortune? Why does that bother you? I'd rather continue working my 9 to 5 rather than trying to make streaming a career.

>> No.53954973

>What does hating her voice have anything to do with jealousy?
the other anon said
>Shondo's baby voice filters women hard
meaning it is jealously related. Why else would it filter women specifically and not men if not because of that?
>It's perfectly acceptable to lament that people watch shit for the fear of missing out rather than someone who spends time and effort trying old games.
people who whine about 'muh old games' or 'muh real games' are the most insufferable faggots ever. I watch vtubers because they're vtubers not for the games

>> No.53955123

>I'd rather continue working my 9 to 5 rather than trying to make streaming a career
lmao what an amazing statement. I hope other anons reading this realize that this proves my entire point about how retarded people like you are.
Imagine actually saying
>'yeah I'd much rather be a wagie no one cares about for the rest of my life than potentially earning 6 or 7 figures streaming and having an audience of people who love me'
who the fuck even thinks like this
most people would trade their wagecuck lives to be an eceleb rolling in money in a heartbeat

>> No.53955177

>>'yeah I'd much rather be a wagie no one cares about for the rest of my life than potentially earning 6 or 7 figures streaming and having an audience of people who love me'
Anon, 99.999% of streamers don't make 6 figures doing it. You can count on your hands the vtubers making 7 and they're mostly in hololive.

>> No.53955197

Really coming off as no more than a soulless money grubbing jew

>> No.53955268

shut up commie

>> No.53955301

>99.999% of streamers don't make 6 figures doing it
yeah because they don't have the talent for it

>> No.53955343

The commies were right about the West and their evil greed, even if Communism still doesn't work for the same reason. Maybe Jews aren't so bad for enslaving the pigs most goys are.

>> No.53955349

I make a lot of money at my job and I'm financially secure. Streaming, or even content creation, is very much not secure when it comes to finances. Also who the fuck cares about having hundreds of strangers "love" me? I see the female streamers get harassed to hell and back because incels think they have a chance with them. Have you seen male k-pop celebrities? Fans are rabid and I would not want that kind of lifestyle. There is more to life than money and fame, I just happen to enjoy the simple things in life. You should try it, maybe you won't be such a bitter cunt and you could probably even get some bitches.

>> No.53955353

Anon, I...
I mean, don't get me wrong, I think at the moment a really talented hard working streamer can probably carve out a living out of this if they actually do some proper marketing, but regardless of talent and drive no streamer's getting into middle-class without some serious luck coming into play.
Unless you're talking about rupies or ARS kek.

>> No.53955373


>> No.53955543

>most people would trade their wagecuck lives to be an eceleb rolling in money in a heartbeat
Not really. Just because you would do doesn't mean others would went that too. It might shock you, but not everybody craves fame and fortune above everything. Not everyone's a greedy attention whore.
In the case you're not trolling us here, I suspect you're just really young and don't know much life.

>> No.53955650

>There is more to life than money and fame
unless you're religious or intend to have children this is a fucking cope. You had better not be some secular person who doesn't intend to have children saying this because otherwise that's dumb as fuck.
Don't tell me your sense of meaning in life is just that you really really really like your wagie job and hobbies and the media you consoom or something stupid like that.
>I see the female streamers get harassed to hell and back
it's just words on a screen, literally just ignore it
Look at someone like Mori; she's fucking despised by so many people, from twitterfags to zoomers on tiktok, to ex-fans to schizos /here/ to jealous indie chuubas and more. And yet she doesn't give a fuck and just keeps inclining.
Or hell, look at Gura - literally the most popular vtuber in the english speaking world - she barely even bothers with social media at all because she gives that little of a fuck about it. Even her own fans were going schizo as fuck and members were leaving paragraph comments about it on VODs and she never said anything about it at all.
The only reason you'd have to be scared of developing a following is if you know you're some mentally weak insecure retard that would egosearch what people are saying everyday and take what they're saying seriously.

>> No.53955722

>unless you're religious or intend to have children this is a fucking cope. You had better not be some secular person who doesn't intend to have children saying this because otherwise that's dumb as fuck.
>Don't tell me your sense of meaning in life is just that you really really really like your wagie job and hobbies and the media you consoom or something stupid like that.
God, what an incredibly depressing thing to read. I'm so sorry anon, I hope you find some perspective. This kind of mindset is gonna have you roping pretty quick.

>> No.53955731

Jesus, you really are just a child. I refuse to believe an adult would type all of this

>> No.53955733

Having a bad reputation with jealous women is only a point in their favor. Their audience is male. Explains why there is so much seethe about random female vtubers here.

>> No.53955850

No matter what my beliefs are I am not going to preach them because I think no matter what your religious beliefs are you should not be preaching them to those outside your own beliefs. But yes, I do have 2 children who are currently 8 and 10 years old and I loved my life before them and love my life after them being brought into my life. The meaning of life to me is different from other people and that's okay, I'm a simple guy who likes his job because it's fun and pays my bills and then some. I like coming home and spending time with my wife and kids and sometimes spending time by myself playing video games or just going for a walk out in nature because I find nature to be a beautiful thing, relaxing too. I think it's a bit insane that you think internet harassment is just words when we have seen countless people have their lives ruined due to false accusations and we have even seen people murdered due to internet harassment, the most recent that comes to mind for me is Bianca Devins. Words don't bother me, but that's probably because I'm old, but there are crazy people out there who would love to make up lies that could ruin my life forever and there are batshit crazy people who would easily murder another.

>> No.53955965

lmao. get off 4chan for a while bro.

>> No.53956021

Seethe about individual vtubers is female (they're all the same one way or another). Seethe about all or a swathe of them(whores) is more likely male.

>> No.53956191

Dunno man, i fap to the koikatsu scenes i make. Having control over the details makes it like an interactive experience, like a game. Maybe drawing is just too time consuming and focused

>> No.53956829

without a belief in something transcendental and eternal, life becomes pretty meaningless pretty fast. The only options you're really left with are reproduction/raising a family, glory as a way to immortalize yourself in an abstract sense, pursuing excellence in a craft/trade or pursuing hedonism (which you need money to do). Anything else is just distracting yourself until death.
Anyone who thinks they can just be a wagie their whole life, never make a name for themselves, not have children and not have any strong religious beliefs and be satisfied with netflix and their pet cats or something and not be regretting everything on their deathbed is fucking coping.
>being a mature adult means thinking having no ambitions and a mediocre life is good
this is the truly depressing sentiment in this thread, not mine
>I think no matter what your religious beliefs are you should not be preaching them to those outside your own beliefs
retarded statement, there are a lot of religions that require you to preach your beliefs because it's literally saving people's souls (or animals in the case of vegans).
>I like coming home and spending time with my wife and kids
why are you even here lol
also wow good job proving my point that you derive meaning in life from having a family. No wonder you aren't pursuing fame or anything and are satisifed then.
> I think it's a bit insane that you think internet harassment is just words when we have seen countless people have their lives ruined due to false accusations and we have even seen people murdered due to internet harassment
bro we're talking about vtubers, no one's getting fucked murdered
>the most recent that comes to mind for me is Bianca Devins
I don't know too much about that case but wasn't the killer someone they spoke to and interacted with on discord and met in person? That's not quite the same as just a distant fan you never personally interact with. No reason why you'd have to personally and privately interact with fans just because you have a fanbase (I know indies and some small corpo chuubas actually do do this with inner circles of paypigs but I think they're retarded for doing that).

>> No.53957353

you vtweeter shit stain of humanity, you will NEVER make it
never talk shit about my wife ever again

>> No.53957500

Anon, once you're an adult you're gonna realize squirting out a descendant, having a newspaper article about you or pursuing excellence are all also just distracting yourself until death. In fact, everything you do is just distracting yourself until death. Coping with this realization is what it's all about.

>> No.53957712
File: 632 KB, 806x986, 421176538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, there's a lot of long text in this thread. Good thing im never gonna read it!

>> No.53957917

I'm just waiting for AI girlfriends to be as r
easy as a download to finally rid the world of these worthless digital attention whores. Hana Macchia was right.

>> No.53957973

I read them all except the last, way to oust yourself as 2int, suck my cock dude

>> No.53958071

Llama 2 is "open source"
you can hook it up to a ML-powered voice sythesiser for a free waifu

>> No.53958397

i want a cute anime girl not a llama... joking aside, if it's already real i will go dl some known anime waifu voice from those AI song creators

>> No.53959432

Over half of this thread could've been skipped by just telling the blogposting roastie to post tits or gtfo.
Fucking newfags.

>> No.53959703

I like final fantasy anon

>> No.53959830

This is an incredibly selfish take.
Plenty of people make this world a better place without those things. That's what life is about. Making the world better than it was when you were born.

>> No.53959931

Ive jacked off to myself thinking of jacking off in more inventive ways.

>> No.53960434

Oh hey Mel, so what's your new persona you've been streaming as after running off with donations?

>> No.53960526

Bro, this is Mel Nekomata, she only streams to scam people out of money. She's only currently streaming for those of us that buy her content, she didn't even tell her "friends" about her new reincarnation.

>> No.53960882

All indies and 2 views accept donations, Mel. I guess you've finally found a personal paypig or hoping that $3500 you scammed lasts?

>> No.53961205

>I often have some people who tell me I talk too much
Post link, there's too many 1 and 2 views and even corpo chubbas that have almost 100% deadair.

>> No.53961874

>afraid to say who I am but I have Mel added on discord
I'm one of her buyers she shared the new channel with and basically knows who you are as she's only keeping the link to her bigger donators last time, she won't post the link here or even give it to her usual people because they aren't giving her a lot of money anymore.
As much as I dislike Shondo the bitch isn't using a voice changer.

>> No.53962570

Don't worry, this is the level of the discussion
>It's like having 2 sisters and fucking only the same 1 instead of alternating. It just doesn't feel as great as it used to.

>> No.53962670

Mel rarely uses Twitter, so she's not even a "vtweeter", she only did it with her last persona.

>> No.53963454

She's already reappeared, she's been trying to keep it on the downlow and only to the ones that donated the most last time.

>> No.53963609

>It's like having 2 sisters and fucking only the same 1 instead of alternating.
What the fuck is this analogy? Are you from Alabama?

>> No.53964644

Some AI voices sound ok, but only when used in a subtle way rather than completely changing your voice.

>> No.53964783

You guys are fucking hilarious. Mel has not reappeared anywhere as of yet but in the next 1 to 2 weeks she will reappear and it will be painfully obvious. Whatever chuuba you're talking about is not Mel but I am curious to see who the fuck you guys think Mel is currently. Whenever Mel appears everyone knows is, the fact that there is no threads being made like the Ichigo Nogashi threads is pretty fucking telling.

>> No.53965075

Is this another Riifu situation? People, for some reason, thought Mel was Riifu for a little bit and so when she came back people didn't think it was truly Mel. If Mel sees this thread she'll see that you guys think she's someone else and will use the opportunity to come back while you guys harass some other chuuba lmao.

>> No.53965226

>People, for some reason, thought Mel was Riifu
What the fuck? How could anyone think that, they don't sound or act anything alike? Did you just make this up?

>> No.53965302
File: 48 KB, 680x680, 1688709403041106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, what's this software exactly? is it any good? does it let me change voices on the fly? i want to sound like the master from fallout.

>> No.53965316

I'm sorry, I don't have screenshots of the retards who said it. Basically because Riifu burped people automatically thought she was Mel. Around the time Riifu made her debut Mel started streaming again, I think on her Narumi Mihama channel, and retards in her chat were like "I thought you were Riifu" and so she had to look up Riifu and prove that she isn't Riifu by overlapping one of her streams and showcasing that she can't do an accent to save her life. The fart fags and burp fags are retarded, please understand lmao.

>> No.53965362

Literally watch the video and it tells you everything faggot, jesus christ people are retarded.

>> No.53965393

Riifu talked about brapping and shitting and would even be up for it content wise, so during the brief time mel chose to lay low Riifu popped up.
>If Mel sees this thread
Mel has already been posting here, this is why the dumb bitch was even brought up. People that are shitting on and stalking mel are smart enough to catch onto her patterns. The only thing she changes is pretending she doesn't know her regulars or "friends."

>> No.53965540

Some anons seem to think Mel has already reappeared by larping as donating to her. If any of that was true the anons would make schizo threads like they always do. The fact that people are pretending she's already back and it's a secret when all of her attempts to come back in secret have failed is hilarious. There was one time when people thought she was some 1view chuuba and she dropped hints confirming it because she thought people would latch onto that 1view and she could go reappear somewhere else.

>> No.53965621
File: 144 KB, 430x462, 1686999406794654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to bring this thread back to its original topic of voice changers.
that being said, got any software recommendations?

>> No.53965670

W-Okada is the one being used in the video in the OP. But again, if it's girl to girl or guy to guy it works best, girl to guy or guy to girl sounds like shit. Fofamit or whatever the fuck that trannies name is also made a video about it.

>> No.53965704

Troons and male vtubers will make soooooo much money… they can whore themselves out and no one will bat an eye.

>> No.53965966

I think it's because she has a habit of emailing her content buyers to keep them on a leash which is well known.

>> No.53966323

I just bought $300 worth of content and we only talk via email and she has not said she is streaming. In fact she is trying to lie and say her parents kicked her out and she's staying at a homeless shelter lmao. Whatever chuuba you guys think is Mel right now is not Mel otherwise there would be schizo threads made here and there are literally none. The only ones talking about Mel include her most recent reddit post on her Ichigo Nogashi account.

>> No.53966563

I can just imagine someone voice acting their favorites anime girl in the discord chat room and while they give them JOI until they cum.

>> No.53966591

>I just bought $300 worth of content and we only talk via email and she has not said she is streaming
I bought $200 worth this past week and she said she's working on getting a new model so she was going to offer more soon.
>In fact she is trying to lie and say her parents kicked her out and she's staying at a homeless shelter lmao
Oh, she told me she sorted out the paypal stuff and is recovering from the surgery. (this is why she's been quiet on the ichigo front.)

>> No.53966655

I do this but people pay me for it. With these ai voices I can expand my offers and now do voices that weren't possible for me before, lmao.

>> No.53966690

the rrats will be absolutely INSANE with this tool

>> No.53966737

I can tell you're bullshitting bro, stop trying. As someone who actually buys content she constantly asks me to help her find other people that want to buy because the other dude who used to buy from her stopped.

>> No.53966783

>not whoring yourself out for free
What a waste.

>> No.53966849

I can hear the Calli x Horse voices…

>> No.53966870

Did your parents ever try to get you help?

>> No.53966975

Bros, maybe this just makes it clear she's a pos that lies to everyone, even who buys her content for pity bucks?
Troons won't be able to use this program properly.

>> No.53967129
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Jokes on you
Mi first fap was at 12 with a misty fan-art i made myself.

>> No.53967216

My parents are dead so what would they get me help for? I'm spending my money how I want.
I can easily tell when people are lying about buying content from her.

>> No.53967222
File: 591 KB, 944x780, 1687203448086957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl to guy or guy to girl sounds like shit.
sounds like fun, won't lie. i do appreciate a bit of jank.
i've been looking for something like that specifically for the reason mentioned earlier - the master from fallout. might actually try setting up a live2d model of a mass of flesh and machine.
much appreciated, anon.

>> No.53967297

too late, full AI will be stronger.

>> No.53967890


May I ask, why are you still donating to her after everything?

>> No.53967942

>I can easily tell when people are lying about buying content from her.
Unless she shows chats/emails of everyone who buys (which would be kind of fucked on her part) I don't think that's possible, but if you're one of the main buyers I guess being defensive makes sense, not judging bro. I just look through the archives and old streams when she used the onee-san model, she seems to have a different story every time.
AI Vtubers are legit the future if they can get it to not troon out at times.

>> No.53968104

I'm buying content, not donating. We can't stop this thot from scamming people.

>> No.53968181

I have money to burn. Also she does anything for money and it's hard to find people like that. I paid her a couple hundred to shit and then drink it (because her shit is basically liquid) and you would not believe how hard it is to find that type of content. Also yes, I realize I'm enabling her but I like seeing her make an ass out of herself and have more and more people hate her, I love the train wreck.
My bad, I didn't mean to come off as defensive bro, I apologize. But as someone who does regularly buy content from her I can tell when people are lying. Sorry if I seemed like I was being shitty to you that was not my intention. Have a great day.

>> No.53968224

Where's the anons using this software to make vocaroo links?

>> No.53968680

That sounds hot actually, this is something AI chubbas can't replicate.
Browse around.

>> No.53968774

AI chuubas will be able to replicate it eventually. Or so I hope...but then I won't get the added bonus of seeing a train wreck like Mel.

>> No.53969384

Anons like this make me lose hope for humanity. At least we know who to blame next time she makes another thread and vtuber channel

>> No.53969591

You enjoy watching Mel be a train wreck, so who cares.

>> No.53970099

Bro, she'll self-advertise. She's done this for THREE years now.

>> No.53973767


>> No.53977242


>> No.53978068

>It's impossible to fap to yourself.
There was an anon years ago that was so bothered that all porn stars were drugged-up rape victims that he started wanking to videos of himself wanking. Each time he recorded a new video it became more diluted. I can't find the post but at some point he starts quoting Rene Descartes

>> No.53978333

>Artists can't even fap to their own drawings.
Wrong. So wrong.

>> No.53978958

Hopefully this will reduce the roastie voice epidemic so many anglotubers have

>> No.53978982

>mel and jadf in the same thread
/vt/ has allowed me to see some truly interesting things

>> No.53981441
File: 297 KB, 1079x723, 1657004335023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love your futas JADF.

>> No.53981493

Loli voice for me, please.

>> No.53982724

For real. Just waiting for her next scam because this last time she tried to be a regular vtuber and threw it away to scam after a week 1/2.

>> No.53983398

>Artists can't even fap to their own drawings.
You are just not good enough.
I've busted at least 7 nuts to a particular one I made.

>> No.53983843

post it then
