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53884310 No.53884310 [Reply] [Original]

>Admitted she's getting sued by Anycolor
It's over for Zaionkeks

>> No.53884404

I can't wait.

>> No.53884426


>> No.53884463


>> No.53884610

Nothing in her top twitch clips so I assume OP is gay and lying

>> No.53884656

>>Admitted she's getting sued by Anycolor

>> No.53884758

She just said it on stream, give it some time and it'll get clipped

>> No.53885207

Why don’t you clip it lazy fuck

>> No.53885330

It's on Tw*tch

>> No.53885376


>> No.53885439

That is my answer

>> No.53885441

Black company

>> No.53885494

>no clip
>no proof
>still waiting
[mods dislike that]

>> No.53885882

Why are you pretending that you don't already approve of the black company suing her, sister? Let's skip the outraged demands for proof and go straight to your cunty gloating about it shall we?

>> No.53885977

This post really makes me feel like it’s fake

>> No.53886000

I want her to win. Fuck the company. Based exposer.Sink the yacht!

>> No.53886049

soooo when's the clip

>> No.53886180

Maybe I didn't hear right because I'm watching another streamer, but I don't remember shit. All I know was that she talked about Canada money being silly for a bit, and she's just playing Terraria with a friend.

>> No.53886204

Will the case get a livestream? Will they make all vtubers related to show up? Will they show up as vtubers in the court?

>> No.53886336

was a bit after that and a bit before her friend arrives

>> No.53886349

Post the fucking stream you turbo faggot.

>> No.53886397

So the source is your ass?
schizo and shit bait

post the clip faggot

>> No.53886587

>no proof
Do Zaiontards really?.

>> No.53886623

Fuck that Black Company

>> No.53886626
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It's gonna be retarded to see holofags defend Sayu after she broke NDA and is """"""""allegedly""""""" sued over it; yet at the same time they'd cheering on if Magni or Vesper broke NDA and were being sued by Cover.

>> No.53886864

all of it was common knowledge, she also broke rules too. they are both shit.

>> No.53886979

Its doubtful that Anycolor would be able to do much. The only way they could maybe win is if they were to somehow rope her back to Japan, but she's in California and that state has tons of anti-SLAPP laws.
Plus there's the case that the contract was terminated so it's doubtful the company could do much to sue, nevermind the fact that the company has lost multiple times this year when they attempt to pursue legal action. Their legal team is built out of paper mache and they crumble the moment you spray anything on them.

>> No.53887027
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>> No.53887034

She mentioned it vaguely around an hour and a half ago

>> No.53887056

>Make claim
>Provide no proof
If you get so assblasted when being asked for proof on this board then I think Twitter is more your speed.

>> No.53887204 [DELETED] 

Nijinigger’s Law.

>> No.53887211

Sued for what?

>> No.53887245

You're not even watching her stream anymore because you've lost interest in her, so why bother?

>> No.53887414

It's around 21 minutes in

>> No.53887417

Kidnapping too many shotas

>> No.53887478

Should be for breach of NDA but knowing them and JP companies it's probably slander and defamation. Not sure how'd they'd be able to show they suffered financial loss because of it though.

>> No.53887546

Literally NDA

>> No.53887884

You know on twitch, you didn’t need to wait for the stream to end for clipping right?

>> No.53887907

It's 5 minutes long. Where can i upload the video without Niji taking it down? Youtube?

>> No.53887953

She needs to bring up Niji to stay relevant

>> No.53887985

Catbox, you dipshit.

>> No.53887993

Now this is ALL OUT WAR!

>> No.53888001

Just upload it to YouTube, link it here and make it unlisted for a while.

>> No.53888020

Catbox, streamable, youtube, bitchute, rumble, vimeo. There are so many options for video uploads these days.

>> No.53888065

Sayu broke NDA to defend herself against career-ending allegations. The boys hypothetically breaking NDA would be for shits and giggles; since they aren't being publicly accused of anything right now. Those are entirely different circumstances. I'd support anyone doing the former, and shit on anyone for doing the latter, regardless of what company they are in.
Ironically she has the upper hand on that front. Japanese laws don't care if something is true or not when it comes to defamation, but laws in most US states do. In other words, that laundry list they fired her for could be considered defamation under Japanese law; It was a public statement that hurt the reputation of another person. On the other hand, if she can prove the claims she made in that document are true, California law would say she's not guilty of defamation. If they try to sue her for anything other than breaching NDA they are being extra dumb.

>> No.53888067

How did she break NDA sister?

>> No.53888173


>> No.53888180

Somehow forgot about it.

>> No.53888290

It is not about the deez nuts joke you dumb ass. It is about how she scammed Anycolor with an exclusive VA deal with Mihoyo.

>> No.53888293

>it's real
holy shit

>> No.53888305

>actually delivered

>> No.53888350


>Is Real

Didn't anycolor get bootyblasted in court already? They finna lose in California where it matters since that's where she resides.

>> No.53888370

>doesn't describe how she broke the nda
I accept your concession.

>> No.53888403

Why did she spell it that way then?

>> No.53888406

I kneel

>> No.53888427

This. Niji's contract holds zero(0) power in Commiefornia

>> No.53888658

>She gets sued
>But no one cares about her, even the catalog thread is slow
It's over.....

>> No.53888776

There's zero fucking proof in this thread, I'm not convince it's not just a shitposter making shit up. If it was real someone would have a clip or timestamp by now

>> No.53888834
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>> No.53888864


>> No.53888894

English is such a beautiful language

>> No.53888917

Oh so it's a nothingburger and already happened. Boring.

>> No.53888967

for once anon delivers

>> No.53889019

>Came out of it horribly
Ohnonono Zaionbros, I thought >we were in the right?

>> No.53889123

It's just another bait thread anon. Watching these two hags since it started, and she didn't talk a single thing about being sued. Just two boring cunts playing a lame ass game. I'd wish it were true and been lurking on her streams a few times, but she's avoided talking anything about that black company even tho she sees a few bros pestering about it from her on her chat at times.

>> No.53889149

>Anycolor sues Sayu for defamation
>The collision of laws between countries turns the case against their favor, unironically setting a new jurisprudent standard for Japan to follow in the process
>Riku gets both assmad for the result and afraid more cases could follow for other livers that could want a piece of him for the way they were treated
>Either Riku disbands NijiEN, or is forced to hire more ESLs for the future waves and pray the media forgets about the case
Chaotic times ahead.

>> No.53889199

>and then the zaionfag woke up

>> No.53889332


>> No.53889336

when chat asked her how she's doing, she said something about going to war legally, and it went horrible. and that she's not doing good nowadays. so basically op implied that it was anycolor who did it (most likely) and that she's losing to them, which is a shocker since don't jp laws not apply in California?

>> No.53889452

Didn't realize nijisisters were still hatewatching her kek. They really have nothing better to do with their lives I guess

>> No.53889467

I think This is right

>> No.53889488

Well, they certainly aren’t watching their organs.

>> No.53889494

>NijiSisters are doing hate watching her
>HoloNigger are doesn't watching her
Who is better?

>> No.53889514

Kek I say. I actually got rused

>> No.53889562

You can win and still come out feeling like shit

>> No.53889584

If that's true, how the heck is she losing to that black company? Like isn't the favor with her after she put out her statement?

>> No.53889626

She said it went horrible before saying she feels like shit, and then redirected the topic to her game probably knowing her mouth would get her in hot water again if she keeps it up.

>> No.53889650

>are doesn’t watching

>> No.53889663

sad how gay English has become today compared to how it was

>> No.53889665

Or maybe there were a bunch of lies or half truths in her statement and that fucked her. Who knows

>> No.53889719

>truth is Sayu is the black

>> No.53889760

Maybe she counter sued and that's what failed because of how Japanese law applies to them or something, resulting in extra expenses for nothing gained.

>> No.53889780

Nah she said her truth. but reading it again, it's clear she left out some finer details so that braindead twittards would favor her. don't really care of the outcome, but it's nice seeing two flops go at each other's throat.

>> No.53889844

>Literally, she broke the NDA
>Nigga Thinks she's going to win
Are you retarded?

>> No.53889846

Niji gonna get fuck by this kek.

>> No.53889889

The thing about her statement is that she proved all the points anycolor made to be right. She put them into perspective but she proved herself that all the thing that were listed actually happened, which is stupid for your own defense.

>> No.53889920
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>> No.53890043

Yeah from how i see it, her statement is a double-edge sword in court. She basically admitted to being a fuck-up in that faggot company, with the only thing going for her is admitting to stealth suspensions (which is nothing new for these jp corpos) and having a newbie manager.

>> No.53890046

>Should be for breach of NDA
An NDA would have been part of her contract with them. Breaking the NDA would have been grounds for termination. Oh, wait, she was already terminated. How could there still be an NDA without a contract?

The only other chance for an NDA would be if they included it in a severance agreement. That possibility is, obviously, laughable.

>> No.53890097

no they did not. this is literally the first time they go to court outside of Japan. They never went to court against Khyo or False

>> No.53890127

there's definitely some severance agreement in their contract, knowing how scummy anycolor is. what i don't get is how the fuck is she losing to them? her lawyer must've fucked something up if she feels the need to say that it's all going to shit.

>> No.53890156

Falsesneed's asshole must be clinching right now

>> No.53890173

Realistically I think she just misspoke, there's no fucking way Anycolor would sue her because they would easily lose

>> No.53890256

She violated her NDA retard. Amerimutt law doesn't protect her in this case.

>> No.53890278

That's what I thought as well. Anycolor is sure to lose outside of jp. But based on her short reaction right now, it does feel like she's the one getting shafted.

>> No.53890304

>are doesn't watching
Holy fucking esl

>> No.53890335

>Dramafaggot doesn't know shit about Sayu
>blindly believes her statement
>even after proof is presented to him multiple times about her omissions and half truths, and a few outright lies
sasuga holobro

>> No.53890346

If she really got sued we would be able to find it in the court records right?

>> No.53890363

well we'll only really know the details if anycolor wins and they post about it on twitter about the case like it happened whenever they won lawsuits in jp

>> No.53890384

>Many points she made could be corroborated by other JP/EN organs
>Nah she made shit up
Your lack of intelligence is breathtaking

>> No.53890461

Money makes the world go round and anykara has more of it than she does. The fact stands that sayu violated NDA regardless and it's an uphill battle even if she was completely in the right (she wasn't btw. All she did was point fingers back at the company after her own personal yabs)

>> No.53890470

Not that it’s entirely fair but it’s not surprising considering she (likely) broke NDA and despite whatever cali law dipshit she had read that sob story of hers told her, that dumbass referred to herself as Zaion and revealed company internals instead of just taking the Aruvn route and leaking it all to False to have at least a shred of anonymity. kek

>> No.53890474

I'm not watching her stream because her faggot mods perma banned me on her discord server for refusing to respect tranny pronouns and I'm not watching somebody whose server I'm banned in. Doesn't mean I want her to get sued.

>> No.53890514

I really REALLY need flags to be added to this board.

>> No.53890516

all I know is the side I like is telling me the truth and the side I don't are evil liars. why can't everyone see see this?

>> No.53890543

>there's definitely some severance agreement in their contract, knowing how scummy anycolor is.
A severance agreement would be its own separate agreement that would include them giving her a severance payment. The idea that they reached such an agreement is laughable.

>> No.53890566


>> No.53890601

this shit is gonna be fuckin wild

>> No.53890615


Well of course not. ANYCOLOR only has a chance of winning because Sayu knowingly broke her nda, False and Khyo were just victims of yt’s unfair copyright claim system and even then, that bit ANYCOLOR in the ass after they went public about it. They would’ve sued the living shit out of those dramafags if they were Japanese and were under that retarded defamation law.

>> No.53890655

The funny thing about aruvn is despite being secretly blacklisted by anykara as they like to do. He still kisses their liver's asses by retweeting and liking their posts even after all that false stuff. if i were him, i'd block all those faggots and do my own thing. but seems like his relevance has waned past him already.

>> No.53890680

Post proof.

>> No.53890701

Arvun was a long time friend of the organs, not sure what he's up to now but I'm sure he's had enough post nut clarity at this point kek

>> No.53890735
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>> No.53890781

Her fans are Nijisanji fans you baka-ass retard

>> No.53890804

Aruvn went active on twitter for a short while after going "MIA". Went back to retweeting stuff from all things holo and niji as if he didn't do anything. Didn't know that guy was much of a dramafag as he is.

>> No.53890840

"Life's going alright"
She didn't get sued you guys...

>> No.53890849

>Twitch can be clipped real time
>OP posted no proof

>> No.53890855

>no they did not. this is literally the first time they go to court outside of Japan.
Do we know that they even have gone outside of Japan in this case? If I had to guess, if they are actually suing her, they're probably doing something retarded like suing her for defamation in Japan.

>> No.53890885



>> No.53890898

>It gets posted here
>actual braindead retards are still discussing and making up fantasy stories
Holy fuck, please nuke this board of everything that isn't a general.

>> No.53890901

>No fucking chance they sue her in a California court
>She can't get sued in Japanese courts because she does not live there
This rrat is fucking stupid

>> No.53890903

holy shit

>> No.53890915

if it makes sense he is filipino

>> No.53890932


>> No.53890935

Do you not know how laws work?

>> No.53890943

On his twitter, he has retweeted and liked a bunch of stuff from holo and niji after his self-imposed retirement probably to cover up his tracks.

>> No.53890965

LMAO Zaicuks get fucked

>> No.53890999

I honestly thought he'd be more bitter, but from the looks of it, he probably just wanted the attention.

>> No.53891013

>Get sued cross borders/country
Literally just move somewhere else.

>> No.53891050

>She can't get sued in Japanese courts because she does not live there
Of course they can sue her in Japan. That doesn't mean that, if she hired a Japanese lawyer, he couldn't get it thrown out because, as you say, she doesn't live there. It also doesn't mean, should they get a default judgement against her, they could ever actually enforce it.

Like I said, it would be retarded, but when has that ever stopped Anycolor?

>> No.53891083

nobody posting in this thread is a legal expert

>> No.53891109

Im legal expert I finish all phoenix saga 2 times!

>> No.53891151 [DELETED] 

Actually it does, chinky. Non-disclosure agreements are notoriously hard to enforce unless they include actual trade or state secrets or potentially harmful personal information about an individual. Telling people your former employer sucks ass isn't covered by any of that, and in fact there are several laws in effect to protect people from attempted legal abuse in the form of whistleblower and anti-slapp laws. If niji really wants to try this shit in California-- or really anywhere in the western hemisphere-- and Saya or whatever her name is wants to fight it, they're going to get ass raped in open court and possibly even driven out of the US entirely.

>> No.53891164

You don't have to be to understand the basics that suing someone outside your country means jackshit. If it mattered China and Chinese citizens would be beyond fucked. Anyshitters have less of a foothold in the US compared to hololive. They have no physical offices/HQ.

You one of those "trust the expert" retards?

>> No.53891171

>are doesn't watching her
Usually I don't make fun of shit like that since I'm ESL myself, but come on now

>> No.53891202 [DELETED] 

This guy gets it. Chinks and sea monkeys are delusional.

>> No.53891208

Maybe we should collect some money to donate to her to fight the black company

>> No.53891209

>japanese company
>suing someone living in the US

>> No.53891235

>it's a nothingburger
>sayu is stressed as shit over a nothingburger
I'm glad it's a nothingburger kek why is she worried is she just playing it up for clicks?

>> No.53891238
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When you start spouting shit like this, how the fuck do you think they will stand a chance in the court of law?

>> No.53891237

I kneel

>> No.53891242

US courts/laws along would fuck Japs company practices out the ass.

>> No.53891261

Because she's naive.

>> No.53891310

That covers copyright.

>> No.53891393

She had a talk with a lawyer and they told her she is in a shit position. So all your posts about Japanese law vs American law and so on and so forth don't make any sense. Just watch the clip posted here that is stated in past tense

>> No.53891451

I'm actually glad that guy decided to go all menhera and back out. His past rare streams were less interesting than what aia or aster pulls out of their asses. The only thing going for him was his voice.

>> No.53891496

I mean she only briefly talked about it in the beginning but yes, she did say she's doing horrible. And that her "legal" war was all going to shit.

>> No.53891549

I would take it with a grain of salt honestly, vtubers aren't known to be the smartest people and say stupid shit for entertainment purposes all the time

>> No.53891581

>And that her "legal" war was all going to shit
Well if she's trying to counter sue or wage "legal war" of course it's gonna go to shit. Best option is just cut her ties and move on if anything just move to a state that says "fuck this bullshit".

>> No.53891638

looking at his handle, he does oddly follow the three new homos tho. hmm...

>> No.53891692

What's with all these anti-corporate redditors on this board? /vt/ has always loved companies like nijisanji.

>> No.53891752

She wants some of that chink money enykara has been hiding and probably didn't anticipate the case backfiring on her for some reason, meaning more legal investment with little returns. Any way you look at it, she's fucked. Probably best to follow her own advice and move on, but guess she saw the opportunity and tried to get it.

>> No.53891779

How does niji even defend their reputation after this?

>> No.53892423


>Less entertaining than Aia or Aster

There’s literally zero fucking way rumao

>> No.53892466
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Seems like one colony is not enough

>> No.53892504

Is that her career she's nuking?

>> No.53892597

they meant aruvn is less entertaining than aia and aster as a streamer, not zaion anon. i mean have you seen his past streams? its dead air all-around, that guy isn't even good at games.

>> No.53892654

I mean based on her recent statement of things going horrible, it seems the opposite. Look like kurosanji is nuking her entire existence if she keeps this legal "war" bullshit up.

>> No.53893097

>it seems the opposite
Everyone, including you schizos, still see her as Zaion. I don't know what Sayu looks like because I don't bother giving her views.

>> No.53893508

>broke nda
>Zaion: no i am not a horrible human being

>> No.53893781

Where is this myth that only "holofags" watched her is coming from? She barely has any overlap with anyone from hololive, kotoka had more overlap than zaion
Is it just them trying to make up a reason in their head to attack hololive (again)

>> No.53894218


>> No.53894331 [DELETED] 

nijinigs are actual psychos, still desperate for blood because she made a mildly spicy joke
Nijis are the exact nexus point of american sjw cancel bullshit and chinese bugman psycho bullshit

>> No.53894358

No but you have to watch on twitch to do that and I’d rather kill myself

>> No.53895110

>woman loses her shit
You don't have that much experience with women, right?

>> No.53895393

"I went to war, legally, and came out of it horribly, but, I'm here now and things are ok."

That's it? All the histrionics and shit tier legal analysis in this thread over this one sentence?

>> No.53895772


>> No.53895823

Honestly I feel embarrassed that I was actually worried for her after seeing this thread. I forgot the cardinal rule that I shouldn't ever believe anything people post /here/ without first seeing actual evidence to back it up.

>> No.53895863

American law will rape Nixizhangji

>> No.53896037

If she's being sued in California court wouldn't it be possible to find the case? That shit tends to be public information, no?

>> No.53896127

Yep. ten bucks she 'waged war' by trying to take them to court and got the legal stuffing kicked out of her case and that's the end of it. if kurosanji was actually suing her I highly doubt she'd be fine right now, seems much more likely with her making that 'going to war' remark a few months back she started something and it fell through.

>> No.53896701

Tribal wars board

>> No.53896744

>Viewer counts flagging
>"Better dig up some more nijidrama"
This is like the 3rd time it's happened and it will continue to happen many more times and you dumb faggots will fall for it every time in the future.

>> No.53896789


>> No.53897018

all out war lol

>> No.53897898


>> No.53897912

she expected anything different? her stupidity got her into this shit, and keeps being stupid.

>> No.53898702

>Admitted she's getting sued by Anycolor
What can they even take from her?

>> No.53902051

I'mma send this to falseye

>> No.53902279

her organs

>> No.53902475

I mean kurosanji already took her cat.. ops. but for real though, i let out a giggle on the whole dead cat thing because she implied that Riku Tazumi killed her cat. She looked desperate at that point trying to get pity points from twittards.

>> No.53902724
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>Could just take advantage of all the attention and goodwill she got and grow as an indie
>But no, let's go all scorched earth because a bunch of dramafags who never watched a single stream are cheering her to go all the way

>> No.53902729

breaking NDA is okay if niji members do it

>> No.53902956

anon, she never really struck me as someone who uses her brains in whatever situation she's in. Having her go all the way with this legal war bullshit makes her look desperate. More so that she's supposedly on the losing end if the rrats are true.

>> No.53903769

She was responding to a question in chat asking how she's been it's not like she brought it up herself

>> No.53903868

There's always something. See in you another two months when it's time to do this all over again, anon.

>> No.53904384

Sayu spent too much time shitposting on /vt/ that she thought the dramacucks and holofags would watch her streams where she openly talks about her previous relationships(which is poison for idolfags) and that they love her for her content rather than because she's the newest attack vector on nijikuro

>> No.53904707

sieg zaion lol.

>> No.53904724

I hope she fucking destroys that shitty fucking black company in court.
>oh no! she kind of hinted towards the fact that we are scumbags that abuse our employees!!!

>> No.53904823
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>> No.53904957

She's doing fine retard, I watch her regularly. Imagine complaining that someone is a 4view.
Jesus fuck you need to go look at indies and small corpos viewercounts.

>> No.53906041

raids don't count twitchfag

>> No.53908153

Kek. She is the definition of "Fuck around and find out". Now she is crying like the retard she is when found out that her actions has consequences.

>> No.53909908

acting as if raids are twitch exclusive

>> No.53910390

>"I went to war, legally, and came out of it horribly, but, I'm here now and things are ok."
I figured they couldn't do much to Sayu outside of Japan. The only reason slander and defamation can be used so easily is because Japanese law only requires the corpos to prove financial damages. Literally doesn't matter if the negative statements are completely accurate.

>> No.53911636

Nijikeks, not even once.

>> No.53912279

If anything she likely just means she lost a lot of money fighting a nothingburger legal case that was likely eventually dismissed. Shit is expensive.

>> No.53912668

Big if true

>> No.53912768

Ah. So OP is an ESL and doesn't know that she's already got it put behind her.

>> No.53912854

It's starting to feel like an all out war lol

>> No.53912878

I'm going to assume she's more talking about the time leading up to the "announcement that she's been terminated" and up to the time she posted "on behalf of someone else"
If Nijisanji tried suing her after that, it wouldn't have been kept private. And Nijisanji already took a huge L when she posted "the response"

>> No.53912993

>And Nijisanji already took a huge L when she posted "the response"
Just because you pull it out your ass doesn't make it true.

>> No.53913341

Pretty much everyone supported Sayu after she posted the response. Deal with it.

>> No.53913347

I follow a few 3views who were able to quit their day jobs and have been full time for at least 2–3 years. If she can monetize well and is good with money, she’ll be okay. 4views+good watch time can net her decent sponsorships. Just please don’t gacha it away, hahaha…

>> No.53914264

This is 100% the case, Nijisisters and dramafags are drumming shit up for nothing

>> No.53914914

Here we see how all the revenue other niji talents make off their adoring fags, I mean fans, will be going toward NijiSanji's pro-trans, pro-LGBT luciferian agenda.

>> No.53915037

>Pretty much everyone supported Sayu after she posted the response
lmao Only drama schizos care about her anymore.

>> No.53915581
File: 79 KB, 765x907, 1677802109624705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her "legal war" was probably in reference to her attempting a counter lawsuit for unlawful firing or something of the sort. Basically for her it was a stressful and time/cost consuming endeavor, but legally Nijisanji can't seem to do shit to her either since her "One Girl's Story" doc is still up.
In fact, that whole situation was probably something that neither party can really do much about since it probably wouldn't fly any courtroom, not only because of the differences in laws across countries/cultures/states, but also because the time/cost/difficulty in pursuing such a case probably wouldn't be worth it long term for either party. The way she phrased it made it sound like it's all in the past though, she's not happy but she got something out of it.

>> No.53915863

Depends on the case, if they can prove some kind of defamation case against her then thats how it goes, whether anyone actually approves of Niji is kind of irrelevant if they have some evidence. I don’t know if they do, but i’d wait and see if this goes anywhere.

>> No.53915903

she likely got nothing. niji can just force her to bleed money on a lawyer until she runs out.

>> No.53916406

You guys are actually fucking stupid. If she really got sued she would just say it outright and there would be court records, but everything in this thread has been mere speculation.

>> No.53917218

I kneel clipchad

>> No.53917305

you can't enforce NDAs to cover up criminal harassment and fraud. she's going to fucking destroy them.

>> No.53917336

It's pretty simple - there was a specific clause in the contract that meant if she shittalked them, they'd' sue her and have a upper hand in the case. She's protected against NDA clauses technically, but if there's something MORE specific, which seems to be the case, then she's fucked and she knows it

>> No.53917449

>still no proof

>> No.53917983

she's begging for donations for a computer. she has no money to destroy anyone.

>> No.53918136

According to the clip posted earlier. It's done and over with.

>> No.53919278

>criminal harassment and fraud

>> No.53919394

he's a crook. all the chimps running these companies are crooks. if she finds someone to take the case on spec he'll rope himself.

>> No.53919622

california? all she has to do is say she is trans and they will give her the golden key to the city

>> No.53919737

japanese company practices are actually fucked in the head. in a lot of office places you are required to wear a full suit at all times, no taking off coat even. Because "it looks respecatble" but the boss can wear whatever they like... listen Japan is kinda fucked in the head honestly. on one end of town you got loli shota magazines sold on the corner. the other end of town you get business weirdos like this

>> No.53920104

Please stop saying shit like this because she's going to believe it and fuck herself even more

>> No.53920267

anon, if she can find someone she can afford to take the case, a lawyer who is of average ability, she is going to rape him to death and it's a fact.

>> No.53920288

>oh another zaion drama thread with 200 replies
>a funny rickroll and a timestamp of the mildest confession about her "legal war"
This drama board is literally starving for something juicy

>> No.53920471

None of it really seems to matter anyways since the way she described the situation seems to be in the past tense. It just seems to be more of a "So THAT just happened" moment that she can laugh at in hindsight.

>> No.53920530

>expecting hololive fans on this board to not be hypocrites
inb4 nijinigger because that's the only thing on their cue cards

>> No.53920539

That's because it's not big, it's just the sayu bimonthly "hey guys remember that I was fired from Nijisanji?" event to raise her dying relevance

>> No.53922287

she doesn't even need a lawyer. she could represent herself and easily win.

>> No.53922610

Dayi is scum and will stop at nothing to destroy her former friends at NijiEN. She made Nina graduate.
hololive will be next.

>> No.53923033
File: 240 KB, 585x564, 1689434932013504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200+ replies of pointless shitflinging over a nothingburger most of the spergs ITT ignore
Well nijisisters, hope you got that out of your system. Still pathetic though.

>> No.53923233

>Pretty much everyone supported Sayu after she posted the response

Twittards did. But it died down fast once enikara and their faggot livers just ignored her response. even that dramafag aruvn (who retweeted the 2% post from kson and leaked shit in spite of them) reverted to licking back their assholes. More people bring up the merch stuff than this menhera's "oh poor me" schtick to keep her relevant.

>> No.53923377

Fagni & Vesleech are only getting terminated not sued (for now) we don't really know what they even did yet.

>> No.53925004

they banged at the convention while sayu watched

>> No.53925067


>> No.53927230

this is the best possible thing you could have responded with, my sides

>> No.53929508

What reputation?

>> No.53933452

