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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 137 KB, 700x933, 1688704916905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53720904 No.53720904 [Reply] [Original]

A general dedicated to Idol Corp's 2nd EN gen, Endless.

【 Roca Rourin 】

【 Poko Rakun 】

【 Kai Saikota 】

【 Momo Otako 】

【 Coni Confetti 】

>> No.53721027

there is already a general for this

>> No.53721138

What happened? Boo Bros got too retarded after Yuko's piss stream?

>> No.53721523

This thread literally serves zero purpose.

>> No.53721580

Endless newfags kek

>> No.53721848

Endfags, if you can make this work, then good. /jidf/ has been shithole ever since E-Sekai debuted, and now all the degenerates talk about is piss.

>> No.53721892

No. Maybe after Gen 3 but there is 0 reason to thread split.

>> No.53721895

what new schizophrenia is afoot now?

>> No.53721925
File: 165 KB, 435x239, 1687974596481051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the poko

>> No.53722004

I liked Poko and Nikki's collab. Loved their conversation during Tetris.

>> No.53722248
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I love Momo.

>> No.53722403
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Can anons post about Origin here?

>> No.53722437

You sound like a Jew hater

>> No.53722458

Only if you at least pretend to make it Endless related. Did you like the Poko and Nikki collab? Who do you want to see Katta collab with? Would Neo, Emi, and Lily have gotten along with Endless?

>> No.53722552

Collab with Katta? Definitely Coni. They better make it a good Clown-Off stream. Speaking of the Origin girls that are gone, they would vibe well with Poko, Kai, and Momo.

>> No.53722771

katta collabs are the best collabs

>> No.53722968

why are there now two fucking threads

>> No.53723019

This one is an abstinence thread

>> No.53723024

Katta has a way of vibing with anyone while still staying in character. Look how different her collabs are with Juna and Rin. I do worry for the girls who may get intimidated by her, like Poko and Kai.

>> No.53723098

new retards thinks endless is a pristine and pure group of idol and are too weak genetically to accept origin and esekai
im going to still post about endless in the real thread, this fake as garbage doesnt deserve a space

>> No.53723178
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What have I stepped into?

>> No.53723230
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Can we also include riro? She's technically not e-sekai.

>> No.53723247

welcome home

>> No.53723262

Why is Hololive allowed to have a thread for each individual thread while the Jewish corp is only allowed one for the entire board?

>> No.53723304

*individual member

>> No.53723320

What is the meaning of this jewbros?

>> No.53723356

Riro is mor ENdless than E-Sekai based on the debuts. Why not?

>> No.53723357

newfags are being newfags

>> No.53723387

Anons here are projecting their Jew-hate when other corpos have a dozen threads each on this board

>> No.53723397

All the worst things about /jidf/ were linked to E-Sekai.

>> No.53723401
File: 498 KB, 588x466, 20230712_222508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will non-Endless girls be allowed during dead hours? I want to be able to post cunny and big tiddy bitches when there's no streams.

>> No.53723457

I will NOT use the Juna thread

>> No.53723494

Generals don't have to be active 24/7

>> No.53723523

This >>53707455
If there is an alternative where I can actually talk to idolfags who watch Origin streams, I'll take it.

>> No.53723578

Oh yes, that is true.

>> No.53723598

What's wrong with just using /jidf/? Any love for the jewbros? None? You faggots aren't real jewbros.

>> No.53723692

Idol is already beginning to unseat Niji as the #2 corp in the world. It's natural to expand the number of threads judging by how popular they are now and how fast /jidf/ moves.

>> No.53723698
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I just wanted a comfy thread to hang out in while I waited for streams. I assume somebody posted this thread in the main and sent the shitposters here.

>> No.53723720

I propose esekai also open a new general and originbros get to have /jidf/ again

>> No.53723785

Sometimes E-sekai discussion drowns out Endless discussion. I don't see how having a thread dedicated to Endless so that we can better discuss them is a bad thing.

>> No.53723808

Enjoy the boobros.

>> No.53723809

I think Origin can be talked about in both threads.

>> No.53723852

Bullshit. Endless has been completely dominating the threads since debut.

>> No.53723898
File: 442 KB, 1380x2007, Leader_of_the_PLO,_Yasser_Arafat,_1996_Dan_Hadani_Archive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it the two state solution.

>> No.53723915
File: 521 KB, 2500x2000, 1688404933855389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of you fags ignore shitposters? Post Endless girls while we wait for Roca's stream to start.

>> No.53724003
File: 125 KB, 340x511, 20230710_131904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no? I'm out of here then.

>> No.53724026


probably the same anon inciting the war on "endless newfags" boogeymen

>> No.53724040

We need an Iron Dome against the boobro shitposting rockets which will eventually start flying here.

>> No.53724067

Come back when the streams start. It wouldn't feel the same without you.

>> No.53724127

do you have a license to post such a cute poko

>> No.53724243
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>> No.53724289

rock fuckers... it's over...

>> No.53724463
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2 hours and 45 minutes until Poko

>> No.53724485

fwiw Niji has one (1) gen general and two (2) girl splits on the catalog right now, despite having double(?) the talents as hololive (which has close to 4 dozen generals)

>> No.53724617

I want to hear her throw up though...

>> No.53724624
File: 388 KB, 636x535, cooking with neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-sekaifags have no right to complain about discussion being drowned out when you fags went full Ottoman Empure spamming PL and BBC shit for weeks on end, killing off HE discussion

>> No.53725177
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>> No.53725246
File: 40 KB, 677x335, WatchingKatta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't pretend that /jidf/ cares about HE. They clearly don't.

>> No.53725698

I'm talking about /jidf/ pre-EN. EN's audience has had some spill over to HE but in general has never cared

>> No.53725714
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>> No.53725805
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>come to the endless thread to talk about e-sekai and he
mental illness. please go back.

>> No.53725818
File: 207 KB, 720x1077, PochiMember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Yuko's piss stream is a good wake-up call for the other idols.

>> No.53725856

kill yourself

>> No.53725930

>"i trust you"
>Immediately shares member-only post to a public image board


>> No.53725947

uhhh based?

>> No.53726016

And they never truly did. Unless they are lusting over Katta and Nikki's asses.

>> No.53726161

cuuuuteee ! ! !

>> No.53726219

>you fags
It was one fat fuck throwing a tantrum with his buddies because he failed at grooming.

>> No.53726261

whatever helps you sleep better

>> No.53726328
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>> No.53726333
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holy schism, /jidf/ and /end/

>> No.53726382

my wife

>> No.53726552
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Who is your favorite Endless?

>> No.53726581


>> No.53726611
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>> No.53726693


>> No.53726695

foni coni

>> No.53727060

I have to be honest here. I don't know who my favorite ENdless girl is. They all seem so nice.

>> No.53727067
File: 456 KB, 2400x2700, 1676918699173798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would have to be Riro

>> No.53727110


>> No.53728810
File: 104 KB, 1200x562, clownsteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coni. It's what's for dinner.

>> No.53728910
File: 222 KB, 1832x1368, 20230718_154537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coni! You plap pig! I'm adjusting my workout so I last long enough to get fit and hot in time for the next convention. Good luck with your real American stream tonight Suni/Coni!

>> No.53728950


>> No.53729142

It makes sense considering the other general gets ~4 threads per day. Idol isn't a small corpo anymore and Endless takes up a majority of posts lately.
also doesn't help that ritual posters take up 1/3 of the general
Having to scroll through the long ass OP and first 100 posts gets a bit tolling.

coni and poko and momo and kai and roca!

>> No.53729306

idol unity above whatever bs you are trying to pull. if you don't watch gen1 and star it's okay but fucking adapt. this is probably a falseflag anyway

>> No.53729324

Has Suni or Coni ever come out and said they are the same person? They've literally had an on camera gun fight conspiracy theorist.

>> No.53729595

First Roca gets sick, and now Poko is getting nosebleeds. Are the Endless girls okay?

>> No.53729606
File: 381 KB, 2048x1448, 20230718_160303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to pull anything. Thread is for Endless. I will post in jidf as well.

>> No.53729830
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>> No.53730447
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Poko soon.

>> No.53730890

I think management and the girls are having the "talk" after yesterday's stream.

>> No.53730953

its the jewish magic

>> No.53731259

this is what happens when you make splits, unity is the lifeblood of a vtuber community

>> No.53731364

Kai burps to regulate herself and prevent this from happening. Apologize now.

>> No.53731631

>Oy vey, why can't we have split threads! The anti-semesterism! (yes, purposeful typo).
Are the funniest posts really, especially when it is obviously some third worlder who thinks he can use their victim industral complex and insta-win an argument. Sorry, that isn't how this works buttgoys.

>> No.53731782

It's project zomboid so i have to watch

>> No.53732439


>> No.53733355
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>> No.53733910
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momo in chat

>> No.53734561


>> No.53734749

Is the Menace mega archive still up?

>> No.53734889

Didn't the blonde one primise to pass yuko in sheer lewdness.

>> No.53735055


>> No.53735181

Hey how come you guys don't have threadshitters?

>> No.53735322

We did, read the thread. They all must have gone to sleep though.

>> No.53735597

How long would Poko last in a zombie apocalypse? How many days after the outbreak would she get raped?

>> No.53735901

She barely survives in a normal world.

>> No.53736307

Nikki in chat. Hope they collab again soon.

>> No.53736827

Pocchi in chat. Everybody loves Poko.

>> No.53736876

Poko wants to hop into Minecraft while Momo plays later. Should be fun.

>> No.53736941

Juna in chat.

>> No.53737215

CunnyPlapper9000 has been delivered

>> No.53738534

A Momo and Poko Zomboid stream would be fun. Hope they do it.

>> No.53738652

Kai Minecraft stream in 5 minutes

>> No.53739036

I hate TTS so fucking much.

>> No.53739096

I'd rather have a stream with just momo than to be the third wheel yet again

>> No.53739452

Minecraft is a game that I like people just popping in and out of. We'll have plenty of alone time with Momo this week, so I don't mind.

>> No.53741084

The fuck happened to Kai's stream?

>> No.53741583


>> No.53741786

Will you forgive Momo for using light mode?

>> No.53742582
File: 604 KB, 800x800, momo shy 6wesZP2QIYGM1wKw_KD4DQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if she forgives me for sleeping with socks on

>> No.53742697

She'll like that. If her feet get cold at night she will just slip her feet into your socks.

>> No.53742831

her power went out so now its twitter space karaoke

>> No.53743559


>> No.53746045

So we're letting this one die or...?

>> No.53746194

Fresh momonade is being brewed right now.

>> No.53747313

Coni in 24~

>> No.53747513

is this real?

>> No.53748216

Kai is back

>> No.53748734


>> No.53749230
File: 29 KB, 619x446, momo sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread now?

>> No.53749391


>> No.53749626

it's not, come back home to your jewbros

>> No.53749988

This thread is just a shitpost ms paint anon, look for the jidf one

>> No.53750144

no, this is just a bait from the threadshitters

>> No.53750244

That's not true, we discuss the idols here all the time and report off topic unlike you /jidf/ people.

>> No.53750725
File: 7 KB, 261x440, momo pissed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i'm upset

>> No.53751106

1 month and 4 days with my cute wife Momo already. Time flies.

>> No.53751427

I will give Momo the greatest gift of all, a child.

>> No.53751478

You guys wouldn't do anything bad with AI Suni voice, right?

>> No.53751500

I came here a hour ago and the thread only got ten posts. While ENdless is streaming. You got to try harder, Endfags.

>> No.53751531


>> No.53751614

Momo just killed a Chinese person...

>> No.53751664

Look, just because /jidf/ has more active people doesn't mean its better, quality difference alone between the 2 says enough. /jidf/ lacks substance.

>> No.53751850

You do have a point. But c'mon, even /pxl/ is faster than /end/.

>> No.53751945

I didn't watch Pochi past debut week, what did she do that she could be ashamed of, besides posting her feet?

>> No.53751947
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without the shitposters this thread is comfy, so i'm just going to enjoy it while it is here.

>> No.53752036

Those guys aren't Idol, there's a reason behind this all. /end/ will have its time under the spotlight soon.

>> No.53752043

kai's a gusher...

>> No.53752107

The Pregnant Elsa stream was fun, but Pochi might be regretting doing it after what happened yesterday.

>> No.53752270


>> No.53752472

t. the one being reported

>> No.53752574

Hey that's fuyo in disguise, get out of here! Only EN2 allowed

>> No.53754543

what happened?

>> No.53754597

I don't think the endless girls care tbf

>> No.53754875

eh who would think that's Fuyo? are your eyes broken

>> No.53755296

Pochi played DressUpWho Flash games yesterday. It was weird but fun. Then around 15 hours later that member post happened. /jidf/ were guessing that Yuko's piss stream is now causing management to be more restrictive with the girls' "sus" content. Boo bros got /jidf/ zooming for a while. It would also explain why Yuko isn't streaming tonight because of "headaches."

>> No.53755628

>momo said she is going to sleep
>signed back into minecraft to play with kai

>> No.53755819

JewBro here. Does Momo have insomnia? Sometimes I see her lurking on Katta's early morning streams.

>> No.53755868

It is Fuyo! Look at it more closely, I swear there's something wrong with that Kai...

>> No.53755869

she said she just doesn't sleep much. if i remember right she said she usually only gets 3-4 hours of sleep.

>> No.53756681

Fair enough I guess but at least some version of the piss stream was approved. Honestly just makes management look extremely shortsighted.
Hope this hasn't dampened momo's future member's streams plans

>> No.53756925
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>> No.53757875

I am enjoying watching Kai. I think I'll give her a watch. Which is her best stream, Saikos?

>> No.53758023

I like her Miitopia streams.

>> No.53758073

Why do people think it was due to Yuko's stream rather than Fuyo's?

>> No.53758409

Because there's a difference between reviewing your R-18 fan art and pandering to piss fetishists. One is cultured, the other is just plain disgusting.

>> No.53758888

This, it should be a 3 strikes situation.

>> No.53760340

I don't follow TikTok trends or anything like that, what is Roca's stream gonna be?

>> No.53761131
File: 3.43 MB, 333x720, zoomer culture [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fymv2w7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53761393

Katta Watchalong!!!!!

>> No.53761615

somehow less respectable for her than doing porn

>> No.53762011


>> No.53762309

>Yuko's piss stream
i need to know more

>> No.53762962


>> No.53763634
File: 3.50 MB, 621x609, 1661577622107060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy sweet mother of God, Buda, Iemanja, Brahman, Mata Nui and Ra; That's the stuff

>> No.53763790
File: 160 KB, 1404x983, F1H-VhqXgAETtIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to breed with my cute clown wife

>> No.53765005

>Leaking members content
For shame anon

>> No.53766585


>> No.53766850

>It's okay when /jidf/ does it.

>> No.53766918

What in the vore is this?

>> No.53767184

They got jealous of /pcg/ for having a Lia split.

>> No.53767253

Of course. >>53725426

>> No.53768147

Kai fetish tier list

>> No.53768179

>when you realize you are going to be forced into doing whore content

>> No.53768344

what happened to the Fuyo reviewing sussy art VoD
