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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 431 KB, 1025x769, pds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53556451 No.53556451 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53556683

more popular than holoEN girls overall in the long term. also rent free, stop thinking about dicks

>> No.53556786

Holostars is not going anywhere, no matter how many times you waste your life making these garbage threads

>> No.53556901

>more popular than holoEN girls overall in the long term

>> No.53556992

Its good numbers for males

>> No.53557261

Why don't sisters watch their streams?

>> No.53558226
File: 714 KB, 910x1486, dabois2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gotta updoot da bois to own le unichudcels!

>> No.53558880
File: 632 KB, 1027x394, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd, Flayon's last 5 streams at that time (starting from Lobotomy #4 till Only Up) had 5558 viewers combined and that shows the post with 4490. Seems like a false statement.

>> No.53558948

I hate when they stream the latest games, I don't want to get spoiled. Hope Axel gets to play some of the older FFs
Deceit was fun

>> No.53560784

Obviously the screenshot wasn't from today, sister!

>> No.53560961

other than bettel these are basically idol en solo/collab numbers

>> No.53561691

>more popular than holoEN girls overall in the long term
rumao even

>> No.53565163

I literally said "at that time". Are you unable to properly learn English or do you just not comprehend the phrase "at that time" in the context provided?

>> No.53565337

>reddit screencaps
incels are so cringe kek

>> No.53566409

I could boot up any random retro game and get better numbers than axel lmao

>> No.53566468

>reddit screenshot
/#/ is around the corner

>> No.53566774

>homobeggars and tempusanjisisters acting like reddit isn't homobeggar central

>> No.53566974

>numbernigger gets called a redditor
>numbernigger exposes himself as a redditor
like clockwork

>> No.53567113

ermmm sister, racism isn't supporting the cause! im sure your fellow homobeggars on reddit and twitter would agree!

>> No.53567592

So true sis! Btw how's your transition going sweaty????? :3

>> No.53567905

Then why are you in this thread? We just supporting the bois by spreading awareness.

>> No.53568298

it's going great, thanks for asking ;3

>> No.53570328

very popular

>> No.53570401

Why Axel is not on collab?

>> No.53570592

literally 1% streamers, every single one of them. Bravo Yagoo.

>> No.53571763

Or maybe the post had more upvotes by the time he posted that comment.

>> No.53572466

Learn from the past. Do not let the enemy sneak up on you. But honestly, its already too late. Those against Holostars have already lost and are fighting a losing battle.

>> No.53572698

>the "popular" one can't even break 2k
>Axel doing 225 CCV
Few things warm my heart more than watching Tempus go down in flames. That's what you get for trying to ruin Hololive, you sacks of shit. Although I kind of feel bad for Tempus 2 because they actually respect CGDCT and they're somewhat unfairly paying for the sins of Tempus 1 but c'est la vie. To throw your lot in pariahs is to become a pariah along side them.

>> No.53572733

I would murder someone if it meant my oshi could get the quadruple digits (or triple digits) she deserves and you retards put people down over it out of pure jealousy that they interact with HoloEN girls.

>> No.53572757

Sounds like a you problem

>> No.53572795

No, it's just I really wish you retards had even the slightest frame of reference here. 500+ viewers is literally making it as a streamer. There's literally no disappointment there. Some Holostars were only getting like 50 viewers at once for a long time.

>> No.53572837

Your oshi is a nobody who you won't even mention, meanwhile the homos have the clout of the largest, most successful vtuber corp behind them, with thousands of people claiming there was "great demand" for them, and yet they barely surpass the mildly successful indies.
There's no equivalence there.

>> No.53572877

i dont think op said anything about dicks

>> No.53572891

>500+ viewers is literally making it as a streamer.
Kek no it isn't. Especially not when your streams used to net 1000+ viewers, then they dropped down to the mid triple digits, and the views just keep declining. Tempus didn't rise to 3view status. They fell to it. And they're still falling.

>> No.53572963
File: 1.19 MB, 1566x1781, upvotes can be easily purchased to try to bully pulpit public opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presented without comment

>> No.53573007

I created an account just to downvote homobeggars. It's fun.

>> No.53573205
File: 44 KB, 607x925, 1688828015369787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is when homobeggars seethe about getting their posts removed.

>> No.53573384

Holostars are the future of vtubing and these threads will not change that

>> No.53573436

Holostars have no future and these threads will not change that

>> No.53573452

Explain how Homos are the future of vtubing. Be detailed.

>> No.53573919

>more popular than holoEN girls overall in the long term

>> No.53574099

They're already unpopular enough that there isn't any point in people collabing with them unless they want to negatively impact their channel for content their fans don't want and didn't ask for. It's already over.

>> No.53574117

Why do people keep saying this when it's so ridiculously easy to see how wrong it is?

>> No.53574263
File: 341 KB, 2373x1537, holo leddit stats rumao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also samefagging while I'm at it to comment, the holo reddit literally doesn't fucking matter in reality. they are like the tail wagging the dog and getting away with it, because people don't seem to question it (rather they are not allowed) nor care to research its metrics.

also, much of what is actually-there on reddit is fucking useless fluff. stale "memes" that aren't memes but random one-off things made by people who don't actually understand what a meme is. participating in caption contests and group activities like charts, aren't memes. they discuss active streams actually way, way way less than /vt/ does.

the actual public forum of vtuber talk is basically just twitter and here. that doesn't make us (or them) so great or worthy - reddit is just-that-irrelevant. and yet, people venerate it as the be all end all. lol no, it fucking isn't. it's cover's mouthpiece and heavily-sterilized grounds. it's a fucking company's official PR site, it's NOT community run so the community doesn't actually get to say what it thinks if Cover doesn't wanna hear it. that reflects badly on them, not us, because we're simply the customers and they are very much now trying to tell you what you want instead of give you what you want. they do this out of arrogance, assuming "what are they gonna do? it's us or nothing for them" and seem naive of the fact yes, people actually do drop them over this shit and they only commanded the English market in fall 2020. they've lost probably over half the original holoEN audience to indies/small corpos/niji by now, judging by how seemingly most people in the small corpo space are former Holo fans etc.

>> No.53574279

Are sisters really this stupid?

>> No.53574337

>more popular than holoEN girls overall in the long term
Proof in next thread?

>> No.53574455

Golly I'm starting to believe that holohomos are only popular when they're collabing with girls (who the majority of fans don't want to see happen). Would be pretty scummy to leech like that, wouldn't it?

>> No.53574639
File: 370 KB, 660x661, 1675503548008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not scummy if you are helping the cause.

>> No.53575020


>> No.53575093
File: 265 KB, 700x292, Mori-Kronii-Corruption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the cause, do it for the cause

>> No.53575300

Wow the amount of denial is insane. Especialy when 2 of the biggest homo are MIA, and altroon did go back to being kobo accessory like a good dogo learning is lesson that he is nothing. I know it's a bait but FFS, tempus fan should be the one thrashing this.

>> No.53575336

The gender inequality in vtubing is alarming. Stay woke folks!

>> No.53575427

you don't care about vtubers, you're a /v/ermin console war nigger that doesn't even watch clips

>> No.53577854 [DELETED] 


>> No.53577955

reminds me of the leddit thread that got linked in /#/ where people were convinced homos got 4-5k watchers on the reg lmao
not even the people defending them watch them kek

>> No.53580160

And yet they're still more successful than you, quit being jealous of them and go back to your general

>> No.53582406
File: 398 KB, 1612x924, 1688101613973781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this one mentally ill faggot, who's sole purpose is to clog the entire board with this garbage every single day, not banned yet?

>> No.53583030

Wow sis if only you spent as much effort watching the homos’ streams they might get past being low 3 views

>> No.53583738

You seriously think this board have 1 tempus hater?

>> No.53587374

Bump for based thread

>> No.53587611
File: 205 KB, 825x424, 1688760086264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just want to post about the bois. Please understand.

>> No.53587975

His internet died right before, unfortunately.

>> No.53588074

All me

>> No.53588237

Retard. You don't have an oshi. You have a parasocial coombait stream-whore you want to groom.
She won't fuck you, and will stop streaming in a year because she can't scrounge together enough paypigs to make this a living, because she doesn't actually enjoy vtubing.

>> No.53589745

when he types the same way, with the same buzzwords, using the exact same pictures, with the exact same method of numbernigging for months, then yes

>> No.53589754
File: 38 KB, 734x300, 1688754941618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so evil.

>> No.53590405

all the filenames are different this is multiple people who saved the same image

>> No.53590735

>more popular than holoEN girls

As retarded as the statement is, it guarantees a good amount of (you)s, well done.

>> No.53591336
File: 718 KB, 2400x1440, 1687014671120111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just the anti homonigger meta, no one likes your faggots and their numbers prove it

>> No.53591501

>with the exact same method of numbernigging for months
Is this guy your actual oshi and not the homos? Cuz you sure seem to follow him around a lot...

>> No.53592624

Honnestly each time i see this... it's so sad. The damages tempus did to holoEN are so huge already. Even if you don't hate them how can't you fell some bitterness with the negative impact it had.All that for what? being lower than nijiEN....

>> No.53593462

The Covid boom made the Cover management too complacent.

>> No.53594087

>Flayon: 10.2% audience participation
>Kiara: 6.1% audience participation

>> No.53594415 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder unitroons have to rely on making things up to shitpost over now

>> No.53594688

And kiara still have around what 12 times the CCV. If that can't tell you how much people don't want the stars IDK what else to say. something along the line "retard" but it's not very constructive.

>> No.53595462

But why don't sisters watch her streams? Surely she'd have better participation if they spent less time shitposting, yes?

>> No.53595665

The EN side at least is indeed plagued with compleasance.I've always hated how they tried so hard to be diferent than JP in everything. And i hate it didn't work too. Because not only holoEN failled to replicate properly JP magic, but they also failled to actually get a long tived success on par of it, so it was all for naught.

>> No.53595742

IDK if you will see this anon but your bot is deffinitly doing weird shit here.

>> No.53596184

Are these threads made by discord users? They all have the same responses and also have reddit screenshots, even though 4chan hates reddit.

>> No.53596259

>Another POPULAR DEMAND thread

>> No.53596408

>diferent than JP in everything
That's like when Crunchyroll tried to produce American anime. It ended up being full of woketard shit. There's a good reason why almost all good anime shows are made in Japan.

>> No.53596531

>Different file name
why are Homobeggar like this???

>> No.53596636

It's hard to not notice when it's the same baboon throwing shit in your face constantly

>> No.53596780

This is a vestie who watches wrestling

>> No.53596819

If the bot your talking about is the ESL I responded to, I noticed. Recently they've been acting like getting their English made fun of is a "win" so I usually just cut to the chase.

>> No.53597046

>The voice in my head said all of this is just 1 man spam

>> No.53597153

Surely we're getting proof of the "popular demand" quote existing this time, right?

>> No.53597366

This is all sister have left. Clinging to semantics. Pitiful.

>> No.53597876

>admitting tempus antis are literal NPCs

>> No.53597898

So no proof? Got it.

>> No.53598185

There’s definitely no proof of their popular demand that’s for sure.

>> No.53598617

Which makes it a good thing no one said there was popular demand to begin with.

>> No.53598883

Yeah. /here/

>> No.53599585

Wow so the bot have actual brainrots

>> No.53600166

nooo don't say that you'll ruin the narrative

>> No.53600748

And a happy belo jogo to you, les retards de tempusanjisisters!

>> No.53601111

Happy >>/vt/thread/48945769#p48948603 , anon!

>> No.53601194

SHIT I meant to say happy belo jogo back. Simple typo, please understand.

>> No.53601249

>T-t-t-that's pretty good t-t-t-though!

>> No.53601391

Wow, sis! That guy must be your oshi with how obsessed you are over him! Maybe you could save your boys from being 2 views if you put even half as much effort into watching them!

>> No.53601453

Shitting on Tempus is doing god's work. We don't ban people for being righteous here.

>> No.53601544

Jannies can be based, sometimes.

>> No.53601610

never knew a fandom thats only job consisted of just opening up a youtube stream in a second window would be this toxic. dudes are just chilling and we get 50 bait threads a day

>> No.53601791

I'm not sure what you're talking about, anon. Like I said it was an honest typo! "Belo jogo" and Knoxville TennesSEA anon are VERY similar. Anyways you're so right sis! They'll be 2views any decade now!

>> No.53602011
File: 19 KB, 1029x153, unicorn_status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They gets worse. Much, much worse

>> No.53602203

i was there for that lmao. but its so comically evil it feels like a joke. the people in this thread tho have some genuine hatred for no reason

>> No.53602394

I guess they are you keep posting about them and look you even have a bunch of commenters the like them too, you know something is popular when it gets ritual posted on 4chan

>> No.53602408

>Tempus heavily damages Holo EN and creates problems where none previously existed
>wow I can't believe you guys hate Tempus for literally no reason at all :((((

>> No.53602674

heavily damages? could you elaborate (like genuinely, i only follow a couple)? the only "damage" is unicorns getting angry that they streamed with hololive. other than that did they actually like do stuff other than le stream

>> No.53602692

Them wishing death on people they don't like isn't anything new. It wouldn't surprise me if it was serious
>have some genuine hatred for no reason
No they have made up reasons like the one OP uses

>> No.53602837

Yes, you literally hate them just because they "invaded" your CGDCT space. That's fucking childish man. It's literally as easy as fucking ignoring them and any stream that has them in, but you spergs are so unhinged that you go out of your way to let them live rent free in your head. You celebrate and hope for any misfortune that comes their way. That's not right, both mentally and morally. Unironically seek help and lessen the amount of vtubers you consume if you are actually this invested in the lives of 3DPD pretending to be anime girls.

>> No.53602962

NTA but many use >>53591336 as an examle, conveniently forgetting the high point just before Tempus' debut was during Sana's graduation period, HoloCure being a giga buff, and Gura actually streaming, all of which EN no longer has. They also conveniently tend to ignore that EN's overall trend has been going down long before Tempus

>> No.53603144

wait no way people think tempus existing is the reason holoen has been reclining

>> No.53603254

>phone filenames
No fucking shit retard
He is ban evading

>> No.53603592

I don't even know what the 2nd batch of dudes sound like. Why did they come out so fast?

>> No.53603731

spare me the fucking moral lesson you twat
this is 4chan, everything is exagerated but there's always some truth behind it
in this case the truth is obvious: most people that like Hololive don't like the homos
do they want them to actually kill themselves? of course not
do they think Hololive would be better if they were never shoehorned in because fags like you DEMANDED they were only to turn around and never watch them? yes, absolutely
they brought absolutely nothing of worth to the community, only division and drama
they are not good entertainers, they failed to get new fans in and they instead cost Hololive a lot of fans

>> No.53603861

And here comes the astroturfing. Fucking homobeggars bread and butter.

>> No.53603869
File: 710 KB, 2400x1440, 1683023523532705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes way, like in this thread I was in here: >>/vt/thread/52455865#p52469671
Even with me providing a graph that helps eliminate outlier influences to show overall trends earlier in the thread (picrel), anons still scrounged for cope that my graph is wrong.

>> No.53603946

Well anon? Where's your proof?

>> No.53604005

>365 days true average
that drop is just HoloMyth debut period with its crazy CCV going out of range, are you seriously this dumb?

>> No.53604074
File: 815 KB, 2400x1440, trend lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53604084

Go back.

>> No.53604137

>hurr durr if you don't like them just don't watch them
what fucking retarded logic, of course i don't watch them, almost nobody does
but they weren't simply added on top and everything else stayed the same, that's not how this works
time and resources are limited, and those resources are being syphoned out of the one that earned them (the girls) towards those failures
we went two full years without a new EN gen and you still repeat this bullshit about Tempus having no negative impact on Hololive

>> No.53604200

>"HoloMyth debut period"
>in 2022
>"are you seriously this dumb?"
>claim it's an astroturf
>provide proof of claims while asking for proof in return
>G-g-g-go back!!!

>> No.53604284

the drop in fall 2021 you blithering retard, the one you use to claim HoloEN was reclining long before Tempus

>> No.53604304

Chasing a female audience is pointless because fujos would rather either become vtubers/vtweeters themselves or congregate in weird hater discords where they watch clips and shit on the girls for getting more attention than them, and are simply not loyal to DA BOIS.

More importantly the weird decisions they've made (randomly suspending their most popular guys, more than once now) and feeding schizo rumors about a 'rift' in holostars between blue tranny and the nerd caused unnecessary drama.

Something that managers and vtubers themselves seem to not have understood, which we've seen unfold with companies like nijisanji, wactor, production kawaii, and now hololive/holostars is that drama is cancer for retaining a fanbase. People who just want to mellow out after their shitty warehouse job or doing online courses at buttfuck university don't want to hear DRAMA about how kawaii-tan is actually fucking her manager and ronald-kun and the mod of her chat got mad and leaked it since she refused to fuck him too. People just tune out and watch something else.

I would say this is why small companies where the talents avoid drama or have good DAMAGE CONTROL have managed to do so well- Poppa Poopscoop willfully subjects herself to her manager keeping her in line, rather than fighting it, and despite taking 'le yabai' standpoints tends to actively avoid drama. Talents like Lumi who are frequently engaged in random shit tend to avoid fanning the flames, rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of e-celeb drama. IdolEN has always seemingly managed to parry the drama of girls graduating by appealing to the tiktok zoomers to grow their audience.

Basically holostars is suffering from an antiquated management style, where they are operating as part of a bigger company but without the numbers to back it up. As seen from luxiem you can still 'get good numbers' even with drama, but vox at 3K ccv is a far cry from his peak in 2021 when he could command 20k thirsty chinese women to his doorstep at 2 AM due to his constant menhera actions.

>> No.53604316

You can't

>> No.53604518

>entire graph is EN reclining
>claim it's only about 2021 specifically
>only timeframe given was "long before Tempus"
>"you blithering retard"
Anon you're embarrassing yourself. You have a graph in front of you. Please use your eyes.

>> No.53604580

i dont know why i bothered asking i am actually stupid. i dont know what im looking at. my bad dude

>> No.53604795

Just look at the one I posted, it's simpler. The tldr of both is: numbers go down.

>> No.53605197
File: 22 KB, 1021x623, Trendlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>53604795 (me)
He's also doing trendlines wrong. You not supposed to draw a line for every single up and down in the graph because that defeats the whole purpose of a trendline. Picrel is how a trendline is supposed to be (the line should technically go through the graph not under but I don't feel like looking for something better)

>> No.53605308

okay, i was wrong, you're not retarded, you're willfully trying to trick people
>HoloEN had a sudden drop of viewers in November/December 2020 losing half the CCV
>graph doesn't show that, but since it starts at April 2021, it counts the pre-drop streams and an X number of streams after the drop, which all have lower CCV
>as time goes on, the pre-drop streams count less and less as more streams are added
>as the pre-drop streams fall out of range, the drop gets sharper
>the average pretty much stabilizes once all the pre-drop streams are out of range
>Tempus drops
>the average starts going down more again, despite all pre-Tempus streams still being in range
>as pre-Tempus streams go out of range (not happened yet, give it a couple months), the decline gets more and more steep
now stop being a retard and learn to present data properly, instead of fitting a bias

trendlines in the pic are at fixed time intervals, not every time line goes up, so they're completely valid

>> No.53605620
File: 801 KB, 2400x1440, trendline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53605795
File: 18 KB, 1284x588, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: did event A have any influence on the trend?
a) yes, i have eyes
b) no, line go down, i'm a retard with an agend

>> No.53605816

>heavily damages?
Holo EN's viewership and revenue took an immediate hit when Tempus debuted and then it got orders of magnitude worse when the intergender collabs started.

>you literally hate them just because they "invaded" your CGDCT space
>That's fucking childish man
The desire to stop a hobby you enjoy from being destroyed is the opposite of childish, actually. It's a mark of being a man with balls.
>It's literally as easy as fucking ignoring them and any stream that has them in
Nope. Tempus has to be fired and the earth where they stood needs to be salted. It's the only way to stop them from continuing to drag down Hololive.

>> No.53605915

The line I drew is pretty generous actually
I even accounted for a bunch of the random peaks earlier on that didn't last very long

>> No.53605927
File: 7 KB, 394x353, Better_trendline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you were wrong about me being retarded, I'm clearly right about you being retarded. The graph pre_CCVid is irrelevant so I'm not sure why you're harping so heavily on that. The only thing you can make an argument for is the 2/23 to 5/03 period being roughly a flatline. The graph begins to go down again after 5/03, over 2 months before Tempus was even announced, let alone when they debuted to the collab spam happened.
>trendlines in the pic are at fixed time intervals, not every time line goes up, so they're completely valid
That only matters if you specifically want to show the trend for that specific interval. Considering the question was if Tempus caused EN's decline, multiple lines aren't needed as seen in >>53605620
The problem with this example is that there's no context at all. This is better.

>> No.53605966


>> No.53606252

Its incredible how I can always look at starsEN2 and its like I am reading their names for the first time because I forget they exist 2 minutes later
What the fuck is a banzoin

>> No.53606421

>Considering the question was if Tempus caused EN's decline, multiple lines aren't needed
of course they are, otherwise you're just going to mask the importance of an event, since >>53605915 that line very clearly doesn't fit the pre-tempus trend of the graph
if, in your example, something happened in 2011, you wouldn't notice it by the trendline

at the very least you'd need a pre-tempus trend and a post-tempus trend, but that would be arbitrary because of the different time scale
the fixed time interval, with a time interval smaller than the time since Tempus debuted, is the best representation

>> No.53606429

Machinima Faggot is pretty memorable

>> No.53606474

Why does it look like Tempus slowed the fall.

>> No.53606644

because you're too new to remember how HoloEN lost half its viewers overnight due to a Youtube bug, and the 365 days average is the only metric impacted by that

>> No.53606679

stop VPN hopping sister

>> No.53606818
File: 766 KB, 2400x1440, trendlinearea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't the area above the line and the area below the line being generally equal means the trendline fits?
If anything, the area below the line is a bit larger, so the trendline is a little steeper than it should be

>> No.53606821

>of course they are, otherwise you're just going to mask the importance of an event
Which is exactly why you usually don't use multiple lines. The purpose of a trendline is, obviously, to put the trend into a line. They're useful because they take out outliers, like the hightest point and lowest point in >>53605927 ,
and display the overall trend.

>> No.53606925

Axel deserves it for being a yab machine while being favored by management desu

>> No.53607034

I actually don't think you're wrong here.

>> No.53607163
File: 400 KB, 847x793, 1671383892157463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is holostars interaction the only difference between holoJP and holoEN? because that's a massive dump

>> No.53607255

The best kind of bait threads are those that have an obvious falseflagger supply ragebait as the first reply to attract even more retards to this. saged.

>> No.53607297

No, there's a lot more differences, like
>consistentcy of streams per member
>integration of vtubers into Japanese pop culture versus (lack of) integration of vtubers into Western pop culture
>Western tendency to hop from trend to trend extremely quickly
>state of competition
and so on and so forth

>> No.53607461
File: 179 KB, 948x911, Isthisincline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an example of incline? The numbers are going up so surely it would mean Nina could expect over 50k viewers on her next stream, right? It's not like her numbers went up because of a special event she can't replicate or anything.

>> No.53607742

But their fans are being put in mental hospital for being delusional

>> No.53607795

JP star can stay. All Tempiss should fuck off

>> No.53607897

Sir, you need to go back to elementary school again

>> No.53607900


>> No.53607973

Leddit mods actually bought upvotes from bot sites so everything can be manipulated (they admitted it during protest). Trusting them is a mistake

>> No.53608007


>> No.53608103

>homopushers are retards
Wow, shocking.

>> No.53609686

>shitposters are homopushers

>> No.53609898
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>> No.53609995
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I like Altare and Gura, guess which one I've actually been able to watch you dumb faggot

>> No.53610151

Unfortunately management decided to support the cause. That explain wizard game in EN

>> No.53610165

If I ever stop watching Vtubers altogether. I’ll makes sure to stick around enough to at least hate and anti these niggas. Even when I’m over this hobby fuck these bozos

>> No.53610192

>male who watches anime men fujo pandering calling other people faggots

>> No.53610239

If I don't support this mentally ill faggot, other mentally ill faggots that I hate more will rise

>> No.53610377

The fools are management. But the victim are EN women and their fans. It's sucked

>> No.53610398
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Surprise, but I'm hetetosexual. My interests just overlap heavily with Altare.

>> No.53610430

I already have the proof of you being annoying newfag

>> No.53610480

>Holo EN's viewership and revenue took an immediate hit when Tempus debuted
still not convinced, how many voices tell you that moron?

>> No.53610489

Just like your mom never said she love you

>> No.53610504

It is though? I know a streamer with 30 viewers and she’s made because of one paypig that donates 3000$ every month. It hardly matters what the viewcount is if they’re doing this full time

>> No.53610550

guess you didn't know about the Mel x Fuma call in

>> No.53610568


>> No.53610635

Vtubing is business, not charity. Why hurt your income doing something stupid?

>> No.53610666

>hey brought absolutely nothing of worth to the community, only division and drama
skill issue, unityfags never had a problem with this. Only people like (You)

>> No.53610687

Don’t care. Fuck Tempus. Weird ass western fags becoming Vtubers. Repulsive

>> No.53610703
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Majority of people on this board these days can't even hold a conversation huh, no better than dumb animals.

>> No.53610764

>genuine hatred for no reason
Oh you sweet summer child, you haven't seen anything. Women's hate threads in this board are much worse. OP and his friend are gentlemen compare to them

>> No.53610909

Your first mistake is assuming people sending money to vtuber are sane to begin with

>> No.53610915

>Weird ass western fags becoming Vtubers
i laugh at this, you're not only uneducated but also pretty retarded.

>> No.53611001

sorry you didn't get accepted into tempiss 3 anon

>> No.53611088

Yeah. Women would rather simp for chads on the magazine than anime boys. Men simps for anime girls because they dissapointed at real women.

>> No.53611129

didn't the "popular demand" quote originally come from mori's stream? pretty sure it's only talking about mixed collabs... and it is actually popular. See Magni, Vesper, Kronii and Mori collab streams and you'll see what i mean

>> No.53611319

Yeah, she also doesn't even say popular demand. She explicitly says "some fan demand" which is probably code for her pestering management to let her collab with them early given that she was the only one to take advantage of it.

>> No.53612557

I also knew about other JP who supported star, especially Lap. Your Mel isn't popular enough

>> No.53612661

So if popularity is the metric for justice, then doesn't Mori supporting Tempus mean Tempus is just?

>> No.53613206

No it depend on GFE or not. Mori Kronii did GFE so she's guilty, FBK frendzoned viewer so she isn't. Lap and Rushia said she supported gachikoi but betrayed them on offical account so they're extra guilty.

>> No.53613857

I think it's from Omegay saying "your voices have been heard" when Tempiss debuted

>> No.53614881

Due to popular demand, collab ban will be lifted early.
Therefore no one will never know how tempiss manage themselves in a month without women's help

>> No.53618325

Discount Vox/Hex is doing better than I expected

>> No.53618582
File: 133 KB, 500x500, output_RUU9Dz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, you literally hate them just because they "invaded" your CGDCT space
Yes i do, and i'm gonna shit on them until their graduation

>> No.53618655

It'll happen in just two more weeks bros!
