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53318288 No.53318288 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな
Previous >>53171724

>> No.53318315
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/
Booth: https://mikenekoko.booth.pm/
【Original Song】drop/みけねこ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHl2-rH6GnU

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna
Shop: https://store.vshojo.com/collections/nazuna

>> No.53318365
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More summer beach fun with my wife!

>> No.53318396
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I love wife and hope she's doing ok today and wish she would say something

>> No.53318413
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She's so cool, i love her!

>> No.53318460
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Hope she gets into a better mood too

>> No.53318519
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Cute pout!

>> No.53318548
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Cute maid angel

>> No.53319289
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>> No.53319585
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>> No.53319828
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>> No.53320214
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Love her

>> No.53320372
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>> No.53320411
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so much

>> No.53320510
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So cold…

>> No.53321765
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>> No.53321921

Which one of you is this?

>> No.53322234

>implying there are Asians ITT

>> No.53322328

soo warm.. is that?!?!?

>> No.53322408
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With the dinosaur, in a upstate town farm...

>> No.53322861

having 5% asian blood is still being asian right?

>> No.53324339


>> No.53325734
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>> No.53325778

Love my wife!

>> No.53326046

Surely this upstanding and respectable individual has never harassed Mikeneko in his life.

>> No.53326115

And here i thought they were going to tease something with this comic.

>> No.53326157

You shouldn't pass negative comments about people you don't even know or haven't even had a conversation with.
I mean, if there's literally anything you should have learned over the last few months/years, it's not jumping to conclusions or judging people too hastily?

>> No.53326194


>> No.53326686

what do you mean by tabs?

>> No.53326932

I was wondering if you had posted in the wrong thread by mistake.

>> No.53327067

You realize Nazuna is in the comic, right?

>> No.53327409

that 60% of your body is made out of water doesn't make you water either anon

>> No.53327475

Usually the comics are just for fun or at least that was my impression of them

>> No.53327913

If they were hinting at something, there's a 99% chance it has nothing to do with wife though, even if her character is in the comic
She probably can't even read these unless they get TLd somewhere or by someone.

>> No.53328343

there is no jp version?

>> No.53328714

Nope. I checked both VShojo accounts for it.
So unless they're doing a TL for her and sending it on, she can't even read it

>> No.53330013

would her kisses be really sloppy or not?

>> No.53331844


>> No.53332248

This is such a ridiculously misguided way to look at things that I can't even begin to explain to you why you're wrong. You just have to start taking your meds.

>> No.53333021

hey friend, we've moved on, fuck off
he's not wrong though

>> No.53335773
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>> No.53335961

Trying to isolate your partner from their long-established friends on petty and self-serving grounds is borderline personality disorder behavior.

>> No.53336050

you're mischaracterizing literally everything, also kindly fuck off

>> No.53336095
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>mikeneko after I tell her that I have two other wives named Rushia and Nazuna

>> No.53336309

No I'm not. Stop trying to sabotage her friendship with the one person who stood by her when everyone else was giving their shoganais (basically spitting on Rushia's grave). You're a fucking bad influence.

>> No.53336361

Except she fucking didn't you retarded fucking prick. Stop trying to glorify the bare minimum Kson did as being in any way admirable.

>> No.53336517

No actually by any realistic metric she went above and beyond, both in public and behind the scenes. Meds time you little BPD shit, stop trying to rewrite history.

>> No.53337001

>Source: I saw it in a dream
No she really didn't. Stop sucking Kson's saviorfag cock and recognize that literally the only people who have actually stuck by Mike and been there for her when nobody else was is us. Beyond Mike stating that Kson is her friend, it is actually impossible to ascertain that she is, given that Kson does so absolutely fucking little for her. It is a riotous joke that you think that she in any way has gone above and beyond absolutely any standard, even a "realistic" one. The only people outside of her family who have ever cared enough about Mike to go above and beyond for her is us, and I'm not necessarily including you in that, because I have no fucking idea who you are, but I definitely have, a thousand million times more than is realistic. Fuck you.

>> No.53337204

Death is horrible, isn't it?

>> No.53337212
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I think it's time for everyone in this thread to take their meds and go to bed

>> No.53337224

She made her join vslutjo

>> No.53337254

I want to overdose ony meds and never wake up

>> No.53337365


>> No.53337466

Death would be preferable to dealing with the kson gosling, but I still must live. My wife needs me, and I will continue to exceed any and all "realistic" standards for supporting her until the end of time, if I can.

>> No.53337573

Christ, what a fucking lark. What kind of friend stops at "realistic" metrics? Who even defines that bullshit? If she's your friend, you make sacrifices for her. You don't help her up to and no further than the point at which you have to make even the slightest sacrifice. Fucking incredible.

>> No.53337658
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This woman has me wrapped around her finger

>> No.53337685

>Beyond Mike stating that Kson is her friend, it is actually impossible to ascertain that she is
This is an absolutely insane statement to make. Not only has mike backed up her claims of being friends with kson with actions, (from talking about her almost always in warm terms to collabing with her while also collabing with basically no one else to retweeting all the fanart of these collabs to, uhh, following her to the fucking company she's currently employed at), but for what you're saying to actually be true you would have to be accusing mike of lying. And not just some casual lie, but a totally insane LARP where she pretends to be friends with someone and does everything possible to demonstrate that friendship but secretly she hates them. You're accusing her of something psychopathic.
This whole post should be downloaded and archived for posterity as a paradigm example of BPD with codependent characteristics and you personally should be committed to an insane asylum for the next several decades. Being a gachikoi is good, but not when you want to tear down her actual friends who she loves, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Shame. Shame.

>> No.53337783
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Stop starting shit.
Stop biting bait.
Stop being retarded.
Stop avoiding your medication.

>> No.53337810

What? Lmao. No, I'm accusing Mike of being terrible at judging people and not recognizing that Kson has actually done little to nothing for her. The former of which Mike readily agrees to, you tourist fuck. Nothing I said requires Mike to lie. She really feels like Kson is her good friend. I'm saying she's wrong.

>> No.53338111

No it's you that has terrible judgment, combined with being extremely judgmental, a heady brew of interpersonally destructive mental illness.
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.53338307

It's Kson that's the liar in this situation. Kson is a fair-weather friend who won't make any substantive sacrifices for Mike, nor for anyone else she's claimed to be friends with, and yet she's convinced her fanboys (you) and Mike herself that she really cares about her. There is zero available evidence to support that grift. Nobody besides her fans have visibly done anything for Mike that wasn't in their direct interest to do or wasn't insanely trivial. Nobody sacrifices for her besides her fans.
lol, Yeah, you're a tourist. You either haven't been following her for long or you don't speak her language, because there's no other way to explain your monumental ignorance.

>> No.53338963

I hope she doesn't read this thread anymore, this is the last shit she needs to read

>> No.53339086

This thread is basically just a recruitment board for the discord

>> No.53339200

Hello lollipuppies/fandeads/nekofamis, schizos and baiters, does nazuna have taiwanese fans?

>> No.53339442

You are an actual fucking lunatic. "Your friends aren't really your friends, they don't care about you, I'm the only one who would ever love you and without me you're nothing". People like you are scum and the only sacrifice you could make that would ever benefit her would be to rope yourself, NOW.

>> No.53339657

>replying to a thread crosspost
you people need to learn how to speak in public
Believe me, it isn't. Outside of oldfag strays who we try to help when they're freaking out and thinking about leaving her, that gate is closed and thank God for that. The ultimate goal is to dissolve that shit in the long run once we get back to the times where we didn't have breakdowns so often. If anything, us stopping our invites is exactly the cause that these kinds of complaints end up spilling out here, as we strongly encourage keeping unsightly shit private so that the thread stays clean. Believe what you want but this ain't us.

>> No.53339766

>The ultimate goal is to dissolve that shit
This is never going to happen because Arigathanks keeps saviorfagging apple

>> No.53339839

I’m apart of the discord and it’s just a boring circle jerk. I can’t even be racist and call someone a nigger without getting banned so what’s the point when everyone feels like a wet napkin?

>> No.53339851

that is literally irrelevant to anything I said
and also namefagging should be a bannable offense

>> No.53339932

I didn't say "would", you fucking dipshit, I said "have". It is objective reality that all of the friends we know about are garbage. The only one she fails to recognize as being garbage is the one you are currently shilling. You also keep projecting some motive on me beyond recognizing what a shit person Kson is, but it's not going to take, because it's fucking nonsense. I'd love for her to have friends that aren't shit, but she doesn't. I also didn't say "me", you actual fucking imbecile, I said "we". The amorphous mass of her hundreds of gachikoi fans who actually care about her enough to sacrifice their mental health and their resources for her. Something Kson has never done. Fuck off already and shill Kson's friendship with some less vulnerable menhera. Henya, perhaps. She's in your favorite corpo too.

>> No.53340025

if you mean the public discord, that's because it's a public fan discord anon
of course you can't call people nigger in a public fancord with like 1000 members, that's just...common sense
please god have some common sense

>> No.53340259

nta, didn't Kson said that if a vtuber doesn't go against parasocialism she is a slave?

>> No.53340294

idk I don't watch anyone but wife

>> No.53340307

>thread crosspost
It's called getting home from work and picking up the conversation. And if you think I'm the bad guy here, I'm glad as fuck I've always given you bunkerfags a wide berth.
You know what man, you've convinced me. She needs to isolate herself from all her friends and family, abandon the vast majority of her fanbase, and only focus on the people who really care about her: psychotic manipulators with brain damage. This always works out well in relationships as the immense history of BPD cases illustrates.

>> No.53340327

How the fuck would I know? I’m not a faggot and barely use discord. I’m a zoomer and discord users creep me the fuck out. Especially deet

>> No.53340497

Stop armchair diagnosing people you fucking retard. And stop failing to read what people actually say. Actually, just fuck off. Preferably die, but definitely fuck off. You are a worthless participant in any discussion on Mike because you don't listen to what she says and you refuse to recognize how she's been victimized.

>> No.53340659
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>> No.53340695

bears are gay so this would never work

>> No.53341004

No schizo, you won't listen to what she says. You literally declare her how judgments on who her friends are and aren't invalid and say that YOU get to decide if kson is her friend, not her. This is abusive manipulative BPD boyfriend behavior and it doesn't exactly take a psych degree to recognize it.

>> No.53341059

You are actually reading way beyond anything I've actually said. You're working from a projection of who you think I am and ignoring all evidence. Fuck off.

>> No.53341140
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>> No.53341202
File: 110 KB, 1250x1668, 98cb486f75f56a0d2d13b1c7424033105bcd0c7de729a3fde60e8e0b860ec486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife <3

>> No.53341244

No I have simply just paraphrased what your BPD ass has to say.
>I'm accusing Mike of being terrible at judging people
Fucking kill yourself. All you do is shit all over mike and her friends. Relieve her of the burden of abusive fans like this.

>> No.53341264
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love her

>> No.53341320
File: 106 KB, 1180x894, d6915523fded8025833507f46b3770de81091d79411b6bcea820eabc4c6c3bf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop replying to the lunatic ksonfag

>> No.53341396
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love this girl with all my heart

>> No.53341459
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>> No.53341497

It's completely normal to tell women to abandon their friends and family to just be with you. This isn't a symptom of mental illness. Please, just wifepost the voices in your head away.

>> No.53341538
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pikachu breeding

>> No.53341585

nobody mentioned abandoning her family you unhinged fuck, and she doesn't have friends (something she has literally said)

>> No.53341656
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>> No.53341757
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love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

>> No.53341812
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>> No.53341880
File: 117 KB, 1754x1240, dc23a478e5a355fcf291bbf24860cb7eb1fa99149a545ab4a4980fcbcaf3c773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute wife

>> No.53341965
File: 115 KB, 1165x1475, d3c36764f7e9d735a513fcbefaefe581eda5378b77781b4baf274eed5c55a296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful wife

>> No.53342048
File: 111 KB, 872x984, 3742b0aacdd93b0f6dace7daae58d39c20294eaca2d7d0af8453dc306b2a9aa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53342122
File: 114 KB, 976x1364, a19d5c9b37db8547b8d3aafe1318e77f2891d2bfaa6f28ba75e49dc6e1df7033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore this girl

>> No.53342168

People who form deep breath’s nds of friendship only to be left behind, or get abandoned by those they see as family, have an extremely difficult time forming new connections and develop trust issues. Remember how much she saw Hololive as her family only to get backstabbed by them when she needed them the most. It’s unreasonable to expect her to make new friends quickly. People seeking her out to abuse her emotions are probably doing so to take advantage of her.

>> No.53342284
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I want to snuggle with Mikeneko

>> No.53342346

I'm the BPD person here I just want to kill myself

>> No.53342354 [DELETED] 

>It's called getting home from work and picking up the conversation. And if you think I'm the bad guy here, I'm glad as fuck I've always given you bunkerfags a wide berth.
I didn't call you the bad guy, I'm saying that there are discussions going on between more than a few people who aren't bunkerfags, including one of the main people you're talking to, meaning that all I can do is ask for people to stop letting themselves get carried away by the opinions of one or two loudmouths regardless of opinion held. It derails the thread and prompts people to create strawmen. There is precisely one thing 99% of this thread agrees on; we want to keep our relationship with our wife as it is. Beyond that, opinions vary far more wildly than people give credit for. And I would ask people to keep that in mind before getting bent out of shape over a smattering of posts that imply a consensus when there may not be one at all.
I just want non-retarded threads first and foremost. People here need to stop cannibalizing themselves. The bunker isn't even unified on their opinion on Vshojo, it's literal most crucial purpose is to keep these discussions contained so that they can be amicable and not devolve into what this shit has become
Literally just calm the fuck down, pretty please
I just want threads that aren't massive trash heaps of infighting

>> No.53342454
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my wife <3

>> No.53342508
File: 114 KB, 878x1200, 15678219cb332a83afa750c8e4ce7b9b2299180957f9b0af9bcd474223b3da90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53342578
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>> No.53342639
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>> No.53343804

Okay, that's a very admirable sentiment. And I agree very much with what you said about false consensuses. But the reality is that this thread is filled constantly (in the rare occasions that there's real discussion) with awful negativity about anyone and anything that isn't mike, and I'm sick of it. And none of the people filling the thread with this negativity actually want to talk about their feelings, they just want to bombard it with their opinion in the most over-the-top terms possible, whether to shut people up, to propagandize mikeneko, or simply because of their bad attitude.
All I can actually do as an anon is fight with these people. I think I can play their game better than them. And you can complain about the thread quality now, but I would rather have a frank conversation than just have the thread flooded with "kson's shit, she's not funny, she's not really mike's friend, she's a liar". It might not be as confrontational as this, but it's just as ugly.

>> No.53343994

You haven't engaged in any frank conversation though. You've just declared your opponents wrong, and worse, mentally ill. You have failed at even the basic task of assuming a modicum of good faith or sincerity.
>than just have the thread flooded with "kson's shit, she's not funny, she's not really mike's friend, she's a liar"
You still just seem very triggered at anyone having a negative take on Kson. You can't rebut the takes, but you get mad about them.

>> No.53344039
File: 286 KB, 2191x2191, IMG_8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife cooling off on a hot summer day

>> No.53344128

shut the fuck up already

>> No.53344195

The people who have been coming here lately to whine about Kson being shat on should fuck off to her thread if it bothers them so badly. You're not going to make anyone here like the disgusting bitch or stop saying she sucks.

>> No.53344350

Neither have you dipshit, you just throw out mountains of smears. Of course I'm going to waste my time on that. You're a mentally ill freak and the best thing for everyone is for you to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

>> No.53344795

My position is a negative. There's nothing to prove with regard to "kson hasn't actually done very much for mike" without claims about specific things to rebuff. I also haven't smeared anyone, unless you consider "person X is not an exemplary friend to person Y" to be a smear. I've claimed very little else. I certainly haven't resorted to calling you some manner of psychiatric monster, or told you to kill yourself.

>> No.53344810

What’s with nekofami and telling people who disagree with them to kill themselves?

>> No.53345100

No, I don't have to litigate with you whether kson has "done something for mike" to "prove she's mike's friend". Only insane people like you think about friends this way. Because of your mental illness, you want to trap people into baseless arguments so you can use your mental jui jitsu to manipulate and gaslight them. You're nuts and a burden on the people around you, you make their lives worse, including mike's.

>> No.53345293


>> No.53345385

She's not my friend, dude. From the outside this is how we evaluate friendships. And you have ceased even pretending to argue. All you're doing is throw out vicious insults to try and denigrate my position, a position you have failed to even remotely grasp.

>> No.53345604

Oh, the guy who happily calls people he's never met a unfunny liar, a grifter, a fake friend who's never done anything, is now upset about "vicious insults".
I've done a lot more than grasp your "positions", I see right through you. An empty, ugly little man.

>> No.53345669

You can stop pretending to the moral high ground now and admit you're just super fucking mad that I don't think Kson is a wonderful person.

>> No.53345859

I don't care about kson. That's how I started this conversation, I said she wasn't my cup of tea. All I care about is you. How do you like being torn apart by anons on 4chan, you little bitch? You're practically crying. Think about what you say about other people.

>> No.53346093

Ok, fine, anon, you're not mad about Kson. But you are super fucking mad. What's eating at you? Certainly not me. All I have talked about is how Kson is a mid person and a mid friend, and that Mike is aware of her problems with selecting friends in general, but you're seemingly convinced about lots of my positions that I haven't given any voice to. It's baffling.

>> No.53346116

This discussion serves no purpose in its current form. The wisest decision is to drown it out and come back to this when heads on all sides are cooler.

>> No.53346298

NTA, but you're the only one coming across as bothered here.

>> No.53346426

isn't just 1 dude talking to himself?

>> No.53346459 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 750x980, EC1CD915-F290-49AA-AAA8-4E45FFE2EDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my wife

>> No.53346583

It's pretty simple: stop smearing other girls in this thread. If you keep doing it, I'm not going to tolerate it anymore. We used to police this, a year ago you would have immediately been accused of being the cover schizo.

>> No.53346582

I made every post in this thread

>> No.53346587

Unfortunately, yes

>> No.53346635

This thread will never be a safe space for your whores, fuck off.

>> No.53346726

I have smeared nobody though. I haven't said anything particularly negative about Kson except that she isn't a good friend, and yet that is enough in itself for you to be this goddamn disgusted. Why? You claim not to care about the woman, but you're this offended on her behalf that I don't regard her actions as being admirable?

>> No.53346808

my issues with kson start and end with a series of decisions on her part that felt like they were borne out of extremely poor judgement on her part.
Prior to some certain events, I had a positive opinion on her. If I was given an indication that she respected Mikes relationship with us in full, I would unironically have next to no issue with her.
Hell, I know she's capable of it. She did it for the longest time as Coco. So it's hard to not feel even a slight degree of negativity when she has seemingly pushed against or at least been involved with things that contradict a lot of basic principles that are important to people here.
I'd be much more open to a diplomatic approach to her, and I don't particularly want to do anything non-sensical like try to manipulate her out of a friendship. I just feel like wariness is justified. I don't think that's an unreasonable take. We've been through a lot of shit. I don't care to insult people I don't watch.
In the end I don't think wariness is a bad trait to have for us here. That doesn't mean acting on it. But it's unreasonable to ask me to be less wary after everything that's happened. Not after so many betrayals.

>> No.53346817

Okay schizo. All I've said is you're insane and need to kill yourself. Why is that a problem?

>> No.53346856

Towa is a bully

>> No.53346873

Funny how all this only started after some dumbass deemed it wise to mention other girls in the first place

>> No.53346914

Step back and consider that on your own. I think it's inconceivable that you actually see no problem with saying that to someone you know nothing about.

>> No.53347077

You guys are even more retarded than usual today

>> No.53347191

Kson has given encouragement to wife to do things that would hurt us several times. We've literally seen her try to invite wife to a male collab once publicly so who knows how many were made privately
On top of that, she benefits quite greatly from how often she's portrayed with Nazuna as a duo, like with that Taiwan convention, especially considering that despite everyone's cope, Nazuna is by far and away the more popular of the two. The JP branch which Kson benefits from, but which Nazuna gets nothing out of, also wouldn't exist if Nazuna hadn't been convinced to join at a time when she mistakenly believed that she wouldn't have any other choice

>> No.53347196

Why expect kson to understand all of this, especially when gachikoi are so underground now? When one of us makes a public comment we get shit all over by the "big fans". I don't have any problem with wariness but let's also not be insanely judgmental.
You also know nothing about mike and kson's friendship, you know AT BEST their public conversations (doubt it) and feel entitled to shit all over it. You even know she actually likes kson but think you somehow know better than her. What a hypocrite. Fuck off.

>> No.53347294

this honestly, when the majority of the posters /here/ were actually in the bunker, we were able to police this place a lot more efficiently. Times have changed, unfortunately. At least ~6-7 regular IPs here are newish, likely more, so they didn't get trained by the post-Feb crisis into knowing when to shut up either, so they're just the guns blazing type at all times.
The unironic solution in almost all cases is literally to spam wife before they blow up. It's probably the best way to give the hint that a discussion isn't worth being had out in the open.

>> No.53347436

You seriously need to calm down, and maybe judge your interlocutor anew when you've accomplished that. You are tilting at windmills (and telling them to kill themselves).

>> No.53347801

Gaslighting. You went on rants about "what a shit person Kson is" (your words). If that's what you want to do in the mike thread then kill yourself.

>> No.53348028

You know a statement isn't a "rant". I've done no ranting here, just responding politely to your absolutely wild provocations. You might consider at least refraining from repeatedly telling me to kill myself. It does absolutely nothing for your feigned position of moral superiority.

>> No.53348131

You should both just kill yourselves to be honest

>> No.53348148

we should stop baking this thread

>> No.53348188

>uh actually my unhinged antiing is perfectly normal and you're weird for complaining about it
Gaslighting. Make sure the gun's pointing up, aim for the brainstem.

>> No.53348512

fuck off psycho

>> No.53348543

disagreed, if only because then her only presence here will be anti-ing her and I'd rather not see that
despite this thread being retarded on occasion, when times are good this thread is a beacon of positivity about her that has helped a lot of anons cope when things go to shit
a few threads of retardation is worth it when this place has prevented some fans from leaving and even helped attract some new ones
In the end we can salvage it and it naturally improves when times are good
People should also be aware that the last we heard from her was 2 days ago after a really bad day. Tensions are high.

>> No.53348678

I accidentally overdosed earlier so I hope I live but if not please don't stop loving her and don't let us lose her again, she's finally remembering ru

>> No.53348688

yes we should instead anti her best friend because of a collab invitation that we didn't like from one year ago, that will make her feel better

>> No.53348732

Yeah, I'm the psycho for forcing you guys to stop mindlessly hating on her friends in public. Where she can read it. Pieces of shit.

>> No.53348778


>> No.53348882

anon, that's not what I said. Please stop lashing out at everyone.

>> No.53348989

the statement that started this spergout of yours was
>I don't particularly like Kson either
nobody besides one random incel has said anything that bad about her
I don't get why you're concernfagging this hard

>> No.53349009

That's how I feel when you guys can't go five minutes without antiing some other girl. Just try being nice.

>> No.53349133

Go look at the other thread I was responding to.

>> No.53349313

Mentioning other girls here period should just be met with an emphatic insistence about this being the mikeneko thread like it used to be
It's the most ideal way to run this thread and behaving otherwise is also technically off-topic rules wise anyway
it's also a guaranteed way to prevent garbage like this from cropping up
Speaking of which, I miss her so fucking much

>> No.53349551

I literally never anti anyone in here. I am similarly sick of people calling her colleagues whores and shittalking them for no reason. But I didn't call Kson a whore. I called her a mid friend and, admittedly, also a shit person, on the basis not of nothing but of how sick I am of seeing her be hero-worshipped for being slightly less neglectful of her than everyone else she used to work with. Which is really genuinely my measured opinion based on the evidence I have collected over the last year and a half. I fail to see how that merits this level of hysterical anger. If you're worried about her mental state after reading my opinion of her friend, all you're doing is making me reiterate it over and over again to try and clarify past your insane projections. I would prefer to go back to wifeposting. I would prefer to never do anything but wifeposting. Just stop bringing up Kson, and failing that, stop singing her fucking praises just because someone calls her unfunny.

>> No.53349755

You're literally jealous, you're mad that mike seeks her out and not you, you have all sorts of insane resentments you can't process in any productive way.

>> No.53349795

More projection. Stop armchair-psychoanalyzing me for one fucking second and realize you don't know a goddamn thing about me.

>> No.53349871

bro she seeks us out constantly, what do you think her guerilla twitcasts are for?

>> No.53349994

Please stay with us Mr. Tenks

>> No.53350003

The only other possible explanation is that you're just extremely fucking stupid because NOTHING you say makes even the slightest bit of sense without insane emotional resentment attached behind it. So it's either some sort of pathologically warped belief or you repeating someone else with brain problems.

>> No.53350080

Either that or you haven't read most of what I've said or processed it properly. Which is a state of affairs you've heavily indicated by your own non sequitur responses.

>> No.53350427

Either fuck off for joking with that or call a fucking ambulance retard. And don't come to me with "nooooo but she took a day off after being slightly upset, I have to massively overreact!!"

>> No.53350483

Woman moment

>> No.53350654

Please chill. There's nothing worthwhile to discuss here anymore. People are on edge already over the shitty last 2 days and this isn't the kind of convo worth having when people are already on edge. Please just drop it, at least for now. That goes for everyone involved equally, not as an evaluation in terms of the merits of anyones opinions, but because it's simply not going to do any good right now. Please just post wife. At least for now.

>> No.53350671

Also shut the fuck up all of you, I just made this thread and I used all the new illustrations there are and I'm going to be mad at having to make another one.
Just made up with the idea that people disagree with you and go back to kson thread.

>> No.53350813

Actually this was because I tried to take my medicine in the dark and took the wrong one lmao, pure idiocy on my part
I'm already in the hospital so hopefully if my vitals freak out they'll manage it somehow

>> No.53350939

>Mikeneko is so unpopular she doesn’t even get enough illustrations to have a new one for each thread.

>> No.53351125

I like to use like 5-6 different GOOD illustrations to start a thread so yes, I don't want to make a new thread every 12 hours.
Hang yourself tourist.

>> No.53351337

I love mikeneko more than anything and I would die for her if she asked me to

>> No.53351608
File: 1.24 MB, 1807x1807, IMG_6115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.53351728

the irony of this post

>> No.53351910

Chunni as fuck

>> No.53351993
File: 245 KB, 421x629, Wham! - Last Christmas (Official 4K Video) 2-34 screenshot~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53352477
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>> No.53354491


>> No.53356548
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>> No.53356950
File: 168 KB, 778x1200, 1686174900449132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I hope this thread can change for the better.

>> No.53359152
File: 2.40 MB, 1536x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53360449
File: 232 KB, 1129x2047, 20230616_204839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world

>> No.53361249

I think we should merge with VShojo. This is the only way to stop infighting.

>> No.53361638

Monday is her anniversary, isn't it? She hasn't mentioned it or that she is going to do anything

>> No.53361654

nothing really

>> No.53362412

There is something very inherently funny about the fact that they had to translate the VShojo JP interview into Japanese

>> No.53362663

I miss her

>> No.53363287

a lot

>> No.53364234


>> No.53364376

3D debut on monday

>> No.53364546 [DELETED] 

Lmao she isn't your wife. She's using your money to go drinking with handsome ikemen in host club

>> No.53364581

Is this based on information or something you're hoping for?

>> No.53364697

bold claim
Matsuri thread is two streets down

>> No.53365238

Lmao this isn't about Matuli. She doesn't love you

>> No.53365384

Oh no, the matsurisu is in the denial and projection phase already. Really sad to see...
Go easy with the alcohol today buddy; i know this can be hard to deal but be careful of doing anything you could regret later

>> No.53365421
File: 16 KB, 352x239, nekofami2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53365600

can y'all not

>> No.53365702 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1517x2048, 900FC74D-9AB4-438D-9CCA-5E2638172FE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thumbnail

>> No.53366218

She announces the ASMR -> Listers upset her -> the ASMR is postponed.

It's a scene I'm tired of seeing over and over again. Why don't they learn?

>> No.53366451

Based Kson.

>> No.53366598

I hate listers as much as anyone but to be fair she never has made a frame with an actual date for the ASMR.
It's always in a vague undefined future day that she makes it sound like it will happen in the next 2 weeks tops.

>> No.53368183

Anyways, i love my wife

>> No.53368199 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 812x666, IMG_5632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53368247

jesus christ

>> No.53368356

French person detected.

>> No.53368412

I don't see anything wrong with the phrase though.

>> No.53369216

nice try 5ch homo
you're not better than the twitch homos

>> No.53369665

Regardless, I love my wife.

>> No.53371499

me too

>> No.53372038
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>> No.53372167
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>> No.53372456

AI is fucking gay

>> No.53372570

Bard is the "take your meds lmao" guy

>> No.53372955


I'm Mikeneko, the VTuber
I'm here to drop some beats
I'm from Japan, but I speak English too
So you can understand me, even if you don't know what I mean

I'm a gamer, a singer, and a streamer
I'm always having fun, and I love to make people laugh
I'm always positive, even when things are tough
I'm a role model for my fans, and I want to show them that they can achieve anything they set their minds to

I'm Mikeneko, and I'm here to stay
I'm the future of VTubers, and I'm taking over the world
So watch out, world, because Mikeneko is here!

I'm the queen of gaming, I'm the top of the charts
I'm the one and only Mikeneko, and I'm here to stay
I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I'm not afraid to take risks
I'm going to change the world, and I'm going to do it my way

So if you're looking for a VTuber who is funny, talented, and inspiring
Then look no further than Mikeneko
I'm the future of VTubers, and I'm here to stay

I'm Mikeneko, and I'm taking over the world!

>> No.53373708

>Mikeneko isn't real
>the cosplay streams were deepfakes

>> No.53374264

All that rap and not one:

>> No.53375271
File: 235 KB, 1516x1980, IMG_8746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hot…

>> No.53375723

Imagine the smell

>> No.53378237
File: 1.26 MB, 1811x2871, F044HfPaIAAO1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53378286
File: 211 KB, 881x800, 9c933313e56fd0a46eb4b64862f04652a57e37fb5be57f2b48282276417d0895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her...

>> No.53378293

Can you imagine in some karaoke some hardcore beat appears, she raps this flawlessly in perfect english and then refuses this happened from then on?

>> No.53380424
File: 236 KB, 411x1100, F07iUtnaIAYcExz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53381785
File: 126 KB, 945x1145, F069AUhakAMBXbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53384141


>> No.53384482
File: 2.10 MB, 2894x4093, IMG_8750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53386627

We should convince Mikeneko to do this

>> No.53387017

Cuuute wife, cute feet

>> No.53389681
File: 668 KB, 3277x3885, 1657827121343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53391396

Angel love

>> No.53391633

marine is a whore

>> No.53391865

Thread theme

>> No.53392566
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, smack[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fezdnxa.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53394660


>> No.53395582

Is her ASMR available yet?

>> No.53398416


>> No.53401343 [DELETED] 


>> No.53401437

Did a jap write this with DeepL?

>> No.53401917

Yeah, mine

>> No.53404887

here's your (You)s now fuck off and die

>> No.53405526

Kson singlehandedly revived Mike's dying career

>> No.53405872


>> No.53406333

>Ksongumi antiing Mike
nothing new there

>> No.53411773

wife love

>> No.53412957
File: 153 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_3197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53415256

Why doesn’t she do the same to her own?

>> No.53416120

Because she didn't, obviously...

>> No.53417933

I know she didn’t, I’m asking why

>> No.53419610


>> No.53421637
File: 244 KB, 1477x1540, 1655406125185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53423068

Put more effort in next time
