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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 902 KB, 1100x1100, domehyggebistr0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53091759 No.53091759 [Reply] [Original]

The one with the cover.

Here we discuss 4 talents who went on a journey to bring happiness to the world. Come join us, let's have a good comfy time.


Airi Viridis

Mozumi Pichi

Elia Stellaria

Buddies list


Previously on /same/:

>> No.53091771

Mozumi Pichi - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCJGTtJdw1gtJKyMm0Fq2eng

Elia Stellaria - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC0lSxKAt9osiA29vnk1R4sg

Spica - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC58Ng5nTN3aiVveus4DEEDg

Airi Viridis - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCFcdX8we6-tSndu6w4bwnag

/same/ archive: https://disk.yandex.com/d/tc6kz_kIKeriIA

>> No.53093087

From all medical procedures it had to be this one, WHY

>> No.53093171

Is this the bed where Mozu gets fucked (by me)?

>> No.53096286

Slow day again, huh?

>> No.53096591

B-but Anon, you told me you loved semi-rigid things in your ass.
Mozzu's member's update is extremely GFE without really trying, fitting the theme lately.

>> No.53096866

Spica Ghost Trick in about 2 hours
Waiting room up

>> No.53097216

Maybe you've seen it already but Sena also has another short featuring Mozzu


>> No.53098435
File: 25 KB, 112x112, shaHZPWBJ56P_9EPp5mUmAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53099442

Don't forget Spica has the Phasmo clip premiering at the same time, will redirect to Ghost Trick
in 30 minutes

>> No.53100298

countdown starting

>> No.53100313


>> No.53100403

Imagine actually streaming instead of spamming shorts haha

>> No.53100493

And now the stream

>> No.53102189

Spica talking about that McDonald's game again. Fans of PL might know which one. She even played it on stream.

>> No.53102193

Spica won't be a good McDonald's manager...

>> No.53103150

If you are in a cringe competition which chat member would you fear the most?

>> No.53104316


>> No.53105597

Spica's Internet is dying again...

>> No.53106017

Spica is gone mate, she's gone...
Guerilla (or no stream) tomorrow

>> No.53106583

Mayuri is the lord

>> No.53107108

Is he really, though? Going by his writing, he must be a child. There's something innocent and cute about a little kid interacting with something beyond his comprehension, blissfully unaware of what he leaves in his wake.

>> No.53107171

Ok but you can't choose Mayuri that's too easy

>> No.53107342

mozzu please... just stream......

>> No.53107850

I want Mozu to interrupt my gooning session please

>> No.53107893

She just did two days ago. I've just stopped caring and will reassess when she's actually back. Highly recommend it

>> No.53110203


>> No.53110975
File: 431 KB, 650x1000, ajicoma-20230709-040802-1677892342479749121-F0kRVIZaMAADtcI-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute Airi

>> No.53113046


>> No.53116003

I am becoming too obsessed with Mozzu again and I don't know how to stop myself.

>> No.53116933

Chill anon. Watch her VODs if that helps

>> No.53117516

Nice. As (one of the/a) resident Mozzu schizo(s) I’m interested in seeing what form your obsession takes.

>> No.53120476

Spica cute

>> No.53123719

Mozzu cuter

>> No.53123735

Rubber sheets

>> No.53124297
File: 183 KB, 448x448, 1688934269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to die of Elia withdrawal if she doesn't stream soon

>> No.53124676
File: 15 KB, 501x223, yellowsheets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to see what rubber sheets look like and...

>> No.53125496

Hang on Starling, it's gonna be okay...

>> No.53127715

The true reason her sheets were yellow...

>> No.53127723

We're gonna make it, buddies enjoyers, have faith.

>> No.53129956
File: 31 KB, 732x177, Screenshot 2023-07-09 170846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't understand how this was even possible, but if you look in the replies the truth comes out: apparently the car's actually in her sister's name. Her sister's a piece of shit but really this is kinda Mozzu's fault for agreeing to make payments without switching the title over.

>> No.53132315

Mozzusis is like a slacker character from a sitcom, except her actions hurt people around her instead of making everyone laugh

>> No.53138120

Make me

>> No.53140390

This new Mozzu lore keeps getting weirder and weirder

>> No.53141943
File: 100 KB, 1095x293, IMG_0925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anons?

>> No.53142100

Mozzu streams

>> No.53144711
File: 26 KB, 112x112, shaHZNeBJ56P_9EPp5mUmAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9am and I still haven't slept
I might miss Spica's guerrilla if she decides to do one

>> No.53144873
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airi’s schedule!

>> No.53148055


>> No.53150998
File: 14 KB, 338x127, Screenshot 2023-07-09 215238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mozzu emulating this thread during dead hours

>> No.53153408

/same/ is distracted today

>> No.53155047
File: 13 KB, 603x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much to post about until they are back

>> No.53156626


>> No.53157004

object oriented programming is for dumbos

>> No.53158664
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>> No.53160308


>> No.53161206

Just stream Mozzu and tell all about the espresso machine

>> No.53161964

She is Mozumi Pichi

>> No.53163697

cute girls

>> No.53165722

Airi boobie

>> No.53165745

Imagine all those anime figures that Elia will buy in Japan...

>> No.53167125

>Can't thank people that get art for her, other Throne purchases, skips donos
>Literally can't stop talking about coffee machine

>> No.53168899

These girls are alright, they should join kawaii. I heard the applications are still open

>> No.53170753


>> No.53172160

Bump, even though you don’t deserve it

>> No.53172381

I deserve a Mozzu wife

>> No.53173501

Give me a Mozzu wife now

>> No.53173601

I don't deserve a Mozzu wife, but it's the only thing that can possibly save me now.

>> No.53173616

Spica Kyoufuu All Back short

>> No.53175075

The fuck are you on?

>> No.53176097

What are you having trouble understanding, bud? You have one class of donation that she doesn’t appreciate and another that she clearly does. I mention it only because her feedback (the coffeemaker, goxlr, candy) makes it clear there’s no value in doing non-Throne donations.

>> No.53176490

You start with the flawed assumption that donations have any "value" besides your supporting the streamer
You should do it because you want her to succeed, not because she will like you more if you do it

>> No.53176632

that other anon is right but even if he wasn't, what would she comment on the money gifts past the thank you?

>> No.53176789

They do have value though, social proof. That’s the heart of my argument: you get more recognition from Throne purchases than you do other types of donos, so it behooves you to use Throne instead of the other methods. You’re spending money anyway, might as well maximize what you get out of it.

>> No.53177133

>she gets the coffee machine she always missed
>is very happy about that
What's hard to understand there? Gee, it's like you want to make a drama out of literally anything

>> No.53177429

You're conveniently side-stepping the other, non-coffee maker examples I'd provided but that's fine, I've said my piece. Go back to bumping this content-free thread.

>> No.53177823

Sure, maybe if YOU feel that way, but donating doesn't come with the obligation of thanks
If you feel like you get more out of using Throne then do that
Don't act like a pissbaby because Mozu didn't shower you with affection
I don't donate to "maximize what I get out of it" I do it to support my oshi

>> No.53177830

anon equate it one-to-one to a real life gift a family member might give you on your birthday
it's not necessarily that you don't appreciate money gifts, but there is nothing to talk about them
with other gifts you can talk about them, use them, explain why you wanted one, etc
there is simply more to talk about with non-money gifts and if you want her to talk about your gift there is nothing stopping you from using her throne

>> No.53180356


>> No.53180681

I wouldn't recommend it. I heard that place has a toxic company culture, everybody keeps running away.

>> No.53182053

As a fan, I'm thankful for those who donate, because I can't afford to. I cherish these streams we get to enjoy together, so thank you. I know this is gay and cringe, but I love you guys.

>> No.53182188
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They've got an Elia lewd in their recent posts if you're into that kinda thing.

>> No.53182418

lol what a fag
That's nice of you to say. There's always that gnawing feeling that I'm just wasting my money when I donate, but I'd like to think that collectively we're keeping a good thing going for a little while longer.

>> No.53182577

this guy >>53182053

>> No.53183726

I try to keep to a simping budget of a few tens of dollars per month. But I understand that some people can / will donate more, and others less. It's ok, as long as we get the streams why is that schedule getting emptier and emptier as the weeks go by...

>> No.53184037

The closer we're getting to the debuts...
I'm not angry at the lack of streams lately, I know that the buddies has different reasons for that. Gotta wait it out for now

>> No.53184387

I'm not angry either, I know someone is having the time of her life in Japan and I'm very happy for her.
As for the other one, she should be looking for a place to live on her own, far from toxic siblings, instead of spending ungodly amounts of money on a god-tier model. But what do I know.

>> No.53184964

Well, the model is an investment after all, so I can understand why she wants a fancier one (among many other reasons)

>> No.53186262


>> No.53187634

my beloved

>> No.53190157

Mozumi "the stink" Pichi

>> No.53191626

Okay, question time: should we really add friends, or we'll do fine without that section?

>> No.53191737

Does it provide anything other than drama?

>> No.53192145

don't, there's no point
I can't fucking find the generals I use when I search them because every single general has each other in the friends list. It's fucking retarded

>> No.53193005

No, it's not about generals, more like linking indies that are friends with the buddies like one anon suggested

>> No.53194812

Mozumi "Mozumi Pichi" Pichi

>> No.53195997

what's up with these mozzufags sounding like generic community managers? I've never seen them before in /pkg/

>> No.53197730

Missing Mozzu, also missing Airi. Surprised she can still be hurting after this much time.
I pretend I do not see it.

>> No.53197889

Imagine if they removed all 4 wisdom teeth at once, jeez...

>> No.53197970

Airi's tiny, delicate mouth...

>> No.53199093

Is only for spicy food and fanta, not your perverted fantasies

>> No.53199679

You can’t protect her forever Mozzu, she’s a girl too

>> No.53199768

I hope Elia takes her onahole Airi and they join a nice corpo later. They have potential to be huge and her 70k donothon is known to any corpo still

>> No.53200597

Okay, this latest tweet from Mozzu unlocked childhood memories that I kept repressing all these years. I'm gonna cry in the bathroom now

>> No.53203102

Did your parents force you to have a party or something? I always figured I wouldn't wrangle enough people to attend so I just never tried.

>> No.53203291

Yeah, something similar happened to me, and that really upset me

>> No.53205386

What the fuck did you just call Airi?

>> No.53205588

Rejoice! Mozumi Pichi has waiting rooms

>> No.53205644


>> No.53205857

assuming you are not mozzu how the fuck did you see this before they get uploaded to the rss? are you f5ing on her youtube page?

>> No.53206123

Thank you Mozzu
I love you Mozzu
Let's be happy Mozzu

>> No.53206263
File: 1.70 MB, 1358x1029, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I see them on my subscriptions page. I regularly refresh that to check which vtubers are live then I post the links on /corpo/. Just happened to see Mozzu's waiting rooms.

>> No.53206738


>> No.53206800

Higurashi also

>> No.53206838

I just hope she realizes asking for donos mid asmr is the antithesis of comfy
you could have a pricelist on screen for the same effect, mozzu

>> No.53208244

Jesus 9 already, wadda hell

>> No.53209254

A’ight, have a good night/day anons, don’t let the thread sink, we have streams to watch tomorrow!

>> No.53210659

WR for Airi on Duo Leveling channel


>> No.53213692


>> No.53216133

Spica in 10 hours.
Good night.

>> No.53219817


>> No.53224400


>> No.53227163


>> No.53231255

spica cute and good singer

>> No.53231488

Spica is too cute, watching her feels wrong not that I'd let that stop me

>> No.53232694
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New Spica member post
Also in chat for a bit

>> No.53233426
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Don't do it Mozzu

>> No.53233818
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>> No.53236558


>> No.53237527

in minecraft

>> No.53238598


>> No.53238943

She doesn't need teeth to lick your tippy

>> No.53239869

Mozz busters

>> No.53240644

I do pretty regularly to her, yes.

>> No.53241856

The Mozz Whisperer

>> No.53242839
File: 276 KB, 1000x1000, unnamed (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica ChatGPT improv in a couple minutes

She plays Minecraft tomorrow

>> No.53242994

Good, she’ll finally continue building her underwater house

>> No.53243331

ChatGPT is too vertical for the stream…

>> No.53243550

Spica stream starts!

>> No.53244140

singing about spilled cereal now

>> No.53244564
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-PlayingSongsWrittenbyChatGPTIMPROVPIANOSINGINGAI-GeneratedSongs-29’05”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you
so polite even to AI

>> No.53244718

The chances of an AGI may be low but if it happens you wouldn't want to be the guy that didn't say thank you

>> No.53245599

taking a break (singing Vampire) while she waits for chatgpt

>> No.53246788

chatgpt still loading. stop hogging the traffic, americans.
singing Tatsuro Yamashita's Fragile now

>> No.53247239

last time she bark-sings, today she meow-sings

>> No.53247367

Kilia in chat

>> No.53247931

she contributed chords
Spica likes Kilia's original song

>> No.53249396

Onolumi raided. Spica sang AI song about her and her robots.

>> No.53249482
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-PlayingSongsWrittenbyChatGPTIMPROVPIANOSINGINGAI-GeneratedSongs-144’05”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica's song

>> No.53249537
File: 9 KB, 354x70, 1681474456711727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53249687
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-PlayingSongsWrittenbyChatGPTIMPROVPIANOSINGINGAI-GeneratedSongs-151’01”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second song

>> No.53249772

Not enough people appreciate Spica

>> No.53250302

Spica is gone mate, she's gone...
And she raided Mozzu who is also in the chat!

>> No.53250306
File: 30 KB, 492x206, Screenshot 2023-07-11 100052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53251473


>> No.53251854

cant wait for mozzu to talk about skibidi toilet lore for 40 minutes

>> No.53252940

to be fair that’s exactly the kind of content she’s into

>> No.53253901

Mozzu in about half an hour. Drink deep, mites.


>> No.53254070

never mind, delayed an hour

>> No.53254090
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>> No.53254455

We told you not to drink the fizzy beef broth Mozzu!

>> No.53256243


>> No.53257823

>9, again
About 20 minutes until Mozzu, though she’s not in chat so don’t get your hopes up

>> No.53258027

Airi in 3 hours

>> No.53260572


>> No.53260803

Probably dangernapping (at least I hope this is the case and it's not her stomach)

>> No.53262950

>>52957590 (Me)
Sorry guys, busy day today and was on meetings all day
I leave work at 5, don't expect a stream any sooner than that

>> No.53264867
File: 3 KB, 257x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is awake

>> No.53264888

/same/ news: Mozzu is awake, she's feeling better

>> No.53265198

Odds she overlaps Airi?

>> No.53266482

Delayed to 4, so 100% I guess. Honestly kinda shitty, Mozzu

>> No.53266521

I'm going to fall for my own rrat

>> No.53266927

Mozzu suddenly started the stream

>> No.53268078

Airi is about to reveal her teeth

>> No.53269549

Mozzu finally ordering Chick-fil-A

>> No.53270878

Architects stay winning

>> No.53272197

Sorry stream’s been distracting. Mozzu is coated in sauce, licking her fingers~

>> No.53272604
File: 344 KB, 481x668, 2023-07-12 013549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airi's teeth!

>> No.53273516

So Airi only prepared 20 items of merch for sale? She definitely needs to talk to Mozzu

>> No.53276158

Ahhhhhh shit I love Mozzu

>> No.53277629
File: 85 KB, 1368x120, IMG_3477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does it for Mozzu

>> No.53277630

Mozzu is gone…

>> No.53277814

What's happening here?

>> No.53277842

It’s a glass with 4 teeth of wisdom

>> No.53282148


>> No.53286344

Oh fuck... youtube have expiring pists now, nice

>> No.53286357

can I concern a little

>> No.53287219

Man... I just want Mozzu to be happy.

>> No.53288113

Who are these longtime fans?

>> No.53288159 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 441x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she actually did it
it really is over this time

>> No.53289279 [DELETED] 

so hot

>> No.53289490

I was wondering this too. Remember that we're reading about reality as filtered through Mozzu herself, so for all we know this might all be in her head.

>> No.53289601

I swear to god if this is all about that gezutard that said her voice changed a little I'm gonna love her anyways

>> No.53293667


>> No.53296961


>> No.53297628

Maybe. But I think she's making unbalanced choices. I recognize the pattern, because I had (have?) similar issues See her member post.

>> No.53300260


>> No.53300965

True. As far as I can see the people in the chat are all the same

>> No.53301853

Bump before I go back to bed.

>> No.53302198

Mozzu before I Mozzu Mozzu

>> No.53302745

I just want her to be happy bros, why does it have to be like this…

>> No.53302956

If she were normal she wouldn’t be Mozzu. if we’re lucky, she’ll wake up and realize she was overreacting

>> No.53303010

Did something happen during the stream? I had to go to sleep before the end

>> No.53304002


>> No.53305145


>> No.53305389

Spica in 43 minutes
I just woke up from a long nap, did prechat Spica say anything in chat other than posting this short link?

>> No.53305392

No, it's in the members post

>> No.53305474

Yeah I saw the post, just wondering if anything happened to trigger it, but I guess not

>> No.53305584

Nah the stream was extremely positive, that’s why the member’s post came out of nowhere.

>> No.53306577


>> No.53306918
File: 60 KB, 694x288, dasc_764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53306945


>> No.53307914

The reason behind the member's post is that Mozzu is going to make us all concernfag ourselves to an early grave.

>> No.53309828
File: 1013 KB, 1668x940, IMG_3478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chibi Spica is now in charge of covering up the mic icon

>> No.53310802

lol second time in as many days that chat does a shit job explaining how to do stuff in blockgame

>> No.53310803

Spica is confused

>> No.53310830

is not the point of block game trying to figure shit out yourself?

>> No.53311622

early on blockgame had no in-game tutorials or crafting guide, I don't think anybody figured shit out on their own
everyone just looked recipes and mechanics up on a wiki

>> No.53311631

Spica just trapped a squid in her house and murdered it in cold blood

>> No.53311715

someone figured it out and told other people

>> No.53311902

Pro minecrafter Spica finally died for the first time

>> No.53312347

having a standoff with an enderman

>> No.53312514

she captured the enderman in a boat, its name is Pumpkin

>> No.53312676
File: 325 KB, 1668x916, IMG_3480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica’s wrapping up for today

>> No.53312683

Spica is gone mate, she’s gone…
She raided into tomorrow’s Mozzu stream

>> No.53312686

Spica is gone. Tomorrow if she streams it might be a bit later, she has assignnments to do.

>> No.53314245


>> No.53315425

Zoo tycoon

>> No.53316101

Thanks for reminding me to play the Poop Tycoon, gotta grind for that Bugatti

>> No.53316235

Rev up the bugatti ayyyy

>> No.53318160


>> No.53318361
File: 184 KB, 1335x361, IMG_0927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too relatable

>> No.53319459 [DELETED] 

I wonder how Mozzu’s tea patty’s going (if it’s going at all)

>> No.53320073


>> No.53321164


>> No.53322523

Give me an M
Give me an O

>> No.53323738


Airi will be drawing in 90 minutes

>> No.53325730


>> No.53327268
File: 175 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to post this 6 bumps ago

>> No.53327374

Still no Airi

>> No.53327453


>> No.53328422

Airi has a video (that she’d planned to upload while she was recuperating) scheduled to premiere today

>> No.53328487

it's a vimdeo

>> No.53329239


>> No.53331090
File: 163 KB, 506x561, 2023-07-13 010950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your new profile pic~

>> No.53331121

he looks high

>> No.53331742
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-DRAWINGCUTEART-75’59”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53332038

Airi is gone...
But she left the video, premiering in 3 minutes!

>> No.53332353
File: 55 KB, 1362x767, viridevil drawings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you draw along with your oshi?

>> No.53332739

you're alive!

>> No.53332922

Dude I missed you so much

>> No.53333522

desu I have so little knowledge, experience, or concepts in common with Spica, that every time I try to explain something to her in a chat message, I rewrite the message multiple times and I still end up being misunderstood.

>> No.53334960

Mozzu tweet that's essentially a short but not posted as one? I dunno man.

>> No.53335281

And another one.
I mean, they're too short for YouTube Shorts, that's why

>> No.53335355

I don't even recognize the one where she's laughing.

>> No.53335492

It's from her debut anniversary

>> No.53337821


>> No.53338092

A’ight, have a good night/day anons, don’t let the thread sink, more streams tomorrow!

>> No.53340909
File: 506 KB, 1000x1000, boysmell[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxev1wh.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53343859

see you in 10 hours

>> No.53345153

Who? Who is this guy?

>> No.53347663


>> No.53349897
File: 256 KB, 720x960, mozzu smell[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzkocwp.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53353031
File: 515 KB, 1080x1424, 1689223422735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mozzu, now I get recomeded this kind of shit

>> No.53355316
File: 276 KB, 855x788, 1689226441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 2 weeks now with no Elia streams. I'm losing my mind. I need a daisuki dayo, I'm not going to make it.

>> No.53355780

Daisuki dayo
Chikin borger
You punk

>> No.53355892 [DELETED] 

You faggots got too cocky with antiing. Time to make your whores pay

>> No.53355957 [DELETED] 

Sava fags especially. You and your retarded menace clique. I will doxx your whores like theres no tommorow. Fucking trash.

>> No.53356228 [DELETED] 

Your whore deserves to die

>> No.53357862
File: 223 KB, 474x555, 1687484216671347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53358839

"B-but Anon, aren't you craving... my Robloussy?"

>> No.53360365


>> No.53361055

He’s a legend and the master of MS Paint!

Hang on dude, imagine how much Elia we’ll get once she’s back home!

>> No.53361187

I want to fondle Gezu's belly

>> No.53361360

Other things also, but I'd start with the belly.

>> No.53361378

Spica streaming NOW for one hour only, get in!

>> No.53361583

>going to be busy the whole day
>still wants to give at least one hour of stream to her fans
someone should learn from this but of course she won't

>> No.53361623

because that someone is menhera and thinks everyone hates her

>> No.53361909

More like she hates us

>> No.53362274

I didnt watch Miryu since Kawaii. I know its a debuff game but 40 ccv 30 minutes in...
I always thought that Miryu deserves to be way way more popular. She is just amazing. Charismatic, talented musician, silly gamer, etc.

>> No.53362357

It's a guerilla stream basically, of course the numbers are low

>> No.53363178

Spica is gone mate, she's gone...

>> No.53363232

1 hour and 22 minutes, I love this girl

>> No.53363466

she gets 3 digits with music streams but the viewers don't stay for her games streams which is a shame, seen it happens with other music vtubers too

>> No.53363507

I feel kinda guilty about it, but I tend to avoid some of her game streams since she plays story-heavy ones that are on my backlog and I don't wanna spoil myself on them

>> No.53363514

that's the case for every vtuber, people dont watch gaming streams. and longer games get even less views because people stop watching when they miss a stream

>> No.53363575

that was me last time in PL with Persona 5, Walking Dead, Outer Wilds

>> No.53364635

Bump before I go back to bed and dream of Gezu tummy

>> No.53366245

Winslow status?

>> No.53366301

Getting larger

>> No.53367789


>> No.53369638 [SPOILER] 
File: 324 KB, 629x502, FujXTOBWIAAC2ix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53369758
File: 563 KB, 685x676, 1689125669234667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she like this

>> No.53370422

Not the worst thing she's eaten

>> No.53371426

Too patrician for you?

>> No.53372977

Cool Mozzu facts:
-fat ass
-I love Mozzu

>> No.53373120

Stop fishing for compliments, Mozzu I do enjoy the fat ass tho

>> No.53373423

>she thinks he hates her
>he thinks she hates him
THEY ARE mentally ill

>> No.53374092
File: 6 KB, 362x53, 2023-07-13 184125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53374265

eeh why

>> No.53374406

No idea, I alt-tabbed out of the game to check the chat, that was the last message and the stream itself got privated. No idea what happened, she was in the chat and everything seemed normal. Maybe the allergy was too strong after all.

>> No.53374480

I hope she's ok
it's not like her to just say that and private the stream, in a few minutes

>> No.53374530


>> No.53374739

Mozzu, c’mon
I don’t even care about streams I just want her to feel better, fuck.

>> No.53375081

she is a VChatter now

>> No.53375154

Speaking of, what days were days off for her sister? Was it today?

>> No.53375180

I think it was wednesday

>> No.53375908 [DELETED] 

I’m not saying this to concern, just stating an objective fact: this and the “oh you guys hate me” are new behaviors for her.
She’s been pretty honest about how she tries to put on a strong face for us, so it’s concerning that apparently she’s having trouble maintaining it lately.
We love Mozzu (and her fat ass)

>> No.53376108

I don't remember her ever saying that we hate her though? If anything she's always been reliant on us, her fans

>> No.53376977

yeah I know, but there isnt much we can do when she doesn't stream, and I'd bet that dumb menhera feels bad when we shower her with love.
I wish I could just hug her and give her headpats until she understood how much I love her

>> No.53378759

Honestly, I want to write her a maro or an email saying how much I care about her as a friend and send her words of support and encouragement, but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do right now.

>> No.53378945

I hope she knows that we actually care about her as a person and don't watch her because of the "haha le wacky crazy girl so funny"

>> No.53379244

The thing to be mindful of is that, just like oneguy-ism, people that're emotionally compromised will at best ignore someone being positive and at worst will feel bad because they'll feel like they're responsible for making you worry (which obviously isn't your fault, you're just being supportive).
Be supportive of her where you can, support the Buddies and if you're artistically inclined at all maybe draw her something.

>> No.53379777

Yeah, you're right. For now I can only hope that something urgent happened that forced her to cancel the stream and it doesn't have anything to do with her issues.

>> No.53380223

Concernfags should all kill themselves - Mozzu

>> No.53380333

this isnt really concernfagging

>> No.53382069

What can I say except Mozumi

>> No.53382780

where is the baker...

>> No.53382792

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