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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 67 KB, 498x266, PipRi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52416004 No.52416004 [Reply] [Original]

Has Phase Connect lost to Idol? Pippa has terminally reclined and stagnated for the longest time, allowing Rin to catch up and pretty much match her at this point. Idol also has a more well-rounded roster, more financial backing, and led by a CEO that does more than tweet random shit and obsess over selling coffee. It's criminal how badly Phase Connect is squandering its good fortunes.

>> No.52416090

numberfags should burn in hell

>> No.52416164

>terminally reclined and stagnated
Nah she burned her bridges after the Camelot incident

>> No.52416363

yes, now buy an ad

>> No.52416627

Begone, Jew rat. Back to your containment thread

>> No.52416718

ironic it comes from you

>> No.52416997

Nice try cuck, not even /jdif/ likes Rin and her homolust.

>> No.52417370

>not even /jdif/ likes Rin and her homolust.
lmao even

>> No.52419285
File: 60 KB, 515x500, red text distorted face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when you try to cuck with e-celebs.
You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.52421087
File: 173 KB, 512x205, 1656849581648648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa would be far more better if she was in Idol Corp. The League-addled zhang bastard was just holding her back, as the Chinese always do. The Jews are far more better. And Pippa stopped doing vtuber tutorial streams anyway, she's now just a react streamer. It is now Rin who is doing it. Also, League of Legends was a garbage debuff game. Their retarded bugman players ruined the definition of the word "Carry" from a positive term to a negative insult.

>> No.52422773

well pippa was found to be fucking around and shit talking her own fans, so she got what she deserved

>> No.52422914

Remember it wasn't only her fans, it was her biggest donators getting the brunt of it, getting called creepy, losers, etc.

>> No.52423056

He's right, falseflagger.

>> No.52424421

kek still trying

>> No.52424978

buy an ad
both of you

>> No.52425222

Fuck no. The last jewba to collab with this bitch ended up graduating. idol knows better not to associate itself with gutter trash whores like her.

>> No.52426847

Yuko is still alive

>> No.52427453

I love how /jdif/ doesn't give a fuck about Rin, except attacking other vtubers.
to be fair EN2 is a flop and rest of EN1 is missing or like Yuko decided to whore themselves, so there isn't much else to work with.

>> No.52427557

It's the Jewish Internet Defense Force not the Jewish Defense Internet Force

>> No.52427585

Oooh anon, not a good look despising whores and liking Idol girls

>> No.52427872

Are you implying neo sparkles graduated because she collabed with pippa? What does this even mean?

>> No.52427971

Got a QRD? Haven't kept up with pipshit drama.

>> No.52428211

Honestly /jdif/ seems likes its just a bunch of coomers uohhhhing at the loli’s 90% of the time, though I wouldn’t say they don’t like Rin.

>> No.52428442

Rin is carrying the whole corpo on her back, not too different from yabbit. But Rin doesn't swear so more family friendly, eventhough she isn't idol

>> No.52428575

I ain’t touching that shit.

>> No.52428631

doesnt idol have more cunny
theres were you'll find the answers to your question

>> No.52428735


>> No.52428776

Yuko is no jewba. EN is fucking mistake.

>> No.52429039

Pandering to Kiwifarms has really killed any potential Phase Connect had
Pippgers are 90% of the reason /vt/ is so bad

>> No.52429171

Rent free

>> No.52429246

I don't think you know what that means

>> No.52429324
File: 11 KB, 327x154, 1688110664715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52429473

As if the dozens of pippantis getting banned in a day didn't drastically improve the board

>> No.52429484

>blaming the problems of /vt/ on the secret cabal of pipnigs creating all of bait threads to cause the destruction of the board.
I think I know exactly what it means.

>> No.52429577

It's not secret when you can literally go to their website and watch them do it with a name attached to their account
Plus banned vt memes is run by pipigers as ell

>> No.52429705

Surely you have a screenshot or two

>> No.52429813

nigger just go to their shitty dox website
if you dont know what their website it than you are a retarded tourist

>> No.52429857

reminder that Phase Connect literally hired a clipper whos clipping account shares the exact same username he uses on that dox site btw

>> No.52429864

That's a little difficult right now

>> No.52430696

Tourist spotted.

>> No.52430966

I am on tva, what I am supposed to see and how exactly bvtm fags ties into this?

>> No.52431442

Pipigers reap what they sow.

>> No.52433428

thank you

>> No.52433665

Yes. Virtue signaling to the lowest common denominator (here) will only get your numbers so high until you need to ditch and become more brand friendly to maintain momentum. Then, people will either hate you for betraying your BASED takes, or hate you because you're a trend hopping hypocrite with a problematic past. This has happened with literally every /here/ chuuba and corpo. It's not a good strategy and anyone who does it is either an idiot, or doesn't have the talent or know how to boos ttheir numbers on their own abilities or merit. Usually both. They idol girls are nice and hardworking. I hope they only grow higher from here.

>> No.52434058

to be fair the only one in phase that does this is pippa

>> No.52434202

Ever since the model update Pippa has been streaming more react content that made her look like a shell of what she used to be, ie. a vtuber that made actual creative streams. Maybe it's burnout or a lack of direction that led to this but I hope her streams will improve

>> No.52434403

I want her to carry on until she loses all credibility, loses more fans, gets more burned out, and just quit. Preferably graduate permanently.

>> No.52434468

>>has pippa lost to rin

>> No.52434506

>this youtuber has stopped growing for months because yesterday they sperged out on twitter

>> No.52434797

>the only one

>> No.52435029

No she wouldn't. The shit she gets away with in Phase is more than she could with any other company. She literally said "shalom goyim" once on stream.

>> No.52435190

Looking at a single comment section from Yuko would make you realise what kinda people are watching her, and watching a single stream of hers would cement that sentiment.

>> No.52438324

No she wasn't.
