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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52105936 No.52105936 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kronii the worst hire of HoloEN? Literally no redeeming qualities besides her voice and her voice alone
>can't sing
>can't dance
>male collab

>> No.52105971

She makes 2views seethe

>> No.52105979
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nijiflop deflection thread

>> No.52106008
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>> No.52106097

>Is Kronii the worst hire of HoloEN?
Mori? Bae? Kiara? Sana???

>> No.52106163

Nah, as much as I hate her homo collabing, she can be pretty funny. If we don't count Sana, the worst hire is Mori. She just sucks on so many levels it's not even funny. Actually, Mori, Kiara and Ina somehow have negative entertainment value.

>> No.52106239

already graduated
idol, can dance
literally an ex-idol, can dance

>> No.52106517

worst. Kronii is the worst.

>> No.52106550

She isn't the one who quit in less than a year.
Second worst.

>> No.52106563

>Is Kronii the worst hire of HoloEN?
Yes. Threads over boys, we can go home

>> No.52106653

well since the worst has already graduated, Kronii is now the worst

>> No.52106765

I'd say Gura is the worst hire because of lack of streams. If both streamed around the same, then yeah, probably Kronii.
She embodies that "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" Mori energy. But at least the paycheck is good, right you cunt?

>> No.52107519

KEK, if dancing is all it takes my trailer dwelling stripper ex is a true idol after all!

>> No.52108087

You wish your stripper mum could dance half as well as Bae let alone sing. Also she does variety idol content like her shows, vlogs and series

>> No.52108248

Omegay is the worst, the rest just suck on their own, he ruined EN and salted the earth making sure there was no hope for it ever again

>> No.52108328

Bae's vlog to Hokkaido was kino. She should do more vlogs it's an untapped market. I think Watame and Botan started it.

>> No.52108400

>I can't be parasocial with her and she btfo'd me like Ame and acts like a normal human that interacts with men thus she's a horrible hire
I see, sorry for your loss.

>> No.52108597

she's entertaining in collabs, has good chemistry with almost everybody and seems to have a good relationship with her fans
worst talent hire was sana
worst overall hire was whoever decided to add homos instead of more girls

>> No.52108756

Based bong meeting the UK standard of being a massive fucking retard

>> No.52108839

Watson is worse.
No talent

>> No.52108881

Creativity is not a talent

>> No.52110700

Did she graduate less than a year into her contract? No? Then she's not

>> No.52110743

she makes decent superchat and decent views but her merch doesn't really sell

>> No.52110975
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So true, sister! Those unichuds don’t deserve the affection that Milord gives us!

>> No.52111874

exactly, that is the reason for the incels and retards here, never had a loving mother, sad but true

>> No.52111953

Why would you make this thread when Sana existed?

>> No.52111990

how's the transition going

>> No.52112014

Retarded irystocrat seeing boogeymen everywhere

>> No.52112028

Mori because it's her influence that made HoloEN anti-idol

>> No.52112033
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Yasss! Slay sister!

>> No.52112121
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I’m loving it! Im glad FlayFlay came to support us for Pride!

>> No.52112155

as long as you can finally be comfortable in your own skin!

>> No.52112196

lol some people are beyond saving i guess, to far gone from reality, surly these twittard accs are banned / terminated no?

>> No.52112298

happy for you anon, be whoever you want to be, happy pride

>> No.52112304

>be asian
>have the urge to eat dogs no matter the circumstances

>> No.52112325


>> No.52113304

>my trailer dwelling stripper ex
just outed yourself as a massive cuck

>> No.52113661

Kronii is inoffensive.
Kronies however..,

>> No.52114086

Easily. She's the biggest waste of a sexo model, and her scumbag whore attitude ruined holoEN even worse than Mori. Before Kronii she didn't have an accomplice for her homo activities. Kronii made it all so much worse and normalized that bullshit. I can't wait until she graduates.

>> No.52115303

Calli is indisputably the worst member of all of Holo. She's a ME ME ME personality type that demands you all look at her, then when you do look at her she fails at everything she's doing and throws the biggest, neverending, pity party that drowns out all other sound. If she succeeds then a tsunami of toxic positivity washes away any and all fun a stream/collab would have had. She's awful, and I haven't even touched on that shit she calls "music".

On the other hand, Kronii is cracked at video games. So you're outing yourself as a clip watcher saying she's bad. Any time there's a tournament she grinds for thousands of hours to put on a good show for everyone and wins 90% of the time. Put respect on the name "Kronii" she's earned it. Also, if male collabs make you seethe, rope is pretty cheap at your local department store.

>> No.52116590


>> No.52121486

ari just needs to be corrected

>> No.52121551

I'm so mad she got the Wada model, it's a total fucking waste. She's not even a Type Moon fan.

>> No.52121660

what the fuck are these names

>> No.52121835

Maybe when she cosplays as one in Roberu's house

>> No.52122109

Sana was the worst hire objectively because she failed to stay for long and didn't have any significant impact.

>> No.52122217

It seems management hired many of the ENs based on their voice alone, this would make sense if the picks are overseen by JP headquarters guys who don't or barely understand English, so they cling extra-hard to what they -are- able to discern about an EN candidate - the tone of voice, her speech patterns etc. If that in particular is very appealing, that's a huge leg up.

It's not always the case however, like Ina/Sana/Bae's voices aren't particularly amazing, but it seems to help a ton.

IIRC Mori said she got hired almost as soon as she started talking in the interview and she guh'd retardedly on accident - they liked that. I'd imagine Kronii did one of her retarded grunts or something, Ame hiccuped etc and the JP guys immediately though "wow so moe, she has some kind of tic, it's JUST like my anime and VNs, that's perfect" and boosted those ones.

>> No.52122223

>gamer branch
>night security
What a fucking joke

>> No.52122299

Watch out for Boobie Garbagecan, Jeery Sinefeld and Poprox Fantazie in the next wave!

>> No.52122325

What the fuck is "aroace"

>> No.52122423

yes, a little streaming experience, a great voice, and probably a big bonus if you say you want to do VA. Ina was an art hire. It sucks because at that time there was a lot more indie talent that they passed on.

>> No.52122465

aromantic and asexual
aka volcel

>> No.52122478

Kronii doesn't even fucking VA though. She uses the same shitty bored voice she always uses. Her recent Hologra was just another example of this. Fucking FAUNA was more engaged and showed more emotion in her Hologra.

>> No.52122477

Also I just realized/remembered, Ina/Sana/Bae/Kiara, incidentally all the meh-to-bad voices, all can speak Japanese either a little bit or a fucking lot - this let them speak directly-to the JP uppers. So, upper management (i.e maybe even Yagoo himself) could actually get a grasp on these girls a bit beyond "they sound cute" and maybe give them a chance to prove themselves more. They don't have that immensely-cute tone someone like Mumei or Fauna did but they could do more than just sound cute for the heads of the company.

>> No.52123657

this is the thing that really pisses me off about a good chunk of holo en girls. it's understandable to get a bit tired of idol culture, but they say it like they didn't apply to the biggest company that literally always advertised themselves as an idol brand. you have to be braindead to think you'll be the exception and not have to do any of the heavy lifting included with being an idol. they always think doing the most tryhard, snarky/sarcastic shit = defying le bad idol culture. "we need to break the mold!" and it's them doing typical roastie shit. i can't take them seriously.
nobody likes unicorns and rabid schizos but maybe think twice about applying to hololive if you don't want jack shit to do with idol culture. maybe it's not a stretch to say that maybe you should not apply at all if you really think it's that bad. is it really that hard to understand? or is the money just too enticing?
i swear, women just want something to always complain about.

>> No.52123933

The money is too good. Mori and Kronii especially have talked about how they can't even hold down basic waitressing/cashier jobs, so Hololive is a godsend for them.

>> No.52123982

But if you join the idol company, you can dismantle the toxic idol culture from within

>> No.52124362

You just described every wester vtuber. There are literally no good English speaking vtubers. They're all talentless whores.

>> No.52124542

Nigger barely anyone in fucking tempus or holoen collab with each other besides kronii, mori,vesper, and magni and that's like twice a month

>> No.52124613

I think you meant "music".

>> No.52124623

When did /vt/ start making omega there personal boogieman ?

>> No.52124678


>> No.52125102

What do you like about her voice? It just sounds like a vocal fry roastie voice.

>> No.52126447

She's fine. Good for a "I hate myself, I wanna die" joke in collab streams.

>> No.52127475

She wasn't like that at the time, I dated her while she was in high school (I am a pedophile)

>> No.52129640
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her voice acting wasn't even that great in the hologra.

>> No.52135609

nigger, get real. western vtubers LOVE criticizing everything about the scene and larping as a savior.
all they do is say shit like "i want to break the mold of vtubing", "there's so much i want to do with the medium that hasn't been done before", "i want to push the boundaries of vtubing", while sitting on their ass and pumping out the same shit.
talent creativity is a fucking meme for a reason, nobody is even remotely creative enough to practice what they preach- let alone original enough.
bootlegs are encouraged and defended, vtweeters are still going strong, the gate has been gone for a while now: there's nothing to dismantle.
vtubers wanted to do, say and act however the hell they wanted with no consequence and now, a majority do.
now we have an oversaturated market where almost every chuuba speaks and acts the same. it's hell.
whoever whines about rules within a company is just a spoiled brat that wanted to larp while mimicking their favorite twitch thot but knew they weren't remarkable enough to grow organically without any sort of backing.
i just wish chuubas were passionate again.

>> No.52136762

>Another thread telling proud cuckolds, "not" males and leashed simps that goes nowhere and is flagged for daring to shake their "sacred" gather website while sharing imperative cop content on discord

Once again, this will go nowhere

>> No.52137073

>fat Canadian

>> No.52137099

I'm just upset it began purely do to the big china sick, otherwise nobody would feel as spineless as they already do having engaged in the content for so long

Ask yourself, is this what you want your wife and children to "accept" as a part of you?

No matter the era, this would've have been seen as a grounds for getting your shit pushed in

>> No.52139430

how about watching and supporting your homos and their whores instead of shitposting /here/. they're in need of number right now

>> No.52139830
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Kronii is what happens when you try to make some quirky lol randumb bitch, but who also carries her shit traits from the past to where she is now. I wish she sang more, but thats rare. Kronii herself also suffers from being a total mopey person. I would love to see her sound happier, but when she has to get drunk to do so, then i lose any interest. Also her gaming choices are weird.

>> No.52140276

Its "okay", but come on just TRY. I get that they even did a paradox episode, but for fucks sake I just groan whenever she speaks.

>> No.52143464

Kronii groans whenever she has to speak too. Or stream. Or do anything.

>> No.52143786


>> No.52144031

I dont like Shit anon, I just come here to see it burn slowly

We are not the same

>> No.52144248

I think Pomu has done some very original and creative shit with the medium, but she has, AFAIK, never said that cringe shit of wanting to push boundaries.

>> No.52144366

Careful, you will trigger her defense force. Look at youtube comments, they already there.

>> No.52144589

To play devil's advocate: maybe they leaned into her whole
"haha, anyone else sad and lonely?" persona? Or are all hologra's out of character for the talent?

>> No.52146162

>Mori part
Mostly agreed

>Kronii part
Blow your retarded brains out you nigger worshipping underage cuck

>> No.52146545

Seethe, cope, dilate

>> No.52147411
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>> No.52147727

>live in a beautiful place with far less woke shit
>get to marry a woman who acts like a woman and actually loves me
Truly terrible

>> No.52148144

You are unironically every weeb stereotype rolled into one

>> No.52148249

I don't even watch anime, you retarded troon

>> No.52149243
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I assume it's that same Tina Belcher-esque monotone she always uses?

>> No.52149271

Tina actually is funny because she does funny things.

>> No.52149376
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>toxic positivity
Literally what?

>> No.52151176

Kiara actually does her job well.
Ina is by far the worst hire. She is a terrible streamer. She would be nothing without her design, and she's brought nothing to the table except for that deadweight Sana. If "Ina" was actually cute like Aqua or fun like IRyS, Myth would have had a better chance to be a cohesive unit. But nope, we got this boring-ass Korean bitch who hides behind the facade of "comfiness" and does nothing for the brand. What a crock of shit.

>> No.52151381

I didn’t think her Holograffiti voice acting was very good

>> No.52151629

Ina at least draws. Everything you said applies to Kronii.

>> No.52151944

>get to marry a woman
Yeah, I don't think so
The best you can hope for is some workaholic's temporary boytoy.

>> No.52152006

It was in fact on point but could not save the bad writing.

>> No.52152161

Wow all these seethe threads about holo and niji talents getting spammed across the board as soon as the yabbit yabs really feel natural

>> No.52152359

Stop projecting

>> No.52153152

Hilariously delusional

>> No.52153267

Cope troon

>> No.52153674

Kronii sees herself as a voice actress first and a streamer second. She would drop Hololive immediately if she could get steady voiceover work. She clearly doesn’t love streaming, it’s just a gig. She also has an uncanny ability to embarrass herself through. Definitely a compulsive personality. The homo collabs really dont hurt her at this point, nobody still watching her cares.

>> No.52153959

she can redeem herself if she has her dad come on for a handcam stream to teach us pipeline welding

>> No.52154877

honestly, most of the complaints about Mori read like some shit entirely unrelated to her content
but most Twitter crosspoters don't watch streams or even clips, it's mostly like some fourth/fifth hand passed down info so this is what you tend to get

>> No.52158355

Fpwp. Cuckronies deflection post.

>> No.52158378

>the worst hire
Have you never heard of Sana?

>> No.52158525

sana was decent enough to quit.

>> No.52158597

This also she didn't steal a Wada model.

>> No.52159748

you sound like a particularly salty krocuck

>> No.52160763

she took a well coveted spot from other hopefuls then threw it away

>> No.52160807
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More importantly Pippa Cock Carousel

>> No.52160872

rather than stuck around taking advantage of fans? she fucked up, she hated the job, she quit. unlike: fucked up, hates job, streams to fans she dislikes just to take their money.

>> No.52161496

you forgot her kitten roleplay with her furry friend already?
edgy vtuber to cuck carousel pipeline

>> No.52161589

Kronii is what you call the 'lowest standards', she's depressed, a bit of a wreck, bitchy but thankfully has redeeming evil qualities like laughing at others during her victories. She is lucky as hell, A tier voice that could have been pure effort on her part too, but A tier model.
I hate Kronii a bit, but that makes hate fucking her more appealing. She's redeemable, just a mess, at least she hangs around compared to Gura.

>> No.52161753

Keep to your containment thread, don't make me unleash that rabid Janny on you.

>> No.52163739

i wish it was still grounds for getting your shit kicked in. but now we have actual retards acting like they're peak talent and super important figures in the scene.
it's impossible to spark any passion in this industry now when we have a hivemind of narcissists who literally think they're their avatar.
because pomu knows better than to say stupid shit like that. she's old enough and has had plenty of experience.
i know we all joke and say that all chuubas require at least some level of menhera to become a chuuba, but jesus fuck it wouldn't kill some these bitches to get a grip and be a little more sensible.
then again, that's implying a majority of the people behind the avatars are willing to put in anything that isn't the bare minimum.
they don't need to promise us the world or revolutionize the vtubing scene or whatever the fuck. i just miss the passion. i miss the lack of cliques. i miss chuubas embracing the community and the whimsy that came with a design having life breathed into it.
the only thing people want to do with vtubing is just fame and monetization.
they can at least be honest and say they don't give a shit about the community, i genuinely hope some other trend blows up so they can fuck off already.

>> No.52164148

Nah, pink woman is still worse

>> No.52164350

>la creatividad
No one believed this shit in the first place, but to pretend to keep pushing this even now is just straight up sad.

>> No.52164408

Did an AI trained on the worst of /vt/ write this post?

>> No.52164422


>> No.52164679

Kronii is a good entertainer and fairly clever for a woman. I realize those aren't really important qualities for a vtuber though.

>> No.52164965

If she didn't love streaming why the fuck is she the most consistent one in the branch ?

>> No.52165103

>Mentally Ill, cock-huffing weekend asian chick that comes a pack a hundred

Nothing remotely Worth in all honesty

>> No.52165107

Because she's not at the level where she can pull a Gura.

>> No.52165230

If you think that you probably never watched her or Kronii

>> No.52165359

Go speak to a woman anon

>> No.52165394

Sana exists.
Oh wait...

>> No.52165418

No one from /vt/ has the right to call anyone mentally ill

>> No.52165513

Learn English or calm down. This all sounds very personal to you. It's gonna be okay. You don't have to watch the clock woman.

>> No.52166229

Well I mean she actually likes her fanbase so yea

>> No.52166244

Isn't Fauna or Mumei the most consistent? I don't even know enough about Bae to judge, but I swear Kronii gets shit for taking too many breaks.

>> No.52166351

>least deluded clockbeat

>> No.52166470

No, that would be Sana. Ruined the entire gen because she'd rather serve chink masters. Now every damn Councilrys post has some form of "omg I miss her", and the rest of council have to pretend they give a damn. Worst of all, they won't just officially replace her with IRyS.

I used to hate on those "wasted a slot" monkeys, but maybe they were on to something after all.

>> No.52166625

>pink woman isn't the subject
>still involves her in some form

>> No.52166814

she should unleash her true power for once

>> No.52167487

By becoming the comfort woman she was meant to be?

>> No.52168710

i love this cope when it gets brought out. yeahhh i never watched holo en streams. do you realize how unlikely this is on /vt/? maybe i think it because i watch/watched the streams.
