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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.51594616

Kilia again...if not kiki at least use skye you damn faggot

>> No.51594777
File: 171 KB, 361x361, 052a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours thread lets fuckiing gooooooo

>> No.51594874

Skye is not streaming until Tuesday but Kilia said she's gonna do a Minecraft guerilla on Sunday. Not my fault Skye doesn't stream

>> No.51595033
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>> No.51595128
File: 170 KB, 239x267, 1684691901862767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More tits than ass on that pic, you're sending mixed signals, anon...

>> No.51595359

wow the thread got put up pretty fast for dead hours

>> No.51596684

Why Kiki? We don't want to gross people out before they open the thread

>> No.51597538
File: 334 KB, 478x489, 1683755092210982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea Skye was pissed during Zelda and the apology flew right over my head when I watched her next stream so reading it here made me laugh this morning. She really is cute when shes angry

>> No.51600126

Front ass whatever just slap it.

>> No.51600864

I hope Skye isn't beginning to crack. I don't blame her with everything that happened with EIEN, but she seems like she's stumbling a bit lately

>> No.51601470

No Skye, I will not. I will only slap your phat ass(real) and nothing else.

>> No.51602525

I would hope not... Watching the stalker vod rn, she did mention that she was not feeling 100% lately and that kilia and kiki talked with her about it.

>> No.51605062
File: 53 KB, 175x175, 060d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she seems like she's stumbling a bit lately
Skye knows about certain mods and some skyelights are shit talking in their own shitcord server. She have to force herself to interact with her two-faced skyelights during stream and that upsets her.

Man im glad not having a discord account

>> No.51611319

Kilia hit 15k subs

>> No.51611690

I am happy for her!
I congratulated her in a marshmallow and then I saw our former ritualposters marshmallow that Kilia replied to. Maybe he doesn't mind! I am just a little surprised Kilia would publish a signed marshmallow that's going as far as to say "I love you Kilia, I mean it, really."

>> No.51612116

Funny how he always said he didn't sign maros and then goes ahead and send shit like this just because he was gone for a week.

>> No.51612366

what an attention faggot

>> No.51612431
File: 22 KB, 530x442, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh how the quality of anons falls as time goes. thought we were better than to be this parasocial and easy to fool with GFE

>> No.51612620

Always was, even here. It's funny seeing him get annoyed whenever someone else uses his ritual post

>> No.51613035

Is she planning any celebration?

>> No.51613115
File: 620 KB, 502x585, 1682168406562833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute and dorky bro Skye!

>> No.51613196

>exposes his cringy maro and how he's sent 50 more like this
>completely ignores the i love you part

>> No.51613245

She's doing a handcam stream

>> No.51613876

She's also working on that new OG song

>> No.51614436

I did it, out of principle. This place isn't for namefags. But, he has shown good character, so I wouldn't mind him back. You are missed, Kiliaposter. At least you're happy, getting all that attention from your fishy streamer.
Maybe I should sign maros with random names.

>> No.51614802

Former Rifling cries
Truth unknown, time slipping by
Gives up, free from "love"

>> No.51615110

This is why attentionfagging in maros should be frowned upon, a schizo could send the most vile shit with anyone's name attached and they would be none the wiser

>> No.51615324

>Hello stupid autistic retard whore cunt bitch, here I am to say that you are a stupid autistic whore retard cunt bitch and you fucked with my head for the last year! You deserve to get hurt.
This is why I never sign my marshmallows ever.

>> No.51615373

I hope she is doing ok, but I don't see a major shift. Sure she is under more pressure and had a spergout, but didn't she have a similar one when people were calling her pon all the time? I didn't watch her at the time, only know it from these threads.
But this has got me thinking. Could you imagine Skye going through the same thing as Kiki? I don't think she would last a week before having a public meltdown. This isn't me shitting on Skye btw, I don't think I could endure more than a week and a half of this shit. The sanest person could maybe endure two weeks of it. Try to truly picture yourself in that situation and I think everybody would understand that they would just quit because of the pressure from literally all sides. Sure she has her little safe space of kichains, but if she even dares to peek a bit outside of it, all she sees is a bunch of shit flying her way. It truly takes someone wicked to not only endure all that, but to continue doing what she is doing. At this point, this isn't even hate, just pure amazement at her truly sociopathic personality.

>> No.51615394

>namefagging is bad
>namefags about it over and over again
what did /eien/ mean by this

>> No.51615401

Parasociality is a double-edged sword.
Fly too close to the Sun, and burn.
Don't be foolish.

>> No.51615506
File: 63 KB, 222x222, 1673670395564365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the skyebrapposter...
Riifu... please come back...

>> No.51615508

QRD on the sperg ?

>> No.51615613


tl;dr she started calling herself cringe, people joined in on the joke, she got mad, nobody noticed because she was keeping up the dynamic of her usual streams, apologies all around on discord and stream the next day.

Looking back on it now, it really isn't that she was menhera, just trying to be professional? She didn't interrupt the stream, continued to provide entertainment and calmed down pretty quickly. Maybe she later realized that she was truly hurt by it and didn't want it to repeat so she voiced her opinion? This honestly seems like a more likely explanation than just her being retarded.

>> No.51615637

Literally my bro had a woman moment

>> No.51615690
File: 767 KB, 639x591, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to eien, is anyone able to explain wtf kiki's deal is? I know some tubers act quite horny but this girl is something

>> No.51615753


>> No.51615817

Basically she called her own collab message to Erika cringe, and when she shared it with the skyelights on stream, they agreed it was cringe. It was all giggles at the time, but she later messaged in discord and said in the next stream that she actually was a bit upset. It wasn't a blow up of any kind, but no one really saw it coming.
Yeah, it is like the pon thing, which is another thing that started with her. She'll hide it when the problem is present and no one will see until she says something. There's other little things too, but they add up. I just hope they don't cause her to blow up or shutdown.

>> No.51615821

Put on your sandogasa hat, ronin riifling.

>> No.51615860

>getting mad people go along with her jokes

>> No.51615877

Whore. That is all.
Only Kilia and/or Skye discussion allowed in this general.

>> No.51615939

idk, with this happening again, Skye comes off to me as that kind of person who likes to make fun of others, but who gets mad as soon as someone makes fun of them back... I still love her of course but I'm a bit annoyed...

>> No.51616225

She's definitely a glass cannon. Given the amount she's talked about herself and her past, it's not a secret at all

>> No.51616276


>> No.51616404

>kind of person who likes to make fun of others
What? Off the top of my head I can only remember 1 (one) time she made fun of others, and that was the rizzles nerd thing, where she was also making fun of herself.
I'd also disagree with your whole point. She makes a tonne of jokes about herself, but rarely has problems with them. At least what she shows publicly. And this looks like she was showing her biggest insecurities and was hoping she would get more support and less people going along with the joke. And that is actually perfectly understandable, she made a fucking cringey copy pasta to mask her dread of asking someone for a collab. She communicated it very poorly, but seeing it with context, it is understandable.

My personal rrat is that after she had to cancel because of her sickness, and they didn't get to speak afterwards. The cringey copy pasta was stuck in her head, never got to laugh about it with her and it was just a big cloud of insecurities looming over her. Erika never answered about the rescheduling and she was just asking her viewers for support and to get the courage to send another message to schedule the collab. The jokes fed into the looming cloud of insecurities too much when all i wanted was to get some support. Just a woman moment and I hope she learns that it's ok to just ask for support, not to go about it in a roundabout way.

>> No.51616464

I'm not saying I'm 100% right, of course
Also, making fun of yourself and accepting others jokes about yourself are two different things

>> No.51616483
File: 398 KB, 480x480, 1681695491471535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It took 2 days for the last thread to hit bump limit

>> No.51616685

We all must die, one day.
Do it with dignity.

>> No.51616837

>when all i wanted was to get some support
kek hi skye!

>> No.51616879

Go in with just coom and no emotional attachment. She's a known liar, and her regulars are brainwashed

>> No.51616958
File: 222 KB, 399x399, 059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skye is not /here/. But chances are there and makes me want to kms

>> No.51617082

Yeah, I can agree on that point. Jokes about herself seem to bother her when she is not the one making them. At least some of the time, maybe the ones that hit too close to home?

Nah, not Skye, just me being autistic and getting too much into her mindset.

>> No.51617149

Anon I hate to tell you this but negative signed marrows are the most obvious thing in the world.
Especially if you check the logs on discord to see they still love the vtuber and post wholesome stuff
The girls aren't retarded they can tell falseflag lie marrows

>> No.51617243

A tip from a kichain. Sign your maros in a very specific way so it is immediately obvious when someone falseflags.

>> No.51617311

A tip, stop being pathetic and find someone honest to love.

>> No.51617312

I like you a lot Skye!
If you want some support next time just ask. The skylights aren't mindreaders but we are happy to be nise when you need it. But we can't just tell especially when you hide it.
Also I want to slap Skye's ass so badly

>> No.51617348

True but also kichain...

>> No.51617457

Will kilia feel bad if i stop watching her for a week like she did for kiliaposter? Somehow i doubt that

>> No.51617521

Wait what? Did she actually mention him or something?

>> No.51617539

do better

>> No.51617538

Yes, but can they tell honesty from lies? We know some are two faced. People butter them up, to later steer them, make them act in a way. Or treat them as therapists.
Imagine having to read every post here, except signed...

>> No.51617546

Only it you're a T6 member who's always online on the discord

>> No.51617588 [DELETED] 

Kiliaposter does a lot for her. Of course she values him. He also has clout /here/ and /there/, do you?

>> No.51617796

Is there an unarchived karaoke you anons go back and listen to when you can?

>> No.51617841

Oh this shit? lol who cares. Dude was cringe as fuck, should had stayed gone. Replying to a maro is weird but at least she completely ignored that cringe confession. Vtubers having favorites is always a bad thing though, so either reply to every maro or none at all.

>> No.51617878

What was the lies?

>> No.51617906

>at least she completely ignored that cringe confession
anon of course she's not gonna tell him "I love you too"

>> No.51617909

He has been her favorite since we got memberships, it's so obvious despite what she tries to tell us with the "i love all buoys" shit.
I'm so sure you don't love us based on our membership tiers kilia

>> No.51617946

Too much to list. Dishonesty, even her apology was poison.

>> No.51617951
File: 517 KB, 818x800, 17265262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buoys NTR arc? Ayo?!

>> No.51617971

hes not even a T6 anymore

>> No.51617978


>> No.51618016

check his roles on discord

>> No.51618088

Wait what apology?

>> No.51618123 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 600x600, holdme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros i think I'm going to get both...

>> No.51618156

FUCK wrong thread

>> No.51618168

I still love Kiki...

>> No.51618187


>> No.51618202


>> No.51618205

She apologized on stream and told us that the chair rumor going on in vt is false

>> No.51618238

>donate a lot early to become a known paypig
>couple months in stop completely
>still gets as much attention as other paypigs

>> No.51618356

>other paypigs
who exactly?

>> No.51618379

Nta, watch streams

>> No.51618400

Rumor on vt false? No way the place is ever wrong

>> No.51618438
File: 534 KB, 512x439, 1662424979856725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you namefags obsessed retards so much

>> No.51618514

Are you sad we didn't drop your name?

>> No.51618529

Really now? Someone drops your name here and you're supposed to be happy about it?

>> No.51618588

Aww anon...

>> No.51618640

nta but you really made it sound like you thought getting namedropped /here/ is a good thing

>> No.51618750
File: 351 KB, 551x561, 1680529398721130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you jealous she didn't answer your maro?
Aww anon!

>> No.51618889
File: 447 KB, 582x551, 19817171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so jealous I'm about to explode

>> No.51619095

Anybody keeping up with the discord? Did something happen around the 13th/14th with Kiki or kichains?

>> No.51619144

There should be no streams today but maybe we'll get a kilia stream

>> No.51619510

This thread never talks about kiki

>> No.51619551

wtf I like this thread now

>> No.51619736
File: 570 KB, 618x728, 1684862105074511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons finally coming around to seeing Kiliaposter cringe with his "I LOVE YOU KILIA I REALLY MEAN IT" shit

>> No.51619804
File: 12 KB, 175x65, 1661469762842423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant believe the GFE watcher told the GFE streamer he loves her, that's so cringe

>> No.51619897

Maybe you fag buoys would be Kilia's favorite instead if you told her you love her instead of constantly being fags for each other

>> No.51619901
File: 151 KB, 452x453, 1683425445472585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never leaves comments on my love confessions, so there for Kiliaposter is cringe.

>> No.51619961

I miss Gabe....

>> No.51619966


>> No.51619995

You see this jealousy? This is what you get for indulging in GFE. This is what you deserve!

>> No.51620252

GFE killed this corpo

>> No.51620275


>> No.51620290

why did you do it?

>> No.51620319

I told her to because she's my little strawberry

>> No.51620357
File: 12 KB, 1119x98, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eri is posting some cringe ARG shit on the discord. Gen 2 related maybe?

>> No.51620420

Translate the morse code

>> No.51620630

I cant copy paste that from your fucking image. So the least you could have done was post the translation. I'm not joining your discord for gay quests.

>> No.51620649


>> No.51620917

Sorry eri I'm too dumb

>> No.51620937

>They should change everything so they can appeal to ME
twitter troon go back

>> No.51620943

Eri this is retarded what's the point of stuff like this? If you want a bwc to correct you just say so without being cryptic.

>> No.51620992

this reminds me of Hololive's Council teaser shit, all the weird chuuni lore that didn't mean anything

>> No.51621357

Cheers bro, that's the plan

>> No.51621866

There will be no gen 2

>> No.51623611

Well they're already making models for it, so at least auditions will happen. I'm more worried about what kind of talent they will find, with EIEN's reputation as it is.

>> No.51624054
File: 283 KB, 2560x1440, Fy3MaBcaUAALbud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Skye schedule.
2 silent hill streams. For membership stream, there is just this request in the description
>The only thing I ask of you is to keep suggestions YouTube-friendly please, thank you!!!

>> No.51624415

Why didn't you copy the text retard

>> No.51624503


>> No.51624647

>wake up
>thread still shit
Also it's kind of funny that the only two maros that Kilia responded to are from anons. Really makes you think.

>> No.51624905
File: 397 KB, 511x405, 1677709440074278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves us(me)

>> No.51624977

>complains about the thread being shit
>starts shit again about an insignificant subject that was finally dropped
kill yourself?

>> No.51625428
File: 1.03 MB, 821x975, 1685536723044351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooood morning eien, hope you're having a great Sunday!
As always, love your bros, both irl and /here/, and of course, love and take care of yourself as well!

Could you imagine Skye going through the same thing as Kiki?
I could see her breaking down in a couple of days, a full stream of nothing but meltdowns and apologies, shit like that eats at and destroys a person. And I guess that just goes to show that if nothing else, kiki has some backbone when it comes to that. Wouldn't call her wicked per say, and in this case it definitely isn't a good thing, but nevertheless, I give her props for soldiering on, doing what she is doing despite backlash.

I would go with this explanation as well, sometimes something that you think is ok in the moment and you can just brush it off comes back to gnaw at your mind and find out you were affected more than you thought. In which case, I'm glad she was able to settle the matter quickly and openly instead of letting it build up and fester inside. This kind of openess is really rare nowadays, in people in general.
And I guess this is also homework for us, she is still a woman, and a pretty insecure at that(note that this isn't haha women shit, just saying that they are wired differently when it comes to this), so sometimes dropping the banter and teasing in favor of support and reassurance is something we have to learn to do. Bros don't just banter, they are also there for each other when things are tough and raise each other up.

Hi Skye! I love your giggles!
Also, I must have missed the detail of Erika not responding to the rescheduling, I really hope they can work it out, I've been in her streams once or twice, and she's a really good girl, it would be a real shame if a collab never happened...

Don't worry, she doesn't mind the ass slap posts or you having the gay for her!

Noice, plenty of scared Skye next week. Also, a thought, but if she's gonna play a lot of old games, maybe vrt will pick her up? They have a few /here/ chuubas from what I gather and they seem fairly chill, possible collab opportunities hmm?

>> No.51625717
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mucho Texto. Nobody home

>> No.51625734

>kill yourself?
Only is you join me~

>> No.51625760


>> No.51625780


>> No.51625803

filipino prime time...

>> No.51625814


>> No.51626114

There was also a color hex (red) so I’m assuming the model’s main colors are red? Maybe idk

>> No.51626130
File: 347 KB, 697x571, 1686777824965047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it has to be mucho texto, I slept for a long time and there was actual discussion going on during it!

>> No.51626133

Kiki's red summer dress

>> No.51628133
File: 1.22 MB, 750x1058, 1683578324284239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friendly Skyeposter! Hope you are having an amazing day as well!

A lot of Skye discussion today, varied topics as well.
Just one thing, the Erika not responding to scheduling is just a rrat, no confirmation. They would be awesome together and hope either Skye gets the courage to message her or Erika does it first. Hope to see them be cute together!

>> No.51628341
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, Fy6VontXsAEga4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kilia is doing a 12-hour stream for her 15k subs

>> No.51628485

>Erika not responding to scheduling is just a rrat
Ahhh yea I see it now, my speedreading ass jumped over that, whoops. Well then, time for Skye to gather all the rizz and type that first "Hey!"

>> No.51628511
File: 646 KB, 783x733, 172726272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51628565

What's going on with erika? Aren't those two supposed to be friends

>> No.51628651

Oh no, it was just me responding to >>51616404 and missing the very clear
>My personal rrat
at the start of the paragraph because I'm retarded. Nothing is going on, at least to our knowledge.

>> No.51628683

Don't know about any dox/PL shit and i really don't want to, but as far as Skye was talking about it, no, they aren't acquainted. Skye just sent a message to her asking for a collab (after a lot of hyping up and writing a cringe copypasta)

>> No.51628886

Did kilia stealth drop Subnautica? The times she mentioned it recently she didn't talk about continuing it

>> No.51629266
File: 438 KB, 629x809, I'm A Fool To Want You[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8a0hzv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51629552

You type like Zow

>> No.51629665

I think so, she didn't seem to love it

>> No.51629836
File: 751 KB, 857x850, 1716262727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of fucking anons that type like zow in this thread, it's truly a nightmare. I see it all the time but i stopped pointing it out because apparently it's never actually him...

>> No.51629865

grace could mean godly motifs,
rise could mean rising from water or hell
red color code gives me kraken or devilish vibes

>> No.51629944

I'm actually not dumb anymore and i wrote your post, if what *i* wrote is right I'm of course going to take credit!

>> No.51630138

Kilia would get better numbers on twitch. Just saying

>> No.51630140

well anon i obviously consulted you and we both came up with these

>> No.51631287 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 1204x664, IMG_2256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>51629865 (me)
just to elaborate more after a think, “teach me like you taught her” kinda makes me think of Kilia, when she was reached out to by the light in her lore video, and how she rose from the abyss. “by your grace” again, light and godly motif, possibly referencing the light hand that took kilias, also sort of elden ring- ish. rise gives me kraken or octopus or even cthulhu vibes— why? well ywuria bought Kilias original design off dA then gave it to Eri. after looking through ywurias adoptable bids (adoptables on dA are a cheap way to get a decent design) ywuria (ywuneycorn on dA) also got this eldritch mommy adoptable that she “sold” to some weird account that follows her. (possibly also a possible rebrand design that she passed off to eien again) However the colors are different than red (picrel), so maybe it’s a stretch, but I feel like it’s kraken related.

thanks for listening to my schizo theories!

>> No.51631409

Of course the schizo vocaroo would be incredibly obvious, but I am also wary of more insidious and sly kinds of false flagging, such as by writing messages that seem conceivable, but also include slight disinfo that the chuuba can conclude is falsehood to slowly erode her trust in you as a regular in a way that won't even show at first, let alone have her say anything about it. And you'd never know it's going on. I cringe every time I see a maro signed, but I know that's only because I am a schizoid freak.

>> No.51631422

To add to this in case people didnt realize yet but that code is hex code for a strong red colour

>> No.51631495

I want to draw kilia, gimme some prompts

>> No.51631592

Kilia wearing a Union Jack cape

>> No.51631696

That model is cool

>> No.51632013

if there’s any model like that or the rumored dark elf i will be happy with gen 2

>> No.51632879

Looking at kiki's alt, it's like she is trying to do a Riifu but she has no soul in it.

>> No.51633656

I'm enjoying it. Never liked riifu

>> No.51633787

It would be pretty hot, if Kiki wasn’t ewwwww

>> No.51633846

>never liked Riifu
>I'm enjoying Kiki
Holy mother of shit taste. Good for you fag.

>> No.51634090

besides a dark elf, what else would you like to see? you may end up liking something that you weren’t expecting though

>> No.51634681

>Liking an inferior product
It has to be bait

>> No.51634972

To be fair to him I agree that signed maros are cringe when it's a maro reading stream and stuff, but when it's like Kilia who supposedly doesn't answer them I don't find it as annoying after thinking about it

>> No.51635028

Inferior how? They are practically the same

>> No.51635088
File: 158 KB, 340x292, 1668553148977712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, cucking is hot. Riifu seemed to genuinely like her fans to my liking.

>> No.51635142
File: 622 KB, 876x897, 17262525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is bait. I don't actually care about both. I only watch and love Kilia

>> No.51635222

so, how are you enjoying your superior products content?

>> No.51635319
File: 10 KB, 119x76, 1666329179449565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51635335

With my dick on my hand, of course.

>> No.51635429
File: 666 KB, 864x949, 17262526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51635486
File: 196 KB, 279x392, 1679466129604781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she see some breadcrumbs on the ground and wanted to make her own trail?

>> No.51635643

Your whore didnt invent giving clues riitard

>> No.51635699
File: 114 KB, 202x357, Screenshot 2023-05-17 002058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a random idea, courtesy of my current history yt videos binge:
What would you think if Skye, beside her Skyestation, also had an occasional, let's say once a month, podcast style series where she tackled a random topic in as much depth as she could gather material on, for example history, mythology, science. I think it could be a fun thing, and a great way for both her and us to expand our knowedge on things we might not have looked into otherwise. Could even have guests, it's a nice excuse for a collab!

>> No.51635909

Your whore decides to do it right after ours does. Something seems suspect. She's letting our woman know she's still stalking her.

>> No.51635915
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Could be fun, but I don't see it happening. Skyestation can already serve that purpose if she wants to share something and adding on another show might be too much right now. This is also a lot of research if you aren't already familiar with the field.
Interesting idea though, keep em coming.

>> No.51636020

take your meds, but unironically. the last sentence is too schizo even for this general.

>> No.51636128

>for this general
Go away Eri bootlicker

>> No.51636444
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Yea, I know it's probably a pipe dream, but my desire for more 2+hour long streams about random topics just cannot be satiated right now! And even if it does somehow happen, I don't see it happening more than maybe once a month because, as you said, lots of research that would have to go into it. Also the work-life balance to consider, something she seems to take seriously right now. Adding a big project like this would definitely tip the scales a bit.

>> No.51636651

Of course, just that between this ARG, that breadcrumb trail, /here/ ARG, NDA bullshit, I'm tired of obscure secrets.

>> No.51636969

Why do all that when she could just do a Stephanie stream and get money while doing it

>> No.51637046

hmm don’t know, but definitely want another dommeh mommy. something not generic like cat girl. maybe a little obedient bitch puppy. even if there aren’t any coombaiters this gen i don’t mind

>> No.51637061

first schizo oshi?

>> No.51637240
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I don't know when it was but i remember "complaining" about the fact that you couldn't know right away that Kilia's cupid parody was in fact a parody of fifty fifty's cupid.
So i was about to do my daily listen of Kilia's songs and i noticed that she actually changed the title so it's more clear and even the thumbnail kek.

>> No.51637326

Kilia had a date with ProspectTheorist just now

>> No.51637410

Kilia your luck stat...

>> No.51637456

at this point, the only eien talent that I would wager does not read these threads anymore is the bad one.

>> No.51637482

She talked about this on stream sometime last week I think

>> No.51637892

Yes, first and last oshi.

>> No.51637939

Wiat, why doesn't Skye have the collab in her schedule?
From Kilias thumbnail it seems like it is a whole EIEN collab.

>> No.51638049

Hi Riifu. Funny to see that you still can’t get over it and feel like everything is about you. :)

>> No.51638165

She changed the Mephisto and the 10k Celebration thumbnails too so it's just a coincidence.

>> No.51638179

bait, nobody is this stupid

>> No.51638217

something something pon

>> No.51638246

Everyone knows Riifu only ever made the Skye brapposts.

>> No.51638347

No it's not! But let's believe what we want

>> No.51638584

Oh yeah everyone knows because everyone has a name here I forgot

>> No.51638601

>>51631287 (me)

red hex code, rise, grace

anyways looking forward to gen 2

>> No.51638682

Stupid enough to think that Eri gives a fuck about her that the ARG shit was copied?

>> No.51639026

it could be, but we also basically know know that Kilia is here with us at least sometimes.
retarded niggeroid.

>> No.51639405
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And her reputation from her donothon probably plays a part in it too.

>> No.51639489

kek yeah kiki, it's your "content" that's the issue.

>> No.51639530

What's funny is that she probably tried to reach out to other vtubers. She had a contacts and collab plans before all this, and they probably all ghosted her since then.
And that's 100% deserved.

>> No.51639545

I can't believe Kiki invented lewd vtubers

>> No.51639600

Riifu collabed with Idol? Why can’t Kiki?

>> No.51639609

I wonder if it ever reached Nova's eyes/ears, being her only collab partner before the bomb dropped

>> No.51639613

Meanwhile Melody got a whole fucking corpo built around her who ended up as probably the biggest Western focused vtuber corpo kek
Theres a limit to the amount of coping one can do

>> No.51639636

Kiki can just collab with other vtubers with literally nothing to lose like Mel

>> No.51639731

she's talking about her ntr-focused content obviously...

>> No.51639913

Kiki I love you...

>> No.51639960 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.51640107

What's worse, having your oshi collab with a male or collab with kiki?

>> No.51640202

This feels pretty deserved, Miss Lockheart.
From what I've heard of her recently, even she wouldn't want to collaborate with Kiki since she is targeting Goslings and unicorns. That is unless Kiki's numbers make her 2view pussy too wet, which could be.

>> No.51640282
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>> No.51641246
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There is more.
Seems like she got rejected for a collab.

>> No.51641376

At least she’s somewhat self aware of what a disgusting person she is.

>> No.51641491

fucking zozzle, but you're getting something wrong Kiki. The closer you get and the more you know, the nastier you seem. And this isn't about the lewd content either. Riifu could collaborate with Idol Corp. 100% AVtubers like Projekt Melody still get collaborations, even with less adult vtubers. It's about the outrageous things you've done, and the reputation you earned from it.

>> No.51642037

I've watched Mel's stream on twitch only few times, and she seems genuinely good person, and I didn't feel like she was constantly trying to be lewd, so I guess it's easier to Collab with her since she has some sort of separation between lewd content and gaming/zatsu content spiced up with a bit of lewdness/lewd talk. Anyway I wanted to say that Mel doesn't seem like desperate/unhinged coomer on main, which makes her safer bet along other lewdtubers.

>> No.51642096


>> No.51642132


>> No.51642412
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Drawing the union jack was a pain

>> No.51642565

I think there are 2 things that makes others not want to collab with kiki and being lewd is not one of them.
1. the donothon thing is obvious
2. the kichains themselves
The other vtubers themselves might not care much and would want to collab but they also need to think about how their fans would react. Who would ever want to be associated with the kichains? Look at them in non coomer streams.

>> No.51642585

Kiki should graduate, but of course she won't, and eien doesn't mind her besmirching the agency either.

>> No.51642758

Damn, that's great anon, good job!

>> No.51642864

I think they mind but they cant realistically afford to graduate her because :
1. A second graduation so fast will definitely kill them, even more than the first one did
2. Normies would jump them because "They only graduated her for having a boyfriend"

>> No.51643131

I have a low opinion of Eri now, and so I could imagine that there isn't even a will; especially if the flip favoritism rrat is to be believed. But it's true that even if there was, they are in a position where they can't do that right now. But between Kiki and allegations about Riifu's work environment, EIEN has earned a "bad corp" reputation for sure. I just feel bad for Kilia and Skye, who deserve none of this.

>> No.51643150

At the rate this shit is going, normies will jump them because they allowed one of their talents to kill herself.

>> No.51643441


>> No.51643442

Gorilla kilia...

>> No.51643452


>> No.51643463

EIEN would have nothing to do with that. Kiki isnt even getting publically harassed. A bunch of people laughed at the chair thing which I admit is possibly/probably not real but that's about it. The only "harassment" she gets is people being rightfully openly disgusted by her in this thread.
She doesnt even get catalog threads.

>> No.51643614


>> No.51643646

other corpos don’t want their kids hanging out with the weird eien kids

>> No.51643698

Yet Kilia and Skye both collabed outside of EIEN last week

>> No.51643706

Imagine being kiki and knowing your actions and presence is harming everyone around you.
No one wants to collab with you
Other vtubers mock you
The only people who side with you are the cucks
You have to put on a brave face and lie to yourself like saying you love the kichains
>Riifu's work environment
No one even believes riifu's side except for the riiflings

>> No.51643847

The worst has to be knowing that your genmates and coworkers are all lying when they say they support you. You know they know they would be better off without you, and that they're aware that your sole presence next to them is a hindrance to their growth.

>> No.51643882

Hell, she even still getting subs and is ahead of Skye. It makes no fucking sense, but that's reality

>> No.51643910

>No one even believes riifu's side except for the riiflings
You can keep telling that to yourself, but at minimum we've all witnessed management fucking with her a lot during her time with EIEN, always telling her she may not do this or may not do that over the silliest reasons. It's obvious that riiflings are going to have the strongest feelings on the matter, but Eri's weird hit piece also drew skepticism from other fanbases.

>> No.51643912

Waaahhh i love timeloops

>> No.51643983 [SPOILER] 
File: 129 KB, 400x400, 1983436325466285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all is fine haha

>> No.51644015

correction: kiki is the unwanted weird child that’s an eien kid

>> No.51644020
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As sad as this is, I think it's a good thing on the long run. Clearly she wants to have fun in this community and grow her fanbase, otherwise she wouldn't reach out for collabs in the first place and just do her own thing. And this could be the wake up call she needed to reflect on her past actions and think on what she needs to change to improve her reputation.

>> No.51644102

When she collabs with a male its all over
but collabing with a female doesnt mean you have to share their views and such

>> No.51644139

To be fair to Kiki, and as disgusting and wrong what she did / still do is, there is still room for redemption.
Don't be dumb Kiki. Come out clean. Assume your mistakes. Strive to do better.

>> No.51644194

If other vtubers can stay afloat in spite of male yabs, she can too. It'll take a long time, however.

>> No.51644201

>there is still room for redemption.
Lol, nice try.

>> No.51644232

Keep telling that to yourself

>> No.51644245

Others did. She can too.

>> No.51644254
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>always telling her she may not do this or may not do that over the silliest reasons

>> No.51644304

>always telling her she may not do this or may not do that over the silliest reasons
That's what the riitards did

>> No.51644307

I still think that's entirely fair. I don't even expect her to stop the coomer stuff or GFE pandering. The illusion is ruined for everyone in the know (except for cucks), but if someone wants to give Kiki Lockheart a second chance, or remains blissfully unaware of the past, then that would be none of my business. All I would want is an earnest apology. One that doesn't shift the blame, or essentially just sweeps the issue under the rug. Because I am such a care bear she wouldn't even have to say out loud that she snuck her literal lover into these viewer games. Something as simple as "I'm sorry for what I did, it was wrong." would suffice, because I am that easy to please. But she doesn't even have the courage for as little as that.
>no u

>> No.51644362

I honestly can't see the way to redemption other than having a literal meltdown and admitting to everything. I can't really see her admitting to things without having a big big meltdown.
And if she did admit everything, I'd watch again and stop posting shit about her.
No way that is ever happening so, I will just enjoy myself like this.

>> No.51644403 [DELETED] 

She's ALLOWED to have a boyfriend. You are all blowing this way out of proportion.

>> No.51644423


>> No.51644449

She lost some subs, which I thought was almost impossible, most people very rarely unsubscribe from anything, maybe occasionally when clearing the list of subscriptions, if it ever happens at all, and here even the statistics reflected this fall, unbelievable.

>> No.51644559


>> No.51644578

Sshhhh, they never did anything. Don't point out anything and let the riitards believe what they want. No one else is falling for it

>> No.51644593

i agree, redemption can probably only be had by a genuine apology for being ewww

>> No.51644655

She most certainly is, but lying about literally everything, considering the content she does, was extremely manipulative, to the point of being evil.

>> No.51644827

The agency has no reputation to speak of which one could besmirch.

>> No.51644854

No one gives a fuck that she has a boyfriend. The mistake is that she's a massive liar.

>> No.51644883

Holy shit, great job anon!

>> No.51645037

Kilia and feet? MY IMMERSION!!

>> No.51645092

I can't believe Kilia has feet...

>> No.51645125


>> No.51645243

You're a dumb spastic. In the first place, riitards don't have the power to order her around, but even if we were to grant that, then what some riitards did was tell her that they don't like her joining a voice chat with the same clique of no-life losers hanging out in her members only voice chat 24/7 (half of which were either fag lord mods that got booted by now, or ended up turning into literal antis surprise surprise we were right about those people), or her pandering with pictures of her literal irl ass. This is all stuff any reasonable person on this board can usually agree on, and what a surprise, /eien/ used to be in consensus about this at the time it happened. I invite you to read the archive, surely you weren't there.

Now let's look at management for comparison, except I can't even be arsed to list the full extent of bullshit that we went through. From banning prechat, to banning discord, to making a free chat, to telling her to remove it again, freaking out over her teasing livestreams scheduled for literally next week, moaning that their at the time most popular talent isn't uploading them enough shorts (very awesome of Eri to flip that shit back around on her with her statement as though it could ever be believed Riifu is the one to care about them when she brings up numbers), and last minute suspending her for a weekend because of some internal disagreement (let's even call it a fight, doesn't matter; but serves them right desu, it was probably the final drop in the bucket that made her quit for good) that they had, and surely that's still not everything I could remember.

>> No.51645467

>BotW is shit

>> No.51645520

Kilia you are right, Breath of the Wild sucks.
Only zoomers like that shit.

>> No.51645531
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I miss Mioposter

>> No.51645555

I dont, he was just a whore

>> No.51645576

Shut up Mioposter, nobody cares.

>> No.51645643

Gabe was a better namefag anyway

>> No.51645703

>cuckchains still defending
Fuck off already. If that bitch had never been found out she would still be lying.
You cucks can keep falling for her shit, but dont take it here.

>> No.51645773

Based contrarian

>> No.51645880

You think she doesn’t know that?

>> No.51645925

No Kiki is supposed MY girlfriend.

>> No.51645955


>> No.51646007

lmao based Kilia

>> No.51646085


>> No.51646331

the fuck is this shit, gen 2 hints?
About goddamn time rat.

>> No.51646342

She only lost like 30 from what she had at the time, but when you think about it, they were a very significant 30 to have cared enough to go out of their way to unsubscribe so quickly. They were probably going to be future loyal fans and members for she genuinely was a nice person to watch. Her growth also stalled for quite a while, during the time when she was getting around 100 a day because of the dono buff. That works out roughly 300-500 subs 'lost' for something that didn't even publicly seep into her actual streams and mostly circled around 4chan. Crazy. All those people could've been converted into loyal paypigs but she just couldn't fucking resist being such a bold bitch, could she? Such a disappointment because I enjoyed her 'honest' and 'open' personality more than anything. I felt so hurt and humiliated when the truth came out. All those smug laughing clips during the things she did, all the lies and flawless acting. Remembering the time when I was watching those streams that the clips came from. I didn't deserve to be treated like that. The flaccid and cowardly apology was the final twist in my gut. I truly, truly hate this woman.

>> No.51646383

You do understand that he doesn’t give a fuck and just copypastes the same bait every time, right?

>> No.51646471

how does kilia feel about me masturbating to her

>> No.51646623

It was cathartic to write what I wrote.

>> No.51646839

>Kichains defends kiki no matter what
>Riiflings take Riifu's words over everything and are always dindus
What does kilia and skye have?

>> No.51646868

jealous buoys

>> No.51646886

Skye doesn't pander to GFE

>> No.51646925

Kilia doesnt need defending because she is a good girl.

>> No.51646995

she's fine with it

>> No.51647020

>Kichains defends kiki no matter what
There are none here. Yeah, sometimes someone pretends to defend her, but this is either a trolling attempt or a mod licking corpo's boot here for free.

>> No.51647043

I'm a skylight and I believe them just to speak my peace.
But I love Skye so it is what it is.

>> No.51647130

>Riiflings take Riifu's words over everything and are always dindus
I want to say that I was against her voice chatting with people who even did turn out to be bad people in the end, and also that I participated in the first freakout riiflings had over it. But then I accepted that it makes Riifu happy, and so I changed my mind about it, and deeply regret some of what I posted during this time. I can not in good conscience say I dindunuthing. Thank you for accepting my apology at the time, Riifu!

>> No.51647146

There are a couple of kichains that visit /here/ every now and then, but all the posts that "defend" her are the most obvious baits ever. I just bite them every time to express just how much I hate Kiki.

>> No.51647154

Of course these faggots Raziel and Hingle are homobeggars

>> No.51647215

Skye has overpositive faggots and I really think they're the worst thing that's happened to this thread.

>> No.51647249

Wait Raziel was the one who brought it up?
What the fuck, if he likes Kilia so much to be her biggest paypig, why would he want a male gen

>> No.51647492

Buoys and Skyelights, I presume

>> No.51647696

Buoys rather kiss eachother than her, this makes her seethe.
Skye gets upset and the skyelights don't even realize anything is wrong

>> No.51647792

Buoys want more men to kiss instead of kilia.
She's in shambles...

>> No.51647926

and then they come here and schizo about Kiliaposter being her favorite kek

>> No.51647936

what the fuck is this bowl/plate shit Kilia is talking about? is it a woman thing?

>> No.51648045

it's his boyfriend shitting here out of jealousy

>> No.51648062
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>Kilia is a shortstack

>> No.51648154

but he his her boyfriend... Saruman told me...

>> No.51648176


>> No.51648192

love triangle...

>> No.51648197

What the fuck is Kilia doing right now? Is she really this much of a whore?

>> No.51648224

All EiEN are whores

>> No.51648237

yeah, mine

>> No.51648254

Sadly not as much as your mom was when she had you

>> No.51648256

holy esl

>> No.51648277
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>> No.51648285

That boyfriend? Me.

>> No.51648363

I fucking love whores!

>> No.51648380

>Nebi in Kilia chat
I want to fuck both of them

>> No.51648388


>> No.51648433

You’re actually spot on, my mom was a massive fucking whore.

>> No.51648622

jesas Kilia

>> No.51648968

You know nebi would be happy to have a 3some because she speaks in the 3rd person

>> No.51649404


>> No.51650252

Why did nobody react to the gen 2 news kilia gave us?

>> No.51650321

I would send maros but I usually only send lewd shit and she would never reply to those.

>> No.51650400

In the end, you will all get an answer to your maros thanks to kiliaposter kek

>> No.51650416

She didnt give any news, just said Eri will open audition. They havent even picked anyone yet.

>> No.51650488

Then don't send them faggot, go waste your time with kiki or skye

>> No.51650637

>They havent even picked anyone yet
Grim. It feels like their best hand would've been to already have gen 2 on track. Diamonds won't audition for an agency with EIENs track record. Gen 2 might turn out to be coal.

>> No.51651697

Kek >>51651548
Imagine believing that

>> No.51651999

Well I believe it anyway.

>> No.51652003

I don't have to imagine.

>> No.51652110

>Shilling your catalogfaggotry in a dead general
holy kek

>> No.51652184

go back

>> No.51653447


>> No.51654167

Beefy thread today

>> No.51654532

we are so back
