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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51146860 No.51146860 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is with the spam amounts of 'mori good' threads? Which one of you is paying out the amazon gift cards?

>> No.51147027
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>Pink woman good
This but unironically

>> No.51147188

It's (you)

>> No.51147223

Repetition is the simplest form a propaganda.

>> No.51147285 [DELETED] 

Cumchuck deflection thread

>> No.51147336


>> No.51149260

Pink woman was always good, the schizos' pent up boners just finally overpowered their minds

>> No.51150850

Mori Schizos and antis are so buttfucked broken that now they resort to creating "pink woman good" threads just to samefag and circlejerk their hate. If you point out this obvious charade, they will try their hardest to defend and say otherwise, which further cements and proves they are spamming these threads.

>> No.51150955

She streams and works hard, it's that simple.

>> No.51153263


>> No.51153391

She's good alright, for sex that's it.

>> No.51153454

The "pinkwoman good" threads are just a smokescreen to get angry retards in there saying "NO, PINK WOMAN BAD". It's bait.

>> No.51154458

First time seeing false flag bait threads? They used to only appear maybe once a week, but some schizo must of had something break in his head and he's been posting multiple every day since Mori announced her new EP. Not sure if that specifically triggered it though, but it's the only thing I can think of since Mori hasn't really done anything you could even consider a yab for like over a year at this point.

>> No.51155604

and yet you and the rest of the mori defense force still reply to every single one of these threads instead of ignoring them and letting it die. curious.

>> No.51156403 [DELETED] 

Nice try, deadcuck, but I can tell you are part of the double secret Mori Defense Force sleeper cell, and you are trying to criticize her fans to throw us off your trail.

>> No.51156476

She is being forgiven the same way /vt/ forgave Kiara because she deserves it, simple as

>> No.51156657

Kek if you look at those threads there's usually a schizo who bumps it whenever it reaches page 10, it's hilarious.

>> No.51156673

pink woman good is spammed by vshojotrannies trying to put their dogshit chuubas near holos to look good

>> No.51157752


>> No.51158385

In case you retards didn't know. Pink is the colour of manipulators and deceivers

>> No.51160195

ok sure

>> No.51160685

If she streams so much why is she barely ever clipped?

>> No.51165406

Mori may be an annoying cringelord but she's OUR annoying cringelord.

>> No.51169316


>> No.51169569 [DELETED] 

It's cuckbeats trying to rehabilitate her trashy image to save her dying career
That's why every one of these threads brings up how she is totally a real idol, how the japanese love her because you know if japan says she's good it has to be true and how she's such a hard worker because EN has a work ethic problem
It's pathetic how transparent the whole attempt is

>> No.51169723

I mean I used to see them here and there but it feels like lately it's like 5 different ones a day, did something happen?

>> No.51171275


>> No.51174125

she streams nearly every day

>> No.51174210

Her EP is the only major thing she has announced/done lately. No clue what actually triggered it.

>> No.51174243

the way can describe it is as reverse bait where they know that /vt/ hates pink woman so they post something that they know people will reply to even it's positive

>> No.51174347

The only good pink cringelord is Pippa. Pippa is the type of cringe that makes you laugh in private but be embarrassed in public. Mori is the type of cringe that you just can't look away from. Even though you know it's wrong for being such a sad and depressing sight, you just keep coming back for more. All the while feeling a sort of happiness that, for once, the person getting laughed at isn't you.

>> No.51174455

Has she apologized yet?

>> No.51178417


>> No.51178507

Apologized for what?

>> No.51178544

The only good pink women are Lui and Koyori. Luna's okay too I guess, she just gets on my nerves.

>> No.51178666


>> No.51180157

Ok, Satan

>> No.51182199


>> No.51182888

Why now though? Did something happen with her?

>> No.51182929
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>> No.51182944

new EP is coming out or she just lives that rent free in their heads

>> No.51184968

Yeah im thinking based

>> No.51187774

We love Mori now.

>> No.51192958


>> No.51194560

all me

>> No.51194578


>> No.51194715

I wrote this
