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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51083962 No.51083962 [Reply] [Original]

For discussions, pictures, everything about /k/'s Dutch Tactical Gun Idol Whiskey Project and her squadron

ᗐWhiskey Projectᗐ

ᗐSleepy Projectᗐ

ᗐUmari Tomoeᗐ


ᗐArianna Foxtonᗐ

previous threads:>>51071133

>> No.51084504
File: 359 KB, 960x546, IMG_0814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who still doubt these women owning guns, here’s sleepy cleaning her Spanish Mauser on stream.

Here’s the VOD: https://twitch.tv/videos/1841302087

We must support these vtubers at all cost.

>> No.51085413

I have to ask, not just for you two, but for everyone. Do you guys like military aesthetic on vtubers, or the actual thought of women owning guns? Not really disparaging anyone, just really curious as to why this general was formed.

>> No.51086647
File: 870 KB, 1200x750, Two women and one gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about the others, but I like guns and I like women with guns since that's a huge turn on for me, so I like this general because it's a general about women who like guns streaming. To a certain extent, I also like military aesthetic, but if the woman doesn't know nothing about guns, then no amount of aesthetic will make me watch you. Nothing turns me off than a larper trying to be something they're not. As for why this general was made, I made the first Whiskey thread and then two other people did and that's how /tactical/ was born. Hopefully, people on /vt/ will watch these girls because they deserve it.

>> No.51087075

>whores and /k/uckolds general
Want another hobby ruined? Bring your w*man to a range! Yay!

>> No.51087291

For me it's the latter in that it's neat to watch a vtuber who shares a similar interest.

>> No.51087644

Should we add leaflet? She's also a gun enjoyer. She has a stream gun she keeps on her desk when camming and currently a vtuber themed holster on her shop.

>> No.51089729
File: 61 KB, 725x1024, Whiskey ready for mating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first saw Whiskey when I was trying to learn about Dutch Naval warships and fell in love with her ever since. She tugs at my heart like you wouldn’t believe. She’s my ideal woman and I want to marry her. She’s also a legit gun nut so that’s great.

>> No.51090979

It’s women with guns. What more can you ask for?

>> No.51092483

I don’t see why not. People wanted to add more vtubers who are into guns and own guns.

>> No.51092586

Im going to make a video of me sawing a gun in half and send it to whiskey!

>> No.51092693

She'd love a vid of someone making an unregistered SBR and hamming it up.

>> No.51092886
File: 341 KB, 1200x900, Remember, no survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Destroying a gun
Whiskey is going to beat you until you're covered in bruises and you can't walk. Never destroy any guns in her presence.

>> No.51093173
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Sleepy also said in a stream that she would like to do a FPV gun range stream, but she needs to figure out how to do it without doxing herself

>> No.51093661
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guns are just tools anon, thousands upon thousands more are destroyed in combat everyday, removing one from the American consumer market is just burning money, there will always be more guns.

>> No.51093709

Its about watching her get upset. Faggot.

>> No.51093758
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she won't care

>> No.51093815

Says you

>> No.51093834

you should totally drop 2-3 grand on a high end rifle and destroy it that would be really funny

>> No.51093857

tons of them here in germany in smaller scales
they are mostly fuckfests
It's why I refuse to give anyone a view that's a furry. Ain't no way I am watching a filthy degenerate
It's just a hobby they picked up, because it looked cool. It's the same as funko pops. Wasting your money on shit that doesnt even sell.

Rye is the prime example of a used whore with drug issues. As long as you aren't fat you are basically the queen at the furry meet ups. Sure most of those are male and gay but even the ugly girls get passed around.

>> No.51093979

>wasting your money
I regularly go hog hunting with my SKS and deer hunting with my Sako, it's a great way to spend time with my extended family. Yeah I understand being a funko collector being seen as a waste of money but isn't the point of hobbies a bit? If you're cynical and jaded enough you can classify any hobby as a waste of money.

>> No.51094332

>Gun owners are insecure about themselves that need need to broadcast it to the world
Why are Americans like this?

>> No.51094396

Even better

>> No.51096781

Imagine all the gun tubers showing off their collections and you show up with a .22

>> No.51098205

nice guns

>> No.51099897

But what if they had...muscles?

>> No.51101339

.22 probably would have killed way more

>> No.51101616

Fucking finally. I always felt like they need a general

>> No.51101882
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Wishy is playing Stalker: Anomaly again

>> No.51102220
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She's working on it

>> No.51102814


>> No.51104101

Whiskey is playing Warhammer 3!

>> No.51106131

wishy playing tarkov now

>> No.51107895

Kinda too long and common. Why not call it /gundol/ or /vk/

>> No.51109633

I suggested /tacticool/

>> No.51110291

if we want short generic terms we could go for /vtac/

>> No.51110489

Whiskey's sweaty thighs

>> No.51110636

Wringing her sweaty spats dry...

>> No.51110672

I do like the way this sounds

>> No.51111220

Gun idols shows how easy it is for any woman to milk losers and simps for cash and attention but putting a surface level interest into their hobby

>> No.51111460


>> No.51111799

yes, we like vtubers

>> No.51113507

Wild take my dude
Both using idols for random vtubers, and also not having the self awareness to realize your own vtubers are putting on a surface level interest in your own hobbies of anime and speaking broken Japanese

>> No.51115181
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>> No.51117326
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Eep in 2 1/2 hours with Majora's Mask on Youtube

>> No.51117566

ash12 meme gun

>> No.51118627

awesome to see a pro mass murder thread here, keep it up

>> No.51120818
File: 96 KB, 744x1024, North Korean naval officer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of them love North Korea and use North Korean Guns?

>> No.51122834
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I love eepy...

>> No.51122859

Whiskey uses lots of Russian origin guns. So there’s that.

>> No.51123258

We know

>> No.51123408
File: 1.48 MB, 1343x855, Whiskey's gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's currently making a gun that's based on the type 88.

>> No.51123983

Eeps live with Majora's Mask

>> No.51126468

She's cute

>> No.51127638
File: 252 KB, 1500x2150, FGdWcS_VkAEyr-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the /ak/ colony thread? Neat.

>> No.51127659

I didn’t know Whiskey was a 4view Vtuber. How’s she do it.

>> No.51128320


>> No.51129089

Her chat is slow even with those numbers. A lot of those are tarkov bots. I still like her streams and that but thats the price you pay for Tarkov.

>> No.51131128

>How’s she do it.
People love tomboy who loves guns

>> No.51132410
File: 103 KB, 610x1016, kkqb394vdrx11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/k/'s Dutch Tactical Gun Idol Whiskey
Since when did /vt/ support anti-Semitism? I thought we were better than this?

>> No.51133649

im excited to see how they like Stalker 2

>> No.51133918

You can just tell who the noguns are in this thread from how they act just like normalfags when first exposed to chuubas.

>> No.51133967

Yeah, pretty much. You’re welcome here.

>> No.51135946

First quote said nothing about guns

>> No.51137783

I like guns, shooters, and military autism. If there is a chuuba who likes similar things I will pick them. Surprised there isn't one chuuba who made being really into cars her thing. It's equally as much a guy's hobby and you also don't have to alienate the Euros who are offended at the concept of firearms.

>> No.51139084

Not them, but there’s no reason for people to own guns. They should only be reserved for police officers or federal agents

>> No.51141572
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>> No.51142134


>> No.51142336

Whiskey has rancid farts

>> No.51144676

sleepy got her stipper clips and they are in good condition, also mre tasting won the content poll on twitter, followed by assembling the m1 garand mini kit

>> No.51146993

When will she stream it?

>> No.51147900

Sometime next week
She'll probably post her schedule tomorrow

>> No.51149742

yey mre kino

>> No.51150110

The police and feds that abuse people? Please think critically

>> No.51150189

Cars are too time consuming to stream, unless she's a race queen, but does that really count?

>> No.51151127

>Don’t trust the feds.
Oh brother. This is why I don’t trust these far-right vtubers. All they ever do is incite paranoia and distrust in the government.

>> No.51153260

>Is this the /ak/ colony thread?
Yeah, all of us are from /k/ and love our queen and her friends.

>> No.51155206

So, are we ever going to add more people to the OP?

>> No.51155377
File: 247 KB, 1534x861, FpCuyoJXoAEogTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my oshi's viewers is an /ak/ poster so i'll try to drag his ass over
are other chuubas with guns alright? out of the ones on the OP i'm only familiar with tomoe, and only just a bit.

>> No.51155938
File: 245 KB, 512x512, Whiskey Gif.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of the ones on the OP i'm only familiar with tomoe, and only just a bit.
Then you should watch Whiskey Project, she's basically /k/'s queen and idol and the reason why this general was form in the first place.

>> No.51156244

>are other chuubas with guns alright?
Yeah, if you have suggestions for chuubas to add to the OP drop em
This is a very new general so it's still a WIP

>> No.51156556

>federal agents
your troll is obvious dude, but thanks for bumping anyway

>> No.51157169

>i'll try to drag his ass over
No thanks

>> No.51158557


>> No.51159875
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>Sleepy is sleepy
>I am sleepy
That's pretty nuts, we should get married or something

>> No.51160669

I was checking Arianna Foxton and can someone please explain why her vods are under music? One of them is her playing war thunder. Am I missing something.

>> No.51161682

She pipes the music track into the stream audio mixer, but it's muted on the recording mixer. Copyright work-around.
It's really banging when I do catch the stream, but it's tough since I'm mostly a VOD-watcher too : (

>> No.51168446

you should

>> No.51170514

>She pipes the music track into the stream audio mixer,
Does she really? If so that’s really cool.

>> No.51170722

There's a limit. You always have to respect your own financial situation first and then your hobby second.
As far as I know, a lot of gun fanatics fail at this.
Americans are the most insecure people in the world. They have to identify with something or they will feel alone and left out. People that are chronically online will adapt this behaviour.

>> No.51170779

Not like 1000s of vtubers pretending to have interest in anime exist.
This is that, just for even smellier retards.

>> No.51171997

>surface level interest
Whiskey knows a lot more than I expected.

>> No.51175216

She is military...

>> No.51175697

You'd think they'd be at least one or two given they could just stream a sim like iRenting or do watch alongs for races and such. There's potential for that type of streamer.

>> No.51178012 [DELETED] 

Dutch military.

>> No.51178102
File: 975 KB, 1109x949, 1660951823662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did all you Sleepyfags come from? I'm one of the only ones on /lig/ as far as I'm aware

>> No.51178498

i've posted sleepy a few times on lig, mostly lurking tho

>> No.51178894

She got kind of popular in /pcg/ with Pippa fans. Less so now with all the newfags there.

>> No.51179104

but every single pippafan is a newfag?

>> No.51179347

/vt/ is 2 years old

>> No.51179776
File: 1016 KB, 1007x933, 1686505574694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching her for awhile I just didn't know of a place to talk about her

>> No.51181402

arianna is streaming now playing music for those who where asking before https://www.twitch.tv/ariannafoxton

>> No.51181434

I fell in love with her when I realize she’s a genuine menhera and Yandere.

>> No.51182338

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.51183796

Found her through Tarkov vtuber twitch streams
Her 3D is pretty cute.

>> No.51185270

I don't get that vibe from her but I'm happy to be convinced

>> No.51185854

For me, it's mostly political. I'm very pro-gun rights, and freedom in general. I don't really care if a VTuber owns guns in and of itself, and I'm also not particularly fond of military aesthetics, but if a VTuber does like/own guns, it's a decent indicator that she shares my values and passions, which is why I'm drawn to them.
I know it may sound like a weird thing to care about, but I also find that a VTuber being right-leaning does make their content tangibly more entertaining, because being anti-PC frees them up to be edgier, which appeals to my sense of humor.

>> No.51186027

>Sleepy talks about doxxing her haters to silence them
>She also says that she fell in love one and did something that was criminal
She’s a menhera Yandere


>> No.51186271

I've never really used /lig/. I only talk about Sleepy in /pcg/ when she comes up.

>> No.51186602


>> No.51187791

Why is she like this?

>> No.51188590

I somewhat unironically think its for the best if your oshi is not discussed often on this board.

>> No.51190032
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>> No.51190083

Get in line pal

>> No.51192828

>Handcam: MRE Tasting
She really is /k/.

>> No.51192893

>watch sleepy
>she says "my room smells like gun lube now"
imagine the smell
girl smell and guns

>> No.51192977

i don't like /lig/fags desu
i don't associate with that thread

>> No.51195704
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>> No.51196254

Bros...I want to cuddle with Whiskey...

>> No.51197114 [DELETED] 

best i can offer is a daki soaked in scotch and gunpowder

>> No.51197190

best i can offer is a daki soaked in scotch and gunpowder

>> No.51197247

Not much but its honest cuddling...

>> No.51198957


>> No.51201685

Conceptualizing, even

>> No.51204588
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>> No.51205162

blonde bimbo sleepy, doesn't know gun safety, looks down the barrel to check if the gun is loaded

>> No.51208123

Any of them into femdom?

>> No.51209986

Tomoe and Whiskey seem to be into femdom.

>> No.51212682
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>> No.51214216
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>Where did all you Sleepyfags come from?
/pcg/ I thought that was obvious. She collabs with Pippa semi-regularly and they hang out offline periodically.

>> No.51214999
File: 322 KB, 400x400, 1666381997786189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based tomboy slime vtuber who shares a channel with her mom. The first part of her streams are good the latter part sucks as it's just battle royale games. She's one of the guys so don't expect gfe. Haven't watched her much recently but when she did hand cam streams (gloved) she had a gun to showcase. She apparently has good aim. Runs a merch shop for some vtubers and some other stuff. Has been vtubing for a while and sometimes talks about business side of things.

>> No.51215532

she had a redebut recently with an intro, outfit and all, she's playing a battle royale now

>> No.51216525
File: 951 KB, 1280x720, 1677088212576042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intro is sick. Animation is awesome. The ending voice being randomized between friends is soul. Prefer old model but new one might have better rigging. I'll get used to it soonish, Still don't like battle royals.

>> No.51219078

they'll all get ostwind art right?

>> No.51219764


>> No.51221162
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>> No.51221646

love horse girl

>> No.51222018

Shame she’s divorced

>> No.51223065

She is in the U.S Army.

>> No.51223571

>She's one of the guys
I always wanted a tomboy GFE

>> No.51224570

Hold up, how can she be in the army and streaming at the same time?

>> No.51225486

You do know that most of the military consists of non combat personnel, right? She is most likely one of those. Plus she has a hip injury due to some mishap at work and medical hasnt given her the ok to get back to it. She hates that, since she cant go back to lifting.

>> No.51227063

Yeah, to me

>> No.51227732

>She hates that, since she cant go back to lifting.
I will pray for her quick recovery.

>> No.51228591
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>> No.51229062


>> No.51229293


>> No.51229742

So she can never be a mother?

>> No.51231859
File: 2.18 MB, 200x200, 1685712632327252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.51234582
File: 105 KB, 370x436, WhiskeyPat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiskey went live, awaken

>> No.51235758


>> No.51238754


>> No.51239922


>> No.51243086

motherf, she's taking a week off you scared me

>> No.51243092

Total war again.

>> No.51243232
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>> No.51245667

Her birthing hips are injured. She can never be a mother.

>> No.51247204

Ever hear of a c-section?

>> No.51247341

Yeah and that will ruin her stomach and abs. Tomoe can never be a mother.

>> No.51250105
File: 601 KB, 1570x1662, 1686600634100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51250555

What a dork

>> No.51251891

chunky-looking L85

>> No.51253344

that's the russian rifle forgot the name

>> No.51253729


>> No.51254402

Its a ASh-12

>> No.51255894

The fuck is that.

>> No.51256828

Bullpup russian gun that shoots big bullet. Meme gun in reality I don't think anyone actually uses it

>> No.51258765

It's pronounced ak-12

>> No.51261470

Is Tomoe actually divorced or are you fucking with us.

>> No.51261554

Tomoe isnt divorced and she was just fucking around.

>> No.51263199

She talked about it in stream about her first hubby was extremely poor who could only afford a pre-engagement ring.

>> No.51265701
File: 91 KB, 1003x400, 1686619586912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51266136

What happen?

>> No.51266204


>> No.51266429

Sleepy is prime concernfagging material.. it's so hard to stop myself from succumbing to such things.

>> No.51266945

Can we save her?

>> No.51267029

You cannot, no
I, however, can
With marriage

>> No.51269010

No, she will forever be a menhera.

>> No.51270550

related to our friends, leaflit is streaming now talking about aliens and watching alien videos https://www.twitch.tv/leaflit

>> No.51271671

She should be added to the OP.

>> No.51272599

From what I understand from when she started she's actually airforce and she throws a fit when people don't buy that she's army. I honestly don't have a problem with it aside from the lack of trantransparency. Good v tuber otherwise

>> No.51272684

Prior or current service? I've never heqrd her mention it. But admittedly I don't have as much time as I once did to watch streams.

>> No.51273069


>> No.51273512

Prior. But she was in the military and she is a gun nut

>> No.51273702

She definitely likes cz products. I just wish we could bren 2 br's here in the states

>> No.51275279
File: 125 KB, 1024x557, Whiskey Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back. Whiskey is part of the Aryan race, a master race and she’s a racially pure and physically robust woman.

>> No.51275785

>I like the kind of women that can kick my ass

I'm curious why she went with the irons only glock. Has she mentioned she prefers iron sights on pistols over RMR's?

>> No.51275939

Never understood the rmr and elcan setup myself maybe a lvpo and a rmr but I just don't see the capability

>> No.51276145
File: 1.28 MB, 4096x2228, __whiskey_project_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_xerbatt__1011640dc9cf2474c378e066f0b1b8f1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picture for ants
here's a better image

>> No.51276463

Does Sleepy still nerf herself by playing with her obnoxious zoomer friends?

>> No.51278264

>Has she mentioned she prefers iron sights on pistols over RMR's?
Possibly. But it might be lost since she doesn’t update her YouTube vods.

>> No.51278685

>she doesn’t update her YouTube vods.
Why not?

>> No.51280598

You guys ARE taller than Whiskey, right?

>> No.51281066

She’s Dutch, so no.

>> No.51281873

>I like the kind of women that can kick my ass
Yeah, Whiskey is good for femdom.

>> No.51281979

Sadly yes

>> No.51282014

by far, since she's not really 175cm iirc

>> No.51282324

Irl whiskey is 6ft, she admits this.

>> No.51282860
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>> No.51283451

She is a dutch woman, its not uncommon.
