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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51028123 No.51028123 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you're a vtuber and during your first streams you interacted or even pandered to the wrong crowd. Now those elements dominate chat or even the fandom as a whole. How would you handle that situation?

Pic is off-topic btw.

>> No.51028228

Say I don't like it calmly once, ask for it to be clipped, and don't pander or interact with that section of chat again

>> No.51028336

if your first week fans get filtered by ANYTHING in your first few streams you're 50% to NGMI, it's a sign of mental retardation.

>> No.51028502

they're just gonna double down, they're the majority

plenty of chuubas were able to grow their audiences

>> No.51028666

I hate that it draws similarity to the active/lurker ratio shit analogy but anyways:
for every active, semi-successful chuuba that got past that issue and were able to grow, 20 failed to do so, 5-10 of which are stuck as 1 or 0views for months until they twitter grift for a do-over.

>> No.51028792

You filter them without being malicious.

>> No.51028827

an hero

>> No.51028866

Pippa stop coming to /vt/ for advice on how to be a normie streamer.

>> No.51028894

Use pink cat as your guidance

>> No.51028896

Like >>51028228 said, first thing to do is stop doing it and tell them you don't like it. Who knows, some of them might only be acting that way because they think you like it or because they see others doing it too. How much time did you spend on this pandering? If it was only a small part of what you were doing then it should be easy for your fans to accept.

>> No.51029003

Also we're talking like 5 bad apples or more per good apple, if the former feel threatened things are just gonna get worse, you can't just rely on the good ones defending you or weathering the shitstorm.

how do you do that without being off-putting to the rest.

afaik she had very little competition back then

>How much time did you spend on this pandering?
didn't feel like that much but it got out of hand, now it's like the main thing fans talk about

>> No.51029217

Just have an honest conversation with your audience about how you feel and your intentions moving forwards. Some of your audience will feel betrayed, because believe it or not, you did lead them on by pandering to them. Deal with the consequences of your own actions. There is no magical solution that will make everything work out how you want it to.

>> No.51029346

If you do nothing then the number of bad apples will continue to grow. You don't have to worry about putting off the other fans, they won't care because they weren't into the thing anyways. You came here to ask us because you're unhappy with things as they are, right? You'll only become more and more unhappy if you do nothing.

>> No.51029371

Depends. What genre of bad apples did you hypothetically collect?

>> No.51029728

Mel, if this is you then the best thing to do is to just ignore it. Block anyone who brings it up, everyone who knows about “that”, also knows that you don’t want to be associated with it. The people who keep bringing it up are doing so out of malice. There is no quick fix that will make people forget about it. It will take a long time, maybe years, and you’ll have to commit to a character and keep showing that you’re serious about turning a new leaf. Also, stop being /here/ since this is where most people who know about your past will be.

If you’re not Mel, please ignore everything I’ve said and just think of me as a retard.

>> No.51030127

np retard

paraphiliacs and extremely needy people

>> No.51030252

I cna't report.
Whenever i try report something it say i am range banned from doing so, so i gave up on the report fuction entirerly

>> No.51030395

nice self report kek

>> No.51030429


>> No.51030459

Sperg out on Twitter

>> No.51030510
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I can't believe how much newfaggotry i have to deal with this year alone.

>> No.51030673

>paraphiliacs and extremely needy people

Be open about how you don't want your streams to turn into that kind of space. Kindly let them know they are welcome to stay as long as they follow the rules and lay clear boundaries without being hostile.

Handle it the way Pippa did when she informed her viewers she didn't want to atmosphere to be too political, despite her occasional schizoid ramblings.

>> No.51030725

You're not shirking chumbuds Gura, you just need to face the music already.
