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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.50955815

I think chibi sky is cute and intercourse with it is enjoyable

>> No.50955869
File: 479 KB, 608x635, 1684799011185051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50956197

Skye should talk about the kiki yab today

>> No.50956387

>Is that a pog face?
>Oh no I sound like such a zoomer!

>> No.50956946

Skye cute

>> No.50957831

Adorable, some might even say

>> No.50957890

I love Skye, but it’s so over…

>> No.50958649

I remember being so terrified of this game when I first played it as a kid

>> No.50958716

That was adorable kek

>> No.50958812

Based Skyebro

>> No.50961722


>> No.50963205

great movie

>> No.50964257
File: 653 KB, 708x568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skye so cute

>> No.50965356

"Skyebro watches Tenma and Pippa"
what the fuck yo....

>> No.50965376

He's literally /here/

>> No.50966763

Why is Kiki tweeting a blog about D4? Why doesn't she just guerilla stream it?

>> No.50967189
File: 412 KB, 430x433, ezgif-1-a1765ca947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.50967662


>> No.50969558

>then it's tutorial time
What tutorial is kilia talking about

>> No.50969594


>> No.50969683
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>> No.50969846
File: 620 KB, 502x585, 1682168406562833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute and dorky bro Skye!

>> No.50970076 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 664x1000, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50970553

Next stream is in 8 hours and it's Kiki's members stream. She's going to masturbate with her members

>> No.50970602

Make sure to announce it on twitter!

>> No.50972294


>> No.50972582

That might be true. But the robobutt from bluedorito is streaming now.

>> No.50974357
File: 666 KB, 864x949, 17262526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kilia to the rescue

>> No.50974658

I want to creampie Skye so badly while I make Steph watch

>> No.50974990

I didn't take my meds but I'm pretty sure they're the same person

>> No.50975370
File: 640 KB, 947x655, 1589919456517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard is faceblind, cant even tell a man and a woman apart

>> No.50975480

Since when did retards get posting privileges?

>> No.50975735

Since riiflings began posting

>> No.50975906
File: 1.29 MB, 1063x1080, 1685100179795630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooood morning eien! Almost there, this week been kinda dragging itself along for anyone else? I swear they are not usually this long...
Remember, as always, to love your bros, both irl and /here/, don't bite silly bait and most importantly, love and take care of yourself!

Come on bro, now that's just silly. Have you been drinking again?

>> No.50975972

Kilia when are you posting zoomer edited short

>> No.50976037


>> No.50976552

Actual previous thread:

>> No.50976920
File: 581 KB, 2000x1328, 1681278496688557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning, friendly Skyeposter.

>> No.50977241

What happened? The girls haven't grown at all, they've stagnated

>> No.50977439

They are growing

>> No.50977463

Anon you need to take your meds. This just isn't healthy.

>> No.50977773

Kiki status?

>> No.50977841


>> No.50977875

Streaming later!

>> No.50978232
File: 68 KB, 228x223, RiifuCozy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon!
Yes this felt like a long week, but it's Friday tomorrow. Hope you have a great day!

>> No.50980664


>> No.50980963 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 245x245, lewd skye face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes what about her?

>> No.50980979

Skye“bro” gives Skye that good dick every night. That’s why she’s such a calm, collected and levelheaded individual.

>> No.50981086

I'm so fucking jealous of skyebro in this fictional scenario

>> No.50981152

Kiki for the first time has more subs than Skye. Explain.

>> No.50981311

Skye’s time slot is horrible nerf

>> No.50981472
File: 431 KB, 1371x670, 1661417804744037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with these YT banners?

>> No.50981506

They are sad and in mourning over the loss of their friend.

>> No.50981512

If skye started streaming 3 or 4 hours earlier she would undoubtedly have many more subs and viewers.

>> No.50982064

Only downside is that she cant operate that early, which i cant understand since the early AMs im at my most productive

>> No.50982191 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1686058246136307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing much, just thinking about my bro, like good bros do.

That would unironically be perfect, at least for me, but I get why starting streams first thing in the morning ain't ideal, specially if she's not a morning person.

>> No.50982305

I’m sure she’s thought about it. Streaming at the hours she does is shit for many of her current and potential viewers.

>> No.50982376


>> No.50982390

Kiki streams more consistently, going on less vacations+donothon buff (even if she lost some)
Skye's timeslot isn't that bad but there's tons of overlap at that hour

>> No.50982640

Most vtubers arent morning people, yet stream at those hours. Its called degen hours because they start stream at like midnight and sleep at noon.

>> No.50982687

It just sucks. The best the company has to offer overtaken by one of the trashiest people in all of EN who also severely damaged the company's reputation, further stagnating Skye's growth for something she had nothing to do with. I will follow Skye wherever she goes if she decides to get the fuck out of eien one day or when her contract runs out. I'm just so tired of the injustice and incessant support thrown at the people least deserving of it in this industry.

>> No.50982754 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 650x173, Screenshot 2023-06-08 074733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody said Rav?

>> No.50982830

Rav went private…

>> No.50983054

Lol, lmao

>> No.50983171

I am Rav's nonexistent hair...

>> No.50983330

Shocking news that he is a coward. But I am sure this must have been difficult for him to do, considering none of his hate comments are visible anymore either.

>> No.50983343

But Kilia didn't get overtaken by Kiki

>> No.50983373

Ugh you sound like a riifling, disgusting

>> No.50983376

>Rav is a faggot bootlicker
Whats new

>> No.50983409

>I'm just so tired of the injustice and incessant support thrown at the people least deserving of it in this industry.
stop larping lmao it's just subs
spend more time shilling skye instead

>> No.50983441

Kys riitard

>> No.50983466

>Kiki's title for her next stream


>> No.50983578

Holy fuck kill yourself. Skye is cool and all that but don't fucking blame others. I'm a full fledged supporter of Riifu/notRiifu I only stick around to fucking check skye and kilia out sometimes. Them "stagnating" isn't anyone else's fault.

>> No.50983656

Lunaris is back

>> No.50983672


>> No.50983715

Yeah he's been back a couple of days. Wonder what happened.

>> No.50983784

I don't think it was related to Kiki, he was still liking her stuff on Twitter during his break

>> No.50983794

melty+went to the flip con

>> No.50983798

He did leave the discord for a stretch

>> No.50984055

Ugh wtf why would you link that disgusting mess, ewwww

>> No.50984113 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 658x423, Screenshot 2023-06-08 102436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that apparently he can't grow hair worth shit

>> No.50984162

>balding neckbeard
many such cases

>> No.50984167

the guy's pathetic we get it but so are you for digging through 2 month old discord messages...

>> No.50984209

Hi Alex, you'll get your attention soon enough fag

>> No.50984355

hair jokes are funny...

>> No.50984473

>stalking balding men online
Let's change the topic.
What would Kilia's hair taste like? I imagine a fishy flavour, maybe tuna.

>> No.50984479

I'm gonna coom with kiki soon...

>> No.50984488


>> No.50984530

Keep it in member chat, please.

>> No.50984643


>> No.50984764


>> No.50985097

Kiki is gonna make me cum so hard this stream. How can such a cute, honest girl be so damn lewd?!

>> No.50985174

I don't know anon

>> No.50985201
File: 145 KB, 286x286, 1684786317487682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also imagine it being almost painfully salty on top of that, idk why.

>> No.50985227 [SPOILER] 
File: 142 KB, 237x268, 1680091431387401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50985314 [DELETED] 


>> No.50985852


>> No.50986040


>> No.50986375

Why what

>> No.50986989


>> No.50987006

Why post that

>> No.50987327

Kiki is a literal semen demon
I have 0 emotional attachment to her but she makes me so hard

>> No.50987361

Her laugh makes me feel uneasy so I can’t watch her

>> No.50987407

Same here i just want to fuck her all day long

>> No.50987416

Same, hearing her laugh at "parasocial" fans the same way she laughs at Kiichains, makes me skin crawl.

>> No.50987597

Well, the main thing she was laughing at was how parasocial fans are against her having a boyfriend. Her current fanbase, as parasocial as they are, enjoy the fact that she has a boyfriend.

>> No.50987818

What the fuck is going on in that stream?

>> No.50988140


>> No.50988190

It’s bad. She needs to be stopped.

>> No.50988229


>> No.50988394
File: 1.28 MB, 1084x946, 1680293680132098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag kichains are missing out eheh...

>> No.50988480

Mel is back guys

>> No.50988505

I'm at work and can't watch right now...

>> No.50988508

Skye is wasted in this shit group imho

>> No.50988562

Missing out on the new chair getting the baptism of cum (her bf cum)?

>> No.50988581

Who cares, kiki is streaming

>> No.50988616

Cope kek

>> No.50988758

Cuck hands typed this post

>> No.50988826

Is she actually masturbating, like Riifu used to do it?

>> No.50988833
File: 526 KB, 634x684, 1681094944583341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50988862

judging by how fake it sounds, no

>> No.50988880
File: 508 KB, 598x787, 1685346418722936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up and find out

>> No.50988929

Seeing as how much Kiki is disgusted by her parasocial fans and how fake it sounds, no I’d reckon she’s not actually doing anything.

>> No.50988930

Get better ears

>> No.50988936

I'm not giving my money to whore who has a bf

>> No.50988947

virgin anon...

>> No.50988970


>> No.50988973

She sold her boyfriend gaming chair and she is still getting fuck by him so what do you think?

>> No.50988972

It's not like you know how a real one sounds any way

>> No.50989024

I saw Skye post about getting scared on yesterday's SH stream but can you guys tell me if she was cute?
Thinking about doing my vod reps

>> No.50989035 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 720x709, 1686246257802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up cuck

>> No.50989292

Very cute, right from the start

>> No.50989347

Kichains bragging about giving Kiki her monthly condom money…

>> No.50989389

New name or is she using the last one?

>> No.50989395


>> No.50989409

the absolute state of eiencucks

>> No.50989431 [DELETED] 

New name. This is her.

>> No.50989503

Poorfag cope. She loves us

>> No.50989520

Hi poorfag here. who's gonna leak Kiki's membership stream so i can watch it

>> No.50989544

No, she loves your money

>> No.50989548

sorry you have to pay the condom fee

>> No.50989585

My retarded ass opened that thread without watching the video and thought that cant be mel and came back here to ask. I went to mel, then moved to EIEN, and now i guess im back to mel, i cant keep looping like this

>> No.50989616

Thanks for the heads up, this will make the 10 month wait not so bad.
Literally same here

>> No.50989621

I’m sorry for saying anything anon, I hope it doesn’t cause you anymore pain in the future

>> No.50989665

I will use her as a distraction until not Riifu comes back

>> No.50989695

>mel watchers itt

>> No.50989800

She’s even more schizo than Riifu. Lied about selling all her streamer stuff because she needed funds for cancer treatment.

>> No.50989836

Mel's last drama/account deletion coincided with Eien's debuts. Some people were even telling her about "scottish fauna" on her last stream when asking about other vtubers that burp.

>> No.50989920

I'm tempted to member to Kiki just so I can leak every single member posts and streams, but the idea of giving her money disgusts me

>> No.50990008

I suffer the exact same dilemma. I want to leak her shit but I don't want to give her any money. Maybe if I ever get a gifted I'll do it since it'll be half off.

>> No.50990009

Do it with a meme currency like ARS or TRY, it'll be a fraction of a dollar.

>> No.50990062

does that srill work? I thought youtube cracked down on that

>> No.50990118

Sure, just like that one anon said he would leak every kiki members stream kek

>> No.50990148

Only ARS, and only if you use a Visa card. Everything else still works.

>> No.50990186

do it anon i want to see the kicucks seethe

>> No.50990256

If you do that I'll leak Skye's members stream

>> No.50990474

Good deal desu

>> No.50990482

seethe cuck

>> No.50990524

My upload speed is ungodly slow (less than 1 mbps) but I would leak them otherwise.

>> No.50990704

Seethe poorfag, you will never see those membership streams

>> No.50990721

If Riifu is still considering that plan, I unironically think she should pick up Mel. Endurance streaming schizos go great together.

>> No.50990821

What plan?

>> No.50990881


>> No.50990894
File: 227 KB, 510x508, 1655748287429880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw really anon? im devastated... anyway,


>> No.50990954

Thank you anon

>> No.50990976


>> No.50990982

Holy based

>> No.50991014

Do it faggot, poorfags keep winning no matter what you do
Holy based

>> No.50991042

>enjoy the fact that she has a boyfriend.
Do they now? If that was true she would came out about it or atleast tease them. But it seems to me that most just cope with "she didn't confirm so it isn't true". Or who knows whats one the mind of kickucks.

>> No.50991046
File: 46 KB, 830x320, Screenshot 2023-06-08 101529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50991049

Yeah that is a fake orgasm, i didn't expect less from this cuckqueen

>> No.50991071

I won't watch it because of EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW but based anyway

>> No.50991082

mel was the reason the one autist here warned riifu not to become a braptuber
Naa never pain, mel was my autistic streams for long hours and cozy streamer, shes what i need right now and i knew what i was getting into

>> No.50991097
File: 523 KB, 751x889, 1677373740637816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50991137

Holy fuck sakurako hates her and kichains

>> No.50991194

>lunaris made the art just in time for today's stream

>> No.50991212

Where are you getting these? Is this a mod only chat?

>> No.50991283

I was just baiting anons into leaking Kiki's membership stream, thank you bro

>> No.50991299

Kichains are in for another rude awakening.

>> No.50991303

alternative mod clique server, with some staff members too
basically staff, mods, and people with diplomatic immunity

>> No.50991357

based, but kiki eeeeew

>> No.50991391

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.50991413
File: 44 KB, 532x345, Screenshot 2023-06-08 095205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rav had his own little circlejerk server with most of the mod team and some riiflings. They openly admit to hating kiichains and shitting on Prospect

>> No.50991433

Wow everyone involved with this company should kill themselves. The fact that people are this fucking homosexual makes me not want to support skye or kilia anymore.

>> No.50991508

Based. Won't touch the file but if it can stop people from not giving Kiki any money I'd be happy

>> No.50991530

>riifling clique
another reason why i'm glad she's gone

>> No.50991576

Rav literally hates Riifu, so I have no idea what you’re on about…

>> No.50991591
File: 1.01 MB, 994x846, 1626017216014166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So based. This brown cumrag deserves nothing.

>> No.50991634

Hate kiki but i hate these type of faggots even more

>> No.50991655

Kiki is a lot of things, but she's pale as fuck
anyways we have the video but can anyone tell if it's fap worthy

>> No.50991671

Mods having a clique and shitting on the community is not that good of a look for EIEN

>> No.50991691


>> No.50991708
File: 68 KB, 543x508, Screenshot 2023-06-08 095007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even his fellow mods like Troon lmao

>> No.50991766

this doesn't sound like they're shitting on him...

>> No.50991800

I was working last night, having fun learning ciphers and it leads to cringe discord?
Let it end...

>> No.50991840

>50991413 is the 2nd part

>> No.50991845

how does a small company like this have so many cliques and idiots

>> No.50991913

I didn't realize that was about prospect because he was never on top during the donothon, Sast was

>> No.50991976

apparently he was trying to be lmao

>> No.50991983

All small corpos have cliques, especially the ones with discord servers. EIEN just had enough controversy and disgruntled people that the behind the scenes cliques get leaked.

>> No.50992031

I'm mind blown. They're all so autistic and retarded. It has to be just lonely retards desperately in need of friends. With nothing to their personality all they can do is jerk over drama they make for themselves.

>> No.50992049

I'm actually amazed that with all the shit going down and all the internal shit being leaked, the confirmed kicuck discord is still the one without any leaks

>> No.50992058

Mental illness amplified by mentally ill streamers

>> No.50992074

All Eri had to do was be honest and reasonable, and all Kiki had to do was have good opsec. And we could still be having good days like at the beginning.

>> No.50992082

I hate this shit. Ignorance is bliss, but ho esty is divine.

>> No.50992084

Whats the point? They just circlejerk about doing all that work for free? Seems kinda retarded

>> No.50992136


>> No.50992141

Riifu leaving + Kiki yab means we will forever be talking about discord here more than the girls. At least untill Gen 2 and someone takes up the dead hour timeslots.

>> No.50992166 [DELETED] 

Okay? Why should we care, anon? People make private servers to bitch about things all the time. Kount Kwispy/Reee has one, too, and so do the Kichains and Kite. This means nothing and has no impact on things. Come back when another one of the talents goes full menhera and self-terminates.

>> No.50992181

idk he didn't seem to be that interested, didn't even crack the top three at any point during the donothon. for reference he has a t6 skye membership but only t2 for the others

>> No.50992185

I mean that basically describes /vt/ and /#/ in a nutshell.

>> No.50992205

t. Rav

>> No.50992209

Remember that they invoked not wanting cliques to be formed when they took out vc? It was the good thing to do.
Then they learned about staff members participating in clique activity on alternate servers, openly shitting on talents, but that's not a problem apparently.
Eri will never cease to amaze me by her sheer incompetence.

>> No.50992236

you still have someone from the staff shitting on fans here

>> No.50992307 [DELETED] 

What's your point?

>> No.50992318
File: 747 KB, 1400x700, 1652295955525711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50992332

This is so fucked. Sure the kichains are cringey but from what I've seen they're genuinely pretty nice people. Having a clique of mods shitting on the entire fanbase of one of the talents of a company that you "work" for is scummy as hell. I also don't like Prospect but I feel bad for the dude if his fellow mods are shitting on him too. At least when they get shit on here it's all out in the open and not behind closed doors.

>> No.50992380

hi rav, how's your hair?
oh sorry, you don't have to answer, there's nothing to talk about anyway...

>> No.50992390

Eri...your whole mod team needs to go. Sakurako the snake included

>> No.50992428

She can't go. If she goes, Yakubbu and his money will follow, unfortunately.

>> No.50992435

They are discord mods, they are not really good at socializing and this comes from someone in /vt/ of all places

>> No.50992453

outside of taunting shay i don't really get the hate for Prospect since he's been quiet otherwise unlike every other mod who attention fags

>> No.50992476


>> No.50992505

He is one of the better ones at this point kek

>> No.50992518

People don’t like someone who has thousands of dollars to drop on their oshi. It’s jealousy.

>> No.50992526
File: 82 KB, 680x680, 1683394463803601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, i'm scared. I see Skye in those screenshots, please tell me my bro is not a piece of shit...

>> No.50992528

Never trust koreans, especially korean women

>> No.50992569 [DELETED] 

She's fine, anon. Don't you worry.

>> No.50992582

No anon, I only wish to expose Rav and EIEN for who they really are

>> No.50992586

Anon ...

>> No.50992600

I think that is foxfox using skyes name for some reason

>> No.50992608

Bless your heart

>> No.50992609

Can everyone just start being nice? No leaking membership content. No talk of mods. No rrats. Just focus on the streams and if there aren't any, don't make a thread. Just be nice.

>> No.50992650

Use better baits

>> No.50992688

Assuming your not baiting, It looks like foxfox, or a different fox using Skye’s name.

>> No.50992689

only if you let me mating press you Eri

>> No.50992700

Didnt that one anon post something a few days ago to not trust skye?

>> No.50992704
File: 376 KB, 478x478, 3a5fb9d238a353473f88957c00fa2dd4-75C1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi mods, we were just talking about you

>> No.50992713

Do after you get a gifted sub so it 3 dollars. A cheap investment

>> No.50992741 [DELETED] 

By posting about it on 4chan? Good thinking, anon. /vt/ gossip will surely lead to... something?

Well, it'll lead to more /vt/ gossip, so I guess the status quo remains unchanged.

>> No.50992753

someone didn’t listen to the 13 hour LOTR watchalong archive…you should do your reps anon

>> No.50992762

well if that one said it it must be true

>> No.50992785

not baiting, i just don't use discord, but i'll trust you guys, thank you

somebody posted something like that every few days since the Kiki yab. Don't care without proof

>> No.50992796

Dont you have a dog corpse to eat, faggot?

>> No.50992851

I did but I'm retarded and don't remember when she said that or maybe i was halfsleep idk

>> No.50992910

Retard. Mods hate riifu and riiflings apart traitorman numero uno

>> No.50992929
File: 110 KB, 246x237, 1669916389118208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50992957


>> No.50992978 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 680x522, In The Room With Us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, Rav really does live rent free in your mind, doesn't he, anon? Especially given this is the third time you've namefagged him. Is he in the room with us now? You poor baby.

>> No.50992997

What a great look for one of EIEN’s head moderators/staff members to be shitting on fans in an unofficial discord.

>> No.50993023

Seeing as he was literally in the last thread and can't live without attention whoring yes

>> No.50993059

>mods and even head mods collude on the secret club discord of some random balding retard
>they even shit on the rest of their team there
This is okay for Eri? kek nice agency you got there, rat queen.

>> No.50993065 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, FX6R1feVsAAPYSl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are fine then

>> No.50993112

somehow I'm not surprised, sounds exactly like the kind of people who'd become discord mods

>> No.50993131


>> No.50993142

Some of the riiflings warned the head staff about mods and cliques back then but they did nothing lmao
Now everyone and their mother has deep-seated cliques and secret discords, especially the mods kek

>> No.50993238

He prospecttroon
Can you stop trying to mod for every small corpo in existence, maybe just choose one

>> No.50993249

Meh, it would be stupid to think that cliques and sideservers wont be formed I think the real yab are the mods shitting on a fanbase

>> No.50993300

Anon, bless you and your lovely kind but small brain. That is not Skye, that's foxfox a discord user using her name

>> No.50993338

>mods shitting on a fanbase
isn't that their job?

>> No.50993347 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 863x709, 2023-06-08 14_10_20-Greenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I guess it takes one to know one, doesn't it, you silly, paranoid little sausage?

>> No.50993368

Eri if you post your pussy with timestamp
Anonymously of course.
I will be nice and never leak anything about eien ever again

>> No.50993388 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 895x300, Screenshot 2023-06-08 141357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zow daddy says hi from the server

>> No.50993401

I dont even know anymore, half the time the girls have to moderate their chat themselves

>> No.50993406

/eien/ is my favorite clique.

>> No.50993425

jesus Kilia

>> No.50993439

we should make a discord server

>> No.50993459

Zow...I kneel

>> No.50993466

Zows a fucking brit? this confuses me

>> No.50993480

You responded to a guy talking about lying about cancer to sell things. Maybe think about what you're typing first.

>> No.50993503
File: 398 KB, 640x720, 1664754331995170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you going to be able to trust the gen 2 girls? Like who the fuck would apply to a company in this state that's worth your money, time and support. At least 2 of them probably lurk /here/, so they know all the dirt and still applied anyway.

>> No.50993536

Zow acts like such a standup guy in public channels though this can’t be him! He loves shilling the mods and being nice to every fanbase. Nice shop you dramafag.

>> No.50993549

You already said that you were in or had access to that server rav

>> No.50993554

Fuck you

>> No.50993558 [DELETED] 

Aaaaah. There's the good shit right there. Some good ol' fashioned Zowposting. I miss this.

>> No.50993592

Clearly you need to learn to read, I didn’t reply to anybody talking about Mel’s cancer lie at all.

>> No.50993600

Kilia's house looks very flammable

>> No.50993614

This clique war shit is fucking hilarious. I'm grabbing popcorn

>> No.50993613

Yes, the real yab is some mods joining such a place like a literal cabal. One of the screenshots leaked here revealed he even gave them their private little voice chat? kek Except the retard in chief still gets to join in of course, because he's the owner and has all permissions.

>> No.50993615

They warned about that too. Lol mods that hate their own community, surely nothing will go wrong!

>> No.50993619

I wonder how kichains would react if they knew he's the reason Kiki told them to stop hornyposting

>> No.50993703
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fabv7u5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the good old days

>> No.50993740

I've seen this posted multiple times - where did this rrat come from? If israel that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.50993747

We are so back

>> No.50993749 [DELETED] 

You and me both. At this point, /eien/ is less about Riifu drama and now more about weird outside cliques flinging shit at each other.

>> No.50993795

seanigs doxcord already claimed to have a lot of info on potential members (based on sudden hiatuses, account wipes etc) so prepare for fun threads (if true)

>> No.50993804

guys Kilia is streaming... she showed us her minecraft house...

>> No.50993817

Implying I would trust vtuber at all. Honestly vtubing paints women in worse light than 3d girls irl and on soc media

>> No.50993827

I haven't seen him in Kilia's chat yesterday... and I have yet to see him today...

>> No.50993858

Then here
The reply chain anon. I don't have the energy to be pedantic right now

>> No.50993875

>kiki clique is shitting on the kichains who were shitting on the skye clique who were shitting on the mods who were shitting on the riiflings who were shitting on the kilia clique
>notriifu/retard clique was shitting on itself

>> No.50993888
File: 2.28 MB, 854x916, 1605454859890400.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the bitter end my friend. To the bitter end...

>> No.50993901

huh? he was there yesterday

>> No.50993913

to be completely fair, this one is intended to be what it says on the tin, a place for riiflings to gather, discuss riifu and wait for what the future might bring. But the guy running it is kind of a retard too, and keeps treating it like something else or more than that.

>> No.50993916

I dont care anymore, just burn this corpo to the ground so I can be free

>> No.50993945

*Cooms on you*

>> No.50993972

I must not have posted a lot then

>> No.50993994

There's another fucking discord now? Fuck me how many are there?

>> No.50993998

Thanks le reporter

>> No.50994001

he was there at the beginning and end but left or lurked in the middle of the stream

>> No.50994008

You’re very confused and it’s making me confused anon.

>> No.50994043
File: 470 KB, 615x644, 1686162442167714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy threads will never exist here will they...

>> No.50994051

Cut the Discord discussion or consequences will be had

>> No.50994123

Why the hell does Kilia only have 50 viewers 30 minutes into stream? I’m not a numberfag but I’ve never seen it like that before

>> No.50994124

that's an old one, maybe even older than that one with mods, you can search the archives there was some info

>> No.50994125
File: 671 KB, 587x590, 1672936564341966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiliaposter... ?

>> No.50994155

maybe because she's on her 4th Undertale stream? I dunno it's weird

>> No.50994228
File: 942 KB, 796x788, 1684179036384298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I'm just a riitard...

>> No.50994323
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>> No.50994331

This place used to be beautiful

>> No.50994401

Grass is always greener right?

>> No.50994472

We need the femanons(?) to diffuse this situation

>> No.50994475


>> No.50994564

Just keep waiting and it will eventually be green again.

>> No.50994574

It still is, it's just a different kind of beauty.

>> No.50994621

>things are looking grim

>> No.50994653

>*injured man with sniper*
>*injured man with sniper no watermark*
>*injured man with sniper no watermark -pinterest*
>*save image*
>*open discord*
>*set profile*
>*open kichain channel*
>Hey Kiki, I'm back. It was tough out there. Lost a brother.

>> No.50994680

I kneel, Grunt.

>> No.50994691

I miss him

>> No.50994740

they are and I love shitposting here. Its just that I sometimes miss the comfy threads that were all about posting how cute the girls are. Long gone are those threads...

>> No.50994781
File: 744 KB, 576x783, 1684863453891607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't that be nice? Anons on here just seem way too obsessed with people in that discord, it's like they are in love or something...

Shush, you

It never was about trust with me, so I'll check them out, hopefully there's some entertaining girls in the group, skye could use a bro or two!

I wasn't here for the good old days, could I kindly ask for a qrd? From the little crumbs here and there I gathered this general was a much more comfy place at the start.

We just gotta keep trying. Anons just have to stop perpetuating silly bait all the time. I belieb this can be a comfy thread!

>> No.50994803

I miss him so much bros...

>> No.50994825

Kilia’s Undyne voice is going to send me to an early grave

>> No.50994838 [DELETED] 
File: 632 KB, 685x574, 1666961684271057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, Zow? I thought you were a good guy, even though you were cringe.
I fully support Skye, she's a good person, I'm a former riifling.

People actually hopped onto a private server, invited their "friends", and formed a clique after Riifu was gone? What the hell, even Riifu made her server public, she knew honesty.

Two-faced people, such scum.

Talk more of comfy threads, beg us to stop, fuck you. I love seeing all this shit, exposing people for what they are.

>> No.50995002

Only reason I am in the riifling is because I thought it would be useful if she returned. If I missed it they would obviously relay the message. All this clique stuff is cancer and everyone involved should perish.

>> No.50995021 [DELETED] 

Of course the big creepy discordfags like r*ziel and z*w are on there.

>> No.50995083 [DELETED] 

Can't believe I liked these people.

>> No.50995248

This is supposed to be the point of it afaik, but the owner is a faglord treating it like his new cliquecord. I also joined just for Riifu's sake.

>> No.50995276

Wait they are doing that in a semi-public server? Are they actually retarded?

>> No.50995341

If/when she comes back it without a doubt be posted everywhere, no reason to subject yourself to that place.

>> No.50995388
File: 557 KB, 981x529, 1654996023079007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't it better this way? to live a lie where both people are happy?
Alphys is just like me

>> No.50995468 [DELETED] 

>>>zow is in as well
KEK it gets better and better
is there anyone NOT in an alt discord at this point

>> No.50995489

The ones involved with the kiwifags?

>> No.50995559

>Wait they are doing that in a semi-public server?
yeah. It's "just" supposed to be riifling fancord, not secret club iirc. I think it's not a bad idea because posting about her here is off-topic (except nostalgia) but as soon as the owner who has some silly fight going on with the rav fag (who isn't riifling anymore anyways) learned that his nemesis knows about the place he went paranoid for no reason. It's kind of funny.

>> No.50995584
File: 111 KB, 258x258, 1682122704879496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could I kindly ask for a qrd?
it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but the absolute worst thing we had were some random tourists coming in here talking how they found Riifus PL and that she was a whore (she literally self doxxed on debut and everyone knew, everyone was fine with it.)
Other than that it was about posting how girls are cute, professing love for them, discussions about the streams, even some fun memes formed. Girls were pretty open about knowing about /here/ and sometimes even discussed things going on in these threads. Then the VC's opened up and this place started getting less comfy. Riifu left and riiflings had even more meltdowns than usual. The point of no return was Saruman. He dropped his shit and the threads haven't been the same since.
Ironically the only thing that is the same as the beginning is riiflings having meltdowns
Not really q, but I tried to sum up a month and a half of threads as much as possible.

>> No.50995644

nta and it's hard to tell what every one of you is talking about, but just to clarify - there are two servers: one mixed - with mods, staff, and most of the posted screens were from there; and one with riitards I also joined, there was one screen from there without any useful info, just random shitposting, it's filled with, yeah, random stuff and riifuposting usually, but recently also shitting on rav and kichains

>> No.50995657

I think I might actually be a sane person because I can't wrap my head around how shit like this gets started over watching anime girl streamers. Bros, I'm fixed.

>> No.50995703

I'm glad I never even got invited now

>> No.50995733

I'm not in any of these discords but one person stabbed Riifu and his riifling friends in the back first chance he got to get cool kids points with the mods that apparently hate all of the fans of eien. So rav can rot by default. I'd rather be with the annoying faggot than him.
But interesting thing, sometimes you don't have to choose one of two options!

>> No.50995739

I'm not sure and I'm not there (and don't really care), just remembered it exists

>> No.50995756

How do you think Kilia feels about not even being close to being a 3view anymore?

>inb4 numberfag

>> No.50995783

Wondering now if we're going to see a shuffling of the mods in the near future.

>> No.50995825

Fair enough, thanks anon!

>> No.50995840

I dont think she cares that much, she isnt as good as some buoys would want you to believe but she could aim for nijisanji if she really wanted bigger numbers

>> No.50995871

If we don't then I have no idea what the fuck Eri is thinking.

>> No.50995874

>almost more people waiting for Kiki than people watching Kilia
what the fuck is this clown world?

>> No.50995894

Bad but she'll get those numbers back when more of her songs and shorts get traction.
I think it was not the best idea for her to go on holiday for more than a month during prime growth months but a once in a lifetime holiday is just that I guess. A job is a job.

>> No.50995930

Kiki was always the best talent. I don’t know why it’s taken this long for people to realize

>> No.50995961

Kiki is coombait and her biggest (objective) fault is her yab which most people dont care or dont know about

>> No.50995962
File: 10 KB, 302x99, firefox_kA1Ctx1duJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN3 material, for sure guys

>> No.50995967

>EU timezone
>panders to burgers
>tries GFE
>slow it down and only does it on member streams once a month
>strong point is her singing
>barely does karaoke streams
>keeps talking about missing her fans and wanting to stream more
>cancels/reschedule streams constantly
>goes to meet the burgercocks she loves so much for a whole month
>only does her mandated 2 hours (sometimes less) 3/4 streams a week with low energy, like she really doesnt want to be here

She only has herself to blame, she had potential, but she's lazy as fuck

>> No.50996008

I just want to be with Riifu again. I don't want to be in discords with other drama fags kiwifags keyfags or bouys in general. Even being here sucks. I wish she'd just lock me in her basement I don't even care what fate I'd be subject to just please Riifu notRiifu whatever take me away from all these homos I only care about you.

>> No.50996023

it's not a surprise most of the buoys left for Skye or just fucked off EIEN completely

>> No.50996077

>she had potential, but she's lazy as fuck
perfect for en3...

>> No.50996089

I just don’t understand why Kilia isn’t even breaking 90 viewers? Did she get shadowbanned or something? Is YouTube not recommending her stream, did notifications not get sent out when she went live? She always has at least 100-110, usually more for every stream.

>> No.50996112
File: 6 KB, 256x82, 1675331479832974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when more of her songs get traction
about that...

>> No.50996121

>streams as much as Kiki and Skye combined
>lazy as fuck
this is obvious bait but come on at least try

>> No.50996165

Do you even watch streams? A 1 hour Skye stream has more efforts than a 4 hours Kilia stream

>> No.50996188


>> No.50996197


>> No.50996217

There's only one kiwi poster in there. Most of them are developers, tracking and archiving.

>> No.50996242

*cooms on you*

>> No.50996245

I don't dislike her but the culture she entertains with the buoys caused me to not even want to get involved anymore. I used to catch every streams and participate actively, but now I just come by when noone better than her is live, hit fullscreen and do something on the side.

>> No.50996272

I'm thinking her game choice has a part in it the last week. I believe she's planning to stream Diablo so that will help bump them up a bit.

>> No.50996297

do people unironically like that game?

>> No.50996323

Some people unironically liked riifu

>> No.50996336

I can say that it's certainly more watchable than Undertale.

>> No.50996362

This place is the only place I can express criticism, please let me do it...

>> No.50996418


>> No.50996442

where is it?

>> No.50996486

4th part of a game playthrough on a weekday, I guess

>> No.50996533

Yes I love her with all my heart and soul unironicly

>> No.50996599

Good for you anon

>> No.50996636

I actually love her.

>> No.50996696

as a poe-fag and blizzard hater I can say it's still okay but just because poe is such a huge pile of shit now and there is no real alternative besides diablo, other games in this genre are even worse
