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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50704857 No.50704857 [Reply] [Original]

PREVIOUS >>50655833


Eru Nabura
https://youtu.be/OI_0x88Oyd4 [Open]

Meica (Re-Debut)
June 4th 18hr-MX 19hr-PE 21hr-AR

Nisha Nixyeva
https://youtu.be/g6iDajnjqCo [Open]

>> No.50705031 [DELETED] 
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>This happens to you.
What method you use to kill yourself?

>> No.50705357


>> No.50705963

Why do you love OP?

>> No.50706121


>> No.50706663

Hi Nisha

>> No.50707478


>> No.50707785



>> No.50707981

She talks like Mahiru

>> No.50708075

That bitch plays the guitar

>> No.50708548

Literally cunny too powerful

>> No.50708615

disgusting, already groomed.

>> No.50708678

shut up nisha, you have been out-cunny'd

>> No.50708755

I really hope she doesn't join that server, poor girl.

>> No.50708822

Is Anya aware of /here/?
Something tells me she's not. Even if she's a menhera.

>> No.50708836

>hurrr hurrr Nisha xDDD
are you unironically retarded or have shit for brains? the fuck are you celebrating the born of "la kaka real" Anya version?
when this fucking shithole got infested with twittard too?

>> No.50708941

As long as menhera-sama doesn't join, it's alright, right?

>> No.50708960

we are fucked.

>> No.50709034

Oh no

>> No.50709130


>> No.50709134

>already groomed
>newly created server
Fanservers can exist and you can do nothing about it, and it isn't the talent's problem either.

>> No.50709173

>Lomicucks doing anti-Anya psyop already

>> No.50709211

she is not there

>> No.50709252

>advertising it on her twitter account

>> No.50709274

She shouldn't acknowledge the existance of fan groups

>> No.50709471

truly los "cuernitos" kek, i bet the fag that made the diskek knows her on rl.

>> No.50709903

Just like Eru and Shura did?

>> No.50709950

Disgusting Nisharts

>> No.50710115

>the mongolic retard trying to bait again with le tribalshit
considerd this a (You)

>> No.50710142


>> No.50710370 [SPOILER] 
File: 369 KB, 596x613, 172943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold Himea's hands like this...

>> No.50710382

those are indies not part of a company that have clear rules, they have a official wactor discord for that, so doing this... not even Himea dared to share the guardiafags diskek or the other fan one.

>> No.50710528

Anon, talents from a company cannot join a fan server, only sopa done it, but that's because she's a retarded burraca.

>> No.50710587

The official discord is dead, not only figuratively but in practice. All channels are closed, all invite links are down. Now is basically just an archive.

>> No.50710600

Is that a motherfucking /here/ reference?

>> No.50710770

My wife...

>> No.50710784

>trying to justificate and support the errors she made
what the fuck, are you retards from that discuck or what?

>> No.50710910

>he expects rational thoughts from the girl who joined this shitty company

Come on, anon.

>> No.50711017 [DELETED] 

anya fan discord

>> No.50711087


her being retarded is nothing new

>> No.50711100

Himea will have a lot of work adding new names to her excel file

>> No.50711384

she is not even on the server. i doubt she will join, most likely she doesn't even know the consequences of having a discord server, that little retard lmao

>> No.50711645

that was a fast ban, what was it?

>> No.50711743

Always discorfags...

>> No.50711837

Himea did share the fan discord tho.

>> No.50711931

Anya discord link.

>> No.50712001

She probably joined with an alt.

>> No.50712023

Anya's cunny

>> No.50712075

I wonder why fags can't live without having a discord server for every single thing. And they dare call us no-lifes.

>> No.50712230

Groomer gonna groom

>> No.50712552

>Anya mi amor

>> No.50712633

Not even that, it seems every fag has a personal discord server wtf.

>> No.50712691

she's in a latam server then?

>> No.50712830

>No noooo, que negro!!!

>> No.50712848

I hate this game, but I'll check it out

>> No.50712853

>que negro!

>> No.50712868
File: 44 KB, 720x284, Screenshot_20230603-183926~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening to her? She's the only other passable cunny.

>> No.50712965
File: 848 KB, 2160x3840, Fxtxd3ZWwAMhRLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shura didn't shared a shit
and Eru didn't shared a fan discord.

>> No.50712979

That's all

>> No.50713024

That is interesting

>> No.50713039

Yes, Eru shared that tamarindo and ferputofil discuck server

>> No.50713227
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It seems is physical health issues

>> No.50713248

post link to the tweet she made then cause i din't saw it at all.

>> No.50713347
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>> No.50713388

lmao holy threadwatcher

>> No.50713451

Not even a thread watcher because it was shared here and widely discussed.

>> No.50713503

How does she know is almost complete if she isn't there?

>> No.50713550

well idk if widely discussed. It was shared here, yes, but it was vague discussed. Anons didn't give much attention because they don't really care about eru

>> No.50713621

>Eru being irrelevant case 45733675

>> No.50713623

Because she is there with an alternative account it's pretty obvious

>> No.50713647

So she was lying?

>> No.50713676

She's la mas groomeadita after all why should i care for a bitch groomed by an argie?

>> No.50713742
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>> No.50713870

So s(he)'s playing on the chilean server with low ping, and during the debut s(he) 'imitated' the argie accent very naturally, hmmmm

>> No.50714018

who cares

>> No.50714095 [DELETED] 

so actually maybe i'm right, maybe is her faking the voice...

>> No.50714314

Right now she's a Nisha but a bit more loose

>> No.50714335

since when a vtuber is not suppose to fake a character?

>> No.50714393

What does that mean? From what country is that word in shooter games?

>> No.50714610

>Yo huelo a colonia de bebé

>> No.50714942

>perrito malvado grooming anya

>> No.50714948

>como conos de trafico que se quedan parados sin hacer nada

>> No.50714990

is from argentina, cono means useless

>> No.50715038
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>> No.50715151

Really? I've never heard that.

>> No.50715248 [DELETED] 

Come watch the AIVtuber my lil sis made.

>> No.50715329

is a futbol slang, it's used like "esos jugadores son tremendos conos se quedan parados sin hacer nada"

>> No.50715661

So what of this girl is actually Himea friend?

>> No.50715723

She has centraca accent

>> No.50715883

Her accent resembles of culombian or some country close to there

>> No.50715916

she is not from central america

>> No.50716001

she's manolita, remember is a trend on manoland to act and speak like argie

>> No.50716169

She doesn't talk nor act like an argie tho.

>> No.50716195

na, in the previous stream she said that "it was cold" so you can drop all the northern countries

>> No.50716200


>> No.50716216

get serious retard, adults are talking.

>> No.50716297

she's from the rebel province.

>> No.50716362

She is either Chilean or Argentine.

>> No.50716399

She is paraguayan

>> No.50716418

She sounds from there and uses the timezone.

>> No.50716595

there is no "cold" in centracaland

>> No.50716651

There is, humid cold. And is horrible

>> No.50716842

cold in that places like 17 degrees, a joke

>> No.50717115

When you're used to 30°C, 17 is cold, and since is very humid the cold goes through your clothes like they're nothing.

>> No.50717294

Anya is literally the first vtuber I've seen who knows how to play viodejuegos like shooters, that aim was very clean, all her kills were onetap only

>> No.50717408


>> No.50717465

im mexican and i have a friend from mty who use "conos" to refer to noobs in lol

>> No.50717490


>> No.50717561


>> No.50717642

Is it even wet season there?
And if it's haci, has anyone of you heard eru say that it's cold?

>> No.50717690


>> No.50717730

get a goretex jacket

>> No.50717736

Having wild sex with Anya while listening to The Doors.

>> No.50717737

Shes good but, I have seen other vtubers that are good at valorant too. now in spanish speaking, you are right about that.

>> No.50717799

>Playing a debuff game like Valorant (or any shooter) for her second stream
Why is she sabotaging herself?

>> No.50717809

that thing “conos" is used by LoL players.

>> No.50717921

>that thing “conos" is used by LoL players.
Then she's not argie, because they use the word "manco", not conos

>> No.50717925

yes, but it comes from futbol
also most argies are lol players so

>> No.50718011

she already said she never tasted mate

>> No.50718031

in today's stream Anya said several times that it was very cold
Here in spain it's hot as fuck so she's not from here

>> No.50718072

PeruAnon here, it is very cold.

>> No.50718102

then that discard she being argie and

>> No.50718121

i'm an argie and i don't like mate neither
anyway i'm not saying she's argie, i don't even think she's argie. I'm only saying what cono means and where it comes from

>> No.50718150

>Hana is is going to sing for a Honkai Star Rail Music

>> No.50718186

Putiglota makes a stream about an announcement
>just a new cover

all of her streams are now titled ANNOUNCEMENT
is it the only way she can have a ccv similar to her prime time?

>> No.50718194

Fuck off fer, no one asked your opinion.

>> No.50718221

Why are you obsessed with a vtuber rm?

>> No.50718247

I mean, this is a big achievement for her

>> No.50718285


>> No.50718341

bc i don't watch choripanegras

>> No.50718373

she didnt say didnt like it, but never tasted it

>> No.50718416


>> No.50718477

It was always like this with every debut. Yes even with sopa.

>> No.50718553

Anons from that time know better now, the ones currently obsessed are facetards from holotontos and holopapus.

>> No.50718585

to be fair nips suck at shooters

>> No.50718596

>Makes announcent
>instantly fuck off
Hana really needs breeding correction...

>> No.50718615
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>> No.50718640
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cause i don't give a fuck about the new girl, so at least let me have fun speculating until i get bored and forget about her existence.

>> No.50718676

Go back

>> No.50718691

she has said that her grandmother is russian, and that she spent 3 years in russia, that would explain her accent, she probably lives in central america.

>> No.50718705


>> No.50718758

Man I really want to hang around with Jefaza while listening to The Doors.

>> No.50718774

She's very bad at russian tho

>> No.50718816

She said she lived there in her childhood, so probably has been at least a decade since she lived there.

>> No.50718877

or she's lying

>> No.50718924
File: 157 KB, 1664x1663, Fxuh0JEWIAENMBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story, she clearly russian-japanese hafu ;^)

>> No.50718936

>Everything that doesn't fit my narrative is a lie

>> No.50718956


>> No.50718959

the Central American accent is very easy to recognize, she is not from there at all, I don't know why you are still so retarded to say that she is from Central America if she has clearly used Chilean and Argentine words

>> No.50719016

Doñitaaaa LMAOOO

>> No.50719039

there was a Russian anon saying that her accent is from the village or something like that.

>> No.50719048


>> No.50719062

She has that "SH" way to pronounce as "CH" from a certain central american country.

>> No.50719105

She was talking with a Caribbean accent in the last part of today's stream

>> No.50719121

yes, yes тoвapищ anon i'm russian too ;^) she totaly from my village on Stalinmexicogrado

>> No.50719140

you can try going out and making new friends, anon

>> No.50719156

>He thinks that the SH is exclusive to the centraca

>> No.50719167

tell me, do you speak russian? Or have you had contact with people outside of Moscow?
Yes, i do and i have friends near dubki, that is "village" accent, she dont changes the pronunciation of the YA YE and the letter O, It's too cringe that people who don't know talk as if they were an expert.

>> No.50719210
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don't even bother with those niggers, everything was confirmed during the stream

>> No.50719275

could she be one of those girl from that vtuber agency died recently?

>> No.50719361

>Oh, show me the way
>To the next little girl ToT
>Oh, don't ask why
>Oh, don't ask why
>Show me the way
>To the next little girl ToT
>Oh, don't ask why
>Oh, don't ask why
Uoooohhhh ToT

>> No.50719396

I was already suspecting that she was Chilean from the previous stream that only confirms it

>> No.50719432

people in moscow make fun of people with that accent, if it was fake and she was only learning russian recently, she would use moscow russian, because in fact, it is the only "russian" that is taught

>> No.50719449

and dropped, no wonder why she joined this cancerous black company...
cursed blood.

>> No.50719506

wtf and why is she understood when she speaks? I am sure she is not 100% Chilean, maybe living there

>> No.50719583

she lit uses "tuliña", and the pron. of the sh ch can be Influenced for the russian that she learned at the primary school, in russia they have ts sh ssh ch zh

>> No.50719585

The Chilean accent changes by area and your socio-economic status

>> No.50719602

Anya is doñita confirmed

>> No.50719638

KEK, thats why she is using a modulador lmao

>> No.50719689

The clapping destroyed your modulator rrat.

>> No.50719703

Akira would never ask any of the girls to hide their native accent, right guys????

>> No.50719718

Well, nothing new to me. She was only there to prevent that SOPITA would becoming the head of the ES branch and starting to gain more hierarchy over time than Miu and Lia.

>> No.50719743

go to watch her last stream min 6:40, then leave a comment, nisha, no body talks about that know just for that, not like u, clap again in a stream pls

>> No.50719752

… did u see the last two stream?

>> No.50719801

>>50719743 (YOU)

>> No.50719814

All hail the new /here/ cunny queen Anya!!!

>> No.50719826

Damn, even his mom is abandoning the manlet.

>> No.50719848

yes, still sounds like a voice changer

>> No.50719906


>> No.50719907

cry more wactor drones why i would whatch your trash when my oshi is streaming rn?

>> No.50719928

nisha, really, no body wants ur opinion

>> No.50719929

Didn’t Sezia have a stream using a voice changer? She claps when she laughs sometimes and it didn’t sound distorted, why do fags think we’re still in 2010?

>> No.50719960


>> No.50719968

then don't make yourself look like a retarded threadwatcher

>> No.50720066

they are retarded Wactordrones, probably Nico doing damage control.

>> No.50720072

she doesn't know how to pronounce the "Ъ" and the "Ь". it's not about the accent, it's about not knowing how the words works, she speaks like a total amateur.

>> No.50720076

Why is she using English?

>> No.50720102

tourists are being insufferable again

>> No.50720117

that just makes it clear that you've never heard a woman with a natural high pitched voice kek. stop watching Nisha and her attempt to sound higher pitched.

>> No.50720132

Because she was there over a decade ago

>> No.50720161


>> No.50720173

bro u really know russian? those are "signos" like that on the ñ, those changes the pronunciation of the YE YA etc... stop talking if u dont know

>> No.50720219

she's trying to pander the school shooters to get donations and pay her car

>> No.50720254

its like he is searching info rn just to talk shit xd

>> No.50720283

Insider here Anya is Nico with a voice changer

>> No.50720331

Anya ToT

>> No.50720346

speaking of nico, he has no mod position on anya's channel

>> No.50720353

So the rigger kofi was really a scam.

>> No.50720385

Anya plays so well Valo, it's like if she was a he but with a voice changer

>> No.50720395

Was there even a mod in today's stream? Or is himea the only mod?

>> No.50720407

shes getting nudes from her as a payment for his mod/shilling services

>> No.50720410

Nisharts are being really annoying.

>> No.50720422

Shura was in France back probably a decade ago too and she’s fine

>> No.50720426

I don't remember seeing other mods than Himea.
Even Akira was grey, but maybe that was an impersonator.

>> No.50720483

Don't compare being overseas as and adult than as a child.

>> No.50720543

Shura did highschool there, she was not a child. It also may depend on how frecuent you speak the language. Now go to sleep nisha chuu

>> No.50720564

and thats what i'm talking about, she doesn't know how to pronounce the words who have the hard sign and the soft sign, she speaks like if she was reading the russian romanized

>> No.50720587

Her narrative about being ghosted, then rejected, and more 'incidents' about the rigging, it only raises suspicions

>> No.50720594

I saw Nico, I think Akira no longer has money to pay the mods

>> No.50720642

but keep coping anon, of course she's a cute russian girl from the siberian plains, if that fulfill your fetishes and make you happy keep on cope!

>> No.50720677

that is precisely the village accent, it is literally what I just said, the mockery of Moscow, what I just said... that is why it is called, village accent...

>> No.50720694

In the end the power of Cunny will save wactor...
Cunny is literally the most powerful thing in existence, the beginning and end of it all.

>> No.50720741

Then what about the accent? If she can’t speak it properly why does she fake having one?

>> No.50720752

but she don't have any accent at all lol

>> No.50720794

>A Vtuber playing a character!? God forbid!!
Retard, you're like those fags who go to a house of terror and scream "FAKE!" to all the attractions.

>> No.50720800

they are speaking from ignorance

>> No.50720844

I don't know why they don't enjoy the two flavors of lolituber instead of fighting with each other

>> No.50720859

they're talking about rm stuff no vtuber stuff, of course she can larp as a russian but don't come here and say she is one

>> No.50720866

I saw Nico too, but I don't remember him being blue.

>> No.50720870

Fags so desperate they're now seething because the girl is playing a character, lmao!

>> No.50720891

its in words like тeбя, she pronouns like tebya, not tibya, or мeня, menya, not minya

>> No.50720890

Ok Nisha

>> No.50720944

i trust you rusbro, these fags are
>larping as russians
>v-voice changer!
totally organic, discordtrannies

>> No.50720946

Then your talk is off topic, here we talk about Vtuber strams, not rms.

>> No.50720950

fucking BASED

>> No.50720990

Thats it, idk
I don't know where she bases her sources, I'm sure Nisha just learned in Duolingo and she already feels like an expert in the language and came here to talk shit

>> No.50720997

You say this yet shit on Sopa for playing a character of a Japanese girl

>> No.50721021

meant for>>50720677

>> No.50721025

>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").

>> No.50721030

I think she fucked up by giving so much personal details like those instead of just playing with her plot.

>> No.50721044

you can watch twitch thots or a irl woman if you don't like vtubers to play a character btw

>> No.50721049

Get your brownie queen back to 200 cv faggots, she's depressed

>> No.50721110

get ready for deal with the shitters cause she is the new shinny toy for and expect a lot of shitposts from some days until fags get bored, just hope they don't find her rm or then they will be around for a long time.

>> No.50721154
File: 4 KB, 182x156, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr it's a village accent!
nigga that's not accent at all lol thats using google translate to speak romanized russian

>> No.50721173


>> No.50721176

being a japanese girl wasn't the character, she was a being from the sky keke
you don't even know misora lore

>> No.50721181

u all are lit arguing shit, I have been speaking Russian for 10 years and I live with people from there for my job, I don't know why they try to debate me after watching a video of "learn Russian in 5 minutes"

>> No.50721221

Don't care, I'll keep watching Anya.
Keep seething meicagos and nisharts

>> No.50721252

u all, see? using translator just to prove the pronounciation

>> No.50721259

last days they were so quiet...what changed now?

>> No.50721260

>font: trust me bro i'm an anon from russia actually i'm putin himself!

>> No.50721279

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.50721297

weekend and you retards replying to shitty baits.

>> No.50721311

i dont need to prove anything since ur arguments are like "i just saw it at google"

>> No.50721329


>> No.50721338

using translator just to prove just to prove that she doesn't have any accent to pronounce the words, she's literally reading the romanized russian from google translater, she doesn't even know how to speak russian

>> No.50721351

yes, i was talking about the other fag

>> No.50721354

They saw Jefaza is receiving support and are seething hard.
Didn't you see their discord raid to her debut?

>> No.50721376

kek, did I understand it right?
This retard plans to talk with H-kun, and he believes he will tell him stuff?

>> No.50721386

Its okay Nishita, stop crying chuu

>> No.50721415


>> No.50721460

if she have a village accent and not a moscow one, then why is google translator showing an village accent from an unknown village in the middle of nowhere and not the russian accent from moscow?

>> No.50721496

They were still at it, I was wondering about the mods because this wasn't deleted, also akira but that may be the real one(?

>> No.50721512

go to "google" and search about raskovo, saratov... if u are from a country like those, the people of the city make fun of you for the accent

>> No.50721545

trust me bros i'm a kgb agent, she's not russian she's an american agent sent to win latin american hearts larping as a russian loli!

>> No.50721624

grammar rules, even the spanish is not pronounced correctly

>> No.50721742

>google translation
>proof she's actually russian
i can't believe google just doxxed my Hokkaido Accent

>> No.50721760

Arguing about whether they speak Russian badly or not because of the pronunciation is like saying that an indigenous person speaks Spanish badly or someone from another country speaks it badly, Russia is very big, do you think there will be no change as is the case with Latin America and Spain? they really make me cringe

>> No.50721793

Who cares if she is Russian or not, the others pretended to be Japanese and nobody said anything to them like that fag with google translator n shit, cringe.

>> No.50721846


>> No.50721944

I mean i can go to ask some russian in /pol/ about it

>> No.50721997

> the others pretended to be Japanese and nobody said anything to them
said it on a board where always shit on meica telling her she's a fake japanese

>> No.50722020

They think we'll stop watching her if she's not russian.
I couldn't care less, she does a good better than Nisha job playing cunny and that's all I care.

>> No.50722044

It's like saying that Chileans don't speak Spanish because they pronounce it del orto

>> No.50722048

lying is good except when is meica according to him

>> No.50722056

indigenous talks with their accent, not like if they're reading spanish from google translator

>> No.50722111

Not even a week and she's already full of lies....

>> No.50722126

Mierdaza’s lore is living with Himea, not being Russian

>> No.50722135

tell me the definition of accent and pronunciation, tell me, does that not differ by location and culture?

>> No.50722140

That's because Meica has a whole lot other reasons to be hated on. The Japanese thing is the least of them and just to mess with her head.

>> No.50722165

>jefaza: voice changer
>nisha: natural voice
tell me who is better playing as cunny now fag

>> No.50722170

Its okay Nishita, you sure are la mas rushita

>> No.50722206

Ok meicaschizo

>> No.50722227

Anya is now /here/'s protectee.
We will justify anything she does or says and (You) will seethe.

>> No.50722250

>Nisha: natural voice

>> No.50722257

Why do u argue about whether she's Russian or not, she only said that her mom is Russian once and that's it, she's not hanging on to that like meica, what does it matter?

>> No.50722288 [DELETED] 

>Nisha: 30yo used goods hag
>Anya: Actual cunny

>> No.50722301

spamer if you are here it's your time to shine.

>> No.50722302

I'm pretty sure this will age like milk

>> No.50722319

>Not hanging on it
>All the memes about drinking vodka, wanting to call her fans some Russian name and the fake hollywood accent

>> No.50722323

I write in english like i'm using google translate but believe me bros i'm just from a small town i can't say the name of in the middle of nowhere where everyone talks like they're using google translate!

>> No.50722343

nishita la mas rushita HAHASHSAHSAH

>> No.50722369

Aña, there's a new voice changer powered by an AI, it will make you sound more natural, thank me later my boy

>> No.50722401

Is the natural course of things, but for now (You) will seethe.

>> No.50722411

is she talking about that on stream? those r memes bc of her nacionality, but is not s talking about it

>> No.50722416

Can you give me a clip where she speak russian?

>> No.50722444

We are not discussing against Jefaza she can larp as much as she wants, we are discussing against these newfags who believes everything as an absolute truth and use it as an excuse to shit on the other girls
>jefaza is a true russian not like meicaca who is a fake japanese!!!

>> No.50722464

here goes another "learn russian in 5 minutes"

>> No.50722479

about what? fighting imaginary enemies in a weekend again?

>> No.50722589

The fact they're so defensive about the russian accent and go so hard to do a 180° between Anya and Meica is so funny
>Anya lies: Pretty based
>Meica lies: Hypocrite
Like, holy shit sister, are you going that down for a hate?

>> No.50722603

someone said that anya was real russian?

>> No.50722607

thats r. let me tell u something else, if a russian GIRL get marrieeg with a man, whose lives in otrher country, she takes he's last name and leaves her "nombre de soltera", i think that makes it harder to doxx

>> No.50722618

Anon she made them herself, stop coping

>> No.50722644

If that makes Meicagos seethe, so be it.

>> No.50722673

russi anon here
look, going from russian to spanish is very difficult i've been living in latam for 6 years and that little accent still comes out in some words
Her first language is clearly spanish, if she were from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, from the center or the easternmost tip of Russia and even if she is from Belarus or Serbia or Ukraine the articulation of the words in russian and spanish are very different, she doesn't sound like a country girl or ethnic Russian from other countries, she sounds like a foreigner who learned russian, stop saying bullshit

>> No.50722674

hi hypocrite you're the same as Akira :)

>> No.50722688

retards saying that Anya uses Voice Changer

> Anya proves otherwise

Now they are attacking her for her Russian accent, man this is so funny

>> No.50722704

and curiously after that, nisha started studying russian and no one says anything

>> No.50722719
File: 44 KB, 474x266, 1683249031158331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50722729

being in japan was part of misora's lore kek
keep looking like a retarded a little more, please!

>> No.50722734

I don't give a fuck lol

>> No.50722745

yes, the anon saying that she's from a unknown village on the middle of nowhere

>> No.50722756

I've been listening russian since the Donbass War in 2014, she's clearly not slav, probably she learned it outside of the country

>> No.50722778

>two idiots having a big penis contest about Russian accent is a harassment towards meica
what is your problem?

>> No.50722781

But she didn’t prove it, or did Sezia change her voice for a chipmunk’s naturally too? The claps and table hits sounded natural too

>> No.50722822

I know just keep going my personal clown, i really want to see the end of your holy crusade in 4chan

>> No.50722827

>her Russian accent
more like her absence of accent kek

>> No.50722833

get out moscow and go meet the people who live beyond the touristy and then talk, i can give you a tour if you want

>> No.50722834

Yes, she didn't say she was born in Russia. She said she lived for 3 years there with her grandma. And not early childhood, but closer to preteen.

>> No.50722860

>She said that she's always been a cute little girl all her life, let's trust her words!!!

>> No.50722865

She said she was studying Russian in her personal account when it was public

>> No.50722895

if i were learning russian outside i would use the common accent which is moscow, its as simple as that

>> No.50722906

now this is a cope kek anon you probably don't go out of your basement and you will tell a rusky where to go.

>> No.50722912

What crusade?
I just enjoy seeing meicagos seethe and Meica have menhera attacks.

>> No.50722939

My boy, they are arguing about the accent not where she comes from

>> No.50722948

>meicagos bring meicaca to the topic
>nooOOOoo stop shitting on my queen ToT

>> No.50722960

What if someone asks Shura to use voice changer in her stream?

>> No.50722986

So the last defense of wactorettes is a person who uses voice modulator and since that they don't speak nor their own language or much less Japanese they also make racist attacks to which was his biggest figure of that shitty corp.

>> No.50722989

this is what i'm trying to say but nono better believe in the "she's from a small village believe me!" anon

>> No.50722994

She literally proved it by changing her tone of voice and clapping her hands, even in her stream now you can hear her actual tone of voice when she laughs. Sezia sounds more tranny than Anya tho, kek

>> No.50722995

that sound like a menhara attack from your part anon, no sane person go for days to attack a fanbase unless you're emotional.

>> No.50723009

Shura already clapped on stream and the vc was noticed

>> No.50723021

Learn English

>> No.50723051

tell that to the anon saying she's country girl

>> No.50723070

50722895 <<<

>> No.50723095

I laugh and she goes to cry on her sub account.

>> No.50723105

is so funny to see them "I don't defend wactor but..." all day and what makes it funnier is just a liafag butthurt, i would too if even putiglota make it to Honkai Star Rail

>> No.50723123

Hard Cope

>> No.50723152

no body is talking about w, wtf are u saying

>> No.50723165

I couldn't give less of a fuck about that nip whore. I just enjoy seeing meicagos seethe.

>> No.50723170

and is isn't about you either so keep going bro, i'm sure your crusade will end in a happy ending

>> No.50723176

fuck off meicago

>> No.50723218

It wasn’t, but keep on lying

>> No.50723226

I thought sezia was trans because she talks like one near my house

>> No.50723231

Everytime someone doesn't agree with her she remembers this place and calls them haters, lol.

>> No.50723244

Haha anons are so funny

>> No.50723248

>personal clowns
So you are that shitter. What an hypocrite fag.
You got exposed during the meica split threads, dont forget that

>> No.50723283

Wow now you’re attacking other girls with their personal traumas to defend a tranny, shit gets together well

>> No.50723297

hits the table with reverb*

>> No.50723313

>ITT meicaschizo is having another sperg episode
I'm not even a brotecito, but watching schizos like this is fun

>> No.50723314

Again what crusade?
I don't have a genuine interest in this shitty company, I'm just here to make (You) seethe.

>> No.50723377

the fuck is your problem retards? why you give (You)s

>> No.50723403

Seeing meicucks seething is preety funny actually but I got to go, I do have a life
GN anons!

>> No.50723417

yes nisha, yes, now go to poop

>> No.50723418

Smells like new bread

>> No.50723445 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.50723446
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>my posts in a weekend make a schizo fag waste his entire week on meica hate

>> No.50723492

this but Himea kek

>> No.50723529

You're here too retard.

>> No.50723577

braindead ToT

>> No.50723585

>other girls
>defend a tranny

Anon.. are you mad that Shura sounds like a real tranny?

>> No.50723596

I miss Miutomo OP

>> No.50723622

Only the weekend, and for a few minutes. The rest of the day i'm watching streams and playing games instead of let my emotional damage derail here.

>> No.50723666

>de ponerla no hablamos, no?

>> No.50723740

I'm not from Moscow, but I'm not from the remotest parts of Russia either
I don't know what you're talking about, I literally have family all over Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, I've been in Serbia and Hungary, and before I finished university I did the trans-siberian from Vladivostok to Saint Petersburg
whatever i only got to this general because someone posted a russian flag the other day but she ain't even russian
whatever, maybe i only pass by sometimes bye faggots

>> No.50723746

don't speak about your sexual life so openly anon, don' embarras yourself

>> No.50723806

bye tovarisch, remember Z and denounce the talmud

>> No.50723811

no friends either, annon? only vtubers, games and being a shitter on saturday night?

>> No.50723818

the larper

>> No.50723846

ok loser

>> No.50723933

don't speak like that about your life. bye my friend, remember, denounce the talmud

>> No.50723989


>> No.50724005

>This fag only knows anime girls

>> No.50724055

>new argie chuuba
no wonder /here/ gets so defensive about him kek

>> No.50724115

Its Okay shura, you sound so femenine

>> No.50724132

go vote, anons

>> No.50724222
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gn anons

>> No.50724289

forum conclusion, nisha uses voice modulator, shura talks like a tranny, anya is a fuckable loli
anya >>> nisha >>> shura

>> No.50724370

holy cope

>> No.50724487
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>> No.50724539

I like nisha too

>> No.50724546

I'm not reading all that shit
Shura is doing a space
And Is Nisha going to be Anya's sister?
We need more Blanc chubas

>> No.50724561


>> No.50724580

what a mess why jannies are so fucking useless.

>> No.50724599

Anya's voice sounds so weird, i don't know if she uses something for her voice but if somebody uses a modulator it's probably her

>> No.50724675

she uses a shitty headset mic

>> No.50724713

what does blanc mean?

>> No.50724715

Shura in sexmex when?

>> No.50724777

watch the fucking charla libre stream Threadwatcher

>> No.50724807


>> No.50724817
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Luna-Anya's dad is literally named Blanc's pig
Blanc from neptunia
Luna is almost a white Blanc

>> No.50724851

Oh, it's that? Her voice sounds like with a tiny reverb, maybe it's because the headphone catches the sound

>> No.50724865
File: 325 KB, 390x843, 678510628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

primordial cunny ToT

>> No.50724950

Crujiperro wants to fuck Shura

>> No.50724953

she mentioned that in the last stream and makes sense, she probably uses it to close to her mouth too because of external sounds

>> No.50724999

>sisters fighting for their older brother's attention


>> No.50725023

clearly she uses a modulator and it shows when the microphone receives the treble

>> No.50725065

Even if you don't like mate, there is no chance that you've NEVER tasted it in Argentina

>> No.50725096


>> No.50725127

Ok Nisha
Then explain why does her claps doesnt sound with reverb. and how she can change her voice tone

>> No.50725143

I don't think that would even matter but go and watch the last 3 sec of the last stream

>> No.50725154

nisha, go to sleep

>> No.50725201
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don't look erucucks

>> No.50725293

>I don't think that would even matter but go and watch the last 3 sec of the last stream
yes, she probably spoke to someone who brought her pizza and used the same voice and immediately hung up

>> No.50725323


>> No.50725344

they are clearly not looking, anon...

>> No.50725402

>shitty anime

>> No.50725457


>> No.50725513

wtf thats true, it makes sens, so, it confirms the thinks that some ramdoms says a day ago that she has hypothyroidism

>> No.50725567

What's that?

>> No.50725605

cunny voice

>> No.50725698

and what about it? if the stream have it activated you will hear it the same, it still pass the filter

>> No.50725719

a medical condition that affects the throat

>> No.50725807

that is not how it works lol

>> No.50725827

I almost forgot that chuuba existed.

>> No.50725868

bro, she changed her voice and doesn't matter wheter she is laughing or clapping, or changing the tone of voice, it is always the same "timbre", so, if it is true and she talks like that even out stream, it confirms the doxx

>> No.50725926

STFU shitters Merun is streaming:

>> No.50725930

no name = bullshit

>> No.50725940

It's an summary, asshole, I won't give the whole medical explanation, use google, it can changes the voice

>> No.50725986


>> No.50726007

lol no he just take a random profile on vk

>> No.50726043

what happened?

>> No.50726089

you are not going to come to tell me how it works if my aunt has that condition lol

>> No.50726162


>> No.50726173

that disease makes her smaller than a normal person. and her voice is higher pitched, it would also explain why she always says she has a cold, and

>”hace mucho que no salgo a tocar pasto”
>”siempre tengo frio”

Hypothyroidism is the contrary of that.
