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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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506572 No.506572 [Reply] [Original]

looks like cover was fortunate to pull out of china when they did

>> No.506762

thats exactly what people said when there were regulators saying they had to cap tipping before near the end of last year, but vtubers both japanese and chinese still continue to operate there and make good money

>> No.506832

Youtube already does that, you can't send akasupas at will, there's a credit limit. You can send again the next day if you hit the daily cap. What China's doing isn't really new.

>> No.506841

Do we not actually acknowledge that giving away money for no content because you're stuck in a parasocial relationship isn't a good thing? I mean, just release a voice pack with the same amount of content at different price points on booth and you rack a way higher percentage anyways. Superchat and donations only exist to bait out annoying people who want their messages to be read on stream.

>> No.506866

im sure they'd still make alot, just not the enormous potential cover probably saw in the chinese market

>> No.509971

Not exactly, the CCP can actually knock at your door if you donate too much, even if you stay within limit, apparently doing so even with sane funds is likely to get you into re-education for reckless spending even if you can afford it.

>> No.510123

Do you live in China? Why do you guys talk bad things about China like you actually live there?

>> No.510727

Because even the rrats are mostly true and chinks are too afraid to actually say what's going on in their country because CCP. You guys have millions of literal slaves in the NW of your nation and reeducation camps across the country. If even 20% of the shit we hear about China is true, then they lose any sort of legitimacy as a civilized nation.

As much shit as the world gives America, we can still shit on our leaders freely. Chinese cannot.

>> No.511816

>50 cents has been deposited to your account and 5 social credit points were earned

>> No.515226

Mainland chinese would never admit it, they still deny the social credit system despite the government removing people's ability to travel or leave the country if their score drops low enough.

>> No.515530

Work on your English a bit so it won't be so obvious that you're a bugman posting through a VPN.

>> No.515957

Government isn't your parents, any time they try they turn out abusive.

>> No.517123
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>> No.517532

based chinks
fuck e begars

>> No.517570

Jesus Christ. Literally planting spies.

>> No.517657

Youtube has a cap too, it's 500$ a month.

>> No.517713

Imagine living under the CCP.

>> No.517765

It's not going to do anything to streamers that preach CCP values. The policy is pretty much only an excuse to cut off funds going to people that the CCP doesn't like to keep them in line.
E-beggars will still function the same as before, they just have to suck the CCP's dick enough for them to keep their income.

>> No.517858

All of it is terrible, not just number 3.

>> No.518169

Oh, Chang.

>> No.518247

Taiwan, Tibet, Honk Kong, Uyghur and Palestine are independent countries.

>> No.518293

ok i'll bit the bullet and actually ask finally. What the fuck does rrat mean?

>> No.518316

Lurk a million years before posting.

>> No.518334

Cover dodged a bullet here. COCO LOVE

>> No.518405

how new?

>> No.518416

go back to where you came from.

>> No.518455

what japanese vtubers or companies are now making money in the chink market? nijisanji isnt that big in the foreign market compared to hololive.

>> No.518527 [DELETED] 

The CCP is evil.

>> No.518558

>What the fuck does rrat mean?

I swear I've seen this question like 5 times today. Are we getting flooded with newfags?

>> No.518607

>Are we getting flooded with newfags?
vtubers are becoming a bigger and bigger topic online so obviously more people want to discuss and and a couple of them end up here. the stream of newfags will only increase from here.

>> No.518701

Chinese money is worthless. Converts like shit and you see barely any of it back after you get middle manned to death.

>> No.518718

No they're not, they are occupied slave states.

>> No.518742

Seeth more chang

>> No.518875

Don't be dumb. >>518718 is mostly correct. Palestine, Tibet, and Uygher SHOULD be independent but are currently filled with Chinese and Israeli troops. Hong Kongers seem to actually prefer being part of China albeit with more freedom but that's not really happening.
Taiwan is de facto an independent country no matter what the Chinese government says though.

>> No.518943
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, 55 days at pekin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based anon

>> No.518957

Unironically based. You have serious issues if you donate tons of money to streamers.

>> No.519029
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this level of cope and seethe is impressive. the same angry obsessed schizo has made like 20 seethe threads about china in the last 24 hours.

you made more seethe posts and threads than chinese antis did. the best part is you accomplished nothing while they made you seethe even more.

now you're resorting to posting news from last year like it has any influence and you win LOL

coco literally has the most retarded fans on this board and she doesn't even have any antis either cause nobody cares.

>> No.519095

Coco has done a better job managing the company than the actual management has

>> No.519192
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>> No.519234

Posting high quality Miko art doesn't save your rrat from being exposed, chinkoid. Fuck off back to the organ harvester.

>> No.519276

>y-your rrat is exposed!
>doesn't expose anything
ogey, rrat

>> No.519351

Anon, we usually capitalize words at the beginning of sentences in English. I know the concept doesn't exist in Chinese so it's pretty hard, but I'm sure you'll learn. Also, 4chan doesn't use markdown so you don't need to put two new lines between every phrase.

>> No.519421

no we don't usually capitalize letters at the beginning you esl retard.

>> No.519511

Yes we do Zhang, we even capitalize names like yours.

>> No.519576

brainwashed burgers USA technology is too strong nowadays capable of brainwash without them ever noticing
the amount of hatred chinese citizen get by burgers is ridiculous, and they havent done anything to them.
to prove that im right i predict the replies will be braindead burger calling me a chink

>> No.519624

Euro here, you're right, burgers are braindead and brainwashed. So are chinks. The two countries are fighting for world domination so it's not surprising

>> No.519634

Go back to your re-education camp, you have no understanding of English grammar.
t. Indonesian

>> No.519661

no, "we" don't you brown or yellow reddit esl. english has some rules people agree upon in formal writing but typing on the internet to some retard esl isn't formal so i don't need to.

>> No.519762

Holy fuck, ahahahahahahaha.I guess everybody belongs to the CCP, therefore trivial to comply. Still, a 1:50 mod ratio is very heavy.
Coco was a visionary pulling out from that shithole.

>> No.519796

>no, "we" don't you brown or yellow reddit esl.
I'm probably more white than an internet mutt anon

>> No.519846

your brain isn't even developed enough to know how natives treat english. go try and bedazzle another brown esl like yourself.

>> No.519881

Sure anon, don't forget to take English classes.

>> No.519914

>Taiwan is de facto an independent country
>de facto
I think you meant to say "de jure"

>> No.519954

no one cares about chinese citizens here

t. burger

>> No.520165

i guess you are right, maybe if i was in a chink thread theyd be shitting on usa 24/7?
>no one cares about chinese citizens here
yet this thread is entirely dedicated to china, im pretty sure people care.

>> No.520229

>i guess you are right, maybe if i was in a chink thread theyd be shitting on usa 24/7?
From what I've gathered Chinese seems more "organized" than Americans. It's like, most American hate Chinese by default, but most Chinese tends to hate "current enemies of China" if that makes sense (when I say most, I mean the one that are arguing online)

>> No.520238

>im pretty sure people care
Not any more than being conscious of where all of our shit is made and maybe trying to find a non-Chinese alternative.

>this thread
Now that you mention it, why do you type the same way as OP?

>> No.520285

Converts like shit yeah, but I don't think BB has more middlemanning than YT. BB withholds taxes for you while YT requires you to do your own taxes.

>> No.520429

>say thing that makes you visibly a chink
>"lmao inb4 I get called a chink"
I'll remember this tactic, really show those assholes calling me a pedophile when I expose myself to kids.

>> No.520432

Chink descendant here, I can definitely say chinks are worst off than burgers in brainwashing. I can speak Chink and I've had the unfortunate pleasure of interacting with many mainlanders. Some of them are the worst racist pricks I've ever met.
Some of the smart ones have immigration on their minds, but a good number of the younger crowd are pretty fanatical like the elderly who supported Mao. Sure, Burgers got brainwashing from social media and all that tracking, but cities in China literally have cameras with facial tracking everywhere to keep tabs on everything you do. Plus there's a lot of narratives on CCTV that makes Faux news look cute. Most of the younger Burgers are less hyper patriotic unlike the younger chinks.

>> No.520574

sounds like something a filthy unpatriotic un-Chinese worm would say

>> No.520604

>Chinese money is worthless.
>Second largest economy in the world soon to be number 1
Damn you guys are real ideologues

>> No.520636

Not him but nothing in America inspires patriotism I'm counting the days until the collapse

>> No.520658

i see, thanks for the constructive replies. totally get what you mean.
ive been called a chink so much that im starting to question myself, try saying anything agaisnt coco or whatever its always the same reply
>Chink descendant here
doubt, but thanks for the info

>> No.520701

They should let Coco, Sora, and Iofi run the operations of Cover and fire their upper management. There's definitely a board of old fucks that don't know anything about what to do in running cover outside of live events. Even the tech isn't being used to it's fullest extent.

Ogey, 宝贝鸡巴

>> No.520725

Well, yes, because literally the only people who are known to be outspoken against coco are chinks. It stands to reason that someone who is outspoken against coco is either a chink, or an extreme statistical outlier. So it's safe to assume they're a chink.

>> No.520802

>outspoken against Coco
So I'm not allowed to dislike her?

>> No.520814

Are you not allowed to be a chink?

>> No.520861

I'm not though

>> No.520869

>ive been called a chink so much that im starting to question myself, try saying anything agaisnt coco or whatever its always the same reply
Considering the problems she has with chinks currently, is it really too hard to hold your criticism until this is resolved?

>> No.520878

Statistically unlikely.

>> No.520912

Some of us hate reddit too much for that, anon
Fuck your reddit dragon and fuck your next meme

>> No.521132



>> No.521308

It means Russian ration, no point bringing that up in a thread about China.

>> No.521380

Not him, but it is "de facto". Remember that the "One China" policy is still in place where, for political reasons (among a number of other things), Taiwan never actually decided to rebrand their nation as anything other than China, so the mainland and the island both claim there is a China that they rule over. But we all know that in practice Taiwan is not China and the Taiwanese know it too. This is what "de facto" means.

>> No.521460

Yeah except that's the policy of a company, youtube, not the american equivalent of a federal law.

>> No.523117

>not 6 and 9

>> No.523235

I'm white and I don't much care for Coco, though I think its ridiculous what is happening to her

>> No.523412

>but a good number of the younger crowd are pretty fanatical like the elderly who supported Mao.
every fucking time, if I get a dollar for every instance in all history it happens I could buy US debt 10 times even with inflation

>> No.523535

>China literally have cameras with facial tracking everywhere to keep tabs on everything you do
Did you miss the mass arrests in America after the capital """insurrection""""?

>> No.523648

as a japanese, to be fair both chinks and mutts are absolutely the worst and fucking religious in a cultic way. mutts here are pretending to be better than chinks but in reality too many mutts are actually directly harassing japanese creators on twatter with their woke bullshit like chinks are. also both chink and mutt media/journos constantly have accused japan of being immoral or something. both are absolutely retarded commies.

>> No.524928

>as a japanese
Not even a rrat, just bad bait. Go donate to Coco

>> No.525315

>Just had to give every once of personal information to the government.
Not a big deal eh??

>> No.525377
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>> No.529715


>> No.529784
File: 334 KB, 653x595, Based Coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the NGA nationalists lurk and spam these threads. Artia's pissed off discord also shits up the board.

Like Coco tell them to fuck off.

>> No.531172

Yes, but not in an anti chink thread. Makes you look incredibly suspicious.

>> No.531227

I don't even know what NGA stands for.

>> No.531410

Niggers Got Aids

>> No.531445

Wow, they don't even pretend to allow any freedom. I almost admire the honesty.

>> No.531685
File: 80 KB, 661x622, 1603401360576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the Chinese students doing this for free, shouldn't you be studying? You visa status might be on risk if they find out what you been doing.
Hiromoot has sold personal information in the past before. It is ridiculous to think Google and other sites don't do the same.
They don't even need to do it themselves, the ML algorithm probably already classified you as a "dangerous element".
They considered you an spy from the start, and you are not making things any better for you.

>> No.531753

>literal ccp shills on the board

>> No.532031

>Haven´t done anything to them

Not yet anon... Not yet.

>> No.532163
File: 44 KB, 735x368, 1605979651259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I will call you an useful idiot.
How does that sound commie piece of shit?

>> No.534387

>Second largest economy in the world soon to be number 1
Yes, an economy mainly based on exports and production, something that's typically supported and facilitated by having a weak internal currency.
You massive retard.

>> No.534560

I wish 4chan (and the rest of the internet really) had a chink ip ban, if they ban the free web, then it only makes sense that the free web ban them.

>> No.535194

There is now a new rule added compare to last year, besides hardcapping limit on how much a user can throw, there is now also a limit on how much the streamer can get.

>> No.535237

>You visa status might be on risk if they find out what you been doing.
People don't get even deported from the US for rape and murder. I doubt the federal goverment is going to care that you said mean things about the reddit dragon

>> No.535592

should rethink this through seeing how they're all using VPNs to access the "free web"
