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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 11 KB, 600x300, 1683206087499088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49662969 No.49662969 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck went right? They're unironically going to be the most profitable corpo by year's end if they keep doing what they're doing.

>> No.49663169

Buy an ad

>> No.49663993
File: 157 KB, 637x481, 1684394193872721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49664176

Other corpos either have talents that are MIA or are falling apart in real time.

>> No.49664308

delusional phasenigger

>> No.49664671

Idol has deeper pockets and overall higher quality
>b-b-ut muh invaders 2
Failed manager and a failed utaite, of which neither of them really ever streamed for years

>> No.49664736

Jewbas literally have no soul

>> No.49665151

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.49665258

Cope harder, idol is ten times more soulful than your 4chan pickme corpo

>> No.49665295

How else do you think they got so much money? Aviel sold their souls to MOLOCH.

>I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
-Revelation 2:9

>> No.49665402
File: 40 KB, 527x465, 1681202025894890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls-only vtuber group
The only tasty recipe.

>> No.49665439

>How else do you think they got so much money?
Israel goverment funding, so US taxpayers
Idol is a CIA/NSA/Mossad/Shin Bet front cover operation

>> No.49665479
File: 141 KB, 512x512, 1659660565038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet doesn't stop them from collabing with males and cucking their fans with e-celebs

>> No.49665480

Idol is expanding...

>> No.49665657

You forgot live stream directly

>> No.49665661

>has a 2k andy and a bunch of 2views
Yeah phase is going to top on a magic carpet ride, fucking delusional

>> No.49665836

>2k andy
Seething vshojocuck

>> No.49665901

Still better than 90% of the competition
the other 10% being hololive, nijisanji, idol and fairly established indies

>> No.49665900

The CEO has collabed with the girls as a pngtuber, therefore he is a male talent.

>> No.49665924
File: 31 KB, 1317x262, Lia 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure bud, fans surely love stuff like this.

>> No.49665970

You can't even say that about the company these days, they declined massively in the span of a year.

>> No.49666007

They still massively do better than Phase retard

>> No.49666102

They pretty much perform on par with Phase these days. Even Vshojo while its falling apart does better than NijiEN.

>> No.49666179

God you are fucking delusional lmao
You see Pippa wow 2K DOYAAAAAAAAA and think thats all that there is to see

>> No.49666193

>They're unironically going to be the most profitable corpo by year's end
Do people unironically believe this when corporations with deeper pockets exist?

>> No.49666219

how much is fishman's cut?

>> No.49666378

>my tax dollars going to idol companies
government-kun, i kneel...

>> No.49666534

NijiEN is lucky if they can even hit 3K these days with collabs or handcam content. The fact that Pippa can hit close to NijiEN's top talents nowadays is a sign that the branch is on the way down.

>> No.49666537

Talent gets everything

>> No.49666539

Kek our bottom tier member gets 2k there’s nothing to seething about all I can do is laugh at you and your group of 2views. So cope and seethe like you always do phase shill

>> No.49666551

Depends from girl to girl, his contracts are an incosistent mess

>> No.49666572

She mogs Mori, Kiara, Ame, and Bae. That should say everything. That's almost half of ShilloEN. That should explain everything.

>> No.49666627

I believe it.

>> No.49666693

You are a fucking retard
And don't come out

>> No.49666786

nta, i myself enjoy way more low number chuubas since my comments don't get drowned in a sea of shitty repetitive memes and emojis.

>> No.49666810

>>They still massively do better than Phase
Apparently NijiEN doesnt do well anymore if just that one observation is enough to get you to flip out

>> No.49666893

I know nothing about phase
But I saw pippa's views mog niji's
It gave me a great laugh thank you

>> No.49666978


>> No.49667061
File: 364 KB, 568x414, 1657559172180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiring the finest menhera sad girls that money can buy
>actually looking after their talent unlike other companies
>not talent freedom but lets them get away with a lot, not seriously restricted
Doesn't mean their perfect (their merch handling is WELL KNOWN to be really shitty) but I'd rather watch them over NijiEN or VShojo any day.

>> No.49667103
File: 1.75 MB, 2586x864, fuck gloves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike others, they let their talent do streams without retarded gloves on.

>> No.49667147

Most Phase members are in solidly 3view territory. The more popular ones (when *not* counting Pippa, Lia, or Tenma) can still be competitive with NijiEN’s shitters. Which means I agree that NijiEN is still bigger (even when not accounting for ACCELERATE) but you realize that even that is a pretty impressive accomplishment, right?

>> No.49667330

Virtually everything fishman’s done that people on this board have shat on him for, he’s backtracked on. He’s good at not letting his ego get in the way and admitting his mistakes.
Phase is what you get when an actual businessman with prior experience starts a vtuber corpo. Idol is what you get when an actual businessman with prior experience starts a vtuber corpo, and with Israeli VC money.
They’re what convinced me that most of what’s wrong with vtubing is because of retarded management and shitty, broke companies that both stress their talents out and don’t know how to tardwrangle effectively. The business side matters.
Also, Anycolor is a black company, so profitability is not the only factor here. Nijisisters can fuck off

>> No.49667399

They're doing pretty well for a coffee company that decided to side hustle vtubers.

>> No.49667514

CEO that did more than just sit on his ass and wait for the money to roll in

>> No.49667527

I don't think debasing yourself so much by literally being a Vshojo fan is worth being able to brag about numbers

>> No.49667571

The company is owned in america(canada is in america deal with it) so it does not have to deal with retarded IP rules, and the owner is not in the other side of the world.
He's in the same continent as most of them, in touch with them, often directly interacting with them and even joining games with them a few times.
But he's also often clueless and goes AFK on the job while managers take charge.
The managers weren't retarted control freaks so they let the girls do pretty much whatever they wanted.
This is the main ingredient for their success.
Turns out the girls they happened to have are weird as fuck, and that made them entertaining and stand out.
They have a lot of the soul JP vtubers often have, a mix of some insanity and sadness they channel into a need to be entertaining to others.
The managers have done a good job as emotional support for the girls so they don't kill themselves or have tummy hort.
This is really it.
They made a corpo that manages to strike a balance between talent freedom that let's vtubers do entertaining shit and some corporate rules and they were lucky the girls they had used that freedom to be entertaining and not engage in something stupid instead like coombait, selling chairs or getting involved in dramas.
I'd say as an added bonus they got Pippa whose rural and libertarian leanings made her stand out in an ecosystem dominated by people who to put it in the least political terms would find a lot of funny shit offensive and ask for the manager.
That carved them a niche and this is actually a winning strategy.
Whenever an ecosystem is dominated by one strategy having the total opposite strategy is the best way to find a new way to survive and thrive.
This sort of affected the culture of the entire company in the sense that they became more fun oriented, a sort of antithesis to what NijiEN later became, rather than educate people they would rather join people laughing at shit and when pressed they didn't back away more than they really needed to.
I wouldn't say they are the strongest small corpo, idol is giving them a good fight.
idol also has amazing talents and has a very good boss who is also very closely involved with the company, and also gives them a good deal of freedom while still having rules. idol has the advantage of infinite money and ads and that really helps them catch up.
But those two are doing well and I think it's very good for the EN scene to have small corpos pick up the slack because the big corpos are fucking up so badly.

>> No.49667705

Most profitable I don't think so, but it's true they are growing fast without much hiccups, they have good planners/management, they also recruited talented profiles that deserved a better fate, it's kinda ironic to call it sad girls company now that I think about it, most of the girls has been saved by joining PC.

>> No.49667984

Turns out, hiring menhera weebs and tolerating as much of their menhera as you can as a corpo that needs to make money is a good idea. Who knew? When you boil it down, the fundamental problem in EN vtubing is that it has too many grifters who go, “I’d rather be a fleshtuber, but whatever, I’ll settle for this, I guess.”
When in reality, it should only be people who want to be vtubers, not fleshtubers. That shouldn’t be that hard to find. “Yeah, maybe I could make it as a fleshtuber…but if I can make a living as a vtuber, I get to be paid to pretend to be an anime girl!”
Phase members largely come across like they want to have anime avatars. The sad girl thing probably contributes to that since most weebs have mental problems and depression (t.weeb, by the way)

>> No.49668026

>But he's also often clueless and goes AFK on the job while managers take charge.
>The managers weren't retarted control freaks so they let the girls do pretty much whatever they wanted.
>This is the main ingredient for their success.
This almost sounds like the equivalent of a successful army having a large NCO force running the show and a smaller pool of officers giving broad orders and staying away from micromanagement

>> No.49668029

All the girls are autistic sad girls. Not complaining, fishman obviously understands the vtuber demographic.

>> No.49668252

Yes that's literally the case more or less.
He's able to admit when he's wrong and he has some interesting ideas sometimes but generally his best quality is not doing too much and letting the managers handle things.
And credit to the managers for respecting the girl's content direction and supporting them enough to let them do their thing.

>> No.49668419

>boyfriend connect
>kiwi connect
>bvtm connect
>cuck connect
>shill connect
>carried by pippa connect
>wonton connect
>black connect

>> No.49668495

>wonton connect
this is how phase will win. taking off in china will give phase the edge over hololive.

>> No.49668732

Does China have a cuckold fetish?

>> No.49668851

Ask Nijisanji EN.

>> No.49668861

I think it's because the owner of the company is chinese but he's also canadian so it should be maple connect

>> No.49669137

The girls are so desperate for validation from Sakana they create AI voice clips of him saying he's proud of them to listen to when they're sad.
There is a lot of loyalty to the company, the managers, and to the other talents. That goes a long way

>> No.49669224

As an actual cuck, this stream made me diamonds

>> No.49669519

Excuse me it was 15 minutes not 30 get your facts straight.
Real liker schizos downloaded and clipped that entire part, and made a complete PDF doc transcription of their dialogue exchange, in chat and on stream.

>> No.49669640

No thank you

>> No.49669767

please buy a shotgun, suck the barrel and pull the trigger

>> No.49669803

Yeah he backtracked on rushing Gen 3 out after people kicked up about not giving enough time for Gen 2 to grow but that still doesn't mean he hasn't made bad decisions on it.
See Idol's Gen 2 being full flexibility on model choice and all that - Gen 3 is all premade models, the new Invaders appear to all be new models too but very likely with talent input.

>> No.49669877

>sea of shitty repetitive memes
if you hate this why are you /here/

>> No.49669925

Sakana might be Chinese (he's in Vancouver, the whole place is full of them, they don't call it Hongcouver for nothing) but he's not a hardcore CCP freak. He hired people with a background from Taiwan (Uruka) and Hong Kong (Rie apparently) and the WondersAI AR model stuff is from Taiwan. That doesn't mean he doesn't have people from a mainland background but PC isn't a CCP funnel.

>> No.49670076
File: 230 KB, 203x308, 1668439940836457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill phaseniggers. Behead phaseniggers. Roundhouse kick phaseniggers into the concrete. Slam dunk phaseniggers into the trash can. Crucify filthy phaseniggers. Defecate in phaseniggers food. Launch phaseniggers into the sun. Stir fry phaseniggers in a wok. Toss phaseniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into phaseniggers gas tank. Judo throw phaseniggers into a wood chipper. Twist phaseniggers heads off. Report phaseniggers to the IRS. Karate chop phaseniggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant phaseniggers. Trap phaseniggers in quicksand. Crush phaseniggers in the trash compactor. Liquify phaseniggers in a vat of acid. Eat phaseniggers. Dissect phaseniggers. Exterminate phaseniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp phaseniggers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate phaseniggers in the oven. Lobotomize phaseniggers. Mandatory abortions for phaseniggers. Grind phaseniggers fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown phaseniggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize phaseniggers with a ray gun. Kick phaseniggers down the stairs. Feed phaseniggers to alligators. Slice phaseniggers with a katana. Impale phaseniggers with a spear. Bash phaseniggers skulls in with a maul or a mace. Judo throw phaseniggers into a factory sized meat grinder.

>> No.49670079

>Yeah he backtracked on rushing Gen 3 out
Can't backtrack on something that was never going to happen.

>See Idol's Gen 2 being full flexibility on model choice and all that
Like Phase gen 2?
>Gen 3 is all premade models
Like Phaes gen 1? And every major corpo gen ever?

>> No.49670088

>carried by a single talent who reaches 2k while spamming constant react shit
Not exactly a high bar to clear
>b-but NijiEn is worse
Not really. Comparing people like selen and Elira and their views are largely the same whenever Pippa isn't spamming react content. Not to mention that nijisanji itself is way more profitable, it's honestly even more profitable than HoloEn judging by financial reports.

>> No.49670125

>Delusional phasenigger thinks he's in the big leagues when they're literally carried by a /here/-pandering chuuba who still gets mogged by Idol.

>> No.49670174

Hard to beat 99%

>> No.49670212

Fishman is from a Taiwanese family.

>> No.49670288

Gen 1 actually had a lot of model changes - Tenma and Pippa especially. Pippa was originally going to have this purple cat model. Muumi actually uses the originally intended Tenma model. And Gen 2 had Erina get what she wanted when it came to having the model look like how it does. For Gen 3 he already had the models bought and made up and just needed sad girls to pilot them.

>> No.49670318
File: 162 KB, 1346x1011, purple cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why it didn't embed.

>> No.49670368
File: 72 KB, 965x832, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still gets mogged by Idol.
Rin gets slightly above half the ccv of Pippa and Yuko a quarter.
It's possible to post about idol numbers without lying. You should try it sometimes.

>> No.49670587

it helps me to know which chuubas to avoid, mainly the ones who are like Lia, i don't like that kind of thing at all.

>> No.49670626 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 224x256, roru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck went right? They're unironically going to be the most profitable corpo by year's end if they keep doing what they're doing.
>Buy an ad
>Other corpos either have talents that are MIA or are falling apart in real time.
>delusional phasenigger
>Idol has deeper pockets and overall higher quality
>>b-b-ut muh invaders 2
>Failed manager and a failed utaite, of which neither of them really ever streamed for years
>Jewbas literally have no soul
>Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
>Cope harder, idol is ten times more soulful than your 4chan pickme corpo
>How else do you think they got so much money? Aviel sold their souls to MOLOCH.

>>I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>-Revelation 2:9
>>girls-only vtuber group
>The only tasty recipe.
>>How else do you think they got so much money?
>Israel goverment funding, so US taxpayers
>Idol is a CIA/NSA/Mossad/Shin Bet front cover operation
>And yet doesn't stop them from collabing with males and cucking their fans with e-celebs
>Idol is expanding...
>You forgot live stream directly
>>has a 2k andy and a bunch of 2views
>Yeah phase is going to top on a magic carpet ride, fucking delusional
>>2k andy
>Seething vshojocuck
>The CEO has collabed with the girls as a pngtuber, therefore he is a male talent.
>Still better than 90% of the competition
>the other 10% being hololive, nijisanji, idol and fairly established indies
>Sure bud, fans surely love stuff like this.
>You can't even say that about the company these days, they declined massively in the span of a year.
>They still massively do better than Phase retard
>God you are fucking delusional lmao
>You see Pippa wow 2K DOYAAAAAAAAA and think thats all that there is to see
>>They're unironically going to be the most profitable corpo by year's end
>Do people unironically believe this when corporations with deeper pockets exist?
>how much is fishman's cut?
>>my tax dollars going to idol companies
>government-kun, i kneel...
>NijiEN is lucky if they can even hit 3K these days with collabs or handcam content. The fact that Pippa can hit close to NijiEN's top talents nowadays is a sign that the branch is on the way down.
>Talent gets everything
>Kek our bottom tier member gets 2k there’s nothing to seething about all I can do is laugh at you and your group of 2views. So cope and seethe like you always do phase shill
>Depends from girl to girl, his contracts are an incosistent mess
>She mogs Mori, Kiara, Ame, and Bae. That should say everything. That's almost half of ShilloEN. That should explain everything.
>I believe it.
>You are a fucking retard
>And don't come out
>nta, i myself enjoy way more low number chuubas since my comments don't get drowned in a sea of shitty repetitive memes and emojis.
>>>They still massively do better than Phase
>Apparently NijiEN doesnt do well anymore if just that one observation is enough to get you to flip out
>I know nothing about phase
>But I saw pippa's views mog niji's
>It gave me a great laugh thank you
>>hiring the finest menhera sad girls that money can buy
>>actually looking after their talent unlike other companies
>>not talent freedom but lets them get away with a lot, not seriously restricted
>Doesn't mean their perfect (their merch handling is WELL KNOWN to be really shitty) but I'd rather watch them over NijiEN or VShojo any day.
>Unlike others, they let their talent do streams without retarded gloves on.
>Most Phase members are in solidly 3view territory. The more popular ones (when *not* counting Pippa, Lia, or Tenma) can still be competitive with NijiEN’s shitters. Which means I agree that NijiEN is still bigger (even when not accounting for ACCELERATE) but you realize that even that is a pretty impressive accomplishment, right?
>Virtually everything fishman’s done that people on this board have shat on him for, he’s backtracked on. He’s good at not letting his ego get in the way and admitting his mistakes.
>Phase is what you get when an actual businessman with prior experience starts a vtuber corpo. Idol is what you get when an actual businessman with prior experience starts a vtuber corpo, and with Israeli VC money.
>They’re what convinced me that most of what’s wrong with vtubing is because of retarded management and shitty, broke companies that both stress their talents out and don’t know how to tardwrangle effectively. The business side matters.
>Also, Anycolor is a black company, so profitability is not the only factor here. Nijisisters can fuck off
>They're doing pretty well for a coffee company that decided to side hustle vtubers.
>CEO that did more than just sit on his ass and wait for the money to roll in

>> No.49670661

Consistent streamers
Just right amount of talent freedom that they can stand out and be unique while not being allowed to do stupid shit.
simple as.

>> No.49670685

All small corpo are basically in the same fucking discord server and there is basically any real competition between agencies
We are legit gonna see chuuba trades in the next couple of years

>> No.49670695
File: 131 KB, 736x1200, m67wjdn6rwwa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for the army to update their psy-op plans with full-on military 'virtual idol group similar to AKB48'. We need new mascots

>> No.49670766

Ok but which phase does this kind of ASMR

>> No.49670821 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 498x498, snoyd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CEO that did more than just sit on his ass and wait for the money to roll in
>I don't think debasing yourself so much by literally being a Vshojo fan is worth being able to brag about numbers
>The company is owned in america(canada is in america deal with it) so it does not have to deal with retarded IP rules, and the owner is not in the other side of the world.
>He's in the same continent as most of them, in touch with them, often directly interacting with them and even joining games with them a few times.
>But he's also often clueless and goes AFK on the job while managers take charge.
>The managers weren't retarted control freaks so they let the girls do pretty much whatever they wanted.
>This is the main ingredient for their success.
>Turns out the girls they happened to have are weird as fuck, and that made them entertaining and stand out.
>They have a lot of the soul JP vtubers often have, a mix of some insanity and sadness they channel into a need to be entertaining to others.
>The managers have done a good job as emotional support for the girls so they don't kill themselves or have tummy hort.
>This is really it.
>They made a corpo that manages to strike a balance between talent freedom that let's vtubers do entertaining shit and some corporate rules and they were lucky the girls they had used that freedom to be entertaining and not engage in something stupid instead like coombait, selling chairs or getting involved in dramas.
>I'd say as an added bonus they got Pippa whose rural and libertarian leanings made her stand out in an ecosystem dominated by people who to put it in the least political terms would find a lot of funny shit offensive and ask for the manager.
>That carved them a niche and this is actually a winning strategy.
>Whenever an ecosystem is dominated by one strategy having the total opposite strategy is the best way to find a new way to survive and thrive.
>This sort of affected the culture of the entire company in the sense that they became more fun oriented, a sort of antithesis to what NijiEN later became, rather than educate people they would rather join people laughing at shit and when pressed they didn't back away more than they really needed to.
>I wouldn't say they are the strongest small corpo, idol is giving them a good fight.
idol also has amazing talents and has a very good boss who is also very closely involved with the company, and also gives them a good deal of freedom while still having rules. idol has the advantage of infinite money and ads and that really helps them catch up.
>But those two are doing well and I think it's very good for the EN scene to have small corpos pick up the slack because the big corpos are fucking up so badly.
>Most profitable I don't think so, but it's true they are growing fast without much hiccups, they have good planners/management, they also recruited talented profiles that deserved a better fate, it's kinda ironic to call it sad girls company now that I think about it, most of the girls has been saved by joining PC.
>Turns out, hiring menhera weebs and tolerating as much of their menhera as you can as a corpo that needs to make money is a good idea. Who knew? >When you boil it down, the fundamental problem in EN vtubing is that it has too many grifters who go, “I’d rather be a fleshtuber, but whatever, I’ll settle for this, I guess.”
>When in reality, it should only be people who want to be vtubers, not fleshtubers. That shouldn’t be that hard to find. “Yeah, maybe I could make it as a fleshtuber…but if I can make a living as a vtuber, I get to be paid to pretend to be an anime girl!”
>Phase members largely come across like they want to have anime avatars. The sad girl thing probably contributes to that since most weebs have mental problems and depression (t.weeb, by the way)
>>But he's also often clueless and goes AFK on the job while managers take charge.
>>The managers weren't retarted control freaks so they let the girls do pretty much whatever they wanted.
>>This is the main ingredient for their success.
>This almost sounds like the equivalent of a successful army having a large NCO force running the show and a smaller pool of officers giving broad orders and staying away from micromanagement
>All the girls are autistic sad girls. Not complaining, fishman obviously understands the vtuber demographic.
>Yes that's literally the case more or less.
>He's able to admit when he's wrong and he has some interesting ideas sometimes but generally his best quality is not doing too much and letting the managers handle things.
>And credit to the managers for respecting the girl's content direction and supporting them enough to let them do their thing.
>>boyfriend connect
>>kiwi connect
>>bvtm connect
>>cuck connect
>>shill connect
>>carried by pippa connect
>>wonton connect
>>black connect
>>wonton connect
>this is how phase will win. taking off in china will give phase the edge over hololive.
>Does China have a cuckold fetish?

>> No.49670823

/qa/ lost and every single attempt to make trannies kill themselves that you've made was unsuccessful

>> No.49671125 [DELETED] 

>Ask Nijisanji EN.
>I think it's because the owner of the company is chinese but he's also canadian so it should be maple connect
>The girls are so desperate for validation from Sakana they create AI voice clips of him saying he's proud of them to listen to when they're sad.
>There is a lot of loyalty to the company, the managers, and to the other talents. That goes a long way
>As an actual cuck, this stream made me diamonds
>Excuse me it was 15 minutes not 30 get your facts straight.
>Real liker schizos downloaded and clipped that entire part, and made a complete PDF doc transcription of their dialogue exchange, in chat and on stream.
>No thank you
>please buy a shotgun, suck the barrel and pull the trigger
>Yeah he backtracked on rushing Gen 3 out after people kicked up about not giving enough time for Gen 2 to grow but that still doesn't mean he hasn't made bad decisions on it.
>See Idol's Gen 2 being full flexibility on model choice and all that - Gen 3 is all premade models, the new Invaders appear to all be new models too but very likely with talent input.
>>sea of shitty repetitive memes
>if you hate this why are you /here/
>Sakana might be Chinese (he's in Vancouver, the whole place is full of them, they don't call it Hongcouver for nothing) but he's not a hardcore CCP freak. He hired people with a background from Taiwan (Uruka) and Hong Kong (Rie apparently) and the WondersAI AR model stuff is from Taiwan. That doesn't mean he doesn't have people from a mainland background but PC isn't a CCP funnel.
>Kill phaseniggers. Behead phaseniggers. Roundhouse kick phaseniggers into the concrete. Slam dunk phaseniggers into the trash can. Crucify filthy phaseniggers. Defecate in phaseniggers food. Launch phaseniggers into the sun. Stir fry phaseniggers in a wok. Toss phaseniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into phaseniggers gas tank. Judo throw phaseniggers into a wood chipper. Twist phaseniggers heads off. Report phaseniggers to the IRS. Karate chop phaseniggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant phaseniggers. Trap phaseniggers in quicksand. Crush phaseniggers in the trash compactor. Liquify phaseniggers in a vat of acid. Eat phaseniggers. Dissect phaseniggers. Exterminate phaseniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp phaseniggers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate phaseniggers in the oven. Lobotomize phaseniggers. Mandatory abortions for phaseniggers. Grind phaseniggers fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown phaseniggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize phaseniggers with a ray gun. Kick phaseniggers down the stairs. Feed phaseniggers to alligators. Slice phaseniggers with a katana. Impale phaseniggers with a spear. Bash phaseniggers skulls in with a maul or a mace. Judo throw phaseniggers into a factory sized meat grinder.
>>Yeah he backtracked on rushing Gen 3 out
>Can't backtrack on something that was never going to happen.

>>See Idol's Gen 2 being full flexibility on model choice and all that
>>Like Phase gen 2?
>>>Gen 3 is all premade models
>>Like Phaes gen 1? And every major corpo gen ever?
>>>carried by a single talent who reaches 2k while spamming constant react shit
>Not exactly a high bar to clear
>>b-but NijiEn is worse
>Not really. Comparing people like selen and Elira and their views are largely the same whenever Pippa isn't spamming react content. Not to mention that nijisanji itself is way more profitable, it's honestly even more profitable than HoloEn judging by financial reports.
>>Delusional phasenigger thinks he's in the big leagues when they're literally carried by a /here/-pandering chuuba who still gets mogged by Idol.
>Hard to beat 99%
>Fishman is from a Taiwanese family.
>Gen 1 actually had a lot of model changes - Tenma and Pippa especially. Pippa was originally going to have this purple cat model. Muumi actually uses the originally intended Tenma model. And Gen 2 had Erina get what she wanted when it came to having the model look like how it does. For Gen 3 he already had the models bought and made up and just needed sad girls to pilot them.
>I don't know why it didn't embed.
>>still gets mogged by Idol.
>Rin gets slightly above half the ccv of Pippa and Yuko a quarter.
>It's possible to post about idol numbers without lying. You should try it sometimes.
>it helps me to know which chuubas to avoid, mainly the ones who are like Lia, i don't like that kind of thing at all.
>Consistent streamers
>Just right amount of talent freedom that they can stand out and be unique while not being allowed to do stupid shit.
simple as.
>All small corpo are basically in the same fucking discord server and there is basically any real competition between agencies
We are legit gonna see chuuba trades in the next couple of years
>I'm waiting for the army to update their psy-op plans with full-on military 'virtual idol group similar to AKB48'. We need new mascots
>Ok but which phase does this kind of ASMR

>> No.49671161 [DELETED] 
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>/qa/ lost and every single attempt to make trannies kill themselves that you've made was unsuccessful

>> No.49672778

i don't see what's wrong about watching low view chuubas but ok, if you can only enjoy # that's you i guess

>> No.49673382

Only Jews have souls.

>> No.49674116

Erina's model was a mistake. I guess giving them freedom worked 13/14 times so it's not a bad strategy but there was going to be a miss eventually.

>> No.49675081

I saw "not getting involved in dramas" in the middle of your post, had myself a little chuckle, then didn't read the rest

>> No.49676075

Guess this is somewhat arbitrary.
Phase Connect dramas haven't had any lasting effect, they've been either external or minor.
Like if you look at the shit going on with Zaion, that's a drama.
Phase fired a girl, everyone moved on.
HoloEN has many collabs with HolostarsEN, fans have an uprising, the talents tell them to go fuck themselves and they lose half their viewers.
Phase Connect had a few MALES ON STREAM yabs but they didn't really hurt the company in any meaningful way.
Vshoujo has a member show support for the harassment of another member, that's a yab.
Phase Connect has people make edgy jokes that trigger people on twitter, is that a yab? I don't know, maybe? The people watching, their target demographic, gave no shits about it, they even celebrate it.
Is there a good way to really draw a line between something like Finana lecturing people on the usage of the word trap and Ame telling her goslings they need to improve as human beings vs Phase Connect making jokes that piss off twitter?
I think the biggest yab in the company's history is Lia's donothon male on stream event. It had people spamming her maros, the threads were in chaos, Lia was having a crisis figuring out how to deal with it.
But even that sort of didn't matter that much, her fans coped with it and her numbers are the same as before, she never doubled down on it. It was a very self contained yab that only mattered to the fans anyway.

>> No.49676652

What exactly you dislike about Lia? She is not that different from the rest of Phase.

>> No.49676744

She brought her bf on stream immediately after a "treat" dick sucking ASMR.

>> No.49676852

Right, not that different from the rest of phase

>> No.49676941

>lying that much

>> No.49677288

Very insightful post, anon, kudos to you. I enjoyed reading it despite it not being that long.

Out of curiosity, you have any opinion on other small corpos like Production Kawaii and EIEN?
Also, what makes you say that big corpos are fucking it up?

>> No.49677406

Nothing. Their fans are all MOOOOOOOOOOOM!! LOOK AT ME! I POST ON 4CHAN! imbeciles. And their girls are only "based" as a part of their act except maybe Tenma. All others are troon supporters.

>> No.49677408

All this really tells me is phase connect isn't big enough yet for people to shitpost about them for (you)s or some (you)-equivalent on other websites.

>> No.49677563

Go back to Israel

>> No.49677613

do a gfe for the fans but decide to blueball the viewers instead midway, definitely not for me.

>> No.49677695

>Phase Connect had a few MALES ON STREAM yabs but they didn't really hurt the company in any meaningful way.
Hime, Pippa and Lia can actually get fucked on stream and they will still have fans, because Phase fans are unironic cucks that welcomed Shiina into the company with open arms.
Also Uruka talked about her dates on stream.
Tenma also told unicorns to fuck off.

>> No.49677733

I just think it's funny how immediately after her donothon cuck moment she decided that she's a lesbian and sabotaged her valentines stream

>> No.49677878

yep, i can't stand that type of chuuba, atleast Panko seems to be alright...

>> No.49677908

She read Futakuchi Mana's community rules quiz/poll or whatever and thought that she was based for it. It was full of leftoid tranny shit.

>> No.49677926

Probably the loudest fan base vs actual popularity

>> No.49678345

the only ones i've seen been annoyingly loud were pippa fans, they would not shut up in places they were never called.
(verification not required)

>> No.49679668

Touch brass, eat lead

>> No.49680049

Kawaii has dedicated girls, they are fun, cute, lovable dorks.
I think they are good and can do a good job appealing to a GFE demographic, even if they are not super funny or that good at getting attention.
But management is complicated thing, I can't say it's bad or incompetent, but it's from Japan and there's some lag when it interacts with them and some cultural differences.
The company is not exactly well funded either, they've had to do a kickstarter for their 3D.
Some girls have complained management makes them stream on a strict schedule, has mandated tweets, forced clips. It's not bad stuff, it all helps growth.
But it's definitely one of the most hands on managements out there that asks a lot of its talents.
I've even heard they told one of its members "play less games, do more asmr" but of course this is shit no one can confirm.
I think the company would benefit a lot from targeted ads and some heavier promotion.
An entire generation walked away but it's hard to make a clear take on that because we just lack a lot of information. But I think they just had buyer's remorse, they either expected greater success or didn't expect the conditions would ask so much from them.
I'd say it's a nice company but I am not surprised it's not really blowing up and it might really stagnate at its current level unless there are big changes in there.

EIEN had an amazing start, seriously. For a company that came out of nowhere and lacked a big marketing department it started off with great numbers, the girls all seemed very fun, they had a lot of freedom other corpos dont't and they quickly occupied a niche as a sort of more horny take on small corpos, love it or hate it, it worked quite well. But that didn't last long and we are now familiar with what happened, one girl got caught in a very complicated drama that I won't go into detail but they fired her and it hurt the company image a lot. I can't put the full blame on management, a girl like that would a problem anywhere, but it still makes their management look very bad for letting it blow up that way. And they follow it up with another yab, the chair. I don't know the full details, did she do it without management's permission? Was management aware and didn't stop it? Either way it's fucked up. I don't think they can ever recover from that, it's a small new company without a brand to back it up, not enough time for the fans to be invested enough to ignore shit like this, it happened too early to debut a new gen.
They just started and already lost 1 member and now another one has this reputation. It's very hard to bounce back from that.
If I were in charge I'd just close the company, let them go indie, everyone cuts their losses and try to be even and move on.

What what are Big corpo doing to fuck up?
NijiEN is constantly stuck on some drama, and nasty drama like internal conflict, work conditions, members openly making the company look bad. And their numbers have fallen off hard. The males have dropped hard, and the girls as well.
HoloEN is nearly abandoned, no new gen for 2 years, half the members are on tummy hurt, many of them told their fans to fuck off, male collabs against the fans wishes and the company's identity, management known for sucking at getting game perms, not approving fun content, and mistreating the girls. Barely any cohesion, members don't interact much. Their numbers have gone to shit. 30k-40k to 10k-20k to 5k-10k to 3k-6k. It's not growth it's worse than stagnation it's actual decline.

It happens here all the time, it's one of the most shitposted companies despite its size.
What other websites are there? Twitter? It happens a little from time to time. Reddit? Ok none of their audience goes there.

I can't speak for all Phase Connect fans but from experience I'd say there are many CGDCT fans but not many GFE fans and it's a distinction worth doing.
I love Pippa, I watch her a lot but if Phase Connect had a male branch and she constantly interacted with them I'd watch her less because I don't like watching males, I watch vtubers for the cute girls. But if she has a stream with a guy sometimes I don't mind it because seeing her with a guy does not bother me because I have no romantic feelings towards her.
If she came out and said she had a boyfriend and constantly talked about him on stream I'd find it annoying so it would also make me watch her less, but it's not the fact that she'd have a boyfriend it's the fact that she'd bring it up when I just want to watch cute anime girls somewhat in character.
What Lia did with her ASMR was stupid because she ruined that part of the experience. The fans weren't happy but if she had interacted with a guy under different circumstances it wouldn't have been such a big problem.
Perhaps Phase Connect fans are better at understanding the difference between the stream experience:a girl playing a character, giving a performance vs the real human being behind it.

>> No.49680472
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They aren't afraid of Hogwarts Legacy.

>> No.49680937

what's your take on Panko?

>> No.49683662

I don't watch her that much, I have very little to say about her.
She sounds kinda like Gura, she wasn't high energy or silly or parasocial last time I watched her, so I found her kinda boring.
I know she's italian but she doesn't feel or sound very italian so that part of her appeal feels wasted. There's a very dedicated pankophile on the general thread.
They claim she has become more entertaining over time and has potential to be a Gura but I don't fucking know.
I like her model tho, lolis with some boob are rare so that makes her stand out a little.

>> No.49683793

>most profitable corpo
How so?

>> No.49684043

More like Gays Disconnect.

>> No.49684403

Unironic talent freedom

>> No.49684426

You’re gonna Jinx them.

>> No.49685856
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Interesting post, anon. Is a bit sad for EIEN because they have potential, they could recover but may be hard. The problems with Kawaii gen 3 started because their faster growing talent got framed by the rest of her genmates, just for them to abandon the company later. I mostly agree with what you say here. I believe that this is a good time for small corpos and indies if they have what it takes to keep going.

Have a Shon as a gift.

>> No.49687071

That's the big irony here, phase connect doesn't let their talents keep their models and yet they allow to do pretty much anything they want. Hell i don't even Vshojo would allow a talent to do most of the shit pippa is allowed to do.

>> No.49687357

I believe it has been mentioned that there are buyback clauses for the models, though we haven't had that timeloop in a while. If you're speaking about Yuri specifically that's different because she wasn't attached to her old model (bad cl memories) and Sakana set her up with her new model

>> No.49688380

Interesting. You’ve basically just given my own stance on males. I don’t really care about males showing up here and there, but it seems way too easy to devolve into fleshtuber shit and break immersion, and that’s annoying. If someone in the company started doing regular collabs with a guy and people started saying they have the same chemistry as, say, Roberu and Mea, I think I’d probably be interested enough to watch.
I wonder if this is an example of streamers matching their audience. Their general M.O. appears to be “do crazy shit while acting like an anime girl”, which is fairly easy if you’re a weeb and already kind of crazy. If what the fans want is already natural for you, it’s easier not to do the immersion breaking shit that turns fans off.

>> No.49689848

>I wonder if this is an example of streamers matching their audience
Most issues are the result of bad compatibility.
In many cases it's the streamers that change and the fans they had do not want the new direction, or in other cases there's a wider audience the streamer belongs to, like a company, and the streamer doesn't match it.
Like to say a random example when NijiEN debuted it was just girls for 3 gens so it got a lot a of CGDCT audience, when the guys debuted and they showed up in the girl's streams all the time there was some friction with some part of that original audience.
It took a while but most of them ended up leaving the company and it's no longer an issue. It was only a rpoblem when there was an audience that didn't like it and it was the result of having new members.
The transition was kind of seamless because Nijisanji is a mixed sex company, the CGDCT fans the first 2 gens had were kind of the outsiders to it.
Then with HoloEN and Tempus a similar thing happened but it was localized to some girls only. Now a lot of the older fans of those girls have left them. But those girls still belong to HoloEN, which belongs to Hololive, which is to its very core a CGDCT girls only network. So the girls who engage in male collabs might have filtered their old fans who didn't want that direction but they are still part of a bigger group, their branch, their company, and the rest of the fans of those still don't like the male collabs.
There's a mismatch between the vtubers and their audience.
You can see this in many cases. Shit Vshoujo does, wouldn't fly with Hololive. Or when a certain girl joined Vshoujo, her fans are concerned she will change to match the new company, because they do not match that company. They match her, that's why they were her fans. So if she changed they know she wouldn't match with them anymore.
There are often issues when a member sticks out from the rest within a company and what she wants does not match the fans of the rest of the company, that inconsistency is the source of the problem. Or if a vtuber changes. Or if something is introduced to the formula that changes the content.
Vtubers can shape the audience they have, and usually audiences will be drawn towards the vtubers that match them.

>> No.49690253


Phase's talents are making just as much as the upper tier of Hololive, so yeah, I'd say that counts as pretty successful

>> No.49690691

Anyone have a link to the Lia donothon yab? I'm curious. Is it on Youtube? Also, what's the deal with Shiina. I don't watch her much but I like her franchise history streams

>> No.49690872

Phase Connect embodies what people liked about early NijiJP.

>> No.49691061

>If you're speaking about Yuri specifically that's different because she wasn't attached to her old model (bad cl memories) and Sakana set her up with her new model
plus she was terminated, I think for doing something that was basically illegal i think.

>> No.49691301

I don't know if that's bad compatibility between a streamer and the audience and not bad compatibility between the streamer and the corpo. Like you said Hololive has a particular brand that has made them as popular as they are. When several members of HoloEN don't really fit that brand then there is massive drama and shitflinging that the talents are rarely capable of handling in a way that isn't completely retarded.

I think the reason Phase Connect gets away with things that Hololive can't because Phase Connect, despite the sad girl company meme, doesn't really have a set "type" of talent. Sure you have irreverent schizos like Pippa, Lia, and Lumi, but you also have fairly "conventional" talents like Airi and Shiina. I don't think there is any particular corporate expectation associated with them, just individual expectations per streamer that are a lot easier to maintain.

That isn't to say that I think Hololive's brand is as rigid as some people make it out to be. I think many of the problems it has with streamer expression come from EN's management rather than a mandate to force everyone into very specific molds.

>> No.49691419

Isnt phase connect that 2view corpo?
>it is
The jp vtubers are low 2views

>> No.49691827

>The jp vtubers are low 2views
That's why there's only 2 pure JP vtubers.

>> No.49692091

>What the fuck went right?
Pippa and maybe Panko.

>> No.49692992

What's this about a chair?

>> No.49693084
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are you stuck in 2021 anon

>> No.49693352

W-wait...you don't actually believe that...right?

>> No.49694815

Why do idol fags lie? Are they following the CEO’s mandate and fake it til they make it? There will come a day when your investment money runs out and investors no longer put money into your shitty drain of a business.

>> No.49694883

>the vtuber angency that cowered to the trannies

>> No.49695016

Idol is all about fake it til you make it with money. Classic shameless PR til they make it. Their weekly blog’s real writer was already found. Yea, that’s right. Their CEO lies about writing the blog every week and hires a writer from SEA to write them for him.

>> No.49698388

Full of menheras.

>> No.49701296

Are they really?

>> No.49701838

Full blown delusion

>> No.49701983

Kill yourselves banned Vtuber memes

>> No.49704316

That rrat didn't land last time either retard

>> No.49705521
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It be great if wonton girl graduated.

>> No.49706834
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you just wipe this from your memory or something?

>> No.49707054

>and it's no longer an issue
you should have seen /nijiEN/ today

>> No.49707184

i-it's just a phase

>> No.49707978
File: 406 KB, 232x232, 1662091645323923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a very dedicated pankophile on the general thread.

>> No.49708710

Go back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.49708803

Wait people are still bitching about that shit?
The last time I checked with that crowd they sort of moved on and accepted the changes.
You're either too stupid to see this as the nearly uncompromising self serving management PR move it is or don't give a fuck and just want to troll, good luck with that. Nobody cares.
Well they're making it so far. This isn't the first time I hear the rrat about the blog writer but I've never seen real evidence so far. Got any good stuff to check it out? It still wouldn't surprise me that much, paying people to write shit and then just reviewing it and requesting a few changes before publishing it is not rare on the corporate world and even if he seems cool Aviel is still a you know what.
You seriously haven't heard about it?
One of the girls sold her gamer chair for like 3k. Turns out it wasn't hard for people to find out it didn't belong to her. She sold a nasty used gamer chair wet with man sweat.
Her initial reaction was very vague, she didn't deny it, she just told fans to not trust what people were saying. But I heard she's joking about it now, I guess she can't outright deny it or ignore it at this point so this is the best form of damage control left.

The closest thing to a corporate expectation in Phase Connect is to maintain kayfabe and keep men at a certain distance, basically interaction is ok but don't make it seem like you want to fuck them like what Lia did, and to not be woke, progressive, liberal, lefty or whatever the fuck you want to label it. When Rie made a joke about JK Rowling being transphobic the community went wild, she became the most hated girl in the company and her numbers tanked really hard, this lasted for many months. She managed to recover from that but it's impossible to tell how much damage was done and how much of her growth was stunted by that period. It took months, improving her relationship with her fans, being much nicer to them and not doing anything like that again.
This isn't exclusive to Phase Connect, most corpos reject politics. NijiEN and Vshoujo are two cases where they do bring politics very often but most places like Hololive or kawaii or idol will still avoid those topics. But the rejection might not be this strong and one sided. Their audience has more leanings. It's hard to deny that Pippa had a strong influence on Phase Connect and its audience and the way they evolved. So this is related to that.
A lot of the audience leans in her direction. I don't think being "based" or political is necessary at all to do well in Phase Connect but doing what Hime did was certainly a terrible move. So either be "based" or be neutral. This isn't hard because many of the girls are just very disconnected from politics anyway, specially the american type that cause this much division.
But it's still worth noting because the company gives its members a lot of freedom and many of them are known for being very outspoken and unfiltered, saying shit other corpos don't. But if they ever hired another girl who leaned in the opposite direction we'd just have another Hime situation where the company's norm and the fans it has cultivated are incompatible with a vtuber and it becomes a problem.

>> No.49708951

I think it was 20 I ain't rewatching
>During the end of Lia donathon (around?) a asmr segment she got buddy with a chatter who apparent she knew before. The chat is cringe https://files.catbox.moe/2x1gr6.pdf then he calls in and for 20 minutes they talk including irl and some questionable banter "precious bean" "thresh's (cock)sleeve" https://files.catbox.moe/fhwjok.mp4 Soon after she realized that this was a bad move and cried. Did more stream for some hours. At the end she said sorry https://files.catbox.moe/alp8lo.mp4 then (next day?) she went and tweeted dumb shit that was extremely poorly worded if you trust her that is now deleted.
The above is a summary I wrote a long time ago. I think she had another apology in the next stream but I lost the catbox.
Absolutely unknown the cut from stream, merch, ip, etc but phasefags will still suck his dick.
Many things wrong, too much to go point by point.
Nice raid you disingenuous faggot

>> No.49709119
File: 44 KB, 1271x240, 4132315612315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He’s good at not letting his ego get in the way and admitting his mistakes.
pic related

>> No.49709129

>Wait people are still bitching about that shit?
it is more that they hard anti Luca. It's only that guy that manages to rile them up like that.

>> No.49709148

>best they could get are dead company nepo hires
dead in the water

>> No.49709299

counterpoint: you are jewish

>> No.49709402

He’s right though

>> No.49709690

>How dare you not believe the PR after I terminated someone and are about to delete all their accounts, you just like watching the world burn.
Yeah okay buddy.

>> No.49709882

>no argument

>> No.49710492

Lia got stopped from playing it for some reason. Nobody else did though.

>> No.49710595

Kill your elf.

>> No.49711663

ntr company

>> No.49711868

Believe it or not, most rational people would know that having the first termination in the company be an INVADER, which has the worst potential for turning into a PR nightmare, would be a terrible move. We’ve seen what an incompetent CEO can do to small corpos. Why the fuck would fishman fire Yuri other than there being a legitimate reason?

>> No.49711965

They couldn't have done it without you, Henri. You are their strongest shill.

>> No.49712008

Are you retarded? Henri got banned from Pippa’s chat for shitting on the company. He always outs himself whenever he makes a post in the catalog. There’s no way Henri is OP.

>> No.49712132

>Fish has a good reason because it's bad PR
You can say the same thing about every termination. It's blind faith in corpos. We know nothing. Your point disgusts me.

>> No.49712159

Nice try, Henri, but I wasn't born yesterday . I know your tricks.

>> No.49712206

>They're unironically going to be the most profitable corpo by year's end
I mean it's obvious you're a shill, but HOLY RETARD.

>> No.49712294

We know nothing other than what corpos run by far worse CEOs tend to be like. There’s such a thing as “burden of proof”, you know. It means that when something happens and you have no information, you should assume the obvious explanation unless you actually have a reason to believe something’s wrong.
“I hate phasebeggars” is not a legitimate reason. They’re a bunch of faggots. They also have nothing to do with whatever goes on in the business side of the corpo.

>> No.49712354

Well he always was the guy that loved crashing girl's streams and using them for his amusement the most.

>> No.49712359

Anyone can see her normal numbers and whether she was raided or not.

>> No.49712411

Bold-faced shill threads like this just make me not watch the group and I tell others to avoid them.

>> No.49712740

>assume the obvious explanation
that's occams razor, not burden of proof.
>burden of proof
That's usually on the one making the claim. You're the one making the claim that it was a good reason. You have no proof besides speculation based on vague data of other corpos and blind faith for the corpo.

>> No.49712871

The only single vtuber out there is Choco from Hollive and that is only becuase she's too old to land a good man in modern day Japan.
Your oshi has a penis inside of her right now.
Stop being a whale. Stop giving women condom money. Stop having the mindset of a cuck. Just enjoy the content they make without pretending there's anything more to it than that.

>> No.49713028

You fall for falseflags too easily

>> No.49713429

I like Phase, Idol, and Prism. These small corpo wars are dumb. Congrats on Phase for doing well and I hope they get good people for gen 3, these new invaders don't look much but maybe they'll change my mind.

>> No.49713749

Wow, anon. I will never again dare to post something you might not like, for I fear the power of your vengeance.
Holo, Niji, Vshojo, other small corpos and indie chuubas are going to be the most profitable group of chuubas by year's end, by the way.

>> No.49713934

one of the things he stuck to his guns about was not wanting everyone to turn into pippa clones. there are similarities but there's a difference between lia's, pippa's and lumi's brain problems

>> No.49714274

Made me chuckle

>> No.49714856


>> No.49717391

yeah I like phasecon too bro but it's more realistic that it flips niji by virtue of it's own incompitence, and it's DEFINITELY not flipping hololive even if Pippa went full shill mode by virtue of having very few talents comparitively.

>> No.49717595

I forgive her because this is still the funniest freudian slip in vtubing.

>> No.49717774
File: 1.92 MB, 960x540, 1659035987411986.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thread and yes phase is awesome

>> No.49720798

didnt read the thread dont care about most of phase
but i'd give my life for Uruka to be the happiest person on this planet

>> No.49720854

I was responding to your comment, dumbass. I don’t need to make a claim that the termination was legitimate because it happened and there hasn’t been any drama except faggots like you shitposting the board about it.

>> No.49720990

Why do people call him chinese then

>> No.49721111

taiwan is chinese

>> No.49721291

Nah. You do need to make a claim because the termination being for a good reason is not the default. There is no default besides she got fired, specific reason unknown. You just happen to be such a corpo shill that you think it's the default.
You hear someone getting fired you automatically assume is was the employees fault don't you?

>> No.49721349

>What the fuck went right?
*True* "talent freedom". Freedom to be based, but not freedom to be a whore.
Also it's managed by an actual VTuber fan, so he knows what we want.

>> No.49721510

not bowing down to twitter trannies is one. Knowing con culture and actually interacting with their fans is another

>> No.49724174


>> No.49724899

A game that did dogshit numbers for everyone past the first stream where you get sorted?
